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Updated May'94 New Breed SoftwareBAdAUE(X([P] for paddle86- \}%@8F:Ad,"AU* A@$F:Ad,"@$6-@$6-+F:A,&@,$AVG9 ]}@,9@,9@,[-@@j68,-2$@@@ AdAU ^} +@!AV'AV3A@0EA AWAABiAA6-F:A`,%F:A _}a,$AV%@ G&@@q+-@@G-@@?% tA@d%#- `}<(@>:%A(,l2+$@,%@$@p t  %27- a}Y(@큁d(@(@ by bill kendrick-@@"(@[\ b}]^_ >-@@!&(@:;=26-@>6-@D 6-F:B2y,"@,6-%@8!@D6 c}-@A -@ @)(@=-@@PA TF:Ad,"@*AdAU66-@ d}B6-@TATF:Ad,"@(*AdAU66-@B6-@TAAB66S: e},*T:,*F:B2y,@@ A  +@!AV'AV3A@0EA A f}WAABiAA}&@@2vv(@d g}&@@q+-@@$ h}9%@= Q&@@]6-@ i6--@ &B:=:,,@(@6-@ i}*-@@&68,-* a-@(@-6-%@;@&G6-a6-P:H: j},$@ , Q-@(@+"96-%@E!@Q6-@"N"* @(68, k}-@168,-@68,-@N6-%@#N@#-@@28,"6 D6-%@N @  l}$@68,-(N-@@7AP:H:,$AV,N8,"A)T-8,8,( m}@ 368,-8,%@T @*8,!@A*5"@*8,!@+68,-5 A+<- n}8,8,<(@>:A8%P:H:,$@,,2|?8,!&@*8, %@*8,!@ *8, @%N68,- o}Z-8,8,j(@ t A|6-%d i}-@ (@ ,-@=(@ I- p}@Z(@ f"@}6-A(&Q:,j8"@ 6-P:'@,,"@86-@k" q}6-R:,d6-%+!@* @* @,&+!@* @*!,6-%+"@* @,&+"@ r}*!,n4-@@ %-0(@4  F:Ad,@3A AdAU@ s}#AP:H:,$AV,@F:Ad,@3A 'AdAU'AAF:B2y, @ t}%A-@#(@)6-5!@A6-@!AV'AV! @0m-@@ - u}8,1(@S2A@\-8,m(@N%2@P@)  v}K2N$Ln-@(@<-@@6@C8,R68,-[6-8 w},d6-8,n AQ) 6-&@)@ VP-@8(@E OL-@ x}@ P WP-@8(@ME OVL-@@ P XP-@8(@ y}AME OVEL-@@ P YP-@8(@GAME OVERL-@@ z}P ZP-@8(@ GAME OVER L-@@ P [P-@8(@ G {}AME OVER L-@@ P \P-@8(@ GAME OVER L-@@ P ] |}P-@8(@ GAME OVER L-@@ P ^P-@8(@ GAME }}OVER L-@@ P _P-@8(@ GAME OVER L-@@ P `P- ~}@8(@ GAME OVER L-@@ P au-@8(@ GAMEOVER U }-@6?Pq2@@u eU%2US:,")F:B2y },"@A%f++S:,*F:B2y,@A&g33S:,")F:B2y,"@A'i% }-@@?%C2$@@I-b(@>:%A(,AP:H:,$AV, } ${ +@!AV'AV3A@vEAAo6-F:A`,%F:Aa,$AV%@{6- }@(@}/-@@?PC-@&@X(@ d-@y(@ }6-(@&-@@P  X-@@+-@@26-(@@&T }-@@ X tA@d%#-@<(@>:%A(,l2+$@,%@$@ }p t $D:BOOM.@d%#-@<(@>:%A(,l2+$@,%@$@ $Boom!by Bill KendrickAtariserv/New Breed Software1990/1994This is a simple Atari BASIC versionof Activion's old 'Kaboo}m!' game forAtari 2600's and XL/XE's (and othernon-Atari platforms).This game works best in AtariBASIC(versus TurboBASIC} - then again, mostAtari BASIC GAMES are much better inBASIC than TBXL) and with a paddle!!!BUT! If you don't have a padd}le,don't use the [P]addle option at thebeginning of the game - use a joy-stick in port 1.The object is to catch the madm}an'sbombs that he's dropping from on topof a big wall. You're carrying(well.. you ARE) a set of bucketsfilled with water}. Position thembelow a falling bomb to extinguishthem. Watch out though! You startout with three buckets, one on topof} the other, but if you miss a bomb>>BOOM!<<, all of the bombs on thescreen blow up and you loose yourbottom-most bucket. }If you run outof buckets, then the game is over(and the madman's quite happy).Like I mentioned above, this is asimple At}ari BASIC game I made a fewyears ago, so don't expect much outof it than MAYBE a few laughs. :)The files are: B - The '}Boom' loader. RUN from BASIC. BOOM.FNT - The font file. BOOM - The main program (RUN'd by "B")If at a}ny time you're using thejoystick and you assume the triggeris to be pressed, but nothinghappens when you do, just push the}stick to the LEFT (which acts as thepaddle's FIRE button). (NOTE: thisgame was originally written forpaddle only and it }was only tonightthat I QUICKLY added the joystickoption :) )Have fuN!Bill KendrickNew Breed Softwarekendrick@vax.son}oma.edu59 Palm Lane, Novato, CA 94945 USAoystickoption :) )Have fuN!Bill KendrickNew Breed Softwarekendrick@vax.son+UUUUUUU@&::<KEA$Båå:>>:>>0~ 0}`@ 8ldDf"``@@<}f ````>|ffff|~`x``~~`x```>``nf>ff~fff<<f<flxxlf`````~cwkccfv~~nf}ff<<cckwcff<8pp8?}ww<~~~<x`x`~<~~<}0~0 ~ <~~<<>f>``|ff|<```<>ff>>ff>|``|fff8<<``lxlf8<f}kc|ffffff>|f```>`<|~ffff>fff<ck>6f< x~ 0~<~~<}~x|nf8x8ff|``>ff>|f```>`<|~ffff>fff<ck>6f< x~ 0~<~~<CSAVE"D:C":RUN +@AY@6-+F:A,&@,$AV}k@@ D:CHICKEN.FNT-A#)@%  @% D:CHICKEN D}:C@@ D:CHICKEN.FNT-A#)@%  @% D:CHICKEN Dvw/!!CDDIOXYLABCDEFGHCSGOSSZCARTTRSPJSESCCOSODIFHLEROCRRRRXBBOS}ROCKCBhdB@@@!@@ @ @# @# @   (<}Pdx@@@AA@ }@@ A!!@"@#$%@ &@'As(@ )*@+A ,-}./01234@56@SAVE"D:CHICKEN":RUN$6-+F:A,&@,}$AV;@ ,;@ ,;@ ,;@ ,;@ ,;@ ,;@ ,;@ ,;@ ,;@!,;@}2,p 6. 67@ ,. +67@,.R6. ] %'[ { '&^6-@pAdAU +}@76-F:A`,%F:Aa,$AV%@K&@@q_AV'AVqA@0A A}AAB A@v7(@< >B(@b(@ by bill kendrickm(@}(@ ATARISERV  E-@@ -(@ easy 96-@E6-@ _6-%@"@}/->(@(P-@_(@)]"@ !-0(@<B-@}Q(@>]6->F:B2y,"@*&6-46-%@> BP$F:B2y,"@}$6-@LF:B2y,"@*&6-46-&@@ @L6-@i-@ @4(@@}&+'@,B6-%@iA)F:Ad,AUA E 6-AV'AVET:,*F:B2y,@}@k +@!&@@q5AV'AVGA@0YA AkAAB1}A@v'A@1 A"6-`6-@ 6-'6-@#36-@?6-@}TH:, ?P`6-@: 6-6-6-R:,4"@)"@:6-#6-A6-%+"@}* @,&+"@*!,s6-%+"@* @#,&+"@*!, @6-@#6-@ 6-}@$x6-%$@4-@6@P2A@T b6-&@n @x A0}%6-%$@(@ -(@>:,(6-%@@+@&,@E) A-RP:H:,$, @},6.7@,L67@ ,.7@<@,R6..RP:H:,$, @,6.7@,L67@ ,.7@}<@,R6./RP:H:,$, @,6.7@,L67@ ,.7@<@,R6.0RP:H:,$, @},6.7@,L67@ ,.7@<@,R6.2RP:H:,$, @,67@,.L67@<@,.7@ },R6.3RP:H:,$, @,67@,.L67@<@,.7@ ,R6.4RP:H:,$, @,6}7@,.L67@<@,.7@ ,R6.5RP:H:,$, @,67@,.L67@<@,.7@ },R6.7-@"(@4-@A(@S-@`(@r-@(}@8-@"(@4-@A(@S-@`(@r-@}(@<fH:, ?0f2@P:H:,$@P,%@@P:H:,$@,%@d 1})6-(e' -*"@'(@)f)"*"@)(@>g!*"@!(@}(h)"*"@)(@<iY-@*As*@a*@2O2@}Y BnlA#-@@@-@6@V2@Z ^ l6-%@o5}A6-&A)!@56-@s`6!@*!@*"*H:, ?PB6-@H6-T6-@}`6-@x"Ayb -(@>:, 6-.6-%@<!@*b6-%+P:H:,$@},&@,z!@) 6-{* 6-(!@**6-%+ ,&+!,}/6-P:H:,$@,#*/6-}~t 6-1-4(@>:@B%+N:,,,Q-@6@t2@A@$+N:,,} ;@"-%(@`16-; AU"*"*"@2+-@G2}K U B%%2@L-@"(@4-@L(@}>:%Av,"F:Ad,"@3" B@F:B2y, @%!AV'AV! @0S=(@SC}ORE: LIVES:````````````````````H(@S(@%%(@%%(@}%%(@%%(@====================%%(@}%%(@n%(@7-@"n(@(````````````````````}````````````````````_!6.'6.-6.36.G-@@_6-+!@,$@Q 6.}96-+$+P:H:,$@,%@,,&@E!@Q6-@?-@?2@+%@,$@@}@i%6-P:H:,$@,%@?6-P:H:,$@,i*7&@<%@,0 A(**7&}@<%@,0 A(996-++P:H:,$@,%@,$@,&@O 6-%67<,.7<,O67}%@<%@,.7%@<%@, "@6. "@6. "@6. "@}6. "@6. "@6."@6."@6.) )2@}K$ (@} &&(@you are the chicken($$(@ the object of this&&(}@game is simple cross$$(@the road but there##(@ is a catch this$$(@ road }is really a !!(@ lane highway$$(@in all levels there%%(@ are of course cars##(}@ '&  %%(@ SEMI CAR TRUCK BUS $$(@ but above level  &&(@there }are boulders *$$(@ in levels  and  &&(@they zigzag and past##(@ that they follow}!!(@ you enjoy1/-@@"/(@ 2 F:B2y,@A 3% 76-}%@6-%@+!@76-@ P-@@4(@entering level B6-%AP6-%A} k -AU@6@=-@@6@KA'c2&@g k  %%2} @ 'X -(@6-@6@T2@$@@X '}-@@6-(X2@+$@P,%@P@+$@,%@l-@Ap t 2@}'V6-@6-"6-6@*6.6@B6-N6-@V6.'H1%@}6-#-1-%@B(@>:,H6- 'Q-%@(@3-@@ 7 ; A-Q(}@ !'U!*"%-@U(@"the police slow the traffic"'h-%@"(@}>:,6-@A: H6-&@Z-@h(@#' -(@>:,$'R-@}F(@" R@((',-@@,(@ =)'33T:,"})F:B2y,"@B%*'++T:,*F:B2y,@B&+'33T:,")F:B2y,"@B'},')-@@$%%@) -'%6-@327 IAdAU[}Ax-@6@2@@P@ 66F:Ad,@3,AV'AV6 B}@6yAdAU'AD-@6@`2@@@@d vA@y$}:7-@@ !"@7(@ MEDIUM:'"@'(@ :!@@:$} D:CHICKEN !"@7(@ MEDIUM:'"@'(@ :!@@:$CHICKEN! START-UP1.Boot up your Atari with BASIC2.RUN the program "C"3.After loading is done, the title screen will } appear.Press START to begin the game. If you don't after a few seconds, breif instructions will appear, and a prompt "PRE }SS SELECT" will appear. Press SELECT (when the title screen is on) to change starting level (difficulty-"EASY","MEDIUM","DIFF }ICULT".) Press OPTION to change game speed (1-4.) OBJECTThe object is to get your chicken safely across a 6-lane hig }hway without getting hit by cars or boulders. When you've crossed the street, the game's speed will increase (starting each }level, or after you've been hit by a car, at the game speed chosen at the title screen.) When the speed is past 4, you will }advance to the next level. Each level has more cars, but only up to 6 a lane. Once past difficult (level 4), boulders appear } from the top of the screen. In level 4, they fall straight down. In levels 5 and 6, they zigzag each time they hit the road }, and in levels 7 and above, they follow you. When you're hit by a car, or boulder, you die, and the SPCA send an ambulance. } If it's a car, the police slow the traffic down to the selected game speed.When you've crossed the highway 5-game speed tim }es, you advance a level. SCORINGThe only way to get points is to cross the highway. You get 3 * LEVEL points each ti }me, and another 100 for when you avance a level. LIVESYou start with 3 lives. Every 1000 points you get an additiona }l life, but you can have no more than 4 lives. SCREEN DISPLAYAt the top of the screen, your score ("SCORE:0" at the l }eft), level ("1" in the mid-right) and lives ("LIVES:3" at the far-right) is displayed.NOTE:Score and Lives are yellow and L }evel is blue.CHICKEN!BY BILL KENDRICKATARISERV 1989Released June 1994New Breed Softwarekendrick@vax.sonoma.edu59 Pa }lm Lane Novato CA 94945BY BILL KENDRICKATARISERV 1989Released June 1994New Breed Softwarekendrick@vax.sonoma.edu59 Pa fff??;;`0?> |8( 0$}`@ 800p3>> ||8<$}f ``nf>ff~fff<<f<flxxlf`````~cwkccfv~~nf$}ffff<cckwcff<8pp8?$}ww<~~~<x`x`~<~~<$}0~0 ~ <~~<<>f>``|ff|<```<>ff>>ff>|``|fff8<<``lxlf8<f$}kc|ffffff>|f```>`<|~ffff>fff<ck>6f< x~ 0~<~~<$}~x|nf8x8ff|``>ff>|f```>`<|~ffff>fff<ck>6f< x~ 0~<~~<$CSAVE"D:E":RUN h +@AY@6-+F:A,&@,$AV(}h@@ D:ELEV.FNT ;-A#$)@,%0 ;@%D:ELEV D:E)}%@@ D:ELEV.FNT ;-A#$)@,%0 ;@%D:ELEV D:E(>?/k CCCCCSSSABCDNEENYXXYSMNYEYEMOELEBhd@@!@2@2-}@    @@@AA8-}AhASAVE"D:ELEV":RUNv$6-+F:A,&@,$AV-}R;@,;@,;@,;@,[6.)>d6.(<m6.]\v6.[/19@,9@,9@,9@-},E-@@`68,-+$@,&@68,-++%@,$@,&@  +@!AV'AV-}3A@0EA AWAABiA@v(@ ҡ (@bill ke-}ndrick = (@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@=(@@ : : : : : : @ (@@ : : : : : : @ (@@@:@:@:@:-}@:@:@@ (@@ : : : : : : @ (@@ : : : : : : @ (@@@:@:@:@:@:@:@@ (@@ : : - }: : : : @ (@@ : : : : : : @ (@@@:@:@:@:@:@:@@ (@@ : : : : : : @ (@@ :- } : : : : : @ (@@@:@:@:@:@:@:@@ (@@ : : : : : : @ (@@ : : : : : : @ (@- }@@:@:@:@:@:@:@@ (@@ : : : : : : @ (@@ : : : : : : @ (@@@:@:@:@:@:@:@@, (@- }@ : : : : : : @,6-@ (@@ : : : : : : @ , (@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@,6-@!O-@@- }@68,-P:H:,$@&,%%@O68,-@" 8, 68,-# &K6-@6-@!'6-@2-}36-@2?6-K6-@'++T:,*F:B2y,@@9(h -(@>:,'-%@7(-}@>:,F6-R:,\"@)"@b6-h6--L 6-((6-%+"@,&+"@,4@@6-@-}L6-.'@6-@'6-2 11%@'"@--O(@7%@<%@-},]-%@(@7%@<%@,3g"@-7(@7%@<%@,E-%@g(-}@7%@<%@,7c "-(@>:,--%@=(@>:,K6-&@W"@c6-@-}8"*"@6-@</  6-%@%6-%@/ AA.-@@ 6-8,.6-$@-}B< 6-8,68,-8,%8,,8,"@ <68,-6@C 8,"68,-@D08,"6@!-%@0-}(@:E'8,"@-'(@:F? -8,(@,-8,%@;(@? G0-"A-}p)"Aq)"Ap)"Aq0%K"-@"(@AV'AV @@!@-}6-@T-@&@%-B(@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@F T-@"=-@@@-}%-5(@:9 = -@ @2D:ELEV%D:B-@"=-@@@,TElevator!by Bill KendrickNew Breed Software (released) 1994This is a clone of a simple IBM PCgame I saw back in the la1}ter 1980's.Files: E - The loader. RUN this from BASIC. ELEV.FNT - The font file (loaded by "E") ELEV 1}- The main BASIC program (RUN'd by "E")The object is to get your man to thetop of the building, without beingcrushe1}d by the elevators (which havemeanies in them). Use the joystickto start running left or rightacross a level of the build1}ing, butwatch out! You can't stop! Onceyou've chosen left or right, you keepgoing left or right until you either 1) di1}e 2) get to a wall (far left/right) 3) start running the other way (in which case you again can't stop until on1}e of the above 3 occur)Once you get to the opposite side ofthe building that you started on, yougo up to the next le1 }vel. All of theelevators keep going as they were andyou are safe until you start running.From here, the object is to get 1!}backto the other side, which will thenbring you up to the NEXT level, andso on.Once you get to the TOP of the build-ing1"}, you go to the next buildingwhich is one story smaller (so theelevators move back and forth a lotmore often) and you star1#}t at thebottom floor of that building and thegame goes on exactly as before.It's mad! But it's a relatively fungame (es1$}pecially for something >I 8000~~ 8888<5(}f ``nf>ff~fff<<f<flxxlf`````~cwkccfv~~nf5)}ffff<cckwcff<8pp8?5+}ww<~~~<x`x`~<~~<5,}0~0 ~ <~~<<>f>``|ff|<```<>ff>>ff>|``|fff8<<``lxlf8<f5-}kc|ffffff>|f```>`<|~ffff>fff<ck>6f< x~ 0~<~~<5.}~x|nf8x8ff|``>ff>|f```>`<|~ffff>fff<ck>6f< x~ 0~<~~<4CSAVE"D:H":RUN ~ +@AY@6-+F:A,&@,$AV90}j@@ D:HOPPER.FNT~-A#4)@% '@4%D:HOPPER D:H91}%@@ D:HOPPER.FNT~-A#4)@% '@4%D:HOPPER D:H800350752@ D:HOPPER.FNT~-A#4)@% '@4%D:HOPPER D:H<BC[CDLCXYJDCCSHALEBBXYBONUBHLMNLLSBhdBD@ @@A4}@@2 @ @ @ A"Ah@@A5}@P@@@A0BS@P @! "A"SAVE"D:HOA6}PPER":RUNS$6-+F:A,&@,$AV06-@S;@,;@,;@,x@ @<@A7}@D:HIGHP-@@])@i67,.>:,m x@ 6-A:,y@ @=A8}@@D:ONEUPQ-@@^)@j67,.>:,n y@ 6-A:, +@!AA9}V'AV3A@0EA AWAA@iA@vt@(@ last  A:}$$(@ /@\@@\@@\ $$(@ @ @ @ @ @ @ $$(@ @ @@@> @@>$$(@ A;} @ @ @ @<\$$(@ <@> @ @ @##(@ by bill kendrick%(@ 1989;90 A<}7-@X(@press or j-@@(@try for i-6-F:A`,%F:Aa,$AA=}V%@A%@@U&@@pi%@@?AV'AV?T:,*F:B2y,@A>}@ +@!AV'AV3A@0EA AWAA@iA@vs AA?}6-6-@ 6-@6-6@6-~6-AP!-4(@bonusF-@A@}W(@GOTp'@"P:'@,~6-%@!@6-@]-@@((@AA}>-@@%J-@Y(@] ;1@#6-/6-@;6-o -AB}(@>:,)6-R:,o6-%+!@* @* @,&+!@* @*!,#C"@6-&AC}@+6-&@7"C6-$ @6-@(Q6-"+1%@7"@2AD}E6-%@Q6-@-D,T:,"*"*"86-@D6-@."@A 2- 1AE}"A4#6-@2- A@3t"@66-%@+6-%@P76-@2T-@6@pAF}2A@t 4n6-1%@+"@696-%@G6-%@PU-%@d(@AG} n @T5 @U6@ -@6@<2A@@ 7 -(@<g"AH}*"A#'-%@7(@E6-%@g2@@AE"*"A"'-AI}%@7(@ E6-%@F"@APJ -(@ K+ 6-%"#6-@+6AJ}-%L$"@6-6@$6-%M"@6-@N"@6-6@P 1"@6@uAK}U9 -(@#"*"/6-@29 A@8 6-(82@A$+%@,@@B-@AL}&B:=:,,*(@?F:B2y, @B%)6-%?P"@)6-@"@6. AM} "@6. TO "@6. PAUSE @"@6. ,6-&A@ @ AN}V-@@#(@7AV'AVLF:Ad,"@3V A0G6.0000(67@&B:=:,,,.=:AO},:-@G(@#-@@#(@ @06-%@#-@9(@AP}LEVEL K-@@^(@t-@@%-@(@ -@@PAQ}[6-P:H:,$@ ,?6-P:H:,$@,%@G1[@2A1 -(@ 1AR}-@@[6-P:H:,$@ ,?6-P:H:,$@,%@G1["@6A'1%@AS}'"@6Ag -(@$'-%@7(@; M-@d(@ 00000 g$AT}-AU@;2@@W2@@[ }2AU}2@%6-&@%"A i-@@((@>-@@AV}%J-@Y(@] i6-@!6-1! @0b6.$-@@:(@AW}L-@@b(@ 5-@@+(@LEVEL 5 B4-@AX}@4-@ 6@L-@%@&(@4-@8 LAV'AVc-@AY}%@)(@7<,7-@; ? _T:,*F:B2y,@c x-@@+-@%@AZ}:(@N-@@ R f-@%@x(@7<,/-@@  /AV'AVA[}1#T:,*F:B2y,@' 1 A @ A  !-@@5(@ A\} Y@@D:HIGHh6.0000000067@ &B:=:,,,.=:,0-@@,*@@:7<,,A]}0 3% OAdAU'A@9-@@O(@  4AV'AV4F:Ad,A^}@3A0 R-@@+(@ =AdAUOAR$< -(@>:,A_}(6-%@<"@A C 1-!(@5-@@@9 C A@}%2A`}G2@Y-@@i(@5}"@ l 6-(-&@Aa}6@36.0000M67@&B:=:,,,.=:,_-@l(@. 6-(.2A@$@Ab}I6-%@+-@&B:=:,,8(@ET:,I 7 6-%-27 Ac}@ 's6.00000000,67@ &B:=:,,,.=:,7@A B f@@D:ONEUPs(@'Ad}@$D:HOPPER%&B:=:,,,.=:,7@A B f@@D:ONEUPs(@'@"Hopper!By Bill KendrickAtariserv/New Breed Software1989/1990 (Released 1994)Here's another old Atari BASICby me (Bill Ef}Kendrick).This game is along the lines ofQ-BERT(tm) and it's clones. Theobject is to keep your man fromfalling off of tEg}he screen orbeing hit by the ever-presentred block-head.Control your man with a joystick.Left and right move him, andfiEq}B%DOS SYSB*)DUP SYSBSB B/XBOOM BBOOM DOCB BOOM FNTBC BDCHICKEN BCHICKEN DOCB CHICKEN FNTBE BELEV B ELEV DOCB &ELEV FNTB/H B2HIGH B23HOPPER B eHOPPER DOCB {HOPPER FNTBONEUP BPLATF BPLATFORM B PLATFORMDOCB PLATFORMFNTBR BzRED B$.RED DOCB RRED1 FNTB [RED2 FNTBdSIMON B |SIMON DOCBSKY B SKY FNTBSKYDIVER BSKYDIVERDOCre makes him jump (if he's ona platform). Gravity is alwayspulling your man down.When your man is sitting on aplatform,Er} it starts todisintigrate.The red block-head traverses downthe screen by going first left,then right across each level oEs}fthe screen.To advance to the next level, getall 5 of the gold money-bags onthe screen. If you get them allbefore yourEt} bonus runs out, youget that amount added to yourscore! (The bonus starts at5000 points and slowly decreasesby 500). IfEu} the bonus runs outbefore you get all of the bags,you automatically advance to thenext level.As it says at the bottom ofEv} thescreen, press SPACE to pause.Press START to return to thetitle screen.Files: H - loader HOPPER.FNT - fEw}ont HOPPER - game HIGH - 'try for' score ONEUP - 'last' scoreTo run Hopper, RUN "H" fromAtari BASIC. Ex} (Note: althoughit works fine in TurboBASIC XL,it is impossible to play atTurboBASIC XL's speed!)Well, I think that's alEy}l thatone needs to know to playHopper. I hope you like it!Bill Kendrickkendrick@vax.sonoma.eduNew Breed Software59 PaEz}lm Lane Novato CA 94945 to playHopper. I hope you like it!Bill Kendrickkendrick@vax.sonoma.eduNew Breed Software59 PaDfffffff 8||8fl0fFƺp88p|||Ƃ|0I|}? 868of;?``nf>ff~fff<<f<flxxlf`````~cwkccfv~~nfI~}ffff<cckwcff<8pp8?I}ww<~~~<x`x`~<~~f>``|ff|<```<>ff>>ff>|``|fff8<<``lxlf8<fI}kc|ffffff>|f```>`<|~ffff>fff<ck>6f< x~ 0~<~~<I}~x|nf8x8ff|``>ff>|f```>`<|~ffff>fff<ck>6f< x~ 0~<~~<H000326658x8ff|``>ff>|f```>`<|~ffff>fff<ck>6f< x~ 0~<~~<L CSAVE"D:PLATF":RUN l +@AY@6-+F:A,&@,$AQ}Vl@@D:PLATFORM.FNTJ-A#$)@,%0 ;@J% D:PLATFORMQ}D:PLATF%@D:PLATFORM.FNTJ-A#$)@,%0 ;@J% D:PLATFORMP CXXMSALSYBPVAA$AH@@l@@ @ @U} @ @SAVE"D:PLATFORM":RUN8-@@.(}SMALL 1994 UPDATE1(4(8 i$6-+FU}:A,&@,$AVR9@,9@,9@,;@,]6.i6-@ i +@!AV'AVU}3A@0EA AWAABiA@v T(@ platformsT(@' U} é ATARISERV++T:,*F:B2y,@@ +@!AV'AV3A@0U}EA AWAABiA@v{-(@^-@@468,-P:H:U},$@,C68,-@J6-(N^68,-6@x(68,-P:H:,$@,%@9-8,$@U(@U}7@<8,,Y k-@x(@"A=6-@ 6-@--@ =(U}@@\ 6-6-R:,-.(@ B-@@6-%+"@)"@ )"@,&+"@U})"@)"@,!@6-@% @*@ %6-@  @6-%@/-@ U}@(@&']-@6?%y2@P@}  @ ! 2] @'6-+%U}@,'@H!+8,&@,* +8,%8,,S6-%8,] @X3' @6-&@' A:1 )U}!@'6-&@1 A; -(@ <j-@@(-8,$@;(@ L68,-U}8,%8,[8, j68,-@=!8,!@!68,->3-8,$@/(@7@<8,,3 U}@ &-@6@<2@@  F:Ad,@3A AdAU F:AU}d,"AUA AdAUF:B2y,"@%!AV'AV! @0Y-U}AU32@@7 Y233T:,")F:B2y,"@AU}++T:,*F:B2y,@A33T:,")F:B2y,"@A% 6-U}!@6-@-@52$@@@C-&@S(@ Y-i(@U} }-@@  /%2/ @  D:PLATFORM. Y-i(@ThPlatformby Bill KendrickAtariserv/New Breed Software1989/1994This is a VERY simple 'strategy-arcade' game in Atari BASY}IC.The object: to reach the door at thetop of the screen.The difficulty: you must jump up fromone moving platform to thY}e next toget to the top.What makes that hard!?: if you miss aplatform, you fall to your death. Ifyou don't get off of aY} platformbefore it gets to either edge of thescreen, you fall to your death.Files: PLATF - Loader program. RUN this Y} from Atari BASIC. PLATFORM.FNT - Font file loaded by "PLATF". PLATFORM - Main BASIC program. This is RUN'd byY} "PLATF".Controls: FIRE to start game and return to menu after you've expended your lives. UP to jump up to the neY}xt platform. DOWN to jump down to the previous platform. SPACE to pause. START to start game and return to main Y}menu (abort lives).Have fun! (I got the idea from theAtari 2600 game SwordQuest: Earth-World)Bill KendrickNew BreedY} Softwarekendrick@vax.sonoma.edu59 Palm Lane, Novato, CA 94945 USAgame SwordQuest: Earth-World)Bill KendrickNew BreedXEfffffff>`<|fl0fFåۀ@@Rp88p 80 0 ~~`0 0`<]}f ``nf>ff~fff<<f<flxxlf`````~cwkccfv~~nf]}8pp8?]}ww<~~~<x`x`~<~~<]}0~0 ~ <~~<<>f>``|ff|<```<>ff>>ff>|``|fff8<<``lxlf8<f]}kc|ffffff>|f```>`<|~ffff>fff<ck>6f< x~ 0~<~~<]}~x|nf8x8ff|``>ff>|f```>`<|~ffff>fff<ck>6f< x~ 0~<~~<\  2\jCHCHAD@AARSAVE"D:R":RUN x +@'(@ RED!9a}A@ha@@ D:RED1.FNTx6-F:A,&@AR!AS-6-A$>6a}-P:'AV,N6-&$AVZAVfAWxAP@6-?:C:hhhLV,<@,_A@p a}@H@@ D:RED2.FNT_6-F:A,&@AR!AS-6-A$>6-P:'a}AV,N6-&$AVZAVfAWxAP@6-?:C:hhhLV,<@,@%D:RED a}D:R%N6-&$AVZAVfAWxAP@6-?:C:hhhLV,<@,@%D:RED `; :,g 2 B6-@ +@!AV'AV3Ae}@0EA @WAABiA@tu6-6-6-?:<<@<@<@e},I6-#-@@$1%@5 I&@@q6-# A%$@/6-@76e}.#H67A ,.#W67@,.k-@@ 6-P:H:,$A ,%@67<,. /6.  e}67A ,. /67@,.b-6(@00000 0 :B6.S67A ,.b67@e},.n6-6-@'6-36-?6-K6-W6-nAA0$+(, 6--e}(@ --%@=(@ L6-R:,6-%+!@* @* @,&+!@* @*e}!,aI6-%+"@)"@ )"@,&+"@)"@)"@,U @a6-@ !@6e}-@!##!@**"@A#G -(@'-%@7(@;G6-@ (z-e}@?(@7<%@,7<%@,M*!@_-@z(@7&@<,-F"T:e},"*".6-@46-:6-F6-@1"A2+ -(@ +6-%@7e}36-%@!@)6-3 @I</ -(@%6-/6-+%,=f"@'7<,4)e}7<,456-@:7<,,Z6-%A&+P:'@,$@,f6-@Av$-@6@@2@@e}@D Q67<,. v6-%A&+P:'@,$@,d%6-%@%"ABik/*"*P:H:e},$@, @;6-@_6-P:H:,$@ %,%@k6-@n"APsG -(@e} '6-&@5 %@G6-%+ ,&+!,t% 6-% Ax+ -(@ +"*"e}A}W"**"6-!-1(@ ?6-%APM6-%APW AZ*7%@ <%@ ,4e}*"66-@B6-N6-@ Z6-@ Z*7%@ <%@ ,4*"66-@B6-@e}N6-@ Z6-@ "AA -(@ '6-&@3"A6-&@6-e}%+ ,&+!,/")"%6-/ AY? -(@?"*!&@* %@Ae}/"*P:H:,$A, @%I6-P:H:,$A,U6-@y6-P:H:,$@ %,%@6-e}@ @6-@")Al -(@ 26-&N:%+&@,,>"D-Ve}(@ b6-l A'"@-'(@ U?"@*!&@* %@*!&@e}* %@I AU6-o?"@*!&@* %@*!&@* %@I AU6-c6e}-%@o6-@)AP6-&AP)6-@6-0-@6?P<Ae}`2A%@@d vAA02.$7%&@<%&@,4e}=. 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It contains11 levels of joystick-controlled play.It's not much to look at, and it getsa bit repetative, but agaj0}in, it waswritten by a novice back before hehad anything better than BASIC! :)Storyline: A destructive force of creatj1}ures has taken over your peaceful land of magic springs, brought drought and turned the land against the peaceful inhj2}abitants.Object: Your object is to pass through the land and get to the great spring and free its waters. You are j3}red, a young boy with a small red balloon. Your weapons are your wits, maneuverability, and stones. Your enemies' j4}weapons are their numbers, the land, and they too have stones which they try to pop your balloon with. You begin thj5}e game with 4 balloons and lose one each time you die. If you lose all 4, the game ends. If you get past the 11 gamej6} levels you've won the game! (and it ends.)Files: The files in "RED.ARC" are: "R" - the loader program "RED" - j7}the game program "RED1.FNT" - a font file "RED2.FNT" - a font file "RED.DOC" - these documentsLoading: Boot yj8}our Atari with BASIC and RUN the file "R" to begin loading. NOTE: The game DOES seem to work fine with TurboBASIC XL,j9} even though it is using some ML sound routines ("Sound Commander"), but it of course runs a bit faster. (This may bej:} a 'plus' however! :) )Controls: Use a joystick in port 1 to move red around the left half of the screen. Use tj;}he firebutton to drop a stone. It may take a while to get used to aiming. Press [Control]-[1] to pause. Press [Sj<}tart] to abort the game. Press [Reset] to return to BASIC.The Screen: The game screen contains an info. line at thej=} top with the following data: Score Level Balloons At the bottom of the screen is a blue bar representing how faj>}r you have traveled in that level. The rest of the screen is the game area. (Red moves around ONLY on the left halfj?} of the screen.)Enemies: The enemies of Red are as follows: Blue Meanies: Little blue people on the ground whj@}o throw rocks at you. Red Meanies: Little red people on the ground who throw rocks at you. Their rocksjA} home-in on you however! Birds: White birds which fly in the air and try to home-in on your balloon! jB} Stalagtites: In the cave levels, these horrid things are constantly dropping! Cave Ceilings: Not really anjC} 'enemy', but if you fly too high in a cave, your balloon pops! Volcanoes: If you get lined up witjD}h the spout of a volcano, it blows up at you! Be VERY careful. Flying in some volcano levels is VERY tricjE}ky!Friends: The only real friends of Red are clouds. They come in two 'flavors': White clouds: These kill all thjF}e enemies on the screen instantly when you touch them. Blue clouds: These not only kill all the enemiesjG}, but also give you an extra life!Levels: The 11 levels of Red are shown in the following chart. Land means tjH}he level is Red flying over land. Sky means the level is all sky. Cave means the level turns into a cave. LeveljI}s with 'X's under the "Blue"/"Red"/"Bird"/"Volc" columns mean that those levels contain those types of enemies. jJ} Cave levels contain Stalagtites. Location Blue Red Bird Volc0 - Land X1 - Land X X2 - Land jK} X X X3 - Sky X4 - Land X X X5 - Land X X X X6 - Cave X jL}X7 - Cave X X X8+ - Land X9+ - Land X X X10+- Cave X X X X+ LejM}vel 8 is all volcanoes!+ Level 9 is very rugged land+ Level 10 is volcanoes in a lava cave!Level 11 !? What counts asjN} the "12th level" is the animated finale screen.Bye! Well, enjoy 'Red'. Sure, it doesn't use player/missle graphicjO}s or have very good sound, but it's fun! (At first)Credits: Red was programmed in Atari BASIC by me (Bill Kendrick) ijP}n 1990 using "Sound Commander" routines to play the silly intro music. I can be reached at: E-Mail: Kendrick@VAjQ}X.Sonoma.Edu Postal-Mail: New Breed Software c/o Bill Kendrick 59 Palm Lane Novato, CA 94945 USAendrick@VAhsfff_>`<|0400HH8t||848p0HHy> x @ $@l 0nS}`@p|vv<~ x=<:460wնppvr>nn~nnn|8888|~<flx|nfppppp~"6>kccFfvnfbnU}p<|~vvvvv>vv44cck>6"f$$fBf<~|>~@`0 xx6nV}c6>8pp8?nW}ww<~~~<x`x`~<~~f>``|ff|<```<>ff>>ff>|``|fff8<<``lxlf8<fnY}kc|ffffff>|f```>`<|~ffff>fff<ck>6f< x~ 0~<~~<nZ}~x|nf8x8ff|``>ff>|f```>`<|~ffff>fff<ck>6f< x~ 0~<~~<lfff_>`<|84x0HH:>>4800HHHy> x @ $@0 0r\}`@p|vv<~ xl8,=\5<07mlppvr>nn~nnn|8888|~<flx|nfppppp~"6>kccFfvnfbr^}p<|~vvvvv>vv44cck>6"f$$fBf<~|>~@`0 xx6r_}c6>8pp8?r`}ww<~~~<x`x`~<~~f>``|ff|<```<>ff>>ff>|``|fff8<<``lxlf8<frb}kc|ffffff>|f```>`<|~ffff>fff<ck>6f< x~ 0~<~~<rc}~x|nf8x8ff|``>ff>|f```>`<|~ffff>fff<ck>6f< x~ 0~<~~<pv3 J CASLOSLOWBhd@@A3@ @Q@ AP @ve} @SAVE"D:SIMON":RUN +AR@1@C@@9UA@gA vf}yAAB(}O!( SIMON SAYS$('(O(# Updated (speed added) (c)19905,($ Bvg}ill Kendrick Atariserv, 1990-/(2(5(2( Speed(1-6)2@@K:F @)@(6-&@Hvh}F @)!@@(@6-@&(6- 9@P, u +@.6-+F:A,&@vi},$AVB-A(A]%AU&F:BsD%,a u-@!%@2$@%AU% 7Avj}@IA@&[A AmAA8A@pAV'AVG-@vk}C%A%AU&+@$$+!@,,G b A-@@2(@SImonD-@@V(@vl}SAysb6-@6-@ @A6-@:-@A,F:Ad,"AU0 : @!vm}U A-@@=(@@@2@@````OAdAUU6-#6-!-5(@vn}?I-@AM _-s(@@6-@68,-P:H:,$@,%@vo}( @A @P)-@8A%8,F:A%8,,%@_28,$@P@@u-@vp}@P$y 2-u*A%8,F:A%8,,&@. <6-%@a68,-P:H:vq},$@,%@u!@A.$2H-@&@"6-8,4AdAUH!@A7vr}P6-%?P#-3(@PF:Ad,"AU@U8%-%(@<**F:Avs}d,"@1*@@5A**F:Ad,"@0*@@5F**F:Ad,"@&*@@5G**F:Avt}d,"@$*@@5HdF:Ad,@3*F:Ad,@1*F:Ad,@0*F:Ad,@&*F:Ad,vu}@$vAdAU @UK**F:Ad,"@$*@@5LAdAUP$A%F:A%vv},%@H2$@P@@\-@@P` 2A%F:Avw}%,&@U  @@d-@@+-@@LA%F:A%,%@r2&@@P$vx}@@-@@P ix -@72XA%F:A%,&@vy}l-@@Pp t x j1-1(@EAT@Simonn*(@*AdAUvz}s F:Ad,"AUAx% A M-@#-F(@@@@@@`````Jv{} M$D:SIMON%D:Dx% A M-@#-F(@@@@@@`````JtSIMON SAYS!By Bill KendrickAtariserv/New Breed Software1990/1994This is a Simon Says game for AtariBASIC!I looked atz}} the old Compute! magazineclone of Simon Says and the authornoted that they couldn't get morethan 4 colors on the screen "z~}withoutpainting my screen." Well, I sortadisproved this by creating 4 colorsin the standard palette and a re-defined fonz}t and placing "inverse-spaces" on a Graphics 2 mode screen.This is compared to putting fourplayer/missles on the screen liz}ke theCompute! game does. Anyways, thetechnical stuff matters not, thegame play matters! :)RUN "D:SIMON" from BASIC.Sz}elect a speed (1 for slow, 6 forfast).The screen will appear and it willplay by itself. Press [SPACE] tobegin.The obz}ject is to repeat the sequencesthe computer gives you in the sameorder as it did. It starts out witha sequence of 1 'coloz}r-tones' out ofthe four on the screen. (Each colorhas its own tone sounded when it getslit up.) If you repeat that sequez}ncecorrectly (ie, hit the same button asthe computer did!), the next sequenceis played. Each sequence is made upof the pz}revious sequence plus one newcolor-tone.ie: 1 13 132 1323 13233 132334 1323342etc.This progz}resses up until 50 when thegame is beaten! Good luck! :)Use the [1], [2], [3], and [4] keysto repeat what the computer 'z}said'.Time is unlimited, but DON'T CHEATBY WRITING IT DOWN or I'll give youa virus!! :) just kidding!Anyways, have fun!z}Bill KendrickNew Breed Softwarekendrick@vax.sonoma.edu59 Palm Lane, Novato, CA 94945 USAt kidding!Anyways, have fun!x^CSAVE"D:SKY":RUN +@.6-+F:A,&@,$AVU@@~} D:SKY.FNTi-A#v)@~% % D:SKYDIVER D:SKY%AVU@@|gfffffff>`<| 808xx8~<}f ``nf>ff~fff~~f<flxxlf`````~cwkccfv~~nf}8pp8?}ww<~~~<x`x`~<~~<}0~0 ~ <~~<<>f>``|ff|<```<>ff>>ff>|``|fff8<<``lxlf8<f}kc|ffffff>|f```>`<|~ffff>fff<ck>6f< x~ 0~<~~<}~x|nf8x8ff|``>ff>|f```>`<|~ffff>fff<ck>6f< x~ 0~<~~<&'CDPDPLANWWSSSCOLHICBhd@$B} SAVE"D:SKYDIVER":RUN$$6-+F:A,&}@,$AV { +@!AV'AV3A@"EA@WA AiA@v{}A -@&(@0/0:-@ @#F-i(@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@m }-(@0 v-6-F:A`,%F:Aa,$AV%@A&@@qU%@@g-@ }@v(@++T:,*F:B2y,@@AA0)-@@ C6-P:H:,}$@ ,e6-P:H:,$@ ,%@6-P:H:,$@,%@6-P:'@,p-@ @$(@}6-@C(@O"@a-@ @p(@e-@ 8(@@@@@@@@@@}@@@@@@@@@@@D-@ S(@=e-@D(@ ,-@@D(@ }:-@A --@:(@k-@92@P@@E-@}W(@ k-@@ T6-@T:, $ 6-@@F(@ J T A}! 6-6-@!6-# 6-$!@6-@%= -(@ '6-%@}--=(@ &6-&?P']"!-@@1(@ S2}] @P(36-%@"@)6-3 @P-!-@!(@ 2-@@  7}S%6-P:H:,$@,%@1"@C-@ @S(@<L"@*"@+-@ @:}(@>L6-&?PAL"@*"@+-@ @:(@>L6-&@FL"@*"}@+-@ @:(@>L6-%?PKL"@*"@+-@ @:(@>L6-}%@P!@6-@U 6-Z!@6-@_6 6-( "*"&-}6(@d'"*-'(@i;-%@%(@+-;(@n!!"}@*"A s"6-%@x6-R:,("@*"46-@Q-@}6@m2@Aq 2@}]*!@* @!-1(@ }?-%@O(@ ]6-%?P]*!@* @!-1(@ ?-%@O(@ ]}6-&?P*"@A0;-#(@8F:B2y,"@;%"-@"(@} @5A'A@9A@KA A]A@r2}33T:,")F:B2y,"@A++T:,*F:B2y,@A33T:},")F:B2y,"@A%W -(@5-@6?PS2$@@}W %6-&@% A  A -(@ :2L-@}@](@ i6-y1%@"@a6-@ |$-@6?P:2}@> `2n6-%@|6-%@ !-%@!(@ T:},"A0 T:,A0 I-%@ (@ ,-@ ;(@@? I A} D:SKYDIVER.A0 T:,A0 I-%@ (@ ,-@ ;(@@? I ASky Diver!By Bill KendrickNew Breed Software/Atariserv(released) 1994This is a simple Atari 2600 "SkyDiving" clone in }Atari BASIC!The files are:SKY - RUN this from BASIC to start upSKYDIVER.FNT - This is the font fileSKYDIVER - This is} the main programUse a joystick to control your man: [FIRE] to start the game. The airplane will fly (quickly!) at }the top of the screen. [FIRE] when you're ready to drop your man out. (Note the windsock at the lower center of the s}creen as well as the small landing pad.) [DOWN] to open your parachute. [LEFT/RIGHT] to steer your man as he falls.}Object: One: Not to splat! If you don't open your parachute.. yuk! Two: Gain 'flapping score' - the lo}nger you wait to open your chute (the more dare-devilish you are), the more points you gain (shown at th}e UPPER LEFT)Three: Gain 'landing score' - the more landing pads you success- fully land on, the more }'bonus men' you have (if you splat without having landed successfully on a pad at least once, your game }is ended; if you have landed at least once, one 'landing point' is removed so watch out!) Successful } landing are shown at the UPPER CENTER of the screen.This program was written in AtariBASIC with one of my FON}T seriessimple font editors and I probablyplayed a bit of 2600 Sky Divingwhile conjuring up this game! :)I hope you have} fun! I hope to ONEday recreate some of the other goodold Atari 2600 games (like HumanCannon Ball).Bill KendrickNew B}reed Software 1994kendrick@vax.sonoma.edu59 Palm Lane, Novato, CA 94945mes (like HumanCannon Ball).Bill KendrickNew BJ