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You can use (((& Gany text editor to change ""(N D1:TEXT>ONLINE1& ( Update Game Number ==>0 $$ (**( FoReM-XE Professional..( On-line Game Control,,( Creating entry #))(! Is a password required to play ( the game (Y/[N]) => )@6.>:,(4Y)4y;*(! Enter 4 char Password => .;6. <6.NONE(=^-@@:+6-@:7,,XA'A!@>Y* A#W67<,.>:&@2]o,Z=^ ##(s Will the game support%%( Cntl S and Q (Y/[N]) => )@6.>:,(,6-4Y)4y)6-@,=**(" 'Will the game use Basic-XE&&(+ OExtended mode (Y/[N]) =>  )@Sj6.>:,(,6-p4Y)4y)6-@,=,,($ Enterthe name of file to RUN##( In the following format--(% Dn:subdir>game (example)""( 6D1:GAME01>GAMENAME((: N==>""6.` k^-@os@w+6-@:7,,XA'A!@* A#W67<,.>:&@2,Z=^ 6.00=:,CC6.g<@,  >:%@H, >:%@H , %%6-@!)%++&@-2,$@16F,67<%@0J_,.6-P:B:,'@1co,3-@s}36-@%++&@,$@1,7<,467<%@0,.= ,,(! 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T4 Ae**SET UP A$ ACCORDING TO PRINT CONTROL&A`A@AXn0/6-P:+&B:,,'@ry,/"A@:467@,. %67A@,. 467@,.D# 67,.6.6.# A@XB:,"A@b 6.67@(,. l#67A,. #67@,K,.v67&B:,,.56-@O$B:,%6-P:'AV,56-&AV$))(@>:@',>:,>:,>:,6-?:C:,:@',>:,8 ;(V( Working...` A j1@+@C@ 716.tAV~3A@;G'AMh3A'An'AA(6-?:C:h0LV,,?%6-AV$F:A,%F:A,46-F:A,?@<A$2(} NOT VALID CHARACTER SET >< A >1A6'( * I/O ERROR  *1 A BAV$( I/O ERROR F:A,S/( AT LINE F:A,%AV$F:A,:@E@P@S4 A!0>+@+@@H@ $R@=6.$ D:RATLIST.BAS-  Lincluded in this package or by listing PFOR0521 and making sure allR changes are included in your current version of FOREMXE. Note: To insure that F-net can connect to the remote BBS, there are 3 prompts in FOREMXE that must not be changed. Those are: 801 In line 235 "Auto Log"> {02 In line 28240 "assword"...(sorry, vulgarity not intended) 03 In line 28320 "phone" 03 Coordinate with remote BBS You and the SysOp from the remote BBS you will be networking with must  _agree on the message bases that will be networked. From 1 to 20 message e bases can be included. The actual names of the bases do not need to be the same but should contain the same general subject matter. Once you  Qagree, record the message base numbers for your and the remote BBS. You W should also agree at this time as to who will orininate the transfer (ie..place the call). 04 Establish networking user ID After establishing who wil0l originate the network call, this SysOp needs 6 to call the remote board and establish a user ID for the exclusive use of networking. The remote board should handle this as he would any other password with one exception. The nickname oCf the Network caller ID must $ (repeat...must) be "F-net". Capital F, dash, small net. 05 Insure available disk space FoReM-XEP networking works by creating message packets and then ϛ transmitting them to the remote BBS. Disk space (on D1:) is needed for $ othe files you will send and for the files you will receive. There is not u any magic number that can be given for the amount of free sectors required for these files. The number of remote BBSes that you have direct  `connections with and the number of message bases transferred will effect f the space requirements. In the beginning provide as much space as possible on D1: and monitor the requirements as you add direct transfer BBSes  Cand/or message bases. 06 Establish control informationI Using FNETCNTL, provide the information required to accomplish the transfer. This includes who will be the sender and who will be the ݛ receiver and what message bas+es are included. Information on running 1 _FNETCNTL is included later in this document.e Note: You and the remote SysOp should update the control file the same day. Failute to do so may result in lost messages.02 How to run FNETCNTL FNETCNTL is used to provide all the information required for FoReM-XEP networking. This includes all information about PC Pursuit if used, the names of all the BBSes in the network and message base information for the boards that connect diÃrectly to you. This program may be run from any Basic-XE ready prompt. Just key RUN D:FNETCNTL 01 PCP Control Information If you are responcible for originating any of the network calls and will be using PCP, select option 1 from the !main menu. If you are not using ' mPCP and/or not originating any network calls this information can be s omitted. 02 F-net Node Names and Msg base control The amount of information required for each node varies depending on your Frelationship with it. Select option 2 from the main menu and provide L kinformation as denoted below:q 01 Name and location This is required for each and every node in the network. This information will be displayed when readiCng a message that did not $ ioriginate on your board. For an up to date list contact Bob's Binaryr Shop. As of 21 May 1989 this is the list: 9001 Bobs Binary Shop St Charles Mo 9002 Gateway St Louis Mo 9004 Sylph St Louis Mo) O9005 Final Frontier Philadelphia PaX z9006 Atarian Domain Orlando Fl 02 Originate If you are responcible for originating the transfer with this node enter "Y", if you are either* called by this node or will not directly3 Wtransfer with this node enter "N".] e03 PCPn Required if Originate=Yes. If you will be using PCP to originate the call to this node enter "Y" in not enter "N". If you enter Y you will Mbe prompted for the PCP area code (ie. MOSLO for St Louis Mo).S t04 Phone # / Baud / Verify Info} Required if Originate=Yes. Enter the phone #, and baud rate for the called node. Enter the verify password and phone # of the special  GF-net user ID that you previously established.M f05 Message Base Controlo Required for each board that calls you and for each board you call. Do not enter for your own board or boards on the network that do not %connect directly to you.. rFor each message base that you and the remote SysOp have agreed to { F-net, enter first the mumber of your message base then the message base number on the remote board that contains the same subject  material.#ǛInstructions for FoReM XEP ver. 4.8This version has many new featureswhich include toggling sysop mail between the printer and E-mail. Alsonew users are required to eavemail to the sysop. And last but cer-tainly not least...uploading is noGwdone through a module. Please seeMODULE.DOC for changes necessary toForem and MODULE.1 programs.The new SIGUTIL program can now berun from the sysop menu <$> with onlya few restrictions.. you cannot add asig or delete a sig unless you rebootthe system.There is now ANSI support in themessage bases as well as the fileareas. Also, your users will noticethat while in chat, thier text in inwhite while your text will be inyellow. There is also VT52 graphicssupport in the file section and inthe message bases.Here is a list of a few changes thatyou will need to know about thay wesupport but you may not.Line 6009 Remove Bonnie and changeClyde to hat.Line 6015 Remove 'B' from the findstringLine 6065 and line 12085 Remove theselines.Line 32200 Change for Wk3=I to C5 toWk3=I to C4Line 31065 Rem this line if you arenot using the Crewmember listLine 32061 Contains the directoryname of where you will be keepingyour SIGCNTL.DAT and FILESIG. files.Line 19080 Change Tcl$ to your namefor sysop mail going to E-mailLine 32060 Change FNETNAME$(C10,C10*C3) to FNETNAME$(C20,C10*C3)to accomodate the new FNET fileswhich are called FNETCNTL.N20,FNETPREP.N20, FNETPOST.N20,FNETRECV.N20, FNETSEND.N20Line 18120 says Final FrontierǛCommunications CenterLine 28245 contains code to lock outnew 300 baud callers.Lines 3031,3050,28556 containCoordinates--> prompt mod.Also, most of the mods we made to theprogram will be located between lines1750 through 2698You will need 3 welcome screens inyour main directory calledWELCOME.ASC, WELCOME.ANS, WELCOME.V52In your PERM directory, you will needthe following ..FUNCTNHI.ATAFUNCTNHI.ASCFUNCTNHI.ANSFUNCTNHI.V52FUNCTNLO.ATAFUNCTNLO.ASCFUNCTNLO.ANSFUNCTNLO.V52Please do not remove FUNCTNHI andFUNCTNLO files from the PERMdirectory. We are working onremoving them from memory but it istaking a while to track them down.In your TEXT directory remove thefile ATASCIIWe have incorporated the new BBs listmod from Boss BBS, so you will needto create a subdirectory called BBSon drive one. Also, you need a filecalled BBS.BAS which is located inthe sysop sig here at the FinalFrontier.For those who wish to use theINVENTORY and CREWMEMBER list, I haveput up a copy of thGe program we useto create these files in the sysopsig. We are currently working on puttingANSI and VT52 graphics throughout thewhole system including but not limit-ed to the databse area and other var-ious text files that the user sees.Listed below are all the files andsubdirectories that are mentioned inthis program.In the MAIN directoryD1:BBS.BAS (for BBS list module)D1:SIGUTIL.46c (renamed SIGUTIL.BXE)D1:FNETPREP.N20D1:FNETPOST.N20D1:FNETSEND.N20D1:FNETRECV.N20D1:FNETCNTL.N20 (remove extenders)D1:WELCOME.ASCD1:WELCOME.ANSD1:WELCOME.V52D1:FOREMXE.48D1:HARDSEEK.BXE (INVENORY & CREW LISTD1:MODULE.1Subdirectories neededD1:BBS> (for BBS list module)D1:TEXT> SOPFUNC1 WELCOME1.ATA WELCOME2.ATA WELCOME3.ATA 2WELCOME4.ATAD1:PERM>9 CFUNCTNHI.J WFUNCTNHI.ATA^ kFUNCTNHI.ASCr FUNCTNHI.ANS FUNCTNHI.V52 FUNCTNLO. FUNCTNLO.ATA FUNCTNLO.ASC FUNCTNLO.ANS FUNCTNLO.V52D6:SIGS>  SIGCNTL.DAT !FILESIG.A( PETC...D8:INVENTRY>(Inventory function)W _FILES.Af ETC...D8:NAMES.DAT (Crewmember list)If you have any suggestions or if you have any problems, pleasefeel free to contact either Clyde orBonniþe via the Cnet bases or directlythrough our BBS - The Final Frontier- (215) 624-6347 - PCPursuitable viaPAPHI. Or if you wish, you may callus direct on our voice line (215)624-4683.2 column text editor. You will find several files7 xin the text, prm and database directories that can and should be} changed to suit your system. One of the first should be custom.prm on your program disk. Conclusion: A co8mplete documentation will follow soon. If you have any= zquestion you can contact Bob's Binary Shop (314) 946-7907 or Gateway City BBs (314) 647-3290. Both boards are PC Pursuitable at MOSLO.CPU MP NP xXL P 8 C DCPCȱCPPCLOP *W RRRQU PU(V)V&U'U%U` QL P*Q P QR@  LY&Q(Q P%QW"   YLQ, S,G ȌȌZLY>UP2h>!Ӄ2.PPpQ >QkQQRSR@SQRQRQTSS$U*JJJ(V)VJ&U'U`,U0 Q H Ph `%Ui x TX` Q") J ]QH\QH`` :TLQ*U+U *"U`#U"U`*U+ULQ,U0*)J s LQQ*)J PU*J)P %*, PLQ Q :TU)0 +#Uɛ R0U  )0 }`#UU)#U J#UI n#U'U S&U#U(U'Ux,U0Ҡ%UX` Q :T S(V)V*VȌ(V#UU) )M#UI  $U$U#UN#UU)0#U ) 0 }U` Q,U; PHJJY -Ym=Yȱm>YLX -Y m=YLX -Y !Ym=Ym>YLXbetween the printer and E-mail. Alsonew users are required to eavemail to the sysop. And last but cer-tainly not least...uploading is nowdone through a module. Please seeMODULE.DOC for changes necessary toForem and MODULE.1 programs.Downloading is not yet available.Once downloading is in the module, it will cure a few minor bugs we allhave been having, like not needingthe filename on the screen to be able to download.The new SIGUTIL program can now berun from the sysop menu <$> with onlya few restrictions.. you cannot add asig or delete a sig unless you rebootthe system.There is now ANSI support in themessage bases as well as the fileareas. Also, your users will noticethat while in chat, thier text in inwhite while your text will be inyellow. There is also VT52 graphicssupport in the file section and inthe message bases.Here is a list of a few changes thatyou will need to know about thay wesupport but you may not.Line 6009 Remove Bonnie and changeClyde to hat.Line 6015 Remove 'B' from the findstringLine 6065 and line 12085 Remove theselines.Line 32200 Change for Wk3=I to C5 toWk3=I to C4Line 31065 Rem this line if you arenot using the Crewmember listLine 32061 Contains the directoryname of where you will be keepingyour SIGCNTL.DAT and FILESIG. files.Line 19080 Change Tcl$ to your namefor sysop mail going to E-mailLine 32060 Change FNETNAME$(C10,C10*C3) to FNETNAME$(C20,C10*C3)to accomodate the new FNET fileswhich are called FNETCNTL.N20,FNETPREP.N20, FNETPOST.N20,FNETRECV.N20, FNETSEND.N20Line 18120 says Final FrontierCommunications CenterLine 28245 contains code to lock outnew 300 baud callers.Lines 3031,3050,28556 containCoordinates--> prompt mod.Also, most of the mods we made to theprogram will be located between lines1750 through 2698You will need 3 welcome screens inyour main directory calledWELCOME.ASC, WELCOMGE.ANS, WELCOME.V52In your PERM directory, you will needthe following ..FUNCTNHI.ATAFUNCTNHI.ASCFUNCTNHI.ANSFUNCTNHI.V52FUNCTNLO.ATAFUNCTNLO.ASCFUNCTNLO.ANSFUNCTNLO.V52Please do not remove FUNCTNHI andFUNCTNLO files from the PERMdirectory. We are working onremoving them from memory but it istaking a while to track them down.In your TEXT directory remove thefile ATASCIIWe have incorporated the new BBs listmod from Boss BBS, so you will needto create a subdirectory called BBSon drive one. Also, you need a filecalled BBS.BAS which is located inthe sysop sig here at the FinalFrontier.For those who wish to use theINVENTORY and CREWMEMBER list, I haveput up a copy of the program we useto create these files in the sysopsig. The only problemwith using the INVENTORY is that yoursubdirectories must have singlealphabetical names ie..D2:a> etc..We are currently working on puttingANSI and VT52 graphics throughout thewhole system including but not limit-ed to the databse area and other var-ious text files that the user sees.Listed below are all the files andsubdirectories that are mentioned inthis program.In the MAIN directoryD1:BBS.BAS (for BBS list module)D1:SIGUTIL.46c (renamed SIGUTIL.BXE)D1:FNETPREP.N20D1:FNETPOST.N20D1:FNETSEND.N20D1:FNETRECV.N20D1:FNETCNTL.N20 (remove extenders)D1:WELCOME.ASCD1:WELCOME.ANSD1:WELCOME.V52D1:FOREMXE.48D1:HARDSEEK.BXE (INVENORY & CREW LISTD1:MODULE.1Subdirectories neededD1:BBS> (for BBS list module)D1:TEXT> SOPFUNC1 +WELCOME1.ATA2 ?WELCOME2.ATAF SWELCOME3.ATAZ pWELCOME4.ATAD1:PERM>w FUNCTNHI. FUNCTNHI.ATA FUNCTNHI.ASC FUNCTNHI.ANS FUNCTNHI.V52 FUNCTNLO. FUNCTNLO.ATA FUN CTNLO.ASC FUNCTNLO.ANS% ;FUNCTNLO.V52D6:SIGS>B NSIGCNTL.DATU _FILESIG.Af ETC...D8:INVENTRY>(Inventory function) FILES.A ETC...D8:NAMES.DAT (Crewmember list)If you have any suggestions or if you have any problems, pleasefeel free to contact either Clyde orBonnie via the Cnet bases or directlythrough our BBS - The Final Frontier- (215) 624-6347 - PCPursuitable viaPAPHI. Or if you wish, you may callus direct on our voice line (215)624-4683.CÃstABFILEMCRWKWKPATHFSIG1ANNSDSISUBTEMPNMATSIGGUPSIGNAMEUPPATHSIGPATHXYUNKNOWXWIZCCPPPjF(́EE @  E #$*,24:<CDKLST[\cdj|EE !"X'KFF ver 1.1 Final Frontier 4/20/90 AA;@,;@,;@0 ,;@'<@P#$@'3, ;@$7>,;@$BN,..;@ RY,;@$]d,;@hl<@$pz,S@~@b6.>:AU,2V@L(!}Where is your Sig control file ?[Default D6:sigs> ]V A< (B:,6..D6:SIGS>F 6.PH6. SIGCNTL.DAT! @P29>@=A@EGMUH BYcn~)@gqC9@!u|,;@!<A ,;@ <@%,R68,-i-@8,z@7Y,~ x4-@8,')@068,-4 /-@8$,,+@0D7Y,/ @HN ARh33-@lB:,36-@:7,,XA'/!@* A#/67<,.>:&@2,   = $R@H(#where is your 'INVENTRY' directory  [Default =D8:R A1 (B:,6.D8:[ A5X6. INVENTRY>)6..F@\`@dfltP Bx[@(initializing...-@@'6.FILES>:%@d,!"@'!6. FILES.NUM+@+@ @,$ .@0;L-@?C8Ij,N ( a(7Y,bQ 6-px -@|8,V>6-[7Y,<><,467Y,.7Y%@<,*.*:6-> `-@8,b#(#(Reading files in 7Y,e&-@ @' &"67Y,.& j/@*1/@59@=?EU7Y,t$@Ye$6.7@iz:%@d,!"@'!6. FILES.NUM5 @@ 2(@7Y,5= @- @1O  (}  o<;@@SZ,;@$^p,;A%,;I:v{,&A ,K6.>:AU,W6-@c6-@o6-@g]($On which drive do you want NAMES DAT [Enter 1 number only ] [ Default = 8] g A7 (B:,6.8@;B@FL# APk66. DA:NAMES.DAT^67@os<@w~,.7@<@,{@@ B<8 6.6. D1:PAS.DAT8@@Fl Ap67A%,. 6D@(C:,A%l7@,0<@4=,4)7@AE<@Ie,4ApP&6.7@im<@$q,& APZ1 B@&(@1@d D:HARDSEEK.48@@@  MODULE DOC ver FoReM ver 4.8These changes MUST be made tosuccessfully run the Upload module.These are in ADDITION to the setupprocedures in FOREM48.DOC. Load the FOREMXE.48 file Changes: change all the followinglines to reflect whatever drive youlike. It is of course faster if youchoose your ramdisk/mio. Line # 25010 "D8:USER.DAT" 25030 "D8:WINDOW.DAT" 25160 "D:MODULE.1" 25165 "D8:USER.DAT" 25166 "D8:WINDOW.DAT" SAVE FOREMXE Load the MODULE.1 file Line# 30150 E"D8:USER.DAT" 30160 "D8:WINDOW.DAT" 30200 SIGPATH$="D6:SIGS>" toM jyour directory that containsr your filesig.xx files. 30255 SIGPATH$=(same as above) UPPATH$="D5:H>" to your upload directory 32030 "D8:USER.DAT" SACVE MODULE.1 to the drive you$ Ospecified for it above. Happy ModemingS.dFinal Frontier.EE