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There's a window box here on the side of the castle!flower box outside An open windowCRYPTclosetBathroom}*I'm outside the castle DOORLESS roomhall inside the castlekitchen large COFFINpAntrygiant SOLAR OVENDungeonMeandering }pathPit Dark passagedumb-waiter by a roomworkroom!LOT OF TROUBLE! (And so Are you!)Sorry I can't do that4I see I was put} to bed. Its AFternoon & I overslept!@Welcome to ADVEWNTURE: 5 "THE COUNT". Dedicated to Alvin Files. `I'm up in A cAstle, in} the distAnce I see VOODOO CASTLE. There'sstAnding room outside the windowSome time passes...%It bears the Family Crest of D}RACULA!Tell me to what? i.e. "TO TREE"higher I hear theFlagpole splinterof you always asking for help!I fall to my death}How?I've turned into A VAMPIRE!I think I can only takemore days of this!I appear pale & drained!My neck looks BITTEN!I}ts getting DARK outside!I'm getting very tiredThe sun has set!TODAY I look healthy...A bAt flew by & LAUGHED At me!I'm r}eal PEPPY now!$There's A COUGHIN (sic) in the room.COUGH!,The cigArette went out & the coffin VANISHEDHe smelled something }& flew onhe settled on my NECK!Sheet came untiedStrange watch saysmoves till sunset"I closed the lid and I suffocated!It }s LOCKED from INSIDE!'There's something there, maybe I should go there? empty it?I see nothing special.OK:There's A tremend!}ous Amount of HEAT & SUNLIGHT coming out.IDeAr DRACKY, Don't open this present till HALLOWEEN. signed COUNT YORGA.' A bell "}rings somewhere: "DING-DONG". :Peasants attack me, I was SUPPOSED to destroy the VAMPIRE!YOU HAVE LOST!FIts for DRACULA, its#} and EATING & GHOULING bill from a local mortuary!,There's a note PAPER CLIPPED to the postcard7Postmaster says he'll be deli$}Gvering a package tomorrow.I don't know where to lookI drive the stake through his HEART. The townspeople come and carry me %}%;off cheering! (Don't worry, I tell them I owe it all to you?!)Try: "CLIMB SHEET"I'm A pretty good LOCK PICK!I'm not an a&}rsonist!The torch burnt thru the sheet!Ah that's much better!There's writing on it.Mob looks ANGRYI've a hunch I've been'} robbed!Odd, I wasn't bitten last nite!Nothing happens.lowerI'm At the tip of the pole6I notice a DARK WINDOW UNDER the b(}edroom window ledge! as I fallEXCEPTIt won't go anytry looking at itThe paper clip is in the way!)I know how to RAISE and)} LOWER this thing!GET UP you sleepy head!Try examining things.I've no matches!The match flares up briefly ...Its already*} open.Try: "CLIMB POLE"Try: "SAVE GAME" A bat might make it, but not me! First I need an unlit cigarette.$Tell me with what+}? Like: "WITH FIST"It doesn't work!Maybe I should BREAK it?Yuck!and then goes out!)Mirror shatters! That's 7 years bad lu,}Kck!I set the mirror on the pillow.Try: "GO ROOM"What a DREAM I just had O!Dear Adventurer: I wanted to take this time -}(1 move!) to thank ALL of you out there in ADventureland for the fantastically warm reception Adventure has received! Happy A.}0dventuring, Scott Adams (Chief Adventurer) A ch6o Sheets/SHE/ Open window Closed window Pillow/PIL/Flag pole in wall/}Coat-of-arms/COA/Sheet going into windowEnd of sheet tied to flAgpole1 nodoz tablet/TAB/LIT torch/TOR/ #Loose end of sh0}eet going over ledgeEnd of sheet hAnging hereClosed & UNLOCKED door Open door Locked doorPaper clip/CLI/Tent STAKE/STA/1} Mirror/MIR/Bottle of type V blood/BOT/Empty bottle/BOT/Unlit torch/TOR/Sulfur mAtches/MAT/2 small holes in my neck2}3 no-doz tablets/TAB/2 nodoz tablets/TAB/ Piles of extinguished cigArettes%Pack of Transylvanian cigarettes/PAC/LIT cig3}Arette/CIG/ Stone COFFINCoffin is openCoffin is closedDusty clove of garlic/GAR/DARK pitCigarette/CIG/! Brass bedThe 4}other end of the sheet/SHE/#Sheet tied to bedPocket watch/WAT/%Coffin lid is openLockable slide boltBroken slide lockLa5}rge tempered nail file/FIL/)Small Vial/VIA/*Large dark lens set in ceilingOven Package/PAC/-Empty box/WIN/. Postcard/POS/6}G/ Bell pullCastle towering above me(Fence with an open gate & a crowd beyond Note/NOT/3 DRACULA/BAT/4Rubber mallet/MAL/5Ir7}7on rings in wAll!Sheet tied to ring going into pitDARK foreboding passage."Full size portrait of DRACULA/POR/:WindowVent 8}Daisies/DAI/=Toilet Dumb-waiterVent Letter/LET/A?Sign says: "POSITIVELY NO SMOKING ALLOWED HERE!" signed Dracula0Mouldy old9} skeleton with a stake in the rib cage./KEY/D Broken glassCentury worth of dust/DUS/FMemo tacked to the door. :}  '(3:?N  UZ _biz  ~;}A@N@Z@h@u@@@@@@@A3AJATA`AqAAAAAAAAB,BMBtBBBBBBBBBC'C:CMCaCsCCCCCCCCCD@DKDYDmDDD<}*DDDDDDE EEE_EEEEEE 56;BGJQR]dix  ~=}  '  .1`+-2"**(* ::>} -  5%" )=%2 418:= ""%%:9)t  %-0 %* ) !%:8+%%% 10=% 4 x-%"<?}>:ACDE:G)d(dd!dd(2d3d2dddd +)+ ! . ,,7%5560;2""/8!,,' %/@}<':5' $""2;00? 6N;) B%Q<"%F+UiJ,, 64L  !m++NM8HQA} 6<6<<<Q;Q,I>Q:89>66IQHHHH6;;66:6(#;;;':O:O###QH4ii4j&##HHH'Hu66HH6H65;;'':O6646828!H;>'+6)--/JJJB}J5;39X8 66'4'46i66m v?F <:<:4:''''6$#BB wQxz {|'}#6H6'' '';'tiiBLIOQM HF 6>:;>::69H;QQM;?QC}9>@L*LLN'L'L555LLFN;$>;;#HQHQ$5$$O'''$%LLL&LL(@Lv;5S*;Qk80L>966?L"5;,L.JJ''5'LXLqLLG'#h'LL{oqD}s''s'''F&&&mLm $R QXyf$,~$&LLLU03&558[&QO@I :6:;;Okl5M6JI;_`*f''Q@''L55''< L555E} $Q'Q'5Q'''r''':1':;LMQ'L''LLLL?'>NFF5zXp''$RS'WX']mI6n>>>>rrr'uIQXF} '1'OQ&16X<;;5=5@I;JLRU'LLYd'LLLIIhiIuvp~G}?IMI''''I +''II6?A pILppp\]jk?|H}G_'XTT0&MxkPD)|(;#ThWkW,(@I}Is:N  TZFKss7*K7t @bF22oJ}/_@TTkR (ceFikq`<`_fK} @!{@.:UUg@<<$Y@_PYmrE( <<L}  VdhSPPPsPP|[aegm// M}CRdP|dlhhDXl  ::,VX4\a<<[b<C(orA>~O}1$:(11<@(hBF(0NOVZ4dj|nq(<~P}(L0 (3=CR, ('x[\gk`@sXDQ} ,,"$PZ~R}''37TTEP<o1[s(y|S} D*,49xBCxHJhPUZ\X`axT} x +,MQUWh~U}dftvd~V} %,(16LIKXQT]^wz~W} L >$%(PR<~X}UV[\~Y}(*<Hv333344444444 55!5(595A5Q5U5b5x55z Z}C 38 =>MN gn ~[}[ $) NOTU~\}5555066666667.7A7F7b7z7777777858I8n8u888888929J9r9|99999%:M:::: ;C;^;;;<]}H+>/>@>a>>>>>>>?4?C?`?6@rL[L|WLWL^}[WX7XoXXX>YoX]YhYYYY`<|fl0fF6} 8of;,p88pf< 80 0 ~~`0 0`7ggo;3s~s3``p?ccccc"Fs6<gn||lopp``cccwkc|Jvw6cc633>006cco><66>333`>?ll }31c>ccc6<cckwccf<6ccc6 ?f 3~5A@`0 xELx6cUg6>o}"8pp8?&&*D** TTPRVVZawwe} T*TUU] %-x`x`~<~~<0~0 ~ <~~<6vv``|ffff6680>{2rއ<```|f~6<F3|fffff~`~ff3}Cc ? s333c66cck3~n۱6f[ۃ><~~<K8x8P.eLeLeLeL.LyWL.j.|..<ө|``Lf- B V,A#P, 1 <0 0L#L ߢ) 1*LPjL0\L3\L eL eLeLeLeLeLeL.LyWL.}L.LsWLwjLSjLVjL_jLejLhjL\jLYjLnjLkjLbjLbLbLbLqjLtjLbLbLbLbLbLbLbLbLbLbLbLbLbLbLbLbLbLbLbLbLbLbLbL}@bLvW`Ϳm;FGGHIJ{K;MNP{R;TTTU[UUU3VD[EED812NY"" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" }"" 119 6 620 dA(lg!ag (# ( (> ͯd!lgag A > w#dD=dd:V2V~#cce>?-}Je4edd ` e eee> -e-e(e>-e>-e!3ßS/S6 e mwV=y}O7^#'2R;˰[릫k+?119We,}} n'((QANYNORTSOUTEASTWESTUPDOWNINVEHOUN}JUNGVIEWHELLCRYSHELPFLAS*BRANOUTINZOOSHOVSUIT*HELMPHAS*GUNMACHMINEHOSEREDBLUEBUTTCONSDOORCURT*LIGH}SHIP*SCOU*AIRLBLACSNOWRODCAVEPLAS*FINGPICKMOUN*ICE*WALLHOLDHATCTOOLCONNGAMELEDGAROUMETACRAWDIAMBUCKBELT}7PAINHOLESCRIALIEGROU*PLANNOVADUSTTREE*SLIMSCUL=BOULDESTSTUNGAUGGOGGBOXYELLSIGNWHITAUTOGO*WALK*RUN}a*ENTE*CLIMSAVEQUITHELPTOGET*TAKE*GRAB*.*UNSTFIRE*ACTIPULLDROP*PUT*DISC*LEAV*THRO.eREADPUSH*PRES*BANG*HIT}GKICKCONN*HOOKWAKETOUC*RUB*FEEL*PETLOOK*DESC*EXAM*SEESAY*YELL*HOLL*SCREDRINCHAR*RECHREMO*UNWEATSHOO*BLASFIND}MOVESET*RESESUITWEAR*FASTSCORINVEBEND*TWIS*BREACLOS*SHUT*SLAMOPENJUMP*FALLDIG*PICK*CRAMELTFIX*REPALIFT*RAIS}EMPT.one man scoutship small airlock large cavern*I'm on a small planetoid*I'm on a small planetoidstrange hexagonal ro}om storage hold*I'm on a small planetoid&Large grassy plain at edge of a junglemethane snow stormsmall derelict spacecraft}B*I'm outside the airlock on a ledge. The ground is 90 meters belowAlien Art Museumdeserted Jovian mining colonyStrange ju}ngle.BLACK EMPTINESSmethane snow stormmethane snow stormmethane snow storm(*I'm in the ruins of an intergalatic ZOOstor}Bage hold of the mother shipmaintenance crawl wayhollow ice moundLlot of TROUBLE!SWelcome to Adventure: 6 "STRANG}E ODYSSEY" by Scott Adams. Dedicated to the Novaks. Nothing happensOKPressure gauge says1moves till suit air expended. Air} outside suit is:The outside has a pressure gauge & a connecter for a hose. breathable.not Stale air isIt isMy air ran out}!5Some GAS comes out of the hose for awhile then stops. Phaser is set on:DESTROY!stun."TO STUN" or "TO DESTROY" ? (use 2 }words) My suit popped open!+Warning light says: "POWER CRYSTAL DAMAGED"6Blue button marked "BLAST OFF" & a unmarked red butt}on%Console replies: "INSUFFICIENT POWER"Alien script covers itI fire the Phaser,I destroyed it!!Air is getting stale! Read} gauge! won't budge!I see nothing special.Its some sort of force field.I ruined the ship!APA`ArAAAAAAAB)BHBfBBBBBBC2CBCZCqCCCCCC D+D 3333!!K3!!G33E%<%%3G3GJDEE - :>>%%%DA}<%DD %!% %3:%%%G)336%=G5AM000>O K@d@D\dddddddddadddJIH%O%%}GO "(<' )'''N)1L  ;",,,,P 0070::99:;GG? 00"))CE:::KKKM;MM}J B3'KK90 q_?Q<9Q8n<:oH:<Q dHJJ5I %'}(%(QI#(%I+6.Pl5PPP::H2Affh62'^X6o46H4JJ;5Kz'/'vyo4'}5~I;;J5cml:B//o?G'%9}(ooHBrrIOOOQM===M>J?sssss}Jy|>>~s[pL{{0NSZ\'j~J}(0(d!%)Pl-6PP;BHT^d(<fjprXv(((} 0*L53FX|((KPYuxx*,5}}0 G<<5d<xxxxxxxx>K(D[PVe xV<}@Upp%(V<139;p?PD5]_$}} 0LL@ )xxd26PQVbXXXXrt}}%&P5?PS]PD}} ((PET"25( hFHHVXpprH}} )+8}}"$>?LNZ[}}("PP'(PSU [`XPuP P}CVTUP}}+sX4Z4l4z4444444 535M5555555566B6b6x666666666666{}  FINS\]bi}}'(-2 Y\afop u}"#*+JKfg}}/6667 77Q7777777788838A8W88888 99<9I9`9~99999: : ::C:}p{::::::: ;;(;A;p;~;;;;!<<.>D>]>~>>>??/?5?B?T????@@@@}}rL[L|WLWL}[WX7XoXXX>YoX]YhYYYY}D~?}?~@}TTX_fffdffff>`<|fl0fF6A} 8of;,p88pf< 80 0 ~~`0 0`7ggo;3s~s3``p?ccccc"Fs6<gn||lopp``cccwkc|Jvw6cc633>006cco><66>333`>?ll D}31c>ccc6<cckwccf<6ccc6 ?f 3~5A@`0 xELx6cUg6>oE}"8pp8?&&*D** TTPRVVZawweF} T*TUU] %-x`x`~<~~<0~0 ~ <~~<6vv``|ffff6680>{2rއ<```|f~6<F3|fffff~`~ff3H}Cc ? s333c66cck3~n۱6f[ۃ><~~<K8x8P.eLeLeLeL.LyWL.j.|..<ө|``Lf- B V,A#P, 1 <0 0L#L ߢ) 1*LPjL0\L3\L eL eLeLeLeLeLeL.LyWL. J}L.LsWLwjLSjLVjL_jLejLhjL\jLYjLnjLkjLbjLbLbLbLqjLtjLbLbLbLbLbLbLbLbLbLbLbLbLbLbLbLbLbLbLbLbLbLbLbL K}@bLvW`ͿmaG3HIIJ{KMLMO9QRTTUYUUU1VyVE5FFE812NYdow ledge" "As I fAll" "EXCEPT" "It L}won't go Any" "try looking at it" "The paper clip is in the way!" "I know how to RAISE and LOWER this thing!" "GET UP you sle M}Jepy head!" "Try examining things." "I've no matches!" "The match flarS/S7 e mAW=y N}YJc#2R9ɰYaM?145!Wc!W} O} nj((QANYNORTSOUTEASTWESTUPDOWNROPEFLAS P}GSHOEMIRRDOORSKELPOLETUNNTRAMEXITCHARBACKGREEYELLBLUEFORTAROUSLIDPLANREDLADDMUSITANKKEYMERMSTAIMACH Q}QROOMTICKHORSHEELSIGNCOMBWATCBILLDRAISPECINVEGAMEHEMPGRATKNOB*BUTTCOUNWINDWALLBONEMATCHELPPIPEBRAN*STIC R}GUMDOLL*COINGUNTREESHELHAIRLETTOFFFUN*HOUS*PARKBOUNBUBBCALLSTEAMERRVALVHANDFUSEBARRBOLTWRENHOLE*MAN S}*MANHLADYCEIL*CATWLOCKPIGEAUTOGO*WALK*.*RUN*ENTE*MOUN*CLIM*.*RIDEGET*GRAB*TAKE*CATC*PICKGUMSHOO*FIREDROP T}*PUT*LEAV*GIVE*PAYBLOW*MAKEREMOWAVETOUC*FEELSAVEHELPLIST*HEARQUITINVEPULLPRES*PUSHUSE*WITHLIGH*IGNISTICWEAR U}LOOK*EXAM*DESCREADBREA*HITSWIMTURNCLOS*SHUTEATCHEWSAY*YELL*SCRE*ASK*BUYUNLICOMBCUTKISS*RAPEJUMP*BOUN. V}/SCORCHASMOVE*SLID*ROTAON*TOCRAW*ROLL.3_DANCOPEN*UNLO*UNTIFIND*LOCASTANFIX*REPAj*I'm in front of t W}he FUN HOUSEMagical Mirror Room*I'm on a small landing*I'm beside a LARGE tank windowed tankhidden laboratory Merry-Go-Ro X}und on a wooden horse small roomsloping hallwayroom with a low ceilinglarge rolling barrel room store roomManholeshootin Y}g gallery*I'm on a ledge over a deep pitPitObservation chamber*I'm on a Merry-Go-Round Windy hallrickety staircaselarge Z} room with tall ceiling*I'm on top of the ride small room small room large room Parking lot*I'm on a Trampoline Sewer syste [}m windy maze windy maze windy maze windy mazecatwalk long tunnelLot of TROUBLE!"Good thing this ropes not too longOKI se \}e a bunch of clay pigeons!Splash, Oh no I am all washed up!BTicket lady rips up bill & says "$5 grocery bill ain't money bub! ]}" Too steepTell me where to look!I see a hidden door in itI've no match!Bouncer throws me outPark closes at midnight. Sh ^}oes required at all times. Management NOT responsible for accidents!! CAUTION this park is DANGERous! I can see myself thin, _}fat & tallThere's strange music playingSounds like a space opera till midnightThe park is closing inturns^Welcome to ADVE `}NTURE 7, "MYSTERY FUN HOUSE" by Scott Adams Dedicated to Marin Computer Center.#She thanks me & turns a hidden knobof order* a}-She's pretty, but has really snarled hair!Wh1eShe's too fast for me Not here!I amHow?Nothing happensA mermaid swims b b}Gy and waves.Someone shot me!All the water ran out For VandalismSomething dropped outOn what?At What?"Sizzle, it burns w c}cith a dull glow.its outI was holding it!Try: "STICK GUM"I shot a clay pigeon!!It collapsed into a pile of bones)Calliope d}is so LOUD I can't hear clearly!starts.1Tiny piece of hemp falls on my head and vanishes!Tastes HORRIBLE!(Fire ladder retra e}cts and leaves me here!it saysTicket lady asks me what I wantShe hands me a ticket Its too tightI see nothing special.Ou f}chShe says: "That'll be a dollar".I see a shiny COIN at the bottom of the drain!&I can't reach it, my arm is too short!Got g}it!Too hardI can't do that"Only thing left is one bare branch Doesn't workI just push it aroundSay again & use a color(Wa q}>\]?ddC@b ADVENTURE5 bADVENTURE6 bIADVENTURE7 bADVENTURE8 qll swings me around & I'm elsewhere...James: We must get the plans back by tonight! We believe they're hiddenwithin his Fun r}House! Signed, M P.S. Q says enjoy the gum!Try EXAMINING things!I say:I'm not wearing itPOP!HUH? Why do you want me to M s}ARRY?There's no handle on itMy shoe heel is looseSomething fell outAUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY!"Guard hears explosion & sho t}Gots me!Flashlight thereflat on my face!Ridestops.There's a red buttonbig bolts hold it downI can only remove 1 bolt!1 u}u2Wall closed behind meToo high for me!Moving ride throws me off balanceI fell!Gentle air blast blows up my leg.$Hard blas v}t of air rips my body apartMachine lights up and saysHURRAH! You've done it!I see into the mirror room not on ittoo hot T w}here's a catwalk above the rideClick!Closed drain. WaterRope hanging from ceilingStrange Mirror Shoes/SHOE/which I'm x} wearingSlippery Slide. Sign on slide Locked doorSkeleton Locked doorLit Flashlight/FLAS/ Open flood doorRed knob in wal y}l*Strange knobs on wall: Yellow, Green, BlueClosed flood doorLadder going down Locked door#Open door with small shelves bey z}ondSign on ladderSmall Trampoline/TRAM/ Wrench/WREN/ Locked doorSignTicket Counter Ticket/TICK/Bottom of heel/HEEL/ {}Watch/WATC/ Dark manholeMermaid Comb/COMB/Quiet CalliopeRusty key/KEY/LOUD Steam CalliopeMerry-Go-RoundValve on a la |}rge warm pipeHandle is on valve Valve handle with no valve/HAND/#Short fuse/FUSE/$Fuse is stuck in gum Open Drain Letter/L }}ETT/'Exit Wooden horse Dark holeLarge grate welded over holePile of bones/BONE/, Loose grateStrange spectacles/SPEC/.whi ~}ch I'm wearingFortune telling machineRope hanging downGum is stuck to grateRusty closed gratingBottom of slide Dead tree }Silver Dollar/DOLL/6Broken branch/BRAN/7Hard dry chewing gum/GUM/8Soft chewing gum/GUM/9Stick with gum on end/BRAN/:Bot }tom of stairs Broken gratePole coming out of horse's backWindow in tank-Window. Gun pointing into & mounted by window Sign/ }SIGN/@ Clay pigeonsFlashlight/FLAS/BMissing top secret plans/PLAN/C5 Dollar Bill/BILL/D Match/MATC/EOpen door in glass 1 }bway mirror Locked door Blue buttonSoggy fuse/FUSE/J   !g " } #!()2 4@H@b@q@~@@@@@@@@A1ACAUAaAAAAAAA }AAA BB B,B;BKB_BnBBBBBBBBCCC7CLCXCrCCCCCCCCDD8DODlD}DDDDDDEE2EGETEgEtEEE  }  !1 ":A FU!Z[d  }C%BB###,, , >,,(0O/,22L,, ,P4, ( P*J(=8&VP/,P P4B*,J&, 776 60 , }J$//333B$+((c$$,,GG&&@ 0#$$0#S"8! 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"" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 119 4 }J 562 7 4 560 "*I'm in the Armory" 11 0 12 0 0 0 "S/S4 e mw'W=y }YAc :2R˰3gsk?119/W^/,ef} }:((QANYNORSOUEASWESUPDOWKNICOFIDOINV }KETHOLSWOPATWINCLODOOCHULABGRAWALBALMEDCHIWRI*PLASHISAFBREARMGLARINTUBFIRFLU*CHI38SOO33HEA*ANIC }HESTABAGPINSAWFOO*RABGAMSHOPAPSWEMAN*CRIDOLBOAHAMGRABUTPUPSTISTABOOCHAZAPPOTCELBARLOCLEDWOOVOISI }[GFLONAIMUMCRASAPROCAROCRY*RAV34353637LEAMOAPAGAUTGO*ENT*WAL*CLI*RUN.jGET*TAK*PIC*REM*PUL }VHEL*RES.DRO*PUT*LEA*THRDIGONWAVDUS*CLEPRE*PUSMOV*SHO*KICBRE*SMASAVREA.]OPECLOTUR*DIALOO*EXAINVCIR }3.QUIDRI*EATSAWMIXHAM.SHR.LIS*HEASTA8;SHA@cSLIDANYEL*SCR*SUM*SAY*CRYCUT*STAhwRUBSMO.HUG} }3chapelDingy Looking Stairwellroom in the castleTunnelroom in the cast }Gle *I'm in Medium Maegen's Mad Roomroom in the castleroom in the castleroom in the castleBallroomdungeon*I'm in the Arm}orytorture chamberChimneylarge fireplaceroom in the castleLabnarrow part of the chimney Graveyardparlor Jail Cell*I'm} on a ledgehidden VOODOO roomroom in the castlelot of TROUBLE!XCount Cristo's been CURSED! There's one way for him to fle}e! Find it, and he'll go FREE!It belongs to the medium%Spirit vibrations drive me from room.%Prints too small for the unaide}d eye.I can't do thatNothing happened Windows openWindow just slAmmed shut1For a reading just "SUMMON MEDIUM MAEGEN" today}!!I see nothing very special.=Phosphorescent letters are very hard to read in bright light!)Amongst the GRAVES is a four lea}f clover.Raven crys something outsideOne of the test tubes EXPLODED!This glass can't be broken.They appear to be mixable}.There's something written thereA sepulchral voice says:OK2Safe's combination lock is numbered from 33 to 38."Ring glows b}riefly & door vanishesOUCHA sign here says:There's a man hereWearing a sapphire ringI slide back downA beam of light sh}ines on gravePins fall out of dollPlaque says: "safe --> 38 33"This grAve reserved for you!There's a CLAP OF THUNDER!RJu- }Ju man says:"My bag is now yours! Its magic will help you -CRACK- the curse!". HURRAH! Look who is in the room!I'm now 4 fe }et tall!It's much to heavy to LIFT! I'm too big"You startled medium & she vanishedOn what?XMaid chased me with broom for tr }acking soot through the Ball- room. I wonder where I am?CSweep pops out, thanks me, hands me a piece of paper then vanishes!( }As I dust of the Idol it begins to glow!He's wearing a rabbit's foot.HELP ME, I'm stuck!Luck wasn't with me!2Doll looks l }ike Count Cristo. There're pins in it!.pBird says: "ask for ADVENTURE 5, -THE COUNT- at your favorite computer dealer. It w}ill be LOVE AT FIRST BYTE!" There's some soup here.I see a hole under it!%Nails were rusted but I got them out..It's hArd w}ork but it seems to be coming loose2I hear strange sounds, as if someone were moaning. I've got it!.Heavy duty exhaust fan co}mes on & sucks me up!.6says: "SAY ZAP to restore someone changed to stone!"Statue is made of stoneI hear nothing. won't }Gbudge!+I'll need something to pry it off the wall!It's a book on removing curses. Says: "With knife in hand you take a stand}. Circle coffin and..." The rest of the page is missing!!!/Its very dark, the only light is from the idol.That's illegal!@Do}uble bubble toil & trouble the encAntAtions Are About to peAk!There's an antique hammer hereThere's a Clap of Thunder & the}n suddenly the stone statue begins to crack. I may be in trouble now, there's someone in the room with me!"Looks almost like }lemonade. Yummy!@You've been turned into a broomstick & a witch rides off on you!There's witch's brew thereCell door slams }shutYou've been sprungw...wave the stick and hold the lamp and don't forget to yell "CHANT"! Oh yes, to help it succeed, a d}oll you'll need...OWelcome to ADVENTURE:4, "VOODOO CASTLE" by Alexis ADAMS. Dedicated to all MOMS!how?It appears stuck to t}he floor! There's no room in there for me!My idol acted strangeI've no container.,Some dust fell off it and it glowed brief}ly.Its very faint.Its much louder up here.There's a book there.There's a stick there.Boy it looks dusty. Its glowing.St}range hobby you haveCheck out the fireplace. Its empty.I hear someone mumbling.. Saw grating!I haven't got a knife!$Inscr}iption on ring says: "WAVE ME!"Medium appears, says: "Keep a good luck charm on you & your friend. I also see a -moving- bag} helping you through a tight squeeze!"6It will take some strong magic to get me through that! Use a number!Knife made no imp}ression on it!Bloody Knife/KNI/Ledge Plaque/WRI/Animal heads/HEA/Broken glass/GLA/ Big kettle Dark hole Shield/SHI/}StairsBrightly glowing idol/IDO/ Open Window Dark Chimney Closed Flue Open FlueFour leaf clover/CLO/GrAvesCast iron pot}/POT/ Closed Coffin Crystal Ball Closed WindowLarge fireplace Soot/SOO/Tiny open door Spirit Medium.Massive stone door wi }th a SAPPHIRE set into itSapphire ring/RIN/Ju-Ju bag/BAG/ Open CoffinSlick chute leading downward Ju-Ju manSlippery chu!}te leading upWide crack in the wallRabbit's foot/FOO/ Dull & broken sword/SWO/! Open SAfeStuck Chimney SweepChem tubes/T"}UB/$ Closed SAfeLabeled chemicals/CHE/&Pocket Shovel/SHO/'Mixed Chemicals/CHE/(Wide open door Nails/NAI/*Dusty Idol/IDO/#}G+ Doll/DOL/,Wooden boards/BOA/-"Wood boards nailed to chimney wallAntique hammer/HAM//GrAtingRusting SAW/SAW/1Button in $}$the wall Paper/PAP/3Voodoo book/BOO/4Ju-Ju man statue/STA/5 Stick/STI/6 Open wallOpen jail cellKnight's Suit of ArmorClo%}sed cell doorBroken grating/GRA/;Advertising leaflet/LEA/<Crack in the wallHole in the wallPieces of rock/ROC/?Page tor&}Bn from a book/PAG/@Smiling Count Cristo  G^  ex  }'}  CC C-C@CSC^ChCuC|CCCCCCCCCDD"D2D=DLDZDDDDDDDDE%E?EIE]EnEz(}PEEEEEEEEF*F?FGFYFlFxFFFFFFFFGG/G@GUGqG  Ul  s )}  $%*; U &*  * ***&'**& 0&' & #**}L-* &* ((*#@#0@" ,  #**@ ** *'02/*8 #6#&* #88 *EE*P s<**28&>8?@  3H*E8 I 2#& w(#&HH((+}(Kdd-d2dd##dd#4,CC  +## #W"  ,,*((%',?*A1 (/5-437@KB*B// =;M+99Y,},C,F ,??== Q!KJ88*4 B!WM+STUV  E'%7 H69(9hhh.}o FB54 4F5HH68 6H4 HH=-}Q46I:w44:Hq6 ;;vGBo')l/+I5y446*;oIXg5j?m!44|~ 1hh6U4x6{16-f544H~Ln4s6|<.} o<<H @L6L?:4Xz6u866L6X$oL 5U8IX5$%p o7 L4H37 i66/}  L?xPQdv Q>}#ce|}?}hi>}@}%'s}A}"'Hf4 44(4;4B4U4v4444B}$44444455-575>5H5X5k5~5 78 MNSV[\ch op }C}  # ./ >K TU ^_}D}CDKP[5556'6M6]6n6{6666 7J7g777E}Ǥ77777.8Q8V8h8{88888891999999::g:::::;;O;Q;;;;>U>t>>!?b?}???@m@r@@F})@@@AA1AGA^ArAAAAAAAAABBBBrL[L|WLWLG}G[WX7XoXXX>YoX]YhYYYY`<|fl0fF6} 8of;,p88pf< 80 0 ~~`0 0`7ggo;3s~s3``p?ccccc"Fs6<gn||lopp``cccwkc|Jvw6cc633>006cco><66>333`>?ll }31c>ccc6<cckwccf<6ccc6 ?f 3~5A@`0 xELx6cUg6>o}"8pp8?&&*D** TTPRVVZawwe}C T*TUU] %-x`x`~<~~<0~0 ~ <~~<6vv``|ffff6680>{2rއ<```|f~6<F3|fffff~`~ff3}ECCc ? s333c66cck3~n۱6f[ۃ><~~<K8x8P.eLeLeLeL.LyWL. jEE