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WRITE CAL-DOS S9!&x#!7&p))'&X*./)L''-؆莟.}R'S  vU D3EkHI 1A#! @ ~0ɛ8A0.) ȅ 1 1i/}il ! 1L NO SUCH ITEMSELECT ITEM OR FOR MENU! 0 .{z:*{}.|~ 1 0 00}JB 18L^%|DLl%DIRECTORY--SEARCH SPEC,LIST FILE? # 0 0 n&|D! 1L NOT A DISK FILE1}N !B 1L " 1 !BDED:}:1BJ|DE 1DEBH2}I 1 h0ߢ 0.  0?詛 1 ~0YЛ 1 "L<" "L 3} BL1TYPE "Y" TO DELETE...DELETE FILE SPECCOPY--FROM, TO?OPTION NOT ALLOWED0005 FREE SECTORS COPYING---D1:BINB4}OOTIN# 0|D .L$A#B#C#JB|DE 1BHIDD#E 1D#0: B5} 1L B#C#C#B# B 1N#$0SYS1}:e#D# d# D# .d#ȽD# d# 𩛙d#X# 1,A#6}PdD#ELO- A.BJdD#E 1 1HH 0hh|DL^%1}:e# Lt% e#dD#EL%7} 1 0 . .0% 1L WILD CARDS NOT ALLOWED IN DESTINATION 0 A.|K@C}p4d//Hu ξL/L DRIVE TO WRITE DOS FILES TO?WRITING NEW DOS FILESTYPE "Y" TO WRITE DOS TO DRIVE 1.?}D1:DOS.SYSERROR - NOT VERSION 2 FORMAT. , &* բ( 1L `[) 0NΞ 0 L1M) 1@} L BAD LOAD FILELOAD FROM WHAT FILE?) 0 0#B 1L WHAT FILE TO LOCK?) 0 0$B 1L WHAT FILE TO UNLOCK?DUA}PTDISK-SOURCE,DEST DRIVES?TYPE "Y" IF OK TO USE PROGRAM AREACAUTION: A "Y" INVALIDATES MEM.SAV. h  ,B}  `)  <0 2 2 0  ,   ,,ޢ* 1L ,K* 1 ~0 0C}FINSERT BOTH DISKS, TYPE RETURNERROR - DRIVES INCOMPATIBLE., 1 ~0p48  , 1L D}, &*  Lz+, 0 , 1 ~0 + Y,0!,0 ,L+ ,mm  v,"ǭE}0Ξ, 05,Lt+L +,Hh` NOT ENOUGH ROOMINSERT SOURCE DISK,TYPE RETURNF}INSERT DESTINATION DISK,TYPE RETURN`    `L,8,0( G}L1(`ߢ) 1* 1 ~0Y`hhL S SL1) 8`NAME OF FILE TO MOVE?- 0 0|DLtH}% A., 1 <0 0 .@L# .BJ 1  DEHIB V L1 ,5 1 <0,L. I} JB|,A#Pd#DE 1 HI BDEHHII 1 B 1 , 1 <0,0Lf- B VJ},A#P, 1 <0 0L#L ߢ) 1* 1 ~0Yjp48p4}mm ݭK}}`8}``|* ? ɛ,`|:(|/ 1L `DESTINATION CANT L}BE DOS.SYS0 0H{ $22Δ $28/L /) $2 Π $2 0 ξM}hAΞB,0 J 1 BޝDEHI,HDE 1dHIHIDELSAVE-N}GIVE FILE,START,END(,INIT,RUN)O X0 1`BDEPHI V` X0H 1 L O}0 0 1L0`PLEASE TYPE 1 LETTER,0`hhL <0 1L0LA1 ,;ɛ7,"ɛ:ݦ1ݥP}A"D|ݤD|ȩ:|ȩ|ɛ,,(/+.ީ1 1,ɛ`轤{Q}NAME TOO LONG B VL ` L1I H1EӝDL1|mDiE` V0`8d/8 i:"2!22 1R} L ERROR- 132ɛ+,' 20*.. өw2 1``2TOO MANY DIGITSINVALIDS} HEXADECIMAL PARAMETER800 0 8 00`,0'D800H,ɛh`2L1NEED D1 THRU D4} CALET}DONIA ENTERPRISES DOS VER 1.0 (c) 1985 CAL-ENT A. DISK DIRECTORY I. FORMAT DISKB. RUN CARTRIDGE J. DUPLU}ICATE DISKC. COPY FILE(S) K. BINARY SAVED. DELETE FILE(S) L. BLOAD FILE E. RENAME FILE(S) M. RUN AT ADDRESSF. LOCK FV}ILE(S) N. CREATE MEM.SAVG. UNLOCK FILE(S) O. DUPLICATE FILEH. WRITE DOS & DUP P. CHANGE DENSITYu VE NUMBER ArEgͩiΩ͙i>mn`hy zh`Hg͝Νh`X}RUN"D1:FAMILY"ͩiΩ͙i>mn`hy zh`Hg͝Νh` zDZZAHLTIMZZSEL Z} %%.%%.| PRGM 'FAMILY' REV. 4. [}0 |%%.| BY: JOHN KIRKPATRICK |%%.| COPYRIGHT (C) 1986 |%%.| 1985, 1984, 1983, 1982 |%%.| \} CALEDONIA ENTERPRISES |%%.| 490-A ABELIA STREET |%%.| SUMTER, S.C. 29152-1403 | %%. ]} $$| 'FAMILY' IS THE MAIN MENU | $$| FOR THE | $$| GENEALOGY DATABASE | ^}$$| AND |$$| FAMILY TREE ORGANIZER |$$ +A _}1AR@C@@dUB7t@dgAYyA BP B` `}AY@4KBt@'Bu@9B@KB@8-@8( a} GENEALOGY DATABASE AND<-@@<(" FAMILY TREE ORGANIZER 'AAH'A@h b})-@@)( COPYRIGHT 1985=-@@=(# (-@@(( c} VERSION 4.1+-@@+(SHAREWARE VERSION8-@@8(1 INSTRUCTIONS ON PROGRAMS USE(7-@ d}@7(2 CREATION/UPDATE OF NAMEFILE26-@@6(3 NAMEFILE DIRECTORY LISTING78-@@8(4 e}PRINT PEDIGREE CHART 95-@@5(5 PRINT FAMILY GROUP SHEETS:4-@@4(6 FORMAT A DATA DI f}SKETTE? <F@.@@K:;)@F@Ap-@@>($ g} P-@@p( B}!@H* @U+B2V=B2W h}OB2HaB2IsBBAU}+FX"@:1, -@@<( 'DOCUMENTATION' i}F A X% D:FAMTREE.DOCPV"@:2, -@@=( NAMEFILE PROGRAMG A V% D:NAMEFILEZZ"@: j}3, -@@=( DIRECTORY FILER G A Z%D:DIRECTRY.FLEdV"@:4, -@@=( P k}EDIGREE PRINTERG A V% D:PEDCHARTnY"@:5, -@@=( DECENDENT LISTERG A Y% D:DESNDNT l}.LSTs"@:6, B%xa0@/AR@9 A@K-@@^(PLEASE STANDBY m}a$S-@@;(! Ġ٠Ĭ٠O-@AS E-@@?($ n} B'E%'!!'!!| DATA DISKETTE FORMATTER |'!!| SYSTEM ROUTINE o} |'!!'u0@5;@,;@,;(}M-@@q(WHICH p}DRIVE TO FORMAT (1/2/3/4)u' 416.D:' 426.D2:' 436.D3:' 446.D4:$'; (}- q}@@;(ΡŠˠ̠.'8-@@8(Š٠ĠƠ8'5-@@1 r}(Ӡ٧ϠŠ5B' 0Y%L'3 4Y0AT@3$a:;@8,:6.#HH s} ԍhh@a*6-P:C:,'AV,*6-C:,&$AVaA @a--@")A& t}%- a'A$'A%@a--6-F:A`,%AV$F:Aa,%@a%@A0+%@ u}A0?%@A0S%@A0g%@A0{%@A0%@A0a%@ v}A0+%@A0?%@A0S%@A0g%@A0{%@A0%@ w}A0aAAaBBA$b..0,4,0,64,0,194,0,36,0,128,0,98,0,0,0,0,0eKB2aAU x}'B2H@59AKB2V@eNB2bAU'B2IA9AKB2W@ y}N$&3F:A8,%AV$F:A9,%@@D:FAMILYC B'g@y/@@,@ z}@/@@+,@@'/@@9,@@K/@@],@ @o {}/@ @,@@/@@ ,@@/@@0h@@'-@ |}h(@3ŠǠӬin fact another three rows of em:b@'-@@b(6AND OF }}COURSE SOME TINY TEXT....PRESS TTEXT....PRESS TO GO ONB2y@6-F:B2y,"@ ~}% D:PART.10 A@' B@'%%6-F:A`,%AV$F:Aa,'%6-F:%@,%6-F:%@,'6-@ }'""B@'+%&@,'"@%@ '"@%@$'6-'} ;AANS $$ $$| PRGRM 'FAMTREE.DOC' REV 4 | $$| } BY: JOHN KIRKPATRICK | $$| COPYRIGHT (C) 1986 |$$| 1985, 1984, 1983, 1982 |$$| CALEDONIA ENTE}RPRISES |$$| 490-A ABELIA STREET |$$| SUMTER, S.C. 29152-1403 |$$$$}| 'FAMTREE.DOC' READS |$$| 'FAMDOC.DAT' FILES |$$| FOR ON-SCREEN DOC'S |$$}R;@@,;@,.6. D:FAMDOC.DAT@AA%R@@d(* @@}* A2W (}-@@ *@. 2 5(I(ӠΠMW @P@( ((Ơ }@<(ENTER 'YES' TO CONTINUE@.!4YES)4yes)4Y)4y.%D:FAMILY&3F:A8,%AV$F:A9,.}ŠϠŠ٠ŠҠĠ٠ŠҠ͠Ӡ㩱This database} manager will allow youto organize and maintain genealogicaldata. It creates data files on yourrelatives, and allows the }creationof a personal history of the personthe file is created for. In usingthis database, you will be able toretrieve d}ata in the form of PersonalHistories, Pedigree Charts, & FamilyGroupings (Decendant Listings).ԠMake a copy of the} Master Disk -- itwill get plenty of hard use, and putthe Original Master Disk in a safeplace; then format a blank disk to} beused as your data disk #1. When itis full you can add more disks. Eachdisk can hold 64 files, representingseveral hu}ndred relative files. Theprogram can keep track of about 500files (i.e. eight to ten disks andtwo-thousand relatives).}נԠӠStart with yourself and work backwardtowards your parents, & grandparents.Enter the information as asked by }thescreen. The computer is interested inthe persons parents, and children (ifany) for family tracing (linking) andwill ac}cept a large personal historyfile. It creates a file on that per-son defining the following relation-ships: } | Π | |   | | } |  |   | | Ҡ | | Ҡ | | | } | | | |   |  }   || || || ||| # 1 | | # 2 | | # 3 | | # 4 |  }   Relationship DefinitionYou will notice that we didn't listthe SPOUSE! Bec}ause of divorce, aperson may have several differentspouses (not at the same time) andthat is the problem; so we will uset}he children to link the marriages.So when you tell the computer aboutthe children you will also tell itwho the other paren}t is. To show amarriage with no children, we lie abit, and tell the computer they hada child called "NO CHILDREN." Theco}mputer will be quite satisfied.Next, you will create similar filesfor that persons father, his mother,their parents, and s}o on through thegenerations. When we ask the com-puter for a pedigree chart on thatperson, it searches the directoryfor }files on each person it encoun-ters, and traces up or down the treeas appropriate until it finds nomore information. The }limit is 15generations when tracing decendants.ǠӠTo create a file, insert the MasterDisk, and select item} 2 from themenu. This will load and run theprogram for you. Now just follow the prompts. Re-member the chart }shown above on therelationship of the files; enter thepersons given names, family name andbirth year. You must use only c}api-tal letters for names. If you don'tknow the exact birth year, the pro-gram will accept dates like 192X or19XX, etc.} The computer now draws a smallbox, and asks for the "Vital Sta-tistics" on that person. The box hasfive lines of 32 char}acters. Youenter any potentially useful factsin any format; what I have found tobe the best, since this box of infowill }be printed on the pedigree chartand decendant listings is this:B: (for birth date)W: (for where born)M: (for marriage dat}e)W: (for place of marriage)D: (for death date and place) The computer moves on to gatherinformation on the parents. J}ustanswer the prompts, using only thecapital letters for names. For the section on children, thecomputer displays the fo}rmat andthe Legend Key. To enter or editinformation, press "E" and Λthen enter data as required. Type"S" to save t}he data and move on tothe next child. The screen retainsall the information on the otherparent as it might be used for th}enext child, or you can type the newinformation right overtop of it.When you finish entering data forall the children, ty}pe "F" to end. The final section is for thePersonal History section, or othernotes. You enter text a "line" ata time, w}ith the last several linesdisplayed on the screen. The word"line" refers to a 75 characterprinter line, which in fact tak}es uptwo screen lines. Type until thecursor nears the end of the secondline, then press . To put anextra blank li}ne between paragraphs,just press without enteringanything. When finished, enter "@"to exit this portion ("@" is th}e-8 key). The computer now asks if you wantto save this data in file"LLLLYYYY.NNN". After a bit of re-flection}, you'll discover that"LLLL" represents the first four ofthe last name of that persons name,"YYYY" is year of birth, and "}NNN"the first three characters of thefirst name. You've just decoded thesecret of the computers filing sys-tem. }堛- you'll need it againshortly. If you want to save thefile then type "Y" or "YES". The}computer asks you to make certainthe data disk is inserted. Press and the file is saved. Don'trush on to create a }file on yournext relative yet. Review the editingfunctions below and save yourselfsome typing.ǠΠӠ} Run NAMEFILE again. This time whenprompted, enter the name of the filejust created. If you can't rememberthe name, you }can use the DOS commandto see the disk directory. Later wewill put it into a different kind ofdirectory. The program ask}s if youwant to update the file or print it.Choose "update". The program thenretrieves data from the disk waitingafter e}ach step to see if you want tochange anything. Change whatever youwant, then press when you arefinished. When yo}u reach the files on child-ren you have several choices: ś S S-ave D D-lete} E E-dit or Enter I I-nsert another child's file before this one F F-inish th}e child data entry R Retain Parent Data- (explained later) At the Personal History }section,the program retrieves each line fromdisk and waits. You can edit (justre-type the line, or move the cursorto whe}re corrections are needed andoverprint), delete (-), Insert (+),or quit (@). When done, save thefile as before.Ǡ}Ӡ The most important shortcut whencreating a new file is to recycleone you've already made on someoneelse with} a lot in common. A spousewill have the same children, a bro-ther the same parents, etc. Insteadof indicating a "new fil}e," ask forthe file of the "similar person" andjust edit it as necessary. The "Retain Data" option mentionedearlier for }editing the children'sfiles will create the other parent'sfile from the spouse's, since someor all of the children are ide}nticalin information. When the firstchild comes up for editing, do anormal edit to include his otherparent, then use spe}cial option "R";the computer reads this command assave the data on the screen, thenbring up the next child withoutchangin}g the parent data on thescreen."ǠŠ If you had pressed (P) instead of(U) you would have printed out that}individual's file including theirPersonal History.Š٠ Create more files now if you want,but note the name} of each file asyou go. Before we can do much else,we must record these file names inthe "directory." The chart printing}programs use this directory to de-termine if various files exist andwhere they are. When you're readyto make entries in t}he directory,insert the Master Disk & select fromthe mini-menu "". From themain menu select #3 - Namefile Dir.The }program asks for the names of thefiles you want saved or deleted. Typein each name when asked, indicate thedata disk numbe}r for that file. Itcontinues to ask for names until youare finished, by pressing without an entry. Answer Y to the} promptif you want to print the directory.Note that the directory file resideson the Master Disk back-up, sinceseveral pr}ograms use it when executedand the directory includes individ-uals on all of your data disks. Mysuggestion is that you us}e the DOScommand "C" and copy the DIRECTRY toall of your data disks, it isn't thatlarge of a file, and it will preventfru}strations later on when you havelots of data disks to maintain. Whenfinished, return to the FAMILY MENU.ŠԠ} From the Main Menu select PRINT APEDIGREE CHART. The program asks forthe name of the initial file -- theperson whose }progenitors you want tofind. Next, it asks if you have aGemini 10X printer. If not, or if youhave some trouble with the p}rintouts,look at the printer control sectionof the program (starts at line 20000)and adjust the printer controls tomeet t}he needs of your printer. Ifyou have the STAR MICRONICS printers,answer YES to the prompts, any otherprinter can be tried}, and if unsatis-factory results are obtained, thenanswer NO to the prompts and use thestandard fonts. It now looks for th}efirst file and tells you to insertthe correct data disk. If it can'tfind all the files on that disk, youwill have to cha}nge disks one or moretimes before starting to print. Ifyou haven't put all the file names inthe directory, it won't be ab}le tolook for them.ǠŠ٠РԠ From the Main Menu select #5-PrintFAMILY GROUP SHEETS. The progr}amasks you to enter a "title" to beprinted at the top of each page. Nextenter the file name of the personwhose descendant}s you want Listed. Ifnecessary, you may have to insert oneor more disks to satisfy the searches& again keeping the directo}ry currentis important. After tracing all knowndescendants of the person selected,it asks for another file name. If youha}ve all the infomation you want,type DONE to return to the main menu,However, if you want to continue thetabulation startin}g with a differentancestor, enter the file name, & thetabulation continues from there. Ifit finds it is about to repeat a}listing, it inserts a page referenceand skips ahead. A good approach is to generate apedigree chart (or charts, if itgo}es back more than five genera-tions) for a given person. Thentabulate (in a single run) the des-cendants for all the most} distantancestors. When finished you willhave a tabulation of all that per-son's known relatives.ŠӠ Wh}en using more than one disk tohold all the records, try to keeplogical family groups together.Avoid entering names randoml}y. Forexample, put your father's family onone disk and your mother's onanother. Keep in mind what sort ofcharts you wil}l be making and forwhom. If you are keeping track ofcousins who will appear only ondescendants lists, you might packtwo }or more generations into one file To see how to do this, considerthe descendant list. It indicatesvarious generations b}y indenting anadditional two spaces for each gen-eration. Simply put both the child-ren and grandchildren into a persons}data file, but insert two spaces infront of the first names of eachgrandchild. Then on the printout itwill show up as if }you had createda file on an extra generation.ǠΠ̠Ġ٠ƠŠӠ If you wou}ld like to obtain a copyof these instructions, you may do soby going to the DOS command menu, andusing the "C" command (Co}py File).First, you select "C", and then typein the following information (insurethat your printer is online and readyto }print). The prompt will say "Copy(from,to)" and you will enter thefollowing information: D:FAMDOC.DAT,P: (press )}your file will then be copied fromthe disk file to the printer andprinted out to you in 40 columnformat. The cha}racters won'talways print out properly (dependingon what type of printer you have) butthe majority of the text will be ver}yreadable. Included on the BONUS diskis MATT*EDIT which will print out thedocumentation very easily, even theinverse char}acters. Good-Luck and happy hunting for allof your ancestors. If you have anyquestions, comments, or suggestions;you ma}y contact the author at thefollowing address: John P. Kirkpatrick CALEDONIA Enterprises 490A Abe}HO,/AFNAMINNAMTOUTNAMREPNTCODEV1V2V3V4V5V6V7V8VH1VH2VH3VH4VH5VH6VH7VH8CNUICODLASLMARK}LASTLPLCOUNPAGCOMPOFESCAPDUBLOWIDEODUBLOFCOMPOCMPROCMPROFWIDEOFFAMINAM  }8JWK XK L 5L AL EL QLaL mLqL }LL }LL LL LL YKKAK  K<!"#}$%&'()*+,- ./A $$} $$| PRGM 'NAMEFILE' REV. 4.0 | $$| BY: JOHN KIRKPATRICK | $$| COPYRIGHT (C) 1986 |$$| } 1985, 1984, 1983, 1982 |$$| CALEDONIA ENTERPRISES |$$| 490-A ABELIA STREET |$$| SUMTER, S.C. 291}52-1403 |$$$$| NAMEFILE DEVELOPES THE |$$| GENEALOGY DATABASE ON EACH |$$|} INDIVIDUAL AND LINKS IT TO |$$| OTHER NAMEFILES AND THEIR |$$| PERSONAL HISTORIES. |$$}d~~;@2,;A,;@,;@,;@,;B,;@,;@,;@u,9@ },;@`,e]];@%,;@,;@,;@,;@,;@,;@,;@,f]];@%,;}@,;@,;@,;@,;@,;@,;@,i9 +'0@9@}@dnG-@@/(-WELCOME TO NAMEFILE-C-@AG ol(.(# WHAT IS THE FILENAME TO BE....K}(PDATED/DITED? -OR-l(RINTED? ['ٮ']pM(/($IF YOU WANT TO CREATE A NEW NAMEFILEI(PLEASE PRESS }M}6.>:AU,) 6. 67A,.)67@,.4A 6.D:67@,.- @}@-@I(((Is this file to be pdated or5(rinted9I4PAP-@}(N(,(!}ENTER OR UPDATE DATA AS FOLLOWS,N(HIT AFTER EACH LINE:l-@@ ?(GIVEN NAMES: } 7@<@,.Q-@@ Ul67@<@,.l-@@?(FAMILY NAME: 7@<@(},.Q-@@Ul67@<@(,.l-@@?(BIRTH YEAR: 7@)<@2,.Q-@}@Ul67@)<@2,.m("(IS THIS CORRECT (Y/N)?B@@K:O)@Z@}m"@:N,A| 6.D:,67@<@,.7@,L67@<@,.7@),e67@<@,..|67}@<@,.5-@@5(VITAL STATISTICS: c-@@+-@@%_( |7}@%@2$<@2%@2$,| c ^-@@+-@@%/Z67@%@2$<@2%@}2$,.^  6.67A,."= 6. 67A,.)67@,.00=@, +'0@@}A0@@S@@de-@%@z(7@<@,(DATA ON FATHER:6l-@}@?(GIVEN NAMES: 7@<@,.Q-@@Ul67@<@,.@l-@@?(}FAMILY NAME: 7@<@(,.Q-@@Ul67@<@(,.Jl-@@?(BIRTH YEAR: 7}@)<@2,.Q-@@Ul67@)<@2,.T)67A<AE,.)67AF,.= 6. 67A},.)67@,.00=@)-@@)(DATA ON MOTHER:l-@@?(GIVEN NAMES: }7@<@,.Q-@@Ul67@<@,.l-@@?(FAMILY NAME: 7@<@(, }.Q-@@Ul67@<@(,.l-@@?(BIRTH YEAR: 7@)<@2,.Q-@@ }Ul67@)<@2,.w-@@J(PARENT'S MARRIAGE YEAR: 7A<A,.\-@%@ }`w67A<A,.67A<A,.M:x-@@K( '' '' DAY/MO: 7A<A },.]-@&@ax67A<A,.567AG<Ax,.)67Ay,.56-A +'0@ }@A0@@S@@d(CHILD NUMBER 7@<@,(----------}----j(( CHILD DATA8( ----------I( GIVEN NAMES:Z( FAMILY NAME:j( BIRTH YEAR:O( BIRTH D}AY:(2( OTHER PARENT DATAO( -----------------G( GIVEN NAMES:%( FAMILY NAME:5( BIRTH YEAR:D( BIR}TH DAY:G(I"(dit/nter elete inishI("ave nsert etain Parent DataXc6-@6-"6.96.7}@<@(,@6.G6.N6.U6.\6.c6.b) 46.6.6.) 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DO YOU WANT TO TRANSFER.'U+( IT TO FILE '7@<@,'/U4YES)4yes)4Y)4yB8'X(,(;}!DO YOU WANT TO SAVE IT UNDER SOME<( OTHER NAME@X0YES)0YB B'<()(ENTER THE NAME YOU WANT TO USE-<}<67@,.t'I( ( (3("INSERT APPROPRIATE SAVE DISK, THENE( HIT .I~'8 @@- @=}8@'p (}#(CHOOSE ONE FROM BELOW>('A'-RUN NAMEFILE AGAIN\('B'-RETURN TO FAMILY MENUp('C'-END SE>}SSION'R@.@@K:;)@O"@:A,)"@:a,R%'$"@:B,)"@:b,$%D:FAMILY?}'("@:C,)"@:c,%( GOOD-BYE!( NSET PRINTER CONTROL CODES*N22CHOOSE STANDARD OR ITALICS FONT FOR PRINTING4Nm-(@}%}DO YOU WANT TANDARD OR TALICS FONTM@@K:Z)@m"@:S,B05N1@"@:A}I,13>:@',>:@R,>N1@"@:S,13>:@',>:@d,CN""COMPRESSED CHARACTER CONTROLHN6-@B}RN6-@%A(\N::DOUBLE STRIKE CONTROL (SET TO '32' IF NOT AVAILABLE)fN6-@'pN6-@qzN6-@rC}N99DOUBLE WIDTH CONTROL (SET TO '32' IF NOT AVAILABLE)N6-@N6-@ R$&3F:A8,%AV$D}F:A9,%@B D:NAMEFILEE B'g' 6.@!4@@@'6.-@@E}-@@# --(%   ) 6.)67@,.* 0@@@67@,.4 }]RTSNULROWER!||  @@L $$G} $$| PRGM 'DIRECTRY.FLE' REV 4 | $$| BY: JOHN KIRKPATRICK | $$| COPYRIGHT (C) 1986 |H}$$| 1985, 1984, 1983, 1982 |$$| CALEDONIA ENTERPRISES |$$| 490-A ABELIA STREET |$$| SUMTER,I} S.C. 29152-1403 |$$$$| DIRECTRY.FLE CREATES AND |$$| UPDATES THE DIRECTRY THAT J} |$$| TRACKS ALL OF THE FILES IN |$$| THE DATABASE PROGRAM SET. |$$d11;AUK},;@,;@,;@v,n +'0@9@@dC Ak@@L} D:DIRECTRYx@ Apd6-F:A,Apa(ERROR  ENCOUNTERED AT LINE F:A,%AVM}$F:A,dq$@6-$ A rP-@@A67$@&@<$@,.E P@N}xA6-B:,'@(A(DIRECTORY NOW CONTAINS  ENTRIES.}W( (1(#ENTER THE NAME OF THE FILE YOU WANTW(!TO}O INSERT INTO OR DELETE FROM THEW,($DIRECTORY, OR SIMPLY HIT 'RETURN' TOW(&END INSERTIONS AND SAVE THE DIRECTORY:P}4Aj67@<@,.B67@<@,.7@<@,j67@<@,.7@<@,Q}%"6-@% APD-@D37@$&@<@$&@,A6647@$&@R}<@$&@,A A  AP-6@KK67@$%@<@$%@S},.7@$&@<@$, ..67@$&@<@$&@,.P(,(!FILE INSERTED IN DIRECTORY,T} ENTERP(DISK NUMBER WHERE IT IS LOCATED##4)B:,!@A`67@$<@$,." 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NSET PRINTER CONTROLS%N))FOLLOWING IS "TOP OF FORM" COMMAND.*)}cd4,;-RABRHSTARTSLOUTDPERKDISERLOULTYPNUPRTYPECCHARNUBNUWIDEOWIDEOFGRPLUSGEMINI!g} A @A@  !| !q}B'DOS SYSB,+DUP SYSBWAUTORUN SYSB(YFAMILY BFAMTREE DOCBkFAMDOC DATBaNAMEFILE B!FDIRECTRYFLEB[fPEDCHART BKDESNDNT LST@===========@ GENEALOGY @ DATABASE @ AND @ FAMILY @ TREE @ ORGANIZER @(c) 1985 by@ CALEDONIA @ENTERPRISES@===========B!DIRECTRY B KIRK1949JOH $DISKDEMOTXT.JARN19XXCAR$GENDOC TXT@c0d0 $$ $$| PRGM 'PED!r}CHART' REV. 4.0 | $$| BY: JOHN KIRKPATRICK | $$| COPYRIGHT (C) 1986 |$$| 1985, 1984, 1983, 1982 !s}|$$| CALEDONIA ENTERPRISES |$$| 490-A ABELIA STREET |$$| SUMTER, S.C. 29152-1403 |$$!t}$$| PEDCHART ENABLES YOU TO |$$| PRINT OUT A 4 GENERATION |$$| PEDIGREE CHART USING A !u} |$$| STAR MICRONICS GEMINI OR |$$| COMPATABLE PRINTER. |$$dhh;Aer!v},;@,;@,;@2,9@,;A,;AU,;@,;@,n/-@@"$68,-!w}( /6.x''1,17,33,65,97,129,161,193,201,213} A& A0~mm(eUNABLE TO OPEN DIRECTORY FILE. ARE YOU S!x}URE YOU HAVE CREATED DIRECTORY AND INSERTED MASTER DISK?q( (PRESS 'C' TO CONTINUE+@K@@!y}K:X)@c@n"@:C,q%+@@ D:DIRECTRY8@F-@S@!z}v67$@&@<$@,.z @) 6. 67Aer,.)67@,.b +'0@!{}9@@d<(?(^(ENTER NAME OF INITIAL FILEb<(((DO YOU HAVE A GEMINI PRINTER,<4NA`!|}>(*(DOES IT HAVE 'GEMINI GRAPHICS'.>4YA`V(.(#THE PROGRAM CAN PRINT TWICE AS FASTV(#IF DOTTED!}} LINES CAN BE USED FOR THE+(( SIDES OF THE BOXES ON THE CHART.+([-(%ENTER '0' FOR FAST WITH DOTTED LINES,W(%ENTER !~}'1' FOR SLOWER WITH SOLID LINES[{+67@<@ ,.7@<@,S67@)<@2,.7@<@,{67@!}<@,.7@<@, B/-@@/6-A$+&@, 6.667@<@,.!}7%@<%@ ,b67@<@,.7%@0<%@2,67@<@,.7%@<%@,O-@!}B:,'@O37@$&@<@$&@,AP6647@$&@<@$&@,A`-#(!}PERSON  () ABSENT- A   A@+!6-A:7@$<@$,,+ Ad6-F:A,Ap!}a(ERROR  ENCOUNTERED AT LINE F:A,%AV$F:A,dYY( I NEED FILE 7@<@,17@!}<@,.7@<@,:@(1(PLEASE INSERT DISK  THEN 'RETURN'5@@ Ap6..6!}7@<@,.D:V67@<@,.7@<@,o67@<@,.167@<@,.7@<@!},D67@<@,..D67@<@,.7@<@, ""( LOCATING # ON FILE " @@!},=@=67A$+&@,%@<A$,.1_@_67A$+$@&@,%@!}<A$+$@&@,%@2,.6Z@@Z67A$+$@,%@<A$+$@,%@2!},.@ E 6.J BTR( (-(NOTE: TO RUN THIS PROGRAM AGAINR( PLEASE INSERT MASTER DISK.^A+(!}# (THIS IS NECESSARY TO RE-LOADA( DIRECTORY.)hg(CHOOSE FROM BELOW:8('A'-RETURN TO FAMILY MENUS('B'-R!}UN PEDCHART AGAINg('C'-END SESSIONmS@.@@K:;)@F"@:A,S%D:FAMILYn!}"@:B,%o"@:C,( GOOD-BYE!'"4E3$' 4L36. B'$$7@<@,0A!}B$' B)'67B:,%@,.>:,.' 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CHARACTERS>S4A1656-AECS4A1706!}-AEHS4A1726-AAMS4A1736-AFRS4A1746-AGWS4A1816-AE\S4A20!}26-AEaS4A1896-ADfS4A2066-AIkS4A1886-A@pS4A2046-ABS$"*}H%LLASTLDIRFLISTFNAMETITLENUSEDCURNAMECUROPENLDATASEEKNAMEFLEVEPAGLCOUNCHILICURNAMSEEKNAMCHIL%}DNOTIDISERBPARFILCHIFILGOTICHILDFNAMNUSTEDINUCOMPROFCMPROCMPROFWIDEOWIDEOFAITALIITLALICOFITALICO%}|D0tB|?/ M/ %}3/ !0 -0 70 %} !"#$%&'()*+ $$%} $$| PRGM 'DESNDNT.LST' REV 4.0 | $$| BY: JOHN KIRKPATRICK | $$| COPYRIGHT (C) 1986 |$$| %} 1985, 1984, 1983, 1982 |$$| CALEDONIA ENTERPRISES |$$| 490-A ABELIA STREET |$$| SUMTER, S.C. 291%}52-1403 |$$$$| DESNDNT.LST WILL PROVIDE |$$| A LIST OF DESENDENTS FOR |$$|%} ANY NAME ON FILE IN THE |$$| DATABASE DIRECTORY. |$$dRR;A2,;A2%},;AU,;A,;A`,;@f,;@,i<<;AU,;@,;@,;A,;@,k%};@,;@,m Bn:6-6-'6-A 36-A :6.s A A tjj(bUNA%}BLE TO LOAD DIRECTORY. ARE YOU SURE YOU HAVE CREATED IT, AND HAVE INSERTED CORRECT DISK?uq( (PRESS 'C' TO CONTIN%}UE+@K@@K:X)@c@n"@:C,q%xz+@@ D:DIRECTR%}Y8@F-@S@v67$@&@<$@,.z }D@+20@%}D@@d1( (-(ENTER TITLE TO BE USED ON CHART14B:,!@d(*(THAT'S TOO LONG!4 A0%}) 6. 67@f,.)67@,.!!67+@f&B:,,'@,.3(%(ENTER NAME OF INITIAL FILE)3 B%}"A`S$67B:,%@:,>:,;C3=3>:,' %} (PAGE )@3C3@RR3J NAME & BIRTHDAY OTHER PARENT NAME & B%}IRTHDAYERR3J --------------- ----------------------------J 3>:,O) 6. 67A2,.%})67@,.T-@6. ^V-@567B:,%@:,6-%@%"@6-% A% %}6.6-6-% B"6- AG!@ =67@$&@<@$&@,.=:,%}G Ah067@$&@<@$&@,.0^67@$&@<@$&@,.=:,h A'FILE S%}EARCH & OPEN SUBR' BB'd6-F:A,"@a(ERROR  ENCOUNTERED AT LINE AV$F:A,%F:A%},d(G')(RE-ENTER DATA CORRECTLY) A0t' 6.D:67@,.' BP6.<67@<@,.7@<%}@,d67@<@,.7@<@,67@<@,.7@<@,<(O-@B:,'@O37@%}$&@<@$&@,B(6647@$&@<@$&@,B) Bh) )3$(F%}ILE  NOT IN DIRECTORY.06-3$0*76-@-6-A:7@$<@$,,7 B*d6-F:A,Ap%}a(ERROR  ENCOUNTERED AT LINE AV$F:A,%F:A,d*( I NEED FILE :*>/(PLEAST INSERT DISK %} THEN 'RETURN'.3>@*+ B +(SEEKING  ON DISK #\+E@+@@16%}.E"A B+2!-@@%$@.@2 $,<.67@$%@<@$%@,.<6-%%}@,$.??READ DATA AND ASSURE MINIMUM OF 4 CHARACTERS LENGTH.."@B:,!@"$.'$67B:,%@%}<@,. '$ NSET PRINTER CONTROL CODES%NFONT SELECTION ROUTINE*ND(%(SELECT PRINT FONT DESIRED:D(&} TANDARD OR TALICS4NC#@@K:0)@C@:I,B09N3>:@',>:@R,>N&}COMPRESSED CHARACTER MODEHN6-@RN6-@%A(N55DOUBLE WIDTH CONTROL (SET TO "32" IF NOT AVAIL)N6-&}@N6-@ N6-@RN6-@SR$&3F:A8,%AV$F:A9,%@E D:DES&}NDNT.LSTH B'g67B:,%@,.767B:,%@,.)g6B:,%@A2267B:,%@,. 6 hB:&}, @A`lO-@B:,'@O47@$&@<@$&@,A@v  A`-@&}@$67<,. ( M67@q<@,. (SEE PAGE )67@<@,.7@$&@<@$,4&}A;+7@<A2,07@<A2,16.; AR 6.R67@<A2,.1 '' &}  3>:@, 6-%@+ 6.6.6-!6-+ B"6- &}AG!@ =67@$&@<@$&@,.=:,G Ah067@$&@<@$&@,.0& }^67@$&@<@$&@,.=:,h A'FILE SEARCH & OPEN SUBRt' 6.D:67@,.' 6.26& }7@<@,.7@<@,Z67@<@,.7@<@,67@<@,.7@<@,<(O-& }@B:,'@O37@$&@<@$&@,B(6647@$&@<@$&@,B& }) Bh) )3$(FILE  NOT IN DIRECTORY.06-3$0*76-@-6-A:7@$<@$,,7 B& }*d6-F:A,Apa(ERROR  ENCOUNTERED AT LINE AV$F:A,%F:A,d*( I NEED FILE &}:*3/(PLEASE INSERT DISK  THEN 'RETURN'.3*+ B +(SEEKING  ON DISK #\+?@+@@&}?"A B+2!-@@%$@.@2 $,<.67@$%@<@$%@&"}JOHN PATRICK KIRKPATRICK 1949B: 29 NOV 1949 W: ANTIOCH, CONTRA COSTA, CA M: 24 DEC 1973 Z} W: PITTSBURG, CONTRA COSTA, CA D: M: 1944 19 JUN JAMES PARKER KIRKPATRICK 1906BONNZ}IE FAYE JOHNSTON 1920MARK ALANKIRKPATRICK196928 JUNCAROL JEANNESHEPHERD19496 MAR*** When entering data intoZ} this field do not worry about the way it looks onthe screen. The Database Program is designed to format the two screen linZ}eentry into a 75 character line on the printed page; when the file is selec-ted for print-out instead of updating.This fileZ} is an actual file that Iput on the disk so that you may look it over and see how I use it. Look atthe Vital Statistics paZ}rt, that is where in the documentation, I said thatI found that using the 'B', 'W', 'M', 'W', and 'D' is typed in. If you dZ}onot want to, you do not have to use that format, it is not automaticallyput on the screen on a new file, you must do that;Z} on subsequent updates itwill be, as it becomes part of the data file string. If when you are enter-ing data in the PersonaZ}l History mode, and you should hear a 'BEEP' thatmeans you are trying to enter too much data (more than the two lines thatIZ} allowed for and will have to BACK SPACE/DELETE to only enter the 2 linesor you will have an error file.@@@wo lines thatIXnlia Street Sumter, SC 29152-1403 (803) 666-3176Only registered owners will receivesoftware support. If} you obtained acopy of this program from someoneelse or as part of a GROUP LICENSING,you may become a registered owner by}sending $29.95 to the author, whichwill entitle you to future upgrades,and of course the telephone support.**NOTE**I hav}e included on the disk a datafile on myself, just to let you seebefore-hand how I use this database.And use it I do! I hav}e twenty-twogenerations of my family filed andseventeen generations of my wifesfamily filed. This program worksvery well}-@@((>D*("E = Edit D = Delete F = FinishD(S = Save I = InsertH ( R4EA0\#}3JARN9XXCAR1KIRK949JOH1SHEP949CAR1KIRK949JOH1*N3>:@%A(,D:DIRECTRY.FLENAMEFILE NSET PRINTER T&,.<6-%@,$.GGREAD DATA AND MAKE SURE EACH ENTRY HAS 4 OR MORE CHARACTERS.."@B:,!@&+}4SA1f4DA2'%67<%@,.@@@%@' +(((($'U-(%THE PRECEDING INFORMA$}TION IS NOW HELDU(#IN MEMORY. DO YOU WANT TO TRANSFER.'0( IT TO FILE ''04YESB8'M(,(!DO YOU WAN%}T TO SAVE IT UNDER SOME<( OTHER NAME@J0YESMB'<()(ENTER THE NAME YOU WANT TO USE-<67@,.t'I( (&} (3("INSERT APPROPRIATE SAVE DISK, THENE( HIT 'RETURN'.I~'8 @@- @8@(}%@ B.'VV112,112,112,70,64,156,6,6,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,7,7,7,7,2,2,2,2,2,265,32,124,0,0,024,0,0,08'$ }A!`A3NAMINNAMTOUTNAMREPNTCODEV1V2V3V4V5V6V7V8VH1VH2VH3VH4VH5VH6VH7VH8CNUICODLASLMARKN"3>:@%A(," A&3F:A8,%AV$F:A9,%@FD:DIRECTRY.FLEI B'g}&3F:A8,%AV$F:A9,%@B D:PEDCHARTE B'gIDEOWIDEOFGRPLUSGEMINI W"$.'$67B:,%@<@,. '$:BUG HUNT SUBROUTINE:&3&3 BUG HUNT ON:;3L$= 3&,}LASTL$= ,3FLIST$= ;3NUSED$= :3FNAME$= :773 CURNAM$=  CUROPEN$=  SEEKNAM$= :43LDA&-}TA$= 43 PARFIL$=  CHIFIL$= :113CHILD=  CHILDH=  FLEVEL= <$AAMCHIL$v%@E D:FAMTREE.DOCH B'g $$| PRGRM 'FAMTREE.DOC' REV 4 | $$| 3N"3>:@%A(," AD:DIRECTRY.FLE $$7 D:PEDCHARTBRHSTARTSLOUTDPERKDISERLOULTYPNUPRTYPECCHARNUBNUWIDEOWIDEOFGRPLUSGEMINI :&3&3 BUG HUNT ON:;3L$= 3LASTL$= ,3FLIST$= ;3NUSED$= :3FNAME$= :773 CUR&K}NAM$=  CUROPEN$=  SEEKNAM$= :43LDATA$= 43 PARFIL$=  CHIFIL$= :113CHILD=  CHILDH&L}=  FLEVEL= <$AADCURNAMECUROPENLDATASEEKNAMEFLEVEPAGLCOUNCHILICURNAMSEEKNAMCHIL$08'$ DZZAHLTIMZZSEL in maintaining the data andis influenced by my religeous beliefsand training, for example, the Per-sonal History capabili}ties for keep-ing your personal journal on!my religeous beliefsand training, for example, the Per-sonal History capabili.