NEWSLETTER November, 1997

TerryPresidents Corner By Terry Streeter

Didn't receive any info from Terry this month.

GregTreasurer's Report by Greg Leitner

I tip my hat to all the members who showed up at the October SPACE meeting. Even though our President, Terry, couldn't make the meeting I think Don, our Vice President, did a great Job in handling the proceedings. Also, I was sorry to hear about Glen's illness and I hope to see him back next month.

The nominations for officer's of SPACE were announced and except for the Secretary's position it looks like we will have the same officers for 1998. Even though Terry couldn't be with us he did express his desire to continue as President.

There was a lot of hardware and software to be had at the October meeting. I was lucky enough to find an audio/video cable I had been looking all over town for at various Radio Shack stores, and it only cost me $3.00. You never know what you might fmd at the meetings unless you join us each month. Believe me, it's getting harder and harder to find 8-bit stuff, but if you're looking for something, this is the place you want to be.

The treasury has been reduced a bit in October because of the third quarter room rental being paid, and other than that our only expenses were for the Newsletter and the monthly BBS fee. Our expenses for the month came to $127.38 and our income to offset those expenses only amounted to $48.00. This included one membership renewal and DOM sales of $33.00. The net affect of all this was a reduction in our treasury of $79.38 and brings our bank balance to $747.14.

Now for really disturbing news about the room that we are renting from the City of Falcon Heights. I received a letter a couple of vveeks ago from the City stating that the rental fee was going to increase dramatically due to an increase in the Falcon Heights City Hall operating expenses. They said that the rental fee had not been raised substantially in the last seven years and I can confirm that fact. What I didn't tell you at the meeting is that the City is putting restrictions on the use of their Hall. Now, you must be living within Falcon Heights city limits to rent the Hall, but they have waived this restriction for SPACE since they say we have been a good tennant for them and a loyal one for many years. Also, they have limited the rental per group to one weekday night a month or one weekend a month which works out fine with us. If we had been meeting twice a month we would have been forced to give up one of the nights. You can tell by this that rental space is at a premium and we are very lucky to have it.

I know the suspense has been killing you so I am going to shock you with the dollar amount of the room rental increase. We are now paying $35.00 per month or $105.00 per quarter and will continue to pay this through 1997. The rate will increase to $65.00!!! per month or $195.00 per quarter in 1998. It doesn't take a math wizzard to figure out we need six additional membership fees a quarter to offset this increase. So for our next month meeting this mill be a hot topic to discuss.

Don't forget that our December XMAS party is right around the comer. Where has this year gone? We will have a sign UP sheet available at the November meeting so please try to make this all important meeting. With the SPACE elections, the room rental problem. and the XMAS party, we have a lot to talk about next month. See you all there.

Minutes Of Space Meeting Oct. 10, 1997

Space meeting opened at 7:40pm. Space president, Terry Streeter, was not present at meeting, in his place, Don Langsford, vice-president conducted the meeting. Don welcomed members to the meeting.

Don Langsford, vice president asked Greg Leitner, treasurer, or a treasury report. Greg said the good news is treasury balance is at $862.00. Greg said the bad news he received a letter from the city of Falcon Heights. The letter stated that room rent would be increased to $195.00. This is a $90.00 jump in rent. Do we stay at Falcon Heights community canter or look into new location? A club member said in contrast, hotels are charging more for a smaller room. It was suggested we might have to increase membership dues. Earline Fitzpatnck said if the club moves, we must stay in the same area. This room rent issue will be tabled until next meeting.

Mike Weist, club secretary was asked to give a secretary report. Mike went over last month's minutes in the Octobce '97 newsletter.

Don Langsford, vice president, made a motion to accept Treasurer andSecretary report. Approved.

OLD BUSINESS- Lance Ringquist, software and hardware vendor for club, was asked by a club member for update on Atari Club buyout. Lance said there was nothing new to report. Hamfest is coming up.

NEW BUSINESS- Earline mentioned Space club Christmas party is soon approaching. Mike Weist said Chnstmas party potluck sign-up list will be brought to next meeting.

The issue of nominations for club officers was brought up. Terry Streeter was nominated for club president be Don Langsford. Don Langsford was nominated for club vice-president be George Viila. Greg Leitner was nominated for club treasurer by Earline Fitzpatrick. Mike Weist was asked if he wanted to continue as club secretary. Mike said he was willing to continue as club secretary. Club member, Brian Little, nominated himself for the club secretary. Mike Weist withdrew his nomination for club secretary. He stated it would be good experience for Brian to give it a try.

Meeting adjourned at 8 pm.

Mike Weist


Published by the Saint Paul Atari Computer Enthusiasts (SPACE), an independent organization with no business affiliation with ATARI Corporation. Permission is granted to any similar organization with which SPACE exchanges newsletters to reprint material from this newsletter. We do however ask that credit be given to the authors and to SPACE. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of SPACE, the club officers, club members or ATARI Corporation.

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Maintained by Michael Current, mcurrent@carleton.edu
Last updated: Friday, August 20, 1999