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View from the Scene!

CiH of Maggie Disk Magazine recaps the scene of 2000.

The first year of the new millennium hasn't been quite the vintage golden year for groundbreaking demo releases that 1999 was. There haven't been the same heights reached, that we saw with such masterworks as 'Do Things', by old stagers Cream, or the Error in Line '99 winner, 'Suretrip', by Checkpoint.

However, this year has seen a respectable level of activity, and some very worthwhile efforts all around. The Atari scene has been blessed with an usually large number of parties and events this year, with more still to come. Whilst there hasn't been the sheer output from any single party to the extent of Error in Line 99, the various events this year have managed to produce a constant stream of fair to good releases. This is their story.

SV2000, Easter 2000...
We travelled all the way to Poland for this one, to a venue on the outskirts of Gdansk. The party went well generally, although there were some problems with viewing the competition entries. There was slightly less material shown than we initially expected, but SV2000 managed to live up to the reputation as the traditional 'big' Easter coding party.

'Upside Down' (Falcon 030)
The winning entry from the organisers, Mystic Bytes. Probably the most technically interesting release, with lots of complex environment textured 3-D objects. This looks like the coder has been paying close attention to the lessons and source code of sadly departed master coder Tat. It is also slightly rough around the edges, being a 'party release' version. Sadly, it doesn't look like there is going to be a reworked follow-up, due to a hard disk crash destroying the source code concerned. People with fat memory 14MB Falcons will need it all to run this demo.

'Swedish Hardcore' (Falcon 030)
This entry was by Mind Design - Touted as the first in a new generation of demos pushing the power of a fairly serious accelerator (Centurbo 2). The reality was a very short and fairly rough party preview version. Again it looks like no further work is being done on this, which is sad. It does break new ground in one area, as it features a great MP2 direct from disk DSP played soundtrack. The Centurbo 2 is desirable, but not essential, but this demo does need a lot of memory.

'Tut' (ST/STE)
This entry from Wildfire, was a leftover from the Error in Line party last year. It should have been entered then, but was too incomplete at that stage. What we get, a year later, is a neat and well put together demo, if nothing earth-shattering in the technical innovation department. It is Falcon compatible, which is a useful plus point.

'Sacrifice' (Falcon 030)
A severely disappointing return for those Polish proto-satanists Pandemonium. Another hastily rushed production, and recycling effects that were past their best, in 1997.

Screen-shot of Tut demo
Tut Endscreen...

2 ALT, July 2000...
In terms of party entertainment, unforgettable fun, all the way from Helsinki. For Atari releases, a smaller impact, but quite a pleasant surprise from what is a multi-format event, after all.

'Manchester Schwartzwurst' (Falcon 030)
A pert, handsome and well-designed demo from Finnish newcomers Fit and Friends. There is some use of advanced 3-D techniques in there. The overall effect seems to reproduce a typical Amiga demo from the mid-late 1990's. Which isn't a harsh judgement, by any means!

'Mahabarata' (Falcon 030)
Not released at the ALT Party, in fact, one of those rare demos released outside of a coding party. The first effort of Fit and Friends, with a strong and witty design subverting ethnic stereotypes, showing a distinct flavour of the Indian subcontinent.

Screen-shot of Schwartzwurst demo
Manchester Schwartzwurst Enviro-Textured Duck!

Unconventional, September 2000...
One of the parties I didn't get to myself, but I gather a good time was had by all. Who turned up. There were also a couple of releases of note from this event too.

'Heresy' (Falcon 030)
A first outing into assembly language by the Paranoid. A fair bit of zoom and rotate here, not fantastic, but not bad for a first time effort.

(Waiting for) 'Apocalypse' (ST/STE)
A treat from French scene veterans LOuD. A framework of solid GFA Basic coded effects, and stunning or even shocking still images gel together in a production reminiscent of the best of French Old school. Parts are hard-coded to the ST and pretty damn tricky to run on the Falcon.

Other parties...
There were some French parties in the summer. All of these had demo competitions with Atari sections, but so far, no news has been forthcoming. These sort of events (RTS et al) usually have had some small releases coming from them.

Still to come...
It is said that the demo scene is only as good as its next blockbuster? Those people who prefer not to dwell on past glories, may find the forthcoming ST News International Coding Convention (STNICC) 10th Anniversary party, in mid-December, of interest to them. This is interesting from two angles.

Firstly, the anticipated attendance is expected to be wider than normal, with a large number of people from the 'old' Atari scene. Whether there is going to be a large scale revival of such famous past names as the CareBears, or The Lost Boys is entirely debatable, but there is a general Atari demo competition open to all comers!

Secondly, there seems to be a little bit of unease from parts of the current scene, that STNICC is just a gathering of burnt-out ex-demo scene PC owners, merely happy to relive the past. How STNICC turns out, remains to be seen, but surely, there will be some things of interest coming from that event, at the very least?

Next year, there will be a return to Error in Line next Easter! I think this may well inspire more of these shadowy 'work in progress' part- completed demos that have been sitting around for some months and even years, to finally come out of hiding. It is hoped, that the huge success and good reputation of the original EIL party, will prove to be just that little bit more inspirational for this time around!

A useful place to go for downloads of the demos described and all the latest news on the Atari demo scene, are the Dead Hackers news pages


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MyAtari magazine - Feature #4, November 2000

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