P3yL}6CD l0C)HCC WhL/h `CmCDiD`  R@Py"#-/5<=>CMekn{}󍪍򣍪ºҠ  y Ȥ ΍ Ȥ Ȥ ΢ ֍ y  荪 卪 卪 y 卪 荪 捪 Иy  卪 썪 y 卪 ֍ y 捪 y 썪 썪 y 卪 􍪘y Ȥ κ Ȥ y Ȥ Ȥ ΢ Ȥ xxxxy[1K]>kw1< [1T]>The Unholy Man [1C]>/Longworth has constant /headaches. >/Tallcourt is a well-known collector of /original /manuyscripts. >/Longworth was seen reading a /Bible to the /victim and the /Duke the day before the murder. >GENERAL /MOTIVE CLUE| y You /can't /judge a /book by /its /cover. >/Anastasia did not like the /strange /preacher. >GENERAL /WEAPON CLUE| The /Bibley says that if you /live by /one, /you'll /die by /one. >/Longworth is considered a foremost authority on the /authenticity of /yoriginal /manuscripts. >The /original /manuscript of "/Hamlet" was /stolen recently from an /exhibit on the Riviera. >/KILLER yCLUE (/2 Parts)| /1. Not /short. >/KILLER CLUE (/2 Parts)| /2. /Value >The /Bishop was in /attendance at the /Playhouse the nyight of the murder. >Longworth /does not /smoke. >The victim had a /handsome /tan, peculiar in /London. >The /Bishop /smokes y/German /made cigarettes. [3K]>kw3<[3T]>Silver Patch[3C]>The /floor of Silver Patch's stall contained some /fresh /black /painty. >Sir Reginald Cosgrove had a /large /insurance /policy on /Silver /Patch. >/WEAPON CLUE (/3 Parts)| /3. Rhymes with "/throtytle". >/KILLER CLUE (/2 Parts)| /2. An arrangement of /fruit /trees. >Some /fresh /silver /paint was found on the stall floory of /Night /Dancer, /another of Sir Reginald's /horses. >/MOTIVE CLUE (/3 Parts)| /1. The opposite of /out. >/MOTIVE CLUE (/y3 Parts)| /2. Another word for "/positive" or "/certain". >/MOTIVE CLUE (/3 Parts)| /3. Creatures that /love /picnics. >/KILyLER CLUE (/2 Parts)| /1. Something that /produces an /effect. >The /pawn /ticket at the /scene of the /crime belonged to Sir Ryeginald Cosgrove. >/Footprints at the stables show that the killer /wore a /size /12 /shoe. >/WEAPON CLUES (/3 Parts)| /1. Whyen you have no /money, you're /flat _____.| /2. The alphabet letter after /M. >/Jansen is now working at the /Locksmith /shop.y >Sir Reginald /would /never /kill his prize horse, Silver Patch. [4K]>kw4<[4T]>The Chameleon's Vengeance[4C]>/HIDING /PLACE CyLUE (/4 Parts)| /3. Nickname for /Linda. >"/SURPRISE" CLUE (/3 Parts)| /3. More than /one "/sip". >The /carriage /driver isy /not the Chameleon. >/CHAMELEON CLUE (/2 Parts)| /2. Past tense of the /verb "/tread". >"/SURPRISE" CLUE (/3 Parts)| /2. Whyat the /wind /does. >/HIDING /PLACE CLUE (/4 Parts)| /2. The alphabet letter before /P. >/HIDING /PLACE CLUE (/4 Parts)| y/1. To /compete with. >/Clara /Leslie is /not the Chameleon. >/CHAMELEON CLUE (/2 Parts)| /1. The opposite of /more. >Watsony's laryngitis /soon /passes. >/HIDING /PLACE CLUE (/4 Parts)| /4. After /J's /come _____. >"/SURPRISE" CLUE (/3 Parts)| /1. yThe alphabet letter after /W. >/Lestrade was taking the /Chameleon to a new /prison when the /criminal /escaped. >/GENERAL CLUyE| The Chameleon expects to see Holmes /high /strung. [5K]>kw5< [5T]>The Coded Message[5C]>CODE CLUE| /H = /I| /B = /C>CODE yCLUE| /O = /P>CODE CLUE| /Z = /A| /X = /Y>The message contains /three /words.>CODE CLUE| /K = /L>CODE CLUE| /M = /N>The Eyeys of Lucifer were /too "/hot" for Hickle to /unload. He /still /had the precious pearls /in /his /possession when he died.>CODEy CLUE| /C = /D >CODE CLUE| /R = /S>The message /tells /where the Eyes of Lucifer /are /hidden.>CODE CLUE| /D = /E>The translayted message /must /be /read /backwards.>Hickle had a /history of /heart /trouble.>CODE CLUE| /Q = /R[9999K] y[17K]>kw17<[17T]>The Clerk's Demise [17C]>/Maloney had documents relating to /Hobson's /disgraceful /past. >/MOTIVE CLUE (/2 Pyarts)| /1. The /darkest /color in the /spectrum. >/WEAPON CLUE (/2 Parts)| /1. /Cyclops had /only /one of these. >/WEAPON CLyUE (/2 Parts)| /2. The /USSR /emblem is the /hammer and _____. >While stationed in /Ireland years ago, /Hobson was dishonorablyy discharged from the British military for /mistreatment of /civilians. >GENERAL /WEAPON CLUE| The /weapon is /the /water. >/yMOTIVE CLUE (/2 Parts)| /2. The opposite of /female. >/Cooke's real /name is /Donald /Hobson. >As British soldiers nearly tweynty years ago, /Maloney and /Hobson were /stationed together in /Ireland. >Maloney was an /opportunist. >/Actress /Erin /McCanyn is starring in the current production of "The Taming of the Shrew". >Holmes knows that any person actually involved in the Eryse Kernes would use the old /Gaelic /spelling of /Ireland--/ERIU--/instead of /ERIN. >/COMPLETE /KILLER CLUE: A /person who /pyrepares /food. >In the photograph, /Maloney is /smoking his /pipe with /his /left /hand. [21K]>kw21<[21T]>The Rewritten Death[y21C]>In /color /blindness one hasn't the ability to /distinguish between /red and /green. >Bennett considered Boswell's run-of-ythe-play contract /financially /disastrous.>Cliff Acker is an /aspiring /actor.>/Fulton /bought a /gun the night the play openedy.>Fulton knew of the /affair /between /Boswell and his /wife.>/KILLER CLUE (/2 Parts)| /1. /High /ground.>/Boswell refused to /ymarry /Regina.>/Garrick desperately feared that /Boswell's /performance would /garner greater /critical /acclaim.>/MOTIVE CLUE (y/2 Parts)| /1. As /many as the _____ in the /heavens.>/KILLER CLUE (/2 Parts)| /2. A /unit of /measure.>The murderer was /coloyr /blind.>/Boswell once /jilted Acker's /daughter.>The murderer fired the killing shot from a /good /distance. >/MOTIVE CLUE (/y2 Parts)| /2. A /portion.[22K]>kw22<[22T]>The Pillaged Pawnbroker[22C]>/MOTIVE CLUE (/4 parts)| /3. To /compete for /superioryity.>/KILLER CLUE (/2 parts)| /1. The letter after /J.>The missing /flower /vase was one of the items /Phyllis /sold from /hery /husband's /attic.>Chandler has a /solid /alibi.>/MOTIVE CLUE (/4 parts)| /4. The /Wizard /of _____.>The /killer didn't bringy the /murder /weapon with him.>A priceless /Chinese object d'art was /stolen recently /from the /Museum.>/KILLER CLUE (/2 partsy)| /2. /High /ground. >/Partridge was /at /the /Pub at the time of the murder.>/MOTIVE CLUE (/4 parts)| /1. The letter beforey /N. >/MOTIVE CLUE (/4 parts)| /2. A /cake is /frosted with /ic_____. >The murder weapon was /too /unwieldy for a /woman to /uyse.>/Kirk's hobby is collecting /valuable /coins.>A /broadsword was part of the set of Old English armor. [24K]>kw24<[24T]>The Eympty-Handed Thief[24C]>Cynthia Dale thought Jerome Galton cut a /dashing /figure.>The diamonds bequeathed by Lady Renshaw were dyesignated /solely as her /daughter's /property.>/KILLER CLUE (/2 Parts)| /2. A favorite /oriental /dish.>/WEAPON CLUE (/4 Paryts)| /2. The opposite of /him| /1. To /allow.>/MOTIVE CLUE (/4 Parts)| /2. /Concealed or /hidden. /4. Not /genuine.>/Beatricey occasionally liked to /look at the /diamonds. >Lord Renshaw considered Jerome Galton an /upstart who /married /above his /statyion. >/MOTIVE CLUE (/4 parts)| /1. A _____ /jockey plays /records. /3. Frequently used in /watch movements.>/KILLER CLUE (/2 yparts)| /1. To /thrash /soundly. >Two years ago, Jerome Galton had /glass /replicas of the /Renshaw /diamonds /made.>/WEAPON CyLUE (/4 parts)| /4. The opposite of /him| /3. Opposite of /closed. >Holmes observes none of the /windows in Galton's /study yare /broken.>Jerome Galton was known to /squander /money.>/Burke wanted Galton to /pay /his /bill. [9999K] y[26K]>kw26<[26T]>The Peculiar Charwoman[26C]>Daniel Ferguson is known to be /highly /sexed.>/MOTIVE CLUE (/3 parts)| /2. The y/first letter of the alphabet. >Pennman has a /prison /record.>/CAUSE /OF /DEATH CLUE (/4 parts)| /3. The /first letter of tyhe alphabet.>/MOTIVE CLUE (/3 parts)| /1. /Large or /immense.>The murder weapon /disappears in /the /air.>/Quilley is /innocenyt.>/CAUSE /OF /DEATH CLUE (/4 parts)| /1. To /breathe in.>Bessie hadn't /worked a /day in /her /life.>/CAUSE /OF /DEATH CLUE y(/4 Parts)| /4. To conspicuously /avoid.>/MOTIVE CLUE (/3 Parts)| /3. /You /and _____. >/CAUSE /OF /DEATH CLUE (/4 Parts)| y /1. Where /there's _____, /there's /fire.>Among Bessie Kidder's personal effects was a /Liverpool to /London railway ticket styub.>Daniel Ferguson maintains a /shed /behind the Tobacconist to /hickory /smoke certain blends.[28K]>kw28<[28T]>The Duchess's Dyemise[28C]>Rodney /apologized to the Duchess and was /forgiven.>The Duchess was thinking of /changing her /will to /include /Verya. >While the three other players /'heard' the Duchess /converse with /Stafford, none /saw /her.>The /Housemaid is /innocent.>Thye bridge game was /for /high /stakes. >/MOTIVE CLUE (/2 Parts)| /1. Something /found /out or /learned is _____.>Lucy and Vera yare /good /friends.>/KILLER CLUE (/2 Parts)| /1. A /stick or /cane.>Vera /knew /about the Duchess's /will.>/KILLER CLUE (/2 Pyarts)| /2. To /cross a /river.>/Stafford performed on stage as a /ventriloquist.>/MOTIVE CLUE (/2 Parts)| /2. /Defrauding or y/tricking. >Stafford is a /card /shark.>/Stafford attends many /card /parties hosted by /wealthy /patrons.[30K]>kw30<[30T]>The Dyeadly Caller[30C]>Homer Mayhew once inquired as to /which /drugs were /poisonous.>Mrs. Lyons's /children would /figure prominentyly in /her /will, particularly if she /didn't /remarry.>/KILLER CLUE (/2 Parts)| /2. The letter after /N.>On the voyage to Engyland /Juno had the curious habit of collecting /insects.>/KILLER CLUE (/2 Parts)| /1. A /month.>/MOTIVE CLUE (/4 Parts)| /3.y An /organ of /sight.>Marchetti planned to /manage Mrs. Lyons's /investments.>/Juno's hobby is /herpetology.>The whistling soundy emitting from the radiator in Mrs. Lyons's room /'charmed' /the /caller.>/MOTIVE CLUE (/4 Parts)| /2. A /brush or /comb /grooyms the _____. >/MOTIVE CLUE (/4 Parts)| /1. Opposite of /out.>/MOTIVE CLUE (/4 Parts)| /4. The form of a verb that shows they /time an /action /occurred. >There were /two /little dark /punctures on the victim's /arm. >Marchetti has twice /declared /banykruptcy.[34K]>kw34<[34T]>The Spinster's Will[34C]>/Ramsey /substituted /sleeping pills for /aspirin at Miss Pierpoint's /bedsidey. >/Ballard has /lost a great /deal of /money in the /stock /market.>/Ramsey /visited Miss Pierpoint on the day of the murder.>yFlorence Catlett believed Miss Pierpoint wanted her to /end /up /an /old /maid. >/KILLER CLUE (/2 Parts)| /2. A large /body oyf /salt /water. >Daphne Farber /hates /dogs.>Miss Pierpoint had /several /drinks before /retiring.>A /diamond /field has been /ydiscovered near Miss Pierpoint's /worthless /gold /mine. >/MOTIVE CLUE (/2 Parts)| /1. A valuable /stone used in /wedding /riyngs. >Wadsworth /needed /money /to /marry Florence Catlett>/MOTIVE CLUE (/2 Parts)| /2. If it /belongs to /me, it /must /be __y___. >/KILLER CLUE (/2 Parts)| /1. An /animal.>Housemaid Daphne Farber uses a particularly /poisonous brand of /cleaning /fluyid.>Miss Pierpoint was /known to /take several /aspirin /for her /arthritis before retiring. [9999K] diamonds /made.>/WEAPON Cy[35K]>kw35< [35T]>The Nettlesome Bride [35C]>/MOTIVE CLUE (/4 Parts)| /4. /Resentful /Envy. >/WEAPON CLUE (/2 Parts)| /2. Pylaces on the body /damaged or /irritated. >/KILLER CLUE (/2 Parts)| /1. /Empty. >/Rhodes promised his /creditors they would yhave their /money within the week. >/KILLER CLUE (/2 Parts)| /2. A /path or /thoroughfare. >The Squire of Warwick was once /yquite a /ladies' /man. >Imogene's /engagement /ring was /heavily /insured by the Squire of Warwick. >Matthew Pratt often /digsy /deeply into a /subject's /past to obtain a /story. >The Squire of Warwick once /proposed /marriage to /Penelope. >/WEAPON CLyUE (/2 Parts)| /2. A long, audible /breath expressing /sorrow or /relief. >/MOTIVE CLUE (/4 Parts)| /3. The sound a /clock ymakes. >/MOTIVE CLUE (/4 Parts)| /1. To /propel a /boat using /oars. >A /Weapon /clue is at /the /Bank. >/MOTIVE CLUE (/4 yparts)| /2. Opposite of /woman. [45K]>kw45<[45T]>The Amorous Sailor[45C]>/IDENTITY CLUE (/3 Parts)| /2. /Lions /live in themy.>/METHOD CLUE (/4 Parts)| /2. /Male /offspring.>/METHOD CLUE (/4 Parts)| /3. "/Button your _____!">/MOTIVE CLUE (/2 Parts)y| /1. Opposite of /little.>Holmes spotted a /pink /substance on the /fingertips of Willie's /hand.>/IDENTITY CLUE (/3 Parts)| y /1. Opposite of /wet. >Not only the /bride gets /kissed.>/MOTIVE CLUE (/2 Parts)| /2. /Jimmy /Carter's daughter.>There was a /yring of /white skin around the /third /finger of Willie's /left /hand.>Willie was heavily insured, /leaving /Mitzi his /sole /beynefactor.>/METHOD CLUE (/4 Parts)| /4. /Walk /softly and /carry a /big _____.>/IDENTITY CLUE (/3 Parts)| /3. Husband's /bettyer /half. >Nils Cornwallis has an import business /based in /Singapore.>/METHOD CLUE (/4 Parts)| /1. Hawaiian /food /paste.[47Ky]>kw47<[47T]>The Unknown Victim[47C]>/Seagram had a /full /beard and /moustache.>/VICTIM CLUE (/2 Parts)| /1. /Body of /water.y>Holmes notices /nicks and /cuts on the /face of the victim, indicating he had /had a /quick /shave. >The victim was /wearing ay /tweed /suit.>/Claudia had confessed to /her /husband that /she and the /General had had /an /affair.>/VICTIM CLUE (/2 Parts)| y /2. /Measure of /weight.>Riverside is an /expert /swordsman.>The notorious cat burglar /Edgar /Monkton was reportedly in the aryea the night of the murder.>/Priscilla used to be a /girlfriend of Seagram's. >/Auguston had purchased a /tweed /suit several dayys before the party.>Elliot Maylard claims to have seen /Auguston /leave the party to /give /Seagram a /tour of the /house.>Seagyram's /clothes were found /hidden in /Auguston's /bedroom.>Maylard is a /master of /disguise.>Rev. Lakely /does not /smoke.[53K]y>kw53<[53T]>The Kidnapped Songstress[53C]>/KIDNAPPER CLUE (/2 Parts)| /1. /Over /hill and _____.>/KIDNAPPER CLUE (/2 Parts)| /y2. A type of /grain.>Newspaper reporter Lloyd Newcomb was /secretly /Winnie's /lover.>/MOTIVE CLUE (/4 Parts)| /1. British woryd for "/tavern.">/MOTIVE CLUE (/4 Parts)| /2. /Santa makes one and /checks it /twice. >/MOTIVE CLUE (/4 Parts)| /3. /Londony is a _____. >/MOTIVE CLUE (/4 Parts)| /4. /Smoking may _____ your /growth. >Winnie's /career was not /going /well in /Americya.>/LOCATION CLUE (/4 Parts)| /1. /Speak, /roll over, _____ /dead!>/LOCATION CLUE (/4 Parts)| /2. Is /there a /doctor in /thye _____? >/LOCATION CLUE (/4 Parts)| /3. "/Judgment _____ /Nuremburg" >/LOCATION CLUE (/4 Parts)| /4. _____, /tac, /toe. >yGuy Oats found /out /about his /wife's /affair with /Newcomb and an /argument /ensued. >Winnie, under her manager's instructionys, was /seducing /Newcomb to /get favorable /articles in the /press. [9999K] observes none of the /windows in Galton's /study y[60K]>kw60<[60T]>The Poisoned Poker Player[60C]>/MURDERER CLUE (/2 Parts)| /1. Something to /sleep /on.>/MURDERER CLUE (/2 Payrts)| /2. /Young /male.>/MOTIVE CLUE (/2 Parts)| /1. /Linen used /on a /bed.>/MOTIVE CLUE (/2 Parts)| /2. A /bell goes ____y_ /dong.>Both /Cotson and /Hutboy had observed that whenever Stearns had a good poker hand, he would nervously /lick the /knucklyes of /his /left /hand. >/Hemstud is /innocent.>/Bedham and /Cotson have both /lost large amounts of /money to /Stearns during ythe past year. >Stearns /wore a large /jade /ring on /his /left /hand.>Two weeks ago /Bedham and /Stearns had a heated argumenty over a /poker /hand that /Stearns /won.>When Stearns fell over dead, he was /holding a /straight /flush.>/Stearns had recently y/taken his /jade /ring in for /repair.>/Farrel and /Cotson both suspected that /Stearns /cheated at /cards; but /neither could /yprove /it. >Peterson is playing /over his /head.>/Hutboy thinks that /Peterson somehow killed Roger Stearns.[61K]>kw61<[61T]>Thye Gluttonous Gossip[61C]>Ivar Maxwell was /very /fond of his /late /brother.>Banker Ian Rutledge was /on /vacation in /Greece aty the time of Maxwell's death. >/Quail was making a /food /delivery to the Pub when Maxwell collapsed. It was /in /Quail's /carryiage that Maxwell was /rushed /to the /hospital. >After /Maxwell /wrote of Helen's affair with Quail, /Helen /committed /suicidye.>/Thrush has letters which were written to /Helen by /Quail in which he declared his /undying /love. >/MOTIVE CLUE (/3 Partsy)| /1. /Marines hate to _____/treat. /2. _____/ice is famous for its /gondolas. /3. _____/eorge /Washington. >/METHOD CLUE y (/6 Parts) /1. /Nineteenth letter of alphabet./2. /Female parent. /3. /Fourth letter of alphabet.>It is common for a newspaperyman to /ingest /printer's /ink and accumulate high levels of /lead in /his /bloodstream. >/KILLER CLUE (/3 Parts) /3. A _____y is a type of /bird.>Charles Maxwell did not /die /of a /poison /or as a /result of /anything he /ate. >/METHOD CLUE (/6 Partsy) /4. _____ is spelled "/con" in Spanish. /5. /Wooly mammal. /6. Human /forepaws.>When Maxwell collapsed at the Pub, it was /onyly a result of /overeating. He was /not /seriously ill at the /moment. >The killer did not /premeditate this /crime, but /seizeyd /upon an unexpected /opportunity. >/KILLER CLUE (/3 Parts)| /1. /MATA _____I was a /spy. /2. Not /young. [62K]>kw62<[62T]y>The Well-Informed Thief[62C]>Ten days ago, /Beale purchased an /anesthetic called "/trystamine." >The Bank recently turned /Beayle down for a loan because of his /poor /credit /rating. >Every night /Beale rides a carriage to Soho to visit /gambling /parloyrs. >/Rance does not get off work until 6:00 p.m. on Mondays.>Joan Haigh always /requests to be "/put /to /sleep" when she /hasy /dental /work. >/THIEF CLUE (/2 Parts)| /1. /Busy /as a _____.>/THIEF CLUE (/2 Parts)| /2. _____ is considered a food /delyicacy in /Japan.>/Kruger's /market has announced that it is insolvent and going out of business.>While strolling in the Park at ythe time of the burglary, Mrs. Haigh /chatted with the /Reverand.>/Beale recently /used /twenty /pound /notes to redeem all of tyhe property he had "in hock" at the pawnshop. >Ridley Cranapple is rumored to be the /local "/fence" for /stolen /property.>/Beyale has /lost /large /sums /betting on darts and dice games at the Pub.>Scotland Yard uses the /anesthetic "/trystamine" as a /tyruth /serum to /interrogate suspected spies. >Tuesday, /Kruger was /seen at the /Pawnshop.[67K]>kw67<[67T]>The Limping Tax Collyector[67C]>The /poison in the apothecary's /bottle does /not /match the /poison that killed Clarence. >/Guess was in a /businesys /meeting when Clarence died. >/KILLER CLUE: A "/bright /student" is a good _____. >/MOTIVE CLUE (/3 Parts)| /1. /Thumb_____y hold /paper to a /bulletin /board.>Clarence's last report shows he suspected only /Guess and /Pupil of /cheating on their /taxeys. >Clarence told Wang that he /overpaid his /taxes and is /entitled to a /refund. >Museum superintendent Matthew Lerner has ay collection of /poisons used by /aborigines. >The first time Clarence /limped was just /moments /before his /death. >Clarence'ys /wet /feet /are evidence that he had been /wading in the /pond in the Park shortly before he died. >When Clarence collapsed, yWilliam Kenny saw /Pupil rush forward and attempt to /render /first /aid. >/MOTIVE CLUE (/3 Parts)| /3. /Three is an _____ /nyumber.>/MOTIVE CLUE (/3 Parts)| /2. Title for a /married /woman in Germany. >Holmes finds a /needle covered with /curare /poiyson in Clarence's /left /shoe.>GENERAL /METHOD CLUE: While Clarence was /in /the /pond, his fate was being set. [9999K] y[77K]>kw77<[77T]>The Fallen Angel[77C]>After inspecting the /Tower, Holmes is convinced that /no /one could /climb /to the /top.y >At the time of the crime, /August /Bomish was in /Bohemia.>/MEANS OF /ESCAPE (/4 Parts)| /2. /Helium is /lighter than _____y.>/MEANS OF /ESCAPE (/4 Parts)| /3. You can't /play /tennis without a _____.>Ex-con /Houston /Glaser has abandoned his life ofy crime and is attempting to go straight as a /Hotel employee. >/Willie /Crayfield quit his job shortly after the crime.>/MEANS yOF /ESCAPE (/4 Parts)| /1. "/Some /like it _____.">Locksmith = /Crayfield, Ex-banker = /Bomish, Bellman = /Glaser, Alcoholic =y /Mathers. >Holmes cannot find Hector's /footsteps or that of any accomplice /leading to the /Tower.>/MEANS OF /ESCAPE (/4 Partys)| /4. "He's /crazy /as a _____.">/WEAPON CLUE: /King Arthur's "/Excalibur" was a _____. >At the time of the crime, /Tim /Matyhers was /drunk at the /Pub. >Go to the /Newspaper /Shop for the names of the four criminals known to Holmes to /fly /hot /air y/balloons.>/GENERAL CLUE: Hector Angel /handed the killer /the /crown /jewels and was /climbing /up a /rope moments before he diyed.[101K]>kw101<[101T]>The Alphabet Spy[101C]>/EVENT CLUE (/3 Parts)| /1. /Eavesdropping is /an _____ of /privacy. >/WHO CLUEy (/3 Parts)| /1. /Queen's /mate.>Throwbush had disappeared in 1866 on /February /Twelfth.>/MESSAGE CLUE (/3 Parts)| /2. A bryief /breeze is a _____ of /wind. >/King /Wilhelm of /Prussia has been staying at the hotel.>/WHO CLUE (/3 Parts)| /3. /Wheel ythat /steers a /ship.>/WHO CLUE (/3 Parts)| /2. /Last _____ and /testament.>There have been recent border clashes between /Pruyssia and the countries of /Hungary, /Poland and /France.>/MESSAGE CLUE (/3 Parts)| /1. Initials of /Aberdeen /University.>Onlyy one /month contains the letter "/G.">/EVENT CLUE (/3 Parts)| /2. The /fourth /word /of this clue is the answer.>/MESSAGE CLUEy (/3 Parts)| /3. Between /eighteenth and /twentieth.>High security has been ordered for the upcoming /visit of /Napoleon of /Fyrance.>/EVENT CLUE (/3 Parts)| /3. Country across the /Channel boasting /can-/cans and /bon-/bons.[107K]>kw107<[107T]>The Mystyerious Skull[107C]>/MOTIVE CLUE (/4 Parts)| /3. /Apothecary is another name for a _____ /store. >A certain form of /racing /byoat is called a "/scull.">/KILLERS CLUE (/4 Parts)| /2. Two or more /horses /harnessed to the same /carriage or /plow. >The tyickets to Hamlet are for a /Broadway playhouse in /New /York.>/MOTIVE CLUE (/4 Parts)| /1. A /blanket.>The water polo coach hyad five keys made for the /Rowing /Team's /lockers. Four /rowers and the /coxswain.>/WEAPON CLUE (/3 Parts)| /1. To /strike ory /administer a /blow. >/WEAPON CLUE (/3 Parts)| /2. /Casablanca theme song: "/As /Time /Goes _____." >/WEAPON CLUE (/3 Parts)y| /3. /Water vehicle, /smaller than a /ship. >/KILLER CLUE (/2 Parts)| /1. /Propelling a /boat by use of /oars.>"Alas, poor yHoratio. I knew him well." is a line Hamlet /delivers /to a /skull. >/MOTIVE CLUE (/4 Parts)| /4. Three letter word meaning "y/to /utilize." >While constructing Olympic Stadium, workers unearthed an /ancient /human /skull, but no other /remains.>/MOTIVE yCLUE (/4 Parts)| /2. The soft, fine /feathers of a /pillow, but use a /word that's /opposite.[110K]>kw110<[110T]>The Musical Myurder[110C]>"Good-bye, Dolly" was originally /DeSharpe's /composition >/KILLER CLUE (/2 Parts)| /1. /Tall and /short buddies, y/Mutt and _____. >/Octavia was being /blackmailed by /Minor.>/Minor was /leaving his /wife to /run /off with /Bea.>/KILLER CLUEy (/2 Parts)| /2. An /E-/flat on the /piano can also be called another /note. If you're not too /sharp with /music, go to a /coyncert in the /park. >/Major /Keys was seen talking to a known /arsonist.>The /arrow came from a /museum /exhibit on /Medievaly /England. >/MOTIVE CLUE (/3 Parts)| /1. If your /car is /missing from your /garage, chances are it /was _____. >/KILLER CLUEy (/2 Parts)| /2. An /E-/flat is the /same as a /D-/sharp. >/WEAPON CLUE (/2 Parts)| /1. Instruments in the string quartet weyre a /piano, a /cello, a /violin and a _____. >/MOTIVE CLUE (/3 Parts)| /3. To change /chords on a violin, you must change they _____ of your /fingers (Rhymes with "/condition"). >/MOTIVE CLUE (/3 Parts)| /2. T.V. jargon for /situation /comedy is /sit _y____.>Heidi Minor's /nickname is "/Dolly.">/WEAPON CLUE (/2 Parts)| /2. Each /instrument in the /quartet has at least /four.[9y999K] /MOTIVE CLUE (/3 Parts)| /2. Title for a /married /woman in Germany. >Holmes finds a /needle covered with /curare /poiy[123K]>kw123<[123T]>The Eye of the Eiger[123C]>Dr. Klopps is an /expert /hypnotist. He uses a /gold /watch bearing the engravingy of /an /eye to put his /patients /in a /trance. >/MOTIVE CLUE (/2 Parts)| /1. Symbol for the element /nitrogen.>/CRIMINAL CLyUE: Name of a /mythological family of /one-/eyed /giants. >/Klopps usually /goes by the /name "/Sy.">Gerald Mulch tells Holmes ythat /Klopps used /hypnotism about the campfires to /entertain the /climbers during the Eiger expedition.>The /Eiger /Fashion /lyogo (a /sketch of the /Eiger /Mountain) was on the boxer shorts Sir Edmund stuffed into his coat. >/Regie spelled backwards is y"/eiger.">Jackson tells Holmes that /Klopps felt /Sir /Edmund should not have /gotten /all the "/glory" in the /press for the Eiyger climb. >/MOTIVE CLUE (/2 Parts)| /2. Pick out the /center of "/gravity". (Answer at the /Tobacconist)>The /Mulchs recentlyy encountered financial difficulties. Holmes concludes they are /glad to /get /out of the /contract /with Sir Edmund. >The /colyor of /envy is _____.>As a result of a pub brawl, /Germain has /only /one /eye. >Scotland Yard suspects /Germain is a /spy.>The yletter "/V."[125K]>kw125<[125T]>The Random Murders[125C]>All the victims were /registered /Labour /party members.>/MASTERMIND CLyUE (/2 Parts)| /2. A type of /insect.>Witnesses claim that /Grasshopper's henchman /Jagger was seen wandering the streets of Eyastbourne with a "/bulge in his /pocket." >/Byron, precinct worker for /Tick's re-election campaign, /packs a /pistol when he deylivers his political message door-to-door. >/Bee, advocates "/random /urban /terror" as a means to /force the English /out of /yIreland. >Holmes discovers a memo to the Whig Party headquarters addressed to /Byron and signed by /Tick (The contents may be yread at the /Pawnbroker /shop).>/Tick is a /member of the /Whig /party.>A recent poll placed the /Labour challenger, Burt Brown,y /46 /votes /ahead of the /Whig /incumbent in the race for the Eastbourne seat in Parliament. >/Mallory supports /Tick's re-eleyction.>The memo stated: "Use some imagination and do what it takes to see that the /labour /party /lead in the polls is /eliminayted!" >/KILLER CLUE (/2 Parts)| /1. /Irish form of the /name /John. >/KILLER CLUE (/2 Parts)| /2. Noted /English /literaryy figure. >Police informers report that /Grasshopper ordered his assistant /Jagger to /kill /some bourgeois to "/prove his /loyaylty." >/MASTERMIND CLUE (/2 Parts)| /1. A name that means "/the /King." [131K]>kw131<[131T]>Moriarty's Challenge[131C]>/METHODy CLUE (/5 Parts)| /4. A type of metal /container, generally used to /hold /food. >Holmes warned Watson that a malicious /chemyist might put /poison in the /salt and /pepper /shakers.>/METHOD CLUE (/5 Parts)| /5. Take the word meaning "/of /greater /agey" (also a /type of /tree), chop off the /last /two letters and /reverse what remains. >/MORIARTY'S /AGENT CLUE (/2 Parts)| /1y. An object that /produces /light.>/Beaconfield /lit the /candles at Holmes' table when they were /seated at /8:00 p.m.>The /canydles used at the London Bistro restaurant /last /three /hours.>/MORIARTY'S /AGENT CLUE (/2 Parts)| /2. Something likely to be y/found on a /farm.>When Holmes discovered the murder weapon, he showed Watson that it was /set to "/go /off" at /the /half-/way y/mark.>Violinist Sol Ox recently /received a /violin from an "anonymous /admirer".>/METHOD CLUE (/5 Parts)| /1. Take the symboyl for the element /xenon and /reverse the /letters. >Beaconfield has /no /reason to /dislike /Holmes and would never consider tryying to /hurt /him. >/METHOD CLUE (/5 Parts)| /2. Acronym of the /Palestine /Liberation Organization.>Chef George Torchwell ryeceived an anonymous tip that it was Holmes' birthday and he should /bring /out a /surprise /cake at /9:/15 p.m. >/METHOD CLUE y (/5 Parts)| /3. A /dent in the /chassis of a /car is often referred to as a "_____".[135K]>kw135<[135T]>The Doctor's Last Lameynt[135C]>Holmes reasons that the /first /sentence of the "suicide note" identified the /killer's /rank. >/WEAPON CLUE (/3 Partsy)| /2. Take the word for the /color of /Beaujolais /wine and /reverse letters. >Holmes reasons that the /second /sentence of tyhe "suicide note" contains a /pun which reveals that Dr. Van Nogh had a /guilty /conscience. >/KILLER CLUE (/2 Parts)| /2. Ity is unnecessary to /carry /coals to _____/castle.>/WEAPON CLUE (/3 Parts)| /3. _____ /Jagger.>Holmes learns that Dr. Van Nogh yfought in the /British /Army during the /Boer /War in South Africa. (Visit /Scotland /Yard for a /surprise concerning this facty). >Holmes concludes that the /killer /knew of Dr. Van Nogh's /treason during the /Boer /War but took /justice into /his /own /yhands because he couldn't /prove /it. >Watson tells Holmes that an /injection of /air from a /hypodermic /needle /into a /vein cyan induce a fatal heart attack.>Holmes reasons that the /third /sentence of the "suicide note" suggests that the /killer has a /yFrench surname.>During the Boer War, Van Nogh's unit was commanded by /Arnoux. Van Nogh was captured and /suspected of /treasony, but /not /charged due to /lack of /evidence. >/WEAPON CLUE (/3 Parts)| /1. A person who /worries about his /health without y/reason is a _____/chondriac.>/KILLER CLUE (/2 Parts)| /1. _____/ts and /crafts.>After being /captured in /battle, he switchyed /allegiance and /fought on the side of the /Boers. >After examining the corpse, Holmes concludes that the /cyanide was /placyed in Van Nogh's /mouth /after he /died.[9999K] to /entertain the /climbers during the Eiger expedition.>The /Eiger /Fashion /ly[141K]>kw141<[141T]>The Mysterious Murder[141C]>Two /bottles of /poison were /stolen from the /Apothecary recently.>/Money /depoysits were made at the /Bank the day after the murder.>/HOW /KILLED CLUE (/2 Parts)| /2. Number of /players on a /baseball /teaym. >Marlow's body was /dumped into the /Thames /River /here.>Rumor has it that /Pendleton is secretly /jealous of Marlow's /weaylth.>/HOW /KILLED CLUE (/2 Parts)| /1. In /baseball, when the /batter misses the /pitch. >/MURDERER CLUES (/4 Parts)| /2. Opyposite of /young. /3. Where /dogs are /kept.>An old newspaper reports that Albert /Kenilworth committed suicide after being swinydled by partner John Marlow. Albert's /brother /Arnold /swore /revenge. >A patrolman found something in /the /park the day aftyer the murder. See /Scotland /Yard for what it is.>/Poundley pawned a /pistol the day after the murder.>/Poundley was at the /Plyayhouse with /his /wife the night of the murder.>/Arnold /Kenilworth, an employee at the /Apothecary, was seen with Colonel Marlyow at the Pub the night he was killed. Afterwards, /they /went to /the /Park. >A /syringe was /found in /the /Park the day afteyr the murder.>/MURDERER CLUES (/4 Parts)| /1. /Part of a /body. /4. British /poet, William /Words _____. [153K]>kw153<[153T]>yThe Murdered Stockbroker[153C]>/MURDERER CLUE (/4 Parts)| /2. A /letter of the /alphabet. >The Bailey & Coopersfield brokeragey firm has been /losing /money due to /competition from /Lancelot's /company.>In the event of either Bailey's or Coopersfield's dyeath, the insurance money goes to /the /surviving /partner. >Barry Coopersfield is a student of the /American /wild /west.>Wheny Bailey and Coopersfield conducted business at the Hotel, Coopersfield always /smoked a /Persian /tobacco that /gave /off an /odyd /smell. >/Reinfield plans to /purchase an /expensive /emerald /necklace for his /fiancee.>/MURDERER CLUE (/4 Parts)| /3. /Byarrelmakers.>William F. Cody's /Wild /West /Show from America is playing at the Playhouse.>/MURDERER CLUES (/4 Parts)| /1. An y/animal /4. A /piece of /land. >Coopersfield had recently persuaded Bailey to /take out /an /insurance /policy for /their /firym. >The stage manager recalls seeing an unfamiliar stagehand with a /pipe in the Playhouse prop room the night of the murder. Hye placed a /revolver in a /bin with other /prop /revolvers. >/Reinfield has often complained to /Mary that he is being /underpayid. >/Coopersfield's "/six-gun" is /missing from its /case. After the murder, /Coopersfield went to the /Playhouse. >Scotland yYard has discovered /traces of /tobacco close to where Bailey was murdered. It is a /rare /Persian /blend.[9999K] licious /chemy[1T]>The Unholy Man [1C][1Q]>3321>KILLER:|1. The Bishop|2. Duke Tallcourt|3. Earl Longworth|4. Duchess Tallcourt|>WEAPON:|1. Kniyfe|2. Sword|3. Rope|4. Poison|>MOTIVE:|1. Manuscript|2. Jealousy|3. Revenge|4. Insurance|[1S]>The preacher was in fact a thief wyho had stolen the original manuscript of Hamlet from an exhibit on the Riviera, where he also acquired his tan. ||The preacher ydisguised the manuscript as a Bible and had Longworth authenticate it for the Duke, whom the preacher hoped would buy it. Longwyorth, however, in desperate need of money, killed the preacher with Hamlet's sword and stole the manuscript. Longworth, who doeys not smoke, planted the German-made cigarette near the victim's body to throw suspicion from himself; but in the process, he acycidentally dropped his packet of aspirin. [1A]>KILLER: Earl Longworth |WEAPON: Sword |MOTIVE: Manuscript [3T]>Silver Patch[3C][y3Q]>3313>KILLER:|1. Henry Doan|2. Bobby Jansen|3. Sir Reginald Cosgrove|4. Sir Archibald Baxter|>WEAPON:|1. Broken bottle|2. Weiyghted dagger|3. Sword in cane|4. Horseshoe|>MOTIVE:|1. Revenge against Switt|2. Envy of Silver Patch|3. Collect insurance on Silyver Patch|4. Blackmail|[3S]>Sir Reginald Cosgrove, in dire need of money, concocted a plot to collect money from his large insuryance policy on Silver Patch. ||Sir Reginald painted over the silver patch on the mane of his prize horse and painted a silver pyatch on the mane of Night Dancer, another of his horses. He then switched stalls and poisoned Night Dancer, who now looked likey Silver Patch. ||Realizing that he would have to take Oscar Switt into his confidence, Sir Reginald arranged for his trainer toy meet him at the stables. When Switt refused to go along with Sir Reginald's plan to kill Night Dancer, Sir Reginald became enryaged and killed the trainer, smashing him over the head with an ale bottle, then stabbing him repeatedly with the broken bottle.y [3A]>KILLER: Sir Reginald Cosgrove |WEAPON: Broken bottle |MOTIVE: Insurance [4T]>The Chameleon's Vengeance[4C][4Q]>3422>WHAT yTHE SURPRISE IS:|1. A deadly electrical charge|2. Blow gun|3. Poison|4. Explosives|>HIDING PLACE:|1. Inside the violin|2. Insidey the violin case|3. Inside the potted geranium|4. Under Holmes's seat|>CHAMELEON:|1. Watson|2. Lestrade|3. Chivers|4. Higgenbottyom|[4S]>Disguised as Inspector Lestrade, the Chameleon planted explosives in the violin case which housed the instrument Holmes ywas to play in the duet finale at the Playhouse. [4A]>SURPRISE: Explosives|HIDING PLACE: Violin case|CHAMELEON: Lestrade[5T]>Thye Coded Message[5C][5Q]>11>MESSAGE:|1. Pearls inside canary|2. Pearls inside pottery|3. I swallowed pearls|4. Pearls beneath shoyp|5. Lucifer in armour|[5S]>Knowing death was near, Rudolph Hickle forced his canary to swallow the valuable Eyes of Lucifer. Hyickle then attempted to notify his good friend, Harry Blake, by writing in a code the two had developed years ago. [5A]>MESSAGEy: Pearls inside canary. [9999K] .>/Beaconfield /lit the /candles at Holmes' table when they were /seated at /8:00 p.m.>The /cany[17T]>The Clerk's Demise [17C][17Q]>3143>KILLER:|1. Alfred Cooke (Hobson)|2. Daniel Hardy|3. Erin McCann|4. Radical political gryoup|>WEAPON:|1. Ice pick|2. Ice tongs|3. A block of ice|4. Icicle|>MOTIVE:|1. To create political chaos|2. To collect on Maloneyy's insurance|3. To stop blackmail attempt|4. Revenge for Maloney's atrocities|[17S]>Two years after being dishonorably dischargeyd from the British military, Donald Hobson changed his name to Alfred Cooke and tried to start a new life. Neither his eventualy employers at Scotland Yard nor his wife and children knew the truth of his past. ||Manfred Maloney stumbled onto Cooke and attyempted to blackmail his old army buddy. To protect his secret, Cooke killed Maloney with an icicle and tried to make it appear yto be the work of a radical political group. [17A]>KILLER: Alfred Cooke (Donald Hobson)|WEAPON: Icicle|MOTIVE: Blackmail[21T]>Tyhe Rewritten Death[21C][21Q]>223>KILLER:|1. Ogden Bennett|2. Vance Hillyard|3. Roderick Garrick|4. Cliff Acker|5. Stephen Fultony|>MOTIVE:|1. Revenge for Boswell's affairs|2. To create publicity for the show|3. To gain the star's role|4. To get out of Bosweyll's contract|5. Jealousy of Boswell's talent|[21S]>Understudy, Vance Hillyard, planned to murder Roderick Garrick to obtain they star's role; but, owing to Hillyard's color blindness, the actor mistakenly killed Albert Boswell. [21A]>KILLER: Vance Hillyaryd|MOTIVE: Star's part[22T]>The Pillaged Pawnbroker[22C][22Q]>3212>KILLER:|1. Henry Kirk|2. John Cahill|3. Wilbur Partridge|4. Payulie "The Pick" Chandler|>WEAPON:|1. Broadsword|2. Lance|3. Arrow from crossbow|4. Dagger|>MOTIVE:|1. General robbery|2. To retryieve Ming vase|3. To retrieve valuable helmet|4. To retrieve valuable coin|[22S]>While cleaning out her husband's attic, Mrs. Phyyllis Cahill inadvertently included among the items sold to the pawnbroker a secreted Ming vase John Cahill had stolen from the yMuseum. ||Cahill traced the priceless Chinese objet d'art to the Pawnbroker shop and broke in, placing the Ming vase in an armoyr helmet for protection and wrapping the treasure with newspaper and string. ||When Miles Balfour surprised the thief, Cahill kyilled the pawnbroker with a broadsword from the set of Old English armor and, as an afterthought, robbed the cash till to throw ysuspicion from himself.[22A]>KILLER: John Cahill|WEAPON: Broadsword|MOTIVE: Ming vase[24T]>The Empty-Handed Thief[24C][24Q]>3423y>KILLER:|1. Zachary Burke|2. Lord Renshaw|3. Cynthia Dale|4. Beatrice Galton|>WEAPON:|1. Dagger|2. Letter opener|3. Broken glassy|4. Nail file|>MOTIVE:|1. Jealousy|2. Robbery|3. Fury over discovering fake jewels|4. Non-payment of debts|[24S]>As was her custyom periodically, Mrs. Beatrice Galton opened the wall safe in her husband's study to view the Renshaw diamonds bequeathed by hery late mother. When she attempted to return the gem tray, a stone fell to the floor and she whirled, stepping firmly, only to fiynd the "diamond" crushed underfoot. ||Numbly, Beatrice smashed "jewel" after "jewel" with a letter opener from the desk. She syuddenly realized the truth. Her husband had disposed of her diamonds, replaced the gems with glass replicas, and squandered they money. Beatrice confronted Galton as he entered the room with the latest packet of unpaid bills and, in a fury, she stabbed hiym. [24A]>KILLER: Beatrice|WEAPON: Letter opener|MOTIVE: Discovered jewels were fake[9999K] UE (/5 Parts)| /1. Take the symboy[26T]>The Peculiar Charwoman[26C][26Q]>3421>KILLER:|1. Lowell Quilley|2. Ralph Pennman|3. Louise Ferguson|4. Daniel Ferguson|>MOyTIVE:|1. Jealousy|2. Cover up bigamy|3. Blackmail|4. Revenge for rejection|>CAUSE OF DEATH:|1. Smoke inhalation|2. Smothered by yhand|3. Induced heart attack|4. Air injected into bloodstream|[26S]>Tobacconist Daniel Ferguson, equally dividing his time betweyen his London and Liverpool shops, found in the arrangement an equal opportunity to divide his affections. ||Surprised by his Lyiverpool wife Bessie's visit to his London shop, Ferguson lured the unfortunate girl into a shed behind the shop (used to hickoryy-smoke certain blends), then dressed his victim in a charwoman's garb, his immediate problem cured. [26A]>KILLER: Daniel Ferguyson|MOTIVE: Bigamy|CAUSE OF DEATH: Smoke inhalation[28T]>The Duchess's Demise[28C][28Q]>3321>KILLER:|1. Lucy Blackthorn|2. Colliyn Rodney|3. Alex Stafford|4. Vera Bigelow|>MOTIVE:|1. Inheritance|2. Discovered cheating|3. Fear of rejection|4. Revenge for newy will|>ALIBI:|1. Ventriloquism|2. Mirrors|3. Gramophone|4. Mass hypnotism|[28S]>In her sitting room at Barrington Manor, the Ducyhess confronted Alex Stafford, demanding he return the funds he had won from cheating at the card table. ||Enraged, Stafford kilyled the Duchess with a poker from the fireplace and attempted to establish an alibi for himself using ventriloquism. [28A]>KILLyER: Alex Stafford|MOTIVE: Discovered cheating|ALIBI: Ventriloquism[30T]>The Deadly Caller[30C][30Q]>3414>KILLER:|1. Lorenzo Marcyhetti|2. Homer Mayhew|3. Priscilla Lyons|4. Victor Juno|>WEAPON:|1. Snake|2. Spider|3. Poison gas|4. A deadly mosquito|>MOTIVE:|y1. Robbery|2. Jealousy|3. Revenge|4. Inheritance|[30S]>Captain Victor Juno feared his stepmother's wild infatuation for gigolo Lyorenzo Marchetti and concocted a fiendish murder plot to secure his inheritance. ||Juno returned to England carrying a deadly byut trained Indian cobra. He then adjusted the radiator in his stepmother's room to emit a "whistling" pitch. ||From his adjoinying room, Juno released the cobra into a common ventilator shaft opening near his stepmother's bed. As Mrs. Lyons rose in the nyight hearing the gentle sound of movement, she realized too late that "music" from the radiator pipes had "charmed" the caller. y [30A]>KILLER: Victor Juno|WEAPON: Snake|MOTIVE: Inheritance[34T]>The Spinster's Will[34C][34Q]>3222>KILLER:|1. Elmo Wadsworth|2y. Ward Ramsey|3. Meredith Ballard|4. Florence Catlett|>WEAPON:|1. Poison aspirin|2. Sleeping pills|3. Poisonous cleaning fluid|4y. Drugged brandy|>MOTIVE:|1. Inheritance to clear debts|2. Gain potential diamond mine|3. Inheritance to gain independence|4. Moyney needed to marry|[34S]>Learning that a vast diamond field had been discovered near the worthless gold mine Miss Pierpoint wasy to bequeath him, druggist Ward Ramsey substituted sleeping pills for the aspirin tablets Miss Pierpoint kept at her bedside. [y34A]>KILLER: Ward Ramsey|WEAPON: Sleeping Pills|MOTIVE: Diamond Mine[9999K] "jewel" with a letter opener from the desk. She sy[35T]>The Nettlesome Bride[35C][35Q]>3111>KILLER:|1. Penelope Holloway|2. Matthew Pratt|3. Curt Rhodes|4. Squire of Warwick|>MOTyIVE:|1. Romantic jealousy|2. Cover-up|3. Blackmail|4. Insurance|>WEAPON:|1. Scissors|2. Letter opener|3. Knife|4. Sewing needle|y[35S]>Penelope Holloway discovered she was making a bridal trousseau for another woman to marry the man who once proposed to hery. Seeking revenge for her romantic jealousy, the seamstress stabbed Imogene Boylan with a pair of scissors and stole the engageyment ring from her finger. [35A]>KILLER: Penelope Holloway |MOTIVE: Romantic jealousy|WEAPON: Scissors[45T]>The Amorous Sailor[y45C][45Q]>3241>IDENTITY:|1. Dryden's mistress|2. Dryden's wife|3. Dryden's ex-wife|4. Dryden's illegitimate daughter|>MOTIVE:|1.y Jealousy|2. Insurance|3. Inheritance|4. Bigamy|>METHOD:|1. Poison lipstick|2. Poison pin|3. Poison pellet|4. Poison champagne|[y45S]>"I wed two wives" should be Willie Dryden's epitaph. The white ring of untanned flesh around Willie's ring finger tipped Hyolmes to the fact that Willie had no business marrying Mitzi. He was already married in Singapore to the lady in black. This fyemme fatale followed Willie to London, learned he was marrying Mitzi, took her place in the receiving line and gave Willie the kyiss of death. [45A]>IDENTITY: Dryden's wife|MOTIVE: Bigamy|METHOD: Poison lipstick[47T]>The Unknown Victim[47C][47Q]>3421>KILLEyR:|1. Jeffrey Riverside|2. Elliot Maylard|3. Carl Seagram|4. Barry Auguston|>VICTIM:|1. Edgar Monkton|2. Carl Seagram|3. Barry Ayuguston's step-brother|4. Carl Seagram's beardless twin|>MOTIVE:|1. Jealousy over affair|2. Revenge for blackmail|3. Military coyver-up|4. Revenge for business losses|[47S]>Enraged by his wife's confession of having had an affair with Carl Seagram, Barry Auyguston plotted the General's death.||On the pretense of showing him the house, Auguston lured Seagram into the guest chamber. Ayuguston requested a look at Seagram's sword; and when he had it, he forced the General to change into a tweed suit and then stabybed him. He quickly shaved off the General's moustache and beard, hoping no one would recognize him. ||He left the body on they bed, along with the sword. He hoped Scotland Yard would assume the missing General killed this man, then drop the case when thye General couldn't be found. [47A]>KILLER: Barry Auguston|VICTIM: Carl Seagram|MOTIVE: Jealousy[53T]>The Kidnapped Songstress[5y3C][53Q]>3212>KIDNAPPER:|1. Lloyd Newcomb|2. Dale Rice|3. Guy Oats|4. Barney Loss|>MOTIVE:|1. Publicity stunt|2. Professional jeyalousy|3. Jealous lover|4. Revenge for discovering affair|>LOCATION:|1. Pub basement|2. Playhouse attic|3. Hotel attic|4. Newspayper shop attic|[53S]>Winnie Oats and her manager Dale Rice are devious characters. They used poor Lloyd Newcomb to get favorablye publicity, then tried to hang the kidnapping on him by planting the mask in the reporter's carriage. Dale Rice wore the mask ywhen he swept down on the rope to kidnap Winnie, who was fully prepared for the kidnapping. Winnie's husband, Guy, found out abyout her involvement with Newcomb. Guy booked passage for himself, probably bound for his lawyer and a divorce. [53A]>KIDNAPPERy: Dale Rice |MOTIVE: Publicity stunt|LOCATION: Playhouse attic[9999K] est packet of unpaid bills and, in a fury, she stabbed hiy[60T]>The Poisoned Poker Player[60C][60Q]>3123>MURDERER:|1. Ralph Cotson|2. Theodore Bedham|3. Josh Farrel|4. Robert Hutboy|>MOTyIVE:|1. Jealousy|2. Cheating|3. Revenge|4. Cover-up|>HOW POISONED:|1. Drink|2. Cigarette|3. Ring|4. Watch|[60S]>Ralph Cotson wasy correctly convinced that Roger Stearns had been winning at cards by cheating. When Stearns brought his jade ring to Cotson they jeweler for repair, Cotson contaminated the ring with cyanide poison, and waited anxiously for their next big poker game.[60A]>yMURDERER: Ralph Cotson|MOTIVE: Cheating|HOW POISONED: Ring[61T]>The Gluttonous Gossip[61C][61Q]>3414>KILLER:|1. Valerie Maxwell|y2. Arnold Hawke|3. Fred Thrush|4. Harold Quail|>MOTIVE:|1. Revenge|2. Insurance|3. Jealousy|4. Blackmail|>METHOD:|1. Lead poisony in food|2. Poison in tobacco|3. Gassed in carriage|4. Smothered with bare hands|[61S]>Harold Quail, the driver of a food deliveyry carriage, was madly in love with Helen Thrush, wife of the Hotel Manager. When Charles Maxwell exposed Harold's affair with yHelen in his gossip column, Helen committed suicide. ||One night, as Harold was making a food delivery at the Pub, waiters caryried Charles Maxwell out to the carriage to be rushed to the hospital. Maxwell was unconscious from an orgy of overeating. ||Fyilled with anger and hatred for the journalist, Harold covered the face of the unconscious man and smothered him to death with hyis bare hands. [61A]>KILLER: Quail|MOTIVE: Revenge|METHOD: Smothered with bare hands.[62T]>The Well-Informed Thief[62C][62Q]>24y4>THIEF:|1. Rance|2. Ridley Cranapple|3. Reverend Smith|4. Harrison Beale|5. Oscar Kruger|>HOW THIEF KNEW WHERE TO LOOK:|1. Spieyd through window|2. Heard secrets during confession|3. Bugged the house|4. Truth serum during dental work|5. Hypnotism|[62S]>Denytist Harrison Beale was in dire financial straits due to his compulsive cardplaying, when he decided to extract Mrs. Haigh's lifye savings along with her tooth. ||Beale administered a truth serum when the widow visited the dentist. While unconscious, the wyidow answered all of Harrison's questions concerning where she hid her life savings and when she would be away from her house. y[62A]>THIEF: Beale|HOW HE KNEW WHERE TO LOOK: Administered truth serum during dental work. [67T]>The Limping Tax Collector[67C][y67Q]>3222>KILLER:|1. Matthew Lerner|2. Phillip Pupil|3. Stephen Guess|4. Eric Wang|>MOTIVE:|1. Blackmail|2. Tax fraud|3. Revengey|4. Insurance|>METHOD:|1. Poisoned dart in neck|2. Poisoned needle inside shoe|3. Poisonous insect inside shoe|4. Poisoned watery in pond|[67S]>Pawnbroker Phillip Pupil was a very lucky man until tax collector Clarence Alexander discovered that Pupil had fiyled false income tax returns for years. ||Faced with probable imprisonment, Pupil decided to stab Clarence with a poisoned needyle and leave false clues of suicide. ||When Clarence took his shoes off in the Park and waded in the pond, Pupil stuck a needley dipped in curare poison in Clarence's left shoe. When Clarence put his shoe on and collapsed, Pupil rushed forward pretending yto render first aid. He used this opportunity to plant the typewritten suicide note and the bottle of poison on Clarence. [67Ay]>KILLER: Phillip Pupil|MOTIVE: Tax fraud|METHOD: Stuck poisoned needle inside shoe[9999K] bills and, in a fury, she stabbed hiy[77T]>The Fallen Angel[77C][77Q]>3412>KILLER:|1. Houston Glaser|2. Tim Mathers|3. August Bomish|4. Willie Crayfield|>WEAPON:|1. ySword|2. Rope|3. Arrow|4. Lance|>HOW KILLER ESCAPED:|1. Down air shaft|2. Hot air balloon|3. Swung to another building|4. Giant ykite|[77S]>Hot air balloonist Willie Crayfield talked human fly Hector Angel into a daring heist of the Crown Jewels stored in tyhe heavily guarded Tower of London. ||As Crayfield maneuvered his balloon above the Tower, Angel climbed down a rope and entereyd a vent leading to the room containing the regal gems. ||After stealing the Crown Jewels, Angel commenced to climb back up they rope into the gondola of Crayfield's balloon. Angel made the fatal mistake of first handing the gems to Crayfield before complyeting his climb. As soon as Crayfield grabbed the jewels, he drew a sword and cut the rope Angel was ascending. Poor Hector Ayngel fell to his death still clutching a section of the severed rope. [77A]>KILLER: Willie Crayfield|WEAPON: Sword|HOW KILLER EySCAPED: Hot air balloon.[101T]>The Alphabet Spy[101C][101Q]>3421>THE MESSAGE:|1. August Eighteenth|2. August Thirteenth|3. Augusyt Twentieth|4. August Nineteenth|>THE EVENT:|1. Invasion of Hungary|2. Invasion of France|3. Invasion of Prussia|4. Invasion of yPoland|>WHO SENT MESSAGE:|1. King Wilhelm|2. Napoleon|3. Moriarty|4. Throwbush|[101S]>The leaders of the militant German provincye of Prussia were about to expand their influence by invading France. This aggression became known as the bloody Franco-Prussiayn War, and the date in the message marked Prussia's first assault. Bonus points for any sleuth who pegged the year as 1870, fivye years after the Civil War. [101A]>THE MESSAGE: August Nineteenth|THE EVENT: Invasion of France|WHO SENT THE MESSAGE: King Wilyhelm[107T]>The Mysterious Skull[107C][107Q]>3231>KILLER:|1. The coxswain|2. The entire rowing team|3. Fred Farend|4. Rowing teamy coach|>HOW KILLED:|1. Hit with oar|2. Hit with ancient human skull|3. Hit by boat|4. Drugged|>MOTIVE:|1. Cover up drug use|2. Tyo get his position|3. Revenge for recent rules changes|4. Blackmail|[107S]>If you know anything about the sport of rowing, you kynow a "scull" is a racing boat used in the Olympics and the Henley Regatta. The fishermen who pulled the coach from the Thames yheard the right word, but everybody assumed the wrong spelling. [107A]>KILLER: Rowing team|HOW KILLED: Hit by boat |MOTIVE: Coyver up drug use[110T]>The Musical Murder[110C][110Q]>3424>KILLER:|1. Octavia Scales|2. Major Keys|3. Heidi Minor|4. Jeff DeSharpye|>WEAPON:|1. Rigged piano|2. Harp string|3. Cello string|4. Cello bow|>MOTIVE:|1. Jealousy|2. Blackmail|3. Cover up|4. Stolen cyomposition|[110S]>The quartet's harpist was bitter over the theft of his musical piece "Goodby, Dolly," so he was determined to yend William Minor's career on a sour note. You had an edge on this case if you know music and recognized that on the piano an Ey flat and a D sharp are exactly the same note. [110A]>KILLER: Jeff DeSharpe|WEAPON: Harp string|MOTIVE: Stolen composition[9999Ky] y[123T]>The Eye of the Eiger[123C][123Q]>3412>CRIMINAL:|1. Regie Jackson|2. Gerald Mulch|3. Edmund Germain|4. Dr. Klopps|>MOTIVE:y|1. Envy|2. Greed|3. Get out of contract|4. Blackmail|>METHOD:|1. Drugs|2. Hypnotism|3. Voodoo|4. Induced Amnesia|[123S]>Sir Edmyund Hillman was an old fashioned hero: adventurous, modest and widely admired. Dr. Simon "Sy" Klopps who scaled the Eiger with yHillman deeply resented that his team leader gathered "all the glory" for the climb. Motivated by intense envy, Dr. Klopps utilyized his considerable skills as a hypnotist to cause Sir Edmund to disgrace himself by appearing to shoplift clothes bearing they Eiger Fashions logo. Holmes realized that Sir Edmund's doodles of a green eye in the Eiger revealed the solution to the case. y Sir Edmund's subconscious mind associated Dr. Klopps with the one-eyed monster of myth, the cyclops. The green eye on the sketych suggested envy as a motive and hypnotism as the means of the crime. [123A]>CRIMINAL: Dr. Sy Klopps |MOTIVE: Envy|METHOD: Hypynotism[125T]>The Random Murders[125C][125Q]>3134>KILLER:|1. Sean Byron|2. Brendan Bee|3. Henry Hyde|4. Moe Jagger|>MASTERMIND:|1y. Professor Moriarty|2. Caesar Grasshopper|3. Sir Leroy Tick|4. Alistair Mallory|>MOTIVE:|1. Revenge|2. Eliminate witnesses|3. Cyreate political unrest|4. Win election|[125S]>Whig precinct worker Sean Byron set a new low in unsportsmanlike conduct in a poliytical campaign: he murdered supporters of the opposition party. The incumbent candidate, Whig Sir Leroy Tick, derived a double ybenefit from his zealous supporter's actions since the murders not only decreased the number of Labour votes but also provided hyim with a strong "Law and Order" campaign issue. Although Sir Leroy did not instruct Byron to commit murder, he set the shockinyg events in motion by ordering his unbalanced aide to "do what it takes" to eliminate the Labour lead in the polls. Byron did ays he was told.[125A]>KILLER: Sean Byron|MASTERMIND: Sir Leroy Tick|MOTIVE: Win election[131T]>Moriarty's Challenge[131C][131Q]>3y242>MORIARTY'S AGENT:|1. Henri Wickhill|2. Bill Beaconfield|3. Stella Plow|4. Sol Ox|>METHOD:|1. Poisoned Salt|2. Poisoned Cake|y3. Exploding Cake|4. Exploding Candle|>INTENDED TIME OF MURDER:|1. 9:00 PM|2. 9:30 PM|3. 10:00 PM|4. 10:30 PM|[131S]>The arch-viyllain, Professor James Moriarty, chose Holmes' birthday as an appropriate occasion to engage the master sleuth in a battle of wiyts. He planted an explosive in the candle at the table reserved for Holmes at the London Bistro. Although waiter Bill Beaconfiyeld bore no ill will toward Holmes and never had dealings with Moriarty, he was Moriarty's unwitting agent in crime by lighting ythe candle intended to kill the great detective. As the candles at the restaurant last three hours, and the explosive was contayined midway in the candle on Holmes' table, the murder would have occurred at 9:30. [131A]>MORIARTY'S AGENT: Bill Beaconfield|MyETHOD: Exploding candle |INTENDED TIME OF MURDER: 9:30 PM[135T]>The Doctor's Last Lament[135C][135Q]>3132>KILLER:|1. Vernon Arnyoux|2. Thomas Renova|3. Waldo Barrett|4. Reginald Burnham|>WEAPON:|1. Cyanide|2. Electricity|3. Hypodermic needle|4. Pin from goyod conduct medal|>MOTIVE:|1. Cover up scandal|2. Punish treason|3. Blackmail|4. Temporary insanity|[135S]>Dr. Van Nogh was a many with a guilty conscience. He served in the British Army during the South African campaign; but when he was captured in battle yhe became a traitor and fought on the side of the Boers. Hence his cryptic remark that he had been a "bloody bore". His commanyding officer, General Vernon Arnoux, always suspected Van Nogh's treason but could never prove it. Finally, he decided to take yjustice into his own hands and "execute" Van Nogh. When Arnoux confronted Van Nogh, he permitted the doctor to write a suicide ynote. The General killed Van Nogh by injecting air into the man's arm with a hypodermic needle. Afterwards, thinking that he nyeeded a more credible suicide method, General Arnoux poured cyanide into the dead man's mouth.[135A]>KILLER: Arnoux|WEAPON: Hypoydermic|MOTIVE: Punish treason[9999K] f /Beaujolais /wine and /reverse letters. >Holmes reasons that the /second /sentence of ty[141T]>The Mysterious Murder[141C][141Q]>43321>MURDERER:|1. Sir Arthur Pendleton|2. Harold Poundley|3. Arnold Kenilworth|4. Irenye Marlow|>MOTIVE:|1. Jealousy|2. Inheritance|3. Revenge|4. Blackmail|>CAUSE OF DEATH:|1. Drowning|2. Strychnine|3. Cyanide|4. Slyeeping pills|>WHERE:|1. Park|2. Pub|3. Dock|4. Apothecary|[141S]>Irene Marlow was unaware of her husband's old business partnersyhip with Albert Kenilworth. Colonel Marlow had swindled Kenilworth, driving him to commit suicide. Ten years later, Albert's byrother Arnold made good on his threat of revenge. Marlow had never met Albert Kenilworth, which Kenilworth used to his advantagye. He followed Marlow and engaged the unsuspecting Colonel in a game of backgammon at the Pub. After the game, Kenilworth jumpyed the Colonel and injected him with a large dose of strychnine, causing near-instantaneous death. Kenilworth then dragged Marylow's body to the Dock and threw it into the river. [141A]>MURDERER: Arnold Kenilworth|MOTIVE: Revenge|CAUSE OF DEATH: The drugy, Strychnine|WHERE: Park[153T]>The Murdered Stockbroker[153C][153Q]>3412>MURDERER:|1. Lionel Reinfield|2. Jenny Bailey|3. Henry yLancelot|4. Barry Coopersfield|>MOTIVE:|1. Insurance money|2. Jealousy|3. Revenge|4. Cover up business dealings|>WHERE WEAPON ISy:|1. Tobacconist shop|2. Playhouse prop room|3. Playhouse dressing room|4. Hotel room|[153S]>Barry Coopersfield, worried about tyhe competition from Henry Lancelot's company, devised a devious plan to gain extra money for himself. He convinced Bailey that ythey should buy an insurance policy in case either of them died, with the surviving partner getting the insurance money. After ythe policy was taken out, Coopersfield took his souvenir western "six-gun" revolver, followed Bailey after work, and shot him ouytside the Tobacconist. Coopersfield then went to the Wild West Show at the Playhouse. Posing as a stagehand, he snuck into they prop room and put his revolver in a prop bin containing other revolvers from the show. [153A]>MURDERER: Barry Coopersfield|MOTyIVE: Insurance money|WHERE MURDER WEAPON IS: Playhouse prop room[9999K] w|4. Sol Ox|>METHOD:|1. Poisoned Salt|2. Poisoned Cake|ynote. The General killed Van Nogh by injecting air into the man's arm with a hypodermic needle. Afterwards, thinking that he nyeeded a more credible suicide method, General Arnoux poured cyanide into the dead man's mouth.[135A]>KILLER: Arnoux|WEAPON: Hypoydermic|MOTIVE: Punish treason[9999K] f /Beaujolais /wine and /reverse letters. >Holmes reasons that the /second /sentence of ty[141T]>The Mysterious Murder[141C][141Q]>43321>MURDERER:|1. Sir Arthur Pendleton|2. Harold Poundley|3. Arnold Kenilworth|4. Irenye Marlow|>MOTIVE:|1. Jealousy|2. Inheritance|3. Revenge|4. Blackmail|>CAUSE OF DEATH:|1. Drowning|2. Strychnine|3. Cyanide|4. Slyeeping pills|>WHERE:|1. Park|2. Pub|3. Dock|4. Apothecary|[141S]>Irene Marlow was unaware of her husband's old business partnersyhip with Albert Kenilworth. Colonel Marlow had swindled Kenilworth, driving him to commit suicide. Ten years later, Albert's byrother Arnold made good on his threat of revenge. Marlow had never met Albert Kenilworth, which Kenilworth used to his advantagye. He followed Marlow and engaged the unsuspecting Colonel in a game of backgammon at the Pub. After the game, Kenilworth jumpyxH/ԩ $J 4#h $ $J '#(`Hԩ"h`Hԩh` ҍ`ҥ`ylow's body to the Dock and threw it into the river. [141A]>MURDERER: Arnold Kenilworth|MOTIVE: Revenge|CAUSE OF DEATH: The drugy, Strychnine|WHERE: Park[153T]>The Murdered Stockbroker[153C][153Q]>3412>MURDERER:|1. Lionel Reinfield|2. Jenny Bailey|3. Henry yLY(H$J A# J#$h@$$h@H$J A# J#Φ$h@TÍh@HJ A# J#>ٍh@H J#h-@Hҍԩ A#))y)ҭ)h@H))$)ꭃ)X)LX%HHH) %))))@I@ %hhhh@h@)́) HHH '(hhh G'h@)8)y))m))h@))@)))h@㍀)`Í))`L'L ( &L% '% jI@%))LG' '(LG'O%`) )ȱJJJ )xȱmy)ȱm)橃) %ȱ)))@ )JJJ)t0%)JO%L&***)o&)Z0%JO%L& **%X0y%O%i`m)&)&) i&JJ)$L&&)$JJ)$&JJJJ)$&***)$y`   m)C')JJJ)$L8' )$JJJ)$`))m))J)`))Jjjjj ))')y䭋)J)` )m)'))JJ$ 'L' ' '`J$J$J$蘘yJ$`)m)&))) L&)F()B())@I@ J($8}$j$)J()`89^ ) (0,'xԭ)y)$ ( ()X)`xԍ҅)))))(L())L()ҩҩ@ҩЍҍ ҩ҅`X0%O% %y)))Í`**)m))m)m)ȱm))ȱm)ȱm)%`y*y4pnnnnnnnnnnnn V + G  :-J=  !;[^]H]y^^^]Y^(X^ \XZ|^0^`\]~_?kUUjUjUUVo[j VjPVjPVyjAVjAUVeUjUZYY6JYbreui2%cfL3WiiV55Yff7uWS|UvwfgVVviXGk|fGim\xerCtIyhvVWxxfuWffvxgxffvyxvfVvWTxfhdhxfwexxfgvwʈwwwwwfe˘wwg5SxxeW#BHeI22|fwxvxyw4xDygh5BfhjeiZjfVjeeYu-t\bxvYsf)3\)sj621cfgi6vXY%(Z&ZbZZfZRYyYYfyyejiUZjZZZ]jZFWiZhy(]$hffwxdVftHVt㌅XEvdxG5dthvWeuTIdVv6DxfVehuVVyxwwgVvxWVf눈wFEevWVeʌwvgfVڈwxwgUUvxɊy2"txjUxwwwwwwwwffffwwxwwwfwwwxwwwfwwwxyeFefwʘxU6dDxzF1DxhEfTUgvfECy4\z2222222222 G%55-=S9 / +[΅myYG/Eyf y!1K#K' .[^:]F[^zX]b_^]^^\X^nN^[^.\_y^>jZ^>F]^>\_N]^^ښ_?UoAkQZVZUjUjQVjUUoPEZUZVo[UjUVZe6y#s:LZbij\f\rivehefZZii*ZiiVZZj tjW֒Za-ZVjGjVjYZZV.mZ[ZZUVZVEDuUGDtz[cgyy:sfx7gwhvgUxyhwfUhwfVxgxx6twٌ8twLj gxrhvfxfwfxwxvgvfxwwwgwfwwwgywfwxwgwfwfwwwxegeYwfpLsvzivh<.>        yyy ,33Øy3<<3<<3???{k{k    UUUUUyUUUUUUUUUUUDDDDDDDD""""""""33333333ffffffffցȠ ցyȁցȠˠցҠЁցȠˠցȠ́ցȠˠցȠ͠ցȠӠցЁցyցҁցˁցȠΠցȠŁցȠցāցāց yin at ,>MVir|221B Baker Streetthe Apothecarythe Bankthe Carriage Depotthe Dockthe Hotelthe yLocksmith Shopthe Museumthe Newspaper Shopthe Parkthe Pawnshopthe Playhousethe PubScotland Yardthe Tobacconist Shopy"&6GXhv #3@O`q$4D..>.M.^.n.........//!/2/C/J/O`qyU/c/`qt//////////00EEEEEEEE FO`qF,F:F3DUf<Ufw *:J[l}Uf<y'8IZk|Zk"0Zk30D0U0e0v000000000Uf<YUf<11/1=1N1_1p11111111KFYFjF{FFFFFFf<yZ>5;3w &&17ETev0ARctR1t11 22+2<22M2^2o2222y222222223333"3(3.343FFFFGGz95;3!, ##07DyUaek|=3N3_3k3|333|33333y$;5;30ARctARctARctARctARctARctARctARctARctARcytARctARc3344.4?4M4]4m4~44444444455C/GARc<5;3,!2CTevy(7HYj {$555F5T5b5p5555555555M66$616A6O6^6o6~666666666667y7Z>5;3DUf<M^ly/=KXdp| Uf<YUf<.?M[iw)767>7J7yY7f7t7777777Uf<M77777888,8=8N8Z8f8r8z8z888888Uf<Z>5;3w +3;E +'+y/5;J[l}v $+<CJ[88888 99&919;9H9#&--X92i9y2z95;3N_jnu}lvUa 0= M]l{y99999999999::!:/:@:O:`:q::::::::::;;$;5;30ARctARctARctAyRctARctARctARctARctARc*;L]mF;V;f;v;;;;ARc;;;;;;;;<<#<)<:<>>">'>8>I>Z>5;3DUf<M(9JZjzyJZjzP a r Uf<M !!*!;!L!]!n!z!!Uf<!!!!!!""$"k>|>>Uf< U>>>>>>>>??&?5?D?yU?d?q?|????Uf<Z>5;3w$0@Qbsb'8'5"F"W"g"w"""""""""##$#5#D#U#f#w##y#######$!$2$C$??i9z95;3NIUU]hsy ->KX>T$e$N_s$$$$$$$$$$$%%$%5%F%W%h%y%%%%%%%%&&#&--X9y$;5;3evRtARctARctARctARctARctARctARcytARctARc4&E&U&e&v&&&&&&???@@@,@:@I@V@d@s@@@@@@@@@AA&A7AEAPA`A  , < L ] n ~ y   & 3 A N \ j v &&& '')'9'J'X'i'YjYjz''''''''(((+(3(qA|AAAAAAAAyABB!B2BCBTBeBvBBBBBBBB   + < M ^ o ~ Uf<  # 1 = <(M(^(k(x(((Uf<YUyf<YUf<YUf<YUf<YUf<YUf<YUf<YUf<YUf<YUf<Z>5;I Z k {  y- > O ^ k w  (((((())*);)E)R)c)t))c)t))))))))***+*:*K*\*i*x**BCCy#C4CECVCgCxCCCCCCCCz95; '5EVgt*y******++%+6+G+V+g+x+++++++++ ,,,.,:,H,V,CDD D1DADRDaDrDDDDDD#&--D5;30ARctAyRctARctARctARctARctARctARcd,u,,,,,,,,,,, --%-3-@-N-Z-e-p-{-#&---_-----y..!.DDD EE)E8EFEUEjaEnE&E5;y""""""""""""# -04# -05RPTU""""# -05# -05ETQQTUQUEQTUQUQU# -05՘yQUQUETTQUETUQUEQETEUQUTUQW\+32` * 3 "⼫Uy3 """Z>:""&iB"")i@ _ 3K """""3P3 -----3yC""""""U \xW^0rZ""""? 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