SAP plugin for WinAmp by Cube. v. 2.10 Uses SAP Library ver.1.52 by Adam Bienias. ------------------------------------------- This plugin plays songs from Atari SAP Music Archive (ASMA) - that is tunes originally composed on Atari XE/XL. You can find it at: To install it just copy in_sap.dll into your WinAmp plugins directory. This plugin was tested with Winamp 2.7x. It requires at least 2.4 for full functionality. If you have problems with playing sound while using visualisation plugins, try changing priorities of decoding and visualisation in the options. what's new: 2.2 - new sap library used (1.54) - possibility to fadeout songs at the end (nice for looped ones) - STIL support via STILView library - improved file info dialog 2.1 - bugs in file info corrected - works better with older (< 2.4) versions of winamp - subsong navigation buttons added - silence detection is added (thanks to E. P. for the idea) - song name is read from name tag unless it is unknown () - default Winamp loop behaviour added 2.0 - mono files are recognized correctly - compiled with version 1.52 of sap library - song time support. It must be defined in sap header, (using format TIME xx:xx) for each subsong. At the time this plugin is released, there are no song with defined time, so I include draconus and fred songs with defined times. - pseudo seek - useful only on fast computers, works only with songs that have defined time - songs end - they're not played in loop infinitely unless repeat is turned on (useful for playlists) - estimated song time can be set from config dialog - currently played subsong is displayed in song title - possibility to choose between repeating songs/subsongs (using winamp repeat function) - possibility to play only default / first song (useful for playlists) - of course it turns off moving between subsongs - some bugs removed - switching betweens subsongs is done using shift + left,right buttons, (because of seek function) Cube email: homepage: