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A Z2dWELCOME3ATA U2WELCOME4ATA U+SOPFUNC2  Y- SOPFUNC1 ZCHAT1j { U1CHAT2  U1LOGOFF ZTERMTYPE  U4`FILEMENU Z `FILEMENUATAZ `FILEMENUANSZ `C>FILEMENUASCZ `FILEMENUV52Z .WAITMENU  Y%EMAIL ISMZ.iPAS" 4DAT Y+ PAS9 IDX Y+ CONFIG DATZ yFNETPARMDATZ_!FNETPOST ZFNETPREP Z'FNETRECV Z 4F1FNETSEND Zy FNETSET Z6FNETCNTL Z)(BBS Z! BBS BAS U5 BSIGUTIL BXEZ? SIGUTIL DOC Y  SIGINIT BXE Y$-VSIGINIT DOC Y 0(SIGS Z+7&README 1ST Y VMODULE 1 Z MESSAGE ISAZ  MESSAGE DABZ:*MES .BBS Z#BBS% -DAT Z0 SIGS Z,CSAGE ISBZ #"! JFrontier Transporter [A]scii/Ansi/Atascii toggleR x[P]rofile of You! [B]ulletin reprint [Q]wikscan messages [D]ownlink a file [T]ime online [E]mail [U]plink a file [F]ile directory. I[X]current indeX [G]oodbyeN.Nc [Y]o! for SysOps [I]nventory of files [Z]ip to message menu [L]eave SysOp mail [*]Database menu [O]nline games menu  [+]Add a BBS to list 6 I[?]Transporter C %&'% " ( ,LҠҠ kp   ˠ̔ڠ Ftascii/Ascii оrofile of you!¾Read bulletin Ѿwik-scanL nľownlink a file Ծime onliner žmail (private) վplink a file ƾile listing ͼ־oting Booth Ǿoodbye... ؾcurrent index ɾnventory list پo! fwor Sysops ̾eave us mail ھip to messagesϾnline game MenuLibrary Menu þrewmember list Add a BBS|   TRANSPORTER Menu )*+,-." CG \̈́Frontier Transporter͢<A>tascii/Ascii/Ansi toggle<P>rofile of You<B>ulletins<Q>uickscan Message Bases<C>rewmember Listing<T>ime Online<D>ownlink a file<U>plink a File<E>mail<V>ote<F>ile Directories<X>Current Index<G>oodbye<Y>ell for Sysops<I>nventory<Z>ip to Message Bases<L>eave a message to Sysops<+>3mAdd a BBS to the List<O>nline Game menu<*>Data Base Menu<?>Main Transporter Menu.  012 JFrontier Transporter [A]scii/Ansi/Atascii toggleR x[P]rofile of You! [B]ulletin reprint [Q]wikscan messages [D]ownlink a file [T]ime online [E]mail [U]plink a file [F]ile directory. I[X]current indeX [G]oodbyeN.Nc [Y]o! for SysOps [I]nventory of files [Z]ip to message menu [L]eave SysOp mail [*]Database menu [O]nline games menu  [+]Add a BBS to list 6 I[?]Transporter 4 New user menu (A)tari/ascii toggle (B)Read bulliten (G)oodbye... (L)eave Sysop mail (T)ime (U)plink a file (Y)ell for sysop (Z)ip to messages (*)Library (F)ile Menu (P)rofile of you 6C New user menu (A)tari/ascii toggle (B)Read bulliten (G)oodbye... (L)eave Sysop mail (T)ime (U)plink a file (Y)ell for sysop (Z)ip to messages (*)Library (F)ile Menu (P)rofile of you 78 New user menu (A)tari/ascii toggle (B)Read bulliten (G)oodbye... (L)eave Sysop mail (T)ime (U)plink a file (Y)ell for sysop (Z)ip to messages (*)Library (F)ile Menu (P)rofile of you : New user menu (A)tari/ascii toggle (B)Read bulliten (G)oodbye... (L)eave Sysop mail (T)ime (U)plink a file (Y)ell for sysop (Z)ip to messages (*)Library (F)ile Menu (P)rofile of you <=WELCOME TO FoReM XE "Professional"The FoReM sysops have again gottentogether to make the best BBSprogram even better. You will findthat the board is even more userfriendly in the message bases anddatabase and Ymodem/ymodem batchprotocols are available.@?CHFoReM XE Professional System 󠛛Computer : Atari 130XE w/128kV nor 800XL expandedDrivesr : Minimum 2 Double sided floppy drives or Hard driveModem : Hayes CompatibleInterfaces: ATR8000, MIO,@d BTLProgram : FoReM XE Pro ver. 4.8Printer : Not RequiredLanguage : Basic XE CartridgeiiBVTHIS SECTION WILL BE UPDATED SOON.Please make another selection.Gateway City BBS` {314-647-3290Final Frontier 215-624-6347 DEF%L͠Š󠠠XeqWithin the Profile menu you have theability to set page break length. Thebest option is usually 22 or 23. Whenentering the database you'll be askedif you want to use pagebreak. Answeryes. This will stop longer files atone screen full of text for easierreading. If you intend to capturethe database file and read it offlineyou should answer no to pagebreak.Some database files are stacked andthe letter D will follow the number.It is important that you type the #and the letter d to get into the submenu. Hitting return will usually getyou back to the Database select menu.HC%L͠Š󠠠qޛ10 Database Help11 Messages Help Entering12 Messages Help Reading13 Profile Help14 File Area HelpIJKLMNOPQRS%L͠Š󠠠UfqWhen entering a new message you mustbe in a current message base and usethe S to send the message. You willbe asked to enter a topic and to putwho the message is to. A return willresult in a message to ALL.When entering a message only use thereturn at the end of a paragraph. Thesystem will automatically word wrapand will adjust the line length of amessage to what a user can read. Thismeans 40 column users can read themin 40 col and 80 column users in 80and anywhere in between.When entering the body of the messageyou can get help by typing /? or /hat the beginning of a line. FoReMhas many excellent editing commands.You have the ability to insert ordelete lines from a message. You canmove to a line with an error with /gxwhere x is the line number and corectthe error with the /c/ command.example:5 This line has an eror./g5/c/eror/errorin this case, eror will be replacedwith error in this line. Beware! ifyou choose a string within a wordlike (place) replace you may createa new mistake by accident.Anytime editing is done always usethe /b for go to bottom before savingyour message, otherwise the messagewill be truncated at the line youedited and the rest of the messagewill be lost.When you are ready to save youryour message, start a new line andtype /s and hit the return.Replying to a Message:When you read a message you wish toreply to use the R for reply at thecmd prompt. You will be asked if youwant to use the same subject. Hittingreturn will keep the same subject orN for No will allow you to change thesubject. After that you can enteryour message as explained above.If you wish for your repGly to be readonly by the person who entered theoriginal message type E for email.Your reply will be left in email anddelivered to that person the nexttime they log onto the system. Youwill be able to continue reading themessages after entering the Remail.This is useful for private messagesand leaving phone numbers or otherinformation which you do not wanteveryone to read.If you mess up while entering amessage you can hit the /a to abortand get out of the message entry.Remember: If your system crossnet'smessages with other FoReM XEP boardsyour email will never be delivered tothe other person. C-Net messages areindicated with the bbs name withinthe message header in a line underwho the message is from.UVWXYZ[\]^_%L͠Š󠠠TdqOne of the strongest features of theFoReM Bulletin Board is the messagearea. The system has been designed tomake it simple to read and reply tomessages.Within your user profile (P) you havethe ability to mark the message basesyou wish to read. This will tell thesystem to skip the bases which you donot have an interest in.From the READY prompt you may alsochoose a message base to read bytyping Z. You'll be shown a selectionof bases with numbers. Choose the #of the base you want or A for all.When you get to a message base youhave the options to (R)ead,(S)end,(Q)uit or (C)ontinuous Scroll.The read command gives you additonalchoices of + for forward from start,- read reverse,N to read new or rangelike 15-30 to read messages 15 to 30.The FoReM program remembers the lastmessages you read and reading newwill start where you last left off.When in a message base, hitting M atthe cmd: prompt will take you back tothe main section of the bbs.You may also read all new messages byhitting Q at the READY prompt and youwill be taken through all the messagebases. If you have chosen bases forquickscan in the (P)rofile it willGskip the bases you did not select.While reading the messages you aregiven several more options. Theseoptions can be called up by hittingthe ? at the Cmd: prompt. Hitting+ or - at the Cmd: prompt allows youto jump a user selected number ofmessages.[ If you have not called forsome time you may want to jump upto newer messages (+50). If you gotoo far you can jump back (-25).You will notice Ref and Rep numbersin the message header. Ref is themessage being referenced and Rep arethe replies already sent about thecurrent messages. The < will read thereference message and the > will readall replies. When completed you willbe returned to the current message.This command can be used 3 deep toallow you to read a string on thesame topic.If a message has a topic the same asa filename of a file uploaded to thesystem you can use the Q to quickdownload the file from the message.After you have downloaded the fileyou can continue in the message area.Many commands in FoReM can also bestacked. Typing Z/2/R/N at the READYprompt will take you to message base#2 and read new messages. When youhave finished base two you can typeZ/4/r/n to read new messages in base4 and so forth.There are several other options andyou should feel free to try them out.abcdefg13%L͠Š󠠠TeqEvery user has the ability to look attheir profile on the system and theyshould set several things in theirprofile to their liking.You can change your password, phonenumber and several other features ofthe board at any time.Setting clear screen on will clearthe screen for each new message. Offwill scroll the messages off of thescreen.Line length should be set to 38 or 40for 40 coGlumn users and a length of78 is suggested for 80 column users.Setting Page break to 0 turns it off,setting it to 22-24 will stop at eachscreen full of information. Settingthis at a low number like 1 or 2 canhave some disastrous effects.Time displady on will show time on andtime remaining after every message.If turned off, it will only appear inyour last 5 minutes on line.Line numbering on will assist you ifyou will be editing a message thatyou enter.Pause at message base for entry is agood idea. Saying Yes will allow youto enter a new message before goingon to another message base. You maynot remember to come back and enterthe message later.Quickscan select allows you to skipmessage bases that do not interestyou when using (Q)uickscan from theREADY prompt.User Statistics (X) is called up fromthe READY prompt and shows statisticssuch as number of calls, files upload/downloaded and an index. an index of9.999 is the very best and .001 thevery worst. Try to keep a good userindex.ijklmnop14&M͠Š󠠠UcŠrWhen you wish to look through theFile Section you can type F to get alisting of the filesigs up fordownload at your user level.You can pick a filesig or you can usethe S to search for a file name or apartial file name. Searching for 'for'may bring the files FOREM,FORMAT, orFORM.Whether you choose a filesig, all orsearch, you will be given a file listIf the list is longer then a screenyou are also given a prompt line.Once in the filesig, you will be shownfilename, file number, length of file,access level and a short description.If you choose lag in the file area,this means that you are going to useYmodem batch as your doC wnloading protocol. You may choose up to 10filenames for batch downloading. If you select download at any time afterselecting files, the system will ask one more time for a filename and thenit will start the batch download. Just go to your termÑm program and select download - ymodem batch - and sit back and watch the modem lights..You have the following choices indownload protocol: A - Ascii X - Xmodem/Xmodem(CRC) Y - Ymodem B - Ymodem BatchAscii should be used only for asciitext files. This protocol has noerror checking and any other filetypecan be corrupted.Xmodem or Xmodem CRC are normallyavailable on most terminal programsand is the standard protocol.Ymodem is a quicker protocol thenXmodem unless the file is very shortor you have a lot of line noice whichcauses numerous retries.These protocols only work if yourterminal program is capable ofhandling them.If you do not have sufficient timeremaining for the download you willstill be allowed to download hoDweverthe extra time will be deducted fromyour next days access. rst%*'*3 ;BulletinJ M**R gFoReM XE Professionalp r**Welcome,You have logged on to a FoReM XEProfessional Bulletin Board System.Features which this boarÂd inclues are Multiple message bases (up to 20) Message referencing Message Network with other systems Download Protocals Xmodem CRC Ymodem and Ymodem Batch Online GamesAnd much, much more. We hope youenjoy the system and if ypou have anycomments or suggestions please callThFinal Frontier 215-624-6347 or Gateway City 314-645-7750C vwxv%*'*3 ;BulletinJ M**R gFoReM XE Professionalp r**Welcome,You have logged on to a FoReM XEProfessional Bulletin Board System.Features which this boarÂd inclues are Multiple message bases (up to 20) Message referencing Message Network with other systems Download Protocals Xmodem CRC Ymodem and Ymodem Batch Online GamesAnd much, much more. We hope youenjoy the system and if ypou have anycomments or suggestions please callBob's Binary Shop 314-946-7907 or Gateway City 314-645-7750z{Ǜ F-net processing is currently active. This time is reserved for transferring messages between BBS systems. During this time only other BBS systems are allowed to logon. F-net should be complete by 5:00 Central Standard Time. Thanks for calling an-d please call again after F-net completes.}~Ǜ F-net processing is scheduled to start at 4:00 AM Central Time. Your time limit for this session was lowered in order to allow F-net to start at its scheduled time. The remainder of your daily time limit can be used after F-net processiC!ng completes (approx 5:00 AM).  ͭР"#* c1 - Murder by The Emperor ǛA PASSWORD IS REQUIRED TO ACCESS THISSYSTEM. THIS IS DONE SO NO ONE CANLOG-ON WITH YOUR NAME AND READ YOURPRIVATE MESSAGES.TO OBTAIN A PASSWORD PLEASE ANSWERTHE QUESTIONS ٮTO SAVE YOUR PASSWORD FOR FUTURE USEYOU MUST ANSWER 'Y'es TO A PROMPT ATLOG-OFFUNTIL YOUR PASSWORD IS VALIDATED YOUWILL HAVE ONLY RESTRICTED ACCESS ONTHE BOARD. I WILL TRY TO VALIDATEALL NEW USERS WITHIN 48 HOURS OF YOURAPPLICATION.Please use your Ԡ namePlease use your Ԡ phone #Thank you fsor your cooperation.If you do not wish to log on at thistime, please type the word: OFFin place of your name.õIf you would like to help out anddesign an ascii graphics for ouronline poll just leave a messageto the sysop or feel free to uploadyour artwork. Any help isappreciated. Gateway * ShoeC%*'*1 ;Vote IssueJ M**p r**Not really a vote issue but somethinghad to go here for the new system so,The question, do you own aní AtariComputer?Vote [F]or if you own an AtariVote [A]gainst if you own another brand of computer.Let us know what you think of theFoReM XEP bulletin board system. Your Sysop You have reached a::ell was recorded.It is only necessary to ell once. If Bonnie or Clyde is here,one of us will beam in as soon aspossible.% Please show your support to these+ Vother fine local BBS'sStar Fleet Command\ s215-289-5247Sector One 215-673-8384 Other FoReM XE Professional systemsGateWay City 314-647-3290Atarian Domain 407-855-1317 Blank Page -201-805-3967Boss BBS= R713-473-1967Bungalowb {314-351-2837Upstairs BBS 219-262-9633Atari 8-bit ': 125 Atari ST1 U: 12Apple II and II+ : 12IBM pca m: 12Vic 20y : 12TRS-80 : 12If you dont know, then use 155. C0Z19001Bungalow - St. Louis Mo.19002Gateway City - St. Louis Mo.19003Blank Page - S.Bound Brook NJ19005Final Frontier - Philly Pa.19006Atarian Domain - Orlando Fla.19007Subway BBS - New York, NY19008Boss BBS - Houston, TRexas19009Network 23 - Houston, Texas19010Upstairs BBS - Elkhart, IN29001NNMOSLO` b12jXxY29002NNMOSLO 12X29003NNPIJER 12X›29005NNPAPHI 12XY29006NNFLORL 12XN29007NNILCHI 12&x329008NNTXHOUA C12KxX29009NNTXHOUf h12pxy29010NN`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~cdPWCRETSBBXLAZLBAULTIAUPPATHSEDENSITOUTTDTIBATCMODEMANFFBSBFILETRLFSIGPATHTNUNUZSYUSSINSDGLOBSIGPCLOCHOLDFSESUBJNICKUPUPARWKWKNAMETIBANSFLASEARCLLLBYTDLTBPDLTDLTSIZERBAsTCCSIYLOOFOUNTFILETSIZEXTSETBYTFNUHNULEVESUBXTDLDLDOWNCOLBRIGHVT5TDEDITSCRLTERMBPSMz|  "$*,34;<BDKLST[\bdklst z|!"#$%&'()*@+,ܐ-./012 345#$6*,7248;<9BD@:KL;STkl?st@{|ABCDEFGHIĐJKLMNOPQR STU#$V+,W24X;GAME g11ߛߛߛߛߛߛ ߛߛ2#',SYSOP; @SYSOPO Scnetm 10/17/8912:12 AM3This is to make sure Email is working correctly.CP*#\,:RANDY PHILLIPS@ JANNA MASONT aSupreme courtr 07/26/89 7:25 AMbWhat a guy! Always willing to lend a hand.Hmmm, maybe 'hand' is the wrong word.*Anna* :)e other way on any subjecqt you want to discuss!! I think that a murder charge for abortion is not out of the realm of possibilities(i.eu.the heart was outside the chest wall and some other organs were outside the abdominal wall). She could have carried the baby to full term, but it would have died OR the mother was also at risk. This was to be her first child and so she decided on an abortion and to try to get pregnant again. ...My whole point in this is to show that no one knows what they would do in ANY situation unless it affects them. Pro-Choice is the only solution. I believe she was in her 19th week.*Anna* s more productive than waiting until the kid's born deformed and THEN sending mommie to jail and the kid to the hospital for yo many years. >>JOAN<(} Y Yccdio Sysopt v||iiXXXXC223PUBLIC FOREM #CNET CHATTER' d0110000000000000000000000001ݳ}22.0242.0240000001220000105000000000000000000000000010500000000000000000000005050505050505050505050505050505050505050505050501029010200000000000000000000<@8 6,4*(. 1$4=F (}$d%%:MS]n Aag Akr%%v򏠙!@w!6-6-?:A<A,@F:Ad,AU%)@/ AP2=6@ A4@5F:AG,*)@9h4 APXF:AV, A=' Alv56-%@zA!@K A0N=X A"@ I?(Doorway closing in +@&,$@ seconds..I A 6.>:,$,%%)2\-[ RESET_COLOR1 6.Afbk6 Ao"AU($JE;+ @'*@*@$,)+!A(* AU,E AOR1++"@)"A&,)+"A'*(,,*3;(~ ~.H67B:,,.R ATI +"AV)"@$2@,*31-@DB:,;(~ ~? 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A0 A(@(( A0( @,((Add to BBS list...6>("Ӡڠ >4)B:,"@@W(C(;,-1C W4)B:,"I_A BB:, @cA J>(" >4)B:,"A0L>("Ӡ堨󩠠 >4)B:,"A2OX(" X4)B:,"&)B:,!@*3)B:, @7oA5R>("Ӡ󠠠 >4)B:,"uA8T>("򛠭 >4)B:,"A@^>("٠ >4)B:,"APhQ(E$"#(Enter 1-line DescriptionM(%|E-[|Qj,,4)B:,"aj)B:,!@9nA`r7 A(! ˠ 74Y)4yAt @//@@ D1:BBS>BBS.DAT11(@$:@(F(&(Added to list...0 A0JP: @ThX((Ӡl Z(堣 \(堠 ](堨 ^(Р `( b( d( f( (h$*(Returning to bbs...*6-?:A`,ĠӠ[ A@'@4@A@N@[@*@@*@ 6$ .((+)@:m.$ H('(堼4)@q{H"@HA A?(!(?Ϡ $4A337@<@ ,07@ <@6,A A0u}s;@ :A,;@ EL,;@ PW,;@ [b,;@ fm,;@ qx,;@ |,;@P,;@,9@,} B:uH;@,6.>:AU,>@@KH @ D1:BBS.BAS Final Frontier215-624-6347240060Pa24Atari 130XEFoReM XEPGood Networking boardGraphics Array215-425-07139600220 megsPa24IbmPc boardGreat BBS - Pay BBSGateway314-647-3290240020Mo24AtariFoReM XEPOne of the oldest Atari BBS! <1983>AtGarian Domain407-855-1317240010Fl24AtariFoReM XEPFriendly Sysop - Network BBSBlank Page201-805-3967240040NJ24AtariFoReM XEPFriendly Sysop - Network BBSAMOK BBS215-487-386412003 1541 DrivesPa11pm to 6am fri,sat,C64C-netGeneral BBsTehe Bungalow 314-351-2837240096Mo24Atari XLFoReM XEPSupports PC's and Atari'sHIP BBS215-464-i?960060 MEGPA24 HRMACINTOSH SERED WRITER HOSTCOOL BBS! WILL BE UP BY APRIL OF 1990The Upstairs BBS219-262-9633240020IN24 non-stopAtari 800XLFoReM XE ProINFO-MAT Computer New online!PEGASUS BBS215-493-456624008PA24ALLALLBBS for R/C fliers or just regular BBSMed Com BBS800-445-42272400?oh24IBM?BYTE magazines support BBS (8N1)THE HIP BBS215-464-2348240060 MEGPA24MACIÁNTOSH SERR HOST 2.0GREAT BBS. OWN RED BARON IS SYSOPSNAKEPIT215-779-7859240030PA24ATARIEXPRESS PROIT'S A GOOD BBS.:)@@FCHAWKPA1ACCESABUSIGUSUBTEMPFNUMNDETCHNPROP1OP1GMGFGDLETMKNMATFMATGMATCRPATHFSIGNSDSUBUPSIGNAMEUPPATHSIGPATHBUMFWBWKWKSICFILEFLFNUVACCESSSIG1ANSUNFILEFROMTOFFSELFILNSULTMPDLF1 '(.068>@FHNP VX ^` gh op wxЀ؀ @!" #&($.0%68&?@'FH(OP)WX*_`+gh,op-wx./0123456789:;<=>?@AB C&(D.0E78F>@GGHHOuX}VW6-@y!@3S@@bE@AWB7tA&&;@,;@,;@@,6-@5;@C@ ,;@,AA;@% ',;@+:<A ,;@>B<@FM,;@Q\,226.(f tNo Description 6-B'g6- 6-A6-A'6-A36-A?6-AK6-AW6-A c6-APo6-AP{6-:6-A, 6.## ,6.R!\6.`#6.>:AU,2S (} ((((O(Where is your control file ?[Default D6:SIGS> ]S < 46.D6:SIGS>F 6.d=6. SIGCNTL.DAT! @P% / B =( Thanx$..n~)@2<C;@!@D<@%HO,9@!SZ,;@!^m<A ,R68s~,-i-@8,z@7Y,~ x4-@8,')@068,-4 /-@8,+@7Y,/ 5@@ )*@-65@:K 0G(*There is an ambiguity in your control file continue K +7@<@,0Y"=(6.+=c 6.&67B:,&@<):,16.7%@>T(}A(Y(p 1. Edit Sigs$$( 2. Upload Maintenance( 3. Add a Sig( 4. Rename a sig""( 5. Manual File Copy( !6. End(@ %@%@ AP"6-A:,@ @DJ)!@N_APA BckAAosA wB@BEA`Ap &@ B@A1B7tAG@6-?:A`,+@+@@"@#$,+@'.+@26@:<BT6$^P@X_+@cg@kms{P@9@h''6-^:A`,%+F:Ab,$BU6,r@$|S A@5@@A6-@E P@"3S$! @7=6-CP!$+@T[+@_c@gio$   $6-?:As<:&@2Yz,   = $9 (}"-@~8,*(U5(U7Y,9  (( Sig to edit  L A (B:, A "=+6-A:,L @)!8 ,A   6-b B$#6.FILESIG.=:,' ,(U($File is empty ..Creating false entry_ B`b=B (} (('( 0. Sequential EditB( 1. Search by Filename$( 2. Search by Extender.( 3. Search by Date 8( 4. mSearch by NumberL%%( 5. Add a subdirectory to sigQ##( 6. Return to main menuVU A %@q!(B:,+ A.=76-A:,U )!@A["@ A`I BI%@A@APAPAP APAU+j A@6-1i6. CPYFILE.DAT >6. UPDATE.DAT!@mt>@x|@D6. FILESIG.99 A%(=(Creating upload sigA D=`  (7(&Maintenance not required at this time.K-@A #O Y A'9\=` -@=HP:B:,'@L[, 6#6-+&@_d,$@hl%@p~66.7<%@y,r (} ((((06.7@<@,: A?(r(&File does not actually exist in uploadare@/(DEL.ETING file entryto continue3 = A#2@= 8( (4(%

rocess file elete continue 8 *- (B:,#C@C:,@- A#4 4D A#7$ 0P( what...$ A p9r@+@@A(?-@ @L@-P g6.7@15<@(9A,r@E; 6.>=9(Move this file to which sig?  ist sigs = H^ 4L(}(-@8,0(U;(U7Y,? T(7@<@,^ A!RS6.FILESIG.F A%(I(Filesig selected does not existS A!\t@JQ+@UY@]_emP@9qv@z|t6-^:A,%+F:A,$BU6,^$@$6-'@%@aD67@<@,. (6.=:,D6C7@&B:,<@U,.c 6-A:,f?(Enter access level  5(B:,)B:,!@Y? A!PiB A!P6-A:, & @36. =:,6<?6.=:,B=kd(7@A<@,(8(Change this description < D4YH W8B:, @@a6. d9m46.7@<@@"+,167@A/3<@7J,.4=pU6.7@NR<@Va, 7@ei<@m~,  7@<@, l6.7@<@@,6.7@A<@,6.zN@+@@ CC@C:,@ N@> A%#0!6-[<.<6E,:6-A:7%@If  6.U6-lt -@x8,26-[7Y,<><,K67Y,.7Y%@<,Q6-U 5 (} (( -@8,((U1(7Y,5 F0(Move  to whi)ch subdirin 7Y,4 <(B:,F A#-6 A%:W6-A:, L6-[<:<]n,16.7%@r<,L.6.7%@ to contine@D N A#$. $@29@=D$@Hf >6. CPYFILE.DAT4@jn@rtz> A'  hc:,"A6(0(Copies completed3$6=Kc:,"Abh(cannot be copied to  dit continue uit e  4E Bv 4Q' AP??67&+&@,<&+&@,%@y,.7@<@,= ^( B(No matches found in tFhis blockplease wait...E<X(End of File...[=^= C@JgC:,B:,8  %@k! AP%$=(2 B 5=8$|U6- -@8,26-[7Y,<><,K67Y,.7Y%@<,Q6-U &&(This sig contain these subdirs9( (-@"8,"(U/( 7Y,3 96-6'(Enter PATH of new subdir  + 3(B:,6$ 6.-(( Is this correct? " *0Y-$3!@0(Subdirectory limit exceeded!3$)6-[<><,(& AU0)=g6.7@3<, AUu)@7J56.*.*R@NR@VX^g]@kg AUL"(Subdirectory doesn't exist& :(to continue> I@L$,6.7Y,67Y,."68,-, B&&(This sig contain these subdirsU6-"* -@.W8,26-[7Y,<><,K67Y,.7Y%@[y<,Q6-U 9( (-@}8,"(U/( 7Y,3 96-!((to continue !$pu6 (Directory listing(y/n) $ ,0Y6 A`v! A`(Path- '@%,D@04@8NA(H \-@RV@Zai@esm -@wA'wu@6-'@'"P:,*(:( =MORE >A=e7@<@,4 FREE SECTORSh'r A`u=x (  z4@ / (From -" *(B:,4 A3Y 6.6. A(6(File does not existK( to continueO Y Ar@+@@A(?-@@L@P g6.7@<@(,r@06 (To which sig # =list $ ,(B:,6 A4MI 4L(}(-@QU8[,0(U;(U7Y,? I A`0a6.FILESIG. A%(I(Filesig selected does not exist]( to continea  A=t@+C@ @P@9#(@,.46<lt6-^:A,%+F:A,$BU6,$@pz$6-'@~%@D67@<@,. (6.=:,D67@&B:,<@,. 6-A:,?(Enter access level  5(B:,)B:,!@ 7? A`B A`6-A:, & @;g36. =:,6<?6.=:,B=e6-[<:<m~,16.7%@<,Lb6.7%@ AeGT!6-[<.<Zi,:6-A:7%@m  6.U6- -@8,26-[7Y,<><,K67Y,.7Y%@<,Q6-U 5 (} (( -@8,((U1z(7Y,5 E/(Move to which subdirin 7Y,3 ;(B:,E Aap$ Aap6-A:, .L6-[<:<,16.7%@<,L8.6.7%@ to continue< 9#(Does you want DELETED?' /(B:,9 AdP0YAdP G2 AdN(( ERROR OCCURED -Cor0rupt File Name<( to contine@D N A4''; (} ((FILE:( (;( 1. Change Description$'( 2. Change access level.'( 3. Change Date8'( 4. Change Name='( 5. Delete THIS file!!B'( RETURN to continue L' %@:(B:,$=V'C B`6-A:,, @>D)!@H[6 B`9=C B_`'//BBBBBj' Bt'(B:,$~'8B:, @@6. 9'++67@A<@,.7@<@@,'$'C5V(New access level-  '(B:,*$-=<B:,!@9CS6.7@GK<@Od,V<'!6. 7@hl<@p,!='''67<%@,.7@<@,'$<(9(New Date (xx/xx/xx)- ! 6(B:,)B:,@9$F(J37@<@,0/)7@<@/,0/G(IMPROPER FORMATJ$P(.+67@&37<@3;B,.7@FJ<@N,.$($ (Enter new filename.ext- $ (G6.g<@,,7@<@,0.G(IMPROPER FORMAT:return(8B:, @6. 9(.+67@<@,.7@<@u,.$)I(Delete Sig Entry- &0Y)$,=E(Delete Actual File-I ) 0Y B)m6.7@y}<@,%@86. DELETE.DATU@@ b(@m@)CC67@<@@,.(*  *# )6-@'6")$*;6-<C@GN%@Rd/ B ;6-@hz* *v @~4( There must me at least one Entryv(=You may delete this entry after moving at least one file here*n( Initializing1@@ BR6. 1 This is an empty sig.a8B:, @F]k6. n9*)C@ajC:,@nu&@y)=*N @@16.TEMP.DATN@@*67@,. *..(&} Updating Sig file.Please wait...*"6-P:'@(,"-@,?*(*D@CLC:,@P[*''7@_c<@gk,4o*B @*aA:7@<@,,&6.=:,B67@<@,. ^67@&B:,<@,.a=*)C@C:,@)6-%@* *@@!A*G*##6. hTE.DAT& B* /(AAA6K B+U6-DL -@Py8,26-[7Y,<><,K67Y,.7Y%@}<,Q6-U  +@@+ A(B+ @@ + B@*+-C@8,4+ B6.7Y,>+2 A!( deleting %G('2 B\+ f+/%(File not actually in this sig/ B+bc:,"A6N(file deletions are complete to continueR V \6._$b=+O-(%urrecoverarble error of unknown originB( to continueF L6.O$$, B@66a (}1(you already got 8x, sigsK(you need another(y/n)O W0Ya A6P8,!@B(%sorry none available to continueF P AM6P:(2Is there an empty subdirectory somewhere for this?> F0YP AQ6""(here we go--remember this?6#(Enter subdirectory path# 6&6-[<><,(& A66.7@<,6P BB6.*.*$@A@@ E P@ )6e#68/4,-8:?,%@CK26-8Qo,H6.FILESIG.=:,e@sw@{}7C'6. 1 This is an empty filesig68B:, @@6. C9 7&C@C:,@&@7 67Y,.68,-@ 87B&(What is the name of this sig?2 %@ <_B(B:,BA(7 67Y,. Acx755(-Subdirectory does not exist:trap etr:g. 140258 A88 (}82#(Which SIG to rename ist ' /(B:,2$8I 4L(}(-@8 M,0(U;(U7Y,? I BE8- BE6-A:,-!8S,BE8 (7Y,8>( Enter new name , %@0&@4(B:,> BI8)B:,!@%)6.7@<@%,8 6.67Y,.: A>h@+@ @IL6. 1 This is an empty sig.[8B:, @Mde6. h9>0C@hqC:,@u|&@0 A N*N?6. SIGCNTL.DAT"@?@@4NE*@8,0-@8,A(@ 7Y,E 9N.-@#'8-5,**@9O8,. @>N/-@SW8]e,+(@i}7Y,/ HN*(@(@*(@RN@N$S'(c:, at line c:@,I to return to main menuS A  D:SIGUTIL.MOD@@C   * Documentation SIGUTIL (Beta version)/ After you have run SIGINIT.BXE,and set up all of your sigs, you will never need it again. Use SIGUTIL.BXE to do everything else you need to do with the filesigs. This program will allow you toadd deÕscriptions, change descriptions of files, as well as change accesslevels etc... Let's take a look atthe main menu and it's primary func-tions. 1. Edit Sigs This will give you a listing ofall the available filesigs for you to edit. This is the most used part of the program at first. You will want to add file descriptions as you go along. But take your time, the program will automatically add 'No descrip-tion' to each filename. 0. Sequential edit 1. Search by filename  2. Search by extender .3. Search by Date3 G4. Search by numberL i5. Add a subdirectory to sign 6. Return to main menu 2. Upload MaintenanceHere you will have three choices to make for each file. You can.웛

rocess the file. (move the file description AND the file to it'sfilesig)If you choose to process the file,you will be prompted for the filesigto put the file in. After you havechosen the filesig, and gone throughthe entire upload directory, you will be promptDed to delete each fileafter it has been copied into it'sfilesig.I elete this file. (Remove thefile description AND name from theupload sig and your drive.) *Warning* you will NOT be asked to verify! do later (Process this filelater )(Not available for download)% `3. Add a Sig (add another file-sig to your control file)e Make absolutely sure you have asubdirectory already created. It can be an empty subdirectory. The pro-gram will automatically put an entryinto the fi lesig. .4. Rename a filesig(max 25 char)227 5. Manual file copy (Manuallycopy a file from anothe source to anexisting filesig) Use this option when you want to add files from a floppy to your hard drive and enter it into a filesig.YouC% will be prompted for filesig etc.* Well, that's about all I canthink of for right now. If you haveany questions, please feel free tocontact us via the CNET bases or dir-ectly through our BBS. Bonnie & Clyde Final Front ier BBS #(215)624-63472 ;3/12/2400??D  !"#$%&'()*+,üeekWKFMATPATHDRPCRCAPMGXMSIGSUBACCESSATSUBNSDFNUMVA1NFDTYPEFDNNFCHKWCHACENSA2XACCESFNUFILEMESZRWKWKCOROTEMPUPSIGUPPATHFL  (2(@@Z P ( AP AP AE '/1x;;(; AM<<<<PA#=-A1DD(E(@@ @́!)E("#$@%&'() *+,$%-+-.45/<=0DE1LM2SU3[]4ce5lm6tX] ԛ;@,B 6.##@0@ABB7tA6.D6:SIGS>(S6-6- '6-36-@&S;@ *.<@29,;@=H,2##@LP@TV\K:<Y6.>:AU,6-APM6-AP%A$@'P:A'@0,Y6-AEFw;A ,w;B,;@ <@%,;@ <A ,;@,;@@,;@!<@%,,9@ 0<,K;@@G,;@KW,P&&;@[b,9Afm,9@'q},Z*-@@'&68,-* d A Pn\ AP A! A+ A5 A!G@AYB7tAG\[ A P8(&} This program requires a directory[(to write the control files to.!!(May use any sub or root Q( directory8("you choose or create a new one andQ(enter the name here.f(/($If you are using a subdirectory makCeV("ABSOLUTELY sure you include the'>'f( (ex. D1:A>)&&(The default directory is: H-(#Enter path or RETURN to use default1 84>6.H A--g<@,0>*g<@,0:Al A6.6.*.*/( checking. ..:@ W@@ "(1b@5;l A?[/( Invalid Path(-@_cAgw, /%U B{!6. SIGCNTL.DAT,@I@@U6-^^(*}Which logical drives will contain files'for fiJle transfer (a SINGLE digit 1 -8)(['0' when finished ]%6-%@N}%40A APA:, @)A:,!@*( 6-&' A *=67Y,.D7<,: 6- A U B;(} You hav(e selected  drives numberedI-@,RQ(7Y,U " Ap( AV,=6@++(#} How many sigs will you be usingJ A  BO>>($} There is a limit of 25 characters  per sig name.T-@^S(hName of SIG# &(B:,0 AP3=<( F ApS(APh 67Y,.r |*@l&-@"(@7Y,&  6.-@-@..(} # of subdirs on 7Y, for 7Y,H(ENTE"R '0' IF NONE $ A0(2 B&,>"2GH A-@K33(Which subs on 7Y, will contain 7Y,  (B:,A`X A0( Checking...06.7Y,>*.*M@@X@ 6-%à6.7Y,> 6.  g (B:,B(Every SIG must containat least 1 subdirectoryV(to continueZd Ag=F*@6-26.7@:@:7<,,&@2'J,I=M $# A P6-@NT# AXk A P6-q 6-?6. SIGCNTL.DAT"@?@@)@&-@"@7Y,& $-@E% 6-$)@9h6.FILESIG.=:,$@=H(E@LP@TV\hH<e@lp@tv|h="-@"@7Y, ++( Building SIG-7Y,Path-7Y,67Y,.7Y,*.* $$@@A(7Y,*(-@"@&-$@1B( 4-@FXA2>A@\f47@jn<@r,4 FREE SECTORS7'A A`H A0R-6.7<@,-67@ <@ ,..\6.7@<@,f<6-[< <,/67,.7%@2,9 Ap<=p86.7@6:<@>J,+8B:, @Nv56. 89z6-@:7@z,,&@e+ @6. =:,<(6.=:,+= 6-%D67@<@,. (6.=:,D67@&B:,<@,. ff6.7@<@", 7@&*<@.9, 7@=A<@(EP, 7@TX<@\`,d o567@(sw<@({,./567@1<@1,./(7<@9,C@C:,@@626.( No Description 6(C@ C:,@@&67@*7,. $6-@;L. AFD@PYC:,@]jZ6-[<.<p{,67%@<%@,.7@<@,X6-@ A 1C@C:,@U(7<@9,7@A<@,X= $"@ 6-%&@." .8@28 A@<z B PrnL$V A P`?6. SIGCNTL.DAT"@~?@@j3)@-@/@7Y,3 t-@)@~"-@"@=7Y,%67Y,.7Y,%67Y,.7Y,*.*/@AH/@LP@TmA(7Y,(-@qu@y$@( $-@A2$@4'7@<@,4 FREE SECTORS*'4 A`F7@<@,4 <68 ,-8,%@9F AP;;7@=A<@EP,3Z)7@TX<@\x,2AAPOO68@:7@|<@,,&@d,-8@:7@<@,,&@d,%@ @J@%( }In the sig 7Y,J( SubdirectoryC 7Y, contains:-@#'@&+8S(>:%@d<X,-"(U8,7( filesa lE6-'@pN"P:,S( @ -@@@(8, files with NO extender*-@'&68,-* /-@@/(%'9(' when finished\ A-.2@ 6}E(!Input letter designator to changeIM \4A(49A 2#New extender(EX. ARC)# <F-@ (МPCC6.7Y,*.7@<@,?? *.7@ <@3,Z A@KdZ%6-@:7@7;<@?E,,&@dIS36-'@Wh<"P:,H6-@1lwK<W6-@{Z=nQ6-'@"P:,06-'@%@3<N6-&P:'@,%@Q=x -(7@<@, A  @'$ A P B+4 A 8u(Rebuilding Control File?6. SIGCNTL.DAT"@y?@@Q)@68,-6-@8,C@M67Y,.Q )-@8,%67Y,.) f-@#8)1,')@5H068,-A-@LX8,N@\^67Y,.7Y,b f m@+@@A*@8,X-@8,i @7Y,m -@8,**@8,. E-@!8'/,V(@3E7Y,Z u678KP,%@T_Y,.(@cpb678v{,%@Y,.+(@8(@C@_(Your FINALLY Finished!!bHc:,"Ap(>(File extender does 3not exist!!H AHH(UnEXPECTED error# c:9K,AT LINE c:@O, --- -Rerun1(Name of upload SIG->! 1(B:,A  6.O;(Full PATH to upload SIG(ex. D4:UPLOADS>) ->? O(B:,A  6.$'@ @$@='$ )( No Way Jose'@AU) A`t @Y]@aciqE@9uz@~i6-^:A,%+F:A,$BU6,t@l @,@@N( Creating dummy 9file entry l6. 1 This sig is empty.8B:, @=T6. 9,C@XaC:,@el&@p)=,$ D:SIGINIT.BXE@@@C./0123456.% Siginit Utility - Beta Version* 1. Create a subdirectory for all sig- related control and data files. The default is D6:SIGS> 2. Decide on the number of sigs and in which subdirectoriesthe files each sig are located. Note thôe subdirectories can have any name you choose and there is no longer arequirement to have the same numberon each logical drive. *Note* limitof 10 subdirectories per filesig. 3. Run SIGINIT.BXE ***NOTE***Run this program only once. and make s'ure you are ready before you run it.. Ja) This first step asks youQ othe number of download drivesv then asks for thier number. (0 when complete) b) Now it will ask you for the number of sigs and thier names (limit 25 characters) 9c) Now it will ask how many@ ]subs on each drive and theird names.(D2:A> or D2:Games>) AGAIN! Be prepared before doing this. d) OK >>> All the tough parts are over. The program will  #read through the drives pickin* Fup file info and the accessM glevel from the extender.n e) Each subdirectory of every sig (one by one) will be dis- played showing you how many files in this subdir have a file identifier of the extend-$ Cer. For instance, if you haveJ gA - 32 , this means you haven 32 files with an A as the 1st extender (Filelang), you might be using this for ARC, so just rename all the files to ARC &  !ARC should be displayed next( Eto the A - 32. Then move onL ato the next letter.h f) Now let's go and pick up all those new extenders and write a new control file. g) If everything went OK. GREAT!! ERASE this program 4and never run it again. It; Xwill destroy all the control_ ~information. The SIGUTIL pro- gram had got all the features you (should) need to keep the filesigs in line. Bonnie & ClydeC Final Frontier BBs, :(215)624-6347I R3/12/2400VV7 89:; Just a few things to help youget through the change-over a littlefaster.The default subdirectory for the filesigs is D6:SIGS>. To change this, you must change line 32061 in the mainForem program before running Forem.Also,the SIGINIT and SIGUTIL programs use the note and points setup inFOREMSUB, so it must be loaded before running these programs. You can add it to your START program. Make sure the sysop window is not present.This version of the SIGUTIL cannot be run online. The next version willbe capable of that.It would be wise to print out the doc files before attempting to run theprograms.If you have any serious problems,feel free to call our voice number below.ʛ Bonnie & Clyde (215)624-4683 (voice) !(215)624-6347 (BBS)&&F=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]|no!!RSWSLOCWLOCJKNOTDUNONAMTURPLOYASNVRSWDD1D2HHINAMHINAMEXYCHINFOCLSXZą@@ &'./57>?EGNOVW^_fgnouw} !"#$%&'()*;@,;@!,;@ ,C;@ ,;@%,;@ )0,;@ 4Y, 6.D1:GAME01>HISCORE @`]g @ko@su{(@@2@ @p<&6-A6.noone&@F67@!,. P6-?:Af(H$R-@[_@cu\((68,-P:H:@y~,$@,%@f((68,-P:H:@,$@,%@p z6-%%6-P:H:@,$@,%@G(, you are in theG(7+&@,$@"&%@*0<$@4O, A 6-%@S} A E(*( It took you %@ turnsE(to solve this mystery.$(Score to beat: $( - %@  A0((Play again? (Y/N)f: A e0Y*0yA (} AP6-?:A`,(-@jn@r|::( - 7+&@,$@%@<$@, ( Which room? AU$.((P:,) )!@A 3:"F ( Exit? (Y/N)$:0Y*0yA`5"LA8"AB 6-L A 0V?(You're already there.1-@A5 ? A `&(&(These suspects are present:j-@@t88,A~AI( The *BODY* of I(< E7+&@IN,$@ RV%@Z`<$@ d, A33( 7+&@,$@ %@<$@ , %(%(These weapons are present:-@@8,A@33( 7+&@,$@  %@$*<$@ ., [((Enter+(1 - to guess this roomI(2 - to guess a suspect in[( this roomp (3 - to guess a weapon in2( this roomP(4 - to make an accusationp(5 - to move to another roo m Ae!! @$*)!@.AAp //AEYAAA]A "AP`( ( ((((5(NO, it was not done in the`(7+&@,$@%@<$@,(2 A< A 0F]( (C3 ((((2(YES, it was done in the](7+&@7<,$@@D%@HN<$@Rb,PZ Afd A 0n(x-@@8,A0@4( 7+&@,$@ %@<$@ ,@6-@ + @!( R None present.+ AP6-&l'('(Enter number of the suspect: AE!! @pv)!@z~A8,A"Ap A0 _.(7+&@,$@ %@<$@ ,G(is not in this roo m.[-@AY_  A0R( ( ((((R(NO, it wasn't 7+&@]b,$@ fj%@nt<$@ x, A A 0"P( ( ((((P( YES, it was 7+&@,$@ %@<$@ ,, 18306 A@ A 0J(6- +T-@/3@7_^8,APh@4( 7+&@ch,$@ lp%@tz<$@ ~,@6-@r w+ @!( None present.+ Apx6-|;6-(.(Enter the number of the;(w#eapon: Ap!! @'-)!@1A 8,A0"AP A e5(The 7+&@,$@ %@<$@ ,M(is not in this rooma-@Ae  A _( ( ((((4(Y#ES, it was done with the_(7+&@',,$@ 04%@8><$@ BR, AV A 0V( ( ((((V(NO, it wasn't the 7+&@,$@ %@<$@ , A A 0lS($(Are you sure you know the?(kvictim,room,murderer &S(weapon? 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