@L}6CD l0C)HCC WhL/h `CmCDiD`  R@P1  Y0@R !L` D  C D     )16CS S)  C)D1 p p 0 C9DI pCDL~CiCDiD` MEAT LOAF( ,41 4***= A1 HRJ c350 F @1 lb. Hamburgerz }A1 Potato (chunked)( >B1/2 Onion (chopped)Q Y1 Eggz } 1 tsp. Salt( :1/4 tsp. PepperQ 5 1/2 oz. can Tomato Soup (condensed) }2 tbsp. Worchestershire Sauce( ;1/4 tsp. PaprikaQ b1/4 tsp. Basilz }( Put potato, onion, egg, salt, pepper, @Worchestershire sauce, and tomato soup }MAinto a blender. Puree until mixed. BAdd this mixture to the hamburger.Q rMold into a loaf pan and bake.z } SUE'S STEW( ,41 4***= F3 1/2 HRSJ c325 F 1 lb. Stew Meatz }D10 3/4 oz. can Cream of Mushroom Soup 1 pkg. Onion Dry Soup MixQ j1 can Water (soup can)z }1/4 cup Parsley( :1/4 tsp. PepperQ ]@6 Carrotsz } A6 Potatoes( +BQ Put stew meat, mushroom soup, onion }$soup mix, water, and spices into a( roaster. Cover and bake for two hoursat 325 degrees. Add cut up carrots }$and potatoes. Turn oven up to 350( cdegrees and bake for another one and one-half hours.z }VEAL PARMESIAN( ,41 15*5= b2 MIN/SIDE MEDIUM @4 Veal Pattiesz }A4 tbsp. Spaghetti Sauce( HB4 slices of Mozzarella CheeseQ Tz }C#Brown veal patties for one to two( Mminutes per side. When the secondQ tside is browned, cover each withz }tmozzarella cheese. When the cheese has melted, put on individual plates and cover with one tbsp. or morez }PARSLIED VEAL( ,41 4***= C20 MINJ bMEDIUM @4 Veal Pattiesz }A2 tbsp. Margarine( AB1/4 cup chopped OnionsQ a1 tbsp. Flourz }1/2 tsp. Salt( :1/4 tsp. PepperQ t1 Bouillon Cube (Chicken flavor)z } 1 cup Water( E3/4 of one pint Sour CreamQ j1 tbsp. chopped Chivesz }( Brown veal patties about one minute @per side. Remove from pan and chop }MAinto bite size pieces. Brown onion Band parsley in the frying pan withQ margarine. Put flour, salt, pepper, }!bouillon cube, and water into a( Lblender and mix. Add this to theQ frying pan mixture. When the sauce }#has thickened, add the meat, sour( Mcream, and the chives. Serve withQ boiled egg noodles and string beans }or broccoli.( >CHICKEN CORDON BLEUQ U@4Z Z^*^f l30 MINs 350 F }A4 deboned Chicken Breasts( 7B4 Ham slicesQ i4 Swiss Cheese slicesz }4 Mozzarella Cheese slices( M10 3/4 oz. can Cheddar Cheese soupQ Tz }#Lay raw chicken meat on bottom of( tlarge casserole dish (or individual dishes), followed by ham slices.z }Cover with each type of cheese, and spread undiluted cheddar cheese soup @thinly over the top to cover. Bake an!}:extra 15 minutes for thickly sliced BBEEF STROGANOFFQ U4Z ]***f l20 MINs MEDIUM "}1 lb. Beef (chunked)( 83 tbsp. FlourQ a1/2 tsp. Saltz #}1 Beef Bouillon Cube( :1 1/4 cup WaterQ e 2 tbsp. Margarinez $}C 1/2 cup chopped Onion( ; 1 cup Sour CreamQ o@ 1/8 cup Vermouth (optional)z %}% A Dash Pepper( +B Q Fry onion in margarine until tender. &}$ Add meat to fry pan and brown. In( M the meantime, put the flour, salt,Q pepper, bouillon cube, and water into '} the blender and mix. When the meat is browned, add the blender mix to it. Bring it to a boil. Remove from heat (}r and add the sour cream and vermouth  (optional). Stir until the sour cream@ has melted and then serve overz )} noodles.( 4 tsp. minced OnionQ u@1/2 crushed Chicken Bouillon Cubez =}$A1/4 cup Water (a little less than)( TB4 uncooked, deboned Chicken Breasts z >}MCover the bottom of au gratin dishes with equal amounts of the crotons,Q ucelery, onion, bouillon cube, andz ?}#water. Cover this mixture with a( vchicken breast, skin side up. Put a few dabs of butter on the skin andz @}bake.( ;ROYAL HAMBURGERSQ U@4Z Z^*^f l15 MINs GRILL A}A1 lb. Ground Beef( @B1/4 cup chopped OnionQ n1 slice of Bread, crumbledz B}1/3 cup Red Wine( 61 tsp. SaltQ c1/4 tsp. Pepperz C}1/4 tsp. Oregano( I1/4 tsp. Worchestershire SauceQ d4 Hamburger Bunsz D}( tPlace the ground beef, onion, bread, @wine, salt, pepper, oregano, andz E}MAWorchestershire sauce into a bowl and Bmix thoroughly. Form meat mixtureQ into four patties. Grill until meat F}!is done and then place on buns.( :CHINESE CHICKENQ U4Z Z^*^f l20 MINs MEDIUM G}$2 deboned Chicken Breasts, chunked( 81 tsp. GingerQ u3 Bell Peppers, cut in 1" squaresz H}C3 Onions, quartered( F3 Tomatoes, cut into wedgesQ f@1/2 cup cornstarchz I}I A5 tbsp. Oil( =B1/4 tsp. Soy SauceQ Tz J}$Coat chicken pieces in cornstarch.( sPut oil in large frying pan or wok. Fry chicken about five minutes,z K}stirring until lightly golden adding oil, if necessary. Add onion and bellpepper and stir constantly. Fry untilL}jbell pepper is tender. Add soy sauce and tomatoes. When tomatoes are warm,serve over plain rice.z M}ACHICKEN NACHOS( ,B41 4***= C45 SECJ eBROIL 12 Corn Tortillasz N} 2 tbsp. Oil( L2 1/2 cup chunked, cooked ChickenQ f3/4 cup Taco Saucez O}T1/4 lb. Monterey Jack Cheese, shredded1/4 lb. mild Cheddar Cheese, shredded z P}$First, stack the tortillas and cut( them into 3 pie-shaped pieces. Then @fry the tortillas in oil in a large Q}MAskillet. The tortillas will puff up. BWhen this happens, mash them down.Q Each side takes approximately 45 to 60R}Mseconds to cook. When cooked, place them on a paper towel to drain theQ oil, then place them in a baking dish.S}CPut the chicken on top of the( Ltortillas and add the taco sauce.Q uPlace the cheese on top and broilz T}UA2 cups chunked Ham( B1/4 lb. frozen CornQ a1/2 tsp. Saltz r}1/4 tsp. Pepper( E4 servings Mashed PotatoesQ [Paprikaz s} Parsley( +Q sCook ground beef and onion in az t}"skillet until browned. Cook the( Mfrozen vegetables. Drain beef andQ t@remove from heat. Add the soup,z u}MAvegetables, salt, and pepper to the Bbeef. Place the mixture onto fourQ vsquares of aluminum foil. Preparez v}Jthe mashed potatoes and spoon on top of the beef mixture on the foilQ squares. Sprinkle with paprika and w}Jparsley. Wrap up the packets tightly.These packets can be frozen andQ heated up just like a frozen dinner. x}!Place the packets of food on an( Kungreased cookie sheet and bake.Q e@PORK STEAK DINNERz y}A4 ** 60 MIN! >MEDIUM B4 Pork Blade SteaksQ b1 lb. Potatoesz z}1/4 cup chopped Onion( f10 3/4 oz. can Cream of Chicken Soup 2 tbsp. White Winez {}1/2 tsp. Salt( H1/2 tsp. Worcestershire SauceQ b1/4 tsp. Thymez |}1/4 tsp. Tarragon( 81/4 tsp. SageQ g@1/2 lb. frozen Cornz }}A1/2 lb. frozen Green Beans( +BQ uCook the pork steaks in a skilletz ~}C$until browned. Drain and then add( mthe onions and potatoes. In a bowl, mix the soup, wine, salt,z }Worcestershire sauce, thyme, tarragon,and sage. Pour this mixture over the pork, potatoes, and onions. Heat this}# mixture until it is boiling, then(  simmer covered 50 to 60 minutes until @ potatoes are tender. In the meantime,}sA rinse the frozen corn and green beans B in water in order to separate them. Add this to the pork and potatoz }p mixture. Cover and simmer until the frozen vegetables are cooked, which is another 10 to 15 minutes.z } CHEESY CHICKEN( , 41 4***= C45 MINJ MLOWQ i!2 lbs. cut up Chickenz }!1 Egg( A!1/2 cup Cracker CrumbsQ e@!1 can Tomato Soupz }A!1/4 cup Water( 8B!1/4 cup OnionQ a!1/2 tsp. Sagez }!1/2 tsp. Savory( 9!1/2 tsp. BasilQ v!1/2 cup shredded Mozzarella Cheesez }!1/4 cup Parmesan Cheese( +!Q "Place the egg and one tbsp. of water }J"into a bowl. Put the chicken parts in"this mixture and then coat withQ @"crumbs. Fry in a skillet. When the }CLA"chicken is brown, drain the oil and B"add the soup, water, onion, sage,Q u"savory, and basil. Cook over lowz }"BISCUIT DOGS( ,"41 15*5= D12 MIN.J ^425 F #8 Hot Dogsz }#1 tbsp. Sugar( =#3 tbsp. ShorteningQ a@#1/2 tsp. Saltz }A#1/4 tsp. Paprika( @B#3/4 cup lukewarm MilkQ n#1 cake of compressed Yeastz }#2 cups Flour( +#Q #Blend together the sugar, shortening, }#salt, and paprika until smooth. Then #add the milk and yeast, stirring until$dissolved. Add the flour. Cover the }G$mixture and let rise for 30 minutes $until doubled. Then shape around the @$hot dogs and let stand for 15 minutes.}!A$Bake for 12 to 15 minutes until( ;lightly browned.Q \$BISCUITSz }$8 ** 10-12 MIN! 7450 F $2 cups FlourQ h$4 tsp. Baking Powderz }$1/2 tsp. Salt( C$1/2 tsp. Cream of TartarQ `%2 tsp. Sugarz }%1/2 cup Shortening( 7%2/3 cup MilkQ c@%1/4 tsp. Pepperz }A%( MB%Mix together flour, baking powder,Q u%salt, cream of tartar, sugar, andz }K%pepper. Cut the shortening into this %mixture. When the mixture looksQ %like coarse crumbs, add the milk. Mix}"%until the dough follows the fork( u%around the bowl. Place onto a floured&surface and knead for 30 seconds.z }s&Roll out with a rolling pin one-half &inch thick. Cut with a biscuit cutter@&and place the biscuits on to anz }#A&ungreased cookie sheet. Bake and( 1serve.Q `&BUTTERSTICKSz }&4 ** 10-12 MIN! D450 F &1/4 cup Margarine, meltedQ p&1 pkg. refrigerated Biscuitsz }&( L&Pour half of the margarine into aQ v'baking pan. Take the biscuits andz }u'shape them into sticks. Place them 'in the buttered pan. Pour the rest @'of the margarine over the sticks.z }A'Bake until lightly browned. Remove B'from oven and let stand so that the 'breadsticks can soak up more of the }margarine. Serve.( 7'FRENCH TOASTQ U'3Z Z^*^f m3-5 MINs MED HI }'3 Eggs( 7'1/2 cup MilkQ d(3 tbsp. Cinnamonz }(6 slices of Bread( +(Q @(Beat the eggs, milk, and cinnamon in a}A(shallow bowl. Heat oil in a skillet. B(Place one slice of bread in the french(toast mixture and then turn the bread }G(over and coat the other side. Put the(coated bread in the skillet and brown (both sides. Do the same for the other}(five slices of bread. You may want to(add more cinnamon as time goes on and )you'll need to keep mixing the french }#toast mixture. Serve with syrup.( 8)PUMPKIN BREADQ U@)2Z ]***f j1 HRs 350 F }A)2/3 cup Shortening( ;B)2 2/3 cups SugarQ Z)4 Eggsz })3 1/2 cups Flour( :)1 1/2 tsp. SaltQ j)1/2 tsp. Baking Powderz })2 tsp. Baking Soda( :)1/2 tsp. ClovesQ c*1/2 tsp. Nutmegz }*1/2 tsp. Ginger( E*1/2 tsp. Pumpkin Pie SpiceQ c@*1 tsp. Cinnamonz }A*2/3 cup Water( IB*16 oz can solid packed PumpkinQ c*2/3 cup Raisinsz }*2/3 cup Walnuts, chopped( +*Q *Mix together the flour, salt, baking }I*powder, baking soda, cloves, nutmeg, *ginger, pumpkin pie spice, andQ +cinnamon and then set aside. Mix and }+blend the shortening, sugar, and eggs.+Gradually add the flour mixture to the@+egg mixture. Mix well and then add }A+the water. To this mixture, fold the B+pumpkin, raisins, and walnuts. Bake in greased loaf pans. Makes 2 loaves.}+PUFFY CHEESE BALLS( -+781 3**= F15-20 MINJ k350 F +1/4 lb. American Cheesez }+1/4 lb. Cheddar Cheese( <+1/2 cup MargarineQ _,1 cup Flourz },Sesame Seeds( +,Q @,First shred the two cheeses. Mix the }A,cheeses, margarine, and flour( B,together. Form into balls and roll ,in the sesame seeds. Place onto an }",ungreased cookie sheet and bake.( ,Serve hot. Excellent as appetizers or,snacks at a party. Makes 6 1/2 dozen }cheese balls.( 2,MUFFINSQ V-12Z \**f l28 MINs 400 F }C-2 1/2 cups Grain Cereal( 9-1 1/3 cup MilkQ Y@-1 Eggz }A-1/2 cup Shortening( 7B-2 cups FlourQ d-1/2 cup Molassesz }-2 tbsp. Sugar( ?-4 tsp. Baking PowderQ _-1 tsp. Saltz }-1/4 tsp. Nutmeg( <-1/4 tsp. CinnamonQ T.z }M.First, place the flour, sugar, baking .powder, salt, nutmeg, and cinnamonQ @.into a bowl and set aside. Mix the }A.cereal and milk together and let sit B.in order to soften the cereal. Then .add the egg, molasses, and shortening }$.and mix thoroughly. Add the flour( L.mixture to the cereal mixture andQ .blend well. Pour into muffin tins and}bake.( A.GRANDMA'S FAT PANCAKESQ U/4Z ]***f k5 MINs vMEDz }/1 cup warm Water( 8/3 tbsp. SugarQ a@/1/2 tsp. Saltz }A/1 pkg. Yeast( DB/2 tbsp. melted ShorteningQ Y/1 Eggz }/2 cups Flour( ;/1/3 cup dry MilkQ T/z }/Dissolve the sugar and salt in water. /Then add the yeast and let stand until0it dissolves and bubbles. Then add }$0the shortening and egg. Mix well.( M0Add flour and dry milk. Beat wellQ @0until thoroughly mixed. Let stand, }A0covered until the mixture doubles in B0size. Fry slowly over medium heat onespoonful at a time until golden brown.}0BANANA BREAD( ,011 15*5= F50-60 MINJ a350 F 01/3 cup Sugarz }01/3 cup Brown Sugar( =01/2 cup ShorteningQ Z12 Eggsz }13 tbsp. Sour Milk( :11/4 cup RaisinsQ d@12 mashed Bananasz }A12 cups Flour( ?B11 tsp. Baking PowderQ a11/2 tsp. Sodaz }C11/2 tsp. Salt( :11/4 tsp. NutmegQ T1z }1Add together the flour, baking powder,1soda, salt, and nutmeg in a bowl. Set2aside. Mix the sugar, brown sugar, }v2shortening, and eggs in another bowl. 2Blend until creamy, then add the sour @2milk, raisins, and mashed bananas.z }A2Then stir in the flour mixture. Pour B2into a loaf pan and let this sit for 2approximately 20 minutes. Bake until }E2a toothpick thrust into the center of the bread comes out clean.Q i2BRAIDED RAISIN LOAVESz }22  *  30 MIN! C400 F 22 pkgs. active dry YeastQ f31/2 cup warm Waterz }31 1/2 cup lukewarm Milk( 831/4 cup SugarQ f@31/4 cup Shorteningz }A31 tbsp. Salt( B<4 Cucumbers, slicedQ c<2 tbsp. Vinegarz } <2 tbsp. Oil( 8<1 tbsp. SugarQ _<1 tsp. Saltz }<1 tbsp. Onion( 6Z \**f l20 MINz }>1 pint Sour Cream( ;>1 cup MayonnaiseQ i@>2 tsp. Onion, choppedz }A>1 tsp. Parsley( 6B>1 tsp. DillQ c>2 tsp. Beaumondz }>( K>Mix all of the above ingredientsQ >together. Chill for 20 minutes and }serve with vegetables.( <>PEA PODS ORIENTALQ U?4Z ]***f k6 MINs MEDIUM }C?1/4 lb. small deveined Shrimp( 9?1 lb. Pea PodsQ q@?1 can Water Chestnuts, slicedz }A?1/4 lb. Mushrooms, sliced( :B?1/4 cup PeanutsQ f?3 tbsp. Sesame Oilz }?( ?Place one third of the sesame oil in ?frying pan or wok. Saute shrimp for }E$?three minutes. Add mushrooms, pea( r?pods, and the rest of the sesame oil. @Cook for 2 minutes. Add waterz }#@chestnuts, and peanuts. Cook one( Aminute longer. Serve.Q i@@GRANDMA'S RED CABBAGEz }A@4 ** 45-60 MIN! $LOW( 8B@1/4 cup OnionQ _@1 tbsp. Oilz }G@1 small shredded Red Cabbage (no core)@2 thinly sliced Green ApplesQ c@1/4 cup Vinegarz } @1 tsp. Salt( :@1/8 tsp. PepperQ lA1 tbsp. Sugar (optional)z } ADash Cloves( +AQ @ABrown the onion in the oil. Add the }HAAred cabbage and green apples. Cook BAfor 15 minutes. Add water asQ Anecessary. Add three-fourths of the }vAvinegar (red wine vinegar preferably),Asalt, and pepper. Continue cooking Aover low heat for 30 to 45 minutesz }mAuntil apples disintegrate. Taste, if Adesired add sugar for a sweeter taste.Add the cloves and serve.z }BSTUFFED TOMATOES( ,B41 4***= C20 MINJ ^350 F @B4 Tomatoesz  }AB10 oz. frozen chopped Spinach( 8BB1 tbsp. FlourQ fB1/2 cup Sour Creamz  }B1/2 tsp. Chervil( 8B1/2 tsp. DillQ kB2 tbsp. Parmesan Cheesez  }BSalt( +BQ uCChop tops off of the tomatoes andz  }Cscoop out the insides. Then sprinkle Cwith salt. Cook the frozen spinach @Cand drain. Mix in a bowl the spinach, }MACsour cream, chervil, and dill. Scoop BCthis mixture into the tomatoes andQ vCsprinkle with the parmesan cheese.z }Dot with margarine and bake.( :CCREAMED SPINACHQ UC4Z ]***f l10 MINs MEDIUM }C16 oz. can Spinach( 8C3 tbsp. FlourQ eD1 tbsp. Margarinez }CD1 cup Water or Spinach juice( 8D1 tbsp. OnionQ c@D1 1/4 tsp. Saltz }AD1/2 tsp. Nutmeg( :BD1/4 tsp. PepperQ TDz }#DMix all ingredients together in a( Dsaucepan and heat. (If you are using Dfrozen spinach, first cook the spinach}4Dand then add the ingredients to it andre-heat).Q _EPOTATO BAKEz }E6 ** 30 MIN! 0350 F E1 EggQ `@E1 tbsp. Milkz } AE1 cup Flour( :BE4 tbsp. ParsleyQ cE1 tbsp. Paprikaz }E2 tsp. Onion Powder( ?E2 tsp. Garlic PowderQ aE1 tsp. Pepperz }E1 tbsp. Marjoram( 8E1 tbsp. ThymeQ kF1 tbsp. Parmesan Cheesez }$F32 oz. can whole Potatoes, drained( +FQ @FBlend the egg and milk together. Add }$AFthe flour, parsley, paprika, onion( IBFpowder, garlic powder, pepper,Q Fmarjoram, thyme, and cheese together }ǁFin a bowl. Place the potatoes in the Fegg mixture and then into the coating Fmixture. Put the coated potatoes into}5Fa greased baking pan. Bake uncovered and serve.Q fGPOTATOES AU GRATINz }G6 ** @1 HR 15 MIN 375 F G1/2 cup chopped OnionQ e@G2 tbsp. Margarinez }AG1 tbsp. Flour( 6BG1 tsp. SaltQ cG1/4 tsp. Pepperz }G1/4 tsp. dry Mustard( 6G2 cups MilkQ G2 cups shredded Sharp Cheddar Cheese }G6 Potatoes, sliced( +GQ HPlace the onion and margarine into a  }Hskillet. Cook until onion is tender. HThen add the flour, salt, pepper, and @Hmustard. Cook over low heat, stirring!}"AHconstantly. When the mixture is( MBHsmooth and bubbly, remove from theQ sHheat. Add the milk and cheddarz "}CrHcheese. Place back on burner and heatHuntil boiling, constantly stirring theHmixture. Continue boiling andz #}##Hstirring for one minute. Put the( tHpotatoes in a one and one half quart Icasserole dish. Pour the cheesez $}Isauce over the potatoes and place in Ioven uncovered. Bake for one and one @Ifourth to one and one half hours until%}top is brown and bubbly.( 6BIBAKED BEANSQ UI8Z ]***f 3 HRS 30 MIN 300 F &}I1 lb. Navy Beans( 6I1 tbsp. OilQ `I7 cups Waterz '}I1 cup chunked Pork( =I1 cup minced OnionQ dJ1/3 cup Molassesz (}J2 tbsp. Parsley( :J2 1/2 tsp. SaltQ f@J1 tsp. dry Mustardz )}AJ1/4 tsp. Sage( :BJ1/8 tsp. PepperQ TJz *}ǁJPlace the beans, oil, and water into Ja large pot and boil for two minutes. JLower the heat. Cover and simmer for +}uJ50 minutes until the beans are cooked.JDrain, but make sure that you reserve Kone cup of the liquid. Place thez ,}tKbeans, pork pieces, and onions into Kan ungreased casserole dish. Mix the @Kremaining liquid and ingredientsz -}AKtogether. Pour this mixture over the BKbeans. Bake covered in the oven for Ktwo hours. Then uncover and bake for .}!Kanother one and one half hours,( Mstirring the mixture occasionally.Q cKPOTATO PANCAKESz /}K6 *** 6 MIN! 5MEDIUM K6 PotatoesQ sL1/3 cup shredded Cheddar Cheesez 0}L1/4 cup Cracker Crumbs( 0L1 EggQ c@L2 tbsp. Parsleyz 1}AL1 tsp. minced Onion( 9BL1/8 tsp. ThymeQ dL1/8 tsp. Oreganoz 2}L1/8 tsp. Sage( 9L1/8 tsp. BasilQ aL1/4 tsp. Saltz 3} L1 tbsp. Oil( +LQ MPeel the potatoes and let them soak in4}CtMwater for several hours. Drain, dry, Mand grate the potatoes. Then add the @Mcheese, cracker crumbs, egg, andz 5}5AMseasonings. Use a large tablespoon toBMspoon out the potato mixture into the Mhot skillet. Fry in oil until lightly6}GMbrowned(approximately three minutes per side). Drain and serve.Q _MLADYFINGERSz 7}M42  *  10-12 MIN! 8350 F M3/4 cup SugarQ eN3 Eggs, separatedz 8}N3/4 cup Flour( AN1/4 tsp. Baking PowderQ aN3 tbsp. Waterz ;}OURSECASSEROLEMAIN COURSECASSEROLE¨MAIN COURSECASSEROLEAMAIN COURSECASSEROLEMAIN COURSECASSEROLEMAIN COURSE:}ǛHEALTHMAIN COURSEMACARONIMAIN COURSERICEMAIN COURSERICEMAIN COURSESTUFFINGAMEATBEEFMEATBEEF MEATCH}N1/2 tsp. Vanilla( AN1/4 tsp. Lemon ExtractQ cO1/4 tsp. Clovesz <}O1/4 tsp. Nutmeg( CO1/4 tsp. Cream of TartarQ T@Oz =}LAOMix one half of the sugar and egg yolkBOtogether. Beat using an electricQ sOmixer on medium speed until thez >}"Omixture is very thick and lemony( JOlooking. Add the flour, bakingQ Opowder, and salt in a bowl. Set aside.?}!OIn another bowl, mix the water,( Ovanilla, lemon extract, cloves, and Pnutmeg. Then add the flour mixture @}KPand the liquid mixture, alternating, Pto the sugar egg mixture. BlendQ v@Ptogether on a low speed. Then setz A}APaside. Beat the egg whites and cream BPof tartar together until the mixture Pis foamy. Then gradually add the restB}LPof the sugar. Continue beating until Pit is glossy and stiff. Fold theQ Pegg white mixture into the egg yolk C}Pmixture. Then place the batter onto Pa greased and floured cookie sheet in Qa three by one inch shape. Bake untilD}lightly brown.( 5QPOUND CAKEQ V@Q15Z \**f 1 - 1 1/2 HRS350 F E}AQ2 3/4 cup Sugar( >BQ1 1/4 cup MargarineQ ZQ5 Eggsz F}CQ1 tsp. Vanilla( 8Q2 tsp. BrandyQ `Q3 cups Flourz G}GQ1 tsp. Baking Powder( 8Q1/4 tsp. SaltQ aR1/2 tsp. Macez H}R1 cup evaporated Milk( +RQ @RMix together the flour, baking powder,I}KARsalt, and mace, then set aside. Mix BRtogether with a mixer the sugar,Q Rmargarine, eggs, vanilla, and brandy. J}$RBlend for 30 seconds on low speed,( Rconstantly scraping the sides of the Rbowl, then change the speed to high K}$Rfor five minutes. Add to this the( MRflour mixture and evaporated milk,Q Salternating each ingredient, and mix L}uSon a low speed. Pour into a greased Sand floured bundt cake pan and bake. @SThe cake is done when a toothpickz M}"ASpushed into the center comes out( aBSclean. Cool for 20 minutes and removefrom the pan.z N}HAM CASSEROLE( =SBUBBLE ORANGE LOAFQ VS10Z \**f o15-20 MINs 375 F O}S1 pkg. Hot Roll Mix( 8S3/4 cup SugarQ mT2 tsp. grated Orange Peelz P}T1/4 cup melted Margarine( :T1/2 cup RaisinsQ k@T1/2 cup chopped Peanutsz Q}AT1/2 cup Chocolate Pieces( 8BT1/4 tsp. MintQ TTz R}TPrepare roll mix and let rise( sTaccording to package directions. Add Tthe raisins, peanuts, chocolatez S}$Tpieces, and mint. Then form dough( Tinto one inch balls. Mix sugar and Uorange peel. Dip balls in margarine, T}tUthen roll in sugar mixture. Grease Ua ring mold or loaf pan. Loosely fill@Upan one half full with layers ofz U}vAUballs. Let double in size and bake. BUWhen cake is done, invert on a rack Uand glaze with frosting, trim withz V}raisins and nuts.( 4ULOLLIPOPSQ VU12Z ]***f l20 MINs MEDIUM W}U1 1/2 cup Sugar( =U6 tbsp. Corn SyrupQ fV4 1/2 tsp. Vinegarz X}CV3 tbsp. Water( <V2 tbsp. MargarineQ f@V1/4 tsp. Flavoringz Y}Y AVDash Salt( CBVFood Coloring (optional)Q TVz Z}$VMix in a large pan the sugar, corn( MVsyrup, vinegar, and water togetherQ Vuntil the sugar dissolves. Cook over [}$Vmedium heat until hard crack stage( V(300 degrees). Remove from heat and Wadd the margarine, flavoring, salt, \}uWand color. Let stand until cool and Wslightly thick. Make aluminum cups to@Wform the lollipops and insert thez ]}EAWlollipop stick. Pour the candy into the foil cups immediately.Q fWCHOCOLATE NUT LOGSz ^}W4  *  20 MIN! LNONE W1 cup Semi-sweet Chocolate PiecesQ iW1/3 cup Peanut Butterz _}W4 cups Rice Krispies( AW2 cups chopped PeanutsQ TXz `}qXMelt the chocolate pieces and peanut Xbutter until smooth and creamy. Pour @Xover the rice krispies. Whenz a}AXthoroughly mixed then add the peanuts BXand pour into a buttered baking dish. XPlace in refrigerator until mixture b}has hardened. Cut into logs.( DXFROSTY STRAWBERRY SQUARESQ VX10Z ]***f l20 MINs NONE c} X1 cup Flour( >X1/4 cup Brown SugarQ kY1/2 cup chopped Walnutsz d}Y1/2 cup melted Margarine( 7Y2 Egg WhitesQ _@Y1 cup Sugarz e}AY1/2 pint Whipping Cream( >BY1/4 cup Lemon juiceQ cY1/4 tsp. Nutmegz f}Y5 cups frozen Strawberries( +YQ mYFirst, thaw and drain thez g}Ystrawberries. Mix the flour, brown Ysugar, walnuts, and margarine together@\and press into the bottom of a 9 x 13"q}C BRECIPE DATBhRECIPE IDXq$A\lightly greased pan. Beat the egg( B\whites until stiff by gradually adding\sugar. Beat the whipping cream until r}"\stiff and then add it to the egg( \whites. Then fold in the lemon juice,\nutmeg, and strawberries. Pour into s}pan and freeze overnight.( 9\CHOCOLATE BARSQ V]16Z \**f o30-35 MINs 350 F t}]2 1/4 cups Flour( A]1/2 cup Powdered SugarQ m@]1 cup Margarine, softenedz u}$A]2 squares Baking Chocolate, melted( 1B]4 EggsQ `]2 cups Sugarz v}]1/4 tsp. Salt( A]1/4 tsp. Baking PowderQ k]1/3 cup chopped Walnutsz w}]( H]First mix the powdered sugar,Q ^margarine, and three fourths of the x}$^flour together. The crust mixture( M^should be crumbly. Press into theQ @^bottom of a baking pan (13 x 9 x 2). y}$A^Bake this in the oven for 15 to 20( MB^minutes. In the meantime, mix theQ v^melted chocolate, eggs, sugar, thez z}!^rest of the flour, salt, baking( ^powder, and walnuts together. Then ^pour onto the hot crust and place in {}J^the oven again for another 15 minutes.^When all of the baking is done,Q _sprinkle powdered sugar over the top. |}C=_Let the mixture cool and then cut intosquares and serve.Q nremove from pans and cool.z }}~_2 cups Sugar( :_2 tsp. CinnamonQ l_2 tsp. Pumpkin Pie Spicez }_1/4 tsp. Nutmeg( 8_1/2 tsp. SaltQ j`1/2 tsp. Baking Powderz }`4 Eggs( 4`1 cup OilQ f@`2 tsp. Baking Sodaz }A`2 cups Pumpkin( +B`Q r`Mix together the flour, sugar,z }ǁ`cinnamon, pumpkin pie spice, nutmeg, `salt, and baking powder and set aside.`Beat the eggs, oil, and baking soda }I`well. Fold in the pumpkin. Mix the `pumpkin mixture with the flourQ amixture. Bake in a 9 x 13" pan. Cake}Kais done when a toothpick pushed into athe center of the cake comes outQ @aclean. Cool for 10 minutes. Take the} Aacake out of the pan and finish( LBacooling. Frost with Pumpkin CakeQ ]Frosting.z }aRAISIN PINEAPPLE COOKIES( -a481 3**= F12-15 MINJ e375 F a1 cup Brown Sugarz }a1/2 cup soft Margarine( 0a1 EggQ bb1 tsp. Vanillaz }b1/2 cup Raisins( `b3/4 cup crushed Pineapple, undrained @b2 cups Flourz }Ab1 tsp. Baking Powder( 8Bb1/2 tsp. SodaQ ab1/2 tsp. Saltz }b1/2 tsp. Nutmeg( :b1/2 tsp. ClovesQ eb1/2 tsp. Cinnamonz }b( sbFirst, put the flour, baking powder, csoda, salt, nutmeg, cloves, andz }ccinnamon into a bowl and set aside. cBlend the sugar, margarine, egg, and @cvanilla together until smooth. Add }!Acthe raisins and pineapple. Mix( Bcthoroughly. Add the flour mixture. cMix well. Drop on to greased cookie }Csheets and bake.( BcFROZEN COCKTAIL DESSERTQ Uc6Z ]***f l20 MINs NONE }c16 ozs. canned Fruit Cocktail( =c16 ozs. Whip CreamQ Tdz }KdFold the fruit cocktail into the whip dcream. Pour into a loaf pan andQ @dfreeze. After the mixture is frozen, } unmold onto a plate and serve.( 6BdSHRIMP SOUPQ Ud8Z \**f o20-25 MINs MEDIUM }d1 lb. frozen Shrimp( Ld10 3/4 oz. can Chicken Gumbo SoupQ nd16 oz. can stewed Tomatoesz }d1/4 cup Garlic Powder( 6d1 cup WaterQ ie1/2 cup uncooked Ricez } e1 tsp. Salt( 9e1/2 tsp. BasilQ b@e1/2 tsp. Thymez }Ae1/4 tsp. Parsley( IBe1/4 tsp. Worchestershire SauceQ ^e1 Bay Leafz }e( KeMix all of the above ingredientsQ etogether and heat to boiling. Reduce }aethe heat and cover. Simmer until the eshrimp is cooked and tender and the rice is done.z }fBEEF VEGETABLE SOUP( ,f61 4***= B3 HRSJ jMEDIUM @f4 Beef Shanks, chunkedz }Af8 cups Water( BBf1/2 cup uncooked BarleyQ if1 cup chopped Carrotsz } f1 cup Peas( k1 cup Chicken BrothQ _@k3 cups Milkz }Ak3/4 tsp. Salt( ;Bk1/4 tsp. PaprikaQ ck1/8 tsp. Nutmegz }k1/8 tsp. Parsley( +kQ vkCook fresh spinach and drain. Setz }Mkspinach aside. In a saucepan, melt kthe margarine and saute the onion.Q tlAdd the flour and cook until thez } lmixture is well blended. In a( ulseparate bowl, mix the milk, chicken @lbroth, salt, paprika, nutmeg, andz }^Alparsley. Add the liquid and spinach Blto the flour mixture. Heat thoroughlyand serve.z }ClPOTATO-CHEESE SOUP( ,l61 15*5= A1 HRJ jMEDIUM l4 cups sliced Potatoesz }l2 cups Water( 6l2 tsp. SaltQ gm1 tsp. minced Onionz } m1 tbsp. Oil( 9m4 tsp. ParsleyQ _@m3 cups Milkz }Am1 cup grated Cheddar Cheese( r1 Bay Leaf, crushedQ br1/2 tsp. Basilz }r1/2 tsp. Sage( ;r1/4 tsp. ParsleyQ ds1/4 tsp. Paprikaz }s1 Chicken Bouillon Cube( :s1/4 tsp. PepperQ a@sSalt to tastez }As( sBsMix all of the above ingredients into a large pot. Simmer and serve.z }sHOT DOG-BEAN CHOWDER( ,s81 3**= e2 HRS 15 MIN MEDIUM s1 lb. Pinto Beansz }s2 cloves Garlic( 5s1 Bay LeafQ _t1 tbsp. Oilz }t5 1/2 cups Water( mt10 3/4 oz. can condensed Tomato Soup @t1 envelope Onion Soup Mixz }At1 pkg. Hot Dogs, cut up( 9Bt1/4 tsp. ThymeQ dt1/4 tsp. Parsleyz }t1/4 tsp. Paprika( At1/8 tsp. ground ClovesQ Ttz }vtPut the beans, garlic, bay leaf, oil, tand water into a soup pot. Heat untiluthe liquid is boiling and continuez }!uboiling for two minutes. After( uremoving the pot from the heat, cover @uand let stand for one hour. Reheat }vAuthe beans to boiling, reduce heat and Busimmer covered for one hour or until uthe beans are tender. Stir in thez }C>uremaining ingredients and simmer for another 10 minutes.Q _uFRUIT SALADz }u8 *** 1 HR! sNONE u22 oz. can Mandarin Orange segments v13 1/4 oz. can Pineapple chunksz }v16 oz. can Fruit Cocktail( Hv2 cups Miniature MarshmallowsQ f@v1 tsp. Lemon juicez }Av1 cup chopped Walnuts( >Bv1 cup Whipped CreamQ Tvz }$vFirst, drain the mandarin oranges,( vpineapple chunks, and fruit cocktail. vPlace the fruit and marshmallows into }#va bowl and mix well. Drizzle the( vlemon juice on the fruit mixture. Addwthe walnuts to the fruit. Fold the }"wwhipped cream into fruit and nut( ]wmixture. Cover and refrigerate for one hour.z }AwHOT POTATO SALAD( ,Bw61 4***= C30 MINJ mMEDIUM w6 cooked Potatoes, slicedz }w1 chunked Zucchini, cooked( =w1/4 cup Bacon bitsQ _w1/4 cup Oilz }w1 1/2 tbsp. Flour( 6w1 cup WaterQ cx1/3 cup Vinegarz }x1 3/4 tsp. Salt( ;x1/4 tsp. PaprikaQ d@x1/4 tsp. Parsleyz }Ax1/8 tsp. Pepper( 8Bx1 tbsp. SugarQ gx2 cups Bean Sproutsz }+xLettuce, torn into bite sized pieces xQ xFirst, mix the flour, water, vinegar, }xsalt, paprika, parsley, pepper, and xsugar in a bowl. Fry the potatoes andyonions in oil. When the potatoes are }ybrowned, add the flour mixture. Mix ywell. Then add the zucchini and bean @ysprouts to the fry pan. Cook until }#Aythe sauce has thickened. Add the( LBylettuce and bacon bits. When theQ ylettuce wilts slightly, remove from }the heat and serve.( 7yPOTATO SALADQ Vy12Z \**f l30 MINs NONE }y8 cooked and chopped Potatoes( Cy2 stalks Celery, choppedQ oz1/4 cup Sweet Pickle Relishz }Cz4 hard boiled Eggs( >z2 tsp. minced OnionQ f@z1/2 cup Mayonnaisez }Az1 tbsp. Mustard( 7Bz1 tsp. BasilQ bz1 tsp. Parsleyz }z1 tsp. Seasoned Salt( 2zPaprikaQ Tzz }$zPlace the potatoes, celery, pickle( Kzrelish, and one half of the hardQ {boiled eggs chopped up into a bowl and}v{mix. Add to this the onion and mix {well. Add the mayonnaise, mustard, @{basil, parsley, and seasoned salt.z }$A{Mix thoroughly. Place the rest of( jB{the eggs cut into wedges on top and sprinkle with paprika.z }{LETTUCE AND SALAMI SALAD( ,{81 4***= C10 MINJ oMEDIUM {4 ozs sliced chopped Salamiz }{1/4 cup Vinegar( 6{3 tbsp. OilQ `|2 tsp. Sugarz }|1 tsp. Oregano( 9|1/2 tsp. BasilQ d@|1/2 tsp. Chervilz }A|1/4 tsp. Salt( :B|1/8 tsp. PepperQ |Lettuce, torn into bite sized pieces }|( |Place the salami in a skillet and cook|for about five minutes. The salami }L|should be light brown in color. Add |the vinegar, oil, sugar, oregano,Q }basil, chervil, salt, and pepper and }!}stir until mixed. Heat just to( t}boiling. Remove from heat and add thelettuce. Toss gently and serve.z }A}THREE BEAN SALAD( ,B}81 15*5= B4 HRSJ fNONE }1/4 cup Mayonnaisez }}1/4 cup Hot Dog Relish( =}2 tsp. HorseradishQ a}1/2 tsp. Dillz }"}8 oz. can cut Wax Beans, drained( J}16 oz. can Green Beans, drainedQ t~15 1/2 oz. Kidney Beans, drainedz }~1 lb. cooked Hot Dogs, sliced( 9~Lettuce leavesQ T@~z }A~Place the mayonnaise, relish,( MB~horseradish, and dill into a largeQ ~bowl. Mix well. Add the wax, green, }CM~and kidney beans and hot dogs to the ~dressing. Refrigerate covered forQ u~four hours. When ready to serve,z }?~place the mixture into a bowl lined with lettuce leaves.Q aSEAFOOD SALADz }6 ** 30 MIN! FNONE 1 pkg. frozen cooked ShrimpQ @1/2 lb. Scallops, cooked and drained }A1/2 lb. Bean Sprouts( FB1 Lemon, sliced into wedgesQ l1 cup cooked Green Beansz }2/3 cup Vinegar( 61/2 cup OilQ `1 tsp. Sugarz } 1 tsp. Salt( A1/2 tsp. Garlic PowderQ q1 tbsp. Worchestershire Saucez }1/8 tsp. Tarragon( ?1 Bay Leaf, crumbledQ b@1 tsp. Parsleyz }A1/2 tsp. Paprika( XBLettuce, torn into bite sized pieces Saltz }Coarsely ground Pepper( +Q tPlace the shrimp, scallops, beanz }sprouts, green beans, and lemon into €a baking dish. Add the vinegar, oil, sugar, salt, garlic, Worchestershire }Eusauce, tarragon, and bay leaf into a bowl. Mix well and pour over the fish@mixture. Refrigerate covered forz }vAeight hours. Occasionally, you might Bwant to scoop up the marinade with a spoon and pour over the fish againz }#(but this depends on how strong a( marinated flavoring you want the fish to have). When you are ready to serve}$this meal, drain the fish mixture,( Kreserving the marinade. Add theQ parsley and paprika to the marinade }and stir. Place the fish mixture in abowl of lettuce and toss. Place the @marinade into a bowl so that people  }5Acan pour it onto their salads if they so desire.Q aCHICKEN SALADz  }6  *  30 MIN! HNONE 2 cups chopped cooked ChickenQ 4 ozs. Monterey Jack Cheese, chopped  } 8 oz. can Waxed Beans, drained( B‚2 stalks Celery, slicesQ 6 Cherry Tomatoes, cut into quarters  }1 Onion, chopped( =1/2 cup MayonnaiseQ a@1/2 tsp. Saltz  }@ALettuce, torn into bite sized pieces B1 pkg. Tortilla ChipsQ Tz }ǁPut the chicken, waxed beans, celery, tomatoes, and onion into a bowl. Tossand refrigerate for four hours. In }#the meantime, mix the mayonnaise,( pƒchili sauce, and salt together. Put this dressing into a jar andz }refrigerate for one hour. When you are ready to serve, toss the lettuce @and dressing into the chicken mixture.}$ATop with tortilla chips and serve.( KBPlace the remaining chips on theQ Ztable.z }TOSTADA SALAD( ,21 15*5= C30 MINJ eMEDIUM 1 lb. Ground Beefz }1 cup Taco Sauce( J„2 cups shredded Velveeta CheeseQ [Lettucez }Tortilla or Corn Chips( +Q v@Fry the ground beef. Then add thez }GAtaco sauce. Heat thoroughly. In the Bmeantime, tear the lettuce into bite sized pieces on dinner plates. Put }"the ground beef mixture onto the( Llettuce. On top of this, add theQ shredded cheese. Serve with the chips}on the side.( ;…TUNA LOUIE SALADQ U2Z ]***f l20 MINs NONE } 7 oz. Tuna( K1/2 lb. Cheddar Cheese, shreddedQ [@Lettucez }ASalad Dressing( =B2 hard boiled EggsQ ^2 Tomatoesz }( KTear the lettuce into bite sizedQ vpieces and place on dinner plates.z }uFlake the tuna onto the lettuce and †sprinkle with cheese. Cover with a salad dressing of your choice. Iz }Zusually use Thousand Island dressing. Top with 4 wedges of egg and tomato. Serve.z }ATURKEY SALAD( ,B41 4***= C20 MINJ pNONE 2 cups cooked chunked Turkeyz }1 cup chopped Celery( >1 tbsp. Lemon juiceQ f1/2 cup Mayonnaisez }2 tbsp. chopped Onion( ?‡2 tsp. Pickle RelishQ _1 tsp. Dillz  }3 cut up hard boiled Eggs( 4Dash SaltQ _@Dash Pepperz !} ALettuce( +BQ Tear lettuce into bite sized pieces "}Kand place in a bowl. Add the turkey, celery, lemon juice, mayonnaise,Q uonion, pickle relish, dill, eggs,z #}1salt, and pepper. Toss thoroughly andserve.Q dSHRIMP-TUNA DISHz $}8 *** 20 MIN! rMEDIUM 21 1/2 oz. can Cream of Chicken Soup @13 1/2 oz. can deveined Shrimpz %}A6 1/2 oz. can Tuna( >B1/4 cup Apple CiderQ d1/2 tsp. Parsleyz &}1/2 tsp. Paprika( +Q uRinse and drain the shrimp. Alsoz '}C"drain the tuna and break it into( u‰chunks. Mix the soup, shrimp, tuna, apple cider, parsley, and paprikaz (}(cinto a pan and heat, just to boiling. Stir occassionally. Serve over rice or egg noodles.z )} ASALMON LOAF( ,B41 3**= A1 HRJ `375 F 1 lb. Salmonz *}3 slices of Bread, crumbled( 01 EggQ `1/2 cup Milkz +}2 tbsp. Parsley( 8Š1/2 tsp. SaltQ c1/4 tsp. Pepperz ,}1/4 tsp. Thyme( +Q @Mix thoroughly the salmon, bread, egg,-}"Amilk, parsley, salt, pepper, and( fBthyme in a bowl. Place into a greasedloaf pan and bake.z .}CURRIED SHRIMP( ,41 4***= C15 MINJ iMEDIUM 1/4 cup chopped Onionz /}1/2 cup chopped Apple( <‹1/4 cup MargarineQ 10 3/4 oz. can Cream of Chicken Soup 0}1/2 cup Milk( >2 tsp. Curry PowderQ h@1 tsp. ground Gingerz 1} A1 tsp. Salt( 9B1/4 tsp. ThymeQ d1/4 tsp. Parsleyz 2}2 tbsp. Plum Jam( >1 tbsp. Lemon juiceQ u2 cups Shrimp, cleaned and cookedz 3}3/4 cup Cucumber, chunked( /ŒRiceQ Tz 4}"Place the margarine into a large( skillet and to this add the onion and @apple. Cook over medium heat until 5}LAonion is tender. Separately mix the Bsoup, milk, curry powder, ginger,Q salt, thyme, and parsley in a bowl. 6}tThen add this liquid to the skillet. Continue to cook but lower the heat and stir the mixture. It shouldz 7}become hot and bubbly in roughly four minutes. Then add the jam and lemon juice, continue stirring until well 8}!mixed. Then add the shrimp and( Icucumber. cook for three moreQ nminutes. Serve over rice.z 9}CABAKED CODFISH( ,B81 3**= C45 MINJ e350 F 6 tbsp. Margarinez :}:1/4 cup Flour( 61 tsp. SaltQ c1/4 tsp. Pepperz ;}1 cup Chicken Broth( 5Ž1 cup MilkQ b2 tbsp. Catsupz <}1/2 cup chopped Onions( A2 lbs. chunked CodfishQ r@2 lbs. cooked chunked Potatoesz =}A6 sliced hard boiled Eggs( :B1/4 cup ParsleyQ r1/2 tsp. Worchestershire Saucez >}1/4 cup grated Cheese( 2PaprikaQ Tz ?}Place the onions and one third of the margarine in a skillet. Cook until the onions are tender. Then place the@}#codfish into the skillet and cook( Duncovered for 30 minutes.Q T@z A}LAWhile the codfish is cooking, place Bthe rest of the margarine, flour,Q vWorchestershire sauce, half of thez B}ǁsalt, and half of the pepper into a saucepan and cook over low heat for two minutes or until the mixture is C}tsmooth and bubbly. Remove from heat and add the chicken broth, milk, and catsup. Place on heat and boil,z D}:stirring constantly for one minute. Then set aside.Q T@z E}!AMake layers of codfish, onions,( JBpotatoes, eggs, and sauce in anQ ungreased baking dish. Then sprinkle F}$with parsley, salt, pepper, cheese( Mand paprika. Bake uncovered untilQ obubbly and lightly browned.z G}TUNA PATTIES( ,‘21 15*5= B5 MINJ oHIGH 6 1/2 oz. can Tuna, drainedz H}1 Egg( >1 tsp. minced OnionQ d@1 slice of Breadz I}A( BWet the slice of bread and squeeze outall of the water. Crumble into a bowlJ}#and add the tuna, egg, and minced( Ionion. Mix well and make intoQ vpatties. Fry over high heat untilz K}C:patties are brown on the outside and heated through.Q _CRABBY JOESz L}L4 *** 20 MIN! @MEDIUM 2 cups chopped CeleryQ e@1 tbsp. Margarinez M}GA10 3/4 oz. can Cream of Shrimp Soup B15 oz. can Crabmeat, drainedQ f1/2 cup Sour Creamz N}1 tsp. Lemon juice( =1 tsp. dry MustardQ c1/8 tsp. Pepperz O}24 English Muffins, split and toasted “PaprikaQ cParmesan Cheesez P}( tPlace the celery and margarine into a @skillet and cook until celery isz Q}KAtender. Add the soup, crabmeat, sour Bcream, lemon juice, mustard, andQ pepper. Cook until boiling. Serve R}Cover hot english muffins and sprinkle with paprika and cheese.Q `FISH ITALIANz S}6 ** 1 HR! A475 F ”3 cups Spaghetti SauceQ g1 tbsp. Horseradishz T}1 tbsp. Lemon juice( I1/2 tsp. Worchestershire SauceQ c@1 1/4 tsp. Saltz U}A1/4 tsp. Tarragon( FB2 pkgs. frozen Fish FilletsQ r1/2 cup grated Velveeta Cheesez V}1 lb. sliced Zucchini( A1/4 tsp. Garlic PowderQ Tz W}#Mix together the spaghetti sauce,( D•horseradish, lemon juice,Q Worchestershire sauce, one fifth of X}the salt, and tarragon into a( Msaucepan. Stir occasionally, heatQ @until mixture is boiling. Set aside. Y}A( BCut the frozen fish into three parts, place into a greased baking dish and Z}ǁsprinkle with salt. Pour sauce over fish, about one tablespoon each, and sprinkle with cheese. Put zucchini [}slices on the fish, and sprinkle with –garlic powder and remaining cheese. Bake uncovered. Fish is done when it \}flakes easily with a fork.( 8ELEPHANT EARSQ Vž12Z ]***f v1 1/2 HOUR 350z ]}C ABAKED TUNA( ,B41 4***= A1 HRJ i350 F 6 1/2 oz. canned Tunaz ^}^3 Eggs( :1/4 cup ParsleyQ g1 tbsp. Lemon juicez _}1/2 tsp. Salt( :—1/4 tsp. PepperQ d1/8 tsp. Paprikaz `}1 tbsp. minced Onion( A1/2 cup Cracker CrumbsQ l@3 tbsp. melted Margarinez a}A2 cups scalded Milk( +BQ Mix the eggs, parsley, lemon juice, b}"salt, pepper, paprika, and onion( together in a bowl. Place the tuna into a casserole dish and pour on the c}Legg mixture. Mix the cracker crumbs ˜and margarine together. SprinkleQ over the tuna mixture. Pour the milk d}!on top of all of this and bake.( 6RICE PILOFFQ U@4Z Z^*^f l40 MINs 400 F e}A1 1/2 cups uncooked Rice( 3 cups Bean SproutsQ d1 tsp. Soy Saucez }1 pkg. dry Onion Soup Mix( 8§1/4 tsp. SaltQ c1/4 tsp. Pepperz }( KPut the onions and celery into aQ @sauce pan and brown in oil. Add the }#Abeef and mix well. Cook for five( Bminutes. Then add the onion soup and soy sauce. Cover and cook for another}#five minutes. When the celery is( almost soft, add the squash and bean sprouts. Stir over medium heat for }Done to two minutes. Cover sauce pan for one minute and serve.Q ]JAMBA HAMz }6 ** 25 MIN! 6MEDIUM 2 tbsp. OilQ j@1/2 cup Onion, choppedz }CA16 oz. can Tomatoes, chopped( ?B1 cup Rice, uncookedQ `2 cups Waterz }2 cups Ham, chunked( 62 tsp. SaltQ p2 tsp. Worchestershire Saucez }1/2 tsp. Parsley( <©1/4 tsp. MarjoramQ Tz }GBrown the onion in oil in a skillet. Add the tomatoes, water, andQ @seasonings. Heat to boiling and then }`Aadd the ham and rice. Simmer until the liquid is almost gone and serve. SHRIMP BOATSz }6 *** 20 MIN! BTART SALAD DRESSINGQ U1Z \**f l15 MINs NONE }1/4 cup Vinegar( 63/4 cup OilQ a1/4 tsp. Saltz }1/4 tsp. Pepper( 8±1 tbsp. SugarQ iA little minced Onionz }( qMix all the above ingredients together@and store in a tightly sealedz }C?Acontainer in the refrigerator. Shake well before serving.Q usugar, salt and shortening untillz {}MEATFILLETSMEATHAMMEATHAMBURGERMEATHAMBURGERMEATHAMBURGER"MEATHOT DOGSMEATPORKMEATPORKMEATPOR}K@MEATSALMONMEATSHRIMPBMEATSHRIMPˆMEATSHRIMP@MEATTUNAMEATTUNAMEATVEALMEATVEALASALADDRESSING~}SALADFISHSALADFISHuSALADFRUITBSALADMEAT{SALADMEATSALADMEAT@SALADMEATSALADPASTA@wSALADVEGETABLEyS}ALADVEGETABLE@}SALADVEGETABLEoSOUPBEANsSOUPCHOWDERjSOUPCREAMfSOUPMEATAdSOUPMEATqSOUPMEATlSOUPVEGETABLE}Ǜ@hSOUPVEGETABLEAIVEGETABLEBEANS@VEGETABLECABBAGEVEGETABLEPEA PODSDVEGETABLE}GPOTATOKVEGETABLEPOTATOFVEGETABLEPOTATOCVEGETABLESPINACHBVEGETABLETOMATOBLEDIP>VEGETABLEPEA PODSDVEGETABLEUEE