Space Birthday Party
July 13, 2001

Can you believe it fellow Atarians!!!!
This July meeting will be the clubs 19th Birthday party at the July Space meeting.
As discussed at the June meeting of Space club,
it was decided to have Greg Leitners' delicious SUBS again.
A potluck list was circulated for potluck items sign up.
Below is the list. Bring your friend and have fun!
Try to find old club Atarians tel them to come!
And Larry Serflatten, if you can make it, we would like to see you.
Mark your calendars!!!!

Brian Little............Mayo, Paper plates, cups
Michael Current.........Potato salad
Greg Leitner............Ice cold POP
Red Malchow.............Cookies
Glen Kirschenmann.......Ice Cream
Mike Weist..............Napkins
Lance Ringquist.........Chips & Straws

For those who get this newsletter and were not at June Space meeting,
and are planning to attend the July 2001 Space meeting,
please feel free to bring a potluck item.



President's Corner
by Michael Current
July, 2001

NINETEEN YEARS! That's how long it's been since the St. Paul Atari Computer Enthusiasts club was founded in July, 1982. Come celebrate at this month's meeting and birthday party!

It's been something like two years, but I've finally figured out a way to get some of the Atari games that I own for my Windows PC to actually run. Turns out both Centipede (by Hasbro/Atari) and the Windows version of Tempest 2000 can run on my PC if I disable hardware graphics acceleration. This is cool, although the games look and play pretty bad after having to disable most of the power of my video card (a Matrox Millennium G200 AGP). The DOS version of Tempest 2000 looks and plays much better, and still keeps me very entertained. We don't usually have to resort to such contortions to get games to actually run on our Atari 2600, 5200, 7800, Lynx, Jaguar, XL/XE, or ST/TT/Falcon, now do we? Is this progress??

I also discovered that I can listen to both the Tempest 2000 and Centipede audio tracks by dropping them in my audio CD player! I found this pretty exciting too. New music! Can you do this with most CD-ROM games these days?

It seems the rumors are more than rumors. Infogrames, the French software publisher that now owns the Atari copyrights, trademarks, and patents, is now considering how to use the Atari name. There is talk of rather than using the Atari name on retro games, using the Atari name on their newest, and most original games. There has also been some speculation that Infogrames, which is not a well-known name in North America, may drop it's brand in favor of the Atari brand on all it's products! It appears decisions have not been made yet. I don't know about you, but I think it would be quite cool to see the Atari Fuji on new products again. Sure, it's just a brand, but it's a name with such a history. And Infogrames seems aware that there are lots of suckers like me who would consider buying almost anything new with that Atari logo on it! Would you?

Thanks, keeping using that Atari, and come to your next SPACE meeting, Friday, July 13, 2001.

Treasurer's Report
by Greg Leitner
For June, 2001

Due to a personal family tragedy I am keeping this month's report very short.

Thanks to the eight members who were present at the June meeting, and it was good to see Red back from Arizona. I guess that means summer is really here.

Here is the Treasury information for the month ended June 30,2001.

Beginning balance at June 1, 2001 is:      $878.69

Expenses for June:
   BBS                                      $10.00
   Atari ST disks                           $42.00
Total expenses                              $52.00

Receipts for June:
   DOM sales                                $12.00
   Membership renewals                      $15.00
Total receipts                              $27.00

Net gain/loss for June                     ($25.00)

Ending balance for June 30, 2001           $853.69

Don't forget the Birthday bash at the next meeting. The Club will buy the subs and we are counting on the members to bring the trimmings. See you all there.

Secretary's Report
by Mike Weist
For June, 2001

June 8, 2001
Space Minutes

Space meeting opened at 7:40 PM. Michael Current, Space club president, welcomed members to meeting.

Michael asked for a secretary report. Mike Weist, club secretary, gave a report. Since minutes were not in June newsletter, Mike talked about what happened at last meeting.

Michael asked for a treasurer report. Greg Leitner, club treasurer, gave a report. Greg said that last month, May, was a good month. Income for May is as follows :

3 Membership Renewals            $45
4 DOMs Sold                      $12
Auction Income                   $33
Blank Disk Sale                   $5
Total Income                     $95

Expenses are as follows:                                 

Expenses                         $10
The club treasury now stands at $878.69.

Michael asked for a DOM report. Glen Kirschenmann, DOM chair, gave a report. The disk of the month side A has binary game file called BIG FOOT . Side B has a program called DEMOLOGICUS on it

Michael asked for a membership report. Glen Kirschenmann, membership chair, gave a report. Glen reported that membership stands at 16.

BBS report:

Nolan Friedland reported BBS is on the Internet.


Lance Ringquist reported he shipped off program disk to friend that will put these on a CD Disk. Lance also said that the original 3 1/4 program disks will not be returned, only the finished CD disks.

Mike Weist, club member , talked about the TV! Parking lot sale that was held.

Michael Current brought up discussion about the upcoming Space birthday party coming up in July 2001. According to Greg Leitner, since SUBS were a hit at the last birthday party we can have them again. If the memberships wants them. Michael Current , said that would be a great idea. A potluck list was circulated for potluck items to be brought.


George Viita, club member, talked about Microsoft.

Mike Weist, club member, asked if the club could send a get well card to Bill Cotter, club member, who is in the hospital. Michael Current, club president, OK'd the idea. Mike Weist will pick out a card and send it to him. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM.

Mike Weist
Club secretary

Here is the Missing Minutes from the May Meeting:

Space minutes
May 11, 2001

Space meeting started at 7:35 PM. Michael Currrent, Space club president, welcomed members to the meeting.

Michael Current asked for a secretary report. Mike Weist, club secretary, recapped minutes printed in the May Space newsletter.

Michael asked for a Treasury report. Greg Leitner, club treasurer, gave a report. Receipts for last month are as follows.

Membership renewal                $15
DOM Sales                         $15
Total:                            $30

Expenses for last month were:
BBS costs(2 months)               $20

The treasury gained $10.
The treasury stands at           $793.69.

Greg Leinter suggested ideas for reducing expenses. Greg said the club should try to get room rent lowered. Stop the rental of the P.O. box from the Post Office. Greg also talked about income from the CD Project.

Michael Current asked for a DOM report. Glen Kirschmann, DOM Chair, said that the disk of the month has 10 standard Atari audio tracks(five each side).

Michael Current asked for a membership report. Glen Kirschmann, membership chair, said the club membership stands at 12 paid up members.

Michael Current asked for a BBS report. Nolan Friedland, BBS SYSOP, said BBS harddrive problems are fixed.


Greg Leinter reported he talked with Pat, a secretary with the city of Falcon Heights about the room rent. We can use the conference room and pay $25 a month and if the main room isn't being used we can use it and still pay $25. Greg Leinter reported tonight we are paying $25 instead of $65. Greg said if we don't like this we can think of something else. Michael Current said this issue should be taken care of for now.

Mike Weist reminded the membership of the up coming TVI Sale in St. Paul, MN.

Greg Leinter is working on making copies for CD Project. Greg said he is in need of blank 31/4 disks . They must be double density.

Michael Current asked how much it would cost to buy 700 double density 3 1/4 disks.

GAG Atari club collection of 3 1/4 program disks will be sent to Lance Ringquist for him to make copies for CD project.


Terry Streeter and Rich Meier showed up to attend club meeting. They were welcomed

Michael Current reminded members of up coming Space birthday party in July 2001.

Meeting adjourned at 8:20 PM

Michael Weist, Club secretary

Subj: Infogrames Closes Fiscal 2001 as #2
Date: 01-07-02 13:55:55 EDT
From: (Michael Current)

NEW YORK, July 2 /PRNewswire/ -- As Infogrames, Inc. (Nasdaq: IFGM - news) closed out fiscal 2001 on June 30, it retained its ranking as the #2 third-party publisher of entertainment software across all platforms, according to NPD TRSTS Video Games Service. This ranking relates to the period January through May, 2001.

Infogrames games contributing to the Company's performance since the beginning of the calendar year include Driver(TM) 2 (PlayStation(r)), Roller Coaster Tycoon(TM) (PC), Frogger(r) (PC, PlayStation(r) and Game Boy(r) Color), and Unreal(TM)Tournament (PlayStation(r) 2), among many others.

``We're delighted that our games have met with such strong market acceptance and are even more excited about the potential of our upcoming lineup,'' said Bruno Bonnell, Chairman and CEO of Infogrames. ``We've just shipped NASCAR Heat 2002, Freddi Fish 5, Alone in the Dark and Motor Mayhem. Upcoming titles include Survivor, Monopoly Tycoon, Dragon Ball Z, Civilization III, and Test Drive, to name just a few. And, of course, we'll be rolling out dozens of games for all the new console platforms. We believe this broad selection of titles, which reaches a wide audience of consumers, will enable us to maintain our market position.''

Infogrames, Inc. (Nasdaq: IFGM - news) is a leading publisher and distributor of video games for consoles (Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft), personal computers and Macintosh systems. The company's award-winning franchises include Alone In The Dark(TM), Driver(TM), Deer Hunter(r), Test Drive(r), and Unreal(TM). Infogrames, Inc.'s Humongous Entertainment division is a leader in children's entertainment software and its Macintosh publishing label, MacSoft, is the number one publisher of Macintosh entertainment software. Based in New York, NY, Infogrames, Inc. is a majority-owned subsidiary of France-based Infogrames Entertainment SA (IESA) (Euronext 5257) and serves as the headquarters for the company's operations in North America.

Founded in 1983, IESA is a global publisher and distributor of video games for all platforms, as well as interactive digital television, mobile smart devices (WAP, HDML) and in-flight entertainment systems. IESA recently acquired Infogrames Interactive, Inc. (formerly Hasbro Interactive), including its line of software based on well-known licenses such as Monopoly(r), Jeopardy(r), Tonka(r), and Atari(r), which are distributed in the U.S. by Infogrames, Inc. For more information, visit Infogrames' US Web site at

Subj: announcing preppie, and preppie II now on cart
Date: 01-06-25 12:30:12 EDT
From: (Michael Current)

> From: (Lance Ringquist)
> Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2001 21:31:09 -0500 (CDT)

we are pleased to announce that peppie, and preppie II are now available on cartridge format for your atari personal home computers.

Special thanks to SCOTT ADAMS for permission, and the gang at video 61 for pulling these jewels off.

Ordering information can be found at,

Watch for our next release, it should be:
We are also pleased to announce new labels for all our releases, if you have bought any of our titles in the past, we will be more than happy to upgrade your labels, so just let us know.

Thanks, Lance

Video 61 & Atari Sales
22735 Congo ST NE
Stacy MN 55079


Published by the Saint Paul Atari Computer Enthusiasts (SPACE), an independent organization with no business affiliation with ATARI Corporation. Permission is granted to any similar organization with which SPACE exchanges newsletters to reprint material from this newsletter. We do however ask that credit be given to the authors and to SPACE. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of SPACE, the club officers, club members or ATARI Corporation.

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Maintained by Michael Current,
Last updated: Wednesday, July 25, 2001