10 REM   ÁÔÁÒÉ ØÌ ÃÏÍÐÕÔÅÒ ÄÅÍÏ  ›20 REM   ¨Ã©±¹¸³ âù Êåòòù ×èéôå  ›30 REM ›40 REM The following routines will›50 REM demonstrate some of the unique›60 REM features of ATARI XL computers›70 REM ›80 REM  ÃÌÅÁÒ ÓÃÒÅÅΠ¦ ÓÅÔ ÍÁÒÇÉÎÓ ›90 GRAPHICS 0:POKE 82,2:POKE 83,39›100 REM ›110 REM  ÓÅÔ ÓÃÒÅÅΠÃÏÌÏÒÓ ›120 SETCOLOR 2,9,2:SETCOLOR 4,1,10:SETCOLOR 1,9,15›130 REM ›140 REM  ÔÕÒΠÏÆÆ ÔÈÅ ÃÕÒÓÏÒ ¦ ÂÅÇÉΠ›150 POKE 752,1:GOSUB 910›160 GOSUB 1180:LIST 10,90›170 REM ›180 ? :? " Programs may be listed with fine"›190 ? :? "scrolling by first poking a non-zero"›200 ? :? "into location 622 prior to opening"›210 ? :? "the screen editor, then using the"›220 ? :? "ATARI BASIC LIST command."›230 GOSUB 1080›240 REM ›250 REM  ÓÅÔÕРÆÏÒ ÆÉÎÅ ÓÃÒÏÌÌÉÎÇ ›260 POKE 622,1›270 REM NOTE THAT IN THIS PROGRAM WE›280 REM DID NOT HAVE TO OPEN AN IOCB›290 REM FOR THE SCREEN EDITOR SINCE›300 REM THE BASIC GRAPHICS 0 COMMAND›310 REM DID IT FOR US.›320 REM ›330 POKE 752,1:GOSUB 1190:LIST 10,430:GOSUB 1080›340 REM ›350 REM  ÐÏËÅ ¶²²¬° ÔÏ ÒÅÔÕÒΠÔÏ ›360 REM  ÎÏÒÍÁÌ ÆÁÓÔÅÒ ÓÃÒÏÌÌÉÎÇ ›370 REM ›380 REM  ËÅÙ ÒÅÐÅÁÔ ÒÁÔÅ ›390 REM ›400 ? :? " There is an initial delay of .8"›410 ? :? "seconds before a key will repeat."›420 ? :? "The default value stored in location"›430 ? :? "729 is 48. This value is the number"›440 ? :? "of 60ths of a second to delay before"›450 ? :? "a key will repeat (48/60=.8)."›460 ? :? " To change the delay to 1/3 of a"›470 ? :? "second, POKE 729,20. To make this"›480 ? :? "delay one full second, POKE 729,60."›490 GOSUB 1080›500 ? :? " The value stored in location 730"›510 ? :? "is the delay between repeats. The"›520 ? :? "default is 6 or 6/60ths of a second."›530 ? :? "At this rate, a key will repeat ten"›540 ? :? "times per second. To slow the repeat"›550 ? :? "rate down to five times per second,"›560 ? :? "POKE 730,12. To double the speed,"›570 ? :? "POKE 730,3.":POKE 729,20:POKE 730,3›580 GOSUB 1080›590 REM  ËÅÙ ÃÌÉÃË ÓÏÕÎÄ ›600 REM ›610 ? :? " The click sound you hear whenever"›620 ? :? "you type can also be disabled on XL"›630 ? :? "computers. The default value stored"›640 ? :? "in location 731 is 0 and indicates"›650 ? :? "that the click is enabled. To dis-"›660 ? :? "the click, simply POKE in a 255."›670 POKE 731,255›680 GOSUB 1080:POKE 82,3›690 ? :? " This program has just set the"›700 ? :? "the delay before repeat to 1/3 of"›710 ? :? "a second, and doubled the speed of"›720 ? :? "the repeat rate. Fine scroll has"›730 ? :? "been left on, and the keyboard click"›740 ? :? "has been disabled."›750 ? :? " I now return control of this"›760 ? :? "computer to you and ATARI BASIC."›770 POSITION 26,18:? "Jerry White"›780 POKE 82,2:POSITION 2,17:POKE 752,0›790 ? :? "BASIC":? "IS";:END ›800 REM ›810 REM  ÈÅÌРËÅÙ ÓÕÂÒÏÕÔÉÎÅ ›820 REM    âù Êåòòù ×èéôå    ›830 POKE 732,0:REM CLEAR HELP KEY›840 HELP=PEEK(732):POSITION 7,23›850 IF PEEK(53279)=6 THEN START=1:RETURN ›860 IF NOT HELP THEN 840›870 IF HELP=17 THEN ? " ÙÏÕ ÐÒÅÓÓÅÄ ÔÈÅ ÈÅÌРËÅÙ ";›880 IF HELP=81 THEN ? "  ÙÏÕ ÐÒÅÓÓÅÄ ÓÈÉÆÔ¯ÈÅÌР ";›890 IF HELP=145 THEN ? "  ÙÏÕ ÐÒÅÓÓÅÄ ÃÔÒ̯ÈÅÌР ";›900 RETURN ›910 ? :? " This program demonstrates how to"›920 ? "check for the HELP key from BASIC on"›930 ? "an ATARI XL computer."›940 LIST 1000,1090›950 ? :? " Press HELP, SHIFT/HELP, CTRL/HELP,"›960 ? " or Press  ÓÔÁÒÔ  to exit.":START=0›970 GOSUB 1230›980 POKE 53279,8:GOSUB 830›990 IF START THEN RETURN ›1000 POSITION 16,21:? " ";:POKE 540,120›1010 IF PEEK(540) THEN 1010›1020 POSITION 7,23:? " ";›1030 POSITION 16,21:? " ÓÔÁÒÔ ";:GOTO 980›1040 REM ›1050 REM  ×ÁÉÔ ÆÏÒ ÓÔÁÒÔ ËÅÙ ›1060 REM  ÐÒÅÓÓ ÁÎÄ ÒÅÌÅÁÓÅ® ›1070 REM ›1080 GOSUB 1230›1090 POSITION 8,23:? "PRESS  ÓÔÁÒÔ  TO CONTINUE";›1100 POKE 540,60›1110 IF PEEK(53279)=6 THEN 1180›1120 IF PEEK(540) THEN 1110›1130 POSITION 14,23:? " START ";›1140 POKE 540,60›1150 IF PEEK(53279)=6 THEN 1180›1160 IF PEEK(540) THEN 1150›1170 GOTO 1090›1180 ? CHR$(125):REM CLEAR SCREEN›1190 SETCOLOR 2,9,2:SETCOLOR 4,1,10:SETCOLOR 1,9,15:RETURN ›1200 REM ›1210 REM  ÓÏÆÔ ÂÅÌÌ ÓÏÕÎÄ ›1220 REM ›1230 FOR JW=15 TO 0 STEP -0.5:SOUND 0,0,2,JW:NEXT JW:RETURN ›