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"} [HELP] 1 = Cursor movements [HELP] 2 = Format directives [HELP] 3 = Disk error"}s [HELP] 4 = Special charactersThe following information has been extracted from the Help files:[START]"} - Home/Start: First to top of screen then to top of text.[SELECT] - Printer Driver Help screen.lm20Cursor movements "}& Editing Commands:՛ [SHIFT]+[CTRL] plus: N - No. of words E - End of text R - Reset Tabs. "} W - Wrap On/OffCLEAR - Delete to End F - Free Memory ESC - Cursor shape T - Text buffer O - Open Recor" }ds I - Ins. Records TAB - Kill all Tabs. SPC- Wrap indicator , - Key repeat . - Joystick speed S -" } Load new SET ? - Length of file U - Disk options P - Partial delete 1&2 - Windows 3 - Close win" }dows INS - Ins. spaces DEL- Delete spaces G - Go to Marker M - Set Marker [UP]/[DOWN] - Move a screen h" }eightFormatting Commands following [OPTION][F]:lm-Left Margin rm-Right Marginlf-Line feeding (0/1) sp" }-Line spacingpp-Physical page length cn-Centre (0/1)ju-Justification (0/1) p#-Set page no.ra-Right align.(0/1) "} lp-Lines/pageai-Automatic indent. mr-Margin Releasexl-Header/Footer LM. xr-Header/Footer RM.sb-Code # to Pri"}{}~F}auNEcooiLiuaOuooUaFAcL[]X%%|^{}~D(nter cl-Current linesk-Skip by text (0/1) of-Offsetdv-Print Divider line fp-Force pagingln-Print blank"} lines nx:File linkex:External file link ex:File to Printerlk-Non-specific link ft:Footerps:P"}ause, Print message hd:Headerlm5 Colons separate directives on same line. Directives shown underlined MUST be the"} last one on a format line. A colon after a directive means a colon must precede the string that follows.XLENT'S FIRST "}WORD PROCESSOR continued՛lm15 Disk Errors:՛128-Break Key Abort. 165-File Name Error.144-Write "}Protected/Drive not responding.16O-Drive Number Error. 167-File Locked.162-Disk Full. 169-Directory full"}.164-File is Damaged. 17O-File Not Found.Inverse key (press twice) invokes Alignment Mode.lm25 [OPTI"}ON] plus: CC = Right Justify line. C = Centre line. F = Start Format line. - = Soft Hyphen.1-9 = User-defined Chara"}cters.SPC = Protected Space.INS = Mail Merge Insert.lm5[SHIFT] plus:[DELETE] Delete the following Word/Sentence/P"}aragraph/Line.[CLEAR ] Erase file in memory. Windows & buffer treated separately.[INSERT] Toggle Insert/Replace modes."}As an alternative to the Insert mode you can press [CTRL][SHIFT] [INSERT] to fill a paragraph with spaces, enter your text an"}d then close the gap with [CTRL][SHIFT][DELETE].For Special Characters: [CTRL] plus: A= B= C= D= E= F= G"%}= H= I= J= K= L= M= N= O= P= Q= R= S= T= U= V= W= X= Y= Z= ,= .=` For Printer F"&}unctions mark Start and End with [OPTION] and: B - Boldface I - Italics S - Superscript T - Subscr"'}ipt U - Underline X - Expandednd: B - Boldface I - Italics S - Superscript T - Subscr ,D:DRIVER.MKRDRIVER.MKRSKJ)}LOLINESCAARAE@1!@&*+4+ @ @ @0 J*}@@A9@1 ppؠΠؠϠJ+}  ӬE:}DISK PIRATING SYSTEM II VERSION COPYRIGHT 1994 R2D2 CORP.A. DISK DIRECTORY I. FORMAT DJ,}ISKB. BUG OUT J. DUPLICATE DISKC. COPY FILE K. BINARY SAVED. DELETE FILE(S) L. BINARY LOADE. RENAME FILE J-} M. RUN AT ADDRESSF. LOCK FILE N. CREATE MEM.SAVG. UNLOCK FILE O. DUPLICATE FILEH. WRITE DOS FILES P. FORMAT SJ.}INGLEL !N'#"&))9(&*)/h)''-&؆莟R'S  vL/ˢ L }Insert DOS 2.0s, type Y J/}Λx DEfHI 1莏#q! @ y0ɛ8A0,' ȅ 1 1ild! 1L!J0}NO SUCH ITEMSELECT ITEM OR FOR MENU! 0 .z:*{}.|{ 1 0 0JB 18J1}L%|DL%DIRECTORY--SEARCH SPEC,LIST FILE?[# 0 0 &|D3" 1L!NOT A DISK FILEN !B 1L!E# 1J2} !BDED:}:1BJ|DE 1DEBHI 1 h0ߢJ3} 0.  0?詛 1 y0YЛ 1 ;#L" ;#L! 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H H 'h h Lx+!EF 5L1L!D,IJF},Hh` NOT ENOUGH ROOMINSERT SOURCE DISK,TYPE RETURNINSERT DESTINATION DISK,TYPE RETURJG}N`  `8 rL1`-* 1P* 1 y0Y`hhL!NAME OF FILE TO MOVE?- JH}0 0|DL% <.,^ 1 70 0 .@L# .BJ 1  DEHIB V L1 ,} 1 70,JI}L.  JB|,#P#DE 1 HI BDEHHII 1 B 1 ,^ 1 70,0JJ}La- B V,#P,^ 1 70 0L#L!-* 1P* 1 y0Yj383}mmJK} ݭ}`8}``|* ? ɛ,`|:-)| / 1L!`DESJL}TINATION CANT BE DOS.SYS0 0H{ 24Δ 28/L!/) 2 Π 2 0JM} ξhAΞB,0 J 1 BDEHI,HÝDE 1HIHЩ=JN} +:98H>/N4E001=˩= O4L5pPBf0AE002%33 $)3+ '/"!#+ ,/!JO}$&/.4@IMN`\JP}JQ}JR}JS}JT}H 3/144 Grey Street Palmerston North NV} Ph (063) 554-295 8th September 1990The ManagerDress For LeNW}ss200 Church StreetPalmerston NorthDear Sir/Madam, I would like to apply for the part-time position advertNX}ised in the Evening Standard on the 6th of September. Please find enclosed my Cirriculum Vitae, reference, and list of NY}referees. I have had experience in the clothing retail area, handling sales and stocking. I consider myself fit and relNZ}iable and look forward to discussing my application with you. I will make myself available for an interview at your convenienN[}ce. Yours faithfully, Ann C. ParkienLz Mark Raymond PIERSON Born 3rd March 1965 1980 : Passed School Certificate in English R]} Maths Science GeographyR^} Tech Drawing Active in outdoor sports including school representaR_}tion in athletics, soccer and softball 1981 : Accredited U.E in English R`} Maths Physics Geography Ra} Tech Drawing (by correspondence) 1981 : December, joineRb}d BNZ as junior in Palmerston Otago 1983 : Transferred to University of Otago BNZ as accounts officerRc} 1985 : Transferred to training and implementation team for Systems Department 1987 : Transferred to WellinRd}gton Head Office as Technical Analyst 1988 : February, joined Alp Sports to regain people contact Re} 1988 : June, assigned position of Assistant Manager. Duties included ordering, stocking, and banking 1989 : OcRf}tober, transferred to Dunedin as Manager 1990 : March, transferred to Palmerston North to manage as staff leaviRg}ng 1991 : May, resigned as lacking in direction in and because of the company to manage as staff leaviP\ 9 Puketea Street Tokomaru Vi} 28th MayDear Gran, Please excuse me not writing to you sooner, I'm absolutely hopeless Vj}at writing at the best of times. Now that I have a bit of a break to relax in though I can catch up on all the tasks. IVk} am flat out at the moment job hunting and enjoying the break. I have a number of options to chase up and hope that it won't Vl}be too long before I get going again. Must remember to take a bit of time to relax though as I won't get a holiday for anotheVm}r 6 months when I start a new job. Our new house at Tokomaru is great. No more having to use a heater as the fire/spaceVn} heater heats the whole house beautifully. And the tons of extra space means I can set the computer gear up and not have to pVo}ack it away every time we have visitors. I think Lester is actually enjoying it even more if that is possible, he enjoys sheeVp}p chasing and annoying the neighbours dogs. We seem to miss out on a lot of the grumpy weather out this way although itVq} has been quite wet here, I had to scurry to get most of our load of wood under cover because the truck we got it in couldn'tVr} fit all the way to the wood shed. I unfortunately found out that the back of the truck was just high enough to break the glaVs}ss around the outside lightbulb on the garage..... ooops ! I went to Auckland a couple of weekends ago to visit some olVt}d friends that I hadn't seen since I left Wellington and found that they had a lot more computer bits and pieces for me to taVu}ke back, but I had to put up with two nights of 2 to 3 hours sleep listening to them go on about what I had missed since I haVv}d last seen them. It was good to get away from Palmerston North for the short break. We had a small flat warming party Vw}the following weekend (2 weeks ago) which was a bit of a laugh, all finished up by 12 o'clock so we didn't get off on the wroVx}ng side of our new neighbours. Ann said I should have described Lester's motive regarding the local sheep as a "stalking" actVy}ion. I had to trim the Terrarium? that Ann gave me because it was doing a good imitation of a full blown rain forest, sproutiVz}ng hither and yon out the top and sides. It looks much better now, much more like it did when I got it. I had a visit fV{}rom Tony, who was living next to us at the old flat, today. He came out to try and use the computer but I had to laugh becausV|}e every time he got everything typed in just right he would do something really odd and mess it all up again. I had to tell tV}}he truth and admit that I have just about learned how to master this program, which seemed to brighten his mood a little. V~} I was watching Wheel of Fortune tonight and while I was considering wether or not to enter I figured out that I used to woV}rk with one of the people who were fighting for prizes. Must get up and stoke the fire, it seems a little lacking in forward V}motion. It must be fun for you all with Alison and team down visiting. I'll have to sneak around and mow her lawns before sheV} gets back to make up for the fact that we'll probably pinch the lawnmower this weekend. Dug my "old" suit out of hidinV}g today, the one I've only worn a couple of times, and found that I may well fit into it again soon, although I will have to V}get another pair of trousers because while I was flatting in Wellington somebody tried to help out by washing them in hot watV}er. Not so good for pure wool !!! I should stop now as I think that my paper is almost out and if I go on anymore I wonV}'t be able to print it. Hope you are well and look forward to hopefully being able to visit soon. V} Best wishes,pe you are well and look forward to hopefully being able to visit soon. T 9 Puketea Street TOKOMARU Z} (06) 329-8605Neville Motley40 Glenhaven RoadGlenhavenNew South WalesAUSTRALIADear Neville, Z} (06) 329-8605Neville Motley40 Glenhaven RoadGlenhavenNew South WalesAUSTRALIADear Neville, X Famous Last Words ..... Know who you are .... There's a world wants to know you Know where to go^} .... There's a world wants to touch you Feel all you can .... Let your heart speak and guide you Don^}'t be afraid .... Of the love deep inside you. Bring it out for everyone, When you smile, we can see the ^}sun Bring it out for all to hear, Because you've so much to give And there's so much to know But if y^}ou wait for your moment, Well, it may never show. Know who you are .... There's a new song inside you, ^} Weep if you can .... Let the tears fall behind you Know who you are .... There's a world deep inside yo^}u Trust if you can .... There's a friend there to guide you. It's raining again ..........deep inside yo\o