`ɢ LK.DE BB"/H VLB ֩/A`A   " S0ЭI2 ɢ ӢD `AL }>>B _PLEASE REMOVE ALL CARTRIDGESvAND THEN ŭԡ}! 2DISK BOOT ERROR!F`CHECK DRIVE AND ŭԡ,0Lt/0ɢ  ,,杩PAHAS S膂   ǎ H YΑ hAɢD!日꥖DLӌӌ@ө@ӭ@`Р@ǑxHԩө@h(`  0 0>Yi ʆR xX RS L T   ؠ   R L{ >b:d8> H. ɕLʩ, L+WʼnAP9+Cł 0HL5   L Lw΢...h { }M YMyCopyR! 2.1_ `d rby Glenn Smithz z OURCE DRIVE .{#.ESTINATION DRIVE...#.ORMAT DESTINATION..ΛRITE VERIFICATION.ƛLTRASPEED SKEW.ƛ OR FOR DIRECTORY }! / 3 4: KPRESS }Q tǛ} қ}z қCHECK DISK}& қ} ț CHECK DISK} SECTOR} SECTdOR}INSERT DISK} INSERT DISK} INSERT DISKS  THEN PRESS h v z {   # ( *}6 c٠ƠĠӠ٠٠Ϡś}k PLEASE INSERT A K DISK, THEN PRESS TO BOOT DISK, OR PRESS  TO RETURN TO P \MyCopyR! 2.1b                    RPW fO@f !"M18 (8 ; 8 (ҩmi:; < =x:23454 Μ G ,  Q ,P  νе ( X0`234 5` 21 ,350 2 4 2 L 1 )@ҢLQ 1,350 &2 4 2 1`08`  < ACE,0ɋ8` `& '0L\`e1i1`,07 ,_ҩxҭҍ )  `_ҩxҩ,,,8`H)oҩxh `#,ҍ ҩ(ҩҩx`jj)?j)`Ң`H?ʎ @ , 08 h`   L{  iT  Y R   ^ ǟв   'L * 0  rT,,   ^ I    *!)% w l T r L    dL Ł'ŁR #: Q ` džM-`  , `i   ``eeɀń(`@ L̅Lk   8` 8`  摥 ,ŋ`ř`  `S S0:) ) Z gR 6 0`Ł  hhL hhLO `HQhLҥh@` R̠  LdH)UJ h) ` ii`DE BH V"/`N,O g EL L Śڍ ॎƥ¢N  0L <0LL 0ťʢ)FG  6f,!,"  a LI`/I"/`",Ǡ,,L  0ۄɀL  N *R 0 r  qL% R'S C)@1ǩU ITTiLlTU͠ `   ` *R 0 Ȅ ` C? 0 rL Ѝt t@swLV$C( 5MyCopyR! 2.1\ `by} %}% Glenn Smith5 APO Box 3209b qGrand Jct., CO} &} "815021 eMyCopyR! is a versatile disk copier capable of Higho Speed I/O, SIN'}/GLE density, DOUBLE density, and 1050 ENHANCED9 udensity disk copies. It works on all Atari 8-bit computers} (}' with at least 16k and 1 disk drive.6 nMyCopyR! can copy disks up to fifty percent faster thanx most )}1conventional copiers. It can utilize the memory; yupgrades of 800XL and 1200XL computers, and use the extra 64k} *} of the 130XE computer.- fTo use MyCopyR!, boot the disk in the normal way. Atarip XL and XE use+}0rs need not hold down the OPTION key to disable: tBASIC. Do not boot with cartridges or TRANSLATOR disks.} ,} ;MyCopyR! automatically determines the number of diskE drives on the system at boot time. If only one drive is-} Hpresent, then SOURCE and DESTINATION drives are set to driveR #1. If two or more drives are present, the.}n the SOURCE will Wbe set to drive #1, and the DESTINATION to drive #2. Botha may be changed by using the /} "S" and "D" keys for SOURCE and* LDESTINATION drives respectively.[ MyCopyR! has the capability of swi0}tching to the correct [density for the disk to be copied. This includes the 1050e ENHANCED density format.1} BMyCopyR! can also format the DESTINATION disk ifL required, and to write with or without verify. T2} he "F" key Ptoggles the FORMAT DESTINATION option between ON and OFF._ Write-with Verify is not neces3}sary for day-to-day [copying. However, when backing up IRREPLACEABLE software ore data, Write-with-Verify 4}"should be turned on. The "W" key, [toggles Write-with-Verify between ON and OFF.j MyCopyR! also has t5}$he option of using ICD's ULTRASPEED. lsector SKEW when formatting disks. This allows you to createv "FAST D6}C3ISKS" from "NORMAL SPEED" disks, or "NORMAL SPEED"= disks from "FAST DISKS". The "U" key toggles the ULTRASPEED 7}7 !SKEW between ON and OFF.0 gA new feature found only on version 2.1 is a directoryq option. Pre8}-ssing 1 or 2 will show you the first 38 file7 unames of any DOS disk (Atari or SpartaDOS). If you only have} 9}1 one drive, then pressing 2 will have no effect.>>M The "Screen VTOC" shows the density of the SOURC:}E disk, Jand the status of every sector on the disk as follows:Y SMALL DOT = Empty Sector (Sector is ;}empty) BLARGE DOT = Data Sector (Sector has data)Q QUESTION MARK = Bad Sector (Unable to read s<}ector) QINVERSE DOT = Bad Write (DESTINATION disk as a problem)` Pressing the SELECT key durin=}g a read operation skips# ^the reading of the rest of the SOURCE disk, and writes theh current data buffer t>})o the DESTINATION disk. Pressing SELECT3 nwhile reading an ENHANCED density only affects the part ofx the d?}7isk being read. If you press SELECT while reading theA first part of the disk, the second part will not be affected@}. JPressing the OPTION key at any point returns you to theT main menu. Pressing the HELP key while rA}eading or writing ?will toggle the screen ON or OFF.N Pressing CTRL-B at the main menu gives you the B} option to Lboot a disk. This is a quick way to test a copied diskV without having to turn the computer offC}. Pressing OPTION @will return you to the main menu.O MyCopyR! uses the expanded memory of the 130XED} Gcompatible 256k upgrades for the XL computer (such as RAMBOQ XL). The following table will give you an iE}dea of the number Cof passes it will take to copy disks.a b+{-+F} :| 48k | 64k | 128k | 256k |Q R+X-Y+r-t+} G} 1|SINGLE| 3 | 2 | 1 | 1 |H I+O-P+U-V+[-\+b-c+i-k+} H}C (|DOUBLE| 5 | 4 | 2 | 1 |? @+F-G+L-M+R-S+Y-Z+`-b+y |105I}I0 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 2 |6 7+=->+C-D+I-J+P-Q+W-[+j MyCopyR! works bestJ}% with US Doubler equipped Atari 1050/ kdisk drives. With these drives, MyCopyR! can automaticallyu determinK}3e the correct disk density, and perform High Speed= tI/O. In addition, they are the only drives capable of} L}= duplicating the special SOURCE disk formats (ULTRASPEED) onG the DESTINATION disk. High Speed I/O is capable on moM}st 1050 D"HAPPY" drives, but special format copying is not.TTc MyCopyR! is capable of makN}ing MULTI-COPIES of the SOURCE) \disk. To make a MULTI-COPY, follow these steps:q IF THE DISK O}CAN BE COPIED IN ONE PASS:+ V1) Make the first copy in the normal way.e 2) When the "COPY COMPLEP}TED" message appears,( Sinsert the next DESTINATION disk and presse nSELECT.} Q}*3) Repeat step 2 for subsequent copies.= hIF THE DISK CAN'T BE COPIED IN ONE PASS ORz IF R}+THE DISK IS A 1050 ENHANCED density DISK:: b1) Set up for a one drive copy. (SOURCEt disk = DES}STINATION disk) H2) Insert SOURCE disk and press START.W 3) Insert DESTINATION disk and press ST}TART. B4) When the message "INSERT SOURCE DISK" orT "COPY COMPLETED" appears, press SELECT.U} 75) Insert the next DESTINATION disk andI Wpress START.f 6) Repeat steps 4 and 5V} for each additional' .copy.= g7) Repeat steps 2 thru 6 until all copiesy haveW} been completed.- LMyCopyR! 1.0 vs MyCopyR! 2.1[ There have only been three major cX}hanges from 1.0. YThese are the addition of a directory option, the removal ofc the disable memory upgradeY} option (INVERSE KEY), and the) eremoval of the MANUAL ENHANCED density function. Also, dueo to a bug in thZ}C+e HAPPY ROMs, all HAPPY drives are set for5 mFAST-WRITES. This will eliminate the 3rd byte bug thatw caused[}[ problems with version 1.0., cSeveral minor bugs that were version 1.0 were fixed inm 2.1. The worst \}(of these bugs prevented version 1.0 for2 \working with a 400/800 or 1200XL computer.kk} ]} %ERRORS AND THEIR MEANINGS4 kREAD ERROR -- Unable to read source disk. Drive can'tu handle d^}ensity or sector 1 is bad.+ _WRITE ERROR -- Destination disk had a problem, mosti likely a bad disk. _}Try a new disk. UFORMATTING ERROR -- Unable to format the destination_ disk. Disk is probably bad.`} Bdensity MISMATCH -- The density of the source diskL doesn't match that of the destination disk. Try a} a different *destination disk.O XNOTES!g It is highly recommendb}ed to let MyCopyR! format the( aDESTINATION disk! By doing so, you can be sure that thek SOURCE and DESTINAc}*TION disks are EXACTLY identical. If the4 pdensities of the disks don't match, you will get a "densityz MISd}MATCH" error. UThat's all there is to MyCopyR!. I hope you find it a_ useful addition to your softwae}re library. If you have# aquestions or comments about MyCopyR!, you can leave E-MAIL tok me on CompuServe (f}C #70357,1136), or mail me a card.@@}@hC`79ddiC b!MyCopyR!2.1bC$MYCOPYR DOCEE