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N@K}H(h 7;L),RAM disk drive no? 8L),Verify WRITEs? ;L), =WNPp`(`(  LqBSAVE:filename,stL}art,end(,init(,run)) @TUH P@Cp` ?< P@؆8օڊ CInvalid START-END range!۩ P@ M} P@ hԄՠAλȌZ B04*  0$ڍXۍY֍T׍U,0LCL C HCL@ֆ׌`Load MEN}M.SAV from what file? 0#L),L@Load from what file?) @TU&̩Z B &0&-&а&𨭻INO}IZ'RV0II CNO CARTRIDGE!Ԇխ  )L>Run from what address? ?ɛP} P@ CAddress must be 1-4 hex digits! BHILV {=`hh =HH` =0{a HɛQ} {= {=h` {=L), = = pHH =hh`K: p `(((( i ɀ((L@(`(BD(0>HHR}''>I>U>I>ɛ(ɛ (>(`͈>DH(` (HI`(k5 = =( 5B( (>@S}A (J B0}((HHIIDDEE B @(CɈP(# B = =( 5BL'?(B>>((ڤ ܝHT}ݝI VL>L@(" B !B I)  B(L& R XY( @&:0H&Ϳ((&U} ( .( & ( .(ʩ(`ލD&ߍEBIʎH( V0`ԩ ؠA@ȱB@ȱ)C@ V}CError -- 163&`$8f cAԄձG/ $<68i/(Ԧ`H&եԦ&&eԅheԅԊe(iLZ@&&W}&&ԅLZ@B ? cA?*(ɛ:./2SX(0ȱ/.ɛ(ލ8'ި0X}#:Ȱ :ފ :ȱ: : sAD sAޥ`(eޅީe߅`(` @LA @TUȪ: CFile name noY}t allowed!: )  h( >0+L TUD CNot a disk file!(0` =Insert SOURCE disk, press Z} =,(pӮ(A(O aB qBaB`1(L$ b(de BJKO [}L@O` B((*(((`ȱޙ((:>Ȍ(`D:`OS.SYS,DOS.SYShh =L),  VLI /C /C\},pLhL~F#Խ٩Յ׆  LC`David R. Eichel rel.ver.1/1/90OS.SYShh =L),  VLI /C /CS004 o0 o0 o0 o0678910ȩ4 XȥY`` ^}i`8 `44 For the first-time user ----------------_}------- In the DOS menu, binary-load READER.COM.Select tari EOL, and the fi`}le ICET.DOC. When t55he file loads press "?" (Shift-?) for instructions. a} If you wish to erase this message, delete NOTICE.AR0. b} Hit any key to continue. 66 0e NOTICE.AR0. 6'*J)1pp0B_)pppppAJ)츰젭 ? - Help d}- Line down - Page down Q - Quit yyz e}_)ɀ88f` i`8 e_)֥ * * * ,H //1 s1 )."/hɀ f}G0 :0L*/ ,/ s1yyz )."/ s1 `.ip0O g}i@ȥiȑȑȑȑȑȑȑi iоAȩȩp0 ."/01 h} s1 ?1+++L+mh1mi+,+拥挥ō ŎL)& H, hL+h) 2-悥 i}Pй懥ŏ惥Хƃ -L+iPL/, - L;,ɛƇL;,qHL,? 1LY,*#  -ɛ ? 1L j},qHL, -1 z1 -? 1L,qH ,hLt*j`  V`- LVSЬ k}y`%H$H` e J&eiɀ 8Hh` i@L-8 & &i=-=-q l}]-i'i` s1HHi -hh`慑@` - m}i `0VL:000 :0U T0 :0* * l 0 :0"/ )-)`8 QA0,,,L.S n}Ӎ0 ,, ,0 :0L.0 :00 :00 :01B1EˍDHI V01ɛL/L. R V1 :0 o})--11, :0-1ɛ /81 ʢR׍T/U-1ɛ ݍT/UZ[ VRˍT1UXY V0&1 B p}ˍD1EHI VLj/H R V䩛1hɈ1 :00 :0L.D(:*.*D:*.*1:#1:11D1:11 b q}V b1eˍdjk V0`L.ED BHILV}~츰 v1.6by Itay Chamiel - April 1993bruck@brac r} EOL or Acii? (or Q for DOS)? Input DEV:filename:Error - try again!Exiting to DOS, please wait s}...Directory: drive #? (1-9)Ü bhfi1e1d腋 V0`hhHL,`Ĉ t}H 2-hĈ` 堭ѠJ0)1 -01`DDDDDDfD"D"D"DDD"DDD u}"DDDD"DDDDDDDDDDDDDD""DDDDDDDDD"D"""f""""D̪D"D v}DDDDDf"DDDDDD"DD"D"DD"DDDfD̪̪ff̪ w}ffDDDDf"""D̪"̪̈"̪̪fD""DDDDDD x}DDDDDD"DfDDDDfDD""DDDDDDDDDDwwDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD" y}"DDDD""33ww33333333DDwwDDDDDDDDDDD z}DDDDDDDDDwẅ̈DfDDDDDDDDDDDDD""D"D"̪ff""ffD {}ffff"̪DDDf"""""̪DDDDf̪DD̪̈ff""ffD"DDDDf |}DDDf""DfDDDfDDDDDDDDD"DDTTTTTT̈ff""ffD"DDDDf V I c e - T -- A new terminal emulator for the 8-bits! by Itay Chamiel - (c)1994 IceSoft Internet Email: bruck@brachot.~}! The telecommunications software for the '90s has arrived for theClassic Atari 8-bit computers!Features}:* Unbeatable VT-100 emulation - as close as possible to the real thing* Incredible speed - supports up to 19,200 baud, wi}th little or no data loss!* Readable 80-columns, usable even with color TV* Fully menu driven, very easy to use* Xmodem do}wnload (bare-bones only)* Fine scroll* Backscroll (one page)* Print screen function* Fully compatible with ALL Atari 8-bi}ts with a minimum of 48KThis release is version 1.0.It is not perfect, but is an impressive step forward, compared to the}demo version. Unlike the previous version, a shareware fee of $15 ismandatory. I worked hard on this project, and I deserve }compensation!!Distribute widely and freely!Getting started---------------As with most modem-using programs, you'll hav}e to prepend your favorite R:handler to the program. This small file comes on a disk you get with yourinterface (such as th}e Atari 850 or P:R: Connection) or your direct-connectmodem. Some interfaces may not require such a handler. Consult your ma}nual forhelp.Once you know which file you need, follow these steps:1) Copy the file to the Ice-T disk2) Rename it to IC}ET.COM3) Append the main program, ICET.BAK, onto it. In MyDOS: C (do not press Return) ICET.BAK,ICET.COM/A Other }DOSes have similar commands. Consult your DOS manual for furtherinformation.4) Write-protect the disk.. Weird stuff may hap}pen the first time youload. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! hehehe5) Make sure your interface and/or modem are ON.6) Binary-load ICE}T.COM.Note: Replace occurrences of "ICET" with "ICET_OLD" if you wish to use theprevious version, also included in this di}sk image.SpartaDOS users: This program is guaranteed to be compatible with all DOSesexcept Sparta. I have heard reports of} the program working perfectly with it,and other, not so optimistic reports, so.. use at your own risk.Using the 'X' comman}d may help, but I don't promise it to be a complete solution.You should now be looking at the title screen. If you see the} message "NoR: handler", it means that you either hadn't prepended an R: handler whenone was required, or that you loaded t}he program with your interface/modemoff or disconnected.If you can't see anything on your screen, redo the installation, m}aking surenothing goes wrong this time. Or, if you're using SpartaDOS, try MyDOS orsome vanilla-type DOS like AtariDOS 2.0.}Hit any key to enter the main menu.The RESET key can be used at any time to reset the terminal settings andto get back t}o the title screen in case of a lockup.*WARNING*: This program disables the "Attract" mode, that causes the screencolors t}o change a few minutes after the last time a key was pressed,protecting the screen from "burning out". Therefore, DO NOT lea}ve thisprogram on for long intervals without the display changing. If a wait isnecessary, turn the monitor off, but leave t}he computer on.("Long interval" would probably best be defined as several months, unlessyou're using a really old monitor..} but don't hold me responsible if youruin your moitor!)Some notes on the display-------------------------Achieving the 8}0-column display was not done using any earth-shatteringmethods - I simply used Graphics 8, with 4 dots per character. I nee}ded320x200, to have 25 lines of text, so I added 8 more lines in the displaylist. The thing that IS special about the displ}ay is its speed. Previous80-column programs were clumsy and slow. This program makes 80-columnsabout as fast as the ordinar}y 40-column display. This is due to two reasons:A) Efficient programming. I made the print-character routine as fast asposs}ible, and made it as short as I could. It could be tightened even furtherif I had some memory free for tables..B) Tricky sc}rolling. Scrolling a full 8K graphics screen is quite a pain, andslows down most 80-column implementations. This program put}s to use theadvanced display abilities of the 8-bit, and simply tells the displayprocessor to look forward in memory 320 by}tes (one line). This effectivelycauses the screen to move up. The line that had disappeared at the top ofthe screen is blan}ked, and pointed to at the bottom of the screen, as thenew line 25. In this way, no memory is actually moved, but a scrollin}geffect is achieved.Coarse scrolling is now noticeably faster than it was in the previous version.Fine scrolling has bee}n added!This is done in VBI, so it doesn't slow down the display when you're readingtext - unless there's no text and just }EOL characters.There's a bit of a bug in upwards scrolling.. I haven't been able tofigure out exactly what's going on, but.}. Turn Fine off when you're usinga really complex editor, like Emacs.----There is a bit of competition going on between t}his program and EarlHalliwell's similar program FlickerTerm. FT uses a special display scheme,using two alternating 40-colu}mn text screens, to create the illusion ofan 80-column display. The advantage is that it's as fast as plain 40-columntext. }The disadvantage is the flicker.FT is flickery and annoying, in my opinion, but is extremely fast, anddoes 19.2Kbaud smoot}hly.Ice-T doesn't flicker, and goes up to 4800 baud without any data loss...9600 and 14.4K probably aren't really bad eithe}r.It would be really unfair to say which program *I* use.. (I'm on 2400 baud,so there's no contest..)Navigating in menus}-------------------You control the highlighted bar with the arrow keys (do not hold downControl). You make a selection wit}h the Spacebar or with , and backoff into the previous menu without changing anything by pressing .That's i}t. Quite simple really.The Main menu-------------This menu has five selections:Terminal, Options, Settings, Mini-DOS, Tr}ansfer.Terminal:We'll get to that later.Options menu:This menu allows you to configure some cosmetic settings to your l}iking.You can change key-click, fine-scroll, screen colors, cursor style, andset the clock.Keyclick: Choose between the o}rdinary Atari built-in click, the simplequiet click, or no click at all.Fine Scroll: Turn Fine Scroll on or off. This affe}cts scrolling in Terminalmode, and backscroll.Background:You can select the background color, but not its brightness. You} CAN choosewhether you want the screen in inverse, though. Black/white monitor usersshould only use color 0, and choose inv}erse mode according to theirpreference. Color users should choose the setting which renders the80-column screen most readab}le. I recommend trying 1,2,and F, in bothinverse and standard modes.Cursor style: Choose between an underline cursor or a }block one.Set clock: In Terminal mode, a digital clock will be displayed in the upper-right corner, and it can be set with} this option (no Rtime support).The current time will be displayed (upon startup it's zeroed).For example, if the time is }10:48 you just type "1048" and you're done.If it says 10:47, you press "->" 3 times (or "<-" once) and type 8.Some effort h}as been made to eliminate inputting numbers like 57:89, but insome cases it can still be fooled. Normally, though, the scree}n will flashif you try to, for example, type "7" as the first digit of the minutes.Pressing Return will set the time and ze}ro the seconds.Zero timer: This will set the clock to zero, and can be used if you wish touse the clock as a timer.Setti}ngs menu:This menu is for setting your hardware for proper communications, with yourmodem and remote host.Baud rate: obvi}ous. One note, though: 19.2 is, to the best of my knowledge,the same setting used for both 19.2K and 14.4Kbaud.Local Echo:} When on, every character you type in Terminal will be sent toyour host, and also sent directly to the VT100 processor, echo}ing whatyou typed. This option should be used with systems that don't automaticallyecho what you type back to you.I'm not }sure how well it works, though.. I *think* there's a bug whichcauses it not to display anything you type on the screen until} somethingcomes from your host. Then, everything you typed will suddenly appear in aburst. This is a bug... sorry..Stop b}its: Generally set to 1. I don't think 2 will ever be needed, I justput it in since it wasn't too difficult.Auto-wrap: You} decide whether the cursor will wrap-around to the next linewhen it reaches the edge of the screen. Note that when entering }this menu,the highlighted bar will NOT indicate the present status (which can bechanged by a code from your host), but it s}hows the default mode, presentwhen you load the program or reset the terminal (by pessing ).Changing this setting WI}LL alter the current state, though (leaving thismenu by hitting Esc will not).Delete key:Some hosts will only recognize $}7F as delete, and others will need ^H.Choose the one suitable for yours, or the one used most often.Save configuration:Th}is will save the parameters into the ICET.CFG file. In case of an error,the error-number will be displayed, in decimal.Mi}ni-DOS menu:Directory:This will display the directory of the drive specified in Drive No.Hit any key to return to the men}u. Errors will be displayed.Filename:Select filename to delete, lock or unlock, or to download into.Keys available when e}diting name:A-Z, 0-9, period (for the name)left, right arrow keys (do not use control) for cursor movement deletes} character behind cursorCtrl- deletes character under cursor Enters name Leaves previous name unmodif}iedMost illegal file names (starting with a number, or having a space in themiddle) will not be allowed through. Purposeful}ly doing stupid things like"filename.ez.ez" will manage to bypass the checker, though.Drive number:Selects drive number t}o use for all functions. Saved in configuration file.Verbosity:A dummy. Setting will only be relevant when file-transer ha}s text messages.Will decide how much information will appear on-screen when a transfer is inprogress. Also saved in configu}ration file.Delete, Lock, Unlock:Will do just that, to the file specified in Filename.You will be notified of errors.T}ransfer menu:This menu has only one option, Xmodem download.This download is extremely simple (8-bit, checksum error-checki}ng,no EOL translation, file can be padded with up to 127 extraneous bytes,usually ^Z characters), but seems to work fine fo}r UUencoded files, andplain text. One user has already managed to sucessfully download andrun a binary file. I haven't, so }you'll have to test it. Try also modifyingthe remote Xmodem server's settings.When entering Xmodem, you'll realize what a }program under constructionreally looks like.The screen will blank, with a "h" in the middle. This is short for"Hit any key} to continue or Esc to abort".Press any key to continue. A file with the name you typed in the MiniDOSmenu will be opened }(errors will be ignored.. The transfer will simplyproceed with no file created at all! So pay attention to I/O noises)."g" }will appear in the middle, which means "Getting packet". The programwill then get the first packet, also displaying it on-sc}reen for convenience. It'll look weird though, since you're seeing screen-codesand not ATASCII codes. Simply put, lower-cas}e letters will look fine, butmost other characters will _look_ completely different, but will make it tothe disk file intac}t.There are a few other superbrief error messages, which you'll have to figureout yourself.. I just can't remember them al}l, and I don't even have thesources handy!!If the transfer gets stuck for any reason, you'll have to RESET your way out.W}hen back in Terminal, type ^U (NAK) repeatedly until the remote Xmodem gives up and aborts the transmission.Quitting the }program--------------------Hit in the main menu. You will be asked whether you really wish toquit. A positive res}ponse will terminate the program, exitting to DOS,while saying no or pressing will return you to the main menu.Th}e Terminal------------The terminal is entered by selecting "Terminal" in the main menu. In thismode, whatever you type on }the keyboard is sent to your host via the modem,and anything received is handled, either as a control command or as acharac}ter to be displayed.Pause:Ctrl-1 will toggle Pause mode. In Pause, all the keys work normally, andyou can continue typing}. Whatever you type WILL be sent to the host, butanything received from the host will be saved in a buffer, and will only be}displayed when you press Ctrl-1 again. You can also exit to the menu fromwithin Pause. Returning to terminal will put you b}ack into Pause. Anindicator in the status line wil show you how full the buffer is. Take carenot to let it overflow.This i}ndicator was originally intended for a much larger buffer, and Imade each dot represent 1 free K of memory. This gives the i}llusion ofsomething like 11K of buffer space. This is not true, and actually youonly have about 1K to fill before the progr}am goes into the buggy "Rush"mode (which I'll explain later).When in Pause mode, you can use Option and Select to scroll t}he screenup and down respectively, to view one page of history. This is quite asight with Fine Scroll.. and incredibly fast} without it!Note, that only lines that get scrolled out of line 1 get saved in thishistory buffer. If you're scrolling a lo}wer portion of the screen (whichis one of the capabilities of the VT100), the data is not retained.Incoming characters als}o accumulate in the buffer when you are not inTerminal mode. They are displayed when you return to Terminal with Pauseoff.}"Rush mode":In certain situations, the small buffer can overflow. This can happen:- When over 1.5K arrives during Pause mo}de- When high-speed data arrives during the slower Fine-Scroll mode, in a way that 1.5K's worth of data accumulates- When} ultra-speed (9600/14.4K) data arrives in large amounts, and is simply too much for Ice-T to handle before the buffer overf}lows.The following describes what Rush mode would, ideally, look like:Instead of "Online", "Paused", or "Menu" in the uppe}r left corner, "Rush!"lights up. All output to screen is stopped (unless you're in the Menu), and,if in Pause, backscroll w}ill immediately scroll back to the main screen,and cease to work.During this time, the computer will be chugging away in th}e background,processing the incoming data as quickly as possible, not displaying it and onlysaving it into the 2K text mirr}or of the screen, which is much faster (used inPrint-screen and when scrolling downwards in Backscroll). When the bufferhas} shrunk back into normal proportions, this process stops.(Note that this text-mirror, which is always active, is, like the }8K graphicsscreen, scrolled "virtually", which means that I'm not actually moving 2K ofdata around.)-If you were in a men}u, everything will be as usual, but returning toTerminal mode will totally update and redraw the screen. Entering Pausemode} and backscrolling will work as usual (the backscroll info will be updatedas well).-If you were in Pause mode, you won't be} able to backscroll. Leaving Pausewill totally update the screen. Entering Pause again will allow you tobackscroll as usual} (but the older history info may have been lost).-If you were in Terminal mode, the screen will freeze during Rush, thensud}denly blank and get redrawn. You can then Pause and Backscroll as usual.This process can repeat if data keeps coming in qui}ckly. You can try remotelypausing it by typing ^S (Xoff). Note that Pause mode is local and doesn'taffect your host's outpu}t.Anyway, the above describes Rush as it should be. In reality, well.. pray,or, more simply, don't let the buffer overflow}... Print-screen (^Shift-P):Will print the screen, as regular text, to any printer that is accessiblethrough P:. Underli}ned or inverse text will appear normal on the printedpage, and large-sized characters will look normal, but will be spaceda}part. In case of an error, you will be notified, and the error number willbe displayed. Be careful of graphics characters! W}eird stuff can happen.Also, backscrolling will not affect the printout. Only the "main" screengets printed.Using the keyb}oard in Terminal------------------------------Every usable key sounds a click when pressed (if click is enabled), so you'll}know whether what you just pressed actually did something. Pressing a key with START held down is like Meta-[key], which m}eans it sendsan Escape before that key. For example, START-x will send a Meta-x, or"Esc x". This does not work with keys th}at send more than one code, likethe arrow keys.Here is a list of legal keys:^ means the Control key.Local-function key}s:Shift-Esc Exit to menu^1 Pause (indicated in status line)^Esc Send breakCaps Toggle Caps lock (ind}icated in status line)Shift-Caps Set caps lock to on^Shift-P Print screenNumeric keypad emulation:Codes sent depend on} setting of Num-lock, which is indicated inthe status-line, and is controlled by a code sent from host.The following used }with ^Shift:0-9 - Numeric-keypad 0-9Comma, period, minus, - Numeric keypad equivalentsQ,W,E,R - PF1,2,3,4 res }pectivelyGeneral keys:A-Z - Lower or upper case according to Caps setting.Shift-A-Z - upper-case if Caps is off, lo }wer-case if on.^A-Z, 0-9, Shift-0-9, Esc, Tab, , others not mentioned - obvious - Delete code specified in } Parameters menuShift- - Other delete code, the one you didn't specify.Ctrl-arrow keys - up, down, left, right. Co }de sent depends on cursor-key mode (controlled by host).(1200-XL only) Function keys: same as Ctrl-arrow k }eys - F1,2,3,4 are up, down, left, right, respectively.^7 - Accent mark^9,0 - Curly bracketsInverse/Atar}i logo key - tildeSpecial-purpose ASCII characters:^comma - ^[ (same as Esc)^period - ^]^6 - ^^^8 - ^@ (null})^space - ditto^colon - ^_^? - ^? ($7F, DEL)Ice-T took me about 2 years to write, and took a lot of effort.Plea}se pay the shareware fee as a compensation for this time, andfor encouraging me to write more Atari 8-bit software. This pro}gramis definitely worth more than $15, despite its bugs.My mailing address is clearly written in the title screen. I would} greatlyprefer cash. A check would actually _cost_ me $5 to cash!!!(You may stop reading at this point if you're not inter}ested in the workingsof the VT-100 emulator.)Enjoy Ice-T!!!!!-Itay Chamiel Jerusalem, Israel October 11th 1994, 2:02 A}M.. :)----------------------------------------------------------- - APPENDIX - VT100 }Command list as implemented in Ice-T Terminal Emulator by Itay Chamiel, (c)1994.Based on list from Omn}icom's documentation, by David Young.-----------------------------------------------------------Conventions used:Esc } - the ascii character 27^ - control.spaces - for clarity. They're not sent.__ - Decimal number from 0 to 255 (ca}n be any number of digits: 001 or 1)"can scroll" means that if the cursor cannot move up or down without passingthe scroll}ing limits (not necessarily the top or bottom of the screen), itwill not move, and cause a scroll to occur.If the scrolling} margin is not the same as the screen limit, and the cursoris at the top or bottom of the screen, "can scroll" commands will} NOT cause ascroll. A scroll occurs ONLY at scroll margins.The VT100 commands are case-sensitive. C is not the same as c.}Commands with parameters look like this:Esc [ __ ; __ ; __ ; ....... ; __ x (where x is a different letter for eachcommand}). Ice-T allows up to 255 numbers to be received in one command, butmost commands will only treat the first one or two numb}ers.All such commands have "defaults" which are used if no parameters arereceived, or if one is sent when two are expected.}Unknown control characters, Unknown "Esc x" commands and unknown "Esc [ __ ; ... ; __ x" commands are all absorbed by the  }emulator with noeffect.Control characters------------------^G Bell, flash border color.^H Cursor left one character.!} No effect if cursor on col 1^I Tab. Cursor moves to next tabstop, or to column 80 if no further tabs. Default tabstops"} are at column 9, 17, 25, and so on, spaced 8 apart.^J Linefeed, move cursor down one line. Move cursor to col 1 ONLY if ne#}wline mode is SET (see Esc [ __ h). Can scroll.^K Same as ^J^L Formfeed, treated as Linefeed (^J)^M Carriage-Return$}, move cursor to col 1^N Invoke G1 character set (see "Esc )" commands)^O Invoke G0 character set (see "Esc (" commands)%}^X Abort any Esc sequence currently in progress. If a sequence was in progress^Y and ^X or ^Y were sent, the checkerboard &}character is displayed to inform of an error. If not - the code is ignored.^[ Escape. Begins a new Escape-sequence, can'}celling any other which may have been in progress. (^[ is 27 or Esc.)Esc x Codes-----------Esc D Cursor down 1 line(}, can scroll.Esc E Cursor down one line and moves to col 1, can scroll.Esc H Set tab at current cursor horizontal positio)}n.Esc M Cursor up 1 line, can scrollEsc Z Identify Term. Software replies by sending response Esc [?1;0cEsc 7 Save curs*}or position, graphic rendition, character set, wrap mode.Esc 8 Restore stuff saved with Esc 7Esc > Keypad NumLock OnEsc +}= Keypad NumLock OffEsc [ __ x commands-------------------These commands are also recognized if they do not receive any ,}parameter(Esc [ x), or if they receive less than the required amount of parameters.In these cases, the default(s) replace t-}he required number.Esc [ __ A (none/0 --> 1) Cursor up __ lines, does not scroll, stops at edge of screenEsc [ .}__ B Down, same as aboveEsc [ __ C Forward, same as above, cursor stays on same lineEsc [ __ D Backward, same as aboveE/}sc [ __ ; __ H (none/0 --> 1,1) Set cursor to row, col. If any parameter is not within range (80 for x or 24 for y0}) they are truncated to 80 or 24. 0 is converted to 1.Esc [ __ J (none --> 0) Erase part of the screen: 1} 0 - cursor position to end of line (inclusive) and all lines below 1 - cursor position to start of line (inclusive2}) and all lines above 2 - entire screen. cursor does not move. Other - ignore commandEsc [ __ K (none -3}-> 0) Erase part of line: 0 - cursor position to end of line (inclusive) 1 - cursor position to start of 4}line (inclusive) 2 - entire line Other - ignore commandEsc [ __ c (Parameter ignored) Device attributes5}. Returns Esc [?1;0cEsc [ __ ; __ f (none --> 1,1) same as Esc[_;_H (above)Esc [ __ g (none --> 0) 0 - Clear ta6}b at cursor column 3 - Clear all tabs. Other - ignore commandEsc [ __ h (20 only accepted) 20 - Set ne7}wline mode Receiving an lf will be treated as cr + lf Pressing Return on keyboard sends cr + lf 8} Not 20 - ignore command.Esc [ __ l (20 only accepted) opposite of above, Reset newline mode lf = lf alone 9} return sends lf alone Not 20 - ignore command.Esc [ ? __ h Set mode, see belowEsc [ ? __ l Reset mode, see b:}elowParameter Set Reset 1 - cursor keys Application Numeric 3 - columns clear screen in both ;}cases 5 - screen color Reverse-vid Normal 7 - autowrap On OffEsc [ __ ; ... ; __ m (at least one para<}meter, none --> 0) Select graphic rendition: 0 - Normal 5 - Blink (recognized but not implemented) 4 - Underline 7 =}- Reverse video 8 - Invisible (writes blank spaces)Esc [ __ n (none --> 5) Device Status Report. Response dep>}ends on parameter: 5: response is "ready" - Esc [0n 6: report cursor position - Esc [ row ; col REsc?} [ __ ; __ r (defaults: 1,24) Set top and bottom scrolling margins. 1 and 24, for example, mean the entire screen@} scrolls. 14 and 24 cause the last 10 lines to scroll. 14,24 mean lines 14 to 24 INCLUSIVE.Esc ( A A}or Esc ( B Set G0 to point to ASCII charactersEsc ( 0 or Esc ( 1 or Esc ( 2 Set G0 to point to line-drawing graB}phicsEsc ) A or Esc ) B Set G1 to point to ASCII charactersEsc ) 0 or Esc ) 1 or Esc ) 2 Set G1 to point to liC}ne-drawing graphicsEsc # 3 Double-Height, top halfEsc # 4 Double-Height, bottom halfEsc # 5 Normal sizeEsc # 6 Double-wiD}dthEsc # 7 Normal sizeEsc # 8 Fill screen with the letter E for screen adjustment (useless, but was too easy to impE}lement)The line-changing commands preserve anything already on that line, unlessan 80-column line is changed into a 40-colF}umn line. In that case, thelast 40 characters of that line are lost.Double-size characters use the standart built-in characG}ter set (since it's40 columns) plus a few characters like tilde and curly braces, and for thespecial graphics characters, wH}hich don't exist in ATASCII, a simple routinewhich doubles the 80-column characters is used.Double-height characters are thI}e same as double-width, but their height isdoubled with a simple routine.Special codes sent from the Ice-T keyboard:NumeJ}ric keypad: (Shift-Ctrl-key) Arrows: (Ctrl-Up/Down/Right/Left arrow keys) Key | On Off Arrow | K} Cursor key mode------+-----+------------ Key | Reset (Numeric) | Set (Application) 0 | 0 | Esc O p ---L}---+-----------------+------------------ 1 | 1 | Esc O q Up | Esc [ A | Esc O A 2 | 2 | Esc O r M} Down | Esc [ B | Esc O B 3 | 3 | Esc O s Right | Esc [ C | Esc O C 4 | 4 | Esc O t N} Left | Esc [ D | Esc O D 5 | 5 | Esc O u 6 | 6 | Esc O v 7 | 7 | Esc O w 8 | 8 | Esc O O}x 9 | 9 | Esc O y - | - | Esc O m , | , | Esc O l . | . | Esc O nEnter | ^M | Esc O M PF1 | --> |P} Esc O P (Shift-Ctrl-Q) PF2 | --> | Esc O Q (Shift-Ctrl-W) PF3 | --> | Esc O R (Shift-Ctrl-E) PF4 | --> | Esc O S (Q}Shift-Ctrl-R)Special characters in graphics mode:ASCII| Character in graphics mode-----+--------------------------------R}----- _ Blank \ Diamond a Checkerboard b Two small letters HT, in upper-left and lower-right corners of charaS}cter c Letters FF d Letters CR e Letters LF f Degree symbol g +/- symbol h Letters NL i Letters VT}T j lower-right corner of square k upper-right corner l upper-left corner m lower-left corner n crossing U}lines (+) o horizontal line - line 1 in character p horiz line - line 2 q line 4 r line 6 s line 8 t V}Left T |- (approximate appearance shown here) u Right T -| v Bottom T _|_ w Top T W} T x vertical bar | y less/equal _< z greater/equal >_ { Pi symbol | Not equal X}=/= } UK pound symbol ~ Centered dotal _< z greater/equal >_ { Pi symbol | Not equal 1i3J)OfP Terminal 󠠠Ӡ򠠠Ԡ (21Really wanna Z}quit? Quit FG8K8|_H_3No R: handler present!! Hit any key to quit /堠[} Local echo Stop bits Auto wrap Delete code Save config       u88889:%렠 Fine scr\}oll Background Cursor style Set clock Zero timer 9:9Y9999$? 300 600 1200 1800 2400 48]}00 9600 19K &,28&,28$- Off On &&$/ 1 2 &&$- Yes No &&"1 None ^} Simple Standard  $$$$- Off On &&$7 Normal 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e fInverse 0 _}1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f&(*,.024& ( * , . 0 2 4 & ( * , . 0 2 4 & ( * , . 0 2 4 &1 Block Line (( $ `}3 $7F DEL $08 BS ^H  & & & 7 Saving current parameters ( ɯϠ( 򠠠2;xx:xx 427 Oa}kUDDS:R:K:D:ICET.CFG| w""̈wfDwfUwfDb}̪DDwDw""""DD8@@88"" 8 DD8""DD8""8 P((([0c}n [?1;0cP: 1 Printing screen- Please wait -!! lj;k+*opui-=vcbxz436521, d}.nm/~rey twq9078<>fhdgsaLJ:K\^OPUI_|VCBXZ$#&%"![ ]NM?REYTWQ()'@FHDGSA   e} {}`Online |Paused |衡 Caps  |Num &| Shift-ESC for menu | [f}] |- Ice-T3A VT100 terminal emulator by Itay Chamiel.. (c)1994! Version 1.0 KThis program is Sharewag}re, and may be freely distributed. For registration, Pplease send $15 to Itay Chamiel, 9A Narkiss St, Apt. 13, Jerusalem 924q}yB#DOS SYSB6'DUP SYSB]NOTICE AR0bcREADER COMb}ICET DOCBYICET BAKBICET CFGBoICET_OLDOBJ61 Israel.OYou MUST registrate your copy after a 30-day trial period. May not be modified.  NzLDNQHPxr}2C젠4Vc(9 Filename Drive no. Verbosity Delete file Lock file Unlos}ck file *******a_a:a[adama.? 1 12345678.123.; First character can't be a number! .;Spact}es notallowed asseperatorsor 1st chr09 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 92462462460; Long Short 22Delete file:Lock fiu}le: Unlock file:2A Esc to abort4 4 򠠠Reading directory from Dx:*.* Hiv}t any keyDisk error . Hit any key/ A Up/Download not Available in this version D1:TEMP.FIL آPnPoPpw}Pqyyz ;4 <4 4 .-D D bjkDd-e V DO-ч LJ4 x}bэde hi V DL=4/ Dݍ@IIAIyyz 7чO- U- D#W-)W- y}!.Z-i1[3CZ \ӢZ \?Zԩ/10ipOȥi@ȥz}iȑȑȑȑȑȑȑi й Aȩȩp0{}~ A Ȋi iPi0 CJ) $D R VRZ[|}BT-U VPiP SPnč҅…}}/H Sh慽/H Shƅݢ/ $D/ $D/ $D0H $D0 $D Sҟiӟi~}0i(i( ^D) <"/ K>L7"/ 9> C ੀLg7 dE})̥ P;̅ͅ˅ )H)H`) <) P;L7L`7R :F D D;4 <4 _ \b \` } V`>-  Vl dEL#8̢* <* P;̅L`7 +H+H` dELW8̢*' <* P;̅}L`7 *H*H`+ <+AO-8 J;iO- O- D ^DLB8+T <+dQ- J;Q-LB8+k <+P-** J;}jjP- P- D ^DLB8+ <+U-I J;IU-LB8+ <+ŭR- J;R-L8+ <+ޭT- J;T-L8}+ L8#i0 - -- <צ׽-)-- !D׽- - 9>L80: e} - :L#:* :L#:+ :L#:ɛЫ-8鰙#L8ץ`ץ`, < :F D bjk}Dd-e VL; bOd-e hi VL;O-ч ^DLB8 e܇-݇-އ -, !D, !D ^D 9>LB8}цȱȱJ˥iiʥeȥɐ8L;ͥ Jȱ eϽiХ < 9>+$}ȅ̥ɅͥɐɅ 愩 >愥񩅅 >慥Ӆ >愩 >愠I >}挥愥婠 >愩 > >慥аӅթ >愩 >愥񩃅 > >慥Ӆ >愥Ր` :F} .IR-y`yHHTUXYR Vhh` J)i(}i)Ui(i` J&eiɀ 8Hh` i@L"?8 & &i=}+-=,-q],-i'i`4׭ؠבPiPiɇɀੀƸƹ8 } 湥8( 齱꽲L@ 齱睰蝱襹JŹ- 8帪}HHhh ʽ׽ؠ P T- E` A`ƹƸ8 } 湥8( 齱꽯L@ 齱睰蝱襸JŹ68H帨h ʽ}׽ؽ~ʈם؝LaA ʽ׽ؠ P T- E` A`ׅ ʽ׽}ؠ P 悑@`.` E8Pɀ0㩇 Cៅ.}獲荳T-HH EHㅆ H >hPT-hhh E C` D }i C煁腂LA EiPiɇɀ㩀 C魳0睰蝱}T-HH EHH彁兆 H >hPhT-hhh E C` D i } C煁腂LA BLC`LCIשؽש PiPץi0ԩੀ AL}S` DȱȱĉiiH >hĉ` D @d-e"bj V`&b j V`$b}kO-mP-J V`b j V`(bPdfehi jkLV bLVũ W YE :F D "bjk}@d-e V YE YE YE "bjk@d-e V ^D YEũL W D ``ҥ '-(-ii} eӅi8iEmEii(iԥЫ`` :F`H}ii~ɐPn8h`LcF b V`mmmm~ yɐ}tLF bhide Vmm-@'ii~ɐPn@ f`}L8G b8h~idehi VPnеL:F A tUW-E !. 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