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KirkXyzzy9}US Doubler MercenaryArgonaut Africanus :}RamsesPlughRasputin  Conan Brew up;} TurboApshaiBlue MaxJumpman <}Zaxxon  Compute Pascal Alexander Charon=}GermanicusZugzwang Pal  Fractulus>}Microsoft BeeblebroxUltima  GanymedeDi?}skeyPitfallSpitfire AnalogRails west@}Dig dug The Hobbit Questron Beach Head A}The Mule AnticNOSAUG Ace  Spartacus B}Xerxes III HectorFalkbeerHeraclesSicilianC}Sargon Mr. Spock 2 KnightsKaratekaD}Boot Camp The Fritz Hacker Euroupa E}Graf Spey Mr. Do The FixHacker Euroupa B1617JIM 12/881526TOM 2/931131TOM 3/89491STU 2/93416TOM 2/89391JIM 1/89367TOM 2/93328TOM 2/9331G}1TOM 2/93311JIM 12/8831131TOM 3/89491STU 2/93416TOM 2/89391JIM 1/89367TOM 2/93328TOM 2/9331+,j { MAGAIPAUSPPPMPMPM_DANXAAD@8d<I} N? ?TRANDOM MUSIC MAKERBY SIMON FERREJ}TTT  +@+2` 0@2AR@B2w@P(&&9@,;K}@6,;@,2C-@@"&68,-?67$@&@,.C <]F-@@P 6-L} 6-d:@,%@Z 6-8,6-@d--2@@@&@$+",nPx -@@M} 6- 6-d:@,%@ 6-8,6-@--2@@@&@$+",P N}-@@ 6- 6-d:@,%@ 6-8,6-@--2@@@&@$+",PO} -@@6-d:@,%@P 6-6-8,6-@$"F6-&@$+"@,%@P}P Ap--2@@@&@$+","P, 6-@@@ 6- 6-d:@,%@Q}J 6-8,6-@T--2@@@&@$+",^Ph r-@@| 6- 6-d:@R},%@ 6-8,6-@--2@@@&@$+",P \O6-%@S};'@]@;2@A@--"@)"@)"@ )"@HH28%@T}$+"@)"@,,$@@@A'@"]@HH28%@$+"@)"@U},,$@@@A%2@@7-@@](7$@&@<$@,V} Ad:@,$@%@) M)2@@@&B2H%@P0%2@W}?0@@K @m2@0@@:K M@X}/2K2@@@D"@6-NQXOb(6-F:A,&Y}@(6-$AVl6-%A%@`v#-@"% !AY@B!BByZ}Q]14,15,9,8,56,120,120,48''121,C ,96,E ,81,G ,60,C ,68,Bb,72**A ,91,F ,72,A ,60,C ,45,F ,76,Ab ,8[}1//G ,81,G ,64,B ,53.4,D ,45,F ,40,G ,45,F , D:RMM.TUR,G ,60,C ,68,Bb,72**A ,91,F ,72,A ,60,C ,45,F ,76,Ab ,8BP$WORD_CNFDEND_FILAf  @9AU** WORDCNT.LIS **T;]};A PROGRAM TO COUNT THE NUMBER OF WORDS IN A TEXT FILE 6-`((2;@%,;@%,2PUT INTO DIM SEC^}TION($$WHAT IS THE TEXT FILE NAME25 6.D1:6-B:,/67@<%@,.56.<##@@_}F )@P!!@2*AB@pZ.)@."@2*"AU@d6-%@ @`}pn] (( WORD COUNT = T D:WORDCNT.TUR)@."@2*"AU@d6-%@ @> ]oCURSOHEXHNYNLOAP A!b} A @ ?ff @$v@';@,'PUT INTO DIM SECTION5` ( (/( INSTALLMENT LOAN PROGRA!c}M2(5((""Installment loan amount 2Down payment amount <Number of months FAnnual interst % !d}P6-+?$,'@Z//6-+&,$'+@&@'+@%,#,d$$6-P:$A%?,'An)()( !e}Payments =  Per monthx ( ( GO AGAIN(Y/N)67@<@,4Y& @0)@3 A`6AT!f} D:LOAN.TUR Per monthx ( ( GO AGAIN(Y/N)67@<@,4Y& @0)@3 A`6AT   5HEXHNYN@#  `6-;&;@,;@,;@,;%q}b%DOS SYSb)AUTORUN SYSb!AUTORUN BASbZHORSRACETURB5HORSES DATBFHORSHIGHDATbHRMM TURb\WORDCNT TURbaLOAN TURbgHEXADECITURbvSOFTWAREDOCb COMP DOCbDIAMOND DOCb HINTS DOCb HORSRACEDOCb VCS DOCb&FEEDBACKDOCb (TRIVIA DOCb.3BOOKS DOCbaBARGAINSDOCb*sDISKPD DOCb CASSPD DOCb SUBINFO DOCbINFOFILEDOCBNOTICE DOCPUT IN DIM SECTION? 6.-@@?ECI TO HEXA OR EXA TO DECI(;;7@<@,4H)7@<@%r},4h@2P`-@@P1GIVE ME THE DECIMAL NUMBER (MAX 65535)<$($(DECIMAL  = HEX%s} [:,F0 6.-@@0 GO AGAIN(Y/N)P67@<@,4Y& @P)@3 A@6AZV` 6.-%t}@@V0GIVE ME THE HEX NUMBER (MAX FFFF)d!(!(HEX  = DECI \:,n0 6.-@@%u}0 GO AGAIN(Y/N)x67@<@,4Y& @)@3 A@6ATD:HEXADECI.TUR6.-@@$kSOFTWARE SCENEThe Programming Kit - Public Domain I have just received this three disk PD set from the OL'Hackers At)w}ari User Group in New York, USA. The Turbo BASIC Programming Kit has been put together by OHAUG member, Ron Fetzer. All)x} six disk sides of the Programming Kit contain the new American (NTSC) version of Turbo BASIC. This version, by John Picken )y}of the Garden City ACE in Canada, features a enhanced Time$ function for US systems and a new .ARB (AutoRun BASIC) function ()z}you can now give your autorun file any filename as long as the extender is .ARB). The prompt in this new version reads TURBO){} instead of READY. (Ed: The NOSAUG PD version of The Programming Kit features both the U.S. and European versions of Turbo B)|}ASIC) On Disk 1 side A there is the Turbo BASIC Compiler which now has an instruction screen in English. There is also )}}a program for reading .DOC files - docs for the new Turbo BASIC and the Compiler are included. On side B there are the c)~}omplete docs for Turbo BASIC, written by Dave and Laura Yearke of WNYAUG. They can be read or printed from an autorun file.)} Disks 2 and 3 are the products of Ron Fetzer of the Ol'Hackers. Disk 2 (both sides) features a comprehensive tutorial e)}ntitled "Programming Made Easy". Ron details structured programming in Turbo BASIC with the use of the PROCedure and ENDPROC)}edure commands. I remember being tought structured programming in PASCAL a few years back - you create small modules and the)}n put them together for the final program. It really does make programming a lot easier! Disk 3 side A contains a numbe)}r of programming modules and utilities which you can experiment with and use in your own programs. The modules include DOS f)}unctions, screen printing and sorting. The utilities include a hexidecimal-decimal converter, a loan financial program and a)} word counter for text files (extremely useful for university essays!). On side B of Disk 3 there are docs on "How To Us)}e Modules", "How To Use Arrays" and "How To Do Sorting". They can be read or printed. There is also a picture of Ron Fetzer)} himself. In conclusion, the Programming Kit contains everything you will need to begin detailed structured programming )}in Turbo BASIC. The documentation files are VERY easy to follow - you can tell Ron was a math and computer studies teacher.)} Turbo BASIC was always something I had in my collection but which I never used unless I had to load a .TUR file from a d)}isk. I had heard many 8-Bitters raving about it's power but I was quite content with Atari BASIC and BASIC XL. Now that I h)}ave examined Ron Fetzer's Programming Kit I will never look back. How did I put up with the speed of Atari BASIC for so long)}? It's time to switch on the printer, print out all the .DOC files within the Programming Kit and get down to some serious p)}rogramming. Well done Ron - you have opened my eyes and allowed my 8-Bit to take another breath of fresh air. )} -------The Programming Kit is in the NOSAUG PD Library (we swap disks with OHAUG). It is a three-disk set and is priced a)}t only 4.95 pounds (disks U23, U24 and U25). If you wish, you can buy the disks individually for 1.95 pounds each. Send to:)} S.J.Murray, NOSAUG, 71 Walker Road, Torry, Aberdeen AB1 3DL, Scotland (cheques/POs payable to S.J.MURRAY). International or)}ders please add one pound per disk ordered.It is available in the USA from:Ol'Hackers Atari User Group,c/o Alex Pignato )}(President),3376 Ocean Harbor Drive,Oceanside,N.Y. 11572,USA.Price: $7.00 (cheque / money order payable to Ron Fetzer, )}the OHAUG Treasurer)Give your 8-Bit some Turbo power!72,USA.Price: $7.00 (cheque / money order payable to Ron Fetzer, (9FUTURA COMPETITON - ISSUE 6 I must begin by thanking all of you who entered the first Futura Competition from issue 5. -} I have seen other disk mags attempt competitions and receive very limited response but I received more than enough entries t-}o warrant further competitions. Cheers! The correct answer to the question was: NOSAUG PD Cassette C03 is 'UTILS1' (or-} 'UTILITIES1').The winner of the Competiton was....*** Mr O.J.Harrison, Rotherham *** Congratulations Mr Ha-}rrison! The four cassettes (Pirate Adventure, Sunday Golf, Waxworks & Football Manager) are on their way to you now. I hope-} you enjoy them.Now, onto the Futura 6 Competion...FUTURA 6 COMPETITION - MAR/APR 1993 I have decided to incorpora-}te the competiton for this issue into a Futura survey. I plan to conduct a readers survey at the end of each Futura year (ev-}ery 6th issue). This way I can learn exactly what all you Futurians out there want to see (or not see) in Futura. There-} are twelve questions below which make up this years survey. Please consider each question carefully and give a brief answer-}. Here goes...(1) How much text do you wish to read in each issue of Futura? (Not applicable to cassette users) (A) No-} text (B) One quarter of one side (C) One half of one side (D) Three quarters of one side (E) All of one side(2) Pleas-}e give your opinion of the following Futura columns (1 = Like a lot... 5 = Don't like). Introduction Editorial 8-Bit N-}ews Inside Atari Basic Software Scene Hints & Cheats Diamond 8-Bit Trivia Competition Futura Feedback VCS Fut-}ura InfoFile(3) Are there any changes you would like to see made to any of these columns?(4) What kind of articles-} would you like to read in Futura which have not been featured so far?(5) Now that the Inside Atari Basic column has co-}ncluded would you like to see another column on programming in Atari Basic or any other language (please state)?(6) Pl-}ease give your opinion of the programs featured within each issue of Futura (1 = Brilliant... 5 = Awful). Disk Utilities (-}copiers, etc.) Other Utilities (music, etc.) Games Demos(7) Please list your favourite and least favourite programs -}from Futura issues 1-6.Favourite:Least Favourite:(8) Is there any type of program you would like to see in Futura w-}hich has not already been included?(9) How often should Futura be released? (A) Monthly (B) Bi-monthly (C) Quart-}erly(10) Which density should Futura disks be formatted in? (not applicable to cassette users) (A) Single Density (B)-} 1050 Density (C) Double Density(11) Would you like to receive the text on the disk version of Futura as a printed newsl-}etter? If yes, how much extra would you be willing to pay for this service? (not applicable to cassette users) (A) No - .-}DOC files on disk (B) Yes - no extra charge (1.95) (C) Yes - 55p extra (2.50) (D) Yes - one pound extra (2.95) (E) Ye-}s - two pounds extra (3.95)(12) Would you like to receive all the text and program files on future disk issues in .ARC for-}mat? (ARC files are single files which contain many programs which must be unARCed to a blank disk. 2 sides of ARC files = -}3-4 sides single density) (A) No - Ready-to-run files only (B) Yes - ARCed text files (C) Yes - ARCed programs (D) Y-}es - All files ARCed All Futurians who return this survey will automatically be placed into the draw for the Futura 6 c-}ompetiton. Surveys should arrive no later than Friday 30th April. Please feel free to include any further comments on past -}or future issues of Futura. "But, what's the prize?"; I hear you ask. Well, the prize this time is three disks or two c-}assettes of your choice from the NOSAUG PD Library. Good luck. (or break an Amiga as we say in the business! Hee! Hee!)St-}uart.es of your choice from the NOSAUG PD Library. Good luck. (or break an Amiga as we say in the business! Hee! Hee!)St,DIAMONDby S.J.Murray, 26/2/93.Diamond - The End? A few Futurians have recently written to me requesting details of 1}where to buy the Diamond GOS operating system. Unfortunately, I have a double helping of bad news for them and all other pot1}ential Diamond users: I telephoned Reeve Software in Warrenville, USA requesting details and spoke to a very pleasant la1}dy (probably Alan Reeve's mother - he ran the business with his parents). She informed me that Alan had recently stopped sel1}ling the Diamond system due to lack of sales. He had to order his super-cartridges in quantities of 100 and as sales had fal1}len to about two or three per week he reluctantly decided to stop production. I expressed my disappointment at losing such a1} wonderful system and she then told me that Diamond had been very popular in the USA but sales had declined as the 8-Bit beca1}me less popular. I then gave my thanks and said goodbye. Drat! I was under the impression that Diamond was still avail1}able from Reeve Software, albeit in limited quanties. Where could I turn to now....???? Ah-ha! B&C ComputerVisions! I has1}tily looked up their telephone number and dialed the fourteen digits. "Hello - B&C - How may I help you?". I crossed my fin1}gers and asked if they sold the Diamond system by Reeve Software. The reply was... "I'm sorry, it's not available any m1}ore." I said "thanks anyway" and hung up. Double drat! The whole reason for my Diamond column within Futura was to let1} you see what a wonderful system Diamond GOS is (was?), and to hopefully persuade some of you to support Alan Reeve by purcha1}sing it from the USA. Now that Diamond has recently become unavailable I must reluctantly stop producing my Diamond column. 1} I do not wish to detail and explain a system you cannot readily purchase. Obviously, I would advise any 8-Bitter to pur1}chase Diamond if he/she saw it at a flea market or computer show. I paid 20 pounds for mine and now that I have used it I wo1}uld advise you to pay anything up to it's original cost in the UK of 40-50 pounds. You won't regret it. Also, try placing a1}n advertisement in Page 6 (Contact) or Micro Mart. If you have tried and cannot purchase Diamond in the UK please write 1}to me detailing how much you would be willing to pay for it. I will then write to my contacts in the USA and Canada asking t1}hem to keep a look out for it in local stores and private ads. With a bit of luck you'll soon be Diamond-mining. I plan1} to write to Alan Reeve in the near future to ask him if he would be willing to release Diamond GOS (disk version), Diamond P1}aint and Diamond Write as ShareWare with a $10-20 registration fee for each. It seems a shame to let such a great series of 1}8-Bit programs disappear into Atari Classic history. I'll let you know his response within a future issue of Futura. Until 1}then, there will be no more Diamond. Hopefully, it will soon return. Bye for now! within a future issue of Futura. Until 0THINTS & CHEATSby Stuart J. MurrayDonkey Kong Junior Are you finding it tough to get through all the screens in DKJ?5} If you are then fear no more! If you hit START after booting the cartridge and then hold down SHIFT whilst typing the word5} BOOGA you can breeze through this classic cart. Press S to skip levels and K for invincibility!Mercenary(1) A cheese c5}an travel very fast.(2) A kitchen sink can hold many objects.(3) A spider's web can open many doors.Mercenary 2 - The Se5}cond City(Tip by Paul Mylet, Woking, Surrey) Here is a tip for getting into the programmer's special cheat rooms. When5} you start, board the Dominion Dart and fly to a height of over 350 metres, then level out. Press 9 and then keep > pressed 5}until you reach a speed of around 1781 kph. Fire a bullet and as you fly close to it pick it up by pressing T. Then fly5} back to location 08-08 and pick up the object that you started the game inside. At this point, fly to any elevator - th5}e one at location 08-01 is probably the easiest one to get to. Go underground and walk to the triangular door. You don't ge5}t the usual "locked" reply, and you can walk straight in. You now have the key to every door and you can get into any ha5}ngar, out of prison and amass millions of credits easily. It will also be easy to find the Novadrive and the intergalactic s5}tarship and escape.Do you have any hints or cheats you'd like to share with fellow Futurians? If you do, please send them5} to me. Lot's more hints and cheats next time - see-ya!'d like to share with fellow Futurians? If you do, please send them49HORSE RACINGby Jim Lad This game was written in Turbo Basic in 1988. There are six races in each game and the object 9}of the game is to pick the winner in each race. This should be done by studying the form of each horse and the betting forec9}ast. The legends LO, MI and SH mean long, medium and short respectively. Each particular horse should be at its best over t9}hat distance. The figures in the end column under D represent the number of times that a horse has won at that distance. 9} Your six selections are used in a HEINZ bet, which to the uninitiated means 15 doubles, 20 trebles, 15 four horse accumulat9}ors, 6 five horse accumulators and one 6 horse accumulator making up 57 bets. This is why it is known as a HEINZ. Your w9}innings are calculated and saved to disk if they qualify for the top ten. You should, therefor, not write protect the disk. 9} In addition, form is loaded in from the disk before each set of races and the updated form from those races is saved to disk9} before the high score table appears.Enjoy!before each set of races and the updated form from those races is saved to disk8.VCS FUTURA - MARCH/APRIL 1993By Stuart J. MurrayReview : 32 in 1 Have you seen the latest advertisments for the 260=}0, detailing the inclusion of a 32 in 1 cartridge? (CX26163P) Well, I have just purchased this cartridge for four pounds fro=}m a private ad in our local newspaper. Here is a list of the games included:1. Fun With Numbers / Basic Math.2. 3D Tic-Ta=}c-Toe.3. Flag Capture.4. Othello.5. Golf.6. Surround.7. Checkers (Activision).8. Blackjack.9. Freeway (rabbits) (Activ=}ision).10. Miniature Golf.11. Football.12. Slot Racers.13. Fishing Derby (crabs) (Activision).14. Space War.15. Boxing =}(Activision).16. Air-Sea Battle.17. Freeway.18. Tennis (Activision).19. Combat.20. Slot Machine.21. Skiing (Activision)=}.22. Stampede (Activision).23. Outlaw.24. Fishing Derby (Activision).25. Sky Diver.26. Laser Blast (Activision).27. Bas=}ketball.28. Cosmic Swarm (Commavid).29. Bowling.30. Home Run.31. Space Jockey (U.S.Games).32. Human Cannonball. You=} switch your VCS on and off to select the different games. As you will have already noticed, most of them are early Atari an=}d Activision releases. For me, this makes the cartridge an essential purchase. Had I realised the amount of classic titles =}included I would have definitely purchased a new 2600 machine for 31.99 just to get my hands on this cartridge. I owned quit=}e a few of these titles in the past but sold them to finance the purchasing of new carts for both the VCS and the 8-Bit. It =}is great to once again play games such as Air-Sea Battle, Outlaw, Surround, Bowling, etc. I can now also enjoy a few that I =}missed, such as Fishing Derby, Golf, Flag Capture and Boxing. Who cares about the graphics - they all ooze 100% playability!=}VCS Futura Rating : 10/10Videogame Trader Tim Duarte of The 2600 Connection (see Futura 5) has just released anoth=}er newsletter entitled, The Videogame Trader. He describes it as the classified ad source for videogames, computer games and=} hardware. You can purchase TVT for only $2 (including European air mail postage) from:Videogame Trader,P.O.Box N 664,We=}stport,MA 02790,USA. I've just sent $2 in cash to Tim for the first issue and will review it in the next VCS Futura.=}Review : The 2600 Connection #14 After my favourable review of T2600C issue 13 within the previous VCS Futura column, =}I thought I would give you brief details of issue 14 - January / February 1993. Issue 14 is printed on standard A4 with =}a staple at the top left. There are eight pages - each packed with VCS news and information.Highlights include:* A Begin=}ner's Guide to Collecting Cartridges;* Letters;* A Look at the Past: The Atari 7800;* Cartridge List Part 13: Data Age;* =}News & Notes;* A Guided Tour of the Starpath Supercharger Games;* Tales of the 2600;* Tips & Tricks;* Contest;* An Inter=}view with Stephen Landrum, Starpath Game Designer;* T200C Classified Ads.T2600C is available from:Tim Duarte,The 2600 =}Connection,P.O.Box 3993,Westport,MA 02790,USA.Send an International Reply Coupon for a free sample issue. A six-issue =}European Air Mail subscription is available for only $12. The easiest way to subscribe is to send dollar bills by Registered=} Air Mail. Otherwise, make MOs payable to Tim Duarte. If you live in the U.S. a subscription is $6. There goes anothe=}r VCS Futura. If you have any VCS news, information or questions please write to: S.J.Murray, NOSAUG, VCS Futura, 71 Walker=} Road, Torry, Aberdeen, AB1 3DL, Scotland.In the next VCS Futura :-* Reviews of the Videogame Trader and Video Magic news=}letters;* Details of new 2600 supplier catalogues;* Cheats for 2600 cartridges;* Secret Quest reviewed.See-ya there!N>}.B. Please remember that Futura 7 and all subsequent issues will NOT be released into the public domain. If you want to read>} VCS Futura you must order Futura direct from NOSAUG.ssues will NOT be released into the public domain. If you want to read<6FUTURA FEEDBACKby Stuart J. Murray Welcome to another new column - Futura Feedback. Within this column I will try to B}answer any questions or problems put to me by Futurians. If I can't help, I'm sure other Futurians out there will have the aB}nswers. All the following questions are excerpts from letters I have received from Futura subscribers. If you have any B}questions or problems please write to me at the usual address: S.J.Murray, NOSAUG, 71 Walker Road, Torry, Aberdeen, AB1 3DL, B}Scotland. Now, let the questions begin...Dear Stuart, Do you know of a decent PD draughts game for the 8-Bit AtaB}ri? I have a very simple type-in from C&VG that does not allow multiple jumps and plays poorly.Alan Hitchen, Runcorn, ChesB}hire.Ed: I don't know of any good PD draughts games for the Atari 8-Bit. However, Page 6 sell a book entitled 'Writing StB }rategy Games' which features "sample games for draughts, chess, and other strategy games". This book retails at only 1.50. B }If you find the sample draughts game to be of high quality why not send it in to Futura for inclusion in a future issue? DoeB }s anyone out there know of another PD draughts game for the Atari 8-Bit? -----------------------------Dear Stuart, B } I would like to know where I can get hold of Diamond GOS as it looks good. Also, I would like to upgrade my 65XE to at leB }ast 128K so if you know of some way of doing this I would be grateful - maybe I could swap with somebody who does not use a 1B}30XE to its full potential? Finally, are there any educational disks in the NOSAUG PD Library?John J. Boyle, Doncaster.B}Ed: Check out the Diamond column within this issue for the bad news about the availablity of Diamond. A private ad in Page 6B} is your best bet now. I have just checked with Peter Mattock (0375-374280 - see InfoFile for address) about his charge B}for upgrading a 65XE to 128K: Peter stated that his usual price is 20 pounds + postage. However, he is awaiting new chips fB}rom the U.S. which may increase his charge by a couple of pounds depending upon the cost of the chips. You could also try DeB}rek Fern (see InfoFile) but he may be more expensive. If anyone is willing to swap their 130XE for a 65XE please get in toucB}h with me detailing any extra cash payment required. There are five educational disks in the new NOSAUG PD Library listiB}ng. I Love My Alphabet & Jericho are games for the young at heart. The R.A.C.C. disks are packed full with a wide range of B}educational software for various ages. The Kids Fun / Education disk is mainly educational games. --------------------B}---------Dear Stuart, How do I convert Multiboot and Rob C. programs to Atari DOS 2.5?... Is Futura PD?... Do you knowB} anything about Mega Magazine? I bought issues 1-4 from ANG but I can't load issues 2-4 (despite holding down Start when bootB}ing the menu - see Atari Classics issue 2).Peter Geraghty, Sutton, Surrey.Ed: Use the File To DOS Converter program on FB}utura 3 (side B) to convert Multiboot and Rob C. files to DOS 2.5. Howfen files can also be converted with this program by fB}irst transferring them to a boot disk and then using the 'Load from boot disk' option. Futura issues 1-6 are in the publB}ic domain and may be copied and passed on only if no money is exchanged. They may only be placed in a PD Library with my wriB}tten permission. From issue 7 onwards, Futura will NOT be public domain - it will only be available direct from NOSAUG. B} Send your faulty Mega-Mag disks back to ANG and request replacements. Remember to include an outline of the problem encountB}ered. If the replacements do not load, send them back and request a refund. Has anyone else experienced problems with ANG'sB } Mega-Mag? -----------------------------Dear Stuart, How did the name 'Futura' come about for your magazine?JoB!}hn McIntyre, Broxburn, West Lothian.Ed: I wanted to choose a name which signalled my belief in the future of the Atari 8-BB"}it. For this, I turned to my love of the Hip-Hop culture. I have been a great fan of this culture for over ten years now. B#}For those who don't know, Hip-Hop involves rap, scratch-mixing, break-dancing (not so popular now), and graffiti art. One ofB$} the most outstanding graffiti writers of the late 1970s and early 1980s was a man called 'Futura 2000'. His tag (graffiti sB%}ignature) is art in itself! I was drawn to this particular writer's tag because I thought it was a great way of depicting 'TB&}he Future Of Your Atari 8-Bit', i.e. The Future...Your Atari, Future...Atari, Future...A, Futura! ---------------------B'}---------Of Your Atari 8-Bit', i.e. The Future...Your Atari, Future...Atari, Future...A, Futura! ---------------------@ 8-BIT TRIVIAby S.J.Murray.** Atari never released the 1029 printer in the USA. The XC12 Program Recorder had a very limF)}ited release.** The Lone Raider was Atari UK's first software release. It was a 'Pac-Man shoot-em-up' with ten levels of F*}action before you reached the level of Master. It was released on cassette in 1983. One side of the tape featured some eerieF+} music as the game loaded. The tape came in a horrible white plastic case with a letter from Atari stating: "We are pleaF,}sed to be able to bring to you an additional feature, for your convenience. This specially designed box is brought to you,F-} courtesy of Atari, so that you are able to store an additional cassette and cartridge, and their manuals, and it can be fileF.}d on your bookshelf for ease of storage and immediate location. We hope this packaging is to your liking and that it will F/}preserve your software in the most convenient manner." The graphics on the front of the box were quite impressive but theF0} box itself was awful - my one cracked after a few weeks! The person who designed it probably went on to work for Atari in tF1}he USA and design the cartridge port on the XE range and the joystick ports on the STE. Still, I did like the music on the tF2}ape.A and design the cartridge port on the XE range and the joystick ports on the STE. Still, I did like the music on the tDTHE ATARI 8-BIT BOOK SHELFfrom WNYAUG & OHAUG Newsletters. NOTE: The book shelf is a list of books that have been writJ4}ten about your Atari 8-BIT computer. This list will be updated from time to time when, and if, information becomes availableJ5}. --------------------------------* ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE PROGRAMMING FOR THE ATARI COMPUTERS by Mark Chasin, McGraw-HiJ6}ll Book Company, 1984. Shows how to program the Atari computer using assembly language. Though most examples are USR caJ7}lls, the book covers topics that are specific to Atari computer programming. --------------------------------* THE AJ8}TARI BASIC SOURCE BOOK by Wilkinson, O'Brien, and Laughton, Compute! Publicatons, Inc., 1983. A complete explanation ofJ9} the inside workings of Atari BASIC, along with original source code. For intermediate and advanced programmers. ------J:}--------------------------* COMPUTER ANIMATION PRIMER by David Fox & Mitchell Waite, McGraw-Hill, 1984. Reviews theJ;} high tech computer and Microcomputer animation then covers animation on the Atari Computer using BASIC and Machine Language.J<} --------------------------------* COMPUTE!'S FIRST BOOK OF ATARI, Editor: Robert Lock, Compute! Books, 1981. CJ=}ollection of articles and programs that appeared in Compute! Magazine. --------------------------------* COMPUTE!'S J>}SECOND BOOK OF ATARI, Editor: Robert Lock, Compute! Books, 1982. Collection of articles and programs that appeared in CoJ?}mpute! Magazine. --------------------------------* COMPUTE!'S THIRD BOOK OF ATARI GRAPHICS, Editor: Robert Lock, ComJ@}pute! Books, 1982. Collection of articles and programs about Atari graphics that appeared in Compute! Magazine. ---JA}-----------------------------* THE CREATIVE ATARI by David and Sandy Small, & George Blank, Creative Computing Press, 1JB}983. A collection of informative articles from the pages of Creative Computing Magazine. --------------------------JC}------* DE RE ATARI, The Atari Program Exchange, 1982. A guide to effective programing. Explores the workings of thJD}e Atari computer. One of the BEST BOOKS! --------------------------------* FREE SOFTWARE FOR YOUR ATARI by David aJE}nd Dorothy Heller, Enrich/Ohaus, 1983. Beginners book of telecommunication. --------------------------------* MJF}ACHINE LANGUAGE FOR BEGINNERS by Richard Mansfield, Compute! Publications, INC, 1983. Covers progrming the 6502 microprJG}ocessor used by many computers. Special sections for the Atari 8 BIT. --------------------------------* MAPPING THEJH} ATARI by Ian Chadwick, Compute! Books, 1983. A comprehensive sourcebook and memory guide for programmers of the 400/80JI}0 computer. Another BEST BOOK! --------------------------------* MAPPING THE ATARI, REVISED EDITION by Ian ChadwicJJ}k, Compute! Books, 1985. A comprehensive sourcebook and memory guide for programmers of the 400/800/XL/XE computers. AnJK}other BEST BOOK! --------------------------------* SOME COMMON BASIC PROGRAMS, ATARI ED. by Poole, Borchers, and CoJL}ok, Osporne/McGraw-Hill, 1981. List of small programs that can be used by themselves or as subroutines. Most are for fiJM}nance or statistics. --------------------------------* YOUR ATARI COMPUTER by Poole, McNiff & Cook, Osporne/McGraw JN}Hill, 1982. All-in-one guide for Atari 400/800 computers. Covers operating, trouble shooting, compatible software, compJO}uter graphics, and comprehensive reference of BASIC statements and functions. A MUST HAVE BEST BOOK! ------------------JP}--------------* ADVENTURES WITH THE ATARI by Jack B. Hardy, Reston Publishing Co., 1984. A guide to writing adventuJQ}re games. Includes two programs in each of the following languages: Atari BASIC, MicroSoft BASIC, Atari PILOT. Also programJR}s for creating adventure games and for playing the games that you have created. --------------------------------* ATJS}ARI SOUND AND GRAPHICS by Moore, Lower, Albrecht Wiley & Sons, 1982. Beginner's guide to creating colourful graphics anJT}d sound effects on the ES. Includes a nice plain-English primer on using string variables. ----------------------------JU}----* THE ATARI ASSEMBLER by Don & Kurt Inman, Reston Publishing Co., 1981. An introduction to the Atari Assembler JV}Cartridge. Assumes some knowledge of BASIC and NO knowledge about ML. --------------------------------* ATARI XE USJW}ER'S HANDBOOK by Weber Systems, Inc. Staff, WSI Inc., 1985. Practical guide to the XE computers. Includes so much vitaJX}l reference material for all XE owners that it probably should have been included in the box with the machine right from AtarJY}i Corp. --------------------------------* INSIDE ATARI DOS by Bill Wilkinson, COMPUTE! Books, 1982. A primer oJZ}n the inner workings of Atari DOS 2.0 written by one of the top names in the Atari ES world. Includes the complete ML sourceJ[} code listings for DOS 2.0 as well as an interesting account of how Atari DOS was created. -----------------------------J\}--To be continued...Ed: I am currently compliling a second part to the Atari 8-Bit Book Shelf for inclusion in Futura 7. J]} Here are the books which will feature:Inside Atari BASIC;The Atari Book of Games;Easy Programming For The Atari Micros;J^}Games For Your Atari;Atari Adventures;Writing Startegy Games;The Atari 130XE Handbook; If you know of any other 8-BitJ_} books which do not appear within this list or the article above please send in the details along with a brief description. J`}Thanks.hich do not appear within this list or the article above please send in the details along with a brief description. HFUTURA BARGAINS - MARCH/APRIL 1993SOFTWARE:All programs are supplied in original packaging with full instructions (unlesNb}s otherwise stated). Post & packaging is free on orders over 10 pounds. On UK orders under 10 pounds please add one pound PNc}&P. International P&P is one pound per item on all orders (payment in UK pounds only). Please make cheques/PO's payable to Nd}S.J.MURRAY and send to 71 Walker Road, Torry, Aberdeen, AB1 3DL, Scotland. Please state alternative software titles if possiNe}ble.Disk:Temple of Apshai Trilogy......2.50Sun Star......................2.50Nibbler.......................1.50GhostbNf}usters..................4.50Gauntlet......................4.50Elektra Glide/Timeslip........2.50Spy v Spy (The Island CapeNg}r)..2.50Cassette:M.U.L.E.......................4.50Hardball......................2.00Spindizzy.....................2.5Nh}0Ballblazer....................3.50Mercenary.....................2.00One on One....................2.50Ninja.............Ni}............1.50New York City.................1.50Kikstart......................1.50L.A.SWAT......................1.00MutNj}ant Camels.................1.00Moon Shuttle (no box).........2.00O'Riley's Mine (no box).......2.00Superman...............Nk}.......0.50Sea Bandit (no box)...........0.50HARDWARE:Atari 1029 Printer (needs slight attention - print is smudged) - Nl}only 15.00 including UK P&P. Supplied with ribbons.PRIVATE ADS:* Almost forty 8-Bit cassettes for sale, including ArNm}chon (5.00), Rampage (2.00), Whirlinurd, Submarine Commander, Ace of Aces (all 1.50), Ghostbusters, Tomahawk (both 1.00), etcNn}. Prices range from one pound to five pounds - most are 1.50 pounds or under. P&P is 20% of total - postal orders only! SeNo}nd for full list to: Mr S.Nicklin, 37 Mossdale, Wilnecote, Tamworth, Staffs, B77 4PJ, England.* WANTED: 2 Diamond GOS cNp}artridges and Page 6 issues 1-16 for loyal Futurians. Send prices to: S.J.Murray, NOSAUG, 71 Walker Road, Torry, Aberdeen, ANq}B1 3DL, Scotland.* If you have any software or hardware to sell send your price list to Futura Bargains now! Wanted adsNr} also accepted. All private ads are FREE!tware or hardware to sell send your price list to Futura Bargains now! Wanted adsL+NOSAUG XL/XE PD LIBRARYDISK I have now completed the first stage of the reorganisation of the NOSAUG PD Library. AllRt} the NOSAUG PD disks below are single density / DOUBLE SIDED disks (unless otherwise stated). There are still a number of diRu}sks to be added to the lists below but you will find almost 100 disks in this first listing - more than enough to keep you goRv}ing. I hope to add 30+ disks to the list every two months.Prices: 1-4 disks......1.95 each. 5-9 disks......1.50Rw} each. 10+ disks......1.00 each. Please make cheques/POs payable to S.J.MURRAY and send to:S.J.Murray,NOSAUGRx},71 Walker Road,Torry,AberdeenAB1 3DL,Scotland. International orders please add one pound P&P per disk ordered (fivRy}e pounds maximum). IMOs payable to S.J.MURRAY. Cash is OK - preferably by Registered Air Mail. For a limited period, tRz}o celebrate the launch of the new NOSAUG PD Library listing, disks will be available for only one pound each if you buy at leR{}ast ten disks. Yes, that's right - one pound each! That really is value for money! Please consider supporting the PD LR|}ibrary because it is central to the future survival of NOSAUG and Futura. Only PD of the very highest quality has made it onR}}to the new lists! Have a look and give yourself and your 8-Bit a real treat. Now, onto the listings...THE NOSAUG AR~}TARI 8-BIT PD LIBRARYMARCH/APRIL 1993Utilities* U01 - Arc/Unarc Utilities & Docs.* U02 - Manager 3003 II & Utilities R}/ Manager 3003 & Utilities.* U03 - Mydos V4.50 & Docs.* U04 - Turbo BASIC, Turbo BASIC Compiler, Turbo BASIC Docs / Turbo BR}ASIC programs.* U05, U06, U07 - Daisy Dot III Print Processor * ShareWare * (3-disk set for 4.95) U05 Print Processor, FR}ont Utilities & fonts. U06 Fonts U07 Docs & fonts (1050 density)* U08 - Textpro V4.54+ & Docs.* U09 - SuperDOS V5.0R} & Docs / SuperDOS V5.1 & Utilities.* U10 - Masks (1050).* U11 - PI9 PicLoader & Pics.* U12 - Degas Read V1.0 / ColorView R}V2.3.* U13 - DOS 2.5 & MiniManual / DOS 3.* U14 - DOS 4 / DOS XE.* U15 - A.M.P.2 Disk1.* U16 - A.M.P.2 Disk2.* U17 - ScrR}eens & Docs.* U18 - Composer's Jukebox II / Music 16* U19 - DeskTop V1.5 & Utilities / Mec DOS & Utilities.* U20 - AtariViR}ew8 Graphics Interchange & Pics.* U21 - Draper Pascal & Docs.* U22 - Menu Makers / Text Readers.* U23, U24, U25 - Turbo BAR}SIC Programming Kit (3-disk set for 4.95 pounds).Games* G01 - Tetris Terror.* G02 - Loaded Brain.* G03 - Gold Hunt II+R}.* G04 - Atomit / Dandy Dungeon.* G05 - Battle Trivial (1050).* G06 - Marios Desert World / Superball II.* G07 - BasketbaR}ll Pro-Style / Spacer.* G08 - Cosmic Crusaders & Docs.* G09 - Howfen PD Games 1.* G10 - Howfen PD Games 2.* G11 - Pole PoR}sition Construction Kit / Arkanoid Editor (1050).* G12 - Surf's Up / Ski King II.* G13 - Best of Antic Games.* G14 - MicroR}dos PD Games 1.* G15 - Microdos PD Games 2.* G16 - Polish ShareWare Games.* G17 - Best of Analog Games.* G18 - Megablast R}(1050) / Merchant Spaceman (1050).* G19 - Howfen PD Games 3.* G20 - Battle Star 2 / Autocrostics.* G21 - XE Baseball / TheR} NFL.* G22 - Microdos PD Games 3.* G23 - Star Lords / Whipping Top.* G24 - Ultra Tetris / Texas Holdem.* G25 - Travelers R}/ Travelers 2Demos* D01 - Hobbytronic 1989 / Hobbytronic 1990 (1050).* D02 - Hobbytronic 1991 (1050).* D03 - HobbytroR}nic 1992 (1050).* D04 - Shiny Bubbles (128K) / Video Blitz (128K).* D05 - The Big Demo (1050).* D06 - Howfen Demos.* D07 R}- Demos 1.* D08 - Alpha Systems Digital Xmas Card.* D09 - Demos 2.* D10 - Demos 3.* D11 - Digital Visions.* D12 - ParrotR} II Demo / Don't Ask Demos (1050).* D13 - Digi-Demos (1050).* D14 - Turtles / Garfield (1050).* D15 - World of Wonders / UR}nity Project (1050).Education* E01 - I Love My Alphabet / Jericho.* E02 - R.A.C.C. Education Disk 1.* E03 - R.A.C.C. R}Education Disk 2.* E04 - R.A.C.C. Education Disk 3.* E05 - Kids Fun / Education.PD Disk Mags & Library Disks* II01 - R}NSW-ACE Inside-Info Disk Issue 1 (Issue 38).* II02 - NSW-ACE Inside-Info Disk Issue 2 (Issue 39).* II03 - NSW-ACE Inside-InR}fo Disk Issue 3 (Issue 40) - 2 DISKS (2.95 pounds).* II04 - NSW-ACE Inside-Info Disk Issue 4 (Issue 41) - 2 DISKS (2.95 pounR}ds).* II05 - NSW-ACE Inside-Info Disk Issue 5 (Issue 42) - 2 DISKS (2.95 pounds).* II06 - NSW-ACE Inside-Info Disk Issue 6 R}(Issue 43).* II07 - NSW-ACE Inside-Info Disk Issue 7 (Issue 44) - 2 DISKS (2.95 pounds).* II08 - NSW-ACE Inside-Info Disk IR}ssue 8 (Issue 45 - February 1990) - 2 DISKS (2.95 pounds).* MGC11/90 - M.A.G.I.C. Disk Of The Month, November 1990.* MGC1R}2/90 - M.A.G.I.C. Disk Of The Month, December 1990.* SIL1/2 - Silica User Group Disk 1 / Silica User Group Disk 2.* SIL3/R}4 - Silica User Group Disk 3 / Silica User Group Disk 4.* SIL5/U - Silica User Group Disk 5 / Silica User Group Utilities.R}* STA1/2 - STart 8-Bit Disk Oct/Nov/Dec 1990 / STart 8-Bit Disk Jan/Feb/Mar 1991.N.B. All disks within the NOSAUG PD LiR}brary are, to the very best of our knowledge, in the public domain. However, if you know of any program or disk within the LR}ibrary which is not in the public domain please inform us so we can withdraw it. Thank-you.Stuart J. Murray, NOSAUG.the LPxNOSAUG XL/XE PD LIBRARYCASSETTEC01 GAMES1 - Six top quality games!C02 GAMES2 - Another six excellent games.C03 UTILSV}1 - Packed full of useful utilities.C04 DEMOS1 - Lots of amazing demos.C05 GAMES3 - Six more fun games.C06 MUSIC1 - WonV}derful music.C07 KIDS FUN 1 - Programs for the young at heart.C08 GAMES4 - You guessed it, more great games.C09 UTILS2 V}- More powerful utilities.C10 GAMES5 - The games bonanza continues.FC1 FUTURA 1 - Programs from the May/June 1992 issue.V}FC2 FUTURA 2 - July/August 1992.FC3 FUTURA 3 - September/October 1992.FC4 FUTURA 4 - November/December 1992.FC5 FUTURAV} 5 - January/February 1993.Prices = only 2.95 each or 10.00 for four! (cheques/PO's payable to S.J.Murray)Also availablV}e: Futura, the NOSAUG Newsletter - a printed copy of this top quality disk-based newsletter. Lot's of interesting articles aV}nd support for the Atari XL/XE (30-40 pages). Only 1.95 per copy (3.95 with cassette of programs).Please send your ordersV} to :-S.J.Murray,NOSAUG,71 Walker RoadTorry,AberdeenAB1 3DL,Scotland.assette of programs).Please send your ordersTNFUTURA - THE NOSAUG NEWSLETTERSUBSCRIPTION INFORMATIONBack issues:Futura 1 - May/June 1992.Futura 2 - July/August 19Z}92.Futura 3 - September/October 1992.Futura 4 - November/December 1992.Current Issues:Futura 5 - January/February 1993Z}.Futura 6 - March/April 1993.Future Issues (Only available direct from NOSAUG):Futura 7 - May/June 1993 (released May 1Z}st).Futura 8 - July/August 1993 (released July 1st).Futura is available in the following formats:U.K. ORDERS -Disk...Z}..........................1.95Printed copy & tape of programs..3.956-ISSUE SUBSCRIPTION (DISK).....11.003-ISSUE SUBSCRIPTIZ}ON (PC/TAPE)..11.00Back issues 1-4 are now only 1.50 each on disk or 3.00 each on printed copy / cassette!Please make cheZ}ques/POs payable to S.J.MURRAY.INTERNATIONAL (NON-UK) ORDERS: (price in UK pounds)Disk.............................3.00Z}Printed copy & tape of programs..6.006-ISSUE SUBSCRIPTION (DISK).....17.003-ISSUE SUBSCRIPTION (PC/TAPE)..17.00Back issueZ}s 1-4 are now only 2.50 each on disk or 5.00 each on printed copy / cassette.Cash is OK, preferably by Registered Air Mail.Z} IMOs payable to S.J.MURRAY.Become a Futurian now! Send to...S.J.Murray,NOSAUG,71 Walker Road,Torry,AberdeenAB1 3Z}DL,Scotland.FUTURA: THE FUTURE OF YOUR ATARI 8-BITPlease remember that Futura 7 (May/June 1993) and all subsequent issuZ}es will ONLY by available direct from NOSAUG. They will NOT be available from PD Libraries.ne 1993) and all subsequent issuX]FUTURA XL/XE INFOFILE - MAR/APR 1993North Of Scotland Atari User Group,c/o S.J.Murray,71 Walker Road,Torry,AberdeenA^}B1 3DL,Scotland.Details : Futura bi-monthly newsletter, disk and cassette PD libraries, second-hand software. Send 1.95 f^}or latest issue of Futura on disk (3.95 for printed copy and cassette).Derek Fern,T/A. Micro Discount,265 Chester Road,^}Streetly,West Midlands,B74 3EA.Tel : (021) 353 5730.Fax : (021) 352 1669.Details : Hardware, software, books, spares an^}d project kits. Send a large SAE for full lists.Gralin International,11 Shillito Road,Parkstone,Poole,Dorset BH12 2BN^}.Details : Hardware, software, upgrades and magazines. Send a large SAE for lists.Miles Better Software,219/221 Cannoc^}k Road,Chadsmoor,Cannock,Staffordshire,WS11 2DD.Tel : (0543) 466277/8/9.Details : Excellent range of software. SAE fo^}r full list.Page 6,P.O. Box 54,Stafford,ST16 1DR.Tel : (0785) 213928Fax : (0785) 54355Details : Page 6 magazine, so^}ftware, books, etc. Send 2.50 for latest copy of Page 6 New Atari User.Excel,T/A Robert Stuart,21 Stronsay Way,Broomla^}nds,Irvine,Strathclyde,KA11 1HZDetails : Excel disk magazine.Peter Mattock,Gladden House Computers,47 George Crooks^} House,New Road,Grays,Essex RM17 6PS.Tel : (0375) 374280 (after 6pm weekdays)Details : Hardware, software and 8-bit rep^}airs.Dean Garraghty,62 Thomson Avenue,Balby,Doncaster,DN4 0NU.Details : Atart 8-bit Newsdisk, Digi-Studio and PD lib^}rary. Send one pound for latest copy of Newsdisk.Bournemouth & Poole Atari User Group,248 Wimborne Road,Oakdale,Poole,^}Dorset BH15 3EF.Details : 8:16 Newsletter. Send 6.50 for one years subscription (4 copies).Tiger Developments,26 Men^}ziers Avenue,Walmer,Deal,Kent,CT14 7QZ.Details : New commercial XL/XE software.Tyne & Wear Atari User Group,P.O.Box^} 8,Wallsend,Tyne & Wear,NE28 6DQ.Details : Regular meetings, PD software and a bi-monthly newsletter (1.95).OVERSEAS ^}:American TechnaVision,15338 Inverness Street,San Leandro,CA 94579,USA.Tel : (415) 352-3787.Details : Send Internat^}ional Reply Coupon for catalogue.San Jose Computer,1278 Alma Court,San Jose,CA 95112,USA.Tel : (408) 995-5080.Fax : ^}(408) 995-5083.Details : Send International Reply Coupon for lists.B&C ComputerVisions,2730 Scott Boulevard,Santa Clar^}a,CA 95050,USA.Tel : (408) 986-9960.Details : Send $1.50 for 58 page catalogue.Best Electronics,2021 The Alameda,Su^}ite 290,San Jose,CA 95126-1127,USA.Tel : (408) 243-6950.Details : Send $5 for Atari Parts and Software Catalog.KE-SO^}FT,Frankenstr.24,6457 Maintal 4,Germany.Details : Lots of NEW XL/XE software. Send for free pricelist.Lake Almanor P^}ublic Domain (LAPD),c/o Stefanee Hoffee,333 Peninsula Drive,Lake Almanor,Ca. 96137,USA.Details: Large PD library.Co^}mputer Software Services (CSS),P.O.Box 17660,Rochester,New York 14617.Tel : (716)-429-5639Fax : (716)-247-7158BBS : (71^}6)-247-7157, 300-9600 bps.Details : Amazing 8-bit hardware.S.J.Murray,Futura Editor,North Of Scotland Atari User Grou^}p.247-7157, 300-9600 bps.Details : Amazing 8-bit hardware.S.J.Murray,Futura Editor,North Of Scotland Atari User Grou\* NOTICE *Please note the new address for NOSAUG as of August 1996:NOSAUG,PO BOX 11903,WESTHILLAB32 6GE,SCOTLAND.,`|SCOTLAND.Stuart J. Murray, 1st August 1994.ess for NOSAUG as of August 1994:NOSAUG,PO BOX 10001,PETERHEADAB42 6ZN,`1