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Remember this is your magazine and your opinion counts! Please note that all correspondences (including letters) received by MyAtari are assumed to be for publication unless otherwise stated. Send your letters to


Dear Matthew (if I may be so bold as to call you by your first name):

I just completed your on-line subscription form (and am very much looking forward to the inception of your new website (, but I couldn't help but notice what seems to me a glaring omission...

Despite being a rabid PC person now, I still have a soft spot in my heart for the best /eight-bit/ machines ever built. You might want to add check-boxes for the 400, 800, 600XL, 800XL, 1200XL, 65XE, 65XEG, and 130XE... the results might surprise you! :) (I myself would have to check off the 400, 1200XL, and 130XE boxes)

Thank you for your kind attention :)

Donovan Sterling, Canada

Thank you for your e-mail Donovan. I am pleased to inform you that I have added a check-box on the submission form for 8-bit users in response to your letter ;-) 





Great site and idea! Please add my page to my link pages at

Regards, Robert
          -= Home of DOIT-Archives =-
  CENTurbo2 F030 520ST YG3Mac Lynx Jaguar *

Thank you for your support!






Well done for getting this off the ground.  I'm a complete amateur really when it comes to it but have managed to do one or two things with my Ataris. I'll gladly help anyone in any way that I can.

I invite you to visit which was compiled in its entirety using my Falcon but put on the web using a laptop PC. I have never managed to connect the Atari direct to the Internet.

Perhaps I could write up something about the website for the magazine if you think it would be of interest or would welcome someone else writing a review of the site.


Alan Jackson

Thank you for your kind words and offer of support,  I shall be in touch soon. I've had a look at the site, it looks good. Is there a reader out there who could write a review for MyAtari??




congrats to your great new magazine. It is really a new highlight in the world of the Atari.

thomas raukamp




I just came back from a two week holiday and saw that your new magazine is online now. I quickly surfed through it and I have to say that I like it very much. Especially the design is very stylish and fresh. The good selection of articles
rounds it up.:)

Jan (place2be)




Well done on getting the mag out. I haven't had a chance to read everything yet, but it's looking great so far! :-)


Derryck Croker

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