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What's New?

February 4, 2001
Hi. Mike has asked me, Kevin Savetz, to take over maintenance of the Compute! archive. The new URL is -- please update your bookmarks. I really don't know what direction the Compute! archive will take, but I can promise it will remain on the Web, at least in its current form. You can e-mail me at

January 28, 2001
Last update for a while... found three more articles on the web:
January 21, 2001
While surfing the web I recently found this COMPUTE!'s Gazette FAQ by Paul Allen Panks. And I added a new Articles page to let you quickly see which articles are available online without having to read through the magazine indexes.

January 15, 2001
Yet another look for the website. I found a bunch of articles about the classic Infocom text adventure games on the Infocom Homepage. And Darwin has graciously allowed me to link to about a dozen Gazette game reviews he scanned for his C64 Gateway site.

January 1, 2001
Happy new millennium! Google made it very easy for me to add a search engine to the site. Check out the bottom of the main page.

December 17, 2000
Started revising the magazine listings to include articles and features which were omitted because they appear almost every month. The work is tedious so I'm only going to do it when I'm bored out of my mind. So far I've revised July 1983 - February 1984 of the Gazette index.

December 10, 2000
I appreciate the great feedback I've been receiving about the website. It sounds like there are many others out there who like rummaging through these old computer magazines.

Today I'm posting my first submitted article. Allan Bushman kindly scanned and sent me Atari's New Lease On Life from the July 1984 issue of COMPUTE! which I don't own. Thanks Allan!

December 2, 2000
A new Gazette article today for any wanna-be meteorologists like myself: Weather Prophet. Also started adding links for Gazette disks to the bottom of appropriate articles.

November 12, 2000
Proving that the Commodore 64's influence continues to this day, Jack Neal is porting a version of the game Campaign Manager to Windows. The screenshot looks fantastic. He hopes to be finished in another month or two and the game will be freeware. I'll post more information here when I get it.

November 4, 2000
Moved the website to No more banner ads!

October 28, 2000
Changed the name of the site to COMPUTE! Archive and tweaked the appearance of the web pages. Also added the review Logo For The 64.

October 25, 2000
It is about time I added some new content of my own. For an amusing look back at a milestone in personal computing history, check out Apple's Macintosh Unveiled. Yes, Jobs' reality distortion field was at full power that day. But unlike later announcements this product was worth the hype, if not the whopping price tag.

October 14, 2000
Scanned and uploaded Gazette cover thumbnails from the rest of the issues I own. Also joined the new Classic Computer Magazines webring.

August 29, 2000
Added links to some Gazette articles Sami Rautiainen posted on his Interesting magazine articles pages.

August 19, 2000
Moved the website to Geocities' servers, cleaned up the HTML code and simplified the page design once again. Removed the redundant links section and Jeremy Sieracki's table of contents indexes, which I will eventually integrate into my own. Added links to the many articles Dan Miner has scanned on his COMPUTE!'s Gazette Archive site.

And here's a plug for the Commodore category at the Open Directory Project, the net search engine maintained by the people who use it. Feel free to visit and suggest some quality sites.

July 10, 2000
I'll be updating this site less often from now on. I will scan and post articles once in a while when I'm feeling ambitious. :-)

June 16, 2000
Here's some insight into how text adventure games were developed back in the 80's: Inside View: Douglas Adams and Steve Meretzky-Designers Behind The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy.

June 14, 2000
Added instructions for the popular utility MetaBASIC: Programmer's Problem Solver.

May 30, 2000
Added contents information for the Gazette remnants that appeared in COMPUTE! issues October 1990 through December 1990.

May 13, 2000
Added Gazette cover scans for 1985.

April 22, 2000
New to the site are instructions for the first word processor I ever used, SpeedScript 3.2 for the Commodore 64.

April 16, 2000
I'm changing the appearance of the web pages, hopefully for the better. I tried to make the indexes and articles more printer friendly.

March 28, 2000
I recently remembered that for many people like myself, the program listings were not the most interesting part of the COMPUTE! magazines. That honor went to the "Feedback" columns which answered reader questions about programming, hardware bugs and other Commodore topics. So here's one of the more informative Gazette Feedback columns from the October 1985 issue of COMPUTE!'s Gazette. I also added some Gazette cover scans for 1984.

March 22, 2000
Added more cover images and links to the rest of Arnold's Gazette Disk collection.

March 11, 2000
Spell checked every document, added text versions of the indexes, reentered information for Gazette issues July 1983 - November 1983 and added links for some Gazette disks found in the Arnold FTP archive.

Also scanned the instructions for the great educational game Campaign Manager. Playing it will undoubtedly be more fun than watching the actual presidential campaign this year.

March 5, 2000
Created these pages. Scanned some cover images and my first article, Review: Home Computer Games Grow Up (M.U.L.E. Archon Worms).

I'll eventually put a lot more content up here, probably at the rate of something new every three or four weeks. Let me know if you find the site useful.