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Atari HTMLGen

Matthew Bacon generates HTML files the easy way ;-)

If the thought of developing a web site or learning the complexities of HTML brings you out in a cold sweat, then Atari HTMLGen could be the program for you!

Screen-shot of HTMLGen

Atari HTMLGen, according to its author, is the result of a spot of GFA BASIC programming using an Atari 1040 STFM during a boring rainy day. Based on Linux HTMLGen and Perl HTMLGen (also by the same author), Atari HTMLGen allows the user to create simple web pages without having to know any HTML whatsoever.

Using a text driven interface, HTMLGen asks the user a series of questions to generate answers from which it creates a web page. HTMLGen begins by asking the name of the HTML file it should create, followed by the date, the users name and e-mail address.

Screen-shot of HTMLGen

After the pages title has been typed in, HTMLGen's main menu is displayed. The main menu provides the user with six options; Enter main title; Enter subtitle; Insert image; Insert text; Write footer and exit and finally, Save 'as is' and exit.

Screen-shot of HTMLGen

Screen-shot of HTMLGen

The options can be selected in any order and as often as required (this determines the structure of the web page). It is therefore a good idea to workout the structure of the page you wish to develop before running HTMLGen. Come to think of it, it's also a good idea to know what images and text you'd like to include as well because HTMLGen does not include an undo function or means of importing text which is a shame.

If you happen to make a mistake or change your mind about something you have already completed, you must either start again from scratch or edit the HTML code afterwards (which kind of defeats the object doesn't it?)

All things considered, for the complete HTML novice, HTMLGen provides an effective method in which to create a basic (if uninspired) web page. However, the good news is that HTMLGen is completely free and the author intends to continue development (by adding support for background images, audio files, image alignment and project management).

So if you can't quite bring yourself to learn HTML, why not download Atari HTMLGen from the authors web site and give it a try!?

Screen-shot of HTMLGen

Screen-shot of HTMLGen

Useful contact



Atari HTMLGen


Hector Facundo Arena


Any TOS compatible




  • Still being supported and developed by the author
  • Application is under 11k in size!
  • Freeware


  • Does not produce completely legal HTML code
  • Text driven interface
  • Limited results possible
  • No undo feature


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MyAtari magazine - Review #1, April 2001

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