sap player. included are versions for 68k and ppc. based on saplib 1.51, ported to amiga by Sebastian Jedruszkiewicz ( usage: FILE,VERBOSE/S,ADEVICE/S,AHIUNIT/N,AHIBOOST/N,TRACK/N: FILE: sap file to play VERBOSE print some info about sap module. ADEVICE use audio.device instead of AHI. AHIUNIT: ahi unit to use. default 0. AHIBOOST: boost up volume. default 0 (no boost). 1 -> 100%, 2 -> 200%. TRACK: song number to play. default 0. CTRL-C to stop. Remember to increase stack size, 1000000 should be enough. TODO: mono, 8bit output stack usage is way too high 68k filesizee is way too big... cleanup source, release as GPL.