SPACE Newsletter July 1994

Newz From The Prez
by Nathan Block

Once again Nathan has failed to get a article to me in time for the newsletter.

DOM Info
by Terry Streeter

Terry has failed to submit DOM info to me in time for the newsletter also.

Treasurer's Report - JULY
by Greg Leitner

We had an excellent meeting in June including passing the By-Laws which were printed in the May 1994 Newsletter. also we had an offer from Joe Danko that no one could refuse. He offered his backyard for the July Birthday Party. and guess what else, Joe has a swimming pool which he also generously offered to let the members use.

So here's the plan for our July meeting. Come to the Falcon Heights Center as usual but come earlier. If we can get our meeting going by 7:00 PM, then we should be able to break up to head for Joe's place by 8:00 PM. If the weather is bad we can still have our party at the Center. If you come, please remember to bring a dish to share. Check out the list in this Newsletter to see what is still needed.

We took in $74.00 at our June meeting which included two more memberships. Our expenses were $ll5.00, $90.00 for our second quarter rental fee and $25.00 for the July Party raffle prize. Since Mike Schmidt and Amos Jackson were not at the June meeting I don't know how much the monthly Newsletter' for June was or the monthly expense for the BBS phone bill. At month end, June 30, 1994 the Club had a balance of $551.33 and looking strong. Thanks for all your support and please come to the July Birthday Party. You won't want to miss this one.

The following is a list of items people are
bringing to the July meeting - Birthday
Party.  If you plan to attend, please bring
a food item to share at the Party.

Hot Dish           T. Walsh
Potato Salad       Ray Wafer
Meat Balls         Bill Cotter
Hot Dogs W/Buns    Sherm Erickson,
                   Red Malchow

Ham Roll up's      Greg Leitner (?)

Utensils           J. Danko, Dennis Wold

Deserts            T. Streeter

Watermelon         L. Serflaten

Chips/Dips/Veggies Roger Mier, Ben Brosdahl

Taco Salad         Tim H.

Cole Slaw          G. Barich

Salad              Nelson

Larry Serflaten 17 JUNE 94

Going on the premise that we all have a few, more or less, leisure hours; and some of the lucky ones have a few, more or less, leisure dollars;

I offer a bit of a diversion from your normally anticlimactic lives.... On this months DOM, is a program I have given to the club in celebration of SPACE's birthday anniversary. This is not by any means a NEW and SPECTACULAR game program, it is instead, something I will myself be using to better my own strategic skills playing BLACKJACK at the casinos.'

A couple of years ago, while selecting a gift for a relative, I found a BASIC STRATEGY FOR BLACKJACK card at a local 'Games by James' store. The card says the disadvantage of an ordinary player varies anywhere between 1% and 16%, also that by using the strategy as described in the chart, the players' disadvantage is reduced to about 1/2%. The chart indicates what the player should do for every card combination, opposing any dealer up card. I have found this card does help surprisingly well! I have also noticed that my chips pile up faster when splitting pairs; (playing 2 hands from a dealt pair) or doubling down; (doubling the bet and receiving one more card).

Although I was able to look at this chart while playing at the casinos I have been going to, I heard tell, not all casinos allow it. I've therefore committed this chart to a self teaching program and am willing to share it with you! This program uses the chart to supply advice in the instructional mode, and to check your selection in the handicap mode. If you don't match the advice while playing a handicapped game, the computer will alert you and give you a second chance to make your selection. Presumably, you will want to follow the advice given by the chart, so at the end of each shoe; (the shoe is 4 decks of cards), the computer will report how closely you followed the advice concerning splits and double downs. You can, after some practice, anticipate what the advice will be, without it being listed on the screen. This is how I proposed to teach myself....

Of course there is a REAL mode where you simply play against the computer, I also added provisions for up to 7 players, although no tracking of the advice or reports are given for multi-player games.

This is not an endorsement to go play BlackJack! If you do go to casinos, however, this program may help you gain the confidence needed to walk up to a blackjack table and place a $50 bet! (The Basic Strategy Blackjack player should never bet more than 2% of his/her total bankroll!)

News From The Weird Files:
Reprinted from Twin Cities Extra

Michael Antonio Davis, 24, was arrested in Savannah, Ga., in April, while inside a squad car parked in front of the Precinct 1 station house. According to an officer, who discovered the man sitting in the back of the car with a "most disgusted look" on his face, Davis had entered the car looking for guns but did not realize that police cars' back doors automatically lock, from inside and out, when closed.

Reading, Pa., Fire Department official Michael J. Moyer was suspended for a day for having violated a directive not to drive his department car in the town's Labor Day parade. Moyer was thus not paid for his regular 8 a.m.-6 p.m. shift, but the person called in to replace him, at overtime pay, had to vacate his own subsequent shift and, according to regulations, the person who had to fill that later shift, also at overtime pay, was Michael J. Moyer, who thus earned $313 instead of the $155 he would have made had he not been suspended.

Recently, a driver, unidentified by police, was found in his car at the end of Interstate 8 in San Diego with a map in his hand and a "perplexed look" on his face, according to a California Highway Patrol spokesman. He explained that he had come from New Mexico and was looking for Arizona.

Here is this months installment of word search.
This Month it is Herbs and Spices.

   Q E G J L P V Y R W X V N X H K D P
   W H E R B S A N D S P I C E S H A P
   Q P L R O X N E M Y H T D R E P E W
   A E W U E T H L E N N E F X R V N D
   V E L H J D Q D W X M A E I H T U E
   G R D E P O N U Y T R E K Q L X J H
   G R X J W R B A E N G A R U P G Q W
   A R X G P P G C I B O W E E M E U P
   X R W D O E I P X R D M G Q X M M E
   X U B I S P N J B S O T A Q M T B M
   P Q Z L S P G R A I B C S N I U U V
   N M Q L Y E E B S L E L W X N N E Y
   M J L L H R R T I O L O G D T I E B
   R A M N B V E X L D G V L Z E B C W
   M R Z D H J L W V N X E T V P E E B



Published by the Saint Paul Atari Computer Enthusiasts (SPACE), an independent organization with no business affiliation with ATARI Corporation. Permission is granted to any similar organization with which SPACE exchanges newsletters to reprint material from this newsletter. We do however ask that credit be given to the authors and to SPACE. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of SPACE, the club officers, club members or ATARI Corporation.

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Last updated: Saturday, April 13, 2002