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Contributors Guide

Welcome to the MyAtari Contributors Guide! This guide has been written to help you (and us) when preparing an articles or reviews for inclusion in MyAtari. Please direct your questions to

A style guide is important for several reasons:

  1. Although we are relying entirely on voluntary contributions by Atari enthusiasts (such as yourself!), we must take a professional approach and be responsible for the accurate representation of information. This includes but is not limited to use of correct terminology and standard units.
  2. To ensure consistency and to help you avoid common mistakes (that we all make). This does not mean that individualism and character is not valued, merely, we have no time for things like re-cropping untidy screen-shots and thinking up headlines for articles. It doesn't matter if English is not your first language, we mainly want to establish a good working procedure.

Ultimately, always take pride in your work and show respect for others. We're out to make an enjoyable magazine for all, so do not be afraid to ask if you need further advice.

The MyAtari contributors style guide:

What can I write about?
You can write about anything Atari related. The articles subject matter could be a review of your best piece of software, a step-by-step guide to fitting a new piece of hardware or even a round up of your favourite Atari web sites... you get the idea!

If you are stuck for ideas, have a look at our readers suggestions or alternatively, e-mail us at

How should I format my article?
Please only submit your articles in either ASCII or RTF format. If using ASCII, please use the following the formatting codes described below to help our layout designer (Those of you who are familiar with HTML should feel very much at home!).

    Corresponding caption (for the image above).
  • If you need to refer to a particular image within the body of your text, please use a list of figures. For example:

    "XYZ offer great flexibility in accessing its various features (figure 1)..."

    "Figure 1: The floating tool menu."
  • <I>Text</I> = Format text between <I> and </I> as italic.
  • <B>Text</B> = Format text between <B> and </B> as bold.
  • <U>Text</U> = Format text between <U> and </U> as underlined.
  • <SUP>Text</SUP> = Format text between <SUP> and </SUP> as superscript.
  • <SUB>Text</SUB> = Format text between <SUB> and </SUB> as subscript.

What should my article include?
Your article should always contain a heading, type (hardware review, interview...) and standfirst. For example, "Want to develop web pages? Matthew Bacon shows you how...".

Being an electronically-distributed magazine, we're not as strict on the exact amount of space an article may occupy. This means if your piece is particularly long, do your readers a favour by breaking it into sections with sub-headings.

Please make an effort to spell names correctly! In the case of products, names are often spelt with disregard for proper English, so they stand out. Getting something this simple wrong shows lack of care and is potentially insulting.

When reviewing a product, it helps immensely if you tell readers where they can obtain it! Get as much information as possible. Manufacturer, publisher, author or distributor, postal address, telephone number, web-site...

Avoid "&" (and), etc., e.g. and all those lazy acronyms that have become the staple of today's cyber-communication (IMHO, BTW, FWIW et al). They make for very sloppy reading. Needless to say, swearing and any other kind of generally offensive content will not be tolerated.

Can I use images?
Yes of course you can! Apart from breaking up text with sub-headings, pictures and illustrations can also greatly enhance the overall presentation of an article. however, please observe the following.

Image of a good and bad screenshotAny screen-shots must be pixel-perfect, no exceptions (see right). It looks quite untidy in print, but on a computer display, which is our primary medium, has much lower resolution and graphics are displayed at 1:1 logical-to-physical ratio, the effect is even more pronounced.

A further consideration is to take screen-shots that are relevant. Some people will be reading the magazine on an Atari ST at a horizontal resolution of 640 pixels. Therefore, don't take a 1,280*960 grab from your TT to illustrate a small dialog box!

Game screen-shots shouldn't have any problem with size, as most are displayed in no more than 320 pixels wide.

In all cases, supply your pictures in the highest possible quality. Should there really be a need to include an ultra high resolution picture, we can use the original to create thumbnails.

As far as photographic images are concerned, unless you're using a high-quality graphics monitor with appropriate image processing software, please leave any colour adjustment to us. Best thing is to make sure the source is of a high quality in the first place.

If including a technical diagram for a project or similar, make sure it's of a high enough resolution that the important specifications can be seen. You may also want to include it in vector graphic form (GEM metafile, Windows metafile, (E)PS or Calamus Vector Graphic).

What image formats should I use?
Please only submit images in either GIF, TIFF or JPEG formats. The GIF image format is recommended for screen-shots, diagrams and other images with fine/regular geometric detail. However, bear in mind that the GIF format only supports images with up-to 256 colours. The JPEG and TIFF image formats are recommended for photos and complex images or any that require over 256 colours.

Standard units and notation

  • GHz=Gigahertz (1,000,000,000 events/second)
  • MHz=Megahertz (1,000,000 events/second)
  • KHz=Kilohertz (1,000 events/second)
  • s=seconds
  • ms=milliseconds
  • ns=nanoseconds
  • Byte=8 bits
  • KB or Kbyte=Kilobyte (1,024 bytes)
  • Kb or Kbit=Kilobit (128 bytes!)
  • MB or Mbyte=Megabyte
  • Mb or Mbit=Megabit (only 128KB!!! DON'T write in terms of a "meg" because this is ambiguous and misleading)
  • "bus" not "buss" (according to every computer architecture book we've read, so, no arguments from  musicians, please!)
  • MIPS=Million Instructions Per Second
  • (Giga) FLOPS=(billion) FLoating point Operations Per Second
  • Decimal point "."
  • Digit grouping symbol "," (every three digits).


  • 16-bit resolution
  • 16 bits per transaction
  • 256-colour graphics
  • 256 colours in the palette
  • For outside-UK contributors, list prices in your local currency or in Euros.
  • It's=contraction of "it is"
  • Its=possessive form, "Its features are impressive."
  • Acronyms should appear in upper-case with no full-stops in between.  For example, MIDI not Midi, midi or M.I.D.I., and CD-ROM, not Cd-rom or any other variation. There are lots more examples, but you get the idea.
  • Dialog box and not dialogue box!
  • STE, not STe
  • Falcon or Falcon030 (not Falcon 030), up to you!
  • TT or TT030
  • Hard/floppy disk (contraction of diskette)
  • Optical disc
  • Data=plural of datum. "The data are stored here".
  • Media=plural of medium. "Tapes and disks are magnetic media, CD is an optical medium".
  • When listing components for a project, a catalogue part number can be helpful, but only to readers with access to that same catalogue. Giving a detailed technical  specification with design tolerance is preferred as this enables readers to get the right part from anywhere. Also make extra emphasis on safety!
  • US-English is acceptable. It will add color to the mag.
  • Use square brackets to denote keys, and the "+" sign to show that several keys need to be pressed together. For example, "[Control]+[Alternate]+[Delete] to reset". When referring to a key, follow the exact spelling of its legend. In the case of ST/TT/Falcon, [Control], not  [Ctrl].
  • When quoting, it's not necessary to use quote marks if using a colon as a separator. For example:

    The instructions say, "XYZ"
    The instructions say: XYZ
    The instructions say: "XYZ"
  • When using the numbers one to ten within a paragraph, it is generally accepted to use them in their written form. For example, "Mark bought one Jaguar game.", not "Mark bought 1 Jaguar game". However, when specifying technical parameters and lists of figures, always use them in numerical form such as, "D0-D7... 8-bit... Line 4... 10x4x32 CD-RW..." etc.
  • Software has an author.
  • Hardware has a manufacturer or designer (not author!).
  • The use of the word, program, in the context of a piece of software is the only correct spelling. The use of the word, programme, in the same context is incorrect!
  • Please refrain from including a double-space after a full-stop (which is typographically incorrect). Please get in the habit of using only a single space.

Sending your article
All articles must be sent archived for efficiency. Use either ZIP or LZH. Submissions by snail mail are also welcome. Send on a 3.5" floppy disk, CD-R(W) or DVD-RAM with a covering letter to:

    MyAtari magazine
    c/o Matthew Bacon
    49 Douglas Road
    KT6 7RZ
    United Kingdom

We regret that media cannot be returned unless accompanied with a suitable stamped SAE.

Important - Please read!
MyAtari reserves the right to update this guide from time to time. Please visit to read the latest revision.

MyAtari magazine - Feature #3, October 2000

Current Issue


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