BYTE RTCLOK=20, ; addr of sys timer› SDMCTL=559 ; DMA control››BYTE ARRAY FLAGS(8190)››CARD COUNT,I,K,PRIME,TIME››PROC SIEVE()›› SDMCTL=0 ; shut off Antic› RTCLOK=0 ; only one timer needed›› COUNT=0 ; init count› FOR I=0 TO 8190 ; and flags› DO› FLAGS(I)='T› OD›› FOR I=0 TO 8190› DO› IF FLAGS(I)='T THEN› PRIME=I+I+3› K=I+PRIME› WHILE K<=8190› DO› FLAGS(K)='F› K==+PRIME› OD› COUNT==+1› FI› OD›› TIME=RTCLOK ; get timer reading› SDMCTL=34 ; restore screen›› PRINTF("%E %U PRIMES IN",COUNT)› PRINTF("%E %U JIFFIES",TIME)››RETURN›