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VOceanside, N.Y. 11572[ `***}i}3|Charter Member NEAR*US ATARI USER Gp.||> L⮠X [|}j}3|Charter Member NEAR*US ATARI USER Gp.||> L⮠X [|}VPP PTU PSetting Up ATARI 130XE RAMDisk U PRAMDisk Not Formatted! [ U P   J}C1 The OL HACKERS Disk News Letter Help File T The OL'HACKER Disk Based News Lettem}mris very simple for you to use. Allyou have to do is make the selectionsyou'd like and read them. To readthe whole newsln}etter, use SelectionA. To read only part of thenewsletter, select each file in anyorder by using the letter in front ofito} on the main menu screen. If youwant to change one of yourselections, use the BACKSPACE key toremove selections until youp} reach theone to be changed, and start fromthere with your new selections. Theother screen editing function keyswill notq} work from the main menu. When you are finished selecting, pressRETURN then [R] and start reading. Asyou can see there arr}e pauses in thetext so it's much easier to read. Making a selection from 1 thru 4 youcan Exit to Basic or Exit to Dos, ors}even go to The News Letter PressRoom. Selections B thru Z are newsArticles. When a selection is madethe article is sent t}to the screenwith page breaks. At the end of thelast article selected, you are sentback to the Newsletter Main Menu. u} About The Printer( (9;? When you make your selection ofthe file you would like to reav}Gd youwill be presented with the following: enu rint ead:M If you choose then and youdon't have a priw}nter on line you willcome back to these options. Then youshould use the option to read thefile online. If however you x}eithermade a mistake or don't care to reador print the file you selected youcan go right back to the main menujust by hity}mting . If you choose and you have not yet configuredyour printer, you will do that beforeprinting.s When the nz}ewsletter program isformatting files for the printer, orwhile it is printing, press CONTROLand P to pause printing. To re{}Asume,press any key. To cancel printing,press CONTROL and C. E eAbout Configuring Your Printeri ino z |}  The printer configuration sectioncan be reached by using selection 3from the main menu. You also will be}}send there the first time you try toprint a file, if you haven't beenthere already. Explainations of theconfiguration sec~}C.tion can be accessedfrom the print room menu.: en't beenthere already. Explainations of theconfiguration sec= !5!ZERWOTWTRFOUPRMEKAFILEHELPMENUTITLECOL1COL2COL3LINELOSPACFNNCOLNSPSOOPPZPAGFPL}POEPOEPGCOLIN '(/078?@GHOPWX^` fh np vx }} "#*+23:;BCJKRSZ[bcjkrsz}  %&!-."56#=>$EF%MN&UV']^(f99ԠŠ} SAVE "D:NEWSLTR.BASbKK䠱cAA󠱱}Z䬠dmm堲à_ Ӡįί}'̠ŠǭԠ̮ 6--56-@9A'6-@EM36-@QY?6-@]ӠϠŠӭ}7ҠԬŠ̮Ϡ̮R`@;E:(AR`ΠŠ̮Ҡ}ŠқQB7t@d$'@(,@d063@:o?AKA Q-'A@es'@ })5K:6-6-)6-A2-556-@933;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;A2,L(6.D1:WELC}4OME.SCR(~EA !A@h8F3B7t@dJPE@TX@d\. AP6.6. } $(. A 8-@!P8($Programmed For The Ol' Hackers Atari9-@"T9(% User Group Inc. By:Kris Holtegaar} dF00(' Modified By:Thomas J. Andrewsx666.,THE OL' HACKERS' ATARI U.G., INC. NEWSLETTER67B:,%,.7<@}8(,&-B:,6&7<,0 A,F @L 6. 67@J_,.#67,.C6-+@cj&,'@nr%@vL67,}.r'A @I#-A"P' H6.D1:MAINMENU.HLP$@MT5@XdA@hH(}!A }!A@h3" AP(" A7H:]B7t@dLR'@VZ@d^l9A @pxE-@"|}BV( Selection: ]6.l/ )/+"AU)"A&,*4AFY"AUA(]."A&*B:,"6.$*}C . A:0"A&6.7I4,"@2Mu A%P,%D:MAILLIST.BASf55 @Iy)!}@R * @e)!@-APT"@I1?(}!-@Ca9(Exiting To Basic...E@eQART;}"@P(}!-@-8(Exiting To Dos1.?;.#"@QCI A9MS# AWb. 1"@Rf6. D1:HELP.*'-}1 A1 ` 9"@e@/6.BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ9 A(Dj 267B:,%,.>:,*2B:,"@nrA(v }A / +@ -/(@$@TURN DISK OVER( /-@DK/(@OTHEN PRESS ANY KEYZ 5AdAU)} & A' =5% D:PROG.BAS o+A%A @AG7-@KO@SsQ(NO PROGRAM THIS MONTHc-@w@};oAR B'(FLIP DISK AGAIN AND PRESS A KEY1 A'?L8)B AP_ 6 (}-@ cg@ k6( What's Your }Pleasure?" _B7t@d$'@(,@d069-@:>@BsX(enu rint ead: _)T 8"@ww((}.( Main Menu.8 A#. "@26AT:E 8"@IU((.([ dRead Fileh.8 AGP .-B},:,6. 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A|}U (}-9(LOADING BUFFER with Page %...U(Use -P to Pause+(Use -C to Cancel+-@}48^*("Every Page must be Loaded, even if6-@8\R(it isn't to be Printed.^-@`j= 6. 67,.67,.}C#6.)6.16-%=@w1/ - A5C6-'6-@@Gm/-"F:Ad,"A8" Aq,F:Ad},"AF", A 22& &Ae6BAePAfFd67<,. AfP67<,. AfP6}7<,.! 6-%6-%@9 F ! ,"F:Ad,"A8" AJr^,F:Ad,"AF", Av} Ay ..'@!"P:'@%,,*"@y04Ay8C..'@GOP:'@SZ,*"@i^bAyfo&9 As&}@VP:,"9(@=X "(G6  '6-+",$%+",$+@Z&,6(=:,N ((}(":6-+",$@ %%+",$@)2G*@'6NN*: 6-6-@@Rn-$6.*":6. w  "} $F |짠JO| |Xfpu| } }" :pson Fx86e and EpsonB YCompatibles. Panasonica zStar. Star Nx1000 Gemini~ } Sakata Sp100 .tari 1025 Printer3 Oon Epson Compatibles andX nDaisy Wheel Printerss rint Ro }om Help File /ۿ Return To The Main Menu3 Oon Epson Compatibles andX nDaisy Wheel Printerss rint Ro /F:Ad,"A8" ADR,F:Ad,"AF", AH<67B:,%,.7<,)67B:,%,.7<,<67B:,%,}M.7<,"6-?:fhdgsaLJ:K\^OPUI_|VCBXZ$#&%"![ ]NM?REYTWQ()'@}FHDGSA { $} $ ` (}*L+IL+ *L+8逍~+m+i`$}@`L++ + &)`L++ + X'`UT`JM:& SL, >&,,,,, o',,$},, , ,, , &,e,ei,i, , ,L-,, ,,m ,, ,pp$}L, ,) H ,8p ,i ,N ,pL,, (,, ,L,`LL- - -M -L-` - & - -$}o &8 -宍 - , , -L- -i , -i ,L- -i , - -`|t%|-L--$}--- ,L-Z- (-iT-i--TL .T- ,-- (TL--UL._h. (`o`{`{`{$}`{*. A23456789TJQK=.LP. >&#.$.#. ,%. +(.%. +'.(.i;.e<.i(.'.iK.eL.i).L.$}Ǣ. ($.iT$.i..TL.T#. ,L.| . (TL.#.UL.. 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( ,L6$ Payoff rate $}is 1.5:1 for Blackjack6v (  ,L6# 1:1 option if Dealer shows an Ace6 (  ,L7# Insurance and double down opti$}ons6 (  ,L47 Two card pairs may be split7 (  ,L`7 4-deck shoe is displayed7E (  ,L7 Joystick op$}eration7q ( ,L7Instruction mode7 ( ,L7 Players 17 ( ,L7 Begin7 (%Ȍ%X5X5$} 4xIL8IL8L8xI xIL8X5Li8xILi8X5 48X5X5X5 4 4L8X5L8xI $}L8X5 4X5iX5X5 4 4L9xI xI L9X5IL9xI L8%%IL8%L9xIL98%$}s%%IL9% ,%L39L)99 (L9%IL[9LQ9堢9@ (L9%IL9Ly9w$}堠9h ( 4L9X5IL9xIL9%L9%UT%i 9(, 4L9xI L9%L98%%UT%i$}ǰ 9(, 4X5IL:xI xI L:L::xIL(:L:X5IL7:L8: 4`LE:A:@: A:@: & *@:)$}C/A:)IIL:L:.50 : (L:L:3 R: (`9H[5:``y:ٶ::&WL::::):ҩҩ:m$}c::i:m::i:m::iҌ::L@;:::L(;:::gJ:eҭ:ɀLw;$}:JJJ:eҭ:@L;:JJ:eҠ::J;;:L;::L;:L;:L;:i::LJ;::;;$}9:L<: :L<:L;:L;::8:::=J:eҭ:ɀLG<:JJJ:eҭ:@La<:JJ:e$}n::Jxa= (== ==L=== ,L=v = $}%(==L=L!>== ==L!>== ,L>< = (==L=`:&L,> >= ,LO>DEALER IS SHUFFLING>; $}(%8'>$>$> &'>%>~&>8'>'>'>i%>ŮL>%>ҭ&>%>&>#>">">#>">Ix #>IL>L>ҩ$}ǭ$>i ,# 9($>$>ILc> $>$>L?(>$> &%>&>%>L?%>)'>N'>N'>N'>N'>%>m'>8($}$>">#>">.#>8">">#>#>">I #>IL_?8%>%>L?$> ,(>L? 9(L?(>IL? 9(L?(>IL? 9(L?(>$}WIL? 9((>(>IL?8$>$>L>ҩҩ >= ,L@ GOOD LUCK@ ( :`\L+@#@,#@ &:&e$}Ǎ&@;&e'@%@&@'@ѮLCUL@BET=$3@x (U&@'@8ȱ&@'@ȱ B:$}Ǎ$@ILqCIL@%`xILDA&@'@ ȱLDA$@ȐLDA$@LDA&@'@8 ȱ$@L$}CxI LA$@LA&@'@i ȱi8$@$@LCxILA&@'@cѮLA$@ɿLA$@LA&@$}ǭ'@8dȱ$@i $@LCxI L%B $@L%B&@'@idȱi8$@ $@LC%LC$@ILBxI$} LB&@'@iȱi$@%@U&@'@ȱ B:ULB  B (? 4LC$@LCxILC&@$}Dž'@8ȱ$@%@ULBBET=$3B (U&@'@ B:? 4%@M$@LnCU&@'@$}G B:#U$@ * 9(? 4xILhCL[C$@%@L@ :&@i'@i$@LCLC$@`LDU&@'@$}U & *&@'@)ȱ)LDLC.50C (LDL DY D (UL!DD ( :$}h : : :#@iM%L_D8%%&@i'@iLDLyD`LDLD`nLD >=D%}D ,LDPLACE YOUR BETSD ( ,LD +10D ( ,LD -1  +1D (  ,LE -10E (%LFE  ,L?E%}You must bet to win!E* ( : :D%jEjE͙DLF8D, &:&eD;&eDU%J8宅%}-mDTDDѮLFLEPLAYER4 CASH=$E ( UDi0 9(8D (@DDmDDDiDDL~%}F%L~FD%L~FULfF%Player is sitting out this round! F@ ( UDi0 9(LFULFPlayer ran out of funds%}!F ( UDi0 9( :DM%LF%LF8%%DL_E >=D%iGG͙DLUGU%J8宅mDTL%}HG&) aG! (DLFD DLeG``LnGjGjGLuG`eLGG ҍGGАLG%}ǩG &GG &8G宍GG &GGG `'GG)LGG o'GG & GG &%%J%}fGG)GGJJeUTGILHH 9(LyHGILZH 9(LyHGLjH 9(LyHGILyH 9(G`kLHHHLHXi%}xHYiHLHXiHYiHHH̀HHLHHmHHmHHHLH -`LHH8H, &% }Ǭm:&Hm;&H  ,L>I ҠI2 ( UHi 9(ULdICASH=$I] (HH B:ULIB% }:ET=$I (HiHi *LI I (`>LI >= HILI ,LI INSURANCE betI ( ,% }LJ @+5J ( ,L;J -.50  +.50J+ (  ,LVJ G -5JL (% &8宍II8%JJ% }`ILBNI ,,I &:&eI;&eIIiIiѮL= H`LSN >&MNmMNmON%} 4$ 4xILNILNL{NxILNONLNmMNmON 48ONONmMNmON 45 4L%}tHOxI LHOONNNLHOmMNmON 4ONmMNmON 45 4xILUOLHOL{NON`yLkO%}dOcOeOcO%LOcO% +fOcO% +igOgOILO eO gOLO gOdOmgOdOcOLvOdOmeOL%}=ILT`LTTI %LT` >=T%!}GLTLTUTLTYou have doubled yourT (UTLUbet and will recieve U (UTLEUone additonal card. U%"}"/ (UTLmUYou should generally UW (UTLUdouble down when you U (U TLUcan expect recieving U (%#}U TLUa ten or face card, U ( 4 4 4 \TUTLVwill give you a win V (UTLGVagainst the deal%$}er. V1 (UTLoVYou should figure theVY (UTLVthe dealer has a ten V (UTLVas a hole card when %%}$V (U TLVcomparing scores.( V ( \TUTLW The Basic Strategy V (UTL8W Blackjack player W#%&}F (UTL_W should know when WJ (UTLW to double down.J Wq ( \T`LWWI %LW`W >=LW%'}LWUTLWYou have been dealt aW (UTLXpair, splitting the W (UTL-Xpair will give you X (%(}DžUTLUXtwo separate hands toX? (UTL}Xplay. The wager for Xg (U TLXeach hand is the sameX (U %)}TLXas the original bet. X ( 4 4 4 \TUTLYAlways split Aces andX (UTL/Yeights, never split %*}Y (UTLWYtens or face cards. YA (UTLYIf the dealer shows aYi (UTLY7 or less, split 2's Y %+}(U TLYand 3's. 6 or less Y (U TLYsplit 6's, 7's, 9's. Y ( \TUTL!Z The Basic Strategy Z (%,}DžUTLHZ Blackjack player Z3 (UTLoZ should always splitZZ (UTLZ Aces and eights! Z (U T \%-}T`LZ >=LZLZUTLZThe dealer has an ACEZ (UTL[showing. You have 21Z (UTL-[showing. You%.}T may take[ (UTLU[a 1:1 payoff now, to [? (UTL}[gaurentee a win.Y [g ( 4 4 4 \TUTL[%/} OR: [ (UTL[If the dealer has the[ (UTL\Black Jack, you loose[ (UTL/\your%0}5 bet. If not, \ (U TLW\you collect 1.5:19 \A ( \TUTL\ The Basic Strategy \l (UTL\ Blackj%1}Uack player \ (UTL\ should always take \ (UTL\ the sure win![ \ (U T \T`L ] >=L%2}]L]UTL=]The dealer has an ACE]' (UTLe]showing. He may have]O (UTL]a BLACK JACK. You may]w (%3}GUTL]make a second bet in ] (UTL]case HE DOES HAVE it.] (U TL^This bet is INSURANCE] ( 4%4}4 4 4 \TUTL?^Your insurance bet is^) (UTLg^limited to 1/2 of the^Q (UTL^original bet. If the%5}Ǣ^y (UTL^dealer does have 21, ^ (UTL^you will collect 2:1 ^ (U TL_odds for this bet. ^ %6}( \TUTL1_ The Basic Strategy _ (UTLX_ Blackjack player _C (UTL_ should never bet _j (%7}UTL_ for insurance! (_ ( \T`7::&AL____,_ &m:&_m;&__i%8}__i_% +_% +______i_i ȱ &Ūȱ嫰L`_M_L`_%9}Ǡ_ hO_ >= ,L` Ҡ` (U_i 9(_IL@a ,L`HIT` ( ,L`STAND` (_L%:}a ,La DOUBLE DOWNa (_L=a  ,L6aSPLITa0 (L\a ,LUa NICE HAND!aJ (__La ,LyaHAND as%;} (_iA 9(_L'e_IL'e +P_%Lrb_ILa__ILa_La_  ,LaAdvice: a (_LbL%<}b Hit +a (Lrb_IL5bL+b Stand1 b (Lrb_ILXbLNb Double downbB (Lrb_ILrbLkbSplitbe (_ %=}-LbLxb%ILcm_m_ PN__M_Lbm_m_ͻ_Lb$ 4$ 4$ 4m_m__%>}ǩ PN_Lcm_m_ PN_%ILnc_M_Lnc_ILDc%LQc_ILQc%_ILac%Lnc_ILnc%_%?}Lc G_%_ &i_% /__% hO_Ld_ILcLd_ILd T___i%@}Dž_i  &8媅ȱ嫑_ & m_*(m_ &%A} G_%_% /_i% hO__i H_ - :`Ld_ILd W`_IL$e_ILe%B}_  ,Ld *d (_ ,Le 5 e (La_ -_ILge_ILge 4 4 4 4 4 4 4L%C}ne :_`:& @Lete%Le H ,Le M e (we_uexe,te &m:&%D}Ǎem;&eeiyeeize%tei &&%tei &ii&%% %E}Gͱ_Lf H% M.% /tei Hwete _vewe &ii mye*(mze%F}FHH hOhh%ILgwe &ii mye*(mzeIILgwe &%G}ǯii mye*(mze ȱ veIL{h%_{e_ &ii mye*(mze%H}ǩwe & mye*(mzeeewe & mye*(mze  &%I}v8嬅ȱ孑_% G%Lhueͱ_Lhweue{e% G%%ueLhxe%xeLh H ,Lh } %J} h (xeILXf`LhhhILiLh.h (LiLis.i (`Li H H ,LDiPLAY-BY-PLAY REPORT:i/ ( %K}ǩ ,Lai You missed iU (% *Li good double downis (% h  ,Li You missed i (% *Li good spliti%L} (% h  ,Li You took i (% *L j risky double downi (% h ,L-j You took j# (% *LLj risky %M}splitj? (% h%m% &iiim%iim%iii ,Lj Your play j (iiLjL%N}j is EXCELLENT!j (Lki iLkLj is REAL GOOD!j (LkiiL0kL&k is ALRIGHT.k (Lki-iL^kLT%O}=kis about AVERAGE.kB (LkiQiLkLkcould improveA.kp (LkLkneeds improving!k (%%%% ,L%P}CkӠŠk ($ 4$ 4$ 4ILkLk  ,LlU gl ( H H`vL7l Y5 %Q}ǭ< )>2ҠҌ%%%%&l%l5%l&lLl:&m%l;&m&l%l&lLal;&1l:&0l&l%l%Ll%%R}Ll&lJ%lLl&l%l'l'lLm0l1l&l%l0li,0l1li1l'l%%'lLl%M D)l%IL7mL%S}łM)lLFmLł%LXm HLm ,LwmThe DEALER deals twomb ( ,Lmcards to each playerm ( ,Lm %T}Һm (  ,Lm Ҡm ((l(lL"p'l8%nn'lLo,'l &m:&0lm;&1l0l%U}i1liѮLo H ,'li 9( G+l'l &m(liii+l&+l +%V},l+l +i-l -lLn -l-lILn -l(lL o0li1li-l+l /Lo0li1liI IL%W}GRo-lI LRo0li1li Lwo0li1lim-lȱi'li && M.'%X}Xli &ii& /< kG'lLm(lL p G&& /x kGLp G& -(lLm%Y}&%L/p >=%L^p H ,LWp4 pH (& +,l& +-l-lLs,lȌ'l%pp'lLr%Z},'l &:&e;&e8,0l1l0li1liIILr'l H'l && M%[}d.'l &ii& /,lLhq%Lhq Z,l >= ,LqPLAYER :p qw (U%\}'li0 9( ,LqYou have 21 showing! q ( ,LqDo you want to take q ( ,Lrthe even money WIN? q%]} (  ,L(rYESr$ (  ,L='lLp%L&s H ,Ls%_} s (%L1s ] >= ,LTsDoes ANYONE want tos@ ( ,Lws buy insurance?se ( ,LsYESs%`}ǩ (  ,LsNOs ( PN*l*lLs I%ILs'l H& M.& / >='l8% t t'lLlt%a}ǩ,'l &:&e0l;&e1l0li1liѮLftL[tLPt'l e kG'lLs%Lt H ,Lt %b} ot ( >=& /&%&%% hO.l.lILt/lLt/l%L>w H ,Lu} %c} t ( >=.lILv ,L:uInsurance pays 2:1!u& (% &8宅T'l8%susu'lLv,'l %d}ǩ&:&e0l;&e1l0li1liѮLvULuPLR : PAID $u (U'li1 9(U0li1li%e} &%l&l &l%l & *LIv for insurance bet.v5 (0l1l0li1li &%f}Džeȱe0li1liȑT'lLhu :( : :< :< kGL/w ,Lv No insurancev (%g}Ǣ ,L wwinners!w ( : : :< :< kG H >= ,.l *&l%l'l8%lwlw'lLz,%q}ÂcdCB%DOS SYSB*)DUP iSYSBSAUTORUN COMB[MAINMENUHLPBcWELCOME SCRBTAUTORUN SYSBlHELPm DOCBCNEWSLTR BASjBPRESSPRTMNUBVBLACKJK OBJVPOKER OBJBDRIVCONFBASBSECTREADBASBCMAILLISTBASBABMAILISTTXTB_CXF551 TXTCBF~DEXPAUTOTXTMUSIC @BkRAMDISK COM MUSIC BASq'l &:&e0l;&e1l0li1liѮLw0li1liȱLw%l&l0li1liѮ%r}Lx0li 1liȱLx%l&l0li 1liѮLbx0li1liȱLbx%l&l0li1li%s}ǯѮLx0li1liȱLx%l&l0li1liѮLx0li1liȱLx%l&l%t}ǭ0li1liѮL1y0li1liȱL1y%l&l0li1liѮLvy0li1liȱ%u}Lvy%l&l0li 1liѮLy0li"1liȱLy%l&l0li$1liѮLz0li&1li%v}DžȱLz%l&l'lLaw%ILzLł%l &lLz'l(l.lLz< kG G+l+l'l%'li%+l(l / h%w}uO.l ,.l *'l(li(lL(z.lLz : : :< :Lz :( :%ILz H ,Lz} %x} z (%L5{x kG H ,L{ Һ{ ( ,.l **lL:{*l.lLI{.l/lL 'l8%j%y}{j{'lL,'l &:&e0l;&e1l,'l &:&e;&ei2li3l(l(l m2l*(m3l%z}/ѮL*l ,*lL|PLR : TOTAL=9 { (U'li1 9(0li1liѮL]|(lJiA%{}G 9(T ,(li m2l*(m3l&l%l%l)&l) *T ,%l)&l)M.lIL,}L|A PUSH| %|}|( :0l1l(l m2l*(m3l  &eȱeL~%l)&l).l%l)&l)%}}ǯŮ寐L}Lo} Ԡ}c (( :L~%l&lL=~L}PAID [1.5:1] $} (0l1l(l m2l*(m3l%~} &eȱe(l m2l*(m3lȱ & B: : : :L~.l%l&lL%}~L]~ PAID [1:1] $~P (0l1l(l m2l*(m3l &eȱe(l m2l*(m3l %}Džȱ & B: : :(li(l(lL{'lL_{L*l ,*li*lL7DEALER has Blackjack!!! 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( FLUSH4 > STRAIGHTG d THREE OF A KIND TWO PAIRm JACKS OR BETTE)}R MLxΠӠԠĠӠ٠% ϠȠԠӠ. CREDITS " JOYSTICK SELECTS BET )} BET $  0^  CREDITS X [(} )} p zx " ZX &*.2 ZX) +XX6  -8- xx ҠԠԠCHECKING YOUR COLOR DISPLAY)} IS THE ABOVE HEART RED PLEASE ENTER Y OR N -+Y #NCHANGING COLOR TO REDpCREDITS- CARDS AND SOME )}4SONDS IN THE PROGRAM WERE TAKEN FROM M. EISSLERS8 PPUBLIC DOMAIN BLACK-JACK PROGRAM.@ 500 750 1000 4000 )}10 150 200 250 50 75 100 125 16 24 32 40 10 15 20 25 8 12 16 20 6 9 12 )}15 4 6 $8 10 2 3( )4- 5250 750 1000 4000 50 150 200 250 25 75 100 125 8 24 )}W 2 40 5 15 20 25 4 12 16 20 3 9 12 15 2 6[ m8 10 1 3q r4v 5250 5)}00 1000 4000 50 100 200 250 25 50 100 125 8 16 32 40 5 10 20 25 4 8 16 2)}#0 3 6 12 15 2 4 ' 98 10 1 2 = >4B 5250 500 750 4000 50 100 150 250 25 50 75 )}G 125 8 16 24 40 5 10 15 25 4 8 12 20 3 6 9 15 2 4 6 10 1 )} 2 3  5250 500 750 1000 50 100 150 200 25 50 75 100 8 16 24 32 5 10 15 20 )}8 4 8 12 16 3 6 9 12 2 4 6< N8 1 2 3R 4 xK~T-pHtV ROYAL FLUS)}tH $n STRAIGHT FLUSH $ FOUR OF A KIND $ FULL HOUSE PAYS $ FLUSH PAYS $ STRAIGHT PAYS $ TRIPS PAYS $x TW)}$O AIR PAYS $JACKS-BETTER PAYS $) 2MIKE WINS: C  H QSHUFFLINGX Yb You're bustedThe IRS has )}Iben looking for you!PLEASE IDENTIFY YOURSELF.Enter your initials (FML)O ^OK! WISE GUY!p @D1: .PKR)} ̜@You have visited our casino times You have bet $You have won $Mikes profit $Mike and Marla thank you very much.)}-Doyou want to play again? (Y or N) -$ ġ36EFMN UV ]^ ef mn uv}-}  !()019rSAVE "D:DRIVCONF.BAS00ORIGINAL NAME OF PROGRAM WASx ϱ-} ӛ ""%*N""* DISK DRIVE CONFIGURATION *""*Y [Byh p*(""*w Phil C-}ardwell *2""*/-X*<""* NEW ATARI USER - 1990 *F""t*PZ-}11;@ ,;@,;@"),;@-V,d!6.h Yԩ`!6-C:,n[ +\4(" *** DISK DRIVE CONFIGURATI-}ON ***7(IA)[A @-Sxww(oӠ̠͠ԠX ٠ΠΠҠ-} Š'P( ((Enter Drive No. @T_(t #  -}@ )!@Q)P:,#%O+(#} *** DISK DRIVE CONFIGURATION ***=AWeOA @i((Drive #-}G( A A(AP-(-("Unable to read Configuration Block(Disk Drive Error #(Progr-}%am Aborted& (No. of Tracks. 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BY 6}PHILIP BATE, Ph.DHHEXTENSION ROUTINES BY BOB KLEMENC; ADDITIONAL MODS BY ALEX PIGNATO9/1987, ANTIC PUBLISHING36} A3BLACK SCREEN, WHITE LETTERSs%(} ĠԮӡs(IBrought to you by OL' HACKERS AUG, NY,6}from their Jan/Feb 1996 Newsletter!I.(&Program DOCS also on this Newsletter!I(TO CONTINUE HIT START! F:B2y,6}@ @'!6-I: %,&A)Q!;,(]];AU,;A`,;@U\,;@`g,;@kr,;@(v,;@$6},;AF,);@3,6.@2v67@7K,.>:AU,367@O,.>:AU,V6.ӠΠҠΠ6}Ǡv6.ӠҠƠŠ<nn6.dPress '' to print envelopes or '' to print addressee on letter, or '' to print 6}"addressee & @ data=DD67B:,%@&+,.,.> rBE SURE PRINTER IS READYF6.hhhLVPqq67@v<@6 }f,.Vԅh`hhhhhhmmhhhhhhmͥmRqq67@j<Ar,.V86 }ǥ΢%8͍ `iͥiΩ6ȱ%8͍Sss67As<A`,.X `iͥ6 }PiΩ*ʭ8͍ 8ԥեiԥi`T,#67ATX<A\,.>:AU,,6-C:,ZMAIN M6 }C ENUd +AR@":1AdAUC@>B@FfUAVA&gA@djyAA6 }  A 6-'n-@+2-@6:@>@FnKx6. D:ADDLIST A0 +tAR6}@ !1AdAUC%)@-MUAVA&gA@dQoyAAA u6-6}(( uΠՠJJ(BFIND/PRINT-USE SAME UPPER OR LOWERCASELETTERS AS ORIGINALLY TYPED!JJ(Bz -6} FIND & PRINT-print envelope' Eor address letters!M(M(BJ k - SCROLL & PRINT-print envelopet or addres6}s letters!J(J(? ; - PRINT LABELS-print all labelsD _when you hit #3!1(1(&d - SCREEN LIST- CTRL+1 t6}o scroll/(/($ B - CHANGE MENU-add-delete-saveJ(J(?G e - DIRECTORY & LOAD NEW LIST-q MUST use Dri6}ve 1!(!( - - MAKE NEW LIST$$(2 T - RETURN TO OHAUG N/L((Y :6-F:Ad,"AU06}@w": A0$)@&G$"AUA@OO&@HKApA`A0AA0Ap6} A @AH A0""FIND ENTRY & PRINT ENVELOPESH3>:@'LS,>:@iW,HŠŠҠɱؠ6}Ӯ} (}A#/-AR5;?-@?C@Gy(5Locator for Name/Address to display- TYPE 6}3NAME}" Ap, A`6"A@d7(}("(@E(1(&Press Ҡ to get next same name4(E(76}<%@ ,JA@d!' A+6T"@2:xA^ A0hPRINT ENVELOPES SERIALLYjH3>:@'|,6}>:@i E,HŠŠҠɱؠӮr%6-%@In A % A|A@dr(}(6}C;(/($Press Ҡ to scroll not print2(;(7<, AGR55"@2V\)"@e`f)"@ijp)"@tAp6}0 A0PRINT COMPLETE LISTH3>:@'4;,>:@i?,HŠŠҠɱؠӮTT(L}You ma6}y wish to use these program klines to adjust your printer for theKK(Ccorrect spacing used by labels.r BE SURE THA6}T PRINTER IS READY-@!7AP F@;B.@FJ@NPVbP:; @foF@s A06}C#SCREEN COMPLETE:-@'+A/B ("(6-@F^AP: =B:,"d%(NO LIST LOADED9-6}@?AP=  A0CHANGE MENU5 (}-@CG@KP5(U`Še&^( ("( - Add Na6 }me/Address%(A( - Delete Name/AddressD(^( - Save Updated List01(.(# - Main Menu (Without saving list)1(:<-6!}@ @ ?<("ŠŠǠϠΠD#-@CG@Kh(# A NYAn'AR6"}-(}Y&@HbA A A@A0X A0bADD NAMElL (}B:,"hu,67B:,%@y,.6#}>-@ @nL( נv((ŠĠ _(,(&B:, FREE CHARACTERS IN MEMORY>-@rv@"z_(6$}-PRESS FOR CHANGE MENU;AR39'-@=A@Ee7( FIRST LINE;B:,"kA@467B:6%},%@ ,.467B:,%@O,.>:AU,(( NEXT LINE?B:,"Ub/67B:,%@f,.>:AU,5(}? A6&}.0 ApDELETE A NAME6-@26@":j6(PRESS FOR CHANGE MENUVApv'-@z@6'}&;(Name to Delete?VB:,",A@ Ap A`5($(PRESSŠҠTO DELETE5(7<%@6(},$)@5$"AUAp @29PA@6-&%@Tk !!67SAVE ROUTINEHA@dEQRB:,"WA\#( (ŮŠ 6*}x#(aII(@Press to add changes to this file. Press ӧ to change f.(to a new$(DEVICE.FILENAME. A|6+} p"@2A %z; (}-@)-@1]7(DEVICE.FILENAME TO SAVE;B:,"cA0i A 06,}@ 5@@!)A-/7M6-@2;aV6-B:,_6-C:,i Ap"@ek Bo" A0E6-}-@ @30( I/O ERROR #F:A,;@7=E BAeMAKE NEW LIST( (} (((j ǠנӠ6.}m(C(8If you have a word processor, use it to make new files.m(%Separate addresses with two 's.Q(Q(FYou ca6/}Qn also use this program to make lists. Follow directions below._A@dU6.(?(NEW DEVICE:FILENAME TO US60}CECUAA_ A PAUSE SUBROUTINE-@EI@"Mu(:6-F:Ad,"AU0@wy61}1: A$)@T$"AUA "AUA0-#"@iX^)"@ebh)"@l- A $62} $RAND SUBROUTINE.B:,"&;A086-%@?jB""6-?:D JR)6-@V_.6-e.6-?::@'O,>:A, I/O ERROR #F:A,> B67}I@ ]-@9APa k A0v"@i=DC(@HN>:@'R],M>:@@al,7<&@px,h(@|68}>:@' ,M>: ,s@$2v$v"@e6=C @AG>:@'KV,M>:@Ze,7<&@iq,h(@u>:@'69} ,M>:,s@+v$k"@/6] @:@>:@'DO,M>:@S^,7<%@bi,>:@'mv,M>:|,6:}h@ Dk$ A0LOAD MENUn A(}@HOA@SW@[]csD:*.*U-@wB6;} b)@ %j(>:,n  @)3( B7XLOAD ROUTINECAR^(?("FILENAME TO LOAD-(D1:fi6<}lename.ext)C(B:,"!=A02f A`@AH5@LP@TV\fA-@jrM6-@2vS6-6=}\6-C:,f Ap<-@ 8 67,.>:AU,* B<N-$FK (}-@RV@Z6( I/O ERROR #F:A,A@6>} K B P A0ZIO LOAD/SAVEd36-A46-A6'6-A@36-A5n<6-P:'AV,$6-&$6?}AV,%<%%@Tx<6-P:'AV,$6-&$AV,%<%%@Xg)%@ko&@s$)6-?:C6@}&:,<,%%6-F:%,%AV$F:%%@*T,$D8:MAILLIST.BAS<%%@Xg)%@ko&@s$)6-?:C4I =*=*= MIGHTY MAILER DOCS (see MAILLIST.BAS on this OL' HACKERS Jan/Feb 1995 Newsletter.) By Phil:B}Gip Bate, Ph.D.- Antic magazine September, 1987. With additional MODS. by ALEX PIGNATO, and DOCS courtesy of T.W.A.U:C}C.G. Wouldn't you like to have a mailing list that can do all of the following? 1. Finds any name/addres:D}s entry from any part of the name/address--such as first name, last name, number or street. 2. Prints on labe:E}ls, envelopes or letters. 3. Scrolls through the mail list and can print all selected entries. 4. Allows easy addit:F}ions or deletions to the list. 5. Automatically loads a personal address file when booted. 6. Saves the update:G}d list with one keystroke. 7. Makes it easy to build a bulk mailing list of any kind of length without need fo:H}r alphabetizing. 8. Works extremely fast as well as being simple to use. Sound too good to be true? Well, it is :I}true--and Mighty Mailer has even more features. It's error-trapped, so keystroke mistakes won't halt the program.:J} It's operated almost entirely with single-key menu selections. It even automatically chooses typewriter mode or typ:K}ing in capitals, when needed. USING MIGHTY MAILER The main menu offers seven choices. Find & Print, Scroll Or :L}Print, Print Label, Screen List, Change Menu, Dir & Load, and Make New List. Each is selected by a single keystroke:M}. Find & Print--Useful for people who write a lot of letters. Your personal address list is automatically loaded u:N}Fpon booting. Now you select this option. Type in part ofJ the addressee's name and load the envelope or let:O}ter into the printer. Just one more keystroke prints the name and address--simply and quickly. Scroll Or Print-:P}-Allows scrolling without printing, or printing on either an envelope or letter. This starts with the first na:Q}me/address on the list and goes on to the last. Selective printing of any entry on the list is allowed. Print Labe:R}ls--Prints the entire list without pausing. Lines 440 and 450 are used for a message, but they can also be used to en:S}ter printer spacing information for the labels. Screen--Quality displays the entire list on screen, useful for ch:T}Gecking which list it is or searching a particular name. Use Ctrl+1 to scroll! Change Menu--Add or delete :U}EEU a name/address entry. Both selections remind you which mailing list is loaded, and both return to the Change M:V}enu instead of the Main Menu. The third Change Menu selection is SAVE. For added safety, the current filenam:W}e is displayed and you save changes to this filename with just one keystroke. The last selection returns you to the m:X}ain menu without saving. Dir & Load--Displays the disk directory and asks for a filename, which it then l:Y}oads, replacing the automatically loaded list (D:ADDLIST, or your filemname). Note: This program was written primarily f:Z}vor single disk drives, so multiple disk drive users will have to modify it for additional drive names. Makez New:[} List--Starts a new "DEVICE:FILENAME" and then uses the Add-Name option of the Change Menu. This means that :\}you return to the Change Menu after completing a new list, so it's easy to save. Important: It's easier to make:]} the original mailing list on your word processor. simply type one (RETURN) after each line in an address and two:^}* (RETURNS) after each complete address. : ** end **pe one (RETURN) after each line in an address and two8D *-*-* 4The XF551 Enhancement< Review by David Bryant (GKAUG) (Ed. While this is an old ar>`}ticle, (February 1989) I'm sure many of you have not seen it, and even if you have, it's valuable info, wort>a}h reprinting, specially if you have purchased an XF551 since the article appeared. A.P.) How many of you have tak>b}en your trusty double sided floppy disk, punched a write protect hole in the jacket, and flipped it over to write>c} on the reverse side? If you're like me, you've done it many times. So I thought nothing about it when I go>d}t my XF551 disk drive. I just put the disk in and loaded those basic programs like nothing was different. I was wro>e}ng. The first time I went to format a disk, (using Atari DOS 2.5) the drive protested and gave an error #173. I als>f}Go had problems trying to write to the back side of disk in the XF551. I then got a gift from a friend, a modificat>g}gKion for the XF551 that allows it to operate like my trusty 1050.O Now formatting or writing to the back side>h} of disks is no problem. This handy mod is called The XF551 Enhancement, from Computer Software Services. If you l>i}ook at a floppy disk, you will see a smaller hole near the edge of the large hole in the center. This is the index hol>j}e and some drives use it to tell when it is at the beginning of a track. The 1050 does not, so when you flip the dis>k}k, it doesn't matter if there is no hole on the reverse side. The 1050 uses a signal from the RAM I/O TIMER chip t>l}o provide the index pulse to the Floppy Disk Controller chip. The XF551 uses a index hole sensor to provide t>m}he index pulse, and that's where this kit is needed! After you install this kit, a switch on the back of the drive>n} allows you to choose XF551 or 1050 mode. In one position, the drive acts like a standard XF551. In the other positi>o}on, you can format and write to the back side of disk like the 1050. Also you don't have to punch write protect h>p}oles in the jacket anymore. The kit consist of an epoxy shell with the circuitry inside and a switch. About seve>q}n wires need to be attached to the circuit board and write protect sensor inside the XF551. Instructions included with th>r}e kit are very easy to follow. I would however remove the circuit board from the drive (only three more screws) >s}when soldering to the IP jumper location. I located the switch above the Drive Select Switches and the epoxy shell next t>t}o it inside the rear cover. There's plenty of room and everything goes together easily. I wish to thank C>u}oomputer Software Services for a good product. Current cost is $29.95 and they will provide installations utoy thos>v}e !without soldering skills.% They may be contacted at: Computer Software Services 465 Kilbourn Rd. Rochester>w}, NY. 14618 Phone: (716) 467-9326 or P.O. Box 17660 Rochester, NY. 14617 (Ed. David Bryant is a devoted ATARI u>x}Coser, treasurer of G.K.A.U.G., and may be contacted at the clubs BBS.) (Phone: 616-657-2665). NOTICE:s This art>y}yicle originally appeared in the February, 1989 issue of Atari Interface Magazine and may be freely distributed or r>z}eprinted in non-profit User Group publications as long as the article's author and Atari Interface Magazine are credit>{}ed AND this notice is reprinted with the article. All other publications must obtain written permission from Unico>|}rn Publications, 3487 Braeburn Circle, Ann Arbor, MI 48108, Phone: (313) 973- 8825 before using this article. (Ed. I u>}}=nderstand that UNICORN is no longer in existance. A.P.) M-Pendc-g this article. (Ed. I u<d q<>**<> HOW TO SET UP 850 EXPRESS TO AUTOANSWER AND AUTOSAVE INCOMING TEXT OR DATA.} B} - (Ed. As you all know, BBS'ing and Surfing the INTERNET are all the rage, but here is a great way to use yB}wour modem. You do have a modem, don't you? If not, get one, don't miss another world of fun and education! A.P.)} B} -@ More and more people are buying personalD computers and a fair percentage of them are pB}urchasing modems. Electronic mail is not just a thing of the future or just for the wealthy. You can set up your B} own "electronic mailbox" and receive mail while away from home or sleeping! Let me explain... I live in Florida andB} the rest of my family is scattered across the Eastern United States. Many of my family members own personal compB}uters and modems so we send text files to each other instead of letters...and the best news is that it is often B} less expensive than the mail service. I have been communicating with my family for about two years in this fashionB}Ǜ and find it highly reliable and rewarding, plus it is immediate! When I get up in the morning, the first thiB}ng I do is turn on the monitor to see if any E-mail has come in. If so, I immediately save it to floppy, even before IB} read it so nothing can happen to it. At first, we were using MPP 1000's because their software supported unatB}Gtended downloading. But soon I grew tired of 300 baud and purchased the Supra 1200AT which also supports unattendeB}d downloading. That software however did not support the 512K Ramdisk on my XE, so I began to look for other softB}_ware for this purpose. In my opinion, Keith Ledbetter's EXPRESS! is by far thec best telecommunications pB}rogram available. I began to wonder if this fabulous program could possibly be set up to autosave to buffer B}or to disk unattended. Nowhere in the 850 Express docs was there any mention of this so you can imagine my excitemB}ent and happiness to discover that 850 Express could indeed download and save while no one was around! And...wow, is B} it easy to do! Here is how: Boot up your 850 Express! modem program (I use version 3.0, I don't know if earlB}ier versions will support this) and turn on your modem. From the main menu hit ESCAPE (which forces the program to thinB}k you're on line) and then press OPTION (which saves anything that comes in to buffer. Set up this way, as soon aB}s a call comes in, the modem will autoanswer and save to buffer any incoming text. To check to see if any file has comeB}k in, simply turn on your monitor (I also hit the SPACE bar at this point to prompt the computer outo qofu xthe| aB}ttract mode...ie...changing colors, etc.). If text is on the screen, hit START to go the the main menu and save the buffeB}r to floppy. This will clear the buffer so now just view that file from the floppy or read your mail from a word prB}ocessor. This has been tested on the Supra 1200AT, Avetex 1200 and Avetex 1200hc and should work the same on most HB}ayes Compatible modems. To test your modem to see if it will indeed work in this fashion, turn your computer and modemB} off, turn your disk drive off and your computer back on so only the READY prompt of BASIC is showing. Turn your modeB}m back on as if you were going to use it. Now have someone call your number. (If you live in Pinellas County anB}d have GTE telephone service you can dial your own number, wait for the recording saying that you've dialed your owB}Gn party line and hang up). If your modem answers the phone without having a program to tell it to do so, then it wilB}l work perfectly as described. If, however, your phone rings and your modem does not respond, you may have to commB}Tand it to auto answer in this way: From the main 850 Express menu, chooseY ^ASCIIc g(notl ATASCII) translaB}tion. Now hit ESCAPE and with your modem turned on and ready to receive data, type ATAA. Then hit RETURN. (ThB}3is in all Hayes Compat. modems commands the7 *lILm ' ,Lڂ) ( ,L$Thanks for playing Casino Blackjack! ( ,*lILzLP$No&}w get your coat, and make money at+ ( ,Lpa real Casino!a (L% &%l&lLLÃ You coul&}d get rich if you double ( ,Lyour money, each time you play! (L% &%l&lLkLG Y&}ou are smart to quit while your& ( ,Laahead!!!X (LL%It's a good thing you're only playingn ( ,L&}for experience! (  ,'l'lL8'l'l : : : : : : : :LȄ : &}:  : :P :> kGl `4l8'l'l : : : : : : : :LȄ : $+ P@BDPEJK V@C08? PiLPhPhPPP PLPPHPH`HI BLV P}`@J} BLVDPQ8:DUP.SYSPK V@C08? PiLPhPhPPP PLPPHPH`HI BLV P}`@HC& D:NEWSLTR.BAS D:MUSIC.BAS@*26-@6>$ @PBKI-QU@Y_32egmou7 I%L"EE