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VOceanside, N.Y. 11572[ `***}$}3|Charter Member NEAR*US ATARI USER Gp.||> L砱X [|}$}3|Charter Member NEAR*US ATARI USER Gp.||> L砱X [|}$R9:ATTFSPSCROLLTXTTOLONUCENTEDELADPOYZabimAqry(}   #% ,- 45 <=DELMTU\]delmtu|(}2SAVE "D:OHSCROL4.BAS ;@$6F, uALw](C}THE FOLLOWING SCROLLING PROGRAM } (}ԠŠ AS SIDE 1!q-@#'A+Yu d!!6.heЭ Ѝ F@e]_e*AF:A@,4+(}@#"FAA2g @&,,@504@8F1/A%@JXC/A%@\bU/@5fj@ngAe@(} =-@5@=@"'@+-35;SS: LOGO 9 @W_6-@ ck%6-@vow9-@{(}@@ / ,/,A`&+/A`&/  R-@DTA#!@X`R6-@Cd%M:A&&+A&,$+(}A&,, 226-@Es%M:A b&+A&,$+A&,, Q ,/,A`&+/A`&/ C-@wA(} G Q A% 6-?:C:,,(#"")*GATARI SCREEN SCROLLER***2#""K*(c) 1984 Jeff Brenner***3#""MODIFIED BY GRANT RI(}CHARDSON4#""*#OCTOBER, 1989**5#VV**MIDWEST ATARI GROUP, IOWA CHAPTER CHAPTER** ADAPTED BY OL'HACKERS A.U.G., I(}NC.7#=A!=(#}& PLEASE WAIT- INITIALIZING!<#!!104,169,000,141,014,212,169F#!!022,141,036,002,169,00(}G6,141P#!!037,002,169,064,141,014,212Z#!!096,008,216,165,206,230,206d#!!197,207,208,051,169,000,133n#!!206,024,165,203(},105,001,133x#!!203,201,016,176,005,141,005#!!212,208,031,169,000,141,005#!!212,133,203,024,165,088,105#!!020,133,(}204,165,089,105,000#!!133,205,160,000,177,204,145#!!088,200,192,220,208,247,040#104,168,104,170,104,064#!6-F:(}E!AH,!6-F:AI,#"@%: AP#6-@>I#O;@ MV,(67@Za,.>:@2en,@67@ ry,.>:@2}(} ,O67@ ,.#;;A&,;@ *1,'6-7?;-@CG@K[#56-C:,%@"_%6-P:'AV,56-&$AV(}#767@<@(,.>:,767@,0<@4,.>:,$"67<,.>:,$ 6-%% $5BP2 THERE IS (}#AN ERROR IN THE DATA.5&"$6-@'/6-@3<,$;"BJ6-@NV;67@AZ^<@Abi,.>:@m,6$EA(}&@)A&;A,2E#A6?@$/ +@Cl/6-F:A`,%AV$F:Aa,J$k0rv@z@(} 70@@@%Q0@)-@ 15@9?k0@CG@KO@S\T$>0@`bhjpx>%@|(}F:%@ ,%@2!^$0-%@%+%@/<,F:,%@2@y0 h$!6-?:C:,,!AdAUr$"F:Ad,"@3}(}" A0|$"F:A,!"3" A0$#-9=@AH# @Li$("4REPEAT#Am( A`$ (}4END A0$9" $!-*.@29/ @=V9 A$T6-+@ Zd&B:,,'@hp* @tx<-}(}@ J @(T A$/-.2@6=/ @AG7@Kb<,$"F:A,"h" A$ A@(}$?BB=!AH-AI?BB@dA$''Display data begins at line 9500.%EEHI 8 BIT'er,NO(}W THAT YOU,,,ŠΠ,̧ A.U.G.,%CC,ӠŬWHY NOT,join us? We are,, 8 BIT,atari%ddcomp(}uter users, since 1985!,,WE HAVE MEMBERS ,̠ҠŠ , dues are ,$24.00 ,,,%77,(}V,, %FFWE ARE ABOUT ,,ΠĠZ,!%??NEW PROG'S FROM ALL, over the(}A ġ,,!,"%WWFOR MORE INFORMATION,WRITE TO: G,,̧ӠծǮ,ΠҠҮ#%,,(} ήٮ,516-$%,,MAKE CHECK ,,%% ,&% RON FETZER,,END'%CHAIN PROGRAM(}Ǜ(%% D:NEWSLTR.BASD:OHSCROL4.BASKE CHECK ,,%% ,&% RON FETZER,,END'%CHAIN PROGRAM(,C &='/ GCheck the Basics FirstQ by Thomas J. Andrews, member of ACE of Syr,}tacuse, and OL' HACKERS. (Reprinted from the ACE of Syracuse Newsletter with permission) 1050 DRIVE PROBLEMS?z Rec,}ently, one of my disk drives started acting up. It would have trouble booting up disks known to be good, and so,}metimes would take a long time writing to a disk, an indication that errors were occuring. DONT JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS. ,} I began to assume that the head was dirty, or a track sensor was gone, or something even more devastating was happen,} ing. THINK BEFORE YOU LEAP.& I was ready to pull the screws out and try to find out for myself what was wro,}fng, but I did something smarter than that first. I checked the basics. THE BASICS FIRST.l I looked at the c,}able connections and found the power supply cable to be only halfway plugged in. Don't ask me how it got that way-it j,}ust did. I pushed it in all the way, and the drive problem disappeared. This sort of thing happens all the tim,}e, so don't assume all connections are good just because you haven't disturbed them lately. When something goe,}:s wrong, check the basics first! It might just work>.and save you a buck or more! (Editor. Just this past week m,}y 1050 refused to boot up when a disk was inserted. I remembered reading this article in preperation for t,}he newsletter, but I was sure that I had a $$ repair job on my hands. Then I remembered that just before the unit w,}ent down I had heard a funny sound as I inserted a disk. I didn't want to open the unit, although I do know how, but wh,}en opened I probably wouldn't know what was wrong anyway, if it was an electrical problem. Wait just a minute, be,}fore I turn the drive over to a repair person, I decided to grab a flashlight and I looked into the slot. Yep, there,} was the culprit, a small piece of paper had gotten in with the disk and was lodged under the head. I often ma,}ke printed or handwritten notes to myself and put them into the sleeve, and they have a tendency to slide into ,}Gthe folds of the disk, and unless you look at both sides of the disk before putting it in, the paper can easily go in,}to the drive with the disk, and then gets free of the disk somehow and remains in the drive. A pair of teezers and-B} <<<>>> (A letter to RON from one of our new members, OCTAVIAN GRECU in Bucharest Romania, recently receiv0}7d. Thanks OCTAVIAN for sharing your world with us!)H K**O Greetings to the whole OL' HACKERS USER GROUP0}!!! Dear Ron, Thank you very much for sending me the 12 disks of programs, and doubly so for making me a m0}ember of OL' HACKERS ATARI USER GROUP. I hope you don't mind too much, but I'm really not that old. I'm sorry if my0}Ǜ postcard misled you in any way, but it was simpler to tell things that way than to go into all the details (there0}a wasn't room on the postcard). I really hope you will let me remain a member of your club!!g I'm a 24 year old e0}lectronics student here at our local university, nearing the end of my next to last year of study. My father was the o0}ne who actually purchased my ATARI 130XE w/1050 US-DOUBLER disk drive in '89 while he was on a short trip in the U.S.0} I obtained your address from one of the very few issues of ANTIC he purchased during that period. I learned my 0} English at Public School 116 in N.Y. City,where I attended for my 5th and 6th grades. At that time I had the excellent 0}@luck to accompany my father while he was posted to the U.N.inD GNewK York City during 1981-1983, but I haven't 0} left the country since. In '83 a law was passed making it impossible for any- body working or living in foreig0}n countries to take their children with them (not even newborn babies!). When I first came to New York I had no knowl0}edge of English at all, and I've tried since to stop forgeting what I learned by reading a lot of books from the lo0}cal American and British Libraries (although there was a period when it was considered highly suspicious for anyo0})ne to associate with any foreigners)./ What else can I tell you about my day to day life, here in Romania? A bi0}Gg problem is the low quality of public utilities services (did I get that right?). Practically every time the outside 0} temperature drops below -10c (14F) the cooking gas pressure drops so low you couldn't boil an egg inthe flame and tap w1}ater gets turned off at night from 11pm to 5am. Hot water puts in an even rarer appearance, usually in the1} morning and late evening (never at the same hour). This causes temperatures in our apartment to frequently drop1}\ below 14c,(57F) as it is supposedly centrally 'heated' with non existent hot water.a Since the Revolution that1} took place here in December '89 resulting in the overthrow of the Ceausescu dictatorship, my country has, like m1}ost other Eastern European countries, embarked in a plan to restructure the economy into a market driven on1}e. There is now an abundance of western goods to be found in the many small shops that have sprung up practically over1}night throughout the city. The only problem is that, due to inflation, only people engaging in black market activities1} can afford most of them. As the government relinquised all control over prices, the 'market economy' concept seem1}s to be interpreted (by most merchants) as meaning "get the highest price you can for your product - no matter what it1 }s quality". The concept of competition driving prices down, while highly publicised, has yet to be put i1 }_nto practice (if at least prices were stationary, but they double every few months).e In the past (before '89)1 }, it was highly risky to correspond with any foreigner, and all mail out of and into the country was routinely1 }Ǜ opened. They don't do this anymore for letters, but they do open any large package (in front of the recipi1 }ent) to impose import duties on it. And it seems that everything is taxable! There is a tax-free limit of 5000 Lei, bu1}t these days that is worth nothing (a 5 1/4 floppy disk is valued at over 1000). I was very fortunate that they di1}dn't ask me for any duties for your package. It does'nt seem to matter what you actually paid for someth1}Ging (I sometimes manage to obtain free samples of IC's), because there is a catalog according to which they1} estimate the prices (the latest discovery is estimating the value of an integrated circuit according to its n1}umber of pins). The inport duties are 20% for electronic products, plus 18% V.A.T. on the total of esti1}9mated price + import duties (totalling about 42%). ? The fact that the government liberalised the exchange ra1}te of Lei to foreign currency has had an extremely detrimental effect on the average citizen's buying power. Th1}e exchange rate has gone through the roof (it is now officially over 2000 Lei to a $). The prices seem to be based1} not on manufacturing costs, but on the exchange rate, causing the average family (mine included) which earns around1} 150-200,000 Lei a month to try very hard to make ends meet. Our economy has also been hit very hard by first the G1}ulf War, and now the war in the former Yougoslavia. Iraq was a large trade partener of my country. And the former Y1}aougoslav republics, by their very nature of being neighbouring contries, are very importantf htom pouru economy.1}Ǜ Unfortunately, the fact that Romania (and other countries in the region such as Bulgaria) is strictly respec1}ting the U.N. embargo against its best interests is being ignored by the interrnational community, and no compensatio1}'n (of any sort) will be forthcoming.- About other equipment I own: just a Commodore CM-141 color monitor1}. Would you happen to know anybody willing to send a XEROX copy of the service manual for this monitor, as i1}t is starting to show its age? I wish I had a printer, but with prices being what they are this is not likely to happe1}n. A friend of mine was recently trying to purchase a 9-pin printer for his job, so he phoned every firm in the equi1 }valent of the Yellow Pages specializing in computer equipment, and the lowest price he found was $800!!! But, I can 1!}tell you that trying to programm while only having a screenful of program at your disposal at any one time is1"}G an ordeal (and reading docs with a text editor stinks). Anyway, more important to my future career would be an IBM1#}# compatible computer, since most good engineering software was written for this computer. But, prices being what the1$}y are (an IBM '386sx type with modest capabilities costs well over 3 million Lei - as a comparison, in '89 a new ca1%}Cr was 75,000 and a new apartment with 4 rooms was 200,000).I As for owning a word processor, I'm afraid that I1&}[ only have TextPro, which satifies my needs for the time being since I have no printer.a On this disk you will find 1'}some programs that I hope you will enjoy written by a friend (pen-pal) who lives in Prague that I very recently me1(}t last month. His favorite operating system for Ataris is SPARTADOS 3.2d (as is mine, besides MyDos 4.51)}), so most of his programs were made to run under that system. Some are quite excellent, as I'm sure you will n1*}rotice! All of them are public domain (I noticed that you already have some of them in your disk library).w The t1+}hird disk is from Austria, where a young computer science student wrote a program for IBM PCs to make them r1,}ead MyDos formatted disks (using it is the only way I managed to print out the MyDos documentation at our fac1-}ulty). As he told me he didn't have the similar program for reading SpartaDos disks that you have in your library (#1.}224), that will be one of my choices for the disks you so graciously offered to send. Two other choices would be1/} disk #242 (for TEXTPRO 5.0, as I'm writting this on version 4.0M which doesn't work perfectly with Sparta) if 10}it has the docs for Textpro, otherwise send disk #227, and disk #266 for UUE.ARC (I hope that soon I will be able to se11}nd and receive E-MAIL on the Internet using the only computer connected to this service in the whole faculty, so I wi12}ll need this). As for the rest of the disks, I will have to think about what to choose (there are so many I find interes13} ting!). I noticed that in your library is a disk for ANALOG #60 (disk #51). I want to point out that the14}G DETOKEN.BAS program has some bugs in it that prevent it from operating properly (at least the one I have - the o15}5nly issue of ANALOG with disk I own - does), so I included a fixed version of the program on this disk so you can 16}replace it if you wish. Also, while reading the docs for the Turbo Basic Compiler (for which I thank you once agai17}n) I noticed a small inaccuracy: it is possible to save a compiled file to a disk other than #1 by entering the drive18}7 number before beginning to type the file name.= In case you are wondering how come I happened to send y19}ou this mailer from New York City, I asked my father to contact a colleague of his that works there so he could drop1:}y this in the mailbox. The stamps are mine (re-cycled from old letters sent from the U.S.), as is the mailer and the} 1;}disks (both obtained by requesting demo software). I hope you won't think I'm cheap, but mailing you these disks1<}d from here in Romania, besides being very risky and taking a long time is also rather expensive.j I wish you lots 1=}Fof happiness, and a long life to O.H.A.U.G.! Sincerely, OctavianL Please excuse my lack of style in writting (1>}my sentences tend to become unbearably long), and be kind enough to attribute my probably numerous spelling error1?}s to typos. 5 (Ed. Please note that RON FETZER, out of the kindness of his generous1@} heart sent OCTAVIAN the requested disks as well as th 12 disks mentioned in the beginning of this letter. RON proves 1A}^that OL' HACKERS do their utmost to spread the 8 BIT word. Thanks RON you are a winner!) m>pEND}<2}p I was back in business. So, as TOM says, check out the basics before concluding that you are stuck! A.P.) }=-C}=pSo, as TOM says, check out the basics before concluding that you are stuck! A.P.) }=,**P0P1P2P3MDLVDLPDDLTDLPDLBDLPOKCRSINNSAVMSSMENLMARGNFILPFNPSSPTITLEADNCHOICADZMP5E}INORCNVINOUTMODSPLITEMPHLPRTGNDNUFNULFCNDIRFNCHBAPMBASPTVVTSTARDLISNoEEoFe5F}CMFoK((K""KK""K## L Bsa Bsa ARQT @Y\@atBSB6@y@5G}G =  * " ( DELMTU[x 66 k!A`|"5H}AB#{00$"%&@'('.@(Z)B*GH+NZ, qq-@v_b.@gj/@op0v15I}2 3]4 5"56AD7L x8@ :=9@BC:JK;RVB?sSAVE "D5J}":PRNTTOOL.BAS Ԡ̠*]ƮӠdu(}s;@y,;5K}@,;@,;@$,;@(/,;@3:,;@>E,;@IP,;@T[,;@_,} A 2Πՠ5L}$<@)6-?:<A`&):@:1,*@:2,='@$! 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Large.6-@u/Zt/>:,42#6.40 Col. Medium/6-@v^~/>:,43#6.80 Col. Me5~} dium/6-@vR/>:,44#6.160 Col. Small/6-A" A-@ VZ@^T(ԠŠǺ5}9( T($05=8(BNS8( ! ) @5}:1,)!@:3,!$%>:,416.1/6 in.%6.2%>:,426.1/8 in.%6.0&>:,436.1/9 in.&6.5}*A$ԠŠ4 ((0>ԠŠD4A;6-?:<A`:AU,z 6-z6-?:<A <<A<AR5}C,<B2V<<B2W<<B2X<<B2H<@D0L<B2I<Av<AY<@FPZ,*@^A'B7tA*$5}C*6-?:<%<<%@!<<%@%:<,26-%@6-%@>C$̠ǠӠ40,34,29,34,35,9D4:PR5} NTTOOL.BAS}4  +=+=+ /PRINT TOOL 9.0: PRINT TOOL 9.0 --- a multi-purpose printer utility for Epson 9} or Gemini printers. FProgram and text by: Charles F. JohnsonJ CIS # 75066,404 (File will be found on this disk.)9} PRINT TOOL is a BASIC program that will let you print out any ATASCII text file with its CTRL graph9}ics characters and all the other special ATARI characters just as they appear on screen. It lets you use any characte9}r set that you wish (as long as it is stored in the standard 9 sector form used by most character editor programs), and9} will also print the date, author, and a nice boxed title at the beginning of the printout. This program is es9}pecially good for printing files that have been printed to disk with PaperClip or SpeedScript. PRINT TOOL also lets9}Ǜ you print out a directory listing in 2, 4, or 6 columns, or enter a line of text to be printed at any point. There 9} are three sizes of text available; all use the entire ATARI font or any alternate font you wish. You may also9} choose between three line spacing settings. PRINT TOOL is designed for the Epson or Star Micronics (Gemini) printers.9} Using PRINT TOOL. ) When you run PRINT TOOL, the first thing you see is the OPTION MENU. Below 9} the menu are several lines which will hold pertinent information as you use the program. The menu selections a9}re: 1...Disk Directory. This command will display the directory of drive one or two in a double column format9}, and then ask for a filename to print. If you want to print a text file from that disk just enter its name, wit9}h no D: specifier. If you're just looking at the directory or the file you want to print isn't on that disk, hit RETUR9}GN and you will go back to the OPTION MENU. 2...Print Directory. This will print the directory of drive one or 9}two in the currently selected print mode (see change Print Mode). 3...Load Character Set. This command enables you 9} to load a character set file from drive one or two. The new character set will then be used during any printing9} as well as displayed on screen. This option also allows you to return to the default Atari font. 4...Typ9}e a Line. You may enter a line of text (up to three physical lines) to be printed in the current print mode an9}d character set. Any characters may be used. 5...Enter Filename. This option lets you enter the name of an ATASC9}II text file to be printed. If you want to print out a BASIC program with all of its special characters, you should 9}first LIST it to disk and then use PRINT TOOL to print the LISTed file. A SAVEd BASIC program is in a tokenized form,9}1 so if you try to print that, you're bound to5 Ehave problems.I Some word processors will allow you to print 9}text to a disk file, which can then be printed with PRINT TOOL (say, with a nice redefined font). (Ed. I beieve that thi9}s can be done with 1stXLENT & ATARIWRITER PLUS, maybe with others.) 6...Enter Title. Lets you enter a title for the fil9}e you wish to print. The title will be printed with a border around it, at the top of the listing. 7...Enter Author.9} Lets you give yourself (or whoever) credit at the top of your printout. 8...Enter Date. The date will be print9}ed on the same line as the filename and author information. 9...Change Print Mode. This option allows you to s9}et character size and line spacing. The character size will determine how many columns are used when you print a di9}rectory listing; 2, 4, or 6. 0...Print File. This is where you go after you have everything set up the way you want9}Ǜ it. If you haven't already entered a filename to print, you will be asked for one. If you just press RETURN you will e9}xit to the OPTION MENU. The lines beneath the Option Menu display print size and line spacing, the name of the file 9}C`you have chosen to print, and whatever data you have entered for Title, Author, and Date.d PRINT TOOL sets your 9}printer's "skip over perforation" feature so that you'll have nice, separate pages in a long listing. I've found th9}9is program to be very useful --- I'm sure you will too.= Address comments via Compuserve to Charles F. Johnson 750:}yz+8?8XN1NXNN1NHN10XN1NNNN50N52NNN25NNN1N3N4N25N76N200DELAACDEYAPICXXXX=} XKECP$%,-45<=DELMTU \] de km@ tu |=} '(/078?@GHOPWX_`ghopwx}=}  !"#")+@#13@$9;@%AC@&IK@'QS(Z[)bc*jk+rs,z-=}. /01$&2*NSAVE "D:CRAZY8.BASM;@R,MVERSION 1.1 REV.022483 1983 BY BR=}UCE RAMSEY, SEATTLEKKA(X,Y)52 CARDS;X,YCOUNT COMPUTER 'S PLAYABLE SUITS(X),NUMBERS(Y),ETCqqC(V)COMPUTER'S CARDS;D(V)=} C'S +CARDS SUIT-PLAYABLE;E(V) & NUMBER-/ PLAYABLEH(V):HUMANS CARDS;X1=DISCRDppX2SUIT OF CARD YOU LAST DREW TO; X3==}#OF CARDS DEALT;X4=FLAGS WHICH# 2S TO DRAW TO;X5=#OF HUMAN'S CARDSppX6=#OF C'S CARDS;X8=#OF C'S 8S; X9,Y PL.&DR.U,M,=}Z PRINTER;Z DISCARD VAR.Y(V)=C'S SUIT-COUNTER;SSTORESVsH(@}ٸ: The goal is to get rid of all your cards fir=}Zst!s(&Each player must follow suit on deck.rr(jAn 8 is a JOKER and can be made into^ ANY other suit-if a 2 is thrown=},then other player gets 2 cards.oD(<ĠàԠϠĠРŠ ŭӡY(Hit [P] tO play!=}]e4Po A ; & $ 6-66-6-$ @0?b'"%*-&' @2f -   =}*6-$&"# !6-$+&,&#6-@2.T(4 6-8,"6-A*6-@EX06-4-*"*8,"A=}2=2A!-@)"2),%9/%@$6%= 3) -2A  )2AY ,/&%=} '/&%@(5/%@)'C,%@$+5Y,%@$9?%@)CF !6-+&,$%dxx&$P:',AA A=}C90A@APA`ApAAA=AA A0n5 ,%%/%%!/%%+/%=}ǂ%5/%%p ,%%/%% xC ,%%/%%!/%%+/%%5/%%?/%%C 5 ,%%/%=}ǚ%!/%%+/%%5/%%9 ,%%/%%!/%%+/%%5/%%9 9 ,%%/%%!/%%=}+/%%5/%%9 ? ,%%/%%!/%%+/%%5/%%?/%%% ,%%/%%!/%%% =}Ǡ? ,%%/%%!/%%+/%%5/%%?/%%/ ,%%/%%!/%%+/%%/ / ,%%/=}ǀ%%!/%%+/%%/ ? ,%%/%%!/%%+/%%5/%%?/%%C ,%%/%%!/%=}%+/%%5/%%?/%%C ? ,%%/%%!/%%+/%%5/%%?/%%% ,%%/%%!/=}$%%%  ,%%/%%@(? ,%%/%%!/%%+/%%5/%%?/%% ,%%/%%=}ǚ  ,%%/%%9 ,%%/%%!/%%+/%%5,%%9 ? ,%%/%%!/%%+/%=}ǂ%5/%%?/%% ,%%/%% ,%%/%% 5 ,%%/%%!,%%+/%%5/%%=},,P:',APA!A%TAP,5-,&%%%1/%%@X%%5 0 ,%%/%%2+=}m -,%%%%'/&%%%+ 4+ -,&%%%'/%%%%+ 67 -,%%%%@q3/&%%=}%@/7 81 -,&%%%-/%%@3R%%1 :C -%,%%@V^%%@bl?/&%@px%%@|=}C <3 -,%%%@ .//%%%@%2Q3 >K -,&%%%@$U_9/%%@ck%%@$o= K"A=}YJ   ^/-,&%%%+/%%%%/ bK -,%%%%@]g9/&%@ ks%%@w= K=}"A Dr   5,%%/%%%,%%5/%@Hk%7 ,%%/%%',%@o%7/%@=}%%7 ,%%/%%',%@)5%7/%@9V%9 -,%%%@Zb5/%@fn%%@r9 K =}-,%%%%@"9/&%@&.%%@2@= K"AD   /-,&%%%+/%%%%/ =}CY -,%%%@&5/%@*2%%@6F9 I,%%@!JVY/%%@!ZeO,%@io%@!s//%@=}%@! ?,%%@"(O/%%@",;I,%%@"?G)/%@KQ%@"Ua9,%%@!eqI/%%@%uW,%=}%@! #/%%@%'3,%%@%+3I/%@7=%@%AKW"AO "AM "-@=}0 +,%@2?/@)#)%@2-NC M A?  -@)Rf!,$%1/$%@)j5 ? A=} G-@) ',$+&,%%@2$2C/$+&,%@)6<%@2@G  6- $X 6- $33"=}hKK1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,15,35,43,100,250,255,500,520,764,2000,3590009@l<,9,9,9=},9,9,;,++000+ARJ,($CRAZY EIGHTS 1982 BY BRUCE RAMSEYJ(ATARI BASIC, REQU=}IRES 32K;(1(%TRIGGER=Y=YES STICK=N=NO S=SORT HAND; A p2 - A P"68,-$%& 26-A5@ -=}* A P"68,-$%& ,6-6 A0.<6-@ ) A P6-$%#")6- "6-%d 6-=}6-6->($}' KDISCARD PILED &J6-P6-Z @@Ofd A Z6-P:@j$H:,,%)6-P:$H:=}I,,%;68<,-8<,%N8<,!A PZPICK CARD 6-%"@RMQA(Uh$?-@l-*68<,=}-. 2 5$?SHUFFLEQ 6-6-6-6-!6-'6-/-868,-< D-M68,-Q : -6=}8,-  -/8,"A:68,-%8,"A68,-%8,"A68,-%8,"A68=}d,-%  SORT= --8,!8,(6-8,468,-8,=68,-   Ah "%(8`=}$ "%(8>:@, $ "%(8>:,$ "%(8{$#&$P:',"(A# A &=}]$P:',  (&$P:',&$P:',"(J&$P:',"(Q&$P:',"@a(K,,P:',A=}/AAA (` $(>:@3,$ (>:,$ ({ $& -8,!6-%& A*=} 8,!A4 68,-8,%* A*8,!A8^ 68,-8,%* A 8,!Ab 68,-8,% 8, A=}C/ 68,-8,%  !6- A3I&$P:',"A"MA0" 6-8,6-A=}"  6-%  6-= -)8,&$P:8,',"&$P:',16-%=68,-8,  6- -8,!=}OAp*P:8,',"P:',6-%*68,-8, 8,%8,%"A!Sh8,%8,"Al8,%"A=}%8,"A? 8,"AP 8,"ACL APxPICK SUITMATCHz "6-8, =} -6- -!8,"8,6-%! 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' A  =+0AR!-3( YOU GO BUST!= A5 2 -2>6}@)` )2/6-2$ 2 -2A! )2/6-2$J-Ad2! )->7}-92AC= G2J$-@P1 $   ""F:,"*R:,"*T:,"A5  T:,"6- A5u>8}$ R:,6- A5u$ 6-F:, A5u$E"(}Y OR N, TRIGGER OR STICK,:(OR S TO SORT CARDS.>}jCOCRLIBOLTOPPBSRBBLPSNAMESTDISPERRMSGSIDETRMDSPDNBLANKSDDDFNAMEFNSORTNDSORSRAB:}DBADLINENDTDELAER)*129:ABIJQRYZabij qr y B;} #%+-35;=CEKMSU[]cekmsu{B<} '( /0!78"?@#GH$OP%WX&_`'gh(op)wx*}B=}+ ,-."#/).$$2ԠРˠҠ$$éԭ$$B>}3éέ$$;e$$塠$$iB?} $$$栤*J$$N $$ᬠ <<B@}AdAU*@!@%1<AR7BF6-@FN6-@RZ'6-@#^f36-@jr?6-@ vK6-@BA} W6-@c6-@%o6-@)1{6-@5=6-@AI6-@MU6-@YdP;@Uh,;A(,;@@BB},;AT ,;@,;@"),;@5-4,;@"8?,;@CJ,;@NU,;@Y`,;@dp,ZRR;@5t,;@BC}C ,;@ ,;@,;@#5,;A&,;@9E,dJJ67@I,.7hhhh h hhhhR SʭBD}Dխ`nkk67@<@,.PhhhhhЩڅϢ؅֥مօe֥ׅͅiפ˥ Ԑ, Ԑ xRI67@BE}b<A&,..ߩڤ͈HԑhЬЦА`R6-C:,R 6.N6.Y$67@f,. ,6.A46.N>BF}&6.OFFH6.D1:R6.D1:G-6.#I 36.=6.1 G6.000 6-C:,6-C:,--BG}$6-F:A`,%F:Aa,$AV%@(<!!6-F:,%F:%@@X,$AVq (}-@\^d=(ԠРˠBH}ҠO-@@Fq(Š7-@JN@R7((c) 10/12/91, by Steve Walker++(# BI}stats!-++(# |02 W 0 |,,($blparametersw,BJ},($| [Y] Tag Record !D1:Source' 6|RB:, @:C)B:, @GH($| [N] Sort Records D1:Destination |R APBK} XB:,!$-@@!C@(| [N] Sort Records R-@7GK@OX(|,,($| [N] Trim Record ON Screen PBL}rt |,,($| 1 Disk #! 9A Disk Side |,,($[e-@im@q2(use: BM}' RETURN toggles@6-%ARL@+3`%@7;@?Gt%@KO@S[%@_c@gp"3-@tx@|BN}&3(Π = Index filename,/-@*.@2U/(Ԡ = Save Index65-@Y]@a5(Ԡ = Read PSICON BO} disk@(@#@#&@'M((J B T-F:B2y,"@Q" A0-ś^' F:B2y,"@BP}A $'śh,F:B2y,"@(u" A,Ǜr A0|06-AP6.Disk I/O0AR@ylBQ}! B&*6-?:<<Aa<<@%.,Q7@26<@:,4PRINT SHOP:CLK!b67A(,. l A)6.Not a PRINTBR}7 SHOP Disk) B&ԠśI-%@;A%@EM/(7@QU<@Yc,E-%@gm%@qIS#@:BS}7@ <@,,"@2#9-%@'-%@1qI( DestinationS A  4Y A 0 6.6-@uE7BT}<,4|67<,. ,67@!*,.>-@".2@6JB(E$6-%@N ApB:, @BU}EU  @`B:, @ K A06. Saving IndexR+67@OS<@W^,.7@bf<@j,5 B&R@BV}@ &&VK6-?:C:!hhh* IhhBhEhDhIhH V`,<@MQ<@Ug:AU,4/-@\`@dr('6-%@v/B}HYAFDUFREFQXNL@MNTaAeiAmp@%ux @|F_}   ! ()1XSAVE "D:TOFORMAT.BAS" A^g""(}r ԮF`}3((BY A. PIGNATO - V.3-ԠĠϵQQ(I= LBY ALEX PIGNATOZ MEMBER OL' HACKERS A.U.G., N.Y.Fa} (GG;@,;@ ,;@$+,;@/6,;@:A,;@E,2TK(CԮӧ WILL FORMAT ON DRIVE 1 or 2 - Fb}g or Ԡ!N(Q(T(<nj(aǬϠ ԠϠŠŠ٠q ŠFc}. (Y/N)nF 4Y A P6-@2CZ9A@fGg'AA(9A @kydo (}B(4}Fd}ҡ by ALEX PIGNATO-V1-7/4/89, V3-04/2/94i("Member OL' HACKERS ATARI USER GRP.l(o(n+(( ӠΠŠFe}h٠١+(xcS(K [F] TO Ԡ, TYPE [D] TO WITH Ӯ ONLY-ϠЮV(c@l 0F Ff}C+A`=( ((}FORMAT ONLY! (=(3 THIS IS DISK #5( (1("DO YOU WANT TO USE DRIVE #2 [Y/N]*5Fg}g4YAs@#.@'+@/17fE:m(DISK #/ ǠĠΠk ٬ϠӡpFh}(s(9A@f9'AA(9A @=Go@KZ7AS@^`fhnD1:oӠFi}ӠŠŠ٠ԠšҠŠ3( ((DISK # 0( has been ġ3(RN(EIF you want to contFj}Linue (Y/N), put in a disk before you hit (Y)R# 4Y6-%@P# A0YApG( ((DIFk}3SK # 0( has been ġ3(6(9(G6-%@7;(*(ϠՠԠϠԠˠ 7((Y/N) ;#4YFl}4Ap#4NApL (} (((I(2Z \auL9A@fy'Fm}AA(9A @ P"K(E(DISK #/ ǠĠΠU u٬ϠӡH(K(,s@y7Fn} AS@:D2:sӠӠŠ? ٠ԠšҠŠ66( ((DISK # 0(Fo} has been ġ3(6(@RN(EIF you want to continue (Y/N), put in a disk before you hit (Y)RJ# 4Y6-Fp}%@2# AT0YA^6-%@6h (} ((((ra( (T(FType Y to FORMAT Drive 1 DISK with DFq})OS(No DUP),or N for DRIVE 2 DISK? a@-| 0Y A0>( (8(DISK # is ǠĬ--ȠӡFr};(>(o@"7AS@&(.06D1:oӠӠŠŠ٠ԠšҠŠU+@Fs} @ ) D1:DOS.SYS6@-@ A`UӠӠıӮӛ/(/($DISK has been FORMATTED and has DOS!Ft}F>( (8(DISK # is Ǡ--Ƞӡ;(>(o@JY7AS@]_egmD2:oӠFu}8ŠŠ٠ԠšҠŠY+@<@@DFL` D2:DOS.SYS6@dYGOTO 515:REM ӠӠFv}6ŠӛG(G(:A%,%̧Ҡ٭ˠӠ@HL@PRXkD1:*.*@o(&H7Fz}@ <@",4 06-%A:7@&2,,>6-%@6JH A@0@N]:6-A:7@ae<@i,,D//  F{}(䡠 N2) @,2*7@6:<@>Z,4999+2 :ENDX<7@^b<@f,4999+9 NO MORE FRF|}vEE SECTORS!<b0  ŠӺ0(% g--(%̧Ҡ٭ˠӠl-@z@F}} q&-@!@4&( Ҡźv'-@ 8<@@['( Another DiskR-@ _c@g+( [Y]F~}=-@! @0R(BACK TO PROG [R]'-@!48@<W'( ˠϠ .-@![_@c*(ϠĠǮ . F}+-@! @I+(TO END PROG [E] (}4R@`M4YA 4EA I (}F} =-=-=-=-=) _PSINDXER.DOC (Adapted by R.R.S. from the originalc "PSINDXER.DOC" as downloadN}ed and -UN-ARCed from GENIE file #6649),2 Tand printed by OL' HACKERS A.U.G.[ w(program is on this disk!)} N} PRINT SHOP DISK INDEXER" :Version 2.0 12-OCT-91? \Program and Documentation byg wSteve A. Walker} N} 15629 East Asbury Place MAurora, Colorado 80013 FROM THE AUTHOR!S This program is SHAREWARE. I have spent N}a great deal of time designing, coding, debugging, and modifying it. A minimum donation of $6 that I might receive for N}my time and effort will encourage me to continue supporting this program, as well as writing new software for AtN}7ari 8-bit computers. Thank you. A UTILITY FOR ME!= Release 1.0 was written as a utility program to index allN} of my PS ICON disks. The program was written for myself without much design and to be used only a few times (originalN}.ly). MORE WORK, A NEW AND BETTER VERSION4 Release 2.0 is a complete re- write to allow more of a userN}Ǜ interface. It was submitted to the Atari Club of Denver programming contest of October 1992, and took firN}Gst place; but that may be due more to the way I did the Demo (to avoid errors). Suggestions or comments about tN}4he program can be posted via the Atari Club BBS:-; Y(303) 343- 2956 PURPOSE:_ The main reason for this progN}ram was to save time searching for an ICON to use for my family newsletter. I had printed out all of the ICONS but N}with over some 2000 to go thru I ended up wasting more time paging through my notebook instead of writing the news- lettN}er. So I decided to write this program with the idea of pulling the PS ICON names from each disk and writing itN} to a file with a special identifier and disk side label and then sorting by the PS ICON name. I ended up withN} twenty files that identified each of my twenty PS ICON disks I gave up on sorting the files and uploaded all N}of them to the DEC /VAX at work and appended all twenty, sorted and printed out the listing, which is now in my noteboN}ok along with PS ICONs. I did download the single file which took up over 700 sectors. Now I have since acquired seveN}ral more PS ICON disks which I have not added to the main listing. I may in a future release allow combining N}b of existing sorted files to be joined into one sorted file for print out. REQUIREMENTS:h This routine is inN} Atari Basic and requires (naturally) a disk drive and PS ICON disks. Besides the PS ICON disks, you'll need a foN}Qrmatted Atari or Spartdos disk for saving your indexed files. HOW IT WORKS:W Basically the routine performs a dirN}ectory of PS Icon names and saves them in memory, by the dimensioned variable name PSNAME$. Depending how often yoN}u want to save to disk, you may want to increase the size of the PSNAME$ (Line 80). This would allow you to indeN}x several PS ICON disks under one file name. Beware that you may receive Error-5 "string length error" when you N} try and index more names than PSNAME$ can hold. If you save the index, after the string length error, the lasN}t entry may not be indexed. You may press "ESC" and clear out the whole PSNAME$ variable and re-run. MENU: USE ARRON}C W KEYS  N Tag Record *D1:Source0 =N Sort RecordA PD1:DestinationV cY Trim Recordg uON Screen Prt{ 1 N}Disk # A Disk Side# To move around on the menu just use your arrow keys (without control). It allows for N}wrap around. To make your selection just move your arrow key to the desired option and press [RETURN]. Most optN}ions will toggle back hand forth. The following identifies the settings: Y/N-Tag Record:n Saves names witN}h disk ID (Index). When set to "N" only the name is saved (i.e. disk ID is not added). This option was allowed to N}Ecreate a data output file for another program. N- Sort Record:K qNOT AVAILABLE!!! N/Y-Trim Record: w SettinN}g this option to "Y" will save disk space. The name will have the disk ID right after it. It may be a little harN}d to read the name ("FLOWER#001A") I prefer to set it to "N", this will pad blanks to the right of the name, when it N}is less than 15 characters ("FLOWER #001A"). When the name is 15 char. the disk ID will be right after it. 1 Disk #N}: Pressing RETURN will give you a "?". Enter your disk Identifier (ID) number. YOU MUST KEEP TRACK of your oN}wn numbering. The largest value is "999". If less then 3 or 2 char- acters the ID will be filled in with leadinN};g "0" (i.e. "001") DO NOT ENTER LEADING "0". D1:Source:B Toggle 1-4 for source drive that contains your PS ICON}NS to read. D1:Destination:% Toggle 1-4 for output drive. Press OPTION and enter your index filename afterN} the "?". ON/OFF Screen Prt:$ jPrints PS ICON names at the bottom of the screen. A/B Disk Side:p Part of the dN}Sisk Identifier (ID). YOU MUST KEEP TRACK of which side you Indexed. OPTION:Y tIndex filename. SELECT:z SavN}e index. START: MRead PSICON disk. RUNNING THE PROGRAM START:S Insert your PRINT SHOP Graphics disk aN}nd Press [START] to read. Once the PSICON disk side has been read, you may elect to save or continue with another PSICN}^ON disk. Be sure to change your disk #ID and side number before running again. SELECT:d Pressing SELECT will cN}Gheck to ensure that you have a filename available for saving, if not you will be prompted for a filename. OPTION}N: This is used to enter your filename to save as. DO NOT include your drive number ("D?:"), the toggle N}/is used to change drive assignment. STATS6 0 0 The stats display to the left is thN}e running total of bytes saved in the PSNAME variable. The display to the right is the total number of PS ICON naN}me records read. NOTES:! Pressing "ESC" will perform a CLR of memory. The machine language routine for readiN}ng the PS ICON disks does not perform any error trapping, so make sure you have PS ICON disk in the correct drive. TN}he cursor posit- ion is incorrect after you input the filename, it will display over the "Trim Record" toggle optionN}. This is misleading, it is still sensing over the last entry before the filename was entered. Haven't been able to N} ӛ>1-@2@$('6-%@(r1ӛH$R\٠Πӛf ApARx AB} z?-@!(0(7@%)<@-=&+&,,<"@#AQ?$+6-%@Ua6.#-@e((+$B}ԠӤ @&$-@*EAP KAKY'A@]k9A@oKAB}o6-?:Q# B$^~@U[&@_($h~ 4N6.Y(B}O$r~ 6.N($|~ 4Y6.N($~ 6.Y($~)6-%@S[!@_g)6-@k~,()67@B}<@ ,.>:%@H',,$~)6-%@+3!@7?)6-@CR~,()67@VZ<@^g,.>:%@Hk,,$~ 4N6B}ǖ.Y($~ 6.N($~ 4FF6.N ($~ 6.FF($~ 4A6.B($~ 6.A($~B} ~ԠˠқI6-&56.$-&@9J+( 9-&@N\=I6-@`(7<,4 6-&@B}( B%0C-@,7@:7<,, @H0>)@:7<,,!@XBJC6-@N]&5 "@ai!-&@mt+(x 5 B}B% 00-&@+( ,-&+&@/A,0(:!-%@E( Disk #!$DNҠŠśXcB}@ @+@(1A@Q,:CAR@>ic(%ERROR-#F:A,, b>-@mqAu %+B} / B:@:> D:PSINDXER.BAS@>ic(%ERROR-#F:A,, b>-@mqAu %+@6bfigure out how to get the cursor display where it should be after the INPUT command. q *+*+*e to Lx> B E$ D:CRAZY8.BAS$ 6-F:, A5u$E"(}Y OR N, TRIGGER OR STICK,:(OR S TO SORT CARDS.< <^ HACKERS do their utmost to spread the 8 BIT word. Thanks RON you are a winner!) m>pEND}<066,404.  9<><>end<><>ure you will too.= Address comments via Compuserve to Charles F. Johnson 7508( (((I(28 :?D:TOFORMAT.BASYA 4EA I (}DVGmy time and effort will encourage me to continue supporting this program, as well as writing new software for AtH}EE