Newz From The Prez
November 1992

It is November, and, ironically enough, our elections will be falling around the same time as our nation's. At the very least, you will be all warmed up come November 13th when you vote at the meeting. As far as I know, nobody has expressed any interest in running for any office. Unless, there is a nomination at the next meeting, the ballot will basically be staying the same with one exception. We will be needing a new secretary, so if you are interested in applying for the position, please come to the next meeting.

We will also be passing around a sign-up sheet for our annual Christmas meeting. Look for it in the newsletter and plan on what you will be bringing. Hopefully everyone will bring food and add to our festive celebration. There will be a raffle as always and I will be writing up so more trivia questions. I am hoping we have a large turnout for our Christmas meeting. Please plan to be there if you can possibly make it.

That is about it for this month. Be sure to make the next two meetings, they will both be exciting ones.

Your President,
Nathan Block

Next SPACE Meeting Is
November 13th, 1992

Thanks Larry!

Well it was back in July '91 issue of the Space newsletter I talked about Larry Serflaten taking over the duties of Sysop. When I look back on time, I look at when I first got on the Space BBS. It was kind of confusing for me to understand how to get around on it. My first help came from Ken Modeen, which I appreciated very much. Then Ken stepped down and Larry took over as Sysop for our BBS. There were many days at Larry's place and on the BBS that Larry educated me on the usage of the BBS. Now Larry is stepping down and Mike Fitzpatrick is taking over.

Well being a sysop is a special responsibility. A lot of hard work, no pay, lots of dedication. That is why our club has been so lucky to have had past Sysops like we have had and Mike Fitzpatrick to take over. Thanks Ken and Larry for a great job. And congratulations Mike, for taking over as our new Sysop.

Mike Weist

There are no minutes this month due to the failure of the Secretary to submit them by press time.


Hamfest '92

Well Hamfest '92 was held at the St. Paul Civic Center on October 31, 1992. Mike Schmidt, Sherm Erickson, and I manned the Space Booth. There were a lot of people that attended the show. Next Year the show will be held on October 25, 1993.

It is sure nice to get together with other Space members and have a chance to talk Atari while manning a booth. I was treated by Sherm Erickson to a tall glass of Coke and a giant Hot Dog. Thanks Sherm! Mike Schmidt brought along one of his big computer systems and let me fool around with his Word Perfect 5.1 program, which was very interesting. I typed up a letter for my sister in Alaska, saved it to Hard drive. Mike is going to send me a copy of it.

This event brought a lot of people to our booth asking questions. Some talked about their old Atari systems in storage gathering dust and then finding out there are Atari groups likes ours still out there. People with Atari equipment for sale and being told to attend the next meeting to sell there equipment. Maybe they will change their minds when they come to our meeting and start using their Atari equipment again. We maybe also be seeing a few new Space members to our club because of the exposure at Hamfest.

There were bargains to be had at Hamfest. I got a few bargains! I think I might be the owner of a 2400 baud modem soon. While at the show I found a 2400 baud modem, but I have to call the owner to see if he has accepted what I offered for it. I think he will accept my bid of $25.

Last of all I would like to thank all the Space members that made it to the show and stopped at our Space booth. I am sure that a lot of them came across bargains at the show. Next show coming up will be Mid Winter Madness later this Winter. See you there!

Mike Weist

Here's the answer to the Oct. Word Search.

  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  - V - - - E - - - - - - - - - - - C
  - I - - - - S - - - - - - - - - - H
  - L C H O R E U - - - - - - - - - A
  - L - - - - O - O - - - - - - - - T
  - A - - - - - D - H B - - - - - - E
  - - - - - - - - D U T - - - - - - A
  - - A - - - - - N J - N - J O B - U
  - - D - - - - G L - O - E - - - - -
  K - N - - - A - A - - B - P - - - N
  S - E - - L - - B - - - S - B - O -
  A - I - O - - - O - - L - - U I - -
  T - C W - - - - R - - I - - S - - -
  - - A - - - - - - - - O - N I - - -
  - - H - - - - - - - - T A - N - - -
  - - - E L T S A C - - M - - E - - -
  - - - - - - E S U O H - - - S - - -
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - S - - -

Words in puzzle:


Here is this months installment of word search. This month it is LONGSHOT.
  L D E D N E T X E I Z R D P Y M U N 
  D R R M Y F N R B I W K Z S I R W I 
  I A L I U E D O X H P F F E C T N C 
  S U J N P N V H I K H D Q O G C K R 
  C B Z A L Y V I F T I T R O P E R U 
  H K R O B J E Z S K A B A M R U D I 
  A B I M L R Q D K N Z N R S M I O L 
  R V P B T H I H I A E W O O I M T E 
  G N K A S Y I Q I W S T V T A A W I 
  E O C N A W F Z D K P J X V E D V Y 
  V I A G B T Q C W R R W K E H D O S 
  O S R X T K U T Q H E Q M V X F R E 
  L O C P I S H D E T A G N O L E X Q 
  F L D R A T A D M Q D W H T N H E A 
  Y P A T B S U L K T O M I W U O H I 
  A X X B P R X P B R U Y C W F Z O E 
  R E O R B G O F B C T Y H T G N E L 
  U W P R A I T D U M O O B Q N P U T 
Words in puzzle: 

The Editor's Piece

One of the things I've noticed in this and other Newsletter Publications the Club receives, is the lack of Member submitted Articles (with the exception of Nathan Block and Mike Weist)!

The Editor's job is to assemble OTHER people's writings, edit it for grammar, insure its suitability for publication in the Newsletter, make arrangements for it's publication, folding, stapling, labeling, and licking all those stamps! Oh, he or she may write an article giving his opinion about this or that but that's secondary to his or her main job of getting the Newsletter "out to the Membership".

So you see without your cooperation, there will be NO Newsletter to put out each month. There will be space available in each and every Newsletter for your Article. It could be a couple of lines or several pages. It makes no difference to me if you write in prose or poetry, if you write in long hand or type(preferably on your computer and saved to disk in ASCII format), if it's amusing or dull, if it's a masterpiece or a dud. All that matters is that you write about something that INTERESTS YOU. We'll worry about whether it interests the group later or not at all. Your interests may indeed be something that interests all of us. But if it doesn't, who cares? You will have served the Club well and made the Editor's job a lot easier!

Now it is not my desire to begin in a contemptuous manner but if we are to continue to grow or, at least continue to exist, we will all have to work at it. So sharpen up your pencils, dust off you typewriters, or better yet, boot up your favorite word-processors and get those articles flowing.

Michael E. Schmidt, EDITOR

The above space was left blank to represent the lack of ARTICLES from our members.


Come to the November meeting to help elect the officers for the next year.

!!!!Christmas Party!!!!

Also at the November meeting, the annual Christmas Party will be planned and a sign-up sheet for things to bring will be passed around for what you would like to bring.

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Maintained by Michael Current, mcurrent@carleton.edu
Last updated: Saturday, October 2, 1999