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PRESIDENTj.Jack Gedalius f}VICE-PRESIDENT.2Josef Leber SECRETARYB.[Ron Fetzer TREASURERk.Ron Fetzer MEg}MBERSHIP.9Jack Gedalius MAGAZINE LIBRARIAN=.aJack Gedalius NEWSLETTER EDITORg.Alan Sharkis BLANh} K DISK SALES.7Ron Fetzer P/D DISK LIBRARIAN;.[Harold Pegler Coffee & Caked.Harold Pegler Legal i}Counsel.[Jerry Ginsberg NEWSLETTER LIBRARIAN...Alan Sharkis Rep. to NEAR*USd.John Hardie LIB. COPj}Y MASTER.(open) 3 *EQUIPMENT-MANAGER:.URon Fetzer DOOR PRIZES`.Harry Tuthill NOTE-[*] dk}enotes change in position., ,1* (O.H.A.U.G.) is in no way associated with the ATARI Corp.,or any of l}Gtheir afffiliates, other than using a great product. Atari and Atari related products are the Trademarks of their rm}mespective companies and used Only as informational help to our members and Atari user in general. Opinions herein an}ire not necessarily those of O.H.A.U.G. but those of the various individual authors. O.H.A.U.G. ism nar NOT-FOR-PROo}FIT Organization in the State of N.Y. O.H.A.U.G. will NOT tolerate ANY referances-directly or by implication to p}1piracy or the use of any computer equipment for5 illegal activities. DEADLINES FOR NEWSLETTER JAN/FEB DEC 31 JUq}VL/AUG JUN 30 MAR/APR FEB 28 SEPT/OCT AUG 31 MAY/JUN APR 30 NOV/DEC OCT 31} r}ǛSubmitted articles are preferred asdisk text files, preferably made on the1ST XLENT Word Processor, in 38 columnsbut s}Pit will be gratefully accepted ashard copy. Send your articles, commentsto:U lOL' HACKERS Newsletterq c/o Alan Shat} rkis, Editor 43 Rose Drive% East Meadow, NY 11554-1135Please refer to the above schedule forOL' HACKERS NEWSLETTEu}R deadlines. *!end&*st Meadow, NY 11554-1135Please refer to the above schedule forOL' HACKERS NEWSLETTE' *+*+*+*+* aNEW SCHEDULE OF MEETING DATES Dates have been set until August 9,f 1997. All meetings staw} rt at 11:30 6A.M. and end at 5:00 P.M. September= @21,F \1996 3rd Sat. Octobere h19,n 1996 3nd Sat. x}November 9, 01996 2nd Sat. December8 ;21,A W1996 3rd Sat. 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It is best to savethese jumps until as late as possiblepLL(Din the game. UseI} a jump if it looks asthough you are going to crash.zX(X(L If you manage to land, you arepresented with a new I} city and theUU(Lplane speeds up. If you manage to landfour times (most unlikely) you willII(Ahave beaten the I}M game and an 'end ofgame' screen will be shown.N( PRESS ANY KEY6@QU@Y[amK:C)@qN@I}VV(M} When ever the message 'PRESS START'appears on the screen, you may pressUU(Lthe 'START' key or the joysticI}k buttonYou may press the 'START' key at any(time during the game.((PRESS ANY KEY TO ( START THE GAI}ME >#@@".K:0)@2;;@?q>$ D1:BOMBER.BASd`d0u@I}E@@@".K:0)@2;;@?q>$ D1:BOMBER.BASd`d0u@H ?$p (c)1983 Action Computer Services C B JKIHiDiELV`L=$M}dž =$ BLV`EL$$l L$ &` Fj`8冨凪` $EӅӥM} $`ʆǪƩ Ɛee` $ƦʆǢ &Ɛeǐ % %L$ $'&&&8儨児M}祂*L$&&*ń8&&L$ [%`hihiHHȱȱL$c !#3`M}L$J`Hȩh r$L% {$L% %$L% -$L% 3$H8` =$L%M}Ԇ ؠPIPP` n&P -$L% &L̤ n&L& &Lڤ &L̤ Lڤ$ Τ&M}*i0:0i ΤƦ`¢ 护°ڱ%ȱ%E ΤL'担CS G&L'I &L'M}mH &L' &L'S:x'E:}'H A& '' & A&h)0I{'|'L & &%` 0d $ҥq `2)M}2ҩ`ȱ`` (ȥ`ƥĤ`SUME=PEEKC(546)@uL POKEC(546,ENM}TER)@uLRETURNqt( uLPROC INITIAL()L(L(L(L(`L((k((j((i((h(I(I(EL(L(Li(h( (h(iM}i(i䅣b (" 'o(n(k(j(" (`L) 'I(I(EL.)L!)I(I(EL@)L3)l( m(La)j &%l(M}NJm( (8l((m((8l((m((8l((m((8l(@(m((8l(@(m((8l((m((8l(b(m(cM}((( [%@(@( (@( ԩc(b( [%@(@(ԭ(e((d(@(/@(L*@( m(*(m(e(d(M}ǭ@( m(*(m(e(ȑd(d(i>d(e(ie(@(L,*pc(b( (b(ic(ip (b(ic(ip (b(ic(M}iB (b(ic(i(( (b(id(c(ie(@( @(L+@( L7+we(d( (LB+We(d( (d(ie(iM}ǭ@( m(*(m( (d(id(e(ie(@(L+Ae(d( (d(ie(ic(b( (c(b(0 (c(M}Gb(ԩ (X(V(W(V(ԭW(Ԍa(`(Ȍ[(Z(](\(_(^(a(e(`(d(^(i>,_(i?,>,d(?,e(Lb,:H(md(M}(me(d(e(L-,e(d(/d(e(L,(md((me(d(e(Lj,e(d(d(e(L,t(md(u(me(M}Ǯd(e(L,e(d(/d(e(L+-d( m(e(*(m(d( m(e(*(m(d(зe(L,`L/-P(G((i(iM}G(  T( [%G((i)(iG(  T( [% &%8T(嬍G((i*(iG( `LM}--Q(I L.(mZ((m[(i|iL.1@>**>6*]>66E-說 (Ln.(mZ((m[(i|iLYM}.>**>*6]>66m.A (`Lr.S(IL. -`Q(I L.(mZ((m[(i|iL.q>**>6*?~\M}00B. 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(714) 772-9671d6 4&L_dd^ 4&Ld&This ProN})gram Was Written Using ACTION!di 4&Ld1 RACTION! is Trademark ofd 4&Ld[ Action Computer Servicesd 4&LeN}" .Portions of this Program ared 4&L?e"4 fCopyrighted (C) 1984, A.C.S.e 4&LJeeI 4&Lve!l Push key toN } continue!eT G&ILeLeL}eR (Lee 4&Lee 4&Le$Welcome to my version of the classice 4&Lf#game WumpuN!}s! You begin and end eache 4&L0f#level at the entrance to the Wumpusf 4&L^f#caves. You are given unlimited ammof: 4&LN"}njf#and a direction compass that pointsfh 4&Lf to the entrance door. To see thef 4&Lf#compass or to anchor your Hunter N#}inf 4&Lg"place while shooting into the nextf 4&LAg$den simply depress and hold trigger.g 4&Log#You must shoot all WN$}umpus befor yougK 4&Lg#are allowed to gain the next level.gy 4&Lg#Avoid boiling Hotsprings, Bats, andg 4&Lglive WuN%} mpus. Enjoy.Vg 4&Lgg 4&L(h"Ps. Watch for my first Commercialh 4&LRh[ quality game on your localh2 4&LN&}wh (dealers game shelves.h\ 4&Lh/ /5:> GOLIATH D:h 4&Lh$(Playing soon on an Amiga near you!)h 4&LhN'};h 4&Li$Pps. If you like my Creations and myh 4&L7i%@ ksupport of Public Domain,say so.i 4&Lfi$p P.O. Box 2327N(}C,La Habra,Ca.90631iA 4&Li$ Push to begin play!ip G&ILiLiLiP( )P( &%T(ЌЌЌN)})nj OX(V(W(V(ԭW(Ԍ@(@(Lj 2@(LiJ(K(L(M(Y(wx( $4{N(N(ЩР -nO(O(РЩ ХIN*}(I(EL\jLOjR(S( 3(ЩʍЩЩFХI(I(ELjLj?ԩ(i(iLj%LEVEL = 0 : WUMPUS LEFT TO SHOOTN+} = 00j% (H($H(LkH(i(e(i8 H(Lj ,- 'Q(I(I(EL7kL:kL*k 3x(IwLkN,}R(Lk8N( Щ \(ixf(](ig(@(@(Lk@( @(Lkf(m@(g(i(e(eLkf(m@(g(iN-}ǯ(e(e>@(Lsk)<@(@(@(@( @(@(Эx(@(t(m@(u(i@(@(L'l 8L(m@(IL9l Q( 6@(ILKN.}l Q( 7@(IL]l Q( p8@(ILol Q( 8x(@(t(m@(u(iILlR(Ll ;x(@(t(m@(u(iILlR(N/}Ll K@Lmx(@(t(m@(u(iILlR(Ll FLmx(@(t(m@(u(iIL(mR(L(m dDLmR(LmЩ '@(N0}ǭ@(Lmx(IwLmT(Lm 'e(d(d(e(Lme(d( [%@(@( [%A(A(IA(A( @( 'd(ШN1}e(LamLmЩ '@(@(Lm tLLm - 9L%kR( 'ЌЌЭx(IwLnT(LnP(o(n(" (I(I(EL3nL&nN2}I(I(ELEnL8n ' (I(I(ELenLXnI(I(ELwnLjnI(I(ELnL|n@(@(LnLnn 4&@(LnLnYOU QN3}UALIFY ASn 4&T(LRoLnn 4&Lnn G&S(ILoLnA QUICK SNACK.n 4&S(IL(oL!oA BOOK MARKER.o 4&S(ILN4}OoLHoA POACHED POACHER.o5 4&LJpLVooU 4&Lboo` G&P(ILoLoA NOVICE HUNTER.ov 4&P(ILoLoA GOOD HUNTER.oN5}Ǜ 4&P(ILoLoA GREAT HUNTER.o 4&P(ILoLoAN EXPERT HUNTER.o 4&P(IL pLpA MASTER HUNTER.p 4&P(ILJpN6}LCpA GRANDMASTER HUNTER.p- 4&LNppM 4&LZppX G&L|pPUSH TO CONTINUE!pd 4&ILpLpLpP(ILpLpLiLpN7}_p 4&Lp THAT'S AS HIGH AS IT GOES FOLKS!p 4&g(f(`f(g(Lpf(g(LpLfb``[b}N8}Z_[b}LZ( *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*3 FNEWSLETTER REVIEWSS cby Alan Sharkisj OHAUG Newsletter LiR:}Gbrarian The summer is fast approaching as I begin this column, and will be well under way by the time I finish it. R;};Ǜ Summers are usually quiet times for computer user groups, but we don't get discouraged by the relative lack of actR<}ivity -- at least from what I've been reading. True, some groups actually cancel meetings for the summer, but OHR=}AUG will continue to meet, and even have the third joint meeting with LIAUG, scheduled for July 12th. Just after R>}that, if all is well, my wife and I will be on the road for a week or so of vacation -- the first we've taken withoutR?} others along for many years. To those of you who are also taking vacations, I wish you the kind of relaxation andR@} change you desire. SCAT President's Letter for Spring 1997 -- There is only the briefest mention of 8-bit activity RA} or potential 8-bit activity. We hope for more in the future. (FR)ANTIC for April 1997 -- President TODD SUNRUNNERB}R has included some excerpted messages from FidoNet and the newsgroup (comp.sys.atari.8bit, otherwise known as CRC}SA8.) (Funny, all the time that I worked for the NYC Board of Education, it was the Board's position that thereRD} was an implied copyright in any message somebody posted on the Internet, and that you'd have to ask my permission,RE} for example, to reprint a message I posted. Well, one of my messages WAS in that batch. Todd never asked me for peRF}rmission. You know what??? I DON'T CARE!!! Seriously, if anything I say or ask is helpful to the 8-bit community, whoRG} am I to stand on ceremony? -- ed.) Librarian RUSSELL STOWE reports that he has created two new sections of AAAUA'sRH} disk library, one devoted to OHAUG newsletters and the other devoted to TWAUG. Thanks, Russell. LOU KELLEY writeRI}s an interesting article about VisiCalc, the first computer spreadsheet, which was released for Apple ][, IBM, and RJ}Atari 8-bit. Editor MANUEL GARCIA continues the thread by describing how working with Atari PD spreadsheet programsRK} prepared him to work with the Quattro Pro that was preinstalled on his laptop and which he needed for his job. (Here RL}CNI go, editorializing again. I can confirm what Manuel said regardingR Zlearning^ about spreadsheets by workinRM}Mg on Atari spreadsheets and extend that to just about any other application. The message is simple. Your AtarRN}i is more than adequate preparation for other, more complex platforms -- should you need to work in those pRO}glatforms -- ed.) The PACESetter for May 1997 -- President JEAN BROKAW reviews a gardenk planning programRP} called Digital Gardener by CHARLES BARTISH. She aslo gives a series of URLs to Web Sites that deal with gardening.RQ} Jean also provides us with a look at a program in the PACE library that creates cryptograms, and uses the progrRR}am's output to create a cryptogram contest. The results of the contest will be announced in next month's newslRS}etter. Jean seems to have been responsible for most of this issue, by the way. The puzzles, riddles, jokes, etcRT}. are hers. The decision to split the overly-long Part III of my series on emulation into two sections and to pRU}rint the first of these two sections was hers. I'd hope that Jean gets the articles from other club members she needs toRV}Ǜ lighten her task, just as I'm hoping for the same from our members for our newsletter (HINT, HINT!) Cenacle News-lettRW}er for May 1997 -- This newsletter is written in French. However, my high school French was able to get me RX}through its salient points -- I hope! They tend to translate and synopsize the XIO3 Newsletter (which we also receiRY}ve) and this issue has some of the news surrounding the end of Atari as an entity and the condition of JTS. Of couRZ}rse, the news is a bit stale, but interesting. BRUNO ROUDOT writes an interesting column dealing with BASIC programmingR[}. This month, it deals with the PUT statement as well as disabling the RESET key. The article is accompanied byR\} an interesting table that shows how machine language instructions, addresses, assembly language instructions aR]}E]nd BASIC statements are related. GUY POISSON reviews the Futura 10 disk. The minutes of their General AssembR^}ly meeting are on the back page, and reading them, even if you don't understand French, will make it clear thatR_} this is an active user group, with 26 members and a desire to continue relations with several clubs, incluR`}ding OHAUG. XIO3 for May/June 1997 -- The GCACE has been a source of news for a very long time. Secretary ROWLAND GRa}RANT continues to amaze me, buth with his Atari News and Rumours column and his New 8-Bit column. Read both, and fiRb}nd out the latest about JTS, Atari, and such notables as BOB WOOLLEY, DAVID FIRTH, DAREK MIHOCKA and our own KURT VRc}ENDEL. Also, check out the two cartoons! The PACESetter for June 1997 -- This issue starts out with a type-in prRd}ogram that creates a personalized Father's Day message. An anonymous article entitled, "Upgrade," was seen by me asRe} forwarded e-mail from a friend who gets these funny articles from another frined, so it probably made its way arouRf}nd the Internet. The second section of Part III of my series on emulation appears in this issue. The usual cartoonRg}s, puzzles, etc. are also included. Finally, let me state that in lieu of a print issue of (FR)ANTIC (or perhaps Rh}in addition to it) I received a disk with several text files, describing all of the disks in their library. This Ri}disk has no DOS files and is best read with a word- processor. In fact, a header, which looks suspiciously likRj}e the one generated by cartridge AtariWriter, begins each of the files. This disk, and a rough print-out of Rk}^ the contents, will be at the next OHAUG meeting. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*ba rough print-out of Pb} ?9$IC (c)1983 Action Computer Services C B JKIHiDiELV`Lr$Vn}G r$ BLV`L$$l L$ &` Fj`8冨凪` %EӅӥVo}o %`ʆǪƩ Ɛee` %ƦʆǢ &Ɛeǐ 9% 9%L% %'&&&8儨児Vp}祂*L%&&*ń8&&L% %`hihiHHȱȱL$c !#3`Vq}L$J`H $h`Hȩh $L&& $L&& Z$L&& b$L&& h$H8Vr})`HhHh &L&&- BHI V䅠L&& L& r$L&&Ԇ ؠPIPP`Vs} 'P b$L&& "'L& 'L'' ;'L&H- &8塪墨hL;' T'L& ['L& 'ȹP`Vt}텠8堨塪 '芨Oȩ-`PP &P棩 Ѥģ0-ģ6000:,80H Vu}& &ehe&eģ0ʥ 8堅塅`$ &&*i0:0i &Ʀ`¢ 护Vv}\°ڱ%ȱ%E &L(担CS &L(I T'L(H O(L( "'L(` &B V &&NLMȑVw}` MLN%B VL&&S:7)E:<)H & ?)@) J& &h)0I:);)LJ&[\ZUVT` u):);)Vx}-` |)L& o)L& u)L&)1 j` |)L& [%` 0d $ҥn `2)2Vy};ҩ`p`0)96*`@0)ӈ?J)`Ѕ`ȱ`` j*ȥ`HhVz}ǤƣĢ`ƥĤ`Ѣ *`ȱѢĦ`膡`V{}DZ`ťƤe8夰L + Ƥ8`ŦeѠe桊L+0V|} ,L+ ,mm  v,"ǭ0Ξ, 05,Lt+L +,Hh` V}}NOT ENOUGH ROOMINSERT SOURCE DISK,TYPE RETURNINSERT DESTINATION DISK,TYPE RETURN`  V~}  `L,8,0( rL1(`ߢ) 1* 1 ~0Y`hhL S SLV}1) 8`NAME OF FILE TO MOVE?- 0 0|DLt% A., 1 <0 0 .@L# .BJ 1  DEHV}GI V L1 ,5 1 <0,L.  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Z} There isn't a lot of written material coming my way except what transpires in the newsgroup and on BBSs. It would bZ}e very difficult to synopsize it, but most of the talk is anti- spam, or deals with issues we've discussed beforZ}e. So, you'll find lots of files, mostly games, in this issue. On side A, the program that runs from the spacebar is Z}BOMBER.BAS which I found in a disk image of S. A. G. Disk #3 on our copy of the Pooldisk. (In fact, all files this month Z}are from the Pooldisk.) S. A. G. was a rather large Dutch user group, long gone, but one that had a knack for eitZ}her selecting some of the best programs around for their disk or creating them themselves. Unfortunately, the sourceZ} of this program and others from S. A. G. is not mentioned on the disk. S. A. G. also had a habit of translatiZ}ng documentation, on-line help, and instructions in programs that went on their disks into Dutch. This is not one Z}Gof those programs. Also from S. A. G. Disk #3 on side A of this newsletter is DIAMONDM.BAS, or Diamond Mine. It is wZ}ithout any documentation, so you're on your own with it, but it combines elements of several commercial games. FromZ} a user group called R ATARI (their disk #53B) comes a version of the classic game, Wumpus. This one should be loZ}aded from DOS, since it's a machine-language game (no BASIC!) that was created, as you'll see, with the Action! programmZ}ing language. From Bellcom Disk #D051A, I've selected a remarkable program called Bounce (BOUNCE.OBJ on this newsZ}letter disk, no BASIC!) It was written in Action! by JOEL GLUCK and first appeared in A.N.A.L.O.G. Magazine in Z}February of 1985. It requires a joystick in port 1. The trouble is, I don't know whether to call it a game, aZ} novelty, or what. The first screen you get looks like a primitive joystick drawing program with a black background. YouZ} draw a few lines on the screen, and then place objects that will become the bouncing balls wherever you want theZ}m. Then you start the balls bouncing. The screen is redrawn with a red background before the balls begin to bouncZ}e off the margins of the screen, AND off the lines you've drawn previously. As they do, they change the bZ}ackground color back to black, producing interesting patterns. At this time, you can vary the speed of the ballsZ}, "nudge" them a little, or stop the process and return to the drawing screen for another setup. All instructionsZ} are on the two screens. The program can be used to illustrate issues of probability, including fair and biased "Z}tosses", and may even appeal to someone trying to teach about effective collisions and the factors that affect Z}reaction rates and equilibrium in chemistry. But it IS fun to watch. Side 2 is special this issue. I have found an Z} entire disk from the BOURNEMOUTH and POOLE AUG (their disk #8), constructed by GAVAN MORAN in 1989, which I Z} feel *deserves particular attention.. It is a TurboBASIC Character Editor, version 0.2, and it has lots of iZ}Cnteresting features, including a windowed interface, on-line documentation, and many special effects can be appliZ} ed to a character automatically, including horizontal and vertical flipping, scrolling, etc. A joystick in PZ}ort 1 is required. Just boot the side. BASIC is not required, and it will automatically be disabled if you forget to Z}C8disable it. Again, it was on our copy of the Pooldisk.G Qo=o=o=o=o=UU}XUEE