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However, if you are not familiar with your printer's control codes and canY}not locate the information asked for by the program, either find someone who has worked with printer controls before for helpY}, or contact me at the above address. I will be glad to help in any way I can. Here is a list of the 6 control codes neY}eded to use the Printer Driver. NOTE: If you are not planning to use the NLQ feature of The Disk Labeler, then you may eY}nter zeros on the last two codes requested. 1) 960 Dots/line graphics mode. The program will ask for 2 pieces of informatiY}on at each code. 1) How many numbers in this code, and 2) The code itself. For example, the EPSON code for 960 Dots/line grY}aphics is made up of 2 numbers: 27 and 76. 2) Set 1/9 inch line feed 3) Line feed 4) Printer Reset 5) Set 2/216 inch Y}line feed 6) Set 22/216 inch line feedMODIFICATIONS MADE FROM VERSION 2.1 TO 2.21) OH NO! A BUG!! If version 2.1 waZ}s run with the screen's left margin set to some value other than 2, it caused major problems with the font and PS Icon load oZ}ptions (they read the names off the screen when RETURN is pressed). The program now sets the screen's left margin to 2 as paZ}rt of its initialization.2) Made printing labels faster by improving the print options. In version 2.1, you were forced tZ}o answer the same questions each time before printing (NLQ or DRAFT, label size, etc.). Now, with the new print menu screen,Z} the program remembers what options were selected from the previous print.3) Added a "number of copies" feature to the priZ}nt options.remembers what options were selected from the previous print.3) Added a "number of copies" feature to the priX %&:&FNEORCAXFRCLEARBCAUESCCLFDNCCCCC10CPC25C55C1C6C75CHBAC25CC1DC56C56CC1C1^}2ACONSOXYCC1CC1XCHACCSASAORIC2C12LI@^}@@ ^ } !"#$%&^ }'()*+,-./0123456^ }789:;<=>?@A ""CREATE-A-FONT by Vince Erceg^ }PROGRAM WRITTEN: 8/2/83(2o Ao;@,;@,;@,;@%,;@2,;@B,9,^ }9,9,;,;,;,7n6.>:@0,!6.>:@),)6. 267,.;67,.L67@%,. 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You broke the code, the code is .b|}*) A @AdAU) A4"@A>6-%@H ( Play game #? R4F:Adb}},"@C*AdAU4 A\VF:Ad,"@5" A 4AVA$H-@AL V A b~}f APpY-@+0@@?-@@0C G YAAz7 A AVb}A$3-@A7 %%( ŠҮ Play again? 7F:Ad,"@C*AdAU4 A 7%b}eF:Ad,"@5"+4@@FAdAUP A Z A 1e%D:LAZY A #b}6-@"&+$@,#6-%= !6-!67@,.=:,3AdAU= A ,,(   b} $ AE@8@@ D:DECODE.DATE(@@ B$b}0!@-( Incredibly LUCKY score!!0$8!@p5(! FANTASTIC skill or moocho LUCK!!8$.!@`+( b}You must be a GENIUS!!.$+!@P(( OUTSTANDING score!!+$$-!@@*( EXCELLENT deduction!!-$.,!@0b})( VERY GOOD reasoning!,$8*!@ '( Pretty FAIR score.*$B;!@8($ SO-SO, you can do better next b}time!;$L.!@+( What a PUMPKINBRAIN!!!.$V0-(% ZILCH!! Better try the Dating Game!!0$`""( You have a b} score!jL( Enter your Initials:"=67B:=:,,%@,. L67@,.t (} $D:DECODEave a `ufffffff>`<|fl0fF68of;p88pf< 80 0 ~~`0 0`x``nf>ff~fff~~f<flxxlf`````~cwkccvv~nnf}<<<<|ff|``8pp8?f}ww<~~~<x`x`~<~~f>``|ff|<```<>ff>>ff>|``|fff8<<``lxlf8<ff}kc|ffffff>|f```>`<|~ffff>fff<ck>6f< x~ 0~<~~<f}~x|nf8x8ff|``>ff>|f```>`<|~ffff>fff<ck>6f< x~ 0~<~~<dDECODE (v. 2.4)by Frank WaltersPublic Domain Software DECODE24.BAS should be run from drive #1 with DECODE.FNT file oj}n the same disk. It will also write a high score file (DECODE.DAT) after the first time it is played. If the special characj}ter set (DECODE.FNT) is not available, the program will work normally with the regular Atari character set. DECODE is a j}version of the codebreaker game. The code is set by the computer and consists of four CAPITAL letters from among the followij}ng six letters: A,B,C,X,Y,Z. It is a random code for each game and any of the legal letters may be repeated. (i.e. ABAZ, CCj}CX, CYZA, etc.) You must select one of two options: <1> Computer Code: play using the computer random code, or <2> Playj}er Code: one player sets the code using the 6 available letters, then another player plays the game to find the code. Yj}ou have 10 guesses to find the 4 letter code. Each guess consists of typing your 4 letter guess and the response from the coj}mputer with clues about your guess: * You will receive one black peg for each letter guessed that is the exact letter and ij}n the exact right position in the code. * You will receive one white peg for each correct letter but in the wrong location.j} Example: code is A B B Y guess is B X Z Y You would get 1 black peg for the 'Y' in the correct positj}ion and 1 white peg for the 'B' in the wrong position. After you guess the right code you will receive a score for that j}game. Maximum points are 20 for each game, 2 points are deducted for each miss. There are 5 games to a set with maximum scoj}re of 100, which would obviously be pure luck. You can stop after any game if you wish, but total score is cumulative for 5 j}games. Hi Score is shown and saved to disk file: DECODE.DAT along with player's initials. total score is cumulative for 5 h\SEE-YA! So here we find ourselves at the final see-ya in the final Futura. I don't see this as a goodbye but more of an} see-ya l-8-ter. I'm always going to be around on the 8-bit scene and will probably appear now and again with an article or n}review in one of the Atari publications. I'm looking forward to writing a series of articles on the Atari World Video Game Cn}hampionships of 1982/83. It's about time I noted down all that happened behind the scenes! I'm really looking forward tn}o getting stuck into 8-bit titles such as Karateka, Star Raiders II, Ultima IV, Infiltator, etc, etc. There are so many titln}es I have purchased over the years that have hardly ever seen the inside of my disk drive! It is now time for me to enjoy thn}em all. I would like to help Futurians stay in contact with each other by passing on your address to nearby 8-bitters. n}Many cities in the UK have 2 or 3 subscribers who probably do not know each other. If each of us can stay in contact with asn} many 8-bitters as possible we can maintain a strong community for many years to come. If you do not wish your name and addrn}ess to be passed on to other Futurians please tick the box on the form enclosed and return it to me as soon as possible. n} If you decide to release your own disk newsletter drop me a line and I will give you my mailing list. You can then send even}ryone a sample copy. Hopefully we will soon see the birth of a new 8-bit newsletter! All that is left to say is a finaln} gigantic THANKS to everyone who has supported Futura over the years! You truly are an amazing group of people! Keep using n}that 8-bit and remember that together, WE are Atari!See-ya L-8-ter!Stuart J. Murray,North of Scotland Atari User Group.l}