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AndrewsBAY@4 F% D:NEWSLTR.BAS D:WELCOME.BASCB0(' By Kris Holtegaard & ThomK &3 |Vol: 9 =heN [| |Issue: v | | }  ! %| |1 @  I M| |Y h q u| |} }    | |, :  D H| |T U] _l | | }ǒ | |  | |  | | }h  | |  | | Atari User Group Inc.(c)1985 | ***s John Hardi}e *** *** ,- Guest Editor -3 ;*** ***B Vjhardie@pipeline.com[ a*** }}4 | 1985 - 2000 The End Of An Era | |> M٭ЮX \| }}4 | 1985 - 2000 The End Of An Era | |> M٭ЮX \| } uZERWOTWTRFOUPRMEKAFILEHELPMENUTITLECOL1COL2COL3LINELOSPACFNNCOLNSPSOOPPZPAGFPLP}EOEPOEPGCOLINDPEEDPOKDLSHDGSFTDSCODSYSVBSETVBDUMMYOR@WZ@_b@gj@opw@}A2 @U 'P RP P PP B  Bq '@Z[bcjkrsz} %&-.56=>EFMN UV!]^"ef#mq$A'uv%}} &BUU'(AsI)A*d%&+((,PP-BTw.B/Pa0B1A'2eid3q99Ԡ} Š qSAVE "D:NEWSLTR.BAS 6-C:hhhˠ˅ȱ˅`,6-C:hhhˠhˈh`, ?6-w6-}@'6-@36-@&?6-@*R@AR 6-?:<Bg,56-C: hhh \`,@6-?:<,2 AfF:A}C f,%@ ,@D2-5K:6-6-)6-A2HP56-@T_11;Acj,;@8nu,;@@y,;}@,//6.%```BB0jBA$ 6-C:,6-C:,$6-?:<%<,d6-?:<@ns,%@w16-?}:<%@ &<,:6-C:,O6-?:<%@1*;<,d6-?:<%@5?L<,226.(Rm倯쇀t ZZ6.}P$썣݀-KQ33;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;}1A2,L!! 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All you have to do is make the selections you'd like and read them. Ma"}king a selection from 1 thru 4, you can Exit to Basic or Exit to Dos, or even RUN the other side of the disk. Selections"}& B thru Z are news articles.* 9To read the= whole newsletter, use Selection A. To read only part of the "}newsletter, select each file in any order by using the letter in front of it on the main menu screen. If you wan"}t to change one of your selections, use the BACKSPACE key to remove selections until you reach the one to "} be changed, and start from there with your new selections. The other screen editing function keys will not wor"}k from the main menu. When you are finished selecting, press RETURN and start reading. As you can see, there are p"}auses in the text so it's much easier to read. When a selection is made, the article is sent to the screen with page"}Ǜ breaks. To stop reading an article before the end, press [CONTROL]-[C] or the trigger of Joystick #1. To contin"}ue to the next page, press any other key, or move the stick down. At the end of the last article selected, you"}0 are sent back to the Newsletter Main Menu.< NAbout The PrinterZ Z_d  k When you make y"}our selection of the file you would like to read you will be presented with the following: enu rint ead:"}Ǜ If you choose then, and you don't have a printer on line you will come back to these options. Then you should"} use the option to read the file online. If however you either made a mistake or don't care to read or print the"} file you selected you can go right back to the main menu just by hitting . If you choose and you have not "}Gyet configured your printer, you will do that before printing. When the newsletter program is formatting files f"}or the printer, or while it is printing, press CONTROL and P to pause printing. To resume, press any key. To cance"}#l printing, press CONTROL and C.' FAbout Configuring Your PrinterJ JOP [\ `a h The printer config"}uration section is reached the first time you print any file in a session. Explanations of the configuration sectio"}n can be accessed from the print menu.you print any file in a session. Explanations of the configuration sectio -->%Q<- 짠򠠠v&} Πռ$ILZ d<-Š->s ۱ Exit &}To Basic ۲ Exit To Dos -۳ RUN Side 22 F۴ News/Print HelpmӠƠ&}ĠӠΠŭ@_ READ/PRINT ALL! DiskComh Meeting Dates &} Shanghai " Who's Who!' *; _ Editors Msg. ...On SIDE 2c Presidents Msg. Fu&}n Dos 2 Minutes April Boot w/Basic6 F E-Mail ListJ M^ Joy Stick/Scr. Check f&}or more Fun Dos 3 Files on SIDE 1 Z Joy Stick/Scr. Check f$[ "The Composing Room Help File' 'CBefore you can Print a file you haveto configure your +}own Printer.To Do sothere are 2 selections that will helpto make it easy as possibile for you.If you have one of the pri+}nters listedin selection then your printerwill be set up for NLQ and DOUBLEstrike. If you don't have one of+} theprinters that's in Selection youhave to use selection . This is toensure that all printers will workwit+}hout any problems with The WQNRDisk Based News Letter. Now onceyour printer has been configured youwill NOT +}have to reconfigure yourprinter as long as you are have yourNews letter running. Not only that theprinter will stay +}Gconfigured to whatever configuration you selected aslong as you have your printers powerturned on or until you +}EEEreconfigureit. Once you have configured yourprinter all you have to do is hit theۿ to Return to the Main menu. (| $F |짠JO| |Xfpu| }/}" :pson Fx86e and EpsonB YCompatibles. Panasonica Star. Star Nx1000 Gemini / } Sakata Sp100 .tari 1025 Printer3 Oon Epson Compatibles andX nDaisy Wheel Printerss rint Ro/ }om Help File /ۿ Return To The Main Menu3 Oon Epson Compatibles andX nDaisy Wheel Printerss rint Ro,/Ǜ MINUTES OF OHAUG MEETING 4/15/00 The meeting was conducted by RON FETZER in the absence of our President, JACK GEDALIU3 }S who was in the hospital. We started out by preparing the last Newsletter for mailing. TREASURER's REPORT: RON report3 }ed that we are in the black. DEMONSTRATIONS: We demoed the Newsletter that we were mailing out. That Newsletter was pr3}epared by our President, JACK GEDALIUS. The menu includes many games including the Wheel of Fortune. Then we read the Pre3}sident's Letter together which included a report of HAROLD PEGLER's and JERRY GINSBERG's passings. The current Newsletter3} is being prepared by our member, JOHN HARDIE. There were no door prizes at this meeting.ings. The current Newsletter0_ *+*+*+*+* CHANGE IN MEETING FORMAT The Ol' Hackers no longer have regularly scheduled meetings. If yo7}u are planning on being in the Long Island area and would like to check if we are having an informal meeting, please email7} one of us ahead of time.' ->->END<-<-d would like to check if we are having an informal meeting, please email43 %*] OL' HACKERS WHO iS WHO? ? ? ? ? ? ? PRESIDENTj.Jack Gedalius ;}VICE-PRESIDENT.2Josef Leber SECRETARYB.[Ron Fetzer TREASURERk.Ron Fetzer ME;}MBERSHIP.9Jack Gedalius MAGAZINE LIBRARIAN=.aJack Gedalius NEWSLETTER EDITORh.John Hardie BLAN;}C K DISK SALES.5Ron Fetzer LIB. COPY MASTER=._John Hardie EQUIPMENT-MANAGERg.Ron Fetzer DOOR P;}RIZES.3Harry Tuthill SERGEANT-AT-ARMS;.JJohn Hardie [ [`* (O.H.A.U.G.) is in no wa;}y associated with ATARI, HASBRO, or any of their afffiliates, other than using a great product. Atari and Atari-related ;}products are the Trademarks of their respective companies and are used only as informational help to our members and Atari;} users in general. Opinions herein are not necessarily those of O.H.A.U.G. but those of the various individual authors. ;}O.H.A.U.G. is a NOT-FOR-PROFIT Organization in the State of N.Y. O.H.A.U.G. will NOT tolerate ANY references - directly or;}l implied to piracy or the use of any computer equipment for illegal activities. Send your comments to:q OL' HACKERS;} c/o Ron Fetzer (22 Monaco Ave.- FElmont, NY 11003, U.S.AR RW*ZEND^*lomments to:q OL' HACKERS8_Ǜ Alas, it is with a sad heart that we're approaching the end of the Ol' Hackers Atari User Group as we know it. While I? } am, and have been, vehemently opposed to our once great club becoming a mere social gathering for discussing PC programs?!}, I am helpless to stop it. I am as guilty as the next person in regards to not having the time and energy to spend to ke?"}ep the club going. Our recent loss of several members coupled with a dwindling interest from many local users makes it a?#}ll but impossible to forge ahead. While I can see the benefits of bowing out with our heads held high, I certainly don't ?$}have to like it. Times change and I myself know that time is precious these days. Family, work, and numerous other time?%}-consuming activities have made me yearn, on more than one occasion, for the days when my biggest concern was how to load ?&}a koala pic from basic, rather than supporting, and spending time with, my family. It's truly a shame that more people a?'}ren't still reaping the benefits of the 8-bit Atari on a regular basis. And emulators don't cut it! Yes, the PC is the wa?(}y to go, but there's no magic involved. When was the last time you used a light pen or touch tablet on your IBM. How abo?)}Gut a lab science kit or robot? The thrill just isn't there! Since this is my last direct contact with many of you via t?*}*his newsletter, I'd like to wish you all well and hope that each of you fires up the old Atari and does a little playing ?+}around. Putting this newsletter together certainly brought a bit of fun back into my life. Best Wishes, John Hardie, ?,}Guest Editor jhardie@pipeline.comgether certainly brought a bit of fun back into my life. Best Wishes, John Hardie, <$ PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE# 6by Jack Gedalius= April--August, 2000 Sorry that I missed the April meeting. C.}I was in the hospital. All OK now. I then flew with my son to San Francisco because he wanted to look over Stanford UnivC/}ersity. He would like to study computer programming there next year. We toured San Francisco while there. We lost onC0}e of our original founders, Jerry Ginsberg, on March 26th. At the May meeting we discussed different aspects of Atari C1}and of PC computers. My oldest daughter graduated from Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois with a BS in JournaC2}lism (cum laude) this June. Therefore, the meeting was cancelled. (PS--she is going back for graduate studies.) The JulC3}y meeting was held at my home. We set up the Atari on one table and a PC on another. Al Sharkis tried to demo how to inC4}teract the two computers. I was lacking a certain cable so we were not able to complete this process. We demoed other proC5}grams. It was a successful meeting, anyway. The August meeting was held at Ron Fetzer's home. Ron showed off his new PC6}C computer. He demoed ELF BOWL, STRESS RELIEF, COMBO 5, and REAL PLAYER. On REAL PLAYER he is able to obtain radio progrC7}ams from all over the world. He especially enjoys the muscial programs. The other programs were very cute. We also hadC8} our yearly barbecue at my home in August. The members met some of our friends. We all had a good time. I took many picC9}tures. BYE FOR NOW, JACK GEDALIUSt. The members met some of our friends. We all had a good time. I took many pic@) =-=-= 6DISK COMMUNICATOR 3.0H by BOB PUFF Many of you may or may not be familiarG;}G with Bob Puff's excellent Disk Communicator utility. In short, this little gem allows you to compact and transfer the coG<}<ntents of an entire diskette as a single file. DiskCom takes any diskette (boot disk or multiple files) and compacts it G=}into a single file. In the old days, this was a handy way to send a disk over modem lines to a friend or your local BBS. G>} The person receiving the file would then run DiskCom to turn the file back into a whole disk. DiskCom has other uses asG?} well. As we are seeing here, it allowed user groups to include more on their library and disk-of-the-month offerings.G@} The program itself is easy to use and fully menu-based. All that is necessary is to set the source and destination driveGA}s just like you would with a sector copier and choose whether you want to turn a disk into a file, or a file into a disk.GB}Ǜ There's even built-in DOS functions for formatting, renaming, etc. NOTE: For ease of use when turning a disk into a filGC}Me, always choose to make one big file rather than smaller multiple files.^ =-=-=rning a disk into a filDe =-=-=" SHANGHAI (MAHJONG) Classic Mahjong action! This is a truly excellent version of MahjonKE}g that permits you to control the on-screen action with a standard joystick or an Atari ST Mouse. To try this game, BootKF} SIDE 1 of the Newsletter disk without BASIC, so that you go into DOS. Once in DOS, do a binary load of the file called KG}"DSKCOM.COM". Make sure you have a blank disk handy and follow the instructions to turn the file called "SHANG.DCM" (alsoKH}e located on SIDE 1) into a disk. Be sure to read the DiskCom text file on the newsletter first.v =-=-=H} ;=-=-= USING THE JOYSTICK TO READ TEXT!K MOD by JOHN McGOWAN How to use use the JOYSTICKOJ} to read the text on the screen. After reading all the text on the screen, you go to the next page by hitting the ROK}ED BUTTON. To read the NEXT article just pull the JOYSTICK toward you while text is scrolling down the screen, or aOL} fter you have read the article.1 =-=-=YSTICK toward you while text is scrolling down the screen, or aL8C o=o=o=o=o=# MEMBER E-MAIL ADDRESSES We have asked for email addresses. These are what we have toSN}N date: *Alan Sharkis >asharkis@erols.com Bob WoolleyD hrwoolley@pacbell.net Dane Stegmann cf943@freenet.bSO}uffalo.edu David Oldfield" Jd_oldfield_sr@juno.com Frank KuzloskiP fkuzlosk@suffolk.lib.ny.us Greg Goodwin SP}- clu-da-bard@geocities.com Harry Tuthill3 Thgtut2@yahoo.com Jack GedaliusZ ljgedalius@aol.comr yoel97@aol.SQ}com John Hardie