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So, starting with the December 1994 meeting we a)}&2|Vol: 8 Ϡԧ!۱ Exit To Basic ۲ Exit To DosE n۳ Printer Config ۴ News/PrinterHelp}0}<ԠSPACEBARϠΠà@Ah READ/PRINT ALL!0} * J/S to read Scr; J Who's Who!O Rc Meeting Dates. 0} Presidents Msg.->Check Directory Minutes Nov.'94 for more M/L or Minutes Dec.'94 BASIC p0}irograms! NEAR*US REBORN Check 堲 for My Daily Prayer more ATARI news Why an MIO?m articles!!<-0} ,i for My Daily Prayer more ATARI news Why an MIO?m articles!!<-0- SmpppG!A }D}}D}''"#126FfinancialJZcalculation^_cnrs}D} ''6Iinvestment3%,%#4^d}D}3%3#!0%2%452.4/$/3}D}}D}~}~}$pppB%;>A$}D}}D}D~}~}~}~}~}~}~}~}~}~}~}~}~}~}~}~}~}~}D~}~}~}~}fةX!Y/0 1D}pҩ"/R L20l L#1X%Y 2/10$1pҩ4i2%lx%4j%\D}j%j@&j&j&j0'$k'Lk'tk (mp((й"/'&%$#"3!5 02L0L&2L[4L6L8D}L:L3=L?L@LBL0X%Y 2/10$1pҩ@Ri4%lx%k%k&kh&l&%>&P ] ^ S]] ] S]] ^ S]] ^ S] ci ݢi ڢנi ݢj ݢi (ۢŠi ݢi (D}Ǣj f ީׅi ݢj ( ݢj `ڢˠi ݢi ݢi ڢŠi (ۢˠi `111>1 D}Z1 Ra bL 14hisprogramcalculatestheminimuninvestmentrequiredtoallowregular_withdrawalsoveraspecifiedtD}$imeperiod!llwithdrawalsareequal3Minimum investment = $ 2-h+%#lx%?%<@&P ] ] S]D}G] ^ S]] ^ S]] ] S] ci ݢi ݢj (ۢŠi ݢi ݢi ( ީŅi ݢj `ڢi D} ڢj `111@1 1 Ra bL 14hisprogramcalculatesthenominalinterestrateforaninitialinvD}NestmentwhichamountstoaknownfuturevalueinaspecifiedperiodoftimeXNominal interest rate = % 2Qh)%D}'lx%A%A&!Bh&P ] ] S]] ^ S]] ^ S] ci ݢi (ۢŠi ݢj ݢi (ۢˠi ݩŅiD} ީ˅i ݢj `ڢj `11q1B1 1 Ra bL 14hisprogramcalculatestheeffectiveinD}terestrateforaknowninitial&IinvestmentwhichamountstoaknownNfuturevalueinaspecifiedperiodoftime4D}hisrateexpressestheactual!?interestrateearnedannuallyIAnnual interest rate = % 2bxh1%lx%D}ǽG%cG&Gh&H&Pݠ șHHHHHHșHHHHșHHșHșH ^b ] ] S]ȹjHɛ HD}] ] S]ȹjHɛ%Hi ݢj (ۢi ݩ] ]` S]ȹjHɛ HH0Gii ٥ԍi] ` S]ȹjD}ǙHɛ H#j ݢi ݩ iLC] ] S]iii ٥ԍ+jՍ,j] +` S]iiiii ݢi (ۢj fD}Ǣˠi ݩ1] ` c ٥ԍiՍiȹjH8ɛ H˅i ީi ݢj `ڢj ` `ȹjHɛD}ǩ%Hiԩ ݢi ( ٥ԍjiԩ ݢi ( ٥ԍj 2xh1%111H1 1i1D}1H1 11ԍ1H1 1)jii)j)j8iT 5]11Y1H1 111)jԩ ؠȱj)jȩj1D}ǩj1 1jjiijji)iijii ݢi fڢi ݢi ݢˠi `1 `j آi ݢD}ǡi `ڢŠi ݢݠi fڢݠi ݢŠi ݢi fڢi ݭ)j8iaiijUi1i ` ` :aݠi ` ` :aD}Ǡi `% ` :a/j آݠi 8j+jij,j iLEii/j آݠi ݭ)j8i b)j8ͳiL;E b kbD}Kb cL 14hisprogramcalculatesaninteresttableforinvestmentswithYl 0%2)/$)#"!,!.#%}D}K ).4%2%34!##5-5,!4%$"%47%%.0%2)/$3 4/4!,!##5-5,!4%$).4%2%34Vp %&&%#4)6%).4%2%342!4%}D}C&4heseoutputsmaybecalculatedfor+CdepositsorwithdrawalsUYEAR BALANCE INTEREST ACCUM INTERESTD} PRINCIPAL $ AT FOR$ 7YEARSREG DEPOSIT $D jTIMES PER YEAREFFECTIVE INTEREST RATEq PER YEAR 2D}ǽh2%lx%J%fJ&P ] #_ S]] O_ S]] {_ S]] _ S] ci ݢi ڢŠi ݢi ݢj (ۢD}ˠi ݢi (ۢj f ީŅi ݢj ( ݢj `ڢѠi ݢi ݢi ڢѠi ڢˠi ( `1D}j11J1 1 Ra bL 14hisprogramcalculateshowmuchcanbeborrowedgiventheinterestrate nthepaymentamoD}unt thepaymentsper8year andthetermoftheloanAPrincipal = $ 2h.%lx%K%0L&P ] OD}_ S]] ] S]] {_ S]] _ S] ci ݢi ڢŠi ݢi ݢj (ۢˠi ݢi (ۢj f ީŅi D} ݢj ( ݢj `ڢѠi ݢˠi ݢi ڢi (ۢѠi ( `111L1 1 Ra bL 14hisprogrD}\amcalculatestheamountrequiredinordertorepayaloanoveraspecifiedtimeperiod}D}Regular payment = $ 2h1%lx%M%GN&Nh&N&Pݩ ] #_ S]] ] S]] O_D} S]] {_ S]] _ S] ci ݢi ٥ԍjՍji ݢj (ۢŠi ݢi (ۢˠi ݩ*j)ji)j*jˠi D}Ǣi ` `j ݢi ` ݢi `ڢi 8j)jij*j iLTMi f `1171O1 1D} `1j1 1 bL 14hisprogramcalculatestheamountofthefinalpaymentofaloan4hisfinalpaymentwillcompleteD}amortizationofaloanattheconclusionofitsterm9ouprovidetheloanamount regularpaymentinterestrate paymentsperD}year theterm]Last payment = $ 2h-%D}lx%P%Q&oQh&Q&Pݩ ] #_ S]] ] S]] _ S]] {_ S]] _ S]] _ S] ci ݢj `ڢD}i ڢi f ٥ԍjՍj)j*jii ݢj (ۢi (ۢŠi )j*jŠi ݢi ڢj fڢ ؠȱD}E.ȩ󩀅 ݢi ` ݢi `ڢi 8j)jij*j iLP `111R1 1 Ra bL 1D}H4hisprogramcalculatestheremainingbalanceonaloanafteraspecifiedOpnumberofpayments9ouenterthewregulaD}Grpayment thenumberofpaymentsperyear theprincipal theannualLqinterestrate thepaymentnumberandvtheloaD})nyeartocalculatetheremainingbalanceKRemaining balance = $ 2h3%lx%AS%D}ǽS&P ] #_ S]] ] S]] {_ S]] _ S] ci ݢj (ۢŠi ݢi ڢˠi ݢi ݢi ݢˠi D} ( ݢj ` ޢˠi ݢŠi ݢi (ۢj f ޢi ݢˠi (ۥ) `111S1 1 Ra bLD}J 14hisprogramcalculatestheperiodoftimeneededtorepayaloan!llRmpaymentsareassumedequal}D}%+Term =3 YearsYEARS 2h.%lx%U%LV&P颶V ݢi ݩVD} آi ݩ ] O_ S]] _i ݢi ڢŠi S]] ]i ݢi (ۢˠi S]] #_ S] ci ݢi (D}Ǣj f ީŅi ݢj ( ݢj ` ݢˠi (ۢi ڢj fڢ ؠȱ.ȩ󩀅D}Dž آנi ݢi ݢi `ڥ)ԢV (ۢi ݢi ݢi ݢi ݢנi `ڥ80i ݢi fڢi LTi D}Ǣi `ڢi LTi ݢj `111V1 1 sa bL 14hisprogramcalculatestherateatwhichintD}erestischargedonaloanB9ouentertheloanamount payment Ggpaymentsperyear andthetermoAnnual interesD}t rate = 0@@ 2bi.%lx%V[%[&[h&F\&Pݠ ș\\\\ș\\ș\ șD}\ ^b] #_ S]ȹj\ɛ \] O_ S] ٥ԍiՍiȹj\ɛ \] ] S]Ši ݠȹjɛ \. \] D}{_ S]ȹj\ɛ%\] _ S]i ݢj (ۢi (ۢˠi ݩ] +` S] ci ٥ԍii*j 2i.%D}111\1 11 1̍1\1 1j)j)j)j8*j[ 5] Dڭ)j ؠȱ)ȩȱ\ɛ \11D}G1\1 111\1 1iiȹjiiiŠi ݢˠi ` `j آѠi ݢi `ڢנi ݢݠD}i fڢݠi ݢi `ڢŠi 8)jijii jLYŠi ݢi fڢi ݢŠi ݢנi fڢנi ݩiѠi ݢi D} fڢi ݢѠi ݢi fڢi ݢi ݢנi fڢi ݭ)j8*j+ Dڭi ؠȱ)ȩ11L ZLrZii1D}1 11 :aנi ` ` :aiŠi ` ` :aL`Z1/1j1 1i `% ` :a8iiLX)j8*j8)jijD}ii jLZL9[11&1]1 1i ` `1j1 1111\1 1i ` `1j1 11\E}1 The OL HACKERS Disk News Letter Help File T The OL'HACKER Disk Based News Lette-}ris very simple for you to use. Allyou have to do is make the selectionsyou'd like and read them. To readthe whole newsl-}etter, use SelectionA. To read only part of thenewsletter, select each file in anyorder by using the letter in front ofit-} on the main menu screen. If youwant to change one of yourselections, use the BACKSPACE key toremove selections until you-} reach theone to be changed, and start fromthere with your new selections. Theother screen editing function keyswill not-} work from the main menu. When you are finished selecting, pressRETURN then [R] and start reading. Asyou can see there ar-}e pauses in thetext so it's much easier to read. Making a selection from 1 thru 4 youcan Exit to Basic or Exit to Dos, or-}even go to The News Letter PressRoom. Selections B thru Z are newsArticles. When a selection is madethe article is sent -}to the screenwith page breaks. At the end of thelast article selected, you are sentback to the Newsletter Main Menu. -} About The Printer( (9;? When you make your selection ofthe file you would like to rea- }Gd youwill be presented with the following: enu rint ead:M If you choose then and youdon't have a pri- }nter on line you willcome back to these options. Then youshould use the option to read thefile online. If however you - }eithermade a mistake or don't care to reador print the file you selected youcan go right back to the main menujust by hit- }Cmting . If you choose and you have not yet configuredyour printer, you will do that beforeprinting.s When the n- } ewsletter program isformatting files for the printer, orwhile it is printing, press CONTROLand P to pause printing. To re-}Asume,press any key. To cancel printing,press CONTROL and C. E eAbout Configuring Your Printeri ino z -}  The printer configuration sectioncan be reached by using selection 3from the main menu. You also will be-}send there the first time you try toprint a file, if you haven't beenthere already. Explainations of theconfiguration sec-}.tion can be accessedfrom the print room menu.: en't beenthere already. Explainations of theconfiguration sec,=h11 1i ` `1j1 1 b)j8ͳiLSX b kbb cL 14hisprogramcalculatesaloanorepaymentscheE}duleandoutputs+ 0!9-%.4.5-"%2B_ !-/5.4/&0!9-%.4).4%2%34j !-/5.4!-/24):%$E} 7)4(0!9-%.47 "!,!.#%2%-!).).'!&4%20!9-%.4=T !##5-5,!4%$).4%2%34e !-/5.4/&,!340!9-%.E}4PRINCIPAL $# %AT, /FOR3 =YEARSYEARE WREGULAR PAYMENT $b INTEREST $EQUITY $NO INTE}hEREST AMORTIZED BALANCE ACCUM INTLAST PAYMENT $%&'( \\\`11k1]1 1`} E} ]11d1 1U]T a *bi `]11d1 1U]T a *bi `]1Ս1d1 E}1U]iT a *bi `]11e1 1U]T a *bi `]1=1e1 1U]T a *bi `]1E}]1e1 1U]T a *bi `]11e1 1U]T a *bi `]1}1e1 1U]T a *bi `Ea}yzZERWOTWTRFOUPRMEKAFILEHELPMENUTITLECOL1COL2COL3LINEZLOSPACFNNCOLNSPSOOPPPAGOEP5} COLIN$%,-45<=DELMSU [] ce km su {5} '(/078?@GHOPWX_`ghopwx}5}  !"#"*+#23$:;%CY99ԠŠf SAVE "D:NEWSLTR.BASdm5}C(m報à- rӠįί̠ŠǭԠ̮ 6-x6-5}@'6-@36-@'?6-@+ӠϠŠӭҠԬŠ̮Ϡ̮z`5 }@ eE:(AR`ΠŠ̮ҠŠқQB7t@dio'@sw@d{35!}@=?AKA Q-'A@eAI'@ Mt5K:6-6-)6-A2x56-5"}@33;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;A2,$(6.D1:WELCOME.SCR(8EA !A5#}@h3B7t@dE@"&@d*TL. A 6.6. $(. AXc`8-@!g8($Programmed For Th5$}e Ol' Hackers Ataric9-@""T9(% User Group Inc. By:Kris Holtegaarde00('[ cModifiedg By:Thomas J. Andrews5%}Lj666.,THE OL' HACKERS' ATARI U.G., INC. NEWSLETTERt67B:,%,.7<@8P,y&-B:,6&7<,0 AU~ 5&}L 6. 67@-,.#67,.C6-+@18&,'@<@%@D^L67,.'A @b#-A"P' H6.5'}D1:MAINMENU.HLP$@"5@&2A@6\H(}!A !A@h`" A (" A5(}(]B7t@d '@$(@d,:9A @>FE-@"JV( Selection: ]6.2/ )/+"AU)"5)}A&,*4A07"AUA`9."A&*B:,"6.$*. A0:0"A&6.7:,*2B:,"@ >A` A0/ +@BO-/(@SoTURN DISK OVER/-@s/(@5.}lTHEN PRESS ANY KEY5AdAU)& A05% D:PROG.BASo+A%A @pv7-@z@5/}%Q(NO PROGRAM THIS MONTHc-@)-@1oARB'(FLIP DISK AGAIN AND PRESS A KEY1 A08)B A50}C6 (}-@ @ I6( What's Your Pleasure?_B7t@dMS'@W[@d_e9-@im@qX(enu 51}1% rint ead: _)8"@w)5((.(; DMain MenuH.]8 A"@aeAPit8"@x(52}(.( Read File. 8 AF$.-B:,6. D1:**.TXT.67<,.7<,F A"@A )553}@<(}F A5Jp  A4F:A,"A6*@NR@@Vk4 A5P**"@eo*F:A,"A54}pA!`pA @"*4@e.M*F:A,"Ap:(}L-@QU@Yp(Not In This Months News Letter55} ! AF  AF2! 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DepoEw}sits .[$Number of Deposits per Year ..Number of Withdrawals per Year Future Value k.$Amount of WithdEx}Crawals .!$Regular Payment ..?$Term in Years O.fAnnual Interest Rate n.%Number of PaEy}yvyments per Year ..press RETURN to return to menupress SPACE BAR to repeatLast Payment Made (Paym. No.).Loan Year}.Ez}.%Start With What Year ..eDeposits/Withdrawals Per Year Amount Of Deposits orx WithdE{} rawals (+/-) ..$End With What Year 9.&5452%6!,5%/&!.).6%34-%.4&5452%6!,5%/&2%'5,!2$%0/3)432%E|}'5,!2$%0/3)432%'5,!27)4($2!7!,3&2/-!.).6%34-%.4).)4)!,).6%34-%.4-).).5-).6%34-%.4&/27)4($2!7!,./-).!,).4%2%34E}}2!4%/.).6%34-%.4%&&%#4)6%).4%2%342!4%/.).6%34-%.43%!2.%$).4%2%344!",%02).#)0!,/.!,/!.2%'5,!20!9-%.4/.!,/!.E~},!340!9-%.4/.!,/!.2%-!).).'"!,!.#%/.!,/!.4%2-/&!.,/!.!..5!,).4%2%34/.!,/!.-/24!'%!-/24):!4)/.4!",%).6%E}34-%.402/'2!-3',/!.02/'2!-37iGORDON GRANEC 1977 S IDAHO ST ALLENTOWN PA 18103}E}\^Abd>Phj@nqA`z0.0E}"0futurevalueofaninvestment+MfuturevalueofregulardepositsSvregulardepositsforfuturevalue{E}HregularwithdrawalsfrominvestmentinitialinvestforfuturevalueNqminimuminvestmentforwithdrawalvnominE}=alinterestrateoninvestmenteffectiveinterestprogramI`earnedinteresttableqprincipalE} onaloan7regularpaymentonaloanD\lastpaymentonaloanlremainingbalanE} ceonaloan'termofaloan?_annualinterestrateonaloangmorgageamortizationE}table99bhl2%452.34/4)4,E}%3#2%%.3 ^P=Print ^D=Disk Any Key=Continue9?0bhl2%452.34/4)4,D?1 of the new ATARI CLASSIC and felt happy that we still have an 8 BIT A.C.. I think that the mag was in!}teresting reading, though I felt it needed more meat. I ran through it too fast to suit me, but I'm sure that article!}Gs that I only skimmed, were devoured by others. Now, lets all back this new venture, or we shall lose it too. I am su!}re that if it fails, there will be no more attempts at an all 8 BIT magazine. So please put your money where your mouth !})is, and send in your subscription now!/ I have received many requests for more programs, so in this issue will be !} found a variety of different type programs, and therefore there is less text. Try the NEW modified, modified, modified!} DRAWPOK.BAS, programmed by our own JOE HICSWA. He also wrote his thoughts relating to the ATARI world. Want two RAMD!}ISKS with your upgraded 800XL or 130XE? Run DBLRMDOS.BAS. Like graphics? Try SLIDESHO.BAS, and see the two pictures t!}hat are also on side 2. For all you folks who are into financial type programs, side 1 has FINCAL1.OBJ, and IRA2.B!}AS, for those retired or soon to retire. Also find CHECKBAL.BAS to help you solve the monthly question of where !}:your money goes. There is even more, so look for them.@ Of course you still will find informative articles as us"?}2"#  ABQVTUTTRWXI7e((' 1 ; E Ajm@%ru?uz I} @    %&-.56=>EFMNUV\^fSAVE "D:IRA2.BAS"I}EETyped by JOE LEBER for OL' HACKERS ATARI USERS GROUP, Inc. 2/91Atari BASIC""'Financial Operating System'ByI}/ J. M. Keynes==Translated by Kerry Shetline9 FROM IBM PROGRAM!Copyright (c) 1983!!Softside PublicationsI}, Inc. A +'0@#%+-39A0@=A@EI@Mc oG;AU,;@@gn,;@ry,;@}I},;@ ,;@',O6. `67@@+8,. o67@<J,.$$(U ͡dC  ' Yearly IRA cI}ontribution +7 A%C6-A )nH , !Est. average yearly interest rateD (enter 12% as 12) Hx= ! EI}"stimated tax bracket%=6-+A&-&,'A1` M ADo you want a PRINTER printout? Ơ, TURN ON YOUR (Y/N)I},Q`4APL4Y)4y1@04@8:@MP:B3>:@'Qj,=L AP##@nr@vx}I}CE:]6-$'A%@!+16-'A/3%@7==6-CII6-OmO6-W6-$]6-55 @qt$}*I}*"A +(.'0@24:<BHA0@LP@TX@\fj' @j ofI} your E @+account g @/Sj(66 @W[%}*I} **h7(@@ investment of $ to vs.h(@Dt$ to Y6 @xatI}* % yearly, average tax bracketN @.Bof %.Y @FPA6 @T% I}A @ C-@@@!Z#6-+%,$+6-%16-=6-+%,$C6-%6-%@^f%@jA I6-I}$6.=:,!6.=:,56.=:P:%?P(8,,I6.=:P:%?P<H,,KK @LT7@)Xf%B:,,7@%j%B:,%B:,,7@2I}%B:,,9 9 @!$E*O@*(@Sv investment of $@(@zI} to =(@(vs. $=(@,O to /(@S/:? #1;"ġ"(@I}($:+(@? ҠӠŠ=$:(@CQ)(@U\@`aC :Do another (Y), OR (NI}) to return to OHAUG NEWSLETTER!GO4Na% D:NEWSLTR.BASIIPRINT "Do another";:INPUT A$:IF A$="N" THEN ? "}Jh} <*>*<*> Reprinted by OHAUG (WITH EDITORS LICENSE) from the NOV. 1994 issue of P.A.C.E., submitted Q}re going to fly with the old revoling Secretary method each month. ALEX then decreed that it's only fair to use the)} system that has worked for the U. S. Army since the year 1776. The "Military System" was first used by the Americ)}an Amry in the Revolutionary War. Let me explain. The selection each month for Secretary will be in alphabeticaly o)}hrder. For December, AL ATKINS (not one "A" but unfortunately two of them). CORRESPONDANCEo BILL SMINKEY')}s letter to RON sending in his 1995 annual dues stating he would not want to lose contact with a great g)}vroup like the OL' HACKER'S. Bill thinks he is receiving a bargain value in the newsletters each year.{ JO)}GSEPH E. HICSWA and JOHN JOHNSON were other outer-of-towners to send in their 1995 dues. JOE also sent a modified, m)}odified, modified copy of "DRAW POKER" to ALEX, complementing him for doing an outstanding job with the sound and gr)}aphics. Not only is he proud of him but is honored that ALEX took the time to improve the program. Further stating that )}Bwith people like ALEX the ATARI just might bounce back again.H ALEX responded by congratulating him for being m)}ade President of J.A.C.G. ALEX also called and sent a card to SAM CORY offering the OL' HACKERS condolance to)}3 SAM whose wife passed away after a long illness.9 TOM ANDREWS Forwarded a very long letter stating his father is )}doing well and his brother is getting married. He mentioned the THANKSGIVING DAY dinner his family had. A truly)}P AMERICAN THANKSGIVING dinner with all of the down on the farm home cooking.V His latest programming effort is to m)}odify the fantastic "PRINT STAR" program, and it's presently being Beta tested. Tom is very much in demand as a writer)}, by CURRENT NOTES, and ATARI CLASSIC magazines and is considering other possibility of writing for a commercial mag)}Eazine. aThe OL' HACKER'S were very sorry to hear that A.C.E. of Syracuse has disbandedf q(membershipv dwindle)}d drastically over the past year). They will only meet informly as a group in the future. No longer will dues be co)}Bllected and the treasurary is being used to maintain their BBS.H JIM CUTLER, England, has the distinction of )} sending the OL' HACKER'S the first CHRISTMAS CARD of the season. With it came twenty pounds Sterling as payment for)}Z his 1995 dues (though that might be excessive and we just might owe Jim some change).a DANE STEGMAN is looking )} for "CROSSWORD MAGIC" by Mindscape. His copy does not print on his ATARI XM801 printer. Our members were requested to)} check this out, if possible# DAVE EWENS, Newcastle-on-the- Tyne, ENGLAND, plans to attend the 8- Bit AMS show in)}^ ENGLAND. He'll make a report on his findings and he sends his best to the OL'HACKER'S.e TOM SMITH of SAN )} DIEGO, CALIFORNIA, adviseson how to get rid of the question marks printed on the screen with Input commands. ( )}CRON FETZER added, that for TURBO BASIC, just use (,) Comma ).J ROBERT BUMAN, S.A.G.E. Club President, (no lo)}nger the S.A.G.E. 8 BIT mailman and the "SAGE*CAT"" programmer,) wote a letter to ALEX to thank him for his kin)}d comments and for the shareware donation, which OHAUG sent him. He returned the check, and said "I'm proud to say )}I can count all my donations on two hands. Your letter will go into my "SAGE*CAT" memento folder. Your check wi)}ell be returned for what you have done to perpetuate and nurture the 8-Bit ATARI enviRONment."i A nice complimen)}t indeed, THANKS BOB! JOHN POWELL, our member and NWPAC, Arizona, member sent his new address and wonde)}red about our Newsletter Disk, evidently they went to "never-never land" as they were not returned to the OL' *}by JIM PARRISH. MY DAILY PRAYER! LORD GRANT ME STRENGTH THAT I MAY NOT FALL, INTO THE CLUTCHES OF CHOLESTEROQ}GL, OR THE MANY POLYUNSATURATES, AS IN MY MIND I MUTTER, DON'T YOU KNOW THAT THE ROAD TO HELL IS PAVED WITH BUTTER, AND CQ}AKE IS CURSED AND CREAM IS AWFUL, WHILE SATAN IS HIDING IN EVERY WAFFLE? BEELZEBUB IS A CHOCALATE DROP, AND LUCIFER IS AQ} LOLLIPOP. TEACH ME THE EVILS OF HOLLANDAISE, OF OODLES AND GOBS OF MAYONAISE, AND CRISP FRIED CHICKEN FROM THE SOUTH. LQ}$ORD, IF YOU LOVE ME, SHUT MY MOUTH4 <*>*<*> GOBS OF MAYONAISE, AND CRISP FRIED CHICKEN FROM THE SOUTH. LP= **<>** 2POWER USERS' CORNER9 by John Kasupski, orignally of WNYAUG, and reprinted by OL' HACU}KERS AUG, NY In this article, we will examine hardware and software that is popular among Atari 8-bit power userU}s. A power user is anyone who has done one or more of the following to his or her Atari 8 BIT computer system: * U} Installed a RAM upgrade (256K or more) and USES the extra RAM (either as a RAMdisk, or for programming in BASIC XU}-E, or for running utilities or applications1 5that9 @requireD the additional RAM) * Connected a hard drive * ConneU}fcted an MIO (or Black Box), one of which is basically necessary to add a hard drive anyway, but...l Anyone who has U} and uses one or more (or all!) of the above is a power user. Simple? Well, not really. You also need to have the propeU}r software to let you take advantage of all this neat hardware.For most of us, this begins with the right DOS. By fU}ar the most popular DOS among power users is SpartaDOS, either the disk-based version (3.2) or the cartridge-baseU}d version (SpartaDOS X). It doesn't matter which version you use, as long as you've been weaned from the menu enU}evironment prevalent with most other DOS types such as DOS 2.0S/2.5, SmartDOS, MyDOS, etc.k There is other sofU}tware available which takes advantage of power-user type hardware, and "Power Users' Corner" will examine theoldU} and the new software, as well as the hardware itself. And, believe me, there is an unbelievable amount of softwarU}*e out there, if you know where to look.0 But for this issue, we're going to look at a piece of hardware, beU}Gcause there might be people out there who are reading this and are feeling left out because they aren't power U}yusers, and we want them to be able to join the ranks. So, we're going to talk about the MIO. HARDWARE REVIEW} U} MIO stands for Multi-I/O and was manufactured by ICD, Inc., a familiar name to power users since they also manufatuU}red SpartaDOS, the U.S. Doubler upgrade for Atari 1050 drives, the R-Time 8 cart, and several other neat toys thaU}8t frequently show up in a power user's computer room.@ CICDI Vunfortunately\ has discontinued its line of prU}oducts for the 8 BIT, but the MIO can still be purchased as a used item (and now from FINE TOONED Engineering), and iU}]t is well worth the investment of from $125 to $200 you can expect to pay for one.c Why is a MIO worth thU}at much money as a used item? The key is in what it adds to your system: self- refreshed RAM (either 256K or U} 1 megabyte, depending on the model you get), industry standard RS232 and parallel interfaces (read: printer pU}ort and modem port), the ability to reconfigure drives from an internal ROM-based menu, and perhaps best of all, aU}R SASI/SCSI interface that allows you to connect a hard drive to your Atari.X The MIO has its own power supply anU}d connects to the parallel bus interface on the 800XL/1200XL, or the cartridge ECI ports on the 130XE. For the 13U}0XE you also need an adaptor board, which is about the size of a pack of cigarettes and has two cartridge pU}orts on it. The MIO will connect directly to an XL without the adaptor. The 130XE adaptor for the MIO used to cost abouU}t $20.00 from ICD, I got mine along with my MIO so I can't tell you how much it costs used, however, if someone seU}xlls you a MIO and they have an adaptor, make sure you get it if you have a 130XE (or intend to get one!!)} U} Since the MIO has its own power supply, the contents of the MIO ram is not lost when you turn off your Atari. Only a toU}tal power failure (or turning the MIO itself off) will erase the MIO RAM's contents. You can leave the MIO on while theU}G computer is off (the power consumption is negligible - only a watt or two in its active state), and the MIO's refreU}Ysh oscillator will keep the contents of its RAM intact while the computer is off._ The MIO RAM can be used asU} a RAMdisk or as a printer spooler, or both. The 256K MIO can have either one 256K RAmdisk with no spooler, or use U}both the spooler and a RAMdisk, with the RAM divided between the two in 32K increments. The 1-Meg MIO allows partiU}Itioning the RAM into two or more RAMdisks, with or without a spooler.P STheW ^printerb fportj allows connecting U} any Centronics parallel printer, which can be configured as either P1: or P2: as desired, and the RS-232 port alU}lows connecting modems that use in RS-232 port, allowing the MIO to also take the place of an 850 Interface, P: R: connU}Tection, etc. The modem port can be configured as R1:, R2:, or R3: as desired.Z The MIO's internal ROM includes a U}Uconfiguration menu that lets you set the parameters for the printer and modemY ports and RAMdisk/spooler functU}ions. It also lets you configure the system for up to eight disk drives, which can be floppy drives, hard driU}ve partitions, or MIO RAmdisks. Any physical drive can be configured to respond as any logical drive number, U} and you can swap them around at will. This lets you boot from ANY drive in your system, including the MIO U} RAMdisk. You can easily swap drives around and boot from a floppy drive one time, a hard drive partition the neU}\xt, the MIO RAMdisk another time, and so on as needed by your system requirements.b As far as hard drivesU} are concerned, the MIO menu lets you save the configuration that you've set up in the MIO Configuration menu to thU}e physical hard drive on LUN 0,0 (if you don't know what this means, you needn't worry about it...though you caU}n find out from your local users' group!), so that you can safely power down the MIO secure in the knowledge that tU}he next time you boot your system, the MIO will load its own previously saved configuration right off of the U}CJhard drive during the boot process...saving you the trouble of havingN PtoT \re-enter` all that information in V} the configuration menu.$ The MIO can be used with a variety of disk operating systems, but SpartaDOS isV} the most highly recommended (either 3.2 or the X cart). The MIO will also work with the better alternativesV}X such as MyDOS 4.5, BUT there is a reason wny most power users prefer SpartaDOS...^ This brings us to the SCSI/SAV}SI port. In addition to all the above features, the MIO also serves as a host adaptor and interface that allows yV}ou to connect SCSI or SASI type hard disk drives to your Atari 8 BIT! There have been a few articles in club newsleV}tters in the past extolling the virtues of having a hard drive connected to your Atari, and we will NOT repeat V}_them all here. We will, however, point out that a hard drive represents perhaps thec ULTIMATE addition to yoV}"ur system, providing unbeatable& storage capacity and instant access to incredible amounts of software and data.V} SOFTWARE REVIEW QThere is also a ShareWare utility called MIO_INIT.COMU \written` by LVAUG's Ed Bachman, that V }lets you save and load multiple MIO configurations, which you can then load from a SpartaDOS batch file. The V }a latest version of MIO_INIT will load a new MIO configuration from a batch file WITHOUTe pterminatingt batch fV }cile execution, giving you the power to load from batch files, custom MIO configurationsg tailored to each V }application. The value of this is not readily obvious to non-power users. MIO_INIT makes it possible to load V }one MIO configuration along with your word processor (setting up a print spooler, for example), but use an entirV}ely different configuration with your term program (such as a large RAMdisk to save your capture buffer to). All this V},can be done from batch files, once you have1 6saved< ?theE necessary configurations to your hard drive. You may nV}8ever need to enter the MIO menu again! CONCLUSION> There are countless MIO utilities available as P.D. or SharV}GeWare. Ed Bachman has written several of these, and they're all useful items to have around. If you use a MIO reguV}larly then I suggest you get on the A.C.U.T.E. BBS and download Ed's utilities if you haven't obtained themV} already. Ed's program range from the simple (a utility to call the MIO menu from the SpartaDOS Command linV}_e) to the complex (a HD directory formatter that automatically maps out any bad sectorsc eoni that partition bV}y allocating them to a file called SECTORS.BAD), with a number of excellent utilities in between. I've foV}und many of them useful. Editor's Note: This POWER USERS CORNERS is NOT a proprietary column, and I do V} NOT expect to write every installment. In other words, others are welcome and encouraged to submit reviews, tips anV}d tricks, and other articles pertaining to the subject of this feature. So, all you Power Users out there, fire V}+ up your word processors and WRITE!!!; A**<>**I e. So, all you Power Users out there, fire TK7'(|XATUNKESCREEREDELACAROD>@GHOPWX_`ghopwx}Z}   "# *+23;IFA@MFSAVE "D:XMASMESG.BAS (FROM PAGE SIX # 8-6 S-2Z})%%&*-%%*1 FMERRY CHRISTMAS FOLKSJ R*%%*X gput together byo w*%%*} Z} LES ELLINGHAM D*%%* from some music composed *%%*I Zby TOM HUDSON anda *%%* a banner from PHIL Z}GRIFFIN *%%/*E1;A ,;A IQ,16.` j/#@nr@vx}Z}K:/6-@ A(#3 +@,0'06:@>B@FN36-@PRc(9A@Pgu'A@y9Z } A@-f-@@#*.(@.C PRESS A KEY;)@GOM-@SW@[bf(@fi t 2_%6-FZ!}:@,%AV$F:@$,9-@(:A[%P:H:@N,$A@,@R__ <3-@cg@kr3(@vy}Z"} A3-@@!(3(@,0> HF3-@LP@T[3(@_brd#AdZ#}CAU#6-@#&n7"@'/6-@3;'6-@?Z36-A07#x7"@^f6-@jr'6-@v36-AZ$}$`7#-@0D ""6@4D#" 6-@HLAPk: D A.6-%@o"!B:,&@Z%} .6-@/-@ @$+/(@/97<%@=V,AW2@Z`@dh@lr;2@v@Z&}@ W2@@#@'EF:Ad,AU:2@IKQSY[ag\2@kmsu{Z'} ~2@ "(. 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A <'67B:,%@JN,.] k9A@do<$D:XZ>}%MASMESG.BASA@v!67B:,%@)F,.! A <'67B:,%@JN,.] k9A@do<$D:XX ual, and the meeting minutes, which I hope will make you feel like you were present, and also acts as a mini re"@}view of demo'ed programs.! AN S.O.S.-..I find it harder and harder to come up with new interesting articles for the "A} newsletter. PLEASE, I need HELP! This is the time to help. Even if you never wrote an article, just send one, I'll"B} pretty it up if necessary, otherwise I may have to miss a deadline. Lets be sure to not let that occur, this is aft"C}er all your newsletter!! ANOTHER S.O.S.---BILL SMINKEY who was planning to send a gift printer to OCTAVIAN in Roum"D}ania, found that his wife while he was sick, with a massive heart attack with complications, threw away the printer. BILL "E} has requested that if anyone has an EPSON compatible printer even if in need of repairs, would send it to BILL, he "f} * :NEAR*US REVITALIZED FLASHC. On Saturday, December 3, 1994, after a gap of several ^G}Gyears, representatives of three user groups and several interested individuals met to discuss the revitalization ^H}Hof the umbrella service organization known as NEAR*US. I am delighted to report that the meeting accomplished its ^I}goal and set vital new directions for NEAR*US to follow. NEAR*US originally stood for the North East Atari Region^J}al User Society. It was designed as an umbrella service organization of its member user groups, most of whom we^K}hre located in the northeastern part of the United States. Shortly after its formation, a BBSl snetworkw was e^L}stablished and lists of member user groups began to be printed in the newsletters of those member user groups^M}&. Other services and sharing were* the result. However, the organization became dormant as the user grou^N}sps developed their own facilities and prospered. Now, with a general decrease of membership and dealerw servic^O}es, and with the geographic dispersion of members, it has become apparent that there was a need to reestablish N^P} EAR*US. Long Island Atari User Group, LIAUG LIAUG hosted the meeting. The OL' HACKERS ATARI USER GROUP (OHAUG) ^Q}and the LEHIGH VALLEY ATARI USERS GROUP (LVAUG) were represented by officers and other members. Several other ^R}groups were interested, but were occupied and couldn't attend. They expressed wishes to be kept informed and i^S}nvolved. Apparently, a few of the original member groups had disbanded. Now NEAR*US will attempt to contact former me^T}mbers and bring them the new services that NEAR*US will provide. Those assembled quickly established that Jon Mord^U}osky, vice-president of LVAUG will chair the new organization, and that there will be a second meeting on March 1^V}8, 1995, hosted by hosted by the OL' HACKERS A.U.G. at PLAINVIEW Library at 999 Old Country Road, Plainview N.Y. ^W} It was recognized that Atari user community consists of both user group members and unaffiliated -- perhaps isolate^X}d -- Atari users. Therefore, NEAR*US will attempt to gather and disseminate information about Atari dealers and^Y}G repair facilities, user groups, and sources of help and information. We will support all Atari products, whethe^Z}Zr computers or video- game systems. To accomplish this, NEAR*US intends to outreach to Atari users by using comm^[}ercial on-line services, networked and individual User Group BBSs (including the NEAR*US and International Atari N^\}etworks of PRO), the Info Atari Digests on InterNet (USENET), print publications such as Current Notes and ^]} Atari Classics Magazine,! %user) group newsletters, etc. For the first time in its history, NEAR*US will also see^^}k the active involvement of non-user- group BBSs and networks that support Atari computers. It will not dictate th^_}e platform on which such a BBS operates. The BBS must not engage in software piracy. It was also made clear t^`}-hat the tone of friendship and comaraderie,1 5help9 and support, education and sharing that has characterize^a}d Atari user group meetings over these many years will be encouraged and strengthened in the revitalized NEAR^b}*US. For more information, please contact Jon Mordosky on GEnie. His GEnie address is J.C.MORDOSKY, and he^c} will be happy to direct unaffiliated users to user groups and other sources of information, service and support. He w^d}ill also be able to help the sysops of non-user-group BBSs and networks as described above get involved.^e}G NEAR*US is alive, well, and functioning again! "Spread the word!"S `Alan Sharkisp pu*volved.\vcwill mail it to OCTAVIAN and pay the charges for shipping it to ROUMANIA!!! Can anyone help??h mFLASHr.BE SURE TO "g}READ "NEAR*US REBORN! A NOBLE ATTEMPT, ONCE AGAIN TO BRING INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TO ALL ATARI USERS. HERE'S HO"}  "+6.7@!%<@),(4Y)4y+% D:IRA2.BAST "Do another";:INPUT A$:IF A$="N" THEN ? "}HNg was a discussion about the forthcoming NEAR*US (North Eastern ATARI Regional * User Group) meeting to be held on&j}Ǜ 12/3/94 at Long Island ATARI User Group, Smithtown L.I. We agreed that we would have representatives present, ALE&k}CX, RON and ALAN.  The new AMERICAN TECHNAVISION CATALOG was then passed around. Prices seemed fairly reasonabl&l}le. In answer to ALEX's request, BOLT ELECTRONICS sent 25 catalogs. Members of users clubs will get a 10% discoun&m}t. Address is, BOLT ELECTRONICS REPAIR SERVICE, 920 Thornwood St., Simi Valley, CA 93065-5646 - Tel. # 805 579 99&n} 54. ITEM Taken from THE MACHINE BBS "I can recommend OHAUG to ALL 8BITers regard- less of whether they attend me&o}etings or not. Their disk based newsletter is a valuable source of info and is well worth the dues etc etc" sent by Syso&p}p LOU TRAPANI. Note: Because RON FETZER has developed pains in his wrist, he will not be able to continue writing t&q}he monthly minutes. Hereafter, we will have different members write the minutes. Alphabetically, each member, st&r}Narting with the December meeting, will write the monthly meeting minutes.T oS P E C I A L D E M O!!u We heard&s} the Audio MIDI tape sent to us by DAVID EWENS of T.W.A.U.G. and it blew our minds. It was made with an 8 BIT 130XE. The n&t}umber of instruments involved, and the quality of the sound had to be heard, no words can describe it!! DEREK FERN of ENG&u}hLAND made the tape and will show it at the ENGLISH ATARI show 12/12/94 (today). CORRESPONDENCEn Letter to RON f&v}rom BILL SMINKEY, stating he had received E-MAIL from OCTAVIAN CRECU, ROUMANIA. BILL hopes to send a printer to &w}*OCTAVIAN as a gift. BILL is quite a guy!0 RON also received a request from RUSSELL STOWE, President of L.V.A.U.G. fo&x}r a replacement of his damaged copy of the newsletter, which he says he looks forward to receiving. RON sent him a n&y}Ey ew copy. ALEX received a letter from member BEN POEHLAND, who wants to donate a complete "ST" system to&z}y a worthy charity. He asked for our input. He was happy about receiving issue # 1 of the new A.C. magazine.} &{} JACK GEDALIUS received a letter from new member, DAVID OLDFIELD complimenting OHAUG on the great LIBRARY &|}DISKS, and the NEWSLETTERs. He advises that ATARI Corp. now has a CONSUMERS SERVICE-- Tel. # 1-800-GO ATARI, and f&}}"or game hints, 900-737 ATARI.( Letters from ALEX to N.O.A.H, and M.A.G.I.C., asking if they were still in existen&~}ce. NO RESPONSE to date. ALEX received a LETTER from TOM SMITH thanking ALEX for the disk he sent. Thanks to TOM&} for writing an article for the newsletter. TOM also advised about his many favorable dealings with SOFTWARE &}XSUPPORT,- 2700 ANDRESEN Rd.- Suite 8-10, Vancouver, WA 98661, Tel. # 206-695-1393. ^ FRANK CASTALDO wrote to ALEX wi&}th questions on how to use FINGERS.BAS. ALEX gave him the answers. FRANK then thanked ALEX at this meeting, and said h&}e now enjoys using the program. When FRANK goes to FLORIDA for the winter he will take his ATARI system with him. D&}0oesn't want to suffer withdrawal pangs! (grin)7 =MemberA FDAVIDJ OEWENSS from T.W.A.U.G. in ENGLAND sent ALEX a MI&}DI AUDIO tape made with an 8 BIT 130XE, just like the big boys. The sound as described in the above paragraph of t&}he minutes was FANTASTIC. It was made by DEREK FERN and will be demoed at the ALL MICRO SHOW on 12/12/94 (today&}/!). We will bring you more info as received.5 ALEX responded and thanked DAVE, and told him it would be played a&}t this meeting, (and it was).% BILL SMINKEY wrote ALEX that his check from UNNICORN also bounced. He said his Hard&}A Drive is the best thing that he ever got for his ATARI hobby.G Our N.J. member JOE HICSWA re- sent ALEX the ma&}ny times modified "DRAWPOKR.BAS" which will be found on this disk. While JOE wrote the main program, ALEX and J&}CUOE made many modifications. JOE also has an article in the newsletter. DEMO's[ RON opened a 1050 drive, and in&} conjunction with his article, described the various electrical components of the drive, and their func&}tions. He showed how to measure AC input with a meter, and what parts need to be replaced depending on the problem. &}It was a great demo, but I must confess to my ignorance of the innards of the drive or micro, so I still can't &}fix either one, so don't ask me those hard questions, ask RON, ALAN SHARKIS or HAROLD PEGLER! RON'S demo coincided wit&}h his great 1050 article.$ ALEX then demo'ed the upgraded one drive version of MICRO CHECK, which automati&}cally on Boot up copies a number of programs into RAMDISK 8. This saves wear and tear on your disk drive, and works &} 10 times faster. There is also a new feature called BUDGET in with the program. This is Disk # 521 in the Librar&}y. Then ALEX demoed a repeat of DBLRMDSK,BAS, because it creates two 707 sector RAMDISKS of your choice on a&} 130XE or upgraded 800XL. Using option "J" in DOS to copy a disk into RAMDISK does not work, but option "C" (copy)&} does work. These are some of the programs on this disk, CALENDAR, CHECKING ACCOUNT, 3 COLUMN PRINTER, DATA X. S&}Ride 2 has TEXTPRO 5.20 with full documentation. Disk is # 522 in our Library.X We then saw AAAUAG's D.O.M. Oc&}tober 1994, which included the original utilities under the name of PAGE 6 GRAB BAG. Side 2 is a full disk with a&}jn adventure game and an adventure game construction program. it is Disk # 523 in the Libraryp Next came the&} SLCC D.O.M. #1210 October 1994. S-1 is loaded with games, some with DOCS. S-2 has a complete TEXTPRO 5.20&}< with all the DOCS. It's Library disk # 524. GAMETIMEB We ran a game, and 8 members competed in the game cal&}led MINI-GOLF. Each had 2 holes to make the lowest score. The winner was JOHN HARDIE, runner up ALEX (me), and &}in third place ALLEN ATKINS, (the REAL golfer among us.) It was great fun for all, with many laughs. Maybe we can d&}C1PING IT FLIES! DO YOUR PART-"SPREAD THE WORD".7 cFinally, I could not find any CHRISTMASg lstuffp for the l"}ast newsletter among the piles of disks, though I knew I had some. Better late than never, I found them, and two "}Uprograms are included in this disk. Sorry about that! HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO ALL!!f n* end *~ } HACKER'S. Hopefully, the next newsletter disk can find JOHN's new address easier than the old address. (Coul*}Ld it be that the Post Office has lost their "RETURN TO SENDER" stamp).R STUART MURRAY, SCOTLAND, has cheers *}for the new "ATARI CLASSICS MAGAZINE". He includes the OL' HACKER'S NEWSLETTER in his advertising and calls *}Z it the best "American Newsletter". Another great compliment. THANKS STU! DEMOS` With STUART MURRAY's letter *}came FUTURA #13, Summer '94. Its OL'H. # 530. The DOM menu contains "ATARI News", "Editorals", "Slamming Part*} II", Sam's Hardware Warehouse, "The World of "G" and Your Printer" by ALAN HITCHEN. Other powerful features are the *}ability to display or print text files and run programs was the main reason for the change in the menu, from the *}5good old "VIEW DOCS". Another well done newsletter!; DALE WOOSTER, President of the NORTHWEST PHOENIX ATARI CONN*}7ECTION, known as NWPAC, Arizona, sent their SUPERB; E"ChristmasI ODisk",S also containing the latest version of "*}PS LABEL7" with more than three dozen Holiday Icon Labels. They are to be commended, they really do things up r*}ight out there! Side one has a HORIZONTAL and VERICLEl scrolling displays of colorful messages. Either of th*}ese display messages can be changed or edited as desired. The horizontal scrolling message read: "This Chris*})tmas Greeting shows you our appreciation- for your continued support of the ATARI 8-Bit connection. We hope that *} the past year has been joyful and life has enriched in spirit, health and fortune. We 8-Bit users have withsto*}od another year of scorn by fellow users with bigger machines. We have added one year of life to a computer th*}Gat has been declared dead a long time ago. 1995 is rapidly approaching and we look forward to the NEW YEAR wit*}h great enthusiasm and knowledge that many programs will be developed and the old improved upon. We know that we w*}ill make new friends and share the same interest with them. But unfortunately we will say goodbye to a few who will *}leave the 8-Bit community. We know as surely as the sun raises in the East that this time Dale, Merle and John (Edit*}or Oficers of NWPAC) will be sitting and preparing a new seasons greetings for each of you. A MERRY CHRISTMAS *}:and HAPPY NEW YEAR." What a nice thought--THANKS NWPAC!@ PACE, FLORIDA, OLH DISK # 527, sent a copy of their *}DOM, also a HOLIDAY DISK consisting of Winter and Christmas programs. Side 1 included favorites such as "SKI", "SANTA*}p", "NEW YEAR", "FIREWORKS", eleven programs in all. Side 2 is chock full of 15 AMS Christmas Music songs.v LVAUG *}Disk, OLH # 528, is a GAMBLING CASINO disk that has "VIDEO POKER" and "SLOT MACHINE" games. The graphics and game*}s are really great. TWAUG #12, NOV/DEC 94, OLH # 529, Also came in with a game disk. Their DOM side 1, menu sho*}wed "GEMINI", "SPARE TIRE", "DIGITALIZER", "CARGO SHIP",(The old Battleship game). ALEX displayed some excitement*} while demonstrating CARGO SHIP, he beat the computer (Now at long last we finally know how he spends his spare ti*}me). Side 2 had games plus some utilities like "SEARCH", "TO BASIC", "DOCS", "BLDEMO 1&2" "TURBO", "DRIVERS.ARC",*} "ARC.COM". SLCC, NOV.94, Issue 1211, OLH # 531, Side 1 ALEX displayed a large grin (Ear-to-Ear) when he s*}potted "FANTAN", on the menu. Ready or not the members were shown the finer points of this card game, which i*}s also one he likes. Inaddition other programs were "LOST CITY" (Action for 1 player), "MY SHAPE" (Text game). Si*}de 2, was formatted in Enhanced Density, with No Basic had (5) Great Eurpean Demo's and Compute Magazines "SKI".*} BEE WEE SOFT, ABBUC BIT BYTER,(GERMAN), OLH # 532, Sent a DISK with a "SPECIAL DOS" that is comp*}Cjatibile with "SPARTA DOS" and "SPARTA DOS-X". The disk includes a manual, and 23 pages of DOCS.p ABBUC #16, *}POLH DISK # 533 is in Enhanced Density has "BONANZA" w/Docs and "SPEED BALL".V LVAUG 11/94 Disk, OLH # 534. When view*}ing the menu you are allowed to make your selections either with the ARROW keys or a JOYSTICK. The programs on this *} disk include "DESKTOP", "MAILLIST" (Ed. There is an upgraded version of this in the Library), DESK CALCULATOR", *} "PRINTMAKE", "PRINTMAKE.TEXT", "ANTIC WRITER.COM", "CONVERSION.COM", "ANTIC TEST 1&2", "EASY FIND", "EASY *}+80". Sure looks a real nice collection.1 NEAR*US - At a monthly meeting of LIAUG (Pat Mulvey, President) had many N*}EAR*US members as guests. Some of those attending were BEN POEHLAND, John Mordoski, Vice President of LVAUG and f*}rom the OL' HACKER'S were ALEX PIGNATO, ALAN SHARKIS, RON FETZER. ALAN SHARKIS' report on this meeting on December*}D 3rd can be found elsewhere in this newsletter. TREASURY REPORTJ RON FETZER gave the clubs healthy Treasury Report.*} HEY, WHA HAPPENED? Then came the "SHOCKER" of the year. Before HARRY TUTHILL realized what had happened *}the December meeting was adjourned. For the first time in memory of the OL' HACKER'S the unthinkable had occur*}red, "NO DOOR PRIZES!". Look at the bright side HARRY, maybe in January 1995 this catagory will again be ad*}ded to the monthly agenda. If not, maybe in February you can circulate a partition to bring back the "DOOR PRIZES".*} 'Respectfully submitted AL ATKINS6 ** End **can circulate a partition to bring back the "DOOR PRIZES".(Ao it again some time.% =Respectfully submitted,U bALEX PIGNATOr ** END ** &}C& =espectfully submitted,U bALEX PIGNATOr ** END ** $&EE