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And `}rewsBAY@4F% D:NEWSLTR.BAS D:WELCOME.BASCB0(' By Kris Holtegaard & Thomas J. And BUZERWOTWTRFOUPRMEKAFILEHELPMENUTITLECOL1COL2COL3LINELOSPACFNNCOLNSPSOOPPZPAGFPLPb}EOEPOEPGCOLINDPEEDPOKDLSHDGSFTDSCODSYSVBSETVBDUMMYOPWX_`ghopwx}c}   !# )+ 13 9;ACIKRSZ[bcjkrszd} %&-.56=>EFMN UV!]^"ef#mn$uv%}e}& '()!*')+/1,89-@A.HI/PQ0XY1_a2hi3q99Ԡf} Š qSAVE "D:NEWSLTR.BAS 6-C:hhhˠ˅ȱ˅`,6-C:hhhˠhˈh`, ?6-w6-g}@'6-@36-@&?6-@*R@AR 6-?:<Bg,56-C: hhh \`,@6-?:<,2 AfF:Ah} f,%@ ,@D2-5K:6-6-)6-A2HP56-@T_11;Acj,;@8nu,;@@y,;i}@,//6.%```BB0jBA$ 6-C:,6-C:,$6-?:<%<,d6-?:<@ns,%@w16-?j}:<%@ &<,:6-C:,O6-?:<%@1*;<,d6-?:<%@5?L<,226.(Rm倯쇀t ZZ6.k}P$썣݀-KQ33;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;l}C1A2,L!! D:WELCOME.SCR* A5N6.6. * ARx666.,THE OL' HACKERS' ATARI U.G., INC.m}m" NEWSLETTER67B:,%,.7<@8&I,&-B:,6&7<,0 AMg @@ 6. 67@k,.#67,.76-+n}@F&,'%@67,.56.D1:MAINMENU.HLP)5@J 6.C AP"67B:,%,.967o}B:,%,.>:AU,C AE:-AY!(}7:,!*@N[8B:,"@_cA(gp At 6 (}u}-@ @ 66( What's Your Pleasure?" ;-@:>@Bs4(enu rint ead: ;)T 8"@ww((v}.( Main Menu.8 A#. 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Near-Letter Quality$0)@r6-&@}d0 )!AHPVU (}-3( Page Columns & Line Spacing?U(. 2 Columns at 6 Lines/Inchh%(. 2 Colu}imns at 8 Lines/InchG(. 3 Columns at 6 Lines/Inchh(. 3 Columns at 8 Lines/Inch( )( @ems)!@hwAIP} g6-@f6-@V%'6-@)7-6-C"@f;A)"@hEMO6-@QY[6-@]eg6-@vit!@fx6-}\PI (}-!( Paper Type?4(. ContinuousI(. Single Sheets( )( @e`f)!@fjnARr"@f}E6-&'Û$A 6-6. D1:**.TXT6-%6-16-BIU7"A A9YJY (}-,(ll, dd, }ven, or8-@JY(irst Odd, then Even Pages| )55@eNT*@yX^*@ibh*@plATPT6-+}"@p ,-@GD( very Page or artial Block?HT6-@yK]( )(@iag*@kAVPD"@}i3AYPv:( First Page?  AWP,@7y: AWP 6-P:,:( Last Page?  AXP,@}}%: AXP  6-P:,>0 A`)7&@;P:0 A`Pp<.(&Check your printer, then press .2}!< AYP 6. A%U (}-9(LOADING BUFFER with Page %...U(Use -P to Pause}$+(Use -C to Cancel+-@(Z8^*("Every Page must be Loaded, even if6-@^R(it isn't to be Printed.^-}C@ @j= 6. 67,.67,.#6.)6.16-%=@wDW/ - A[i6-'6-@@m/-"F:}Ad,"A8" AB,F:Ad,"AF", AFX2& &Ae\hAePAfld67<,. }BAfP67<,. AfP67<,.! 6-%6-%@9Fl ! ,"F:Ad,"A8" Ap^,F:Ad},"AF", A, Ay0F""'"P:',*"@yJNAyRh""'P:',*"@ilpAyt&9 A}&@P:,"9(@=X "*"(Gb "*"(x16  '6-+",$%+",$+}@A&,6(=:,N (((":6-+",$@ EO%+",$@S\G*@'`xN*: 6-6-@@|}-$6.*":6. $ B "F:Ad,"A8" AFnR,F:Ad,"AF", Ar<67B:}w,%,.7<,)67B:,%,.7<,<67B:,%,.7<,"6-?:%Q<- 짠򠠠v} Πռ$IL\ f<-Š->s ۱ Exit }To Basic ۲ Exit To Dos -۳ RUN Side 22 G۴ News/PrinterHelpnԠSPACEBAR}CϠΠàA READ/PRINT ALL! Yearly Calendar Meeting Dates }# Directory Maker Who's Who!( Joystick+Screen Editors Msg. OHAUG Minutes Presidents Msg. H} umor Corner  E-Mail List# N Fingers Progrm. Drive Upkeep _ v Pro Doc Print } } ! Printhead Test 2 I W.P. Template Z [}} ! Printhead Test 2 I W.P. Template Z [}AAF`!`H$-%.HH \hhh(`.HM)   !h(L`N) }ǩ!"`3!3File c The OL'HACKERS Disk-ba}sed Newsletter is very simple for you to use. All you have to do is make the selections you'd like and read them. Ma}king a selection from 1 thru 4, you can Exit to Basic or Exit to Dos, or even RUN the other side of the disk. Selections}& B thru Z are news articles.* 9To read the= whole newsletter, use Selection A. To read only part of the }newsletter, select each file in any order by using the letter in front of it on the main menu screen. If you wan}t to change one of your selections, use the BACKSPACE key to remove selections until you reach the one to } be changed, and start from there with your new selections. The other screen editing function keys will not wor}k from the main menu. When you are finished selecting, press RETURN and start reading. As you can see, there are p}auses in the text so it's much easier to read. When a selection is made, the article is sent to the screen with page}Ǜ breaks. To stop reading an article before the end, press [CONTROL]-[C] or the trigger of Joystick #1. To contin}ue to the next page, press any other key, or move the stick down. At the end of the last article selected, you}C0 are sent back to the Newsletter Main Menu.< NAbout The PrinterZ Z_d  k When you make y}our selection of the file you would like to read you will be presented with the following: enu rint ead:}Ǜ If you choose then, and you don't have a printer on line you will come back to these options. Then you should} use the option to read the file online. If however you either made a mistake or don't care to read or print the} file you selected you can go right back to the main menu just by hitting . If you choose and you have not }yet configured your printer, you will do that before printing. When the newsletter program is formatting files f}or the printer, or while it is printing, press CONTROL and P to pause printing. To resume, press any key. To cance}#l printing, press CONTROL and C.' FAbout Configuring Your PrinterJ JOP [\ `a h The printer config}uration section is reached the first time you print any file in a session. Explanations of the configuration sectio}n can be accessed from the print menu.you print any file in a session. Explanations of the configuration sectio- $F |짠JO| |Xfpu| } }" :pson Fx86e and EpsonB YCompatibles. Panasonica zStar. Star Nx1000 Gemini~ } Sakata Sp100 .tari 1025 Printer3 Oon Epson Compatibles andX nDaisy Wheel Printerss rint Ro }om Help File /ۿ Return To The Main Menu3 Oon Epson Compatibles andX nDaisy Wheel Printerss rint Ro / "The Composing Room Help File' 'CBefore you can Print a file you haveto configure your $}own Printer.To Do sothere are 2 selections that will helpto make it easy as possibile for you.If you have one of the pri$}nters listedin selection then your printerwill be set up for NLQ and DOUBLEstrike. If you don't have one of$} theprinters that's in Selection youhave to use selection . This is toensure that all printers will workwit$}Ghout any problems with The WQNRDisk Based News Letter. Now onceyour printer has been configured youwill NOT $}have to reconfigure yourprinter as long as you are have yourNews letter running. Not only that theprinter will stay $}configured to whatever configuration you selected aslong as you have your printers powerturned on or until you $}reconfigureit. Once you have configured yourprinter all you have to do is hit theۿ to Return to the Main menu. $|EB Documentation Printer, ;by Ron FetzerA Have you ever tried to print documentation that looks g(}ood on the screen in 40 column format but is a mess when you print it out. The text is all on the left side of the pa)}& Life Insurance For Your Disk Drives3 Bby Ron FetzerH Are you worried that your disk drives will not ,} last? Are you considering getting some back up drives? This article will help you in extending the life of ,}xyour disk drives. It will show you how to make the most important improvement you can make to your disk drives.} ,} The major cause of disk drive failure is heat. Have you ever opened a disk drive after it has been used for half an,} hour? The metal on which the rectifiers are mounted is so hot you can barely touch it. To extend the life of your dis,}@k drive and its components you must get rid of the heat.F In the 8-Bit community there are three types of disk ,}drives in common use. The Atari 810, the Atari 1050 and the Indus disk drives. The Atari 810 and the Atari 1050 disk,} drives will be treated the same way as far as heat reduction is concerned. The Indus disk drive will require a,} different approach. On the Atari 810 and the Atari 1050 disk drives the most effective way to reduce the heat ,}is to install an exhaust fan. The fan should be completely independent of the disk drive power supply and should ,}n have its own ON/OFF switch. The fan will be mounted flat on top of the case of the 810 and 1050 drives.t For the ,} fan I use a 3 inch 12 Volt DC brushless cooling fan from Radio Shack. I run the fan on 9 Volt DC. At that voltage th,}e fan produces the right amount of exhaust. Because it runs below its rated voltage it will last much longer as we,}ll. The only two items that I had to buy were the 3 inch fan and the 9 volt power supply from Radio Shack. The rest of,} the parts I had in my electronics junk box such as a ON/OFF slide switch and a male and female RCA phono p,}Glug. The female phono jack was mounted on a phenolic board with mounting holes in it. I also needed four 1/2 inch,} 6/32 machine screws with nuts. If you don't have these parts here are the Radio Shack numbers for these items,}: 43" Brushless 12 Volt DC fan #273-243: a9 Volt DC Power Supply #273- 1651g 1 pkg of SPST Slide ,}Switches # 275-401 E1 pkg of Solderless Phono Plugs #274-384K s1 pkg of Dual Solderless Phono Jacks{ (c,}hassis mount) #274-332 PFour 1/2 inch 6/32 machine screws with nutsX j(Hardware store)p Preparing th,}e fan. First you wire up the fan with the slide switch and a removable 9 volt power plug using the RCA phono ja,}ck. The fan comes equipped with 4 mounting holes on the top and 4 mounting holes on the bottom of the fan housing and,} a red and a blue wire for the power. Take the fan and lay it down flat the writing facing you. We are only wor,}king now with the 4 top fan mounting holes. On the left side front mounting hole attach the slide switch with,} a 1/2 inch screw and nut to the fans mounting hole. On the left side rear mount the phono jack with a 1/2 inch scr,}Qew to the mounting hole. This completes the mechanical part of the fan work.W Wiring the fan. Take the red wire,} from the fan and cut it to reach a little beyond the switch. Strip off 1/4 inch insulation and solder it to one termina,}l of the switch. From the 2nd terminal of the switch solder a wire to the middle of the RCA phono jack. Cut the blue w,}ire from the fan and solder it to the outside terminal of the RCA phono jack. Now the fan is wired with a switch and a ja,}ck. Preparing the power supply. Take the 9 Volt power supply and cut off the jack. You don't need it. Take a mal,}e solderless phono plug pull off the plastic sleeve and slip it over the output cord of the 9 Volt supply with the ,}large end facing you. Separate the 2 wires of the power supply for about 3 inches and strip off 1/8 inch insula,}tion from one wire and 1/4 inch insulation from the other wire. Attach the wire with the short insulation removed to,}G the screw in the middle of the phono plug. Attach the other wire to the long terminal with the serrated clip. Pl,}ug in your RCA male plug into the jack. Plug in the power supply and turn on the switch. If the fan is not blowing out ,}from the front or is not working reverse the two wires in the male phono plug and try again. Make sure that the m,}iddle wire with the screw in the phono plug does NOT touch any other metal part or you will have a short. If everything,} is OK crimp the long lead of the Phono plug with the serrated edges around the exposed wire and slip the plastic sl,}Deeve over the plug. This completes the work on the power supply.J Mounting the fan on the disk drive is the sa,}1me for the Atari 810 and the Atari 1050 drive. 7 Marking the fan location on the drive. You have to cut a 3 inch hol,}e in the top of the case for the fan. From the back of the disk drive edge measure 3 inches forward and make a small,} mark with a pencil at that spot in the middle of the case. Take a compass and put it on a ruler and open it to 1 ,}1/2 inches wide. Draw a 3 inch circle where the dot is on the case. The fan will be located approximately over th,}ge power supply and the motor. These are the 2 heat producing sources in your disk drive.m Removing the cas,}e. On the 810 drive on top there are plastic round disks in each corner. With a sharp knife tip remove them to ,}expose 4 screw holes one in each corner. Take a phillips screw driver and remove the screws. The case will now come,} apart.  On the 1050 drives there are 4 screws holes on the bottom plus 2 screws in the front that hold th,}e black front cover. Remove them. Slide the case forward. You can also remove the black front cover from the case by be,}nding it outward. Cutting the case. There are 2 ways of cutting the hole in the case. You can use a round hole saw,} that you clamp into your drill. These hole saws come with various diameter saw inserts. Select the largest one whic,}h is usually 2 1/2 inches in diameter and cut the hole. This hole is somewhat smaller than optimum but it will ,}G do. This is the easier of the 2 ways. Or you can use an electric scrolling saw. Use a blade that has many teeth pe-}r inch to get a clean cut. Drill a hole in the inside of the circle to insert the saw blade and then start cut-}ting. Frequently stop to let the blade cool down or your plastic will reseal the cut. After the hole is cut clean -}off the burrs with a utility knife and 0 steel wool. Lay the fan on top of the hole. With a pencil mark 2 holes-}Ǜ opposite each other to hold the fan to the case. Drill the holes and mount the fan with the 2 screws. That's-}` it. You are finished! It reads like a lot of work but it can be all done in about one hour.f Your disk drive will -}now be as cool as a cucumber. You can run it as long as you want to without any heat build up. Your IC chips will las-}t without any thermal problems and the motor will stay cool. You have made the most important improvement you can d-}o for your disk drive. Each muffin fan use 160 ma. of current so you can use the power supply for 2 drives. Th-}e power supply produces 500 ma. of current. Attach another set of wires to the output of the power supply wires and repe- }'at the steps above for the 2nd drive.- The Indus drive has no provision for air cooling so a fan set up cannot - }]be used. Instead we open the case on the top and let the heat escape by convection.b Case removal. To remove the- } case take out the 2 screws in the back of the plastic end section. Remove the 4 screws on the bottom. Slide out the - }case through the back. Take a 1/4 size drill bit and drill about 10 holes in the top of the case to let the hot- }, air escape. That is all you have to do.1 Assembling. Reassemble your case to the drive. It will stay cool and yo-}?u will not have to worry about thermal problems anymore.E While you have your Atari or Indus drive open chec-}k to see if the pressure pad still has some felt on it. The pressure pad is a little round holder over the read/wri-}te head that holds the disk to the head. There should be at least 1/32 inches of felt showing. Give the pressure-}G pad a 45 degree turn (slot on top) to expose a new side of the felt. If it is worn out order a new one from Best Electro-}nics. Use a stick with some cotton on it and put a light coating of LUBE GEL (Radio Shack) on the cromium r-}Eead/write rails. Do not get any gel on the read write head itself.K Your disk drive will now be in tip top shape -} and should hold up a long time. The only other weak link is the drive belt. While the 1050 drive is open check to s-}jee if it is a TANDOM or a WOLRD STORAGE DRIVE and order a belt for it from Best Electronics.p If you made t-}he modification to your drives you cannot stack them anymore. Stacking drives is a bad idea anyway because the-} top drive absorbs the heat from the bottom drive in addition to its own heat. This may lead to premature failu-}1re. If you can avoid stacking drives do so. 7 With a little work you now have improved your disk drives so tha-}qt they are better than new. You disk drives will now enjoy a long life and you will enjoy peace of mind. }>-}>END,per and it is printed as one continous section. When you separate the sheets, sometimes half a line is on eac)}fh sheet. Even worse at times there are no provisions made for printing the documentation at all.l This short progr)}?am will print any documentation file that is printedC EtoI JaN disk with a wordprocessor. It will put in )}top and bottom margins and page numbers. It will center the 40 column text so it is in the middle of the page. It will)} work on any printer. .You can also2 6read: any documentation on the screen. When viewing a documentati) }on the screen shows you about 18 lines of text at one time. To scroll to the next screen you press any key. )!}In the screen mode the program opens the file in line 240. In line 250 it counts how many times the buffer is )"}Taccessed. If is is 18 times then it goes to the scroll routine in line 470.Z The print section starts on line 3)#}G50. It counts how many times the print buffer is accessed. If it is 57 then it goes to the page printing routine i)$}$n line 490 and prints a page number. The program has no printer control codes so it will work with any printer. )%}S Most documentation files have an extender of 'DOC' or 'TXT'. The programW cannot read a normal wordproces)&}sor file. If you want to make this a selfbooting program then save it with the filename 'MENU' and copy the 'AUTORUN)'}).SYS' file from any Antic Monthly Disk./ pPlease hit the RESET key and type in RUN "D:DOCPRINT.BAS" }>)(}>>>END<)Monthly Disk./ pPlease hit the RESET key and type in RUN "D:DOCPRINT.BAS" }>(0 !ADKNPRFILEYNKE5s   @xy }1*} @  @`  @ #&@Y+,36@;<B DOCUMENTATION PRINTERBY ROLAND FETZER(c)191+}*88, ANTIC PUBLISHING(]];A0,;@%.5,;@%9@,;@DK,;@OV,;@Za,;@el,;@p,2e(>:A%1,} ,"-@@?E(What screen color do you want?Q6-ELe6. Y <I( ( (( 1: Default,(1-}.2: Amber;(3: GreenI(4: GreyFK @p28-@<@@DJ=(R lSelect a numberAK BpP(( @1.})!@ )P:,@pgZ''A@AA A0dSET THE COLORSn1A@Xkw'A }1/}1 A@x1A@D+'A 1L1 A@1A@P\'A b1 A@f(>:A%,10}"-@ @0;(DOCUMENTATION READERM-@ 48@ <Af(U=P 6. (L(9Did You Insert The Dis11}1k Which Has The Document On It(Y/N)PV6-7=6-CI'6-OU36-[cL7@gk<@o,4YV A12} $$7@<@u,4NA@:( AP6(!What is the name of the document :;(>:A%,"-@y@ 13}&;(DOCUMENTATION FOR ; A*0-@48@<a;(PRESS ٠ TO SCROLL6-@ei@m,(CREEN OR 14}RINTER03(6(;;7@ $<@(3,4S)7@7;<@?W,4sA@;;7@[_<@cn,4P)7@rv<@z,415}CpA =AR@& @*1=@59@=?E[R Ap@_r86-%P:B:,'@8v,%@16}6<(H@HR Ap AP-F:A,"A6#@LR- BVaA(/($q-v END }-17}-AARe"@ 6. (<()Do you want to read another document(Y/N)@,$$7@im<@q,0NA`18}6 +'@\(>:A%,"-@+/@3xX(0DID YOU SET PAPER TO THE TOP OF ITS FORM (Y/N)\J$$7@|<19}@1,0YA T!3 3 33!AR@5?^X@CJ+@NR@VX^s8(>:A%,J-@w@1:}X( PRINTING!h( A$@(4(6-%@8Br.@FM.@QU@Y[apP:|<&(@tw} 1;} 2"@WQ< A A`JF:A,"A6#@U\.@`l@ARrxJ B|1<}26-6-@Y$&+-@(9.32 ::3$\ c-%@gv-A(/($}-1=}- END -)AAR/A 6. (=(*Do you want to print another document(Y/N)A$$7@1>}<@ ",4YA`$$7@&*<@.E,4NAN@IP.@TX@\^dpK:;)@tN"@:1?} ,A6-"@&2$k6-8B6-%@FM((@QX3(@\ck(@gj$} 1@} "--)-@&*@.5"(@9J& )$B@NU2@Y]@aciD1:*.*?(>:A%1A},B(8@8@:7@#'<@+1,,!@G5LA@F(@Pe( F@:7@im<@qw,, @G{1B}A G@(/(% AFILES ON DISK D1AARGcD(G$&j(>:A%,"-@gk@o6(>BAD FILE1C} NAME<J-@A$N X B(H`6.Yj A`JB:,!@LTJ7@X\<@`k,4D*7@os<@w,4:1D}AP4B:,!@!47@%)<@-Y,4D:AP5 6.D1:6-B:,/67@]c<%@g,.56. 6. $1E}!D2:DOCPRINT.BAS47@%)<@-Y,4D:AP5 6.D1:6-B:,/67@]c<%@g,.56. 6. $0~SCREEN_CDIDISPLATESSCRN_CDIM_SEAWORDYNLIISTAXXPPPPPPPPPGR_MOTPIN_ZRPIN_ZERFINC5G}CHOICATARZ "(*029:@BHJPRXZ ab ij qr y 5H}H $%,-45<=DELMTU\]celmtu{5I}  !'(".0#78$>@%GH&N EEPRINT HEAD TESTER FOR EPSON & COMPATIBLE P5J}RINTERS BY RON FETZER 5*MAIN MODULE((>:A%, A2 A`< AF5K} AP AZ 7*fdSCREEN COLOR MODULEn(>:A%,6-lux8-@y@5L}08(WHAT SCREEN COLOR DO YOU WANT?#-@48@<S#( 1: NORMAL"-@W[@_u"(2: AMBER"-@y@5M}"(3: GREEN!-@"@&E!(4: GREYC Ap-@IM@Qq5(SELECT A NUMBER 9C BuT  5N}@ )!@W)P:,#(J("ERROR: SELECT A NUMBER FROM 1 TO 4T Ap''A[AA A01A5O}AH'A @81 A@1A@X<H'A Ny1 A@1AA4'A }5P}1 A@1A@!-'A 3I1 A@$ c*DIM SECTION MODULE5Q} ;@@ ,;@%,$" ?*c,CHOICE MODULE62 6.6.k &(>:A%,26-5R}@+-@@((Ҡ+(J (1. EPSON & COMPATIBLEST(2. ATARI XMM801 or^( 8 5S}PIN MODELSh.-@@C*(SELECT A NUMBER.r*  @GM)!@Qn)P:,* A`|$ }*5T} *(DISPLAY MODULE6-.8#6. D Y#(>:A%, (b PRINT HEAD TEST5-@5U}@ 41(IS THE PRINTER ON(Y/N)537@8<<@@k,0Y)(>:A%,3 A0AUq3 PRI5V}NT HEAD TEST$3 $=N33!($(( TOP PIN( Xd( n  (  5W} 8  (  7 , ( 0 166 C &( G H5M Z 0( ^ _4d q :( u v3{  5X} D(  2 " N( & '1, 9 X"@=PA b( T U0Z g l( q  v( 5Y}C ,( BOTTOM PINV-@04@08>)-@BF@ JW0( B-@[_@ cH(8L V AV5Z}Z-@ @0)-@@#00( B-@48@<[H(7L V AV-@_c@0gm)-@qu@y0(5[}  B-@ @4H(6L V AV-@8<@0@F)-@JN@R_0( B-@cg@kH(5L V A5\} W-@@0)-@#'@+91( C-@=A@EdI(4M W AW-@hl@0pv)-@z@5]}1( C-@@>I(3M W AW-@BF@0JP)-@TX@\j1( C-@nr@vI(25^}M W AX-@ @0$*)-@.2@6;2(? ED-@IM@QpJ(1N X A3>:@'t,05_}"@  A`X-@$(@0,2)-@6:@>C2(G MD-@QU@YJ(0N X AAU@5`}"@* A  $ D*_ PRINT MODULE*6-ek6-q46-%@5a} 6-@ &>.@!(.@,0@46<KP:H44(@OU>:@'Yd,K>:Ahm,>:s,R6-5b}@#+&@,\W-@"&A*1((@5F>:,, A(@J[ PIN L(@_fW@jvf$p }*5c}*/zPIN 0 MODULE.@3:.@>B@FHN]P:FF(@ag>:@'kr,>:@v,>:5d} ,>:A,>:',r-@+/@P3:O(@>D>:@HM,>:Sv,>:Ap,>:A(,S g(@z5e} PIN 0r(@3>:@' /,@oo(@3]ANALYSIS: ALL PINS should have a line 1 1/2 long. PINS 1-8 should have 5f}!the same COLOR DENSITY**(@%K with no breaks in them.__(@OM PIN ZERO is a MULTI PIN pattern. The BOTTO5g}-M ROW of this pattern is PIN ZERO.ll(@1[ PIN ZERO fires only every other dot thereforeevery other dot on the BOTT5q}B%DOS SYSB*)DUP ySYSBSWELCOME SCRB[WELCOME BASB>aNEWSLTR BASBMAINMENUHLPbAUTORUN SYSBHELP} DOCBPRESSPRTMNUBPRESSPRTHLPBHDOCPRNTTXTBOGDRIVES TXTB)DOCPRINTBASB'FPRNTHEADBASB"{JXLNTEMPTXTBvIPRTHEADTXTGBXLENTEMPBASB@"CHICKEN BASBgbYEARCALDBASKCALND TXT#DIRECTRYLISLDIRCTRYTXT RAMDISK COM #FEMAIL TXTl /CWHO TXT@BMEETDATTXTGMJOYSTCKTXTKDEDITMSGTXT eEPRESMSGTXT4qNMINUTESTXTOHUMOR TXT'FINGERS BASCdPFINGERSTXTqOM ROW is printed.3>:@'!-,@@1=$ W*t8 PIN MODELS?3>:@'x,@5r}@ ?@@ &5P:oo(@9]ANALYSIS: ALL PINS should have a line 1 1/2 long. ALL PINS should5s}' have the same COLOR DENSITYFF(@+m5 with NO BREAKS in them. This printer has only 8 pins@q$$. 5t}*H8END MODULEB"(>:A%,"AR@LUL@-@Y]@a((END OF PROGRAM<-@5u}@ @ V" +(AR.="`$j W*D:PRNTHEAD.BASROGRAM<-@4n !PRINTHEAD TESTING PROGRAM. >by Ron FetzerD This program tests all printers with 9 pin printheads =w}]that are EPSON compatible. It will also test 8 pin models such as the ATARI XMM801 etc.c Do you sometimes print =x} out a graphic and you have a thin line through it? Frequently one of the pins in the printhead does not fire =y}Kand it produces a thin line. This program will show you the problem.R It will also give you an evaluation=z} of your printhead. PHit the RESET key and type RUN "D:PRNTHEAD.BAS" `>cENDtby Ron FetzerJ Kr sy If y9}}Gou use the 1st XLEnt Word Processor you know it has so many commands and features that it is impossible to 9~}~remember them all. It is a pain to go and look them up all the time. Now there is an easy solution to this problem. I h9}ave written a quick guide template of all the docs. that fit over the keyboard of the 130 XE. Although this program i9}Rs written to fit the 130XE the template can be adjusted to fit the 800XL.^ _} 9}  For the 800XL cut out only the keyboard space. You will have to trim a little bit on the right side of 9} the template to get complete access to the console keys of the 800XL. You now have everything right in front of you9}? on the keyboard. You do not have to go to the manual anymore.O Pw x} 9} The program is self explanatory. The mounting instructions are on the print out. The program prints a two page tem9}Zplate that you paste with rubber cement on a piece of cardboard or styrofoam board.m n} 9}  You will need a piece of stiff cardboard or styrofoam board that is 9 X 14 inches or 239} X 35.5 centimeters wide. A ideal backboard is a corrugated piece of cardboard from a large box. I was a littl9}e more fancy and went to a large office supply house and bought a 1/8 inch thick red styrofaom board. I cut the 9}board 1/2 inch larger than 9 X 14 to give me a red border. You will also need a large rubber band or tie several togethe9}!r to hold the template in place., -T U[ After you have printed sheet A9} and B. Glue them togehter with rubber cement at the place indicated and cut off the mounting instructions. You now have9} a 9 X 14 or 23 X 35.5 cm printed sheet. Apply rubber cement to the back of this sheet. Glue it to the cardboard9} or stryfoam board. With a razor blade or utility knife cut out the openings for the keyboard, the console keys a9}4nd the power light. Each cut out is clearly marked.@ Ah io Since the temp9}Glate will be used a lot I also bought clear laminating plastic that you glue over the template. W.T. Rogers 9}makes them and they are called PLAIN-VU. You remove them from the backing and glue them to the template. You now have 9} a stiff washable template that will last a very long time. The next step is to turn the template over and cut out9}G the laminating plastic from the keyboard and console key openings.T U| 9} The last step is to attach the rubber band. Near the edges in the middle of the template make a small hole9} and tie on one side the rubber band. Put the template ovr the 130 XE keyboard and tightend the rubber band and then 9}tie it to the other hole. E FL That is all there is to this project. You n9}ow have all the docs right in front of you all the time. No more going to the manual and hunting for a command. An:}E78 AWORDYNSPPECPCCORECHRSEKK1K2ESTNPVX_`ghopwx}A}EC   !# )+ 13 9;BCJKQSY[acikqszA}  @ &D:XLENTEMP.BAS&(>:A%,iiA QUICK GUIDE KEYBOARD TEMPLATE OVERLAY OF THE 1SA}T XLENT WORDPROCESSOR FOR THE ATARI 130XE COMPUTERDDBY RON FETZER OF OHAUG. APRIL 1994. VERSION 1.0 IN ATARI BASIC[[EA}PSON PRINTER CONTROL CODES IN CONTROL CODE MODULE. CHANGE TO YOUR PRINTER IF NEEDED.LLPASTE THE TWO SHEETS ON A STIFF CARA})DBOARD 9 X 14 INCHES (23 X 35.5 CM) KKn* CONTROL MA}ODULE AFSCREEN COLORS A`DIM SECTION( AJINTRO SCREEN2# A0#EPSON CONTROL CODESA}< AMENUF @` ,PZJJp*dSCREEN A}COLORSn(>:A%,6-"+x8-@/3@7c8(WHAT SCREEN COLOR DO YOU WANT?#-@gk@o#( 1: NORMALA} "-@ @+"(2: AMBER"-@/3@7M"(3: GREEN!-@QU@Yx!(4: GREYC Ap-@|A}@'5(SELECT A NUMBER 9C B+6T  @:@)!@D)P:,#(J("ERROR: SELECT A NUMBER FROM 1 TO 4T ApA} ''ALAA A01AAH'A @Pk1 A@1A@Xo'A A}/1 A@1AA4'A 5P1 A@1A@T`'A f1 A@$II*A}B*^DIM SECTIONss;@bi,;@mt,;@x,;A}@ ,;@,;@U#,;@U'9,;A%,;@0=D,;@0HU,$"II}*A}*B,INFO SCREEN6"(>:A%,"@FHNV@*'(\ 1st XLEnt WP. QUICK GUIDE*(J//A}(' The 1st XLEnt wp. is unique inT//(' two respects. It is ICON driven and it^//(' has an 80 column text prevA}Yiew screen.h//(' It is also a fully implementedr( wordprocessor.|//('_ To access the ICONS press ESC,A}G to//(' leave press ESC again. To preview the//(' text screen go to the ICON '' and//(' press RETURN 5 tA}jimes. To increase//(' scrolling speed press BREAK. To leave ( screen press ESC & ESC.//('p This program A}fwill print a QUICK//(' KEYBOARD GUIDE of the docs. that fits( over the keyboard.//('l Mounting instructA}-ions are on the( printout..(.(#1 bFOR EPSON & COMAPTIBLE PRINTERS[ 6. (6(#f CONTINUE WITH THE PROGRA}AM (Y/N):[7@<@!*,4N@.:$II}*A}.!!EPSON PRINTER CONTROL CODES$6.>:@'2s,$ESCAPE SEQUENCE&!!E$;"@" = PRINTER RESET CODE0)6.>:@w,)COA}MPRESSED FONT - ON:%6.>:@#,%COMPRESSED - OFFD!!ES;'G' = GO - DOUBLE STRIKEN##E$;'H' = HALT - DOUBLE STRIKEXA}E$;'-1' = UNDERLINE - ONbE$;'-0' = UNDERLINE - OFFlE$;"W1" = WIDE FONT - ONvE$;"W0" = WIDE FONT - OFFAAA}nE$;"D";CHR$(21);CHR$(42);CHR$(62);CHR$(0) = HORIZONTAL TABS&&R$=CHR$(9) = HORIZONTAL TAB STOP$II}*A}4*U MENU4(>:A%,"6. ` f4@jn@r<-@A}@ :<("ЮˠŠ0-@ >B@Fj0(by RON FETZER of OHAUG%-@nr@v(A}5պ"(%(#( 1. FOR 130XE#(2. END.-@9=@Ae*(SELECT A NUMBER.U  @io)!@s)P:,#(A}=K(#ERROR - SELECT A NUMBER FROM 1 TO 2U A@AAbA2 A $HH}*A}'*T 130XE TEMPLATE*(>:A%,4R-@X\@`N(3DID YOU POSITION PAPER TA}+O THE TOP OF ITS FORM(Y/N)R>&7@/3<@7d,4N& A HA(>:A%,"AR@hn4-@rv@zA(A}R?@.@#'@+-3?P:?(@CS@\``(@WZO^ MOUNTING INSTRUCTION FOR 130XE A} *** SHEET A ***$ 6paste-->f>>(@:t-1. Paste sheet A and B together at the arrowsp<<(@x+2.A}3 Cut this section off at the dotted line.z]](@7L3. Paste the large sheet on a 9 X 14 inch or 23 X 35.5 centimenter A}CcardboardXX(@kG4. With a razor blade or a utility knife cut out the sections indicatedoo(@o^5. With an A}Bawl punch a small hole in the middle on the left and right side ofF ]the template.qq(@a`6. Cut a large rubber banA}Qd and tie it to the holes. This is to hold the template to the computer``(@UO7. Put the template on the computer aA}4nd slip the rubber band under the computer``(@8;O@-HCUT HEREn-vCUT HERE}-A} -T6.>:@ &,T(@*6D>:@!:A,>:@BEL,>:@bPU,>:[k,55(@o!SHFT+CNTLA}#+M=MARKER POINTS FOR CRS<<(@', 6 _-1 ICON MEANINGS-0,,(@c'F'lp(n)=NUMBER OF LIA}NES //(@=SHFT+CNTL+G=GO TO MARKER PT&&(@Ac'P'=GO TO PRINTING))(@g'F'fp(+n)=NXT PG A} IF LN.."2-="==(@AH R -1 GENERAL INFO-033(@A}0SHFT+CNTL+S=LOAD FONT TO SCRREN$$(@4TCAMERA=COPY TEXT$''(@X]c LEFT IS = TO n.--(@A}+(T)=SYMBOL TO TOGGLE ON/OFF844(@/_ SHFT+CNTL+D=DEL TEXT FROM A TO BB--(@cSCISSORS=CUT PART OF A}TEXTL++(@:'F'cn1/cn0=CENTER ON/OFFV33(@>A!b-m`%%(@qSHFT+CNA}TL+P=PRINTj00(@EPASTE JAR=PASTE PART OF TEXTt**(@Io'F'ln(n)=SKIP LINES 'n'~,,(@sESC(T)=A}ICONS TOGGLE ON/OFF--(@"KSHFT+CNTL+Q=SCREEN SET UP,,(@OwGLASSES=SEARCH & REPLACE(((@{A}"'F'sp(n)=LINE SPACING33(@&)!J-U33(@YSHFT+CNTL+ESC=CRS A LINE/SQUAREA} ''(@2DISK=DISK FUNCTIONS,,(@6^'F'ra1/ra0=RGT ALG ON/OFF99(@be o -1 HELPA} SCREENS-055(@O!SHFT+CNTL+CLR=DEL FROM CRS TO END;;(@SX b -1 MEMORY MNGMTA} -0,,(@9'F'ju1/0=RGT JUSFY ON/OFF(((@=aHELP+1= EDIT FUNCTIONS55(@e!SHFT+CNTL+SPC=HI-LIA}GHT SCREEN SPC 33(@LSHFT+CNTL+F=HOW MUCH IN LETTERS++(@Pw'F'hd(n)=HEADER FROM TOP**(@{A}C$HELP+2=FORMAT DIRECTIVES(..(@(RSHFT+CNTL+U=DISK DIRECTORY200(@VSHFT+CNTL+?=HOW MANY SECTORS<,,A}(@ 1'F'ft(n)=FOOTER FROM BOT.F$$(@5UHELP+3=DISK ERRORSP22(@YSHFT+CNTL+UP ARROW=SCREEN DOWNA} Z**(@4SHFT+CNTL+N=WORD COUNTd++(@8_'F'hd0/ft0=HEAD/FOOT OFFn++(@cHELP+4=SPECIAL CHARACTEA} RSx22(@?SHFT+CNTL+DOWN ARROW=SCREEN UP;;(@CH R -1 TEXT WINDOWS-0,,(@A})'F'xl(n)=HEAD/FOOT LF MAR&&(@-OSELECT=PRINTER FONTS33(@SSHFT+INSERT(T)=INSERT/TYPE OVER55A}(@ :!SHFT+CNTL+2=CREATE 2 TEXT WINDOWS,,(@>f'F'xr(n)=HEAD/FOOT RG MAR::(@jms -1A}#EDITING FUNCTIONS-022(@'USHFT+CNTL+.=JOYSTICK SPEED 1-9))(@YSHFT+CNTL+1=WINDOW #1,,(@A}-'F'nx=NEXT FILE(D:FL NAME''(@1TOPTION+U(T)=UNDERLINE11(@XSHFT+CNTL+INSRT=6 BLANK LINESA}))(@ 1SHFT+CNTL+2=WINDOW #2**(@5['F'lk=NXT FILE-YOU TYPE--(@_BACK SPACE=1 CHART. TO LEFTA} 55(@@!SHFT+CNTL+DEL=REMOVE EMPPTY SPACE"++(@DkSHFT+CNTL+3=CLS WINDOWS,,,(@o'F'nc1/0=A}CNTL CODS OFF/ON6--(@GCNTL+DEL=1 CHART. AT CURSOR@00(@KwSHFT+CNTL+T=OPEN TEXT BUFFERJ<<(@{A} 6-1PRINT FORMAT COMDS-0T99(@:o-1ADVAN PRINT FORMAT COMDS-0^--(@sCNTL+INA}SERT=SPACE AT CURSORh**(@#ISHFT+CLR=CLEARS BUFFERr99(@M-1'F'=OPT+F (n)=a number-0|,,A}(@ 1'F'lf1/lf0=LN FEED ON/OFF00(@5aSHIFT+CLR=ERASE TEXT IN MEMORY##(@eESC=EXIT BUFFERA}00(@ 7'F'lm(n)=LEFT MARGIN. DEF=10++(@;b'F'dv(*)=PRNTS LN OF '*'**(@fCAPS(T)=UPPER/LOWER A}CASE(((@7OPT+C(T)=CENTER TEXT66(@;m"'F'lm+(n),lm-(n)=RELATIVE LFT MRGN,,(@qv| -A}-00(@ LBREAK=CRS TO START OF NEW LINE..(@POPT+CC= RIGHT ALIGN A LINE11(@A}.'F'rm(n)=RIGHT MARGIN. DEF=70(@27= H|33(@L!SHIFT+DEL(W,S,P)=DEL.WORD,SEN,PAR55(@A}C3!OPT+F=FORMAT DIRECTIVE WITH COMDS66(@7i"'F'rm+(n),rm-(n)=RELTIVE RGTH MARG(@mrx |&2A}2(@ 8 START+START=CRS TO START OF TEXT0<<(@<A K t-1 TAB FUNCTIONS-0:55(@x!A},'F'rm0=CANCELS RGHT RELATIVE MRGND%%(@05; <|@ QCUT OUTN00(@USHFT+CNTL+E=CRS TO END OF TEXTX&&(A}@*TAB=GO TO NEXT TABb,,(@.V'F'mr-(n)=MARGIN RELEASEl(@Z_e p|v22(@t SHFT+CA}%NTL+5,6=BACKGRD LIGHT/DARK..(@)SSHFT+TAB=SET TAB AT CURSOR--(@W'F'mr-5=OUTDENTS 5 SPACES(A}@  |//(@!LSHFT+CNTL+7,8=TEXT LIGHT/DARK00(@PSHFT+CNTL+TAB=CLEAR ALL TABS22(@A}1'F'ai(n)=AUTOMATIC INDENTATION,,(@5:@ @S-]00(@aSHFT+CNTL+W(T)=WORDWRAP OA}N/OFF66(@F"SHFT+CNTL+R=RESET TABS AT 5 SPACES00(@Jv'F'pp(n)=PAGE LENGTH. DEF=66))(@zA}"DISK ICON - CNTL+D=DOSww(@&)e: :}-A}-00(@ #B-L""(@PSc n| 33(@r-1 8A}$0 COL SCREEN-0 |""(@(6SHFT+CNTL+P; F| ""(@JMR TOR] h|*""(@lwICON 'P'} A} |4""(@ AND$ /|>""(@3Q PRESS RETURN |H00(@Ub 5 TIMESh |CUT OUTR""(A}@ -&|\""(@*HBREAK(T)=FAST |f""(@Lj SCROLL ON/OFF |p""(@nESC=STOP SCRA}OL |z""(@1ESC+ESC=RETURN |""(@5S TO EDIT SCRN |""(@WZj-u|""(@yTA} O VIEW TEXT |""(@,BETTER TURN1 <|""(@@^DOWN THE COLOR |II(@be8v v}-A}-*|]](@.1 = d-1TWO COLUMN PRINTING-0| |A} II(@S81 OR 2 PASS. ON 2 PASS DO NOT USE PROPRT. OR EXTND FONT|II(@W[8|f-v| LEFT MRG CL1=2{ RIA}GHT MRG CL1=38 |II(@#.8 CUT OUT4 CLEFT MRG CL2=42G WRIGHT MRG CL2=78] h|vv(@lpd|{-| A}C) *|V-a11(@eh }-A} -mm(@4 POWER ONW1=L 1ST XLEnt WORD PROCESSORS QUICK GUIDEW0 A}(@  ,,*' START OF PAGE B 5*? <<6.2H XPASTE TO SHEET Aj ---> | $ <<6.2 A}. :| . 00(@>P@D>:@VTY,>:_j,8 QQ(@nq>} A} SHEET B 'SHEET B+ ?SHEET BB &-@CG@ KR"(@Vd& L ww(@hkeq-yCUT HERE}-A}"-*CUT HERED-LCUT HERES-^V 00(@be}-A}-` 77(@H#'F'sb(n)=SEND BYTE(CHR$) TO PRINTERj ;;(@LQ [ -1 PRINTER FONTS-0t 9A}9(@ ?%'F'sk1/sk0=SKIP TEXT ON/SKIP TEXT OFF~ ,,(@CkTo see fonts press SELECT <<(@o('F'ps(TXTA}*)=PAUSE TO INSERT TEXT FOR USER !!(@.KOPT+B=BOLDFACE <<(@O('F'nc1/nc0=CONTL CODES ACTIVE/NOT ACTIVEA}  !!(@+OPT+X=EXPANDED 11(@/\OPT+SPC BAR=NO WORD SPLITTING $$(@`OPT+S=SUPERSCRIPT 88(A}@;$OPT+(+)=WORD SPLIT ONLY IF NECESSARY ""(@?]OPT+T=SUBSCRIPT @@(@a,nx ex lk ps en fp ft hdA} ep MUST BE SNGL LINE (@$? OPT+I=ITALIC ==(@CHO -1HEADERS + FOOTERS-0 %%(@A}$OPT+U(T)=UNDERLINE $$(@(H'F'hd0=NO HEADER ;;(@LQ [ -1 PRINT TO DISK-0 6A}6(@ <"'F'hd(n)=LINES FROM TOP FOR HEADER ''(@@c'F'lm1:rm39:lp66:hd0( ::(@g&'F'hd(TXT;TXT;TXTA} )=TXT LEFT MDDLE RGHT2 ;;(@$) 3 [-1 PAPER LOADING-0< ))(@_'F'p#=SET PAGE NUMBERF B}))(@ 0DEFAULT=66 PAGE LENGTHP 88(@4h$FOOTER WORK THE SAME WAY - USE 'F'ftZ 44(@l!DEFLT=54 PRIB}NT LINES. 'F' cl-(n)=d ::(@#Y&'F'xl/xr=HEADR/FOOTR LEFT/RIGHT MARGINn 55(@]"DECREASE LN COUNTER BY 'n'-B}MORE LNx 88(@! I-1 FILE LINKING-0 77(@M$'F'cl+(n)=INCRS. LN COUNTER-LESS LNS ;;(B}C@>''F'nx(D:file)=GET THE NEXT FILE ON DISK >>(@BG Q -1SEARCH & REPLACE-0 44(@B}3 'F'lk=YOU MUST TYPE IN FILE NAME 11(@7dPress START+START to go to top 66(@h"'F'ex(D:file)=GEB}T AN EXTERNAL FILE **(@!GSELECT EYE GLASSES ICON ::(@K&'F'ep(D:file)=EXTERNAL PRINT DIRECTIVE 33(B}@7 Use TAB for end of SEARCH string ee(@;@R}-B}- ee(@#(Ry | B}ee(@ Ra l| ee(@puR} B } CUT OUTI T| ee(@X]R} B }1 <| ee(@@ER} B } $| ee(@(-R}-B } --" ??(@K+MUTLITPLE COMDS ON ONE LINE SEPERATE BY (:), 22(@OCNTL+DEL=DELETES SEARCH STRINGS6 ll(@B }Z8 8a-l@ --(@ps}-B}-J ee6.[w T &&6B}. *|^ &&6./ 6CUT OUTE P|h (@Tbr (@ft| (@xB} (@  (@- (@1L WRITTEN (@PW] iBY (@mty RONB} (@   (FETZER (@,39 EOF (@IP T cOHAUG vv(@gjds PASTE TO SB}HEET A ---> |Q \ $$(@`cu | (B}@ (@' (@+9 (@=K (@O] (@ao& XX(@sxE} B} |@-J0 [[(@NSq u|| B}C(-1OTHER PROGRAMS-0: ZZ(@,1O |% PRESS ANY KEY WHILE PRGR IS LOADINGD IIB}(@ , N| 1. XLent WP FOR 800N JJ(@RWu | 2. B}PICTURE FORMATTERX GG(@$B-b 3. PRINTER DRIVERb cc(@fi0} B} HW1 - FOR 130 XEWOl (@L\@v @`l ARr AB}  HHEND J*` M(>:A%,"-@dh@l5(END OF PROGRB} AMI-@@`!M   +'t DDWRITTEN BY RON FETZER, 22 MONACO AVE., ELMONT, N.Y. 11003, USA HH}*B}9*B @Ft22 MONACO AVE., ELMONT, N.Y. 11003, USA HH}*@Gl additional benefit is now the keyboard is larger and you have a better hand rest for your typing.} :} 6 7= You can keep this template on all the time since it does not :}binterfere with any function of the computer and it makes the computer look much better.} :} , -3 To use this program turn on your printer, hit the RESET key and type: } RUN "D:XLNTEMP.BAS".' 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OV!P{QJi} A&D:YEARCALD.BAS&(>:A%,WALL CALLENDARqqby Steve C. M. Chen, Modification by TOM ANJj}DREWS, member A.C.E. of SYRACUSE, and OL' HACKERS A.U.G.,Inc. NYccDIRECTORY Mods by ALEX PIGNATO, other mods by RON FETZEJk}R members of OL'HACKERS A.U.G.INC 3/93aaSPECIAL DATE DESCRIPTION AND PAGE 2 ADDED BY RON FETZER OF THE OL' HACKERS A.U.G.Jl}J INC. 3/9355December 1987, Vol. 5, No. 12, Family Computingd9@1NU,9@Y`,9@dk,9@ov,9@z,Jm}9A ,9@,9@%,;@)0,;@4;,;@'?F,;@JQ,;@U\,;@9`l,<<;@tpw,;@{,Jn};@ ,;A$,;A0+,,~~;@/6,;A:A,;@EL,;@PW,;@'[b,;@@fm,;@ qx,;@ |,Jo}C;@ ,;@,;@E ,,6ss;@07,;@;M,;A2@,;@ QX,;@'\c,;@gn,;@ ry,;@}Jp}p,;@ ,;@0",`6-@@&,6-29J6.(a eT+kq`6-w86Jq},. CALENDAR FOR ,6. SPECIAL DATES86-2=m67@AH,.>:@LU,367@Y`,.>:@'dm,D67@q,.G\67@Jr} ,.>:@',m67@-,.EXU67@18,.>:@'<E,,67@IV,.FD67@Za,.>:@'en,U67@r,.HU6Js}7@ ,.>:@',,67@!.,.GD67@29,.>:@'=F,U67@JZ,.E U67@^e,.>:@'ir,,67@v,.FDJt}EDt67@ ,.>:@',U67@"2,.H6-@6AU67@EL,.>:@'PY,,67@]j,.GD67@nu,.>:@'y,U6Ju}7@ ,.ELU67@$,.>:@'(1,,67@5B,.FD67@FM,.>:@'QZ,U67@^l,.HE@prx'AJv} R@ &66.>:A%,E6.>:@2*6,067@:E,.!67@9IT,.067@Xf,.x467@jw,.-%67@&{,.Jw} -467@B,.%%6.SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT@>68@FK,-@OW,-@[_@c2">678,,.,68Jx}%@ ,-B:,%@/(68,-, 4-@37@;H068,-$ALc&A4 l067@g,.!67A$,.06Jy}7@,.--@@1",-6-$@04&@8H4)%67%+ @LS,<%@Ws,.=:,) N  (/(7@w<@Jz}, ̠N( (From 1801 - 2399)H(H(G6-P:,Q BGZBA7A6`A8^bA7frAdPBvAuPJ}CA A6 #LF( B@'.9@26@:<BKF@O[Q@_lV+-@py@}J}'68,-+ `1-@"@&-$@1K-68,-1 eE-@OX@\hA67$@'lp&@&t<$@'J},.E h"@+ AdPj@/5 A69QtF( B@U\9@`d@hjpyF @}J} y @~%-@!*! @.B8,% +-@FJ@NU' @Ym8,+ ?-@q; @J} 7$@' &@&<$@'.,? @28 A6<Y)AdAU)-@]a@et<6-8%@x,&8J} ,/ -@ ;/ PRESS &"@?R TO EXIT.& ACVsh FOR NEXT DATE.-y@!J}N0**  # OF DATES ENTERED THIS MONTH = **  TOTAL # OF DATES ENTEREDT _= -egm(\C@ SPECIJ}AL DATES IN >> 78,<8%@"',&@+?,: <<C(3"Ee) NO DATES ARE ENTERED.3 APit$/-@x+ J} 88,%&@/,, / V B2-59@ =L  6.2-RV@ZG, $USE 'Mn' TO MOVE TO MONTH NJ}UMBER 'n'G(EXAMPLE: FEBRUARY = M20-(%TO DELETE DATE USE NEGATIVE DATE0(P"" ŠҠ̠1J}AR&6.1AR@*g//('}Ơ4Adkv1$$7@z<@J},0MAUJ= AV+6-A:7@/9,,= @=C)!@GKAVOXc B\h6- A9lu|- AVy6J}-P:A:,,# B- AW%! 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J67@lp<@t,.c67J}@ <@,.-z67@#<@''7,.H+M&67$@';?&@&CI<$@'MX,.?7@\`<@ds,4-M6-&@w.$J}+> PRINT PAGE 2 BY RON FETZER>('@/7P:'@;D,(6-@HRH?.@V].@ae@ikqP:M?33(J}@ >:@',D>:@9 %,>:+;,P?6-P:'@?J,R?P(@NU(@Y`:(@di v E(J}@P(@\?-@".p?kk(@25 > F7$@'JN&@&RX<$@'\c,>:@ gt,7+%,$@'x&@&J} <+%,$@'$,? ?L"@(/L(@39>:@ =J,7+%,$@'NR&@&V`<+%,$@'do,?>(@sy>:@}J},3(@ >:@'",@>@&hB$0uYYDIRECTORY MODULE MODS.BY ALEX PIGNATO AND RON FETZER OF THE OL' HACKERS A.UJ}.G. 3/93:uK?;@!,;@%,,;@07,;@;B,;@FM,K6-S^Dub"@b(>:A%,#6.5-@J}@ g^(#Is the new disk in drive #1(YES/NO)bNu 4NO B Xu4 6.06.0%@ko@s46-F:BJ}'24,bu"Ab6.Alu"@+Y6.Bvu"A46.CuA_e!6-kq-6-w96-J}Am >:A%,$٭ҠˠӠ@EI@MOUrD1:*.*(u=AR@v:( J}+ˠӼ ˠ =(u@/@(uH7@DH<@L_,4 06-%A:7@co,,>6-%@sH BJ}C u@u6-A:7@!%<@)7,,uT(-@ ;?@C^-  ?-@ bf@jT( J} u2) @*7@<@#?,4999+2 :ENDuY7@CG<@K,4999+V 2Number of free sectors not accuratelyJ} indicated.YuS-@ !@%@*  <-@ DH@LS( %u%"A6.SNJ}5GLu%!A6.1050v[% A#-@9=@"Ah&([(0SECTOR COUNT ERROR-SECTOR TOTALo INCORRECT! v*J}-@ @/*( v*-@ 37@ ;Y*(à  v)-@ ]a@e)(ˠμ*vJ}-@ @ 4v,-@ $@(H,(Another Dir. [A]>v,-@ LP@Tt,( [A]Hv,-@ x@J},(Go to BASIC #[B]Rv,-@ '+@/O,(à [B]\v,-@ SW@[i,(Go to DOSo [D]fv,-@ J}@ *,(Ӡ [D]pv,-@ .2@6F,(Load a DiskJ V[L]zv,-@ Z^@b,( [L]v,J}-@ @1,(Return to Prg? [R]v,-@ 59@=d,( [R]v v*-@ hl@p*(Select aJ} lettervAR5v(>:A%,+;Ov 4R ASfv! 4A6-@j! B v4J}BBBpv4DBv] 4L(>:A%,6.1-@FJ@NY("Did you put a new disk in drive #1]vJ}&7@ <@.,4Y& Bv&7@26<@:_,4N& B@w3(>:A%,"-@cg@k0(à3J}7w.w6-?:B,(D:YEARCALD.BAS}J}%7YEARCALD.BAS}H%& Quick-Docs by Ron Fetzer-member of the OL' HACKERS ATARI USERS GROUP, INC NYN} E FN dYearly Calendar Makerl m} N} = >d el This program cN}an print a yearly calendar from 1801 to 2399. It puts your name on the calendar. It can highlight up to 120 seN}C5lected dates on the printed calendar. It prints9 a description of the highlighted dates on page 2. The N}lcalendar can be saved loaded and printed again. This program is for EPSON and compatible printers.s t} N}C * DIRECTIONS:D Ek lr Roll the paN}per in your printer so the perforation of the paper is aligned with the TOP of the ribbon(TOP OF FORM).N} Turn your printer OFF and ON again. THIS IS IMPORTANT! If this is not done your PAGE BREAKS will be in the N} WRONG PLACE., -S TZ To use the program just enter tN}?he year of your choice and your name. On the MAIN MENUC select item #2 START - ADD DATES. Enter special N}& dates of your choice. Example:* JANUARY (1). For the description you can type NEW YEARS. Press RETURN and N} you can add other dates. To change to a different month enter M(month) and the number of the month (2 =FEB.etc)N}. To change to FEBRUARY you would enter M2, for MARCH it would be M3 etc. You can also leave the DATE entry eN}mpty and just press RETURN. This will bring up the months in consecutive order. You can only erase the LAST daN}te. You type in a negative date. Example -12 will erase the 12 date of the month that you had just entered. N}When you are finished enter M12 for DECEMBER leave the DATE empty and press RETURN. You are now returned N}to the MAIN MENU. : ;A You can save and print your calendar. To load N}`dates from a disk you must have saved them first. Your file name for the savedd calendar should have N}_ a .DAT for an extender. The year is not saved so incorporate it into your file name.c Example: OHAUG00.DAT. If N}9you forgot the file name go to the directory option.I Jp qx The N}G original program was written by STEVEN C. CHEN. TOM ANDREWS of the ACE OF SYRACUSE and the OL' HACKERS AN}.U.G. added the SAVE option. ALEX PIGNATO of the OL' HACKERS A.U.G. added the DIRECTORY routine. RON N}mFETZER of the OL' HACKERS A.U.G. added the SPECIAL DATE description and the PRINTING of page 2.} N} ) *0 If you want to use this program hit the RESET key and type RUN "D: YEARN} CALD.BAS".! "H J [>^ENDo^ENDo707 THEN SEC$="1050"80 IF US+FREI<707 THEN POSITION 2,22:? "Ҡ̠R}"82 POSITION 20,8:? " ";SEC$84 POSITION 20,9:? " ";OF86 POSITION 20,10:? " ";FM88R} POSITION 20,11:? "à ";VE$90 POSITION 20,14:? "ˠμ"92 FOR A=1 TO 994 POSITION 20,16:? "Another DirR}R. [A]"96 POSITION 20,16:? " [A]"98 POSITION 20,17:? "Go to BASICV [B]"100 POSITION 20,17:? "àR}' [B]"102 POSITION 20,18:? "Go to DOS- Q[D]"104 POSITION 20,18:? "U [D]"106 POSITION 20,19:? "Load a DiskR} [L]"108 POSITION 20,19:? "렠 [L]"110 POSITION 20,20:? "DEL MEM SV D8 [M]"112 POSITION 20,20:? "͠R}Ǡĸ [M]"114 POSITION 20,21:? "Return to Prg [R]"116 POSITION 20,21:? " [R]"118 NEXT A120 POSITION 20,22:?R} "Select a letter";122 POKE 752,0:INPUT Y$124 IF Y$="A" OR Y$="B" OR Y$="D" OR Y$="L" OR Y$="R" OR Y$="M" THEN GOTO 128126R} GOTO 120128 ? CHR$(125):GRAPHICS 0130 IF Y$="R" THEN CLR :GRAPHICS 0:GOTO 200132 IF Y$="A" THEN DST=1:GOTO 14134 IF Y$="R}B" THEN 146136 IF Y$="D" THEN 148138 TRAP 20:IF Y$="M" THEN XIO 33,#1,0,0,"D8:MEM.SAV":GOTO 20140 IF Y$="L" THEN ? CHR$(12R}5):XYZ$="":POSITION 2,12:? "Did you put a new disk in drive #1";:INPUT XYZ$142 IF XYZ$(1,1)="Y" THEN GOTO 150144 IF XYZ$(1,R}1)="N" THEN GOTO 140146 ? CHR$(125):POSITION 1,1:? "à";:END 148 DOS 150 XZ=USR(58487):? XZ GOTO 150144 IF XYZ$(1,Pe& '3 BDIRECTORY MAKERM N[ hby Ron Fetzert u} V} % The DIRECTORY MAKER is a very nice module to incorporate into your own program. V} = >D It can access the directory of drives #1, #2 and thW}ne RAM Disk D8. Besides showing you all the files on the disk it does a lot of other things, such as:} W} - .4 U1) The number of files on the ^ bdisk{ W} &2) The number of FREE Sectors , M3) The total number of Sectors. S f4) The Disk Densitys tz 5) W}CThe max. number of possible ' 2open files.D EK b6) The max. FREE memoryk lu availbabW}le.  =7) The BASIC revision of your F Ocomputer.c d} W}  You can A) Access another Drive. B) Go to BASIC. D) Go to DOS. L) Load another Disk. M) Delete MEM.SAV.W}6 from RAM Disk D8. R) Return to your program.S Tz W} /The module is in LISTED form on the disk.K Lr s} W} " ?HOW TO USE THE MODULE IN YOURC DS ZPROGRAMj k} W }  1) Load! %your) e 200 to start the program. 4) Now SAVE it with your FILENAMEB Ci jo HOW TO RENUMW}nBER your program. TURBO BASIC has a RENUMBER command that is very fast. The command is RENUM a,b,c} W} T a = The 1st OLD number to start with b = The NEW number that you wantY c = Is the line interval (usually W}10)* +0 Suppose your OLD programm starts now ith line #100 and you want it to staW}4rt with line #200, you would type RENUM 100,200,10I Jp qv To getW}& to TURBO BASIC do the following:A Bh in 1) Turn the NW}"8<< & B JKIHiDiELV`L8 8 BLV`Lx[}d8t8l Lu8hihiHHȱȱL8c !#3`Lu8hJ`H 8h`H[}Gȩh Q8L8 Z8L8 8L8 8L8 8L8S:@9E:E9H '9 H9I9 8 '9h)0IC[}9D9L8 L :::: :Lr:::IEL[::i:iIIL[:`:i::i[}::L:`L{:w:w: C`L:L: D8:MEM.SAV: 8| 9 '9`L:L: D:DUP.SYS:̩ 8[} x:ɀL: '9`88 |9Y:X: '9L); D8:DUP.SYS; 8::88 9 '98? :`;WL`; 9[}Ln; ` :Y;Y;L;L;)}$P Setting Up ATARI 130XE Ram Disk; 9L;VVb ; -9  [}P L;D8:; :9 :Y;LEND0<1W X} Ta o=o=o=o=o=# MEMBER E-MAIL ADDRESSES We have asked for email addresses. These are what we have to_$} date: Alan Sharkis /asharkis@erols.com5 ^em421840@nassaulibrary.org Bob Woolleyd rwoolley@pacbell.net Da_%} ne Stegman } er, Editor 22 Monaco Ave.$ Elmont, NY 11003, U.S.APlease refer to the above schedule forOL' HACKERS NEWSLETTER dec?} adlines. *END"* Elmont, NY 11003, U.S.APlease refer to the above schedule forOL' HACKERS NEWSLETTER de`# *+*+*+*+* aNEW SCHEDULE OF MEETING DATES Dates have been set until June 17,g 2000. All meetings stgA}6art at 1:00* P.M. and end at 5:00 P.M. September= @18,D \1999 3rd Sat. Octobere h30,l 1999 5th Sat. gB}November 13, 01999 2nd Sat. December8 ;18,? W1999 3rd Sat. Januarya c8,g 2000 2nd Sat. FebrugC}ary 12, (2000 2nd Sat. March3 618,: P2000 3rd Sat. April[ ^15,b v2000 3rd Sat. May} gD} 13, "2000 2nd Sat. June. 117,5 E2000 3rd Sat.} gE} h NEW DATES, CHANGES AND SPECIAL EVENTS WILL BE PRINTED AS SOON AS RECEIVED.} gF} ,* Change ** Addition8 h->->END<-<-LL BE PRINTED AS SOON AS RECEIVED.} dD ;=-=-= USING THE JOYSTICK TO READ TEXT!K MOD by JOHN McGOWAN How to use use the JOYSTICKkH} to read the text on the screen. After reading all the text on the screen, you go to the next page by hitting the RkI}ED BUTTON. To read the NEXT article just pull the JOYSTICK toward you while text is scrolling down the screen, or akJ}EJ fter you have read the article.1 =-=-=YSTICK toward you while text is scrolling down the screen, or ah8 EDITOR'S MESSAGE MILLENIUM: Well the Millenium has come and we are all still here, despite some diroL}e predictions. DUES CHANGE: The yearly club dues have been reduced to $20.00. We are now mailing out a newsletter eoM}very 3 months instead of every 2 months. NEW EDITORS: Alan Sharkis our former editor is going into a new phase of cooN}mputer work. He is giving up the 8- Bit equipment. We owe Alan a great deal for his editorship and his club participatoO}ion. We wish him a lot of luck in his new endeavor. The editorship will now rotate among 4 editors each year. I am thoP}.e first quaterly editor of the newsletter.> SIDE I GAME: Run the game by pressing the spacebar. "CHoQ}ICKEN" is a very entertaining game. You have to cross the chicken to the other side of the road without it beingoR} hit by a car. The longer you play the faster the cars go. There is a time limit on the game. Put the joystick in port oS}#1. E-MAIL: Check the e-mail list for new addresses. DRIVE UPKEEP: To keep your disk drives happy. Read what you oT}can do. PRO DOC PRINT: An article and a program to print 40 column text files of docs in a professional manner. PoU}SRINT HEAD TEST. Test your printhead to see if all pins are firing. WORPROCESSORW `TEMPLATE:d Make a template of theoV} XLEnt Wordproceesor with all the commands that fits over your computer. YEARLY CALENDAR: This is for those of you whoW}o need a wall calendar with all your important dates listed. DIRECTORY MAKER: Improve your program by attaching this moduoX}le to it. HUMOR CORNER:A little chuckle for you FINGERS.BAS: A program that lets the computer do the typing instead of oY}you SIDE II Everything on side 2 is in TURBO BASIC. If you need the docs for TURBO BASIC you can ordoZ}+er Library Disk #100 from our librarian.8 FHAROLD PEGLERQ b129 KETCHAMS RD.i SYOSSET, NY 11791, Uo[}C .S.A. The price is $3.00$ including shipping. GAME - SUB. ATTACK. Press the spacebar to run this gao\}\me. Use a joystick in port #1. You will become the sub commander if you beat my score. USING ARRAYS. Want a veryo]} efficient and quick way to store data in your program? Learn how to use arrays. HOW TO SORT. Want to alphabetizeo^}Ǜ names or numbers? Read this article. TREASURER'S REORT. For those of you who handle the cash. DISK CLEANUP. A progro_}am to examine a disk and files for relvance and to clean up your disk. DISK MINI LABELS. You don't know what is on yoo`}ur disks. This program will print on 3 1/2 X 15/16 inch labels the directory of your disk. SELF BOOTING DISK. If yoa}ou want to make a self booting disk with TURBO BASIC, do the following: 1)Format a disk and put DOS.SYS and DUP.SYob}S on it. 2)Copy the AUTORUN.SYS file(TURBO BASIC) from side 2 of the N/L on your formatted disk. 3)Give your filenamoc}e the extension ".ARB"(Auto Run Basic). This program then will run automatically when the disk is booted up. On thio} FINGERS.BAS So you want your computer to do everything automatically? This is the program for you. Th} PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE* showed anothe method of transferring files from the sl}Atari disk drive to the PC without using an Atari computer. Al received a CD disk from Sage. This disk plays on tsm}Clhe PC. It was beautifully done on the history of the Atari. It even contained all the Ol'Hackers'p newsletters. sn}n These demoes were terrific in showing how the two computer systems can be merged. We wish everyone a heso}valthy and a happy new year. Don't forget your dues for the millenium! BYE FOR NOW, JACK GEDALIUS }>sp} > END<"v Don't forget your dues for the millenium! BYE FOR NOW, JACK GEDALIUS }>p!Ǜ MINUTES OF OHAUG MEETING 11/13/99 Before the meeting officially started all attending members prepared the Newsletwr}%ter for mailing. This was the final) 3Newsletter7 ALAN SHARKIS prepared as Editor. The meeting opened with JACK aws}!sking for the Treasury Report., TREASURY: RON FETZER reported that the Treasury is in the black. ALAN SHARwt}KIS read an email he received this morning from SAM CORY who reported that he is sad to say that JACG is havingwu} its last meeting and he is giving away his equipment. He feels the last meeting should be taped. We will ask him iwv}f he wants to stay on the list. HAROLD PEGLER reported that he is working on the Library. A short discussion followww}ed about the problems members are having using the Nassau Library internet system. After a short break the members allwx} participated in a general discussion. A general date was made to visit ALAN SHARKIS before the end of November as a groupwy} for a demonstration before he dismantles his Atari equipment. The next Newsletter will be prepared by RON FETZER anwz}d will include the next three months meetings and will be mailed in February. The next meeting of the OHAUG Club w{}will be on December 18, 1999 and the first meeting of the new year will be on January 8, 2000. There were no dow|}or prizes awarded at this meeting but ALAN SHARKIS brought in two tables full of items for members to take freely.w}}' The meeting came to a close at 3PM., OHAUG MEETING OF DEC. 8, 1999 We met at Alan Sharkis' house. Ann Sharkis pw~}rovided us with a fabulous lunch of bagels and all kinds of fixings and coffee and cake. We heard that our libraw}Grian Harold Pegler was in the hospital for two weeks. He is now at home and feeling better. Alan showed us how to w}make a disk image of an atari disk using the SIO2PC cable with his PC and 130XE. His PC can show Atari disk w} and programs on the PC. He can also download disk images to the 130 XE. Alan is going into adatptive computer inw}struction. He is a volunteer where people with various disabilities are learning how to operate a computer. Alan is w}assembling various computer hardware and software items to fit the abilities of the people he is working with. Alw}an closed his 8-Bit equipment and gave it to the club and various members of the club. He is now exclusivelw}y working with the PC platfrom. He will still remain a member of the club. We also saw CD of various 8-bw}it materials and a compliation of all the OL' Hackers disk newsletters. In addition we booted up the CD POOL DISKw} TOO from Holland were we saw an astounding array of materials all for the 8-Bit. Unfortunately for CD's you need a PC w}W to load them into the computer and then the SIO2PC to transfer them the[ ^theb Atari computer. $20.00 iw}+n dues for the next year were collected./ MINUTES OF OHAUG MEETING 1/8/00 RON FETZER opened the discussion plannw}Ǜ This article comes form the GARDEN CITY ATARI COMPUTER ENTHUSIASTS in Canada. It was written by JOHN PICKEN{}. WIFE 1.3 UPGRADE Last year, after hearing how great it was for so long, a friend of mine upgraded from{}m Girlfriend 3.0 to Wife 1.0. He has found Wife 1.0 to be a rescource hog, leaving him very littleq ufreey spac{}e for other applications. Wife 1.0 is also spawning Child-Subroutines, which further consumes valuable {} system resources. His system seems to diminish with each passing day. At first, he thought Wife 1.0 might be i{}nfected with a virus, but other users have assured him the Wife 1.0 is behaving normally and this behavior sh{}ould be expected due to the nature of the application. My friend also discovered that Wife 1.0 installed itself in {}Gsuch a way that it can monitor all other system activity. He now finds that some programs such as PokerNig{}ht 10.3, BeerBash 5.1 and PubNight 7.0 cannot run at all. If attempts to lunch them, Wife 1.0 complains about {}a sharing violations and crashes. He finds this behavior strange since he could run these programs just fine befor{}e the upgrade. At installation, he found Wife 1.0 provides no option to bypass the installation of undesired {} add-ons such as MotherInLaw 55.8 and BrotherInLaw Beta Release. Some features he wold like to see introduce{}d in the upcoming Wife 2.0 release. 1. A "Don't Remind Me Again" button 2. A Minimize button 3. An Install Shield that{} allows Wife 2.0 to be uninstalled at anytime without loss of cache or other resources. 3. An option to n{}vetwork driver in share mode. I have decided to forgo all the headaches associated with Wife 1.0 by stickingz wit{}h HGirlfriend 3.0. Hoverver, even that option has many problems.L Aparently you cannot install one version {}of Girlfriend before you unistall the old version first. To make matters worse, the unistall program doesn't work{} very well, leaving undesirable traces of the application in the system. If the newer version finds a reference (text {}/ image file, address) to the old version, Girlfriend will completely freeze until you reboot and remove the str{}ay reference. I am told this is a long standing bug which I should have been aware of. Also versions of Girlfriend {}have conflicts over shared use of the I/O port. You think they would fix such a stupid bug by now. Another thing that st{}inks - all versions of Girlfriend continually popup little annoying messages about the advantages of upgrading {}cto Wife 1.0 BUG WARNING. Wife 1.0 has an undocumented bug. If you try to installg oMistresss v1.0{ be{}fore uninstalling Wife 1.0, Wife 1.0 will delete all MSMoney files and seize your cache before doing the uninstall it{}self. The Mistress 1.0 will refuse to install, claiming insufficent resources. BUG WORKAROUNDS. If you can affor{}Gd it, try installing Mistress 1.0 on an entirely different system and never run any file transfer apllications such {}oas LapLink 6.0. Another possible solution would be to run Mistress 1.0 via an ISP under an anonymous name. }>{}>>>ENDx>`GMAFBSHIFCTRMODLINLWPLHE@EG@MOVW^_egnovw}}   !" )* 129:ABIJQRYZabijqrz}SAVE "D:FINGERS1.BAS_*- FAST FINGERS 2*W`* BY CRAIG CHAMBERLAIN *a*[ iANTIC MAGAZINEm u*b*y FEBU} ARY, 1984 *c-*dT(>:A%,1(FAST FINGERS BOOT FILE MAKERQ(by Craig Chamberlain 8/1/8} 3T(em +A #11A@5CCA@GLm(%P ǡΠΠŠnp&9A} ,9@p,;@ ,:-&GA>"G68,-K _-@KO@pSoc"l68,-p xW;I:u,&AP} ,'6-@36-@d,?6-A(K6-28W6->C&(PLEASE ENTER INPUT DEVICE SPEC.6.K4(KC4A}W~(>:A%,(G(/TYPE IN COMMANDS. When finished press CNTRL & 3J(M(W A[bt@fj@npv~ A}`,)@((>:,6E"@',9!67,.>:@(=H,/6-%@LT;6-@(XmE AP;4!@'qw* @2{*} 6-8%@(>,4 AP@4!A$* A(*6-8&@`Br,4 APE4!AT* A`*6-8&@v,4 A}7PJ*!AR 6-8&A,* APT56-=_!A')6-&A(56-@ctY7 6-@x&)6} 7,.>:@9,76-%@&^%",M6-A`% APc$ @'Qq6-%8,$ APh%"@2u6-@3}% APm, @@+"6-%8&@/E,, APr*"@@IU 6-%8@6Yo,* APw*"@As 6-%8}@',* AP|* @H , 6-8&@0F,* AP* @XJV 6-8&@!Zp,* AP* @et 6-8&}@,* AP, @!/"6-%8&@d3I,, AP* @MY 6-8&@A],* AP%"A#6-}C'A0% AP%"A$6-@y+>% AP;"DL6-@P]-67,.>:@`al,;6-%@p6-8&}@ ,'67,.>:,6-%@$*' A.J F:A,A6ANjG67,.>:AU, @n2A}DA@d?G(M(TOTAL:  KEYSTROKES+!ACM(WARNING: TOO BIG FOR PAGE SIXL((CASSETTE OR D}ISK )6-@:,L @g#)!@h'0)4A4?A6-@CJ$+"@gN,'6-B3+76-AA A s6-}@:@@"9 D:AUTORUN.SYSG@=FR@JRs7@VZ<@^,0 A +(APPEND}$4!(NO+ A `(6-@(/%+7@37<@;I,4Y,`7@MQ<@U`,0Y*7@dh<@l,0NA,}l(LOAD ADDRESS () ( A0,96-A6+(PATCH ADDRESS () 5 A@9b6-@p/(SPEED 1-})9 1=FAST->() 9 AP=b @-3)!@ 7Q)P:,A@&N6-@U]-@am+6-$@q/ N68@`} ,-'@&@/0(6-%6-%@W3o& A,6-6 AD6-%AN A\6-%@Vsf A} t6-%@)"~ A6-%@2&=: A6-%@VAU% A36-%@Ym= AK6-%@qU Ao}68@I ,-P:'AV,68@Q$y,-&AV$P:'AV,XM 6-&&6-&AV$P:'AV,76-P:'AV,A A}}MA0bh(@$; D:AUTORUN.SYS;*@?NAUN*@RaAU[*@enh*@rlW6-}%A%5*@3&AV$P:'AV,M*@7XP:'AV,W APvr#@\`@dxA(C:6*@|}X*@0P:+%AP,'A(,e*@4=r*@AM7*@QW%@U[l&AV$P:+%@Up,'AV,Y*}@P:+%@U','AV,m-@+/@3>q"~*@BQ E-WfA'*@j8,+ 9(@}EAi*@-A&)*@15@9@<*@DSA'O*@W[@_f\*@jsi*@w}@  B9)(ERROR F:A,# B=r&)D"%68,-&AV$P:'AV,A68%@v,-P:'}AV,D$ nn165,16,41,63,133,16,141,14,210,162,55,189,57,6,157,57,6,202,16,247,142,252,2,232,142,255,2,189,113,6,157!mm}G113,6,232,208,6,238,29,6,238,32,6,201,255,208,237,169,7,162,6,160,57,32,92,228,24,96,165,20,41,1,208,46"kk174,252,2,232,2}08,40,174,113,6,238,70,6,208,3,238,71,6,142,252,2,232,208,23,169,64,141,190,2,165,16,9#GG192,133,16,141,14,210,169,7,162,2}28,160,98,32,92,228,76,98,228,96*jj63,21,18,58,42,56,61,57,13,1,5,0,37,35,8,10,47,40,62,45,11,16,46,22,43,23,50,31,30,26,2}4,29,27,51,53+kk48,7,6,32,14,34,38,66,2,54,15,55,102,117,96,70,98,71,78,162,142,143,134,135,12,116,119,172,108,118,52,}44,158,180,1834 12,15,28,31,37,40,70,73,78>169,60,141,2,211 D:FINGERS.BAS228,76,98,228,96*jj63,21,18,5}8,42,56,61,57,13,1,5,0,37,35,8,10,47,40,62,45,11,16,46,22,43,21,2,211 D:FINGERS.BAS228,76,98,228,96*jj63,21,18,5|>is program writes an AUTORUN.SYS file (A BATCH file in P.C. speak) that automatically does all DOS functions w} O("Y" to Fmt) CX Y"^ _"e (Copy file) RAMDISK.C}OM,D2:RAMDISK.COM - RETURN Y( )". F" (Start copying) BO P"X " (RUN CARTDG.) These are the D}OS functions the program is to do. To activate the program: 1) Press CNTL & 3 2) PRESS "D" for disk 3) APPEND}A?Press RETURN(No append) 4) LOAD ADDRESS?Press RETURN (LoadT Address is O.K.) 5) PATCH ADDRESS?P}ress RETURN(Patch& 3Address O.K.)8 6) SPEED 1 Press RETURN(#1 O.K) You will now have an AUTORUM.S} YS file that will do $these( things automatically for you. This is your MASTER DISK. Put a blank disk in DR 2}C Start your computer. See# Show everything is done in DR #2. No moreX bformattingg iorm copying RAMDISK}.COM. the computer will do it. In a similar fashion you can make other AUTORUN.SYS (BATCH FILES) that do other thing}s. >END*<,S UN.SYS (BATCH FILES) that do other thingSing with members the Annual Valentine Dinner at Lambrow's. They wanted to reserve Friday, February 11 but after Jw}0s newsletter disk there are no M/L programs. @>CENDTw}C>>END<= >X o, at the library. }>tXCy{EE