THE EIDOLON To start; Press Fire Button, or Press START. To Move through the Caverns; Push Joy Stick in the Direction desired. (forward, backward, left, or right) Shoot Fireballs; First choose the color of fireball by pressing,1-RED,2- GOLD,3-GREEN,4-BLUE. To FIRE Press Fire Button. Capture Fireballs; Approach fireballs, centering them in the diamond- shaped cursor, and press the SPACE BAR Collect Jewels; Approach the jewels, center in cursor, press the SPACE BAR. Release Jewels; Approach the dragon barrier. If you have the correct jewel, the barrier will dissolve; if not, the barrier will glow the color of the jewel you need. To Pause; Press the "P" key; to resume press it again. When you are paused press RETURN to end game, and display score. To Reboot; Press RESET The denizens of Eidolon are as follows; A Troll-like inhabitants are most often seen, and who seem quite content to let you pass, BUT be careful not to touch them as they drain the Eidolons power reserve. The Biter Bird is quit different. These creatures attack without provocation-although once or twice I have scared them away. The Rotofly is less dangerous than annoying. These various inhabitants appear to be attracted to the power of the Eidolon. Indeed,they seem to feed off the Eidolons energy. Thus if one touches the device, the power is depleted. FIREBALLS: 1. RED- The most destructive. When a red fireball strikes the Eidolon, its destructive energy drains the power. When I fire a red fireball at a creature it is thrown backwards and its powers temporary weakened. 2. GOLD- Gold fireballs recharge the Eidolons power to use simply approach and collect them. 3. BLUE- These fireballs alter the flow of time when you catch one the Eidolons clock lights with blue energry; and I gain time to explore. Creatures struck by a blue f/b freeze in there tracks for a short time. 4. GREEN-These change any creature to a new one. There is no way to know if the new creature will be more or less dangerous. Although the Eidolon is capable of making all the colors of fireballs, doing so quickly drains the power. After getting past level one there are other odd inhabitants; 1) Puffer Birds-They can catch and blow the balls of energy back at you. 2) Grep-very curious and alert, also very unpredictable. 3)Bottleneck-very dangerous. There are seven levels and if you get to the seventh level there is one last dragon of many heads to fight. HELPFUL HINTS: Red Fireballs are deadly! to avoid them, try to move out of there way or shoot a Red Fireball at them to change them to a GOLD Fireball. When you have defeated the guardians and collected as many jewels as you can approach the energy barrier in front of the dragon. When you have defeated the dragon, the gate behind him will open and you can go the next level To replenish the Eidolon's energy reserves, capture as mane Gold Fireballs as you can. DO NOT LET YOU'R TIME RUN OUT after you get past the first level or you will go back to level 1 if you "kill" yourself you will stay on the level you are at. To kill most of the guardians it takes 3 red fireballs. Some may take less or more. To find the jewels you must kill the guardians they will turn into the jewels. To kill the DRAGON on the first level it takes 3-4 RED FIREBALLS. YOU can take energy and jewels to the next level with you, you start each new level with however much energy you had leftover from the last. To kill the DRAGON on level 2 use three GOLD FIREBALLS. I Hope that these doc's are of help to you.