The Atari 800XL Computer

Atari 800XL

The Bigger brother of the 600XL was the Atari 800XL computer with more RAM than ever! This computer was popular in many Countries as Atari was beginning to sell their computers for cheap. Many European people purchased Atari computers because they were cheap as many other companies had computers for almost double the price. This computer is really just a cost effective 800 computer with a crappier video display but with more colours, RAM and ROM with more function keys and a HELP key. Still basically the same as the 600XL but in the end it was cheap just to buy a 800XL thanks to RAM expansion.


Atari 800XL Specs
First Year 1982
Last year of production First quarter, 1985
Processor CPU MOS 6502c
Processor Speed 1.79mhz (NTSC) 1.77mhz (PAL)
Co-Processor 1 ANTIC
Co-Processor 2 GTIA
Co-Processor 3 (sound) Pokey
RAM 64kb up to 128kb (!)
ROM 24kb (BASIC was in here)
Colours 16 colours, with 16 shades
Sound 3.5  Octaves and 4 Voices
OS a new 600/800XL OS w/ BASIC
I/O ports RGB video output
1 Cart slot
Expansion port
2 joystick ports