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The only way to do this is**("to press the kB}ey which corresponds++(#to the line that the note is moving,,($along (for eg. If the note is moving**("along the C}A line,the A key must be++(#pressed to shoot the note). If you,,($should press the wrong key, the note(will sD}hoot you!))(! You start the game with 3 lives,,($but every time you shoot a note, the))(!bar at the end of the sE}creen will++(#move one place closer to you. Make,,($sure you shoot the note before you ))(!reach the bar, otherF}wise the note**("will shoot you anyway! Good luck!%2@@@G2@@@@G}QM@%T2f-@@"(Ӡ٠٠AdAU.F:Ad,AU*AdAU.PH} APQpTqOr-%@sPvQzT{T|O}`~((((CHOOSE YOUR DIFFICULTY LEVEL:I}( (( EGINNER ( ( NTERMEDIATE(( DVANCEDAdAU@F:AdJ},"@!*AdAU6-@@ A`#@F:Ad,"@*AdAU6-@@ A`#@F:AK}d,"@c*AdAU6-@%@ A`# A`PQTTO%@"P-L}%@-%@F:Ad,"-@-&@(-&@(  -(-(M}F:Ad,"-@PQTTO"@-P!-!AdAUN} -%"F:Ad,"AU" A`a(F:Ad,"$AdAU(P(F:Ad,$AdAU(PO}"AP A`TQTTO-&@"PPQVTWTXOYG%2P}AU@@G2@@%@@[!"@-@!(|\+"@) @%Q}-@+(|]+"@) @%-@+(|^+"@) @%-@+(|_+"@) @R}%-@+(|`+"@) @%-@ +(|a+"@) @%-@+(|b+"@) S}@%-@+(|c+"@ ) @ %-@+(|d+"@) @%-@+(|e5"@T}) @%-@+(|5M@f(2(2A@g -(*M@h -(<M@U}i -(M@j -(#M@k -($M@l -(!M@m -(=M@V}q-@( !-@'(3-@9( E-@K(W-@]( i-@ o({-@W}( rK-@(!-@'( 3-@9(E-@K( s -( 2tPvQTTX}OG%2@@@G2@@@@!"@-@!(:+"@)Y} @%-@+(:+"@) @%-@+(:+"@) @%-@+(:+"@Z}) @%-@ +(:+"@) @%-@+(:+"@) @%-@+(:+"[}@) @%-@+(:+"@ ) @ %-@+(:+"@) @%-@+(:5\}"@) @%-@+(:5M@%%2A@ -(*M@ -(]}M@ -(M@ -(M@ -(M@ -(=M@ -(^} M@o-@( !-@'(3-@9( E-@K(W-@]( i-@ o(_}{-@( !-@'(3-@9( E-@K(W-@]( i-@o( u-{( `}2PQTTOD`@@20@@DAR@$($( HIGH Sa}CORE TABLEE-@@( 1-@@E(....... 9-@@(+-@@9(b}.......9-@@(+-@@9(.......9-@@(+-@@9(.......c}9-@@(+-@@9(.......,-@@,( ARE YOU IN THERE?T%2@@d}@G2@@@@QM@%T2/-@@"/(Ӡ٠٠AdAUe}.F:Ad,AU*AdAU.P AqQ T!T"O#  $20@@/f}@@2`%E( (E(7Sorry,you didn't make it into the high score table.&&(&( Better luck next time!!g}!'T%2@@@G2@@@@QM@%T2(/-@@"/(Ӡ٠q}b%DOS SYSb)AUTORUN SYSbAUTORUN BASbB PICbVIEWDOCSBASb NOTE TURbNOTE PICb| NOTE TB buTREASRPTARBbSAMPLE RPTbESP BASb)REPORT DOCbDBOOK DOCbXSOFTWAREDOCb%wSOFT2 DOCb&MEMORIESDOCbUPDATE3 DOCbSUBINFO DOCbSEEYA DOCBNOTICE DOC٠)AdAU*.F:Ad,AU*AdAU.P+ Ar,A-G` 0@@r}2@@5`GAR@.D(D(9Well done...you've made it into the high score table!!!/8("(PLEASE s}ENTER YOUR NAME:8((11 letters max.)0 Ar1@2 !3! -6-6-6-!6-4+ .6.t}6.6.!6.+ Ar@5A6 !7 ----8% .6.6.6.% Ar@9A: !;u} -6-6-< .6.6. 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WRITTEN IN MODULAR TURBO BASIC. VER 1.2 12/93 BY RON FETZERYYTHE PROGRAM IS SET UP TO ACCEPT UP TO 200 INCOME ITEMS AN!}D UP TO 200 EXPENSE ITEMS. T** CONTROL MODULE ** ` P(P2P< @PFPTZ** SCREEN COLO!}RS **dO `6-n8-@@8(WHAT SCREEN COLOR DO YOU WANT?x#-@@#( 1: NORMAL"-!}@@"(2: AMBER"-@@"(3: GREEN!-@@!(4: GREYB A`-@@!}8SELECT A NUMBER >>B Bm  @)!@)P:,2-@(@9( <(c("ERROR: SELECT A NUMBER FR!}OM 1 TO 4m A`''AAAA 1AAH'A @1 A01A@X!}'A 1 A01AA4'A 1 A01A@'A 1 A!}0QT** DIM SECTION **OGG;@ ,;@ ,;@ ,;A@,9A,;@ ,]];!}A@,9A,;@ ,;@@,;@ ,;@ ,;@,;@,";@9,;@,;@,;!}@,;@,;@,;@,;@,;@,;@,;@,;A@,,~~;A@,;@,!};@,;@,;@,;@,;@,;@,;@ ,;@`,;@,6Q@TJ** MENU **!}T:O `6-(@@:@@9^]-@ @.(ҧӠԠ@-@@](!}ΠҠǠh3-@@ (ՠ06. 3(rE( 1. DIRECTORY-(2. START PROGRAME(!}3. VIEW ON SCREEN|Q(4. PRINT (5. SAVE.(6. LOADD(7. ERASE A FILEQ(8. END--@@-!}SELECT A NUMBER>>b  @)!@)P:,2-@'@9( <(b(!ERROR:SELECT A NUMBER FROM 1 TO 8((!} @)!@)P:,AbQT** START PROGRAM *** INCOME * O ` 6!}.6.6.$6-+6.26.>6-J6-V6-q6.....................x6.6. !}L`-@)( INFORMATION:;-@@L( ------------5-@@5((DO NOT USE WITH NUMBERS!})( (TODAY'S DATE>>"( ("OLD BALANCE DATE>>$( ($OLD BALANCE AMOUNT>$"( ("NEW BALANC!}E DATE>>&/-@@/(--------------------|0'-@@' YOUR NAME>>:F-@@!2(---!}---------------------F(--------------|D)-@@ ) CLUB'S NAME>>NB`-@@$(INCOME:6-@!}@B(-------X/-@@ /(--------------------|bX-@@) INCOME NAME>>76-%@!}@4**N6-&@X AdK-@@K(1TO ERASE LAST ENTRY TYPE '**' FOR INCOME NAMEl>-@@ !}>($ҠӢҠҠv? A@-@@5INCOME AMOUNT>$? AP8-@@!}$( . 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E$;"W0" OFF.P;;E$;"D";CHR$(n);CHR$(0) IS THE HORIZONTAL TAB SETTINGS!}Z*6.>:@ ,*HORIZONATAL TAB STOPSd6.>:@,FORM FEEDn4-@@4(ԠҧӠԠ!}x>-@@>($PUT THE PAPER TO THE TOP OF ITS FORMZ A-@@CHOW MANY COPIES DO YOU WANT>!}>F`Z"A5AR@'-@@5( ǡ.@.@@P:!}* PRINT INCOME *-@?(@6-B:,)6-@9&4(@?(@$$(@D>:!},>:,(@W1F(@(@F(@ TREASURER'S REPORT=6-!}6-$6-B:,=6-@5&P:'@,88(@W0D>:,>:,DATE: O(@O(@!}& OLD BALANCE ON  WAS $o(@(@o(@H INCOME ITEMS !} AMOUNT CURRENT BAL.tt(@G ------------ ------ --------!}---D>:@`,>:,00(@ OLD BALANCE$-@&@"6-%8,6-!}6-%8,,TT(@ 7$@ &@<$@ , .........$8,$6 @=(@=(@!} TOTAL INCOME IS $J* PRINT EXPENSES *Td(@d(@H EXPENSE ITEMS !} AMOUNT CURRENT BAL.^XX(@G ------------- ------ -----------!}h66(@ BALANCE FORWARDED$r-@&@|6-&8,6-6-%8,TT(@!} 7$@ &@<$@ , .........$8,$ I(@@(@" TOTAL EX!}PENSES ARE $I6-B:,^(@L(@$ THE NEW BALANCE AS OF  IS $U6.=:,^6-B:,FF6.!}<============================================================88(@ 7@<+%%@',,'6!}-&+&,6-'6-5(@(@5(@ PREPARED BY:(@(@ !}*@ AR* BQT** SAVE ** O `&56-6-"6..6-!}56.05-@@5(FILE WILL BE SAVED IN DR #1:'-@@' FILE NAME>>Dd 6-B:,!@!}*-@@?( B(Z(FILE NAME TOO LONG!d APN367@<@,.D1:-67@,.36.!}X+@+@@b*(@(@*(@lD(@(@*(@!}7(@D(@v-@&@--(@7$@ &@<$@ ,(@8, !}-@&@--(@7$@ &@<$@ ,(@8, @QT!}** LOAD ** O `5 6.6-"6-.6-56.5-@@5(PUT THE DATA DISK IN DR.!} #1 '-@@' FILE NAME>>d 6-B:,!@*-@@?( B(Z(FILE NAME TO!}O LONG!d A ` " 6.D1:67@,."6.*? A!@5@@? A!4b-@!}@*( -(N(WRONG FILE NAME - TRY AGAIN!X Bb A `>*@@*@!}HD@@*@7@D@R-@&@\3@367$@ !}&@<$@ ,.f@68,-p z-@&@3@367$@ &@<$@ !},.@68,- @QT** ERASE A FILE ** O ` 6.6.<-@!}@2(ŠŠΠҮ<6.D1:1-@@' FILE NAME>>1 A"67@,.6.!}G A#2@3@=@G A#  b-@@*( -(N(WRONG F!}ILE NAME - TRY AGAIN!X Bb A" Q T$ ** DIRECTORY **. O8 aaDIRECTORY MODULE BY ALEX PIGNATO AND RO!}N FETZER OF THE OL' HACKERS A.U.G. 11/93 VERSION 2.1B 6-6-"6..6-:6-F6-R6!}-^6-e6.l6.s6.z6.6-6-L Z(>:A%,6-.-@@V("S!}EE DIRECTORY ON WHAT DRIVE(1,2,8)ZV ++"@)"@)"@A$ ` A#j  4M6-@t !"!}@A$P! B~ c"@(>:A%,#6.5-@@_($Is the new disk in the drive(YES/NO)c!} ! 4N6-@! A$0 6@@'@@@66-F:B24, 6-I:, 6-F:A, !}"6.NO BS "Ab6.A "@6.B "A46.C [6-6-'6-!}[ >:A%,$٭ҠˠӠ A"@@>@@D1:*.*A(!} A"@@>@@D2:*.*A( A"@@>@@D8:*.!}*A( :AR@:( ˠӼ ˠ  ( DRIVE #( @( H7@<@!},4 06-%A:7@,,>6-%@H A%( @2 6-A:7@<@,,< T(-@ @- !} ?-@ @T( F 2) @*7@<@,4999+2 :ENDP Y7@<@!},4999+V 2Number of free sectors not accurately indicated.YZ S-@ @*  <-@ @!}S( %d #"@6.RAM# A'n %"A6.SNGLx %!A6.1050 :!}% A#-@@":(Ҡ̠ *-@ @*(  *-@ @ *(!}  *-@ @*(  *-@ @*(à  )-@ @)(!}ˠμ -@@  ,-@ @,(Another Dir. [A] ,-@ @,( [A] !},-@ @,(Go to BASIC [B] ,-@ @,(à [B] ,-@ @,(Go to DOS !} [D] ,-@ @,(Ӡ [D] ,-@ @,(Load a Disk [L] ,-@ @,(!}렠 [L] ,-@ @ ,(DEL MEM SV D8 [M]" ,-@ @ ,(֠͠ĸ [M], ,-@ @!,(!}Return - Menu [R]6 ,-@ @!,( [R]@  J *-@ @"*(Select a letterT AR!}^ 3)4A)4B)4D)4L)4R)4M3 A)0h A(r -(>:A%,"@@9-@| "}4RA0P ! 4A6-@! A# 4BA0  4DA00 O A$4ME@3@"} D8:MEM.SAVO A$ ] 4L(>:A%,6.1-@@Y("Did you put a new disk in drive "}#1] &7@<@,4Y& A0@ &7@<@,4N& A) 6(>:A%,'%-@@3("}à6 . 6-?:B,( Q T ** ENDING A PROGRAM ** O `AR@ 2-@@"}((END OF PROGRAM2M@ " +AR"& Q0 TD:TREASRPT.ARB@ 2-@@ d982.5476YOUR CLUB'S NAME GOES HEREJAN. 6, 1994JAN. 1, 1994FEB. 1, 1994RON FETZERDUES - JOHN BROWN...24DUES - JACK S&}MITH...24DUES - ELLEN GREEN..24DUES - L. NAPOLEON..24DISK SALES..........50.55COFFEE INCOME.......12.5ALEX - POSTAG&}E......20.15RON - EXPENSES......12.45MARIA - SUPPLIES....20.33JACK - NEWSPAPER....6.08HAROLD - MAILINGS...7.45OSTAG$x A M>PSAVE "D:ESP.BAS;@,(c#@* }@K:-+?@QAArcA @2--@@)67,.>:@2* },- <.67@,.ESP.67@",.>:AU,F&-@#@b"67,.*& P(>:A%,((U]/(' * }͠ԠϠՠ٠ϧǬ١]() ϠŠŠҠƠҠԠZ//('This program demonstrates the fac* }t thatd//('computers do, indeed, possess a form ofn''(EXTRA-SENSORY PERCEPTION (ESP).x(//('The demonstration w* }orks best if you use..(&an electronic calculator, but the com---(%puter can read your brain waves when-''(ever t*}he weather is just right.-@!$$(STRIKE ANY KEY TO BEGIN ...)@(>:A%,((.*}.(&THINK OF ANY NUMBER BETWEEN 1 AND 100. AP%%6-P:@$H:@,%@,%%(MUTIPLY YOUR NUMBER BY *}.//('BUT DON'T TELL YOUR COMPUTER ANYTHING!! AP6-P:@$H:@,,$"--(NOW ADD  TO THE P*}REVIOUS RESULT.,**("BUT DON'T EVEN WHISPER THE RESULT.6(@''(HINT: THINK CONFUSING THOUGHTS.J APT 6-'*}^##(DIVIDE THE RESULT BY .h(r00((AGAIN, DON'T TELL THE COMPUTER ANYTHING!| AP++(#FINALLY, SUBTR*}ACT YOUR ORIGNAL NUM-!!(BER FROM THE LAST RESULT.(!!(THINK CONFUSING THOUGHTS. AP%(%(THE REMA*}INING NUMBER IS: )-@@%(>:AS,) (-@!$$(DO YOU WANT TO CONTINUE THIS*}(FOOLISHNESS (Y/N)?)@!!"@)"A!A$$(+"@x)"A,A A*}(>:A%,1@@+1% D:AUTORUN.BAS&9-@!9(STRIKE ANY KEY TO CONTINUE ...0)*}@: A(>:A%,D$N AS1 +AAr1A @X$b-*}@l +@v((0@@$H:@,@-@@   +@222@P$H:*}@,%@@002@@P$H:@,@@ G%2G2@*} +$ D:ESP.BAS@ G%2G2@(=HOW TO PREPARE A PROFESSIONAL TREASURER'S REPORT.by Ron Fetzer of the OL' HACKERS A.U.G. Do you belong to a computer .}club, civic association, sports club or a charitable organization and have difficulty in someone accepting the position of tr.}easurer? Are your club's finances in a mess? Is your treasurer's report written on the back of an old envelope? We now hav.}e help for you. Just use the "TREASURER'S REPORT PROGRAM" and your troubles will be over. The program makes it so easy .}being a treasurer of a club that you will have no problem finding a volunteer. The program prints a professional report that. } is easy to read without being an accountant. The program is written in modular TURBO BASIC XL and runs only on the Atari XL.!}/XE computers. The "TREASURER'S REPORT" is very intuative and easy to use. Most likely you don't even have to read the ."}docs. It is also heavily error protected to prevent typo mistakes and wrong entries. The program accepts up to 200 income i.#}tems and up to 200 expense items. The program is completely menu driven. The menu is self explanatory. You have 8 item.$}s on the menu. They are: 1. DIRECTORY, 2. START PROGRAM, 3. VIEW ON SCREEN, 4. PRINT, 5. SAVE, 6. LOAD, 7. ERASE A FILE, 8. .%}END. Since I am the treasurer of the OL' HACKERS I put everything in the program that I wanted as a treasurer. To use t.&}he program you go to option #2 on the menu "START PROGRAM". After the menu screen you come to the "INFORMATION SCREEN". Her.'}e you answer some prosaic questions like today's date, your name, the clubs name etc. When you are finished then you will be.(} in the "INCOME" section. You enter one income item after the other in the program. First you enter a description of the in.)}come item and then the amount of the income. Do not use a comma (,) or "$" in the entries. When you are finished with the i.*}ncome items and you want to go to the "EXPENSE" section of the program just leave the "INCOME NAME" blank and enter "00" for .+}the INCOME AMOUNT". There will be a prompt at the bottom of the screen to remind you of this. You can even type in a name f.,}or this last item such as "END" etc. It will not be recorded by the program because you entered "00" for the amount. Th.-}e "EXPENSE" section works exactly like the "INCOME" section. You just enter all the expense items. When you are finished yo..}u enter "00" for the amount and you will be directed to the menu again. You can also erase the last entry by typing '**'. ./} You now can view your program on the screen or print it. You can also save it to a disk. In the SAVE, LOAD and ERASE A F.0}ILE options you just have to enter a file name without a disk drive designation. The program assumes that it is drive #1. A.1} loaded file can only be "VIEWED" or "PRINTED". With the "VIEW ON SCREEN" option I put convenient scrolling stops into t.2}he program so you can examine the report in an intelligent manner. With this option all the basic information is displayed o.3}n the screen. With the "PRINT" option you get a fully formatted professional treasurer's report printed out on paper. I.4}t wil have your clubs name as the headline, the date of the report, the old balance and the date, the income and expense item.5}s and a running current balance. It will also show you the "TOTAL INCOME" as well as the "TOTAL EXPENSES" on your report. T.6}he penultimate item will be the new balance and its date. The final item on your report will be the name of the person who p.7}repared the report. You can also specify how many copies of the report you want to print. Also take a look at the "DIRE.8}CTORY" option. It gives you much more information than just a directory listing. I included a provision to erase MEM.SAV in.9} the RAM DISK D8 in order to give you more free RAM space. This option also checks what REVISION BASIC you are using. Since.:} TURBO BASIC XL is not a built in BASIC the directory option says "NO BS". There are many other features that you will see w.;}ith this option. The program is written for EPSON and compatible printers. If your printer is not compatible you can ea.<}sily change the few printer control codes to your printer's codes. They are clearly indicated in line #1330 - 1380. If you .=}live in a country other than the U.S.A. you might want to change the "$" to your country's currency symbol. The "$" appears .>}in lines 530, 630, 790, 1000, 1010, 1040, 1120, 1130, 1160, 1170, 1520, 1580, 1600, 1640, 1670, 1690 and 1700. This is to ma.?}ke the program useable in other countries as well. If you or your wife or someone you know belongs to a club or an organ.@}ization then give them the "TREASURER'S REPORT" program, they will love it. Being a treasurer with this program makes the jo.A}b easy. Not only will you save a lot of time but you also will receive compliments on the clarity and completness of your tr.B}easurer's reports. In addition you did not have to struggle with spread sheets, data bases, check balancing programs and ca.C}lculators. You can now sit back and enjoy your club and bask in the prestige of having a job well done.ing programs and ca,iTHE ATARI 8-BIT BOOKSHELFby S. J. Murray, NOSAUG. Welcome back to The Atari 8-Bit Bookshelf! This time we continue 2E}with our comprehensive list of Atari 8-bit publications. It is presented in the following format:BOOK TITLE IN CAPITAL LE2F}TTERSAuthor - Publisher - Number of Pages -----THE ATARI 8-BIT BOOKLIST (Part 2)Compiled by Stuart J2G}. Murray, NOSAUG.=====================================BASIC EXERCISES FOR THE ATARIJ. Lamoitier - Sybex - 276BASIC ON2H} THE ATARI COMPUTER FOR KIDSK. & C. Wyner - Sams - 211BASIC REFERENCE MANUAL 400/800Atari - 132BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO BU2I}YING A PERSONAL COMPUTERCompute! authors - Compute! - 102BEST OF PCW SOFTWARE FOR THE ATARI XLEditors of PCW - Century C2J}ommunicationsBEST OF PCW SOFTWARE FOR THE ATARI XL (with cassette)Editors of PCW - Century CommunicationsBOOK OF ATARI2K} SOFTWARE 1983The Book Company - 356BOOK OF ATARI SOFTWARE 1984The Book CompanyCOMPUTE!'S ATARI BASIC SOURCE BOOKWil2L}kinson/O'Brien/Laughton - Compute! - 296COMPUTE!'S ATARI COLLECTION VOL.1Compute! authors - Compute! - 266COMPUTE!'S A2M}TARI COLLECTION VOL.2Compute! authors - Compute!COMPUTE!'S EVERY KIDS FIRST BOOK OF ROBOTS & COMPUTERSD. Thornbury - Com2N}pute! - 83COMPUTE!'S FIRST BOOK OF ATARICompute! authors - Compute! - 184COMPUTE!'S SECOND BOOK OF ATARICompute! - 252O}0COMPUTE!'S THIRD BOOK OF ATARICompute! - 314COMPUTE!'S FIRST BOOK OF ATARI GAMESCompute! - 232COMPUTE!'S FIRST BO2P}OK OF ATARI GRAPHICSCompute! - 248COMPUTE!'S SECOND BOOK OF ATARI GRAPHICSCompute! - 220COMPUTE!'S GUIDE TO ADVENTURE2Q} GAMESCompute! authors - Compute! - 203COMPUTE!'S INSIDE ATARI DOSB. Wilkinson - Compute! - 108COMPUTE!'S MACHINE LAN2R}GUAGE FOR BEGINNERSR. Mansfield - Compute! - 350COMPUTE'S SECOND BOOK OF MACHINE LANGUAGER. Mansfield - Compute! - 4482S}COMPUTE!'S MAPPING THE ATARII. Chadwick - Compute! - 194COMPUTE!'S MAPPING THE ATARI (REVISED EDITION)I. Chadwick - Com2T}pute! - 300COMPUTER ANIMATION PRIMERD. Fox & M. Waite - McGraw Hill - 501COMPUTER PLAYGROUNDM.J. Winter - Datamost - 2U}128COMPUTER PROGRAM WRITING WORKBOOKA. North - Arcsoft - 96COMPUTERS FOR EVERYBODYJ. Willis & M. Miller - Dilithium -2V} 368COMPUTERS FOR KIDSS. Larsen - Creative Computing - 85COMPUTERS FOR PEOPLEJ. Willis & M. Miller - Dilithium - 2042W}CREATIVE ATARID. Small - Creative Computing - 250End of Part 2ERS FOR PEOPLEJ. Willis & M. Miller - Dilithium - 2040FSOFTWARE SCENE - FUTURA ISSUE 12ALIEN BLASTSupplier: DGSPrice : 4.95 (Disk) 5.25 (Turbo Cassette)Reviewed6Y} by Stuart Murray Talented programmer Richard Gore and DGS have teamed up to bring us a new game for the light-gun. ALI6Z}EN BLAST is heavily influenced by that grand-daddy of modern arcade games, Space Invaders. I am a big fan of Space Invad6[}ers and still regularly play Deluxe Invaders by Roklan. Therefore, the concept of playing Space Invaders with a light-gun wa6\}s most intriguing. After a short loading period, the title screen appears and some music begins to play. Obviously, ind6]}ividual tastes in music vary substantially but I thought this title tune was really awful. It is a very annoying tune which 6^}sounds like something out of a German beer festival! Luckily, it only plays on the title screen. The title screen itsel6_}f is a simple affair with some colourful text and a jerky scrolling message. Alien Blast offers three play modes. Sight6`}s Mode is for use with the original Atari light-gun. By lining up the sights on the gun you can gain a very accurate shot (a6a}lthough by concentrating on the sights you don't see much of the television screen). I was impressed by the accuracy of this6b} mode but the gameplay suffers because of it. Blast Mode is more flexible. It is designed for use with any light-gun an6c}d lines up the barrel with an on-screen target. Although a degree of accuracy is lost, I found this mode both easier and mor6d}e enjoyable. It allows you to enjoy other aspects of the game aside from aiming the sights. The final play mode is Stac6e}k. This is designed for use with the Stack light pen. Press the light-gun trigger or hit Start and the game begins. Th6f}e invaders are colourful and reasonably well drawn. Animation is jerky. You must blast them with your light-gun before they6g} reach the bottom of the screen. You must also deal with the Mothership which randomly drops missiles from the top of the sc6h}reen. The invaders themselves don't shoot at you. With a limited number of shots you must use each one wisely. By pres6i}sing the Z and X keys you can move your ship left and right along the bottom of the screen. This is necessary to avoid the m6j}issiles from the Mothership. The format of moving your ship with the keyboard and shooting the aliens with the light-gun wor6k}ks to good effect. The number of aliens and the speed with which they descend increases gradually as each level is compl6l}eted (40 in total). After every tenth level there is a bonus screen where you shoot for points and shots. If you own a 6m}130XE or expanded 800XL you have the advantage of digitized speech. For example, at the title screen you'll hear "Alien Blas6n}t" and after you've been invaded there is a "Game Over". The sound quality is good. Alien Blast is programmed in Turbo 6o}BASIC. On the plus side, the gameplay is fast, the graphics are colourful and the user manual is well written. I also liked6p} the use of light-gun modes, digitized speech and a Top 5 high-score table which saves to disk. However, animation is je6q}rky and lasting appeal is very questionable. Alien Blast would have been a good PD or shareware release. As a commercial re6r}lease it looks quite average when compared to many of the new games from Europe. Richard Gore and DGS must be congratul6s}ated for their continued support of the Atari 8-bit! However, as much as I'd like to, I can't really recommend Alien Blast a6t}s a commercial release. From the current DGS catalogue you should check out the excellent Glaggs It and Rubber Ball. N6u}ow I think it's time to swap my light-gun for a joystick and insert that yellow Deluxe Invaders cartidge again.SOFTWARE S6v}CENE RATING:GRAPHICS : 40%SOUND : 45%PLAYABILITY : 55%LASTING APPEAL : 15%VALUE FOR MONEY : 20%4}SOFTWARE SCENE (PART 2)DEMO MAKERSupplier: DGSPrice: 3.99 poundsReviewed by Kevin Cooke How many times have you :x}wanted to write a demo like those you see so often? If you're like me, the answer is probably "dozens of times". So, it was:y} with great interest that I bought DEMO MAKER - a program which claimed to allow the creation of demos. The first thing :z}I decided to do before trying out Demo Maker was to read the instruction manual. I discovered that there was already a demo :{}on the disk as an example of what can be done, so the obvious thing was to take a look at it. This demo impressed enough to :|}motivate me into having a go at creating my own. The first thing you have to do is copy certain files from the master di:}}sk to a formatted disk. These files will vary according to whether you want your demo to run under Turbo BASIC or Atari BASI:~}C. Once this is done, you need to design a picture to use with your demo. A program called EDIT 7 is supplied on the ma:}ster disk. It is basically a simple art program that allows you to create backround pictures, providing you are adept with a:} joystick. A Touch Tablet option would have been helpful. EDIT 7 allows the use of four colours from the palette of 256:}. However, there is no on-screen display for the selected colours. The only way to change a colour is to type in a number b:}etween 0 and 255. Luckly, there is a small table in the instruction manual (which incidentally is very good) to provide you :}with a rough guide as to what colour each number will give you. When your picture is completed, you simply save it to yo:}ur blank disk. You can then create your text with the second program supplied. All you have to do is type in your text and :}when you have finished it is turned into the correct data. One slight problem here is that us speedy typists cannot type at :}full speed, otherwise the program tends to miss out letters. This is due to the data that is created after each keypress. Y:}our scroll can include any capital letters, the numbers 0-9 and certain punctuation. When you've created your text, it i:}s saved to the disk in two files and you are ready to modify the standard demo program. This doesn't really require any prog:}ramming knowledge, as the manual takes you through it step by step in plenty of detail. At the mininum, all that is required:} is to change three filenames to those you have used for your picture/scrolling message. You can however change certain smal:}l parts of the program (all of which are explained in the manual) to create larger letters, different coloured text, to slow :}down/speed up the scroll, etc. You can also load in one of two PD music files supplied to liven up your demo. These music f:}iles fit neatly into the program. If you are not a competent programmer, DO NOT think that you can't do all of this. Yo:}u can! It really is easy; especially with the aid of the manual. The most exciting part of Demo Maker is when you save :}the BASIC program back to disk and try it out for the first time! The results can be impressive; even at your first attempt.:} In standard Atari BASIC, the demos can take a while to get started, but in Turbo BASIC they go fast. So, the program d:}oes create some impressive results but are there any drawbacks? Well, yes, a few. It would be helpful to be able to loa:}d in a picture drawn with another art program. Demo Maker requires the screens to be in Graphics 7 format so it isn't compat:}ible with many art programs. A standard Koala picture just comes up as rubbish. Edit 7 is OK for producing drawings but:} I still find it hard to draw with a joystick. In the demos that you create you HAVE to have the scroll going along the :}bottom of the screen. It would be nice to decide where on the screen you wanted it.....otherwise your demos could start to l:}ook similar. One final problem is with the music. If you write your demo to run in Turbo BASIC, the music goes far too :}fast and just sounds stupid. Also, when you add the music it occasionally stops the program from working. I kept getting an:} error when I tried to add the 'Popcorn' music file to my demo. Instead, I had to settle for the other file supplied. I can:} find no cause for this happening. If you're not convinced about Demo Maker, have a look at the demo I've created (DEMO.:}BAS on this disk). The problems I mentioned above are really just minor grumbles about a very good program. If you are into:} demos and want to create your own, I can only recommend that you buy Demo Maker now!t a very good program. If you are into8VATARI 8-BIT MEMORIESCOMPETITION RESULT Thank-you to everyone who sent in their favourite Atari 8-bit memories for the>} Futura 10 Competition! I have thoroughly enjoyed reading them all and, after much consideration, have picked a winner. Wel>}l, there are actually two winners... EDDIE & CRISPIAN COUSINS from Golspie, Sutherland Eddie Co>}usins and his son Crispian submitted individual entries which together show the joy an Atari 8-bit computer can bring to a fa>}mily. They win a selection of five software titles! I'm sure you will all enjoy reading their Atari 8-bit memories...>}Atari 8-bit Memoriesby Crispian Cousins It was a cold, snowy morning on the 25th December 1983. I had crept down>} the stairs so that I would not wake Mum or Dad. I then tiptoed into the sitting room where all the presents were laid out u>}nder the Christmas tree. I noticed a box in the corner with a big blue and red ribbon around it. I wondered "who's that for>}?" so I lifted the tag. I thought it would read "TO EDDIE" (my brother), but to my amazement it read "TO CRISPIAN, LOVE MUM >}& DAD". I couldn't believe it; I felt like jumping up and down in the air! Then I heard a creaking on the floorboards and r>}aced up the stairs, like an Olympic winner, straight into my Dad!. He mutterded "What are you doing running around like this>} so early?". I just replied "Dad, it's Christmas!", and went back into my bed. Half an hour later my Mum and Dad shoute>}d in harmony "Come on Crispian and Eddie - time to get up". Once we had all assembled in the sitting room and were sitting d>}own, Dad started the normal procedure of giving everyone a present. We would then open it and receive the next one. I had m>}y eye on that box all the time. I thought I would never get it! After about forty minutes of continuous sweating and keepin>}g myself calm, Dad handed me the box. I began to pull and tug at the blue and red ribbon when finally it gave way. I then t>}ore the paper off and was left with a cardboard box with some large writing on it. It read 'Atari 800'. "What was this?", I>} thought to myself. Now came the time of opening the box - I pulled the flaps up and there lay in front of me this fine and >}elegant machine. I said "A computer!", in total amazement. While Mum and Eddie were preparing and cooking Christmas din>}ner, Dad and I set up the computer and all the necessary parts to make it run. We then put a cartridge in the computer and t>}urned it on - up came a title 'Star Raiders'. I couldn't believe it - I had a computer, and a fine one at that! We all took>} turns at having a go of the game... even my cat came over and had a look around to see what all the fuss was about. After a>} few hours, Christmas dinner was ready but my Mum and Dad had to literally drag me away from the computer as I had lost all t>}rack of the time!! Well this is my most memorable Atari 8-bit computer occasion. Happy computing to you all!Ata>}ri 8-bit Memoriesby Eddie Cousins Although I had got the Atari 800 for the son it was becoming apparent that its use wa>}s creating a bottleneck, as everyone wanted to use it at the same time. It was proving both handy for games and serious appl>}ications. As we were cassette based it was becoming more and more obvious that sooner or later I would have to consider the >}disk drive option. It would be quicker for the loading of games and the saving and retrieval of files but at this time the s>}ystems were still quite pricey... so what should I do...? After some time had elapsed, a 'Boots' advert on TV was declar>}ing an XL and 1050 disk drive at the sale price of about 140 pounds. As the sale was in Aberdeen and I live some 70 miles fr>}om John 'o Groats, I decided to ring them up and see if they would send me the system. They said they would so I sent them t>}he money and waited for each day's post with anticipation!! The parcel soon came and it wasn't long before the new syste>}m was up and running. Well, to cut a long story short, it was the best move I'd made! Having programs on disk was so much m>}ore user friendly - in fact, so user friendly that the cassette system got the boot and everyone wanted to go over to the dis>}k drive setup... the bottleneck remained! Sometime went by and it was becoming more evident that TWO systems was the ans>}wer... this is what I have now plus two printers and believe it or not there is no more bottlenecks! Hooray! So, initia>}lly buying the disk drive system from Boots changed my whole view about computing, and probably was responsable for me stayin>}g with Atari, as I was now aware of the POWER OF ATARI! This is my vivid memory of Atari.ably was responsable for me stayin<[NOSAUG PD UPDATE (3)** NEW DISKS **AIM21 - A.I.M. Jan93AIM22 - A.I.M. Feb93AIM23 - A.I.M. Mar93AIM24 - A.I.M. Apr93B}AIM25 - A.I.M. May93OH03/94 - Ol' Hackers Newsletter, March/April 1994.[For full NOSAUG PD listings, please refer to DISB}KPD, UPDATE and UPDATE2 on previous issues of Futura.]NOSAUG PD Disk Prices: 1-4 disks = 1.95 each 5-9 disks = 1.50B} each 10+ disks = 1.00 eachNOSAUG PD = QUALITY PD = VALUE FOR MONEY! each 5-9 disks = 1.50@eFUTURA DISK SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATIONUK6-issue subscription = 11.00 poundsINTERNATIONAL DISK SUBSCRIPTIONSEUROPEF}- 13.00 pounds Sterling (cash, Eurocheque or IMO)or- Equivalent sum in any EC currency (CASH ONLY PLEASE!)ELSEWHERE-F} 15.00 pounds Sterling (cash or IMO)or- $25 US dollars (CASH ONLY PLEASE!)Please make all cheques / P.O.'s / IMO's paF}yable to "S. J. MURRAY".Become a Futurian and send to...S. J. Murray,NOSAUG,71 Walker Road,Torry,AberdeenAB1 3DL,ScF}otland. "S. J. MURRAY".Become a Futurian and send to...S. J. Murray,NOSAUG,71 Walker Road,Torry,AberdeenAB1 3DL,ScDSEE-YA! This issue took a LOT of work! At one stage I thought I'd never get it finished but here I am writing the finaJ}l text file on my trusty 800XL. I've really enjoyed producing this issue and hope you find it to be informative, interesJ}ting and enjoyable! If you have any suggestions or articles for Futura please do not hesitate to drop me a line. FuturaJ} is written BY Atari 8-bit users FOR Atari 8-bit users!All that's left to say is...SEE-YA!Stu.rop me a line. FuturaHg* NOTICE *Please note the new address for NOSAUG as of August 1996:NOSAUG,PO BOX 11903,WESTHILLAB32 6GE,SCOTLAND.L|