ZORK COMMANDS AGAIN Zork will respond as if you had repeated your last sentence. BRIEF This commands Zork to fully describe only newly encountered rooms and objects. Rooms already visited and objects already seen will be described by printing the room name and the object names only. (Default) DIAGNOSE Zork gives you a medical report of your physical condition. This is particularly useful if you have just survived a dangerous battle. INVENTORY (I) Zork lists your possesions. If you've noticed the thief lurking about you might want to check to see if your belongings are still there. LOOK (L) Zork describes your surroundings in detail. QUIT (Q) This gives you the option to quit playing. If you want to save your position, then use SAVE first. RESTART This ends the game and starts over at the beginning. RESTORE Restores a game you saved on a SAVE DISK with the SAVE command. SAVE Allows you to SAVE up to five different games (0-4) on a single formatted blank disk. SCORE Zork shows your current score with the number of moves you have made and your rank. Your rank is your rating as a professional Zork player and is based on the number of points you have acquired. (Zork I - 350 max.) SCRIPT This command assumes you have a printer. It commands the printer to begin printing a transcript of your game session. SUPERBRIEF This tells Zork to show you only the name of the room you have entered and no other information. It is briefer than BRIEF. UNSCRIPT This stops the printer from printing after using the SCRIPT command previously. VERBOSE This tells Zork to show you a long description of the rooms you enter whenever you enter a room, regardless of whether you have been there or not before. VERSION Zork responds with the release number and serial number of your copy of the game. WAIT This causes time to pass in the game. Normally between moves, no time is passing as far as Zork is concerned - you could leave your computer and take a nap and nothing has changed. WAIT causes several moves (time) to occur in one command. It is used when you want to find out what will happen in the game if you do nothing while time passes. (DIRECTIONS) N,S,E,W,NE,SE,SW,NW,UP (U),DOWN (D). $VERIFY Verifies your Infocom game disk.