:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: Volume 4, Issue 5 ATARI EXPLORER ONLINE July 20, 1995 :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: :: :: ATARI .............. News, reviews, & solutions ............ ATARI :: :: EXPLORER ............ for the online Atari .......... EXPLORER :: :: ONLINE ................. Community .............. ONLINE :: :: :: :: Published and Copyright (c) 1993-1995 by Subspace Publishers :: :: All Rights Reserved :: :: """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" :: :: Publisher Emeritus ........................... Michael Lindsay :: :: Editor/Publisher .................................. Travis Guy :: :: Assistant Editor GEnie......................... Ron Robinson :: :: Assistant Editor CompuServe................... Albert Dayes :: :: Assistant Editor Internet.................. Timothy Wilson :: :: Assistant Editor AOL.................. Dimitri M. LaBarge :: :: Assistant Editor Delphi.................... Mark Santora :: :: Unabashed Atariophile .............. Michael R. Burkley :: :: Atari Artist ............................. Peter Donoso :: :: User Group Coordinator .................... Ron Whittam :: :: Jaguar Editor ...................... Christian Svensson :: :: 8-bit Editor .............................. John Hardie :: :: Sunnyvale Editor .......................... Adam Urbano :: :: :: :: Contributors: :: :: """"""""""""" :: :: Mark Steven Smith, David A. Wright :: :: :: :: Telecommunicated to you via: :: :: """""""""""""""""""""""""""" :: :: GEnie: ST/JAGUAR RT Library 38 :: :: AOL: VIDEO GAMES FORUM Hints, Tips and Tricks II Library :: :: CompuServe: ATARIGAMING Library 10, VIDGAME Library 15 :: :: Delphi: ATARI ADVANTAGE & WORLD OF VIDEO GAMES Libraries :: :: Fnet: AEO Conference, Node 319 :: :: AtariNet: AEO Conference, Node 51:1/10 :: :: :: :: FTP recent AEO issues from: rahul.net:pub/wilsont/AEO :: :: Search gopherspace under "aeo" for back issues :: :: :: :: World Wide Web: http://www.mcc.ac.uk/~dlms/atari.html :: :: http://www.bucknell.edu/~svensson :: :: :: :: :: :: EMail Request address: AEO-by-EMail-request@maximized.com :: :: :: :: >>> To subscribe to AEO, send a message to the request :: :: >>> address, with the following line (no subject): :: :: >>> :: :: >>> subscribe aeo-by-email :: :: >>> :: :: >>> and your address will be added to the list. To :: :: >>> unsubscribe from AEO, send the following: :: :: >>> :: :: >>> unsubscribe aeo-by-email :: :: >>> :: :: >>> to the same request address, making sure you send :: :: >>> it from the same address you subscribed from. :: :: :: :: AEO is also in file format on the Jaguar Mailing List :: :: :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Table of Contents * From the Editors ........................................ Fight For Games. * Digital Briefs .............................. High tech items of interest. * Fun 'N Games at Atari ........ Adam tells us what Atari showed the press, and what you can expect to see this fall. * Jaguar Tackboard ................. New Jaguar Mailing List - AEO's Jaguar Development List - PRs - CatNips. * Surfing the Jagged Edge ................... Dimitri sorts out online info on new Jag games. * Flip Out Preview .......................... Take a sneek peek at a Jaguar puzzler with an alien twist. * Reprint: Pinball Fantasies ............. Mark's look (from February) at a recent Jag game release. * Speed Of Light 3.8 ................. Review of the shareware image viewer. * Rare Gems .......................................... Quotes worth quoting. * Developing News .............................. MIST VII - July 29 DEUCE - October 7 C-LAB Falcons Through Toad Atari CD Master from Homa JetSpeed and OutBurST! CD-Font Manager * Shutdown ............................. Around the world and up your block. --==--==--==--==-- ||| From the Editors ........... Atari Explorer Online: Jaguar Voyagers ||| Travis Guy / | \ GEnie: AEO.MAG Delphi: AEO_MAG Internet: aeo.mag@genie.com ------------------------------------------------------------------ It's been very active here at AEO Central of late. A hurricane, several days of summer thunderstorms, a Jaguar CD with an advance copy of Blue Lightning on its way... sometimes you have to put up with the bad to appreciate the good. Greetings, all. Welcome to another edition of AEO - your window on the World Atari. It's been two months since the last issue, and now that I'm back from my summer sabbatical, you can expect to get AEO on a regular basis. There's an awful lot of good Jaguar info inside this issue. Most notably, Adam Urbano attended Atari's Fun 'N Games day on behalf of AEO, and gives us his report on the games shown (including one of my "will-be" favorites, Black ICE\White Noise), as well as a preview/ review of FlipOut! (My other "will-be" favorite? The awesome BattleSphere!) The big question online as I write this is, "What's going on with Fight For Life?" The answer is, direct from Atari, "Fight For Life has been suspended." A decision was made last week to stop work on FFL as we know it, because the game didn't meet specific quality standards at Atari. A hubub has arisen over this, with some wondering if the Jaguar is not capable of doing a poly-fighter on the lines of Virtua Fighter, Tekken or Tohshinden. Rest assured that the Jaguar can, and more.... Much more.... I can't say any more about the matter now, but keep reading AEO for future news on the subject. Next up on the "Burning Question" list is, "Will Atari ship the CD unit in August?" To that, I have to give an (99.999% positive :) affirmative. As I said g/l/o/a/t/e/d/ earlier, there's a CD unit and a copy of Blue Lightning on its way for editorial purposes. Other games are close to being done, and with a less than two week "burn time" to make CDs, it appears that there will be enough software done in time to make the August debut possible. What happens after August? Well, Atari will be doing what it can to put "Jaguar64" in the minds of as many video game consumers as possible, as more games arrive. It's going to be an interesting season upon us. See you here next month. --==--==--==--==-- ||| Digital Briefs - Industry News ||| By: Albert Dayes / | \ CIS: 70007,3615 GEnie: AEO.1 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Personal Online Billing - Intuit Inc. and 19 of the largest names in """"""""""""""""""""""" American banking and financial services announced that they are working together to enable individuals and small businesses to bank, pay bills and perform other financial tasks online through Intuit's Quicken personal finance software starting this fall. Intuit currently has over 8 million Quicken users. Music Net Retail - MNI Interactive continued its retail expansion """""""""""""""" plan for their MusicNet CD-ROM by announcing a non-exclusive distribution agreement with International Periodical Distributors (IPD) to distribute the quarterly CD-ROM in bookstores and selected computer stores and chains as early as September, 1995. IPD sells to such chains as Tower Books, Computer City, Micro Center and Software Etc. MNI has adopted a selling strategy for the MusicNet CD-ROM by showcasing it in interactive magazine displays in high traffic book and computer stores nationwide. Last month, MNI announced a non-exclusive retail distribution agreement with Ingram Periodicals and unveiled its new magazine-size packaging at the American Booksellers Association Conference in Chicago. Previously, MusicNet CD-ROMs were ordered by phone and distributed by mail. The MusicNet CD-ROM is a quarterly interactive music previewing and purchasing guide that enables consumers to try, through audio and video clips, the latest music and then purchase CDs for home delivery. Be Check Free - Checkfree Corporation, announced that it will team up """"""""""""" with ADP, a leading provider of commercial payroll services and electronic banking, to provide the first combined electronic bill payment and banking service to the commercial marketplace. The new service will allow businesses to manage their banking functions from their PC by linking up via modem with the Checkfree/ADP processing facility. Businesses can view current bank account information, transfer funds among accounts, pay bills electronically and reconcile accounts. Business owners can know account balances prior to deciding what bills to pay and eliminating the effort to print, sign, and mail checks and remittance data. Radio PC - A new IEEE (INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS """""""" ENGINEERS) 802-11 standard will allows PCs to communicate with each other without using any wiring. This will allow one to take the PC into the workplace and immediately start using it in a network. The IEEE hopes that the new standard will be finalized by the end of 1995. Digital Camera - Space Imaging, Lockheed Martin Missiles & Space and """""""""""""" Eastman Kodak Co. announced that Kodak will supply the digital camera for Space Imaging's commercial remote-sensing satellite (CRSS) system, scheduled for launch in late 1997. Under the terms of agreement, Kodak will provide an integrated imaging payload system that represents a ten-fold increase in existing image resolution quality. The payload will enable one-meter panchromatic (gray-scale) resolution and four-meter, four-band multispectral (red, green, blue, near infrared) resolution instead of the ten- to 30-meter resolution that is currently available. The digital camera is comprised of a Kodak-designed and -manufactured focal plane array and a lightweight telescope using a state-of-the-art mirror fabricated with Kodak's advanced ion figuring technology. To speed the downloading of data to Space Imaging's ground stations, the original 11-bit data will be compressed using Kodak's proprietary bandwidth compression technology. These features will enable the Space Imaging satellite to acquire the highest resolution earth imagery available for commercial entities. E-mail vs. the FAX - FAX usage remains as high for U.S. Fortune 500 """""""""""""""""" companies using E-Mail communications as those without electronic mail capabilities, according to a recent Gallup/Pitney Bowes survey. The survey found that FAX is the communication method of choice being selected before E-Mail, Overnight Courier and Voice Mail, when a Fortune 500 company needs a fast response to urgent material. SpiderNETWORK - Byron Preiss Multimedia Company announced the hiring """"""""""""" of Danny Fingeroth, one of the most respected editors in the comics industry, to head a new on-line service dedicated to comics. Most recently Group Editor of Marvel Comics' Spider-Man division, he has joined the company as Director of Virtual Comics(TM). The division plans to develop new comics, characters and interactive graphic storytelling techniques in on-line form. In this capacity, Fingeroth will bring his years of experience to the development of comics accessible by personal computers as well as to the adaptation of existing comic properties. Motorola HALTs - Motorola Cellular Infrastructure Group has launched a """""""""""""" new portfolio of cellular fraud solutions called HALT!(TM). HALT! actually prevents cellular fraud by automatically blocking fraudulent calls before a network crime is committed, providing increased security for cellular carriers and their customers. HALT! cracks down on cellular phone fraud which, according to the Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association (CTIA), has become the high-tech fraud of the '90s, costing the industry nearly $1.5 million per day. HALT! has unique prevention and post-call analysis features that minimize cellular fraud. Hayes Back Online - Hayes Microcomputer Products, Inc. Chapter 11 """"""""""""""""" proceedings made a major leap forward when Judge Hugh Robinson approved the company's Disclosure Statement for its 100% Plan of Reorganization, and a $45 million debtor in possession (DIP) financial facility with General Electric Capital Corporation (GECC). Hayes Plan of Reorganization is considered to be a '100%' plan because it pays all valid creditor claims in full, plus interest. The filing of this 100% Plan also means that all creditors are considered "unimpaired, " and will not need to vote on the plan for it to be confirmed. Hayes, which announced the execution of a letter of intent for a merger with Boca Research Inc. last week, will use the combined assets of the two companies to obtain the approximately $60-85 million needed to fully fund Hayes emergence from Chapter 11 in the fall. Simon Says? - Ziff-Davis Publishing was sold to Simon & Schuster for """"""""""" an undisclosed sum. Macmillian Computer Publishing (A unit of Simon & Schuster) will work with the new Ziff-Davis Publishing company to develop new computer books. The new computer books will include Ziff-Davis brand names such as PC Computing, MacUser and PC Magazine. Computing publishing is one of the fastest growing segments of the market today according to Simon & Schuster's CEO. --==--==--==--==-- ||| Fun 'n Games at Atari ||| By: Adam Urbano / | \ GEnie: AEO.5 Internet: adamu@cue.com ---------------------------------------------------------------- The press hasn't quite been one of Atari's strongest supporters over the past several years. Need a few examples? Start by picking up any of the current magazines on the shelves. Most magazines have a six to one ratio for PSX to Jaguar pages. An amazing statistic given that the PSX isn't even available in this country yet. The majority of magazines average about one to two pages of Jaguar coverage an issue. This isn't related to a lack of available software to preview, since Atari has 50+ titles scheduled to come out between now and December on its release list. Realizing that this isn't the sort of representation the company wants, Atari set out to remedy the situation with a press day, or "Fun 'n Games" media day. The basic premise was to get all the media together and show them what Atari plans on doing over the next several months. This was provided through speeches, hands on gaming, and conversations with the various Atari employees and company representatives. Most of the major video game magazines sent at least one representative to the show. The presentation began about 9:30 in the morning at the Atari headquarters. The press was seated in an area with two televisions in front, displaying various charts, graphs, and bits of highlight text from the speeches. Dorf & Stanton Communications started the speeches out with a basic market overview, including the Jaguar's position in this market. A poll was given by the company in which Video game customers were called at random and asked if they would purchase a $300-$400 video game system. Four percent were very likely to purchase the system, nine percent were somewhat likely, 11 percent were somewhat unlikely, and 76 percent were very unlikely to purchase the system. This was followed by a series of demographic statistics. In closing they listed the various advantages of the Jaguar. "Jaguar offers to the consumer... 64-bit performance at a 16 bit price. Amazing 3D graphics in 16.8 million colors. Emerging software library approaching 100 titles. A modular system with the flexibility of an add-on CD drive. A system manufactured in the U.S." And on the other side of the spectrum, "Jaguar's offer to the retailer... A familiar and accepted brand name. A low price that will guarantee inventory turns. A gross margin that isn't tied to the Yen. 150 thousand units already in US households to start supporting software sales immediately." Atari will also be sending postcards to anyone who sent in their registration cards. The first cards feature Super Burnout and White Men Can't Jump. It should be noted that by the end of this first speech, off in a distant corner, Jeff Minter had settled down to a game of Defender 2000. The next speech was on the marketing of the Jaguar in the second-half. Atari expects to achieve 400 million impressions during their marketing blitz, 380 million on television, and 20 million in print. Spot television ads will air from September through December and reach 40% of US television households. These ads will reach 92% of Atari's target audience, and will reach 83% of its target audience 3+ times. These ads will appear during NBA, NFL, and NHL games, and top popular shows like Rosanne, Baywatch, Home Improvement, and Star Trek Voyager. These will be on syndicated shows, sports, cable movies, and on MTV during Beavis and Butthead. The Jaguar will also take part in the EGM Super Tour, the Sports Illustrated Campus Fest from August 1995 to April 1996 , and the USA Video & PC Game Tour from September through December. //// Peripherals and "Bitness" Next came a quick description of all the peripherals. Several news items were presented. [] The Jaguar CD will include Vid Grid, Tempest 2000 Audio CD, and Blue Lightning. The unit should be available in early August for $149. At the same time as the release, four titles will be available, Creature Shock, Highlander 1, Myst, and Dragons Lair. New titles will be available every month for the player. The Atari schedule has Baldies, Battlemorph, Demolition Man, Hover Strike CD, Robinson's Requiem, Soul Star, and Space Ace listed for release in September. [] The Team Tap multi-player adapter will be packed free with White Men Can't Jump, or available separately for $29.95. Other games designed for four player play include Arena Football and Charles Barkley Basketball. An included press release also adds that with 2 Jaguars and 2 Team Taps the number of players can be expanded to eight. The next speech was one that Atari wanted to make sure everyone understood well. It was a clarification on the "bitness" of the Jaguar. Given the general confusion that has been spread by the various publications, it seemed like a good time to clear things up. This was a lengthy report on the history of computer and video game systems, with an explanation of what "bittage" each of the various systems was. The general information can be summed up fairly quickly, well, fairly quickly when compared to the 20 minute speech. This is the same information that every member of the press was given. This means that, assuming everyone wasn't zoning out and watching Jeff play Defender, we can finally stop seeing misinformation in the various publications. Before this article becomes a Simpson trial DNA paper (or the video game equivalent), I'll switch to something a little more exciting, the games. Travis has included the text of the presentation elsewhere in this issue. //// Cart Games The first half of the gaming was limited to strictly cartridge based games. The various press members had a number on their nametag, which corresponded to the number of the game they were supposed to start with. This organized system lasted the better part of two minutes, at which point everyone scrambled to the game they wanted to see the most. Each game was contained at a small "cubicle", or table set up with a board around the outside. The various areas were decorated with Atari memorabilia. Defender 2000, for example, had a can of Flossie's Funnel Cakes on the table. POWER DRIVE RALLY should also enter production soon, and is set for an August release. Nothing new has gone into the game, as it has been nearly finished for quite a while now. It remains a blast to play, has an excellent framerate, and approximately 40 tracks. The Time Warner representative mentioned that the game should have split screen play for 2 players, but also mentioned that by alternating the controller, it might be possible to have up to six players racing. BURN OUT was present, and as the review is featured in this issue, I won't dwell on this one. The press seemed to be enjoying the game, especially in the two player mode. RAYMAN made an appearance in a near final, if not final form. The game is fabulous, and not enough praise can be given to it. Animation is silky smooth, the color palette is immense, and it is just plain entertaining. The game has 60 levels total divided among six different worlds and features a total of 50 different characters. This one is set for an August release. The Rayman table also featured the Ubi Soft press release folder. It contained press releases and photographs, along with a Rayman Post-it notepad, a guitar pick, and a set of Rayman stickers. ULTRA VORTEK and RUINER shared a station, so very few people actually saw Ruiner in action. That brings us to the delay of bringing Ultra Vorte_k_ into production, the name. Turns out that there might have been problems with the "Vortex" part of its name, so some switching had to be done. On the plus side of this, however, is that VoiceData modem code has been re-inserted. They weren't sure if it would be an option or an easter egg, but it's back in for now. Everyone was impressed by the graphics on the game, especially the backdrops. However, the character animation turned off a chunk of the reporters, the movement was somewhat jerky on the characters. Set for an August release, the game was delayed for going into production due to a variety of small reasons, such as the name change. Ruiner was briefly displayed at the table, and its time there immediately invoked memories of the Turbografx-16's Devils Crush. The difference being that the game continuously scrolls up and down, instead of jumping to different areas like in Devils/Aliens Crush. The game was smooth and fast, but some work was still needed on it. Some of the pinball table items are apparently going to be animated, and that has yet to be implemented. This one is set for a September release. The next game came as somewhat of a surprise, BREAKOUT 2000. The game is set in first person perspective, looking inwards towards the bricks. The game board occupies a room with the floor covered in bricks. The player's paddle is a clear rectangle that glides along in front of these bricks, with the basic Breakout concept being to keep a ball from going beyond this paddle. The game's setting is in space, with a very high-tech look about the ship, the back of the screen is made up of a window showing outer space. The game is still on the fairly early side, and the power-ups have yet to be implemented. Some of those which are going to be in the game, however, include bricks that are unbreakable or require multiple hits, and an array of the speed up/slow down variety of power-ups. The programmer has expressed his desire to support a rotary controller, networking and possibly the VoiceData Modem. A date wasn't given for this game. DEFENDER 2000 was being shown by Jeff, with only the classic and plus versions displayed. Jeff didn't want the press getting the wrong idea about the 2K version, since it contained placeholder graphics. I'd say everyone enjoyed this one. I caught several writers scrutinizing the classic incarnation, this is one game that most of them seemed to have very fond memories of. Jeff gave a description of his visions for the 2K mode, and everyone seemed very pleased. One feature was the ability to pick up people, and create a chain of them under the ship, these people will then proceed to fire their weapons also. Looks great, it's on cart, and Atari has it set for an October release. PHASE ZERO (formerly, HOVER HUNTER) was on display, and was looking sharp. The rep said the game was about 60 percent complete, and still has a ways to go. What was shown was good, but what wasn't there was even better. The terrain had a pixely/blocky look at times, but the rep felt that this problem was in the process of being remedied. The colors of the landscape were also undergoing some changes. Networking wasn't available, but we were assured that it is a priority. The rep also hinted at other -possible- options that might be in the final version. These included a three TVs/three Jags mode in which the player can be surrounded by the game. Virtual Reality was mentioned as a -possibilty-. (Let's not count on it, and maybe we'll be surprised.) An October release. SPACE WAR 2000 was being alternated with Super Burnout, so it did not see as much floor time as some of the other games. The ships' graphics are very nice indeed. Each ship is fully texture mapped and looks very nice. Upon exploding, the ships break into many different fragments that go spinning around, one either really likes or really dislikes the explosions. The framerate seemed fairly high at all times except very close (touching) encounters. There are several views included such as one behind the ship. The player can also purchase various weapon upgrades as he or she earns money. Split screen was handled through a vertical splice of the screen. There was one problem noted with the two player mode. When an enemy player is killed, he or she is forced to sit there until the other player finishes. I'm not exactly sure how I feel about the game, but I feel that is mostly due to amount of time available to play. Imagine sitting down and playing Wing Commander for just a few minutes, it wouldn't give a fair estimation of the game. I'll leave judgment of this game to a previewer/reviewer. Expected release for Space War 2000 is in September. WHITE MEN CAN'T JUMP was being shown along with the four player Team Tap adapter. With four players around this game it was very amusing, and with the adapter bundled with the game a large number of people will be able to try this option out. Graphics are excellent and the camera zooms steadily around. An all around great game that is hampered in one area, a relatively poor framerate. At times it appears to be choppy, which doesn't really bother one while playing, but it can become annoying if one is just watching. However, that is the only apparent problem I can immediately see about the game. This is listed as a July release. The other basketball game shown was CHARLES BARKLEY BASKETBALL. This game has 20 characters to choose from including Charles Barkley, and two separate modes of play. The first mode is the standard "versus mode," where the player just chooses his character and plays. The other mode is a tournament mode, where the player can end up endorsing products on the way to the final against Charles Barkley. The game can be summed up as a texture mapped NBA Jam without the special dunks. This is another four player game, and is set for a September release. The final cartridge game shown was BRETT HULL HOCKEY. The game is actually listed for the CD player, so I'm not sure what the situation on that is. Graphically, the game is similar to the Saturn hockey game, with a very nicely drawn arena. The rendered players move around the ice and the camera pulls back or zooms in to get a better view of the action. November is the month when this should show up. A copy of the Jaguar Virtual Reality game MISSILE COMMAND 2000 was up and running, but the unit itself was going through some modifications, so was not in use. The game itself is great, though. Silky smooth throughout, with a large variety of enemy types. It even had bosses, one of which looked like a dragon from the Saturn's Panzer Dragon. One last cartridge game did make a last second appearance, but by the time it showed up most of the press had left - PITFALL. This one, at least from my first impressions, looked to be exactly like the SNES version. The character may have been animated better, but it looked to be a fairly straight port from what I saw. //// Jaguar CD Games After a while with the cartridge games it was time for the lunch break. Lunch was pizza, just about every variety one can think of, and beer. Given the legal drinking age, yours truly had a Mountain Dew. While we inhaled the Round Table pizza, the various employees set up the CD players for the second half of the gaming, the CD stuff. I'll start with my personal favorite, HIGHLANDER. The first disc is set for release in August, and the two sequels are expected to appear one every three months. The actual game wasn't available, but a VCR displayed a huge chunk of it. This Alone in the Dark style adventure has some of the most gorgeous backdrops I have ever seen. They are all fully rendered and have a look that is unprecedented in a video game. The main character is made up of polygons, but he is currently undergoing some changes. Shading will be added to make him appear more realistic, and some minor texture maps on areas such as the face will be included. The game seems quite large and is visually =very= stunning. The by-now very familiar FMV from VARUNA'S FORCES was being displayed, but unfortunately, that was all that was shown on this game. A couple other CD games were just showing the FMV, these included the Nerf MAX FORCE game, and COMMANDER BLOOD. DEMOLITION MAN was shown in a fairly incomplete form. The game is apparently being made not to copy the 3DO version, but to improve on it. Several details from the FMV quality, to the animation on the gun in the shooting stages have been advanced. The pack-ins, BLUE LIGHTNING and VID GRID, haven't undergone any changes, so I'll skip those. MYST was on display also, and looked exactly like the computer counterparts. BALDIES was on display, and the rep said it should be available whenever the CD player comes out. The game is a top down perspective simulation/strategy type game, with fairly straightforward graphics. There was no attempt to be made at hiding the games graphics, while they are good, they aren't quite "64-Bit?" graphics. The game does seem to shine quite nicely, however. The idea was to take the best elements from every strategy game made, and roll them up into one tidy package. Although that is a claim various video games have made for quite some time, this one seems to succeed in some ways. The player acts as an overlord, and controls the lives of little characters. The gameplay has been kept very simple, each tool item won't have more than three "layers" of depth. Click on a house, it takes you to the interior, same with a click on a tree. The player assigns each character one of three occupations, a carpenter, a scientist, and one other which eludes me. One goal of the game is to develop new technologies to use against the enemy. By picking up an object and dragging it to the science lab new items will be invented. A rock will make it rain rocks, a skunk will provide a skunk spray, and objects can even be combined. The player has to go through many levels in a number of different regions, such as Hell, the woodlands, and the circus. The game isn't Jag exclusive, and it was mentioned that it is coming out on nearly every platform known to man. The last game was a very pleasant surprise, BLACK ICE\WHITE NOISE. The game takes place in a very large virtual world, I believe about 40 or 50 game miles. Everything is nicely texture mapped and has a very realistic look to it. The game engine is in 3D, but the player is visible on the screen, the effect looks very nice. The player walks around the city, and is capable of entering some of the buildings. Along the way the player encounters various people, each represented through a FMV conversation. The player can choose attitudes to hold during the conversation, similar to Return to Zork. Many different types of guns are available at the weapons shops scattered around the city for the player's use. The game has a very Cyberpunk feel to it, and that's just the impression it wants to make. The player can choose how to live his or her life in the game, if the player takes on good missions he won't have a wonderful "reputation", if the player chooses assassination type missions, many civilians won't want to deal with him or her. The whole game will have an imbedded plot that will be uncovered as the player takes the various missions. This looks to be a very, very hot release. After previewing all the CD software, the press was given a collection of materials and gifts. Each attendee received a Jaguar press video, which featured several games not included at the show. These include shots of Primal Rage, Thea Realm Fighters, Hover Strike CD, and Dragons Lair. Also included was a Jaguar binder filled with Jaguar information, including a copy of the presentation given, and a packet dealing with Jaguar "bitness". Each person was also given a sample of corporate goodies including the Atari hat, pen, dufflebag, keychain, mug, bumper sticker, shirt, and a Nerf gun. Finally, each magazine was given a copy of Flip Out and Blue Lightning to take home. To complete the idea of "Fun'n Games", Atari handed out a free pass and meal ticket to Paramount's Great America theme park to all media/employees. So to end the day, everyone who wanted, got to spend the evening enjoying the local coasters - Top Gun being a personal favorite :). It seems fairly obvious that Atari has recognized the problems with the media, and is doing what they can to remedy them. Let's just hope everyone was paying attention to everything. --==--==--==--==-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --==--==-- CompuServe Sign-Up Information --==--==-- -- -- -- -- To sign up for CompuServe service, call (voice call) (800) 848-8199. -- -- Ask for operator #198. You will be sent a $15.00 value CIS membership -- -- kit for free. -- -- -- -- --==--==-- CompuServe Sign-Up Information --==--==-- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --==--==--==--==-- ||| Jaguar Tackboard ||| Confirmed information about Atari's Jaguar / | \ Compiled from online and official sources ----------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Independent Association of Jaguar Developers =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The IAJD (Independent Association of Jaguar Developers) has started accepting members on GEnie. The IAJD is a private group where confidential discussions can be freely held. (Category 64 of the ST RoundTable is the IAJD meeting place.) Consequently, membership in the IAJD is limited to Jaguar developers who are registered with Atari Corp. To apply for membership, send EMail to ENTRY$ on GEnie (or if you're not on GEnie). Regular EMail correspondence with the IAJD should be sent to IAJD$ (again, or if you're not on GEnie). =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// NEW Internet Jaguar Mailing List =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Tony's Jaguar mailing list has had to be taken down, but the resourceful Christian Svensson picked up the message flow without skipping a beat. Anyone with Internet EMail access can join the discussions on the Jaguar mailing list. To "subscribe" to the list, send an EMail to the following address: With the following as the body message: subscribe jaguar FirstName LastName (Where "FirstName" is your real first name and "LastName" is your real last name.) You should then soon receive the subscription information including such options as a digest (for those who have requested that in the past). The actual list address is: . All mail will go to the list server and be sent to the hundreds of readers of the list. IMPORTANT: If your mail server charges you by the character or by the letter, please be aware that the Jaguar list can generate dozens, and up to a hundred EMails in a day. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Jaguar FAQ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Robert Jung maintains the Jaguar FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) file, an updated list of Jaguar specs and facts. The Jaguar FAQ is posted to rec.games.video.atari on Usenet around the first of every month, and can also be found via FTP, address: ftp.netcom.com, in Andy Eddy's /pub/vidgames/faqs directory. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// AEO Development List 2.06 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Editor: The following list of game titles has been confirmed to the best of AEO's ability as of July 17, 1995. Entries in the "S"tatus column reflect any "e"rrors, "u"pdates, "n"ew titles, titles that are in "P"roduction, or "?"uestionable listings since the last AEO list. Entries in the "M"edia column reflect whether the title is "C"D-ROM, "H"ardware, or "V"R software. (Blank entries are assumed to be cartridge software.) ETA dates are dates that have been provided by the developer. AMMV. //// Titles in Development Rating/ S M Title ETA Developer Publisher """ """"" """ """"""""" """"""""" P AirCars 8/95 MidNite MidNite C Alien vs. Predator: The CD 2/96 Atari n Allegiance - Team 17 u Arena Football League 10/95 V Real Productions Atari C Artemis Mid96 Springer Spaniel Springer u Atari Kart 10/95 Atari Attack of the Mutant Penguins 10/95 Atari C Baldies 9/95 Atari Atari C Batman Forever 4/96 Atari Atari C Battlemorph 8/95 Attention to Detail Atari u Battlesphere 10/95 4Play 4Play u Battlewheels 1Q/96 Beyond Games Beyond Games C Black ICE\White Noise 12/95 Atari Atari C Blue Lightning 8/95 Attention to Detail Atari C Braindead 13 10/95 Readysoft Readysoft C Brett Hull Hockey 11/95 Atari Casino Royale - Telegames Telegames Center Court Tennis ? Zeppelin Games Charles Barkley Basketball 9/95 Atari n C Commander Blood 12/95 Atari C Commando 11/95 Microids Atari Conan - Arcade Zone C Creature Shock 8/95 Argonaut Software Virgin 'Dactyl Joust 11/95 High Voltage Atari C Dante 6/96 Atari Deathwatch 12/95 Visual Design Atari C Defender 2000 10/95 LlamaSoft Atari C Demolition Man 8/95 Virgin Interactive Atari C Deus ex Machina 12/95 Silmarils C Dragon's Lair 8/95 ReadySoft ReadySoft Droppings ? Delta Music Systems C Dune Racer 1/96 Atari Dungeon Depths ? MidNite ? Evidence ? Microids C FIFA International Soccer - Electronic Arts P Flashback 8/95 Tiertex Ltd. U.S. Gold P Flip Out *8* Gorilla Systems Atari C Formula Racing (was F1 Racer) 11/95 Domark Group Ltd. Atari Frank Thomas Baseball 4/96 Acclaim Atari C Freelancer 2120 Q3/95 Imagitec Design Atari Galactic Gladiators ? Photosurrealism n Gotcha! 1996 Hardball 3 - Atari Atari u C Highlander I 9/95 Lore Design Ltd. Atari u C Highlander II 11/95 Lore Design Ltd. Atari u C Highlander III 1/96 Lore Design Ltd. Atari Horrorscope - V-Real Productions C Hover Strike CD 9/95 Atari Atari Hyper Force - Visual Impact C-West Indiana Jags - Virtual Xperience C Iron Soldier II 1/96 Eclipse Atari u Ironman/Exoman 4/96 Acclaim Atari C Ishar Genesis 12/95 Silmarils James Pond 3 Q2/95 Telegames ? Kick Off 3 ? Anco Software Ltd. Legions of the Undead Q4/95 Rebellion Software Atari ? Lester the Unlikely ? DTMC C Litil Divil - Gremlin Interactive C Lobo ? Ocean Software Ltd. C Magic Carpet 12/95 Bullfrog Atari C Max Force 9/95 Atari C Mind-ripper 2/96 Atari V Missile Command VR 12/95 Atari ? Mountain Sports ? DTMC C Mortal Kombat III 4/96 Williams Atari H MPEG - Atari Atari C Myst 8/95 Atari NBA Jam TE - Acclaim Atari Nanoterror ? Delta Music Systems C Need For Speed - Electronic Arts Nerves of Steel ? Rainmaker Software u C Netwar 11/95 Atari Atari ? C Neurodancer ? PIXIS Interactive u Phase Zero (was Hover Hunter) Q4/95 Hyper Image Atari u Pitfall 9/95 Activision u Power Drive Rally 9/95 Rage Software Time-Warner C Powerslide 1995 Williams Brothers Telegames C Primal Rage 11/95 Time-Warner Time-Warner Rainbow Warrior ? 3D Games u RayMan 8/95 UBI Soft UBI Soft n C Return Fire - Alexandria Return of Magic Q4/95 Virtual Artistry C Return to Zork - Activision C Rise of the Robots Q4/95 Williams Brothers Time-Warner u C Robinson's Requiem 9/95 Silmarils Atari n C Rocky Horror Interactive 6/96 n Rollcage - Team 17 Ruiner 9/95 High Voltage Atari u Skyhammer 12/95 Rebellion Software Atari u Soccer Kid - Krisalis Software Ocean C Soulstar 9/95 Core Design Atari C Space Ace 8/95 ReadySoft ReadySoft u Space War 2000 10/95 Atari C Starlight Bowl-a-rama 10/95 V-Real Productions n Sudden Impact 12/95 Super Off-Road - Telegames u Supercross 3D 9/95 Atari T-Mek - Time-Warner C Thea Relm Fighters 10/95 High Voltage Atari Ultimate Brain Games - Telegames u Ultra Vortek 8/95 Beyond Games Atari C Varuna's Forces 11/95 Accent Media Atari C Vid Grid 8/95 Atari Atari Virtual Warriors ? Rainmaker Software C Virtuoso 1995 Williams Brothers Telegames Waterworld ? Ocean Software Ltd. C Wayne Gretzky NHL Hockey 11/95 Time-Warner Time-Warner P White Men Can't Jump 7/95 High Voltage Atari Wild Cup Soccer 1995 Telegames C Wing Commander III - Electronic Arts n Witchwood - Team 17 World Class Cricket - Telegames ? World Cup ? Anco Software Ltd. n Worms Q4/95 Team 17 n Zero 5 1996 V Zone Hunter - Virtuality Virtuality Zzyorxx II - Virtual Xperience //// Unnamed Titles in Development S M Title ETA Developer Publisher """ """"" """ """"""""" """"""""" H Jaguar / PC card ? Sigma Designs Sigma 3D shooter ? iThink Football - Atari Miniature Golf ? DTMC Racing - Gremlin Graphics Fighter - Level 7 C Sports - AM1 Atari Movie tie-in - //// Current Releases M Title Rated Company Publisher " """"" """"""" """"""" """"""""" Alien vs. Predator 9 Rebellion Atari Brutal Sports Football 7 Millenium/Teque Telegames Bubsy 6 Imagitec Design Atari Cannon Fodder 7 Virgin Interactive C. West H Cat Box N/A Black Cat Design Black Cat Checkered Flag 5 Rebellion Atari Club Drive 7 Atari Atari Crescent Galaxy 3 Atari Atari Cybermorph 7 Attention to Detail Atari Doom 9 id Software Atari Double Dragon V 4 Williams Enter. Williams Dragon 7 Virgin Interactive Atari Evolution Dino-Dudes 6 Imagitec Design Atari Hover Strike - Atari Atari International Sensible Soccer - Williams Brothers Telegames Iron Soldier 10 Eclipse Atari Kasumi Ninja 8 Hand Made Software Atari Pinball Fantasies 8 NEW Spider Soft C-West Raiden 6 Imagitec Design Atari Super Burnout 8 NEW Shen Atari Syndicate - Bullfrog Ocean Tempest 2000 10 LlamaSoft Atari Theme Park 6 Bullfrog Ocean Troy Aikman NFL Football 7 Telegames Williams Wolfenstein 3D 8 id Software Atari Val d'Isere Skiing... 5 Virtual Studio Atari Zool 2 7 Gremlin Graphics Atari Pts Stars AEO Ratings """ """"" """"""""""" 10 ***** GAMING NIRVANA!!! - You have left reality behind... for good. 9 ****+ Unbelieveable GAME!! - Your family notices you're often absent. 8 **** Fantastic Game!! - You can't get enough playtime in on this. 7 ***+ Great Game! - Something to show off to friends or 3DOers. 6 *** Good game - You find yourself playing this from time to time. 5 **+ Ho-hum - If there's nothing else to do, you play this. 4 ** Waste of time - Better to play this than play in traffic. 3 *+ Sucks - Playing in traffic sounds like more fun. 2 * Sucks Badly - You'd rather face an IRS audit than play this. 1 + Forget it - ... but you can't; it's so badly done, it haunts you. 0 - Burn it - Disallow programmer from ever writing games again. //// The Short Term Schedule Here's the Jaguar software schedule for the next few months. Please bear in mind that these dates represent everyone's best assumptions. July: White Men Can't Jump August: Air Cars (?) September: Baldies Jaguar CD Player Charles Barkley Basketball Battlemorph Highlander I Blue Lightning Hover Strike CD Creature Shock Nerf Max Force Demolition Man Pitfall Dragon's Lair Power Drive Rally Flashback (?) Robinson's Requiem Flip Out Ruiner Myst Soulstar Rayman Supercross Space Ace Ultra Vortek Vid Grid =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Press Releases =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// New Software Titles FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Jessica Nagel or Tom Tanno Dorf & Stanton Communications, Inc., (310) 479-4997 or (800) 444-6663 ATARI PRESENTS NEW SOFTWARE TITLES AT "FUN 'N' GAMES" MEDIA DAY SUNNYVALE, CA (JUNE 20, 1995)-Numerous new titles for the Jaguar system and Jaguar CD were previewed at the "Fun 'N' Games" media event at Atari Corporation headquarters today. Hands-on previews and demonstrations were conducted by game producers and developers. In addition, the event highlighted marketing strategy, technology developments, and a presentation of peripherals including Jaguar VR. Atari Corporation continues its Jaguar software library expansion, approaching 100 titles for its 64-bit Jaguar entertainment system by the end of the year. "We will have every kind of game that players want, from the best developers and publishers in the world," comments Atari President Sam Tramiel. The titles demonstrated at "Fun 'N' Games" include: =*= Blue Lightning (CD) =*= Gamers pilot a chosen plane from a squadron of United Nations operatives as they fight to stop General Drako, the UN member turned terrorist. Players design flight plans and use their quick maneuvering skills to destroy key enemy locations and bases. Players also protect cargo planes and other UN planes transporting important government officials. =*= Hover Hunter (working title) (cart) =*= The age of limitless resources and vast armies is over. The battlefield now belongs to the elite; those with the speed, firepower, reflexes and intelligence to get the job done fast and done right. As pilot of a high-speed attack hovercraft, gamers man the most powerful tool utilized in this struggle for complete global domination. =*= White Men Can't Jump (cart) =*= Trash talk runs rampant on this in-your-face, two-on-two, blacktop basketball shoot-out. Automatic camera control zooms in and swings around to catch all the action in this fast-paced, hard playing new sports game for the 64-bit Jaguar. White Men Can't Jump will be released bundled with the Team Tap, the multi-player adapter for the Atari Jaguar, a $29.95 value. =*= FlipOut! (Cart) =*= A puzzle game with an alien twist. Take a tour of the Cheese Planet (or as the citizens call it, Planet Phromahj) which includes nine different areas of game play, with multiple games per area, and four difficulty levels, from normal to psychotic. Whatever you do, watch out for those mischievous little aliens. Some of them will try to help you (if you can call it help), but most of them will try to trip you up for the fun of it. If they weren't so cute, you'd wring their necks. =*= Highlander (CD) =*= You are Quentin MacLeod, the hope of mankind. An immortal raised as an ordinary child, your destiny was unknown until the day slave traders destroyed your village, kidnapped the Dundees, and killed your mother. As she died, your mother called you "The Highlander" and urged you to seek out the stranger who would train you to fulfill your destiny--to wrestle mankind from the grasp of the evil immortal, Kortan. You must find this stranger, an immortal named, Ramirez, who will help you gather the knowledge you need to defeat Kortan. Your first quest is to rescue the Dundees from Kortan's stronghold. Highlander includes original dialog from the actors in the animated series and cinepaked sequences from the animated series as well. =*= Myst (CD) =*= Get lost in the worlds of Myst. Use your mind to unlock the secrets of ages past. What happened to the worlds Atrus created? Is one of his sons behind the destruction? It's up to you to find out. Take careful notes. Everything you see or hear, no matter how insignificant, could be the key to unlocking the mystery. =*= SuperX (cart) =*= Supercross enables the player to experience this exhilarating dirt bike ride and race from a realistic first person biker's perspective. The track is constructed from texture mapped polygons allowing full 360 degree 3D generation of the course. The game is based around three main modes: practice, single race, and championship / tournament. The riders have particular characteristics that affect performance, including strength, weight, agility and accumulated factors such as injuries and morale (based on recent from). Put on your helmet.... you're in for everything from tunnel jumps to triples... get out in front quick and you'll have everyone freight-training behind you. =*= Baldies (CD) =*= Ever want to rule the world? With Baldies, you have the resources but do you have the strategy and skill? Build your own society complete with workers, builders, soldiers, and scientists, and use them to create your own world and conquer the enemy. Use your scientists to invent creative ways to kill the enemy. Dropping a skunk into an enemy house to make them run out into a minefield you've laid is just one way to get rid of them. You can also drown them, electrocute them, and trap them, to name just a few of their useful ploys. You are only limited by your own imagination. This game is truly for all ages. With its advanced AI, it can be a "fishbowl" where you observe the baldies multiplying and living out their lives or you can interact, decide to conquer the world and attack the bad guys (those with hair). There are five areas of game play with literally hundreds of levels, including secret levels and secret warps to get to other levels. =*= Robinson's Requiem (CD) =*= This is the ultimate test of human endurance in an alien world--a survival / adventure simulation set in a startlingly realistic virtual environment the likes of which has never before been seen. You are imprisoned on an alien planet --Zarathustra-- and your aim is to escape. If you have to amputate one of your own limbs in order to survive, then that's what you must do. To escape, you'll need to use the environment and your cunning, and do anything necessary to stay alive--including amputating your own limbs. Features more than 100 variables in real time; your body temperature, stress, fatigue, pain, coughs, malaria, poisoning, fractures, gangrene, hallucinations... Deal with diseases and health hazards and fight off predators. This is no outward-bound weekend. Robinson's Requiem will test your survival skills to the limit. Keep your wits about you Robinson, and you just might make it. =*= Charles Barkley Basketball (cart) =*= Charles Barkley Basketball is an over-the-top, in-your-face two-on-two basketball game. The player has 20 characters to choose from including Charles Barkley. There are also two modes: versus and tournament mode. In versus mode, pick your players and go at it. In tournament mode, if you're good enough, you can even end up endorsing products as your work your way through the tournament to meet Charles Barkley in the finals to see who really is the best. =*= Commander Blood (CD) =*= Bob Morlock, the oldest being in the universe, is the boss of Kanary Corp., a gigantic business he founded over two hundred thousand years ago. All of his millions of employees were built by and for Kanary, which spends colossal sums of money just to keep Bob alive. Bob has felt the end approaching so it is time to delve into the meaning of life, the central truth of existence. Bob has put together an expedition through time to the final destination: the Big Bang. The Kanary Research Corp. scientists have developed an amazing black hole, name Oddland; a new era in space travel has dawned. As Commander Blood, you take command of the Ark (the best spaceship anyplace, anytime), aided by Hank, the onboard bioconsciousness, and Olga, the onboard translator), with Morlock on board as well. Your job is to fly through Oddland as often as it takes to get to the Big Bang. However, black holes aren't just the natural boundary points between universes, they're also political borders and are heavily guarded by SCRUT ships. To make your trip a little easier, you have several identities: frozen meat salesman, roadie for the famous "Migrators" rock band, etc. Each universe contains not only business and military vessels, but also a number of planets. You'll need to make friends, do favors, or get involved in local wars to gather information you will need. Good luck! =*= Breakout 2000 (cart) =*= Breakout 2000 is an update to Atari's classic game, Breakout. As in the original, the game consists of a paddle, a ball, and a playfield composed of bricks. The difference in Breakout 2000 is that it changes the viewpoint by rotating the playfield back into a 3/4 3D perspective. The objective will still be to get a high score by clearing the playfield of all removable bricks and not losing your turn by missing the ball. To make this more difficult, there are bricks that are non-breakable and some must be hit more than once to be broken. Also there are power-ups which may give you an extra ball, speed up your ball, slow down your ball, etc. If you loved the original, you'll love this. =*= Vid Grid (CD) =*= Here's a whole new way to "play" music videos. As you watch each video, the screen is divided into squares that are all mixed up. You have to unscramble each video while it's playing and before the music ends. You choose to divide the screen by 3x3, 4x4, 5x5, 6x6 squares, upside down, to name just a few of the options. Vid Grid features some of your favorite full-length, uncut videos including Red Hot Chili Peppers, Peter Gabriel, Aerosmith, Sound Garden and more. It takes just minutes to learn, but provides hours of challenging entertainment. (And to make it even better, it will be packed-in to the Jaguar CD player at launch). =*= Varuna's Forces (CD) =*= Varuna's Forces is an action strategy game with elements of a "shoot 'em up". You are in control of a team of four soldiers of the United Coalition of Planets, Marine Attack Division, nicknamed Varuna's Forces. The team is equipped with helmet cameras and microphones linked via radio to your tactical command console. You see, on your common screen, views from each of your soldier's cameras. Also at your disposal is an overall view of a plan of the area with your troops' positions indicated. Your soldiers have his or her personal characteristics and relationships with his or her teammates which change over time. Sometimes command decisions must be made not just upon the physical status of a particular soldier, but also upon his or her personal attributes. You are given a number of scenarios from which to choose, however, your objective is to successfully complete each one. You may need to obtain the release of hostages, or capture an entire area or base, or capture a particular piece of equipment. =*= Battlemorph (CD) =*= One of the most realistic 3D shooter/explorer games to date, Battlemorph picks up where Cybermorph left off. This sequel will have more unique worlds, more elaborate missions, and both underwater regions and underground tunnels to explore. Players can use the various formations of the War Griffon to battle into enemy territory, using fighter, tank, and amphibious forms to gain the edge over enemies. =*= Space War 2000 (cart) =*= As a space knight, gamers vie for glory, honor, fame and fortune in this first-person perspective 3D adventure. With the proceeds from each successful intergalactic joust, players can procure multiple weapons to defeat the enemy and have their name cast for eternity in "The High Score Table". =*= Ultra Vortek (cart) =*= Players become one of ten eye-popping, bone-crunching warriors of the underground who battle it out in mind-bending arenas carved from the living rock, with one goal in mind: Defeat the dreaded Guardian of the Vortek. This game features a "lock-out" code to limit violence within gameplay. =*= Creature Shock (CD) =*= The remains of the SS Amazon, a space-drifting ship abandoned in 2023, is the setting for this fully rendered 3D animation Sci-Fi / Adventure game. In the hopes of finding a new home for the dying planet Earth, players must kill the deadly, crawling creatures which have inhabited the ship, before the creatures literally slash and burn them first. Created by Argonaut, designers of Nintendo's Special FX(tm) Chip. =*= Demolition Man (CD) =*= Based on the movie starring Sylvester Stallone and Wesley Snipes, this title features several different types of gameplay including shooting, car chasing, tunnel hunting, and hand-to-hand combat. Players will actually control cinematic-quality live action footage of Stallone as Demolition Man in this game, which smoothly merges movie and video footage. Includes footage of Stallone and Snipes filmed specially for this interactive adventure. =*= Black ICE \ White Noise (CD) =*= No Respite. No Rails. No Rules. In Black ICE \ White Noise players take the role of a street-level cyberpunk in the urban blightscape of New San Francisco, walking a barbed wire tightrope between the cysta line informational world of C-Space and the grimy reality of The Street and The Meat. Gameplay features include point-of-view C-Space hacking, full-motion video encounters, and digitized video sprites of gangs, crazies, cops, Corps... and corpses. Play a good guy who fights the good fight...or a bad girl who left her heart in San Francisco a long time ago. Ooops--your mission went bad and you just blew away a cop. Now here come allllll his friends. Make a note: Better do some creative hacking on that lengthy police record of yours, after you get out of this alive. If you get out of this alive... =*= Defender 2000 (cart) =*= This arcade classic (from the creator of Tempest 2000 for the Jaguar) will feature autofire for the basic laser; loads of enemies; additional weapons; bonus rounds; a graphically enhanced ship and enemies; spectacular explosions; scrolling and warping backdrops; up to four modes of play (including "CPU assist"); and, of course, great music. =*= Thea Realm Fighters (CD) =*= As one of 12 digitized fighters, you must defeat all the others before facing SurRaider, a powerful warrior from another dimension. Four or more special moves and two "killer" moves will help you win your battles against hidden SubBosses and 5 secret characters. Defeat up to 21 characters in a single game or SurRaider will conquer the planet and add Earth to his vast empire. =*= Brett Hull Hockey (cart) =*= This 3D game offers the player two different perspectives and features a camera which zooms in and out and moves in all directions to keep up with the fast paced action. The power, colors, and speed of the Jaguar and texture mapping will give the gamer a true 3D experience. =*= Max Force (CD) =*= This game takes place at the Max Force Virtual Training Facility where you must be smart, quick, and accurate with over a dozen Nerf weapons in order to become a member of the elite Max Force Team. While shooting enemies and targets, collect all four pieces of the Max Force medallion and destroy the boss in each level. Three dimensional artwork and first-person perspective with action taking place in a Virtual Reality Simulator guarantee lots of Nerf fun where no one gets hurt. # # # Jaguar is a trademark of Atari Corporation. Atari is a registered trademark of Atari Corporation. Other products may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their owning companies. Atari has been in the video game business for over twenty years. Today, Atari markets Jaguar, the only American made, advanced 64-Bit entertainment system. Atari Corporation is located in Sunnyvale, CA. //// Ted Hoff, President of North American Operations CONTACT: August Liguori Atari Corporation (408) 745-2069 Jessica Nagel and Patricia Kerr Dorf & Stanton Communications, Inc. (310) 479-4997 or (800) 444-6663 For Immediate Release... ATARI CORPORATION NAMES HOFF PRESIDENT OF NORTH AMERICAN OPERATIONS SUNNYVALE, CA -- (June 26, 1995) -- Earlier this morning Atari Corporation announced that Theodore M. Hoff has joined the company's core management team as President of North American Operations. Hoff will oversee Atari Corporation's North American operations, which includes the United States, Canada and Mexico. "We are very pleased to have Ted Hoff at Atari," said Atari Corporation President/CEO Sam Tramiel. "His extensive industry experience will play an integral part, both in the planning and execution of our long and short term corporate strategies." Prior to joining Atari Corporation, Mr. Hoff was Senior Vice President and General Manager of Fox Interactive, a division of Twentieth Century Fox. During his tenure, Hoff launched Fox's interactive entertainment division, establishing the company's mission, structure, five-year strategic and financial plans, and led the launch of multiple titles based on their film and television properties. >From 1990 to 1994, Mr. Hoff held the key position of Senior Vice President of Time Warner Interactive, Inc. (TWI), the home entertainment software publisher subsidiary of Time Warner, Inc. At TWI Hoff directed sales and marketing and established annual and long-range strategies and financial objectives. Hoff hired and directed senior staff, including directors of marketing, sales, licensing and acquisition, and third party publisher affiliates. Under Hoff's direction, Time Warner Interactive launched 15 to 20 new titles per year including arcade, theatrical, and sports licenses. Mr. Hoff's previous experience also includes senior management positions at United Brands Co. and Philip Morris, where Hoff launched new products and directed retail sales, marketing, and operations at both corporations. Atari has been in the video game business for over twenty years. Today, Atari markets Jaguar, the only American made, advanced 64-Bit entertainment system. Atari Corporation is located in Sunnyvale CA. //// Atari & Activision Sign Deal CONTACT: Jessica Nagel or Patricia Kerr Dorf & Stanton Communications, Inc. (310) 479-4997 or (800) 444-6663 _For Immediate Release_ Atari Corporation Inks Licensing Agreement With Activision Inc. Deal yields release of classic Atari titles for PCs. Sunnyvale, CA -- (July 17, 1995) -- Atari Corporation announced today the finalization of a contract with Activision Inc., a Los Angeles based leader in software development. Atari Corporation's pact with the prestigious developer will bring consumers classic Atari titles in multiple formats. The agreement will also result in the release of the all-time American favorite, "Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure" for Jaguar 64. "Our collaboration with Activison will offer exciting entertainment for both Jaguar 64 consumers and PC users," said Ted Hoff, Atari Corporation's President of North American Operations. "'Pitfall' is a fine example of our continued commitment to provide Jaguar gamers with top-quality titles." The release of "Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure" for the Jaguar 64 system will be an ideal showcase for the extensive capabilities of this advanced home entertainment system. "Pitfall" reflects the power of Jaguar's superior 64-bit technology, resulting in brilliant color, intense speed, and stereo sound. The jungle adventure game has a target ship date of mid September. Numerous Atari classic games will soon be available to PC users when Activision releases "Atari Action Pak II" for single-user IBM and PC compatible computers. The special "Pak" will also provide consumers with PC versions of such memorable Atari titles as: "Air Sea Battle"; "Breakout", "Super Breakout"; "Space War"; "Surround"; "Millipede"; "Combat"; "Yar's Revenge"; "Canyon Bomber"; "Gravitar"; "Maze Craze"; and "Night Driver". The "Pitfall" release under the Activision agreement is one of the many exciting games for the Atari Jaguar 64 library, which will approach 100 titles by the end of the year. The expanded library will include CD titles for the much anticipated Jaguar CD system, which will be shipping in August. For over 20 years, Atari Corporation has provided consumers with high-quality, value- priced entertainment. Atari Corporation markets Jaguar, the only American-made, advanced 64-bit entertainment system and is located in Sunnyvale, California. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// How Many Bits is Jaguar? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= (And what does it mean anyway?) The number of bits used to characterize a computing system is, in general, a fairly straightforward issue. The candidates for the number to use are: 1) The number of bits in the data bus. This is the number of bits that can be transferred from one part of the system to another at one time. 2) The number of bits in the ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit). This is the number of bits that can be computed at once. 3) The number of bits in a data register. This is the number of bits that make up a value when stored inside a chip. The number usually used is the first one, the width of the data bus. This is because there are bottlenecks in all systems. These need to be avoided. The transfer of data is a vital aspect of performance and it has been seen to be an important way to judge overall system performance. First, a bit of history. The first popular microprocessor was the Intel 8080. It had an 8-bit data bus (meaning 8 bits of data could be transferred at one time), an 8-bit ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit, so it could compute 8 bits at once), and 8-bit wide registers. There was a universal agreement that this should be called an "8-bit processor". Another popular 8-bit processor is the 6502. Like the 8080, the 6502 has an 8-bit data bus, an 8-bit ALU and 8-bit registers. There was also universal agreement that this should be called an 8-bit processor. The 6502 is the processor used as the computation base of many popular systems. These include: game systems such as the Atari 2600, 5200, 7800 and the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), as well as computer systems such as Atari 400, 800, Commodore VIC-20, C-64 and Apple II. These are the classic 8-bit machines. Now the confusion starts. Consider the Intel 8088. The chip has an 8-bit data bus, a 16-bit ALU and 16-bit registers. Intel called this an 8-bit processor because it has an 8-bit data bus to distinguish it from the 8086 which is the 16-bit bus version. The 8088 was used in the first IBM PC and IBM called it 16-bit. This was probably because the Apple II was 8-bit and IBM wanted to be bigger. In this case, the stretch is not completely ridiculous because the 8088 is identical to the 8086 except for the width of the data bus. Next consider the Motorola 68000. This has a 16-bit data bus, a 16-bit ALU and 32-bit registers. It is also known as a 16-bit processor. The 68000 was the heart of the original Apple Macintosh. For reasons no doubt similar to IBM's, Apple chose to call the Mac a 32-bit machine (although no one really really believed them). Intel actually worked a clever way around this problem when the 386 came out. The 386 is a true 32-bit chip with a 32-bit data bus, a 32-bit ALU and 32-bit registers. Intel also produced a version of the 386 that was identical except that it has a 16-bit data bus. Intel called the 32-bit bus version the 386DX and the 16-bit version the 386SX. The performance difference between these two chips demonstrates the validity of the data bus criterion. By the convention, the 8088 and 8086 should be called the 8086SX and 8086DX respectively. The concept of system architecture is quite useful here. The 386 is a 32-bit architecture and the 386SX is a 16-bit implementation of that architecture. Just to add confusion, Intel changed the meaning of DX and SX with the 486. The 486SX is missing an on-chip coprocessor. In the video game arena, things were quite a bit simpler. The Sega Genesis used, as it main processor, the 68000. Either, as a result of a failure of marketing imagination or due to Apple's failure to convince anyone that the original Mac was 32-bit, Sega called the Genesis a 16-bit machine. The Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) is based on a 65816, a 16-bit version of the 6502. This is also a 16-bit system. Both of these systems use 16-bit graphic chips. This means that the graphics chips in the system are capable of moving data around the system 16-bits at a time. The NEC Turbo Graphics 16 is an interesting machine. It used an 8-bit processor but contained 16-bit graphics hardware. This is the first popular example of the bit size of a system not being determined by the central processor, but by other parts of the system. Another example of a 16-bit system containing an 8-bit processor is the Atari Lynx. To recap the discussion above, there are several different numbers that can be used to classify a computing system. The one that has had the best historical success, is the width of the data bus. At present, this is relatively easy to do. Just count the number of wires carrying data. As technology advances, this will become harder since the busses will be on-chip. This means that the actual 64 wires may not be visible on the circuit board, as they are now. The details may change, but the basic principal will remain the same. Now, how many bits is the Jaguar? The heart of the Jaguar architecture is a 64-bit data bus. This allows several of the system components to operate on 64-bits of data simultaneously and pass those results around the same way. These components are: =*= Object Processor =*= This system element takes an image from DRAM (main memory) to draw it on the screen. It reads DRAM 64-bits at a time. =*= BLiTTER =*= This moves data around the system. It is optimized for the transfer of graphics data. The BLiTTER is capable of 64-bit reads and writes. =*= GPU =*= This is the true computational heart of the system. It is a custom RISC processor, with a 64-bit data bus, a 32-bit ALU and 32-bit registers. There are other support components in the Jaguar that are not 64-bit in nature. This does not prevent the system from being 64-bit. >From this, it should be easier to see that the Atari Jaguar really is a 64-bit system. (This document issued at Atari's "Fun 'N' Games" press event held June 20, 1995 at Atari headquarters in Sunnyvale, California. Tradenames used are Trademarks or Registered Trademarks of their owning companies.) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Extract of CatNip =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= [Editor: All of the following articles are taken from various CatNips, and are written by Atari's own Don Thomas. Don does work above and beyond the call of duty in keeping onliners informed of newsworthy items and events.] //// Fun N Games Day On June 20, 1995 (yesterday as I write this), Atari Corporation hosted an all day "Fun 'N' Games" event for select gaming industry press members. Valued online publication representatives were invited as well as the hard copy gaming magazines. After all the RSVPs were narrowed down, about two dozen hard core gaming reporters were hosted to an entire day of news, previews, and interviews. Events included structured, one-on-one, face-to-face, closed-door, candid interviews with Atari's most experienced programmers, producers and testers. Guests were given opportunities to take their own exclusive photographs and screen captures. Every visitor was provided an extensive press package with E3 releases as well as brand new material. Nagging questions were answered and undoubtedly new ones were created. When the festivities wound down at the end of the business day, Atari escorted the dazed bunch to Great America amusement park for the rest of the evening and in through the night. (Paramount's Great America, located in Santa Clara, California is the one used in Beverly Hills Cop III. No, Eddie couldn't make it.) (Regrettably, my son fell ill yesterday with some 24-hour stomach flu so I ]UWo&g]0 ]W2 z`V0@ jlhR̉6 "[=ްYxVVE _SfR &"Mq #k&F`ʌLU{uxU~4u~F 1b'@p=KL -B7Q=X t Qp7LB"jJԂ J{j7l8W5`̙zEzDg rC+]LP> JT9p^Z0`|R [; W?U'aIHU&b`SBykdU@ v9DgL- `&xD@Z6U/'[E[]o ) @sDH 0 L`&r-DKHE>|$zPYAĶ 6tizր]|DZx9`\V+]ȵ<ù04;FUǰ2 |Uxwt8Ux%RvSUs9  2"LµK@IV{njFp#v TO A<IVŒd l#.\䰘K0#B'pA^44ER&A#KZu+*s by̯9=uk\󶚴U X֖x|'i> t6ǔ` YUPU{X{a!0 )` bΐs "G(Dvrj +M J  Dɝ"K aEWundMm ̀:H-4Sl=+sI ȶo #Tm!H.tpf"%  փ¿? 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