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Elite news

Anthony Colson wants you to join the Atari Elite

Being one of the many fans of the game Elite I have tried to follow its progress. Support for the Atari was never great and only the original Elite and Frontier: Elite 2 where released. Since then there has been very little word, then one day Elite was back.

David Braben had written the next part in the series: Frontier First Encounters, this was a PC-only release and was dropped after several months due to the game being incredibly buggy. A series of patches were released to try and combat this problem.

There was never any Atari version of Frontier First Encounters and the development of Elite 4 (title as yet unknown) would probably be the same. Why do you ask then is this important news. David Braben has decided that he is going to create an 'Elite' Club.

This will offer all the original games, possibly free. Source code may also be made available but with some cost. It would be nice to see some form of support or recognition of Atari owners again.

So what are we going to do about it I hear you ask, well I want to know if out there Atari owners from all over the world would like to do something about this. What I am asking from you, the readers of MyAtari magazine, is either to write in, or contact me direct. If I get a large response, and that is what we need, there is a possibility of getting support through the Elite Club this is an opportunity not to be missed.

If you're going to offer your support can you please ensure that your e-mail subject is "Atari Elite" and send it to:

For more information you can view the Elite Club web pages at or Frontier Developments web page,both of these should have some form of information.

Glossary of terms

  • Elite
    A cool game that shouldn't be forgotten - Ed


Useful contacts

MyAtari magazine - Feature #9, October 2000

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