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Woodmere, NY 11581[ `***}Y}3|Charter Member NEAR*US ATARI USER Gp.||> MҮήX [|}Z}C3|Charter Member NEAR*US ATARI USER Gp.||> MҮήX [|}[%FCIOSCRSACHSALSA,.56=>EFMNT^ ;@ bt,;A X,-@x \}?AR@'E }WAY-;iA @?M{A@ Q_A@$cc6.hhhLV6.  ]}*67A X,. 967@S,.B6-C:,S6-P:'AV,c6-&$AV..@W[@_ag D:WELCOME.SCR(Q ^} AP@3!AR-AS?AV9GQAW@KT2! @`Xg!6-?:C:,<@k,< }A( _}-@ @!( Programmed forB// ' 짠CB0(' By Kris Holtegaard & Thomas J. And `}rewsBAY@4F% D:NEWSLTR.BAS D:WELCOME.BASCB0(' By Kris Holtegaard & Thomas J. And B uZERWOTWTRFOUPRMEKAFILEHELPMENUTITLECOL1COL2COL3LINELOSPACFNNCOLNSPSOOPPZPAGFPLPb}EOEPOEPGCOLINDPEEDPOKDLSHDGSFTDSCODSYSVBSETVBDUMMYOR@WZ@_b@gj@opw@c}A2 @U 'P RP P PP B  Bq '@Z[bcjkrszd} %&-.56=>EFMN UV!]^"ef#mq$A'uv%}e} &BUU'(AsI)A*d%&+((,PP-BTw.B/Pa0B1A'2eid3q99Ԡf} Š qSAVE "D:NEWSLTR.BAS 6-C:hhhˠ˅ȱ˅`,6-C:hhhˠhˈh`, ?6-w6-g}@'6-@36-@&?6-@*R@AR 6-?:<Bg,56-C: hhh \`,@6-?:<,2 AfF:Ah} f,%@ ,@D2-5K:6-6-)6-A2HP56-@T_11;Acj,;@8nu,;@@y,;i}@,//6.%```BB0jBA$ 6-C:,6-C:,$6-?:<%<,d6-?:<@ns,%@w16-?j}:<%@ &<,:6-C:,O6-?:<%@1*;<,d6-?:<%@5?L<,226.(Rm倯쇀t ZZ6.k}P$썣݀-KQ33;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;l}C1A2,L!! D:WELCOME.SCR* A5N6.6. * ARx666.,THE OL' HACKERS' ATARI U.G., INC.m}m" NEWSLETTER67B:,%,.7<@8&I,&-B:,6&7<,0 AMg @@ 6. 67@k,.#67,.76-+n}@F&,'%@67,.56.D1:MAINMENU.HLP)5@J 6.C AP"67B:,%,.967o}B:,%,.>:AU,C AE:-AY!(}7:,!*@HU8B:,"@Y]A(aj An 6 (}-@ u}@ 06( What's Your Pleasure?" ;-@48@<m4(enu rint ead: ;)T 8"@wq((.(v} Main Menu.8 A( "@,0AT4? 8"@CO((.(U ^Read Fileb.8 AGP .-B:,6w}&. 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Ma}king a selection from 1 thru 4, you can Exit to Basic or Exit to Dos, or even RUN the other side of the disk. Selections}& B thru Z are news articles.* 9To read the= whole newsletter, use Selection A. To read only part of the }newsletter, select each file in any order by using the letter in front of it on the main menu screen. If you wan}t to change one of your selections, use the BACKSPACE key to remove selections until you reach the one to } be changed, and start from there with your new selections. The other screen editing function keys will not wor}k from the main menu. When you are finished selecting, press RETURN and start reading. As you can see, there are p}auses in the text so it's much easier to read. When a selection is made, the article is sent to the screen with page}Ǜ breaks. To stop reading an article before the end, press [CONTROL]-[C] or the trigger of Joystick #1. To contin}ue to the next page, press any other key, or move the stick down. At the end of the last article selected, you}0 are sent back to the Newsletter Main Menu.< NAbout The PrinterZ Z_d  k When you make y}our selection of the file you would like to read you will be presented with the following: enu rint ead:}G If you choose then, and you don't have a printer on line you will come back to these options. Then you should} use the option to read the file online. If however you either made a mistake or don't care to read or print the} file you selected you can go right back to the main menu just by hitting . If you choose and you have not }yet configured your printer, you will do that before printing. When the newsletter program is formatting files f}or the printer, or while it is printing, press CONTROL and P to pause printing. To resume, press any key. To cance}#l printing, press CONTROL and C.' FAbout Configuring Your PrinterJ JOP [\ `a h The printer config}uration section is reached the first time you print any file in a session. Explanations of the configuration sectio}n can be accessed from the print menu.you print any file in a session. Explanations of the configuration sectio- $F |짠JO| |Xfpu| }}" :pson Fx86e and EpsonB YCompatibles. Panasonica Star. Star Nx1000 Gemini } Sakata Sp100 .tari 1025 Printer3 Oon Epson Compatibles andX nDaisy Wheel Printerss rint Ro}om Help File /ۿ Return To The Main Menu3 Oon Epson Compatibles andX nDaisy Wheel Printerss rint Ro/ "The Composing Room Help File' 'CBefore you can Print a file you haveto configure your }own Printer.To Do sothere are 2 selections that will helpto make it easy as possibile for you.If you have one of the pri }nters listedin selection then your printerwill be set up for NLQ and DOUBLEstrike. If you don't have one of } theprinters that's in Selection youhave to use selection . This is toensure that all printers will workwit }hout any problems with The WQNRDisk Based News Letter. Now onceyour printer has been configured youwill NOT }have to reconfigure yourprinter as long as you are have yourNews letter running. Not only that theprinter will stay }Gconfigured to whatever configuration you selected aslong as you have your printers powerturned on or until you }reconfigureit. Once you have configured yourprinter all you have to do is hit theۿ to Return to the Main menu. | MINUTES OF OHAUG MEETING 2/12/00 Our President, JACK GEDALIUS opened the meeting informing membes we had a ver$}EEy successful dinner with a good turnout on February 4,2000I at Lambrou's Restaurant and we all had a good tim$}e. TREASURY REPORT: We are in the black. A short discussion followed on the ATARI equipment donated to members by$} ALAN SHARKIS and how it is being used. The new PC Users Group meeting was a success at LIAUG's meeting place. Many$} plan to join when the club becomes official. The next meeting date is Saturday, March 4 at 12 noon at the Ne$}sconset Library (call JACK GEDALIUS if you need directions). A discussion followed about this new club and what $}they plan to do with it. Discussion then centered around the new computer products being offered to the public. DEM$}ONSTRATIONS: JACK GEDALIUS demoed a program called "Days Old" which he modified twice adding the birth sign & how man$}y years old you are to the day. There were no door prizes given at this meeting. The next meeting will be March $} 18, 2000." There were no door prizes given at this meeting. The next meeting will be March $" %*] OL' HACKERS WHO iS WHO? ? ? ? ? ? ? PRESIDENTj.Jack Gedalius (}VICE-PRESIDENT.2Josef Leber SECRETARYB.[Ron Fetzer TREASURERk.Ron Fetzer ME(}MBERSHIP.9Jack Gedalius MAGAZINE LIBRARIAN=.bJack Gedalius *NEWSLETTER EDITORf.Jack Gedalius BLANK D(} ISK SALES./Ron Fetzer Legal Counsel7.ZJerry Ginsberg Rep. to NEAR*USc.John Hardie LIB. COPY(} MASTER .1*.John Hardie EQUIPMENT-MANAGER9.TRon Fetzer DOOR PRIZES_.Harry Tuthill SERGEANT-AT(}-ARMS .CJohn Hardie NOTE-[*] denotes change in position.T TY* (O.H.A.U.G.) is in no way asso(}ciated with the ATARI Corp.,or any of their afffiliates, other than using a great product. Atari and Atari related (}products are the Trademarks of their respective companies and used Only as informational help to our members and Ata(}Gri user in general. Opinions herein are not necessarily those of O.H.A.U.G. but those of the various individual autho(}rs. O.H.A.U.G. is a NOT-FOR-PROFIT Organization in the State of N.Y. O.H.A.U.G. will NOT tolerate ANY re(}Yferances-directly or by implication to piracy or the use of any computer equipment for] illegal activities. DEADLINE(}S FOR NEWSLETTER JAN/FEB DEC 31 JUL/AUG JUN 30 MAR/APR FEB 28 SEPT/OCT AUG 31 MAY/JUN APR 30 NOV/DEC OCT 31(}( Submitted articles are preferred asdisk text files, preferably made on the1ST (}xXLENT Word Processor, in 38 columnsbut it will be gratefully accepted ashard copy. Send your articles, commentsto:} (}OL' HACKERS Newsletter 3c/o Ron Fetzer, Editor8 G22 Monaco Ave.L Elmont, NY 11003, U.S.APlease refer to the abov(}2e schedule forOL' HACKERS NEWSLETTER deadlines.> >C*FENDJ* Elmont, NY 11003, U.S.APlease refer to the abov(K *+*+*+*+* aNEW SCHEDULE OF MEETING DATES Dates have been set until June 17,g 2000. All meetings st,}6art at 1:00* P.M. and end at 5:00 P.M. September= @18,D \1999 3rd Sat. Octobere h30,l 1999 5th Sat. ,}November 13, 01999 2nd Sat. December8 ;18,? W1999 3rd Sat. Januarya c8,g 2000 2nd Sat. Febru,}ary 12, (2000 2nd Sat. March3 618,: P2000 3rd Sat. April[ ^15,b v2000 3rd Sat. May} ,} 13, "2000 2nd Sat. June. 117,5 E2000 3rd Sat.} ,} h NEW DATES, CHANGES AND SPECIAL EVENTS WILL BE PRINTED AS SOON AS RECEIVED.} ,} ,* Change ** Addition8 h->->END<-<-LL BE PRINTED AS SOON AS RECEIVED.} ,D ;=-=-= USING THE JOYSTICK TO READ TEXT!K MOD by JOHN McGOWAN How to use use the JOYSTICK0} to read the text on the screen. After reading all the text on the screen, you go to the next page by hitting the R0}ED BUTTON. To read the NEXT article just pull the JOYSTICK toward you while text is scrolling down the screen, or a0}C fter you have read the article.1 =-=-=YSTICK toward you while text is scrolling down the screen, or a08AAF`!`H$-%.HH \hhh(`.HM)   !h(L`N) 4}ǩ!"`3!3) A5@BP6.!6-@TZ+ @P^s5 Ap)"@w6.8} @P ) A5@#16.!6-@5;+ @P?T5 Ap!@XoA0"$\ As(}%8}AR7-@@ OR(Numeral to convert: ?\ A/@Sc"AR@g%(/ A,,+@:8}, @e ,%@AA#2E (}-@6:@>DE(%LMgq(-@uy@}8}(( | Roman | ?-@ $@ (.?(%67Q[(-@_c@g(( | Arabic | 8}?-@ @?(% !;EE-@7IM@Q](|--@7ae@i3(|EAR@8} R-@@"6((Press any key to continue)HAdAUR A F:Ad,"AUA /8}C$AdAU A%(}/ A(1D*-7;@?]#A ' *$N3 -@acin6?Pr,A 8}ǒ0 3$X>>M,1000,100,D,500,100,C,100,10,L,50,10,X,10,1,V,5,1,I,1,1b##CM,D,CD,C,XC,L,XL,X,IX,V,IV,I D2:ROMAN.NUM9}* @e )!@000,100,D,500,100,C,100,10,L,50,10,X,10,1,V,5,1,I,1,1b##CM,D,CD,C,XC,L,XL,X,IX,V,IV,I D2:ROMAN.NUM8 PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE) >}$@VW MDYMDYAZ./67>?FGNOVW^_fgno vw }A}  llFROM "SOME COMMON BASIC PROGRAMS ATARI 400/800 EDITION" P.191 MODIFIED BY JACK GEDALIUS 10/88, 0A} 2/2000 +;@"),;@P-, ..(&TO TELL HOW OLD YOU ARE IN NO. OF DAYS(( DATE OF BIRTH#((A} MO,DAY,YEAR(( 2(( TO DAYS DATE7(( MO,DAY,YEAR(< F 6-P 6-Z 6-d APA}n 6-x 6- 6- 6- AP 6-&%("( YOU ARE  DAYS OLD%(6-'Ae 6-P:A}n,&(#( YOU ARE  YEARS OLD&( AU#(#(TO DO IT AGAIN YES OR NO4Y@0r A`A}??SUBROUTINE TO COMPUTE NUMBER OF DAYS FROM 0/0/0/ TO M/D/Y]GGTABLE OF NUMBER OF DAYS FROM FIRST OF YEAR TO FIRST OFA}Q EACH MONTH^ 0,31,59,90,120,151,181,212_243,273,304,334h#i-@Uj"k qEEGET NUMBER OF DAYSA}x FROM JAN.1 TO FIRST OF MONTH FROM DATA TABLE{00COMPUTE NUMBER OF DAYS FROM 0/0/0 TO M/D/Y|DD6-%$Ae%P:'@|,A}%%@ &P:'A,%P:'A#L,POSSIBLY A LEAP YEAR?$$P:'@PW,'@[APCONT. TEST FOR LEAP A}YEAR$$'A"P:'A3,A0$$'A7?"P:'AC,A@<<IF MONTH IS JAN. OR FEB., ADJUST CALCULATEDA } NO OF DAYS!@/AP6-&@3e$!!6.YOUR ASTROLOGY SIGN IS >-"@io*@ sy)"@}A!}*@ &>( Ӡ<-"@*0*@4:)"@>D*@ Hb<(Ӡ<-"@fl*@!pv)"@z*A"}C@ !<(Ӡ<-"@%+*@!/5)"@9?*@ C]<(Ӡ<-"@ag*@!kq)"@u*@ A#}#<(ɠ<-"@ &*@!*0)"@4:*@">X<(Ҡ9-"@\b*@#fl)"@pv*@"z9(A$}Ϡ;-"@*@#"()"@ ,2*@"6O;(Ϡ;-"@ SY*@#]c)"@gm*@"q;(A%} &=-"@*@#!)"@%+*@"/J=( Ϡ0A-"@NT*@#X^)"@bh*@!lA( A&}Ӡ:?-"@*@"")"@&,*@0?( ΠD$ D2:DAYS.OLDOLOGY SIGN IS ORMAT?T'A'} "@Q"!% D:WELCOME.BA@&,*@0?( ΠD$ D2:DAYS.OLDOLOGY SIGN IS ORMAT?T'@q ZXXMOFIRSTTIMYOLDYOLDMMLMSTARXYSTARLCCC10C40BASDBYOLDNDLEAPYNDOLDDNROCOxE)} $%,-45<= DE LM TU \] delmtu|E*} '(/078?@GHN))MODIFIED BY JACK GEDALIUS ON 2/2000 %%CE+}%ALENDAR BY MATTHEW KLINE 02/83 !!.0 TORONTO, CANADAKKTHE GREGORIAN CALENDAR WAS 1ST USED IN 1582 WITH A 10 DAE,}Y ADJUSTMENT.77DURING 1583 & LATER YEARS THE RULE IS AS FOLLOWS:MMA LEAP YEAR IS A YEAR WHICH IS EXACTLY DIVISIBLE BYE-}i 4 EXCEPT THAT YEARSKKDIVISIBLE BY 100 ARE NOT LEAP YEARS UNLESS THEY ARE DIVISIBLE BY 400.@mt.@x@E.} E:H0@@"$*0b0@48@<@@DJ|0@NR@VZ@^d@hjp;@E/} ,;@ -,(  CALENDAR: 26-@1:< @`>eF- ENTER MONTH AND YEAR: -@iP AE0}ZH 46-%+"@%,>6-%@)-&@18$+"@<_,H A`dI 4L6-&+"@cn,?6-&@rv%@z$+E1}"@',I APn" 6-B:, @+1" @`5x&&JANUARY,FEBRUARY,MARCH,APRIL,MAY JUNE,JULY,AUGUST,SEPTEMBERE2}0OCTOBER,NOVEMBER,DECEMBER% #A 6-6<%6-BO'6-%@S[!@_' Ap"-@E3}&@ ;'7<%@&,47@*.<@2C,-6-;6-%@GT "Z A`ALPHANUMERIC MONTHE4}C6--%@L/7<,2A)7<,3Z!6-/6-%@P] "ci @`m APE5}5$NUMERIC MONTH" 6-A:, @(." @`2V") 6-P:,!A)6-P:'BZf,, !@jv 6-P:'Az,6E6} 6.=:,6-B:,@-@"(&@,=J.7<%&@AV,4 6-%.6-%@ZT ^7<,4.6-%@E7}h ! @`7rHAVE MO: GET YR|6-6@;i A -6-A:7,,6-%@m AE8}  P:,)   @`$/ A3;6-A ?s%6 A, YEAR MUST BE AFTER 1582.6 @`wE9}!HAVE MO & YR# #A -@%E"# 7 6. 67B:,%@I\,. 767B:,%@`v,.=:,1 }*-+@@z&B:E:},,'@ R. 1 -- % SUN. MON. TUE. WED. THR. FRI. SAT... & VW[\`aefjkoptQ6-E;}Ae%6-$@%@';6-$@%+/&@3=Q6-$@AE%@IIIEVENTUALLY DY= (DAY OF WEEK MODULO 7)+1 WILL =E<}, 1...7 I.E. SUN...SAT(6-A6-@0P(1 JAN 1583&26-P:+&,'ATa,(6-%$Ae26-%$0>6-P:+&E=},'A ,(6-%$A)>6-%$%+!/=,:6-&@AK6-&@O`6-&+&P:'Adi,$Amw!&P:'A{,$E>}A,%+&P:'A,$A *!&P:'A.3,$A7K,D26-P:+&,'@O\,(6-%$@`w26-%$NU6-&@{E?}6-&@ U6-%+&P:'@!&,$@*4!&P:'@8=,$@A,X 6-&6-%6-%$b))31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,E@}30,31,30,31l #A6-$6vRR6-+"P:'@:?,$@CO,&+"P:'ASX,$A\h,%+"P:'Alq,$Au,EA}-@!"*"@'!6-@)+^ 6-%6-  6-((6-&P:+&@bg,'@kp,$@t<6-EB}<6-P:+%&@&@!&,'@*/,%@3>-@BY  -@]a@erI6-%@v6.EC} 567@ ,.=:&%@,,I6.7B:,&@0D,  )!%&@Hj 6. $  | "@n$  | ED} .. & | | | | |" #|' (|, >| 4  4 & BCGHLMQRVW[\`r4 "4 & vw{EE}  (  *M6-.h6-6-C #( L=LAST MONTH, RETURN=NEXT MONTH )M @`l D2:CALENDEF}C AR--@ @ (&( Selection6-.h6-6-C #( L=LAST MONTH, RETURN=NEXT MONTH )M @`l D2:CALENDD#G(@Z[RPSRABCDE23:;BCJKRSY[bcjkqs z IH}   $&,.4tF66PRODUCED BY JACK GEDALIUS FROM OL! HACKERS ATARIPGG;@x,;II}@ ,;@%,;@%#,;@%'.,;@02>,U;@BJ,Z +P\ ^ ϠĠ_ i jIJ}#(NAME ON THE ACCOUNT #(k(ACCOUNT NUMBER(l( NAME OF BANK(m (DATE(n  PRINCIPIK}+ALs x RATE}6-'A/ '# NUMBER OF PERIODS ANNUALLY'  NUMBER OF YEARSIL}ǃ )% SUMMARY LINE ONLY(YES OR NO)) 3, #DO YOU WANT A PRINT OUT (YES OR NO)03(@ 4Y(  PLIM}EASE TURN PRINTER ON<-@ $A(@  ARX 4Y 3ACCOUNT NAME: 33 ACCOUNT NO. H3NAME OF BANKIN}\: U3DATE: X31 4Y13 PRINCIPALRATEPERIODYEARS, 4Y,3$  g % 6-IO} 6-'''(+7@<@!+,4N,A/%% PERIOD PRINCIPALINTEREST0 4Y303PERIOD PRINCIPALIIP}NTEREST- 4Y-3*  )*,4*<%% B*E N*QY*d-@h$ 6-$$$6IQ} -P:$A %?P,'A+''(+7@/3<@7,4N,A`  4Y3'"P:', IR}'"P:',*4Y3 -%  TOTAL INTEREST $&- 4Y3(*3TOTAL INTEREST $&-3  IS}_FINAL AMOUNT $# 4Y 3FINAL AMOUNT $#3 "   ANOTHER RUN,$$7@cg<@kt,4Y@x6IT}6 D2:INTEREST) 6-P:,!A)6-P:'B:F,, !@J_ 6-P:'A,$$7@cg<@kt,4Y@x6HU ONE MORE YEAR =Today I'm 90, dear mighty LordA _I still have tasks to be donec I'd get so much accomplishMV}ed If I lived to be 91.! ?I appreciate my venerable ageC ^A privelege granted to fewb But I would rejoice with alMW}l my heart *If I could attain 92.. OSo many Simchas (Happy events) IS bwant to attendf These happy events I waMX}C nt to see -To revel in the joys of others1 PIs it too much to ask for 93?T jI'm curious by naturen And my spirits MY}Ywould definitely soar When a century sounds so goodB gSo with the humblest entreaty I prayk Please make it 100M`}, if You could. .0from the pen ofC QFREDA J. HODESU.gentreaty I prayk Please make it 100LW? Here are some interesting programs that are on this disk!H HM This program will conveQb}rt Arabic Numbers into Roman Numbers by just entering the number you want to be changed and pressing return. If youQc}Ǜ want to convert Roman to Arabic, enter the Roman letters and press return. To run this program type RUN "D:ROMAM .NUM".Qd} <DAYS OLD> This program will ask when you were born and the present date. It will then calculateQe} your age in days, years and indicate your horoscope sign. I find that it can calculate the number of days betweeQf}n two dates which is useful, for example, to know the number of days between when a CD or bond is issued and when it isQg}> due. To run this program type RUN "D:DAYS.OLD".H HM In this program one enters the Qq}STddB%DOS SYSB*)DUP iSYSBSWELCOME SCRB[WELCOME BASB>aNEWSLTR BASBMAINMENUHLPBHELPm DOCBPRESSPRTMNUC)BPRESSPRTHLPB FMINUTESTXTBCWHO- TXTBBMEETDATTXTBJOYSTCK TXTBAUTORUN SYSBROMAN NUMBEPRESMSGTXTk BDAYS YOLDB(CALENDAR BGINTEREST B UHODES TXTB&aDEDITMSGTXTB"zTRIG` yBLIQUID MEAB3MATH C BABCDCBA BPALNUM :B DEPTHCHARGEB BINGO@ pBGMINUTESTXTB KEMAIL TXTB?IHABITS TXTqmonth and the year. The whole month appears on the screen. For this century you just enter the last two numQr}bers of the year. This program goes from the 16 th century to infinity. To run this program type in RUN "D:CALENDAR". Qs} <INTEREST> I use this program to calculate the amount of interest earned when my CD's are due. IQt}t is usually correct within a few pennies. You receive a good print out. It will detect when your printer is on. FirsQu} One can: 1. find the side of a riR(} kP^NSIANGL*+23:;BCJKRSZ[bcjk rs y U{}+o0@@!@%+70@/3@7;@?EQ0@IM@QU@YoBACKGROUND, BORDER, LETTERS'U|}C AR@)'TURN CURSOR OFFI%(0 K٠͠I(P rΠ٠ˠӠ(} U}}} !(!(' Zՠ#j(j(_ FIND SIDES OF A RIGHT TRIANGLEb wGIVEN HYPOTENUSE ONLY} U~} J(WHOLE NUMBERS)(C(C(8 PYTHAGOREAN THEOREM FINDING SIDESP OR HYPOTENUSE21(1(& FIND MEASUREMENTSU}A BY TRIG FUNCTION<@(@(5 FIND DEGREES OF ANGLE KNOWING THEF THREE SIDESF((ҠŠP''AU}A AA$_!! @(.)!@26@:dPYTHAGOREAN THEORYs A x+'(} ENTER THE NUMBER (HYU}0POTENUSE)+}(PLEASE STANDBY6-#@4?-@C[ -###@_e%#@iA+(((U}THE TWO SIDES HYPOTENUSE+( (  '('(TYPE 1 TO DO ANOTHER PROBLEM&"(TYPE 2 TO RETURN TO U}MENU &"@A!,"@04@8C!@GAOO(G} TO FIND THE SIDE OR HYPOTENUSE OF A U}/ RIGHT TRIANGLE WITH TWO KNOWNS.((< F(S ^ (i ya   c(} U}  (# $(1(@ b(( A@(( ENTER SIDE a U}3APC(?(3ENTER SIDE b .IF SIDE b IS UNKNOWN7 RENTER A ZERO.C"XqA996-P:M:#@u%#@U},$@ %?P,'@+(+( SIDE a SIDE b HYPOTENUSE (c)(  A A+('(ENTEU}-R THE HYPOTENUSE SIDE c+996-P:M:#@17&#@;@,$@DH%?PLQ,'@U+(+( SIDE a SIDE b HYPOTENUSE U}m(c) ( "O(K(?TYPE 1 IF WANT TO DO AN OTHER PROBLEM TYPE 2 TO RETURN TO MENU.O'"@quAy)U}!@ A* @ ,UU(M} TO FIND THE SIDES OR HYPOTENUSE OF A RIGHT TRIANGLE WITH KNOWING THE ANGLE@**("U} *SIN(A)=OP/HYPJ++(#7 9? UCOS(A)=ADJ/HYPK**("b e j TAN(A)=OP/ADJL(U} a   cM(* 7 AN(D EIRO(a bP(Q(S A@TU}T(ENTER THE ANGLE] AP^J(F(:ENTER THE SIDE a. IF SIDE a IS NOTX KNOWN THEN TYPE ZEROJ`"U}C,AecdL06-P:'+G:,'E:,,$A04%?P8=,'AAqLTANGENT FUNCTION OPP./ADJe))6-P:'G:,$Auy%?P}U},'A g+(+( SIDE a SIDE b HYPOTENUSE (c)h(  Al AemJ(F(:ENTER THE SIDE b. IF SIU} DE b IS NOT 1KNOWN THEN TYPE ZEROJr"7`AstC06-P:$+G:,'E:,,$Adh%?Plq,'AuCTANGEU}NT FUNCTIONu;)6-P:'E:,$A#'%?P+0,'A4;COSINE FUNCTIONv+(+( SIDE a SIDE b HYPOTENUSE (c)w (U}_ A|} A~)(%(ENTER THE HYPOTENUSE (c).)))6-P:$G:,$Acg%?Pkp,'At))6-PU} :$E:,$A%?P,'A +(+( SIDE a SIDE b HYPOTENUSE (c)(  A'('(TYPE 1 TO DO U}@ANOTHER PROBLEM&"(TYPE 2 TO RETURN TO MENU &"@DHALW"@[_@cn!@rAU}faa(Y}TO FIND THE ANGLE OF A RIGHT TRIANGLE WITH KNOWING THE TWO SIDES AND THE HYPOTENUSE**("{ SIU}N(A)=OP/HYP++(# "( >COS(A)=ADJ/HYP**("K N S hTAN(A)=OP/ADJ(s a   cU}(  A(- .2;(J b(( AP"((ENTER THE SIDEU}E a. " AU"((ENTER THE SIDE b. " A`)(%(ENTER THE HYPOTENUSE (c) )m16-PU}:D:+','+',,$A%?P$,'A(mTO FIND THE ANGLE USE ARCTANGENT FUNCTION. NEED ALL THREE1(1(&SIDE a SIDE bU} HYPOTENUSE(c) ANGLE IS( N(J(>IF WANT TO DO ANOTHER PROBLEM TYPE 1. TO RETURN TO MENU TYPE 2NU}"@ A"@!%@)4!@8AD:TRIGLEM TYPE 1. TO RETURN TO MENU TYPE 2NTO`efm A%.A2<z +@@F-@JN@RY@(@]LIQUID MEASUREMENTSb(WRITTY} EN BY JACK GEDALIUS 2/85v-@$(A,;z ;@ ?G, +M((+!(ŠҠҠŠ%((+Y}&(GC(:LETS ENJOY OURSELVES WITH THE0 SFOLLOWING PROBLEMS G(%-@W[A _g %+m 3( ()(HOY}.W MANY PINTS IN A QUART -0(3(R"@2Q&( YOU ARE RIGHT, :-@UYA]e> H+kqR @Pu""(Y}# YOU ARE WRONG. TRY AGAIN!( @'d22( (((HOW MANY CUPS IN A QUART ,/(2(<R"@h&( YOU ARE RIGHT, Y} :-@A> H+$*R A.YF""( YOU ARE WRONG. TRY AGAIN!P @P]d4( (*(HOW MANY QUARTS INY} A GALLON.1(4(nU"@#E)(THAT IS EXCELLENT, =-@IMAQYA K+_U A@x""( YOU ARE WROY}NG. TRY AGAIN! AV0( (&(HOW MANY CUPS IN A PINT*-(0(U"@Z)(THAT IS EXCELLENT, =-@Y}A A K+U Ap''(THAT IS NOT CORRECT. TRY AGAIN! A@2( (((HOW MANY POUNDS IN A PINY}T,/(2(U"@=)(THAT IS EXCELLENT, =-@AEAIQA K+W]U Aa1'(THAT IS NOT CORRECT.Y}h TRY AGAIN!1 Ap Ap;( (1("HOW MANY TEASPOONS IN A TABLESPOON58(;(U"@l)(THAT IS EXCEY}LLENT, =-@A%A K++eU A@''(THAT IS NOT CORRECT. TRY AGAIN! Ai9( (/( HOW MAY}0NY TABLESPOONS IN AN OUNCE36(9(U"@4V)(WOW! THAT IS RIGHT =-@Z^AbjA K+pU AY}Co''(THAT IS NOT CORRECT. TRY AGAIN! A@3( ()(HOW MANY POUNDS IN A QUART-0(3("U"@s)(WOW! Y}THAT IS RIGHT =-@ A$,A K+2U A,''(THAT IS NOT CORRECT. TRY AGAIN!1 A62( (((Y}0HOW MANY OUNCES IN A PINT,/(2(@U"@4V)(THAT IS EXCELLENT, =-@Z^AbjA K+pU A@JY}j""( YOU ARE WRONG. TRY AGAIN!O AT3( ()(HOW MANY OUNCES IN A QUART-0(3(^U"@2n)(THAT IS EXY}CELLENT, =-@A'A K+-U Aph""( YOU ARE WRONG. TRY AGAIN!m A@r3( ()(HOW MANY Y}'OUNCES IN A POUND-0(3(|U"@+M)(THAT IS EXCELLENT, =-@QUAYaA K+gmU Aq""( YOUY}b ARE WRONG. TRY AGAIN! Ap4( (*(HOW MANY GLASSES IN A QUART.1(4(Q"@f%(THAT IS RIGHT, Y}9-@ A= G+!VQ A0""( YOU ARE WRONG. TRY AGAIN! AZ3( ()(HOW MANY OUNCES IN A Y}GLASS-0(3(Q"@=%(THAT IS RIGHT, 9-@AEAIQ= G+WQ AV""( YOU ARE WRONG. TRY Y}AAGAIN! A0&( (#(ՠĠ٠&((G s A` D:LIQUID.MEAAwy@}Y}c 40(YOU DID WONDERFUL((: s - NOT VERSION 2 FO D:LIQUID.MEAAwy@}XT7dAADFTEMWINCHILCTRA;<CDKLS\Acdklst{ ]}    &'./67>KA +Q\ .(.(#}*]} ** ( ( -MATH PROGRAM.(.(#P*Y?-@]a@"e?(%WRITTEN BY JACK GED]}ALIUS 12/84 & 7/88#%-@!%A)1 %+7@$+@DH%@LU'-@Y]@ak(##(@o THIS PROGR]}AM WILL)(@ 26(@$+(@/66(@:=A Vdo all your3(@Ze47(@ip(@t7(@]}  <-@$(A,7 F +=jP"("( SELECT A NUMBER (1-12)U-@nrAv W]} A0 Z( 3 - ADDITIONd$($(; W - SUBTRACTIONn'('(_ - MULTIPLICATIONx!(!(]}C ! - DIVISIONy+(+(* M - RAISING TO A POWERz$($(U q - SQUARE ROOT{/(/($y ]}#- THERMOMETER CONVERSION|)()(+ L - WINDCHILL FACTOR}.(.(#T - CENTIMETERS TO INCHES~.(.(# ]} + - INCHES TO CENTIMETERS)()(3 T - QUARTS TO LITERS)()(\ - LITERS TO QUARTS( ]}Š !! @")!@&*@p.9ggA=AAEIAMQAUYA]aAeiAmqAuyA}]}A AA +%(( ΠΠ ((ENTER FIRST NUMBER ( (( ENTER ]}8NEXT NUMBER ( (( THE SUM = %" A<G'"@KOAS\+ @p`g, +m6!(!( ]}ΠΠ@((ENTER FIRST NUMBERJ ( T(( ENTER NEXT NUMBER^ ( h!(!( THE DIFFERENCE = ]} & A"@#A'0 @p4; +A%(%( ΠΠ((ENTER FIRST ]}^NUMBER ( (( ENTER NEXT NUMBER ( (( THE PRODUCT = $ Abm"@quAy ]} @p  +(( ΠΠ((ENTER FIRST NUMBER ( (( ENTER NEXT NUMBER& ]}-( 0(( THE QUOTIENT = 'N A1<S"@@DAHQU @pU\X +b] ( ( ǠϠ]}oҠb$((ENTER FIRST NUMBER ($l(( ENTER POWER(v ((THE ANSWER IS  (# As"@]} A  @p! +'(( ŠԠ"((ENTER THE NUMBER("!((THE ANSWER IS ]}!(M:, A"@#'A+4 @p8?  +EP%Z(T(IZ qŠŠΠ} ]} ƠŠҠŠW(Z(&1.(& CENTIGRADE (CELSIUS) TO FAHRENHEIT1('1.(& FAHRENHEIT TO CENTIGRADE (CELS]}YIUS)1((# ( CENTIGRADE TO KELVIN#()$!( FAHRENHEIT TO RANKINE$(*(( ^ Š,''AA]} A EA u.9 +"(9($ŠөϠԠ/'( (ENTER THE TEMPERATURE#('4E(']}&(THE TEMP. IN FAHRENHEIT IS E(+@ *1$,'@59%@2=F> AJUC"@Y]AajH @pnu +{]}G.(.(#ԠϠŠӠ'( (ENTER THE TEMPERATURE#('P('(THE TEMP. IN CENTIGRADE IS P(]}P:@ $+&@2,'@ !%?P%/, A3>"@BFA JS @pW^ +d+(+( Š]}pөϠΠ'( (ENTER THE TEMPERATURE#('L(#(THE TEMP. IN KELVIN IS L(P:+%As,$Atx%?P|,]}'A A "@$(A,5 @p9@ +F#(#(ԠϠŠ '( (ENTER THE]}K TEMPERATURE#('M($(THE TEMP. IN RANKINE IS M(P:+%AYi,$AOS%?PW\,'A`i Amx"@|]}A @p +!LH( (H(: TYPE 1 TO DO ANOTHER EXAMPLEU OR 0 TO SEE THE MENU$L +]}Q#(#( ӠϠӠV%(( ENTER CENTIMETERS !(%`.("( NUMBER OF INCHES ARE .($?97]}j A o"@A#,t @p07 +=#(#( ӠϠӠ (( ENTER INCHES (]}? 3('( NUMBER OF CENTIMETERS ARE 3($@T ACN"@RVAZc @pgn +t((]}k ӠϠӠ (( ENTER QUARTS ( (-(!(NUMBER OF LITERS ARE -($?c32 Ao7"@]}A < @px +#}(( ӠϠӠ (( ENTER LITERS ( .("( NUMBER OF QUARTS]} ARE .($@f A*"@.2A6? @pC88WIND CHILL FACTOR FROM "ANTIC" 9/86 P.82 I OWN IT.]}+ + +( nĠ̠\( (/(!ENTER AIR TEMPERATURE (DEGREES-F)9 A =\!Ary) 6@}]}FA L( (ENTER WIND SPEED(MPH)* A0.L!AP) L_A0 @ck6-@o!@P]} 6-@P 6DD6-?$+@q$M:,%@&?%:a$,$+&@@,%@@"&&6-P:+$Aei%?Pmr,'Av,,5 +]} /( Ġ̠2(5(6( TEMPERTURE: @( WIND SPEED : ((J$($(WIND CHILL FACTO]}R IS: T. @1*!@"*(.( 3 B^1 @FJ*!PX(1(_ s h4 @w*!6@]}  (4( +Ҡr+ 6@/7(+(> S | AWb"@fjAnw @p{]}CD 33F:A,"A*F:A,"AsA00 7 #A0@!-JN@GRq%"3A6%7  --wA]}")A%-  !6-?:A,6-A!$ XX14,36,48,100,64,18,128,118,68,114,22,102,134,36,188,54,176,174]},18,62,86,126,112,52 DD2,14,10,12,12,10,10,12,14,12,0,0,14,14,2,0,12,0,10,2,0,2,14,12 104,173,48,2,133,203,173 4]}9,2,133,204,160,3,177 203,9,128,145,203,160,6 169,130,145,203,200,192,29 208,249,169,129,141,0,2& 169,6,14]}1,1,2,160,990 162,6,169,7,133,205,76: 92,228,162,64,165,205,240D 18,173,24,6,141,197,2N 173,0,6,141,198,2,169]}ǛX 1,133,206,162,192,142,14b 212,76,98,228,72,138,72l 166,206,189,24,6,141,10v 212,141,23,208,189,0,6 141]}2,24,208,230,206,104,170 104,64D:MATH6BUA@F[  D:MATH|}]}Ye+",$%+"}\e'7AB(((.1@5CCWORDS THAT ARE SPELL THE SAME BACKWARDS ARE CALLED PALINDROME a};@@ ,;@@E,'(#(ENTER THE WORD OR PHRASE'6-K[-B:,@_d6@hu(6-%@y2=a}f67,.7<,=CREATING B$ WITH THE WORD SPELL BACKWARDS< F* 4 ( IS A PALINDROME* @ jP(( IS Aa} PALINDROME( @ ^Z11eg."STEP ON NO PETS";NOON;MADAM;ROTATOR;DAD D:ABCDCBAGODLO@b,;@P(( IS A`h-  B8HAB(((A14@9:AEA1AIAET==NUMERIC PALINDROME WRITTEN BY JACK GEDALe}IUS ON 11/20/86 ;@@%,;@@),((ENTER THE NUMBER3 6.=:,3CONVERTS A NUMERIC VALUE TO A STRINGe}6--B:,@"'6@+8(6-%@<2=67,.7<,=CREATING B$ WITH THE WORD SPELL BACKWARDS<e}) F* 4 ( IS A PALINDROME* @ -TP+( IS A PALINDROME!(+ AXd7 6-A:,6-A:,7CONVERT STRINe}(G BACK TO A NUMBERn(o(p( 3_s 6-%((({3 6.=:,3CONVERTS A NUMERIC VALUE TO A STRING}e}6- -B:,@!&6@*76-%@;=67,.7<,=CREATING B$ WITH THE WORD SPELL BACKWARDSe}C( * 4 ( IS A PALINDROME* @ ,S+( IS A PALINDROME!(+ AWD:PALNUM SPELL BACKWARDSdhlA#$+,34;<CDKLST[\bd jt ;@x, i}T(DEPTH CHARGE GAME((!(DIMENSION OF SEARCH AREA%((""6-P:K:,'K:@X^,,%@b(aa(YYOU ARE CAPTAIN OF i}lTHE DESTROYER USS DIGITAL. AN ENEMY SUB HAS BEEN CAUSING YOU TROUBLE.<CC(/YOUR MISSION IS TO DESTROY IT.t YOU HAVE i} SHOTS.FAA(9SPECIFY DEPTH CHARGE EXPLOSION POINT WITH THREE NUMBERS.PFF(>THE FIRST TWO ARE THE SURFACE LOCATION Ti}>HE THIRD IS THE DEPTH.d(( GOOD LUCK !(n?6-P:$H:DR,,+6-P:$H:Xf,,?6-P:$H:ly,,x@-@}i}M(&( E-W,N-S,DEPTH)(8(TRIAL # @**O:&,%O:&,%O:&,"SWA[d Ah( 1(1(&YOUi}L HAVE BEEN TORPEDOED! ABANDON SHIP!-#(THE SUBMARINE WAS AT - AP,/(/(BOOM ! ! YOU FOUND IT IN  TRIi}8ES'( (#(ANOTHER GAME (Y OR N)'4YA<i1'(OK. HOPE YOU ENJOYED YOURSELF 1 Am (SONAR REi}PORTS SHOT WAS  !(NORTH  (SOUTH !(EAST  (WEST& )( AND0 !i}( TOO LOW.:  ( TOO HIGH.D "( DEPTH OK.N$XD:DEPTHCHA.RGE_ A AND0 !hpG0LMGAMASKBINGOCOUNNUMAL@LO@TW@v\_@adg@%lo@tx AV}m}xMODIFIED BY JACK GEDALIUSCOMPUTER BINGO CALLERBY JAMES PERONE%%(c) 1/86, ANTIC PUBLISHING INC.0 +}m} 09@u ,;@,;@#5, AR@9J MA@hNn'AAH9A @rM-@m}@ a -(ҠϠ    (( ٠ˠӠ#6-gr(-@vAn} 2*-@@u%&68,-+<*  6-%@@H!@uL\ %%%6-P:H:bg,$@ukp,%@t"n}8,A  68,-#!&,* @06# A0:E#!@IO* @1Sh# A0#!@0lr* @Fv# A0 n}#!@E* @a1# A00#!@`5;* @v?T# A0@"@X\A`k!@oA%n}C-@ A& % AM-,0@!4s>($Would you like to play another game BJ4YM% +yn} >>( } D    3-JN@ RW3(p < (-n} @ T<(The next number is:  L -  A  (6-@ Xb6-%@f%6.B($ (6-@n} 6-&@'%6.I($ (6-@+56-&@)9O%6.N($ (6-@!S]6-&@Daw%6.G($ (6-@%{n}6-&@Y +%6.O($D:BINGO@W]-&@Daw%6.G($ (6-@%{lW MINUTES OF OHAUG MEETING 3/18/00 Our President JACK GEDALIUS opened the meeting by giving ALAN SHARKIS the floor. r }ALAN discussed how the Nassau Library System is closing down the end of this month. He offered information on a prr }ovider called my- i.s.p. which he is beta testing. He then read a letter from JOHN POWELL which ALAN responded to and r }read his response to club members. JACK informed club members that JOHN HARDEE wants do take a turn doing the Newsletr }ter. Discussion then turned to the upcoming Trenton Show where the collectors will be selling from their collectior }ns. JOHN HARDEE has a large collection including ATARI Pinball Machines. Discusson then centered around the fr}uture of this ATARI Club and its members. TREASURY REPORT: RON FETZER reports we are in the black. Discussir}on then centered around the need to find a shell account we can use with our ATARI. We need a shell account who har}ks a dial-up phone number so we can dial in. We are looking for a free provider. One membero qisv researcr}hing this possibility and will inform us at the next meeting of the findings. If anyone has any information onr} this problem, please $contact( JACK GEDALIUS, President of our Club. We are trying to find a solution to this pr}roblem. ALAN SHARKIS offered information on a provider who charges $9.95 a month for an account, an isp who hasr} an access number in Hicksville, www.gis.net and you can sign up month by month or long term. They have shell ar}Cccounts and a dial- up +phone number./ JIM HARRIS discovered this provider. JACK GEDALIUS announced that we havr}e lost HAROLD PEGLER who was a very active member who filled many roles in our club including and especially actinr}g as our LIBRARIAN. JACK also mentioned the loss of ALAN SHARKIS's father who passed on also this month. Club r}members made plans to visit the PEGLER home and pay their respects. Discussion then went to the Computer Show on Mr}ay 6 which is on the same date as the next Computer Club meeting in Nesconset. DEMONSTRATIONS: JACK GEDALIUS shor}wed movies of the summer barbeque from last summer and then the annual dinner in February. JACK then demoed one of thr}e games he will have in the next Newsletter. There were no door prizes at this meeting. The next meeting of the r}OHAUG will be on Saturday, April 15.etter. There were no door prizes at this meeting. The next meeting of the p( o=o=o=o=o=# MEMBER E-MAIL ADDRESSES We have asked for email addresses. These are what we have tov} date: *Alan Sharkis >asharkis@erols.com Bob WoolleyD hrwoolley@pacbell.net Dane Stegmann cf943@freenet.bv}uffalo.edu David Oldfield" Jd_oldfield_sr@juno.com Frank KuzloskiP fkuzlosk@suffolk.lib.ny.us Greg Goodwin v }- clu-da-bard@geocities.com Harry Tuthill3 Thgtut2@yahoo.com Jack GedaliusZ ljgedalius@aol.comr yoel97@aol.v!}com John Hardie I made thisR,} program for my older daughter when she was about four years old. (Now 21!) This program trains one to chaR-}nge measurements from one form to another. (ex: three teaspoon=one table spoon, four cups=one quart, etc.). To rR.},un this program type RUN "D:LIQUID.MEA". 8 8= This program will convert and do math problems as R/}follows: 1. addition 2. subtraction 3. multiplication 4. division 5. raising a number to a power 6. square root R0}7. thermometer conversion a. centigrade to Fahrenheit b. Fahrenheit to centigrade c. centigrade to Kelvin d. FahR1}renheit to Rankine 8. windchill factor 9. centimeters to inches 10. inches to centimeters 11. quarts to liters 12. litR2}6ers to quarts To run this program type RUN "D:MATH? ?D A palindrome is a word that reads R3}backswards and forward the same way. (Ex: dad, mom, noon, madam, and rotator) This program also does sentenceR4}Us. (Ex: Step on no pets). To run this program type RUN "D:ABCDCBA".Z Z_ If aR5} number is not a palindrome, it switches the order of the numbers and adds. The addition of which usually produces a pR6} alindrome.  2356 !+6532& &*-+0 04849 This is a numeric palindrome. To run this program type R7}RUN "D:PALINDROM". "<-DEPTHCHARGE2> This is a submarine battleship game. To run this program type R8} RUN "D:DEPTHCHA.RGE".& &+<0BINGO5> Bingo numbers are shown on the screen as called randomly. To rR9}C*un this program press the space bar. 1 16 This program is on side two of the disk. ItR:}: is similar to Wheel of Fortune. The directions are included within the program. It will ask which puzzle youR;} want. There are twelve different files containing many puzzles. The choice of files is up to you. I think thaR<} t this is a terrific program.$ To run this program press the space bar. I truly hope that you enjoy all these pR=}2rograms. This month's editor, JACK GEDALIUS6 ram press the space bar. I truly hope that you enjoy all these pP8t Valentine's Day dinner at Lambrou's restaurant. I, then, showed a disk of some of the upcoming programs that wil>D} GOOD HABITS TO FOLLOW 1. If you borrow it, return it. 2. If you value it, take care of it. 3. If you open it,z@}N close it. 4. If you break it, admit it. 5. If you can't fix it, call in S someone who can. 6. If you turn it on, tzA}3urn it off. 7. If you don't know how to operate 8 it, leave it alone. 8. If you make a mess, clean it up. 9. If it zB}belongs to someone else, get" permission to use it. 10. If you move it, put it back. 11. If you unlock it, lock it up.zC}elongs to someone else, get" permission to use it. 10. If you move it, put it back. 11. If you unlock it, lock it up.xl be incorporated in this present disk. The first program is ROMAN NUMBERS which converts Arabic Numbers into Rom>E}an Numbers and vice versa. The next program is DAYS OLD. This will calculate your age in days, years, and wi>F}ll indicate your horoscope sign. It,also, calculates the number of days between two dates. I find that it can c>G}alculate the number of days between when a CD or bond is issued and when it matures. In the program CALENDAR one ente>H}rs the month and the year. The whole calendar month appears on the screen. This can be done from the sixteenth cent>I}Dury to infinity. The last program that I demoed is INTEREST.H One can calculate the amount of interest earned w>J}hen a CD is due. I find the program accurate and helpful. BYE FOR NOW JACK GEDALIUS t of interest earned w<gGh of period. summary line in which you indicate whether you want to see the calculation of each day or only the finzL}Lal result. I found this program useful as I found that one bank cheated me out of $50. each time. When I showed zM}them my results of this program, they gave me the money without question! To run this program type RUN "D:INTEREST"zN}.  < TRIG%> One can: 1. find the side of a right triangle with only the hypotenuse given. IzO}t takes a while for the Atari to find the answer, 2. find the unknown side when given two of the sides of the zP} right triangle by using the Pythagorean Theorem, 3. find the sides or hypotenuse of a right triangle when one azQ}ngle is known, 4. find the degrees of an angle of a right triangle when the three sides are known. To run this progzR}ram type RUN "D:TRIG". #<6LIQUID MEASUREMENTS;> I made this program for my older daughter when she wazS}s about four years old. (Now 21!) This program trains one to change measurements from one form to another. zT}w (ex: three teaspoon=one table spoon, four cups=one quart, etc.). To run this program type RUN "D:LIQUID.MEA". } zU}  <MATH> This program will convert and do math problems as follows: 1. addition 2. subtraction 3. multizV}plication 4. division 5. raising a number to a power 6. square root 7. thermometer conversion a. centigrade to FahzW}renheit b. Fahrenheit to centigrade c. centigrade to Kelvin d. Fahrenheit to Rankine 8. windchill factor 9. centzX}imeters to inches 10. inches to centimeters 11. quarts to liters 12. liters to quarts To run this program type RUN "D:MAzY}TH <PALINDROME!> A palindrome is a word that reads backswards and forward the same way. (Ex: dad,zZ} mom, noon, madam, and rotator) This program also does sentences. (Ex: Step on no pets). To run this pz[}#rogram type RUN "D:ABCDCBA".( (- If a number is not a palindrome, it switches the orz\}Xder of the numbers and adds. The addition of which usually produces a palindrome. ] b2356f l+6532q qu-v{ 88z]}C88 _This is a numeric palindrome. To run this program type RUN "D:PALINDROM".h hmz^}EE^e This is a submarine battleship game. To run this program type RUN "D:DEPTHCHA.RGE".q qv>z_}u>>> Bingo numbers are shown on the screen as called randomly. To run this program press the space bar. | This program is on side two of the disk. It is similar to Wheel of Fortune. The directiza}ons are included within the program. It will ask which puzzle you want. There are twelve different files cozb}kntaining many puzzles. The choice of files is up to you. I think that this is a terrific program.o To run thiszc}Ǜ program press the space bar. I truly hope that you enjoy all these programs. This month's editor, JACK GEDALIUSzd}C ram press the space bar. I truly hope that you enjoy all these programs. This month's editor, JACK GEDALIUSxEE