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F0Ξ05: [ BDEHI%}%G VY8 B V  @  /DE `E:D1:DUP.SYSERROR-SAVING USER MEMORY ON DISKTYPE Y TO &}&GSTILL RUN DOS B;DE J  (` 9 V⪍ ઍ  -'}'GLLu ÝDEHILV 9 .l 9 .l  `` s$B BH(}(CrI|DE V BLV nB,DE JLV B V BLVDEIʩ BꭝLu  })G 3E:}DISK OPERATING SYSTEM II VERSION COPYRIGHT 1984 ATARI CORP.A. DISK DIRECTORY I. FORMAT DISKB. RUN CARTRIDG*}*C"E J. DUPLICATE DISKC. COPY FILE) hK. BINARY SAVED. DELETE FILE(S) L. BINARY LOADE. RENAME FILEm M. RUN AT ADDRES+}+CSF. LOCK FILE 5N. CREATE MEM.SAVG. UNLOCK FILE: pO. DUPLICATE FILEH. WRITE DOS FILES P. FORMAT SINGLEuL !N',},G#"&))9(&*)/h)''-&؆莟R'S  vL/ˢ L }Insert DOS 2.0s, type Y Λx -}-GDEfHI 1莏#q! @ y0ɛ8A0,' ȅ 1 1ild! 1L!NO SUCH ITEMSELECT.}.G ITEM OR FOR MENU! 0 .z:*{}.|{ 1 0 0JB 18L%|DL/}/G%DIRECTORY--SEARCH SPEC,LIST FILE?[# 0 0 &|D3" 1L!NOT A DISK FILEN !B 1L!E# 1 !BD0}0GED:}:1BJ|DE 1DEBHI 1 h0ߢ 0.1}1G  0?詛 1 y0YЛ 1 ;#L" ;#L! BL1TYPE "Y" TO DELETE...DELETE FILE SPEC2}2CVCOPY--FROM, TO?OPTION NOT ALLOWED697 FREE SECTORS COPYING---D8:COPY32.COM[l# 0|D .L/%#3}3G##JB|DE 1BHID#E 1#0: B 1L!#͑### B 1#c$0SY4}4GS1}:## # # .#Ƚ# # 𩛙## 1,#PD#ELJ- <.BJD#E 5}5G1 1HH 0hh|DL%1}:̳# L% #D#EL% 1 0 . .0O% 1L!WILD CARDS NOT A6}6GLLOWED IN DESTINATION 0 <.|K}>GN 2 FORMAT. t* 5) 1L!`) 0NΞ 0 L1) 1 L!BAD LOAD FILELOAD FROM WHAT FILE?) 0 ?}?G0#B 1L!WHAT FILE TO LOCK?) 0 0$B 1L!WHAT FILE TO UNLOCK?DUP DISK-SOURCE,DEST DRIVES?TYPE "Y" IF OK TO US@}@GE PROGRAM AREACAUTION: A "Y" INVALIDATES MEM.SAV.FE! +L1   `*  70 2 2A}AG 0.* 1 y0 0)INSERT BOTH DISKS, TYPE RETURN^, 1 y038逍 N, 1L! ,B}BGC, t*  Lx+, 0 ^, 1 y0 , ,0,0 ,L+ ,I0 ,Vǭ0C}CGΞ, 0 }, 1 y0C,ШC, 0K'!" H H 'h h Lx+!EF 5L1L!D,I,HhD}DG` NOT ENOUGH ROOMINSERT SOURCE DISK,TYPE RETURNINSERT DESTINATION DISK,TYPE RETURNE}EG`  `8 rL1`-* 1P* 1 y0Y`hhL!NAME OF FILE TO MOVE?- 0 0|DL% <.F}FG,^ 1 70 0 .@L# .BJ 1  DEHIB V L1 ,} 1 70,L.  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Have you always felt that with something a(}oC'3|Vol: 9 =heO [||Issue: w || p}pC  " %||1 @  J M||Y h r u||} q}qC    ||, :  E H||T U] _m || r}rC ||  ||  || s}sCf  ||  || Atari User Group Inc.(c)1985 ||j j} t}tC  |69|= YNewsletter For The Months Of^ a||j March/April 1991 u}uC |13}3vC $F |짠JO| |Xfpu| }w}wC" :pson Fx86e and EpsonB YCompatibles. Panasonica Star. Star Nx1000 Gemini x}xC Sakata Sp100 .tari 1025 Printer3 Oon Epson Compatibles andX nDaisy Wheel Printerss rint Roy}yCom Help File /ۿ Return To The Main Menu}/zC 'The Composing Room Help File- -IL R Before you can print any files you must le {}{Gt the program know what type of printer you're using and which of the possible formats you want. To make this as easy as |}|Gpossible for you, the printer configuration routine has been created as a series of menus where you choose your options wi }}}Gth simple keypresses. Once this configuration is done, you need not do it again unless you want to change the format of ~}~Cnthe output, or unless you exit the program. To reconfigure the printer, use option 3 from the main menu. t When choo }Gsing a printer from the printer menu, Selection E is for the printers listed and other Epson FX or MX compatables, Selecti }Gon A is for the Atari 1025, and Selection N is for all others. If in doubt, Selection N should work with any 80 column p }Grinter. If Selections E or A are chosen, you are given the choice of 2 or 3 column output printed at 6 or 8 lines/inch. }GSelection N automatically uses 2 columns at 6 lines/inch (Standard Pica). Selection E also gives the choice of draft or d }C]ouble strike print. All Selections give the choice of continuous paper or single sheets.~ }C } G ZERWOTWTRFOUPRMEKAFILEHELPMENUTITLECOL1COL2COL3LINEZLOSPACFNNCOLNSPSERPPAGCO$}CLIN&'./67>?FGMO UW ]_ eg mo uw}$}C !")*129:ABIJQRYZabijqry$}C !"$%#-G??ԠΠV rSAVE "D:NEWSLTR.BAS 6-x6-$}C@'6-@36-@'?6-@+ӠϠŠӭҠԬŠ̮Ϡ̮z($}C@ -E:(ARKB7t@d17'@;?@dCI3@M?AKA 'A@e$}C '@ 65K:6-6-)6-A2:B56-@F33;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;A2,$($}CA6.D1:WELCOME.SCR(8EA !A@hES3B7t@dW]E@ae@diL. A 6.$}C6. $(. A%`t-@!)V8($Programmed For The Ol' Hackers AtariJ-\`@"dt(% User Group Inc. B$}Cy:Kris Holtegaarde00(' (Modified, By:Thomas J. Andrewsj666.,THE OL' HACKERS' ATARI U.G., INC. NEWSLETTERt6$}C7B:,%,.7<@8V,y&-B:,6&7<,0 AU~ L 6. 67@Zo,.#67,.C6-+@s&,'@$}C%@ #L67,.'A @'Y#-A2P' H6.D1:MAINMENU.HLP$@]d5@htA@xH($}C!}!A !A@h%C" A (" AGX(]B7t@d\b'@fj@dn9A @$}C E-@"V( Selection: ]6.2/ )/+"AU)"A&,*4A07"AUA`9."A&*$}CYB:,"6.$*. A0:0"A&6.7:,*2B:,"@eA` A0$}C/ +@ -/(@7TURN DISK OVER/-@;B/(@FTHEN PRESS ANY KEY5AdAU)& A$}C405% D:PROG.BASo+A%A @8>7-@BF@JjQ(NO PROGRAM THIS MONTHc-@nr@voAR$}CVB'(FLIP DISK AGAIN AND PRESS A KEY1 A08)B A6 (}-@ Z^@ b6( What's Your Pleasure?$}C_B7t@d'@#@d'-9-@15@9jX(enu rint ead: _)8"@wn((.( $}C Main Menu.%8 A"@)-AP1<8"@@L((.(R [Read File_.e8 AFi.-B:,6.$}CI D1:**.TXT.67<,.7<,F A"@A )5@M\<(}F A5`p  A4F:A$}C,"A6*@@@4 A5PMMIF K=65 AND PEEK(195)=170 THEN Z=LEN(MENU$):GOTO 2160 ĠӠśpA$}EC  @ 4@e8*F:A,"Ap:(}L-@<@@Dqp(Not In This Months News Letter! AFu AF$}C! A!` TA @!/'A@h3:T((} @[짠` 00(( à$}C$ ]B7t@d(.'@26@d:/-6)>(>:,SF:Ad,"AF] A5P MF:@$}C,"@# @(" <' (More) 1>G)M(}   mAdAU(0(File Complete:Q(P$}C(ress Any Key for Next FileX)j@,0@@4rm$NA %6.D1:PRESSPRT.MNU*5G@v@@$}CAN(}((6-C:hhhhh Ȅԩ`,!A@hE!A " A@`(" A@@A $}C@ QB7t@d &'@*.@d289-@<@@ DgJ( Selection: Q)!!"@ikq)"@euyAH}$}C "@xAC","@c&>' A@@BSA@TK ADW(}3D1:PRESSPRT.HLP$}C= A5 G A@#KÛC6-@f'/6-@V3G!6-'6-36-@KW96-C AI[0S6-F:A,"A6E($}C@! Viewing Complete Press Any KeyL)O$SÛDU (}-@DH@L'"A8K(Your Printer is Not On Line...$}CU AF AX<"Ap2(Printer Help File Not Found...< AFETb= (}-@X\@`3(ERROR # F:A,= A$}CFl A@-A#3 $7@7G6-!"@eK'6--6-7 AH@F (}-"(PRINT ST$}C4YLE?0( . DRAFTF(. DOUBLE STRIKE0)@8D6-&@dH0 )!AH U (}-3( PAGE COLUMNS &$}G LINE SPACING?U(. 2 COLUMNS AT 6 LINES/INCHh%(. 2 COLUMNS AT 8 LINES/INCHG(. 3 COLUMNS AT 6 LINES/INCHh($}C/. 3 COLUMNS AT 8 LINES/INCH( )( @e39)!@h=PAH@g6-@fT\6-@V`h'6-@l-6-C"@f$}C)"@h O6-@[6-@#+g6-@v/:!@f>6-$I (}-!( PAPER TYPE?4(. CONTINUOUSI($}C". SINGLE SHEETS8( )( @e&,)!@f04AI8CB"@fG6-&'ÛC]]IF PRT=TWO AND PT=66 THEN NL=NL-LN$}C-SP/TWO:REM ӠӠŠŠנ̮5fL$/ 6-6. D1:**.TXT6-%"/ A@j? (}-#($}C Printing.S?(Use -P to Pause+(Use -C to Cancel+-@W) 6. 67,.67,.#6.)6$}C./ - A`&6-'6-@@*P/-"F:Ad,"A8" AUT,F:Ad,"AF", A$}C& &APAQ!AQ 67<,. AQ@67<,. AQ@67<,.) 6-%6-%@9$}C1 ! )6-%"F:Ad,"A8" AU5#,F:Ad,"AF", A(7 A&@$}COP:,"7(@2 "(GF6  '6-+",$%+",$+@S&,6(=:,PN ((($}C":6-+",$@ %+",$@"+G*@'/GN*Z: 6-6-@@Kg-$6.*":6. p _"F:Ad$}C,"A8" AU`,F:Ad,"AF", Ad<67B:,%,.7<,)67B:,%,.7<,<67B:,%,.7<,$}CFn"6-?:?FGNOVW^_fgnovw}-7}7C  7SAVE "D:PYRAMID.BASd7 +=C-@ GK@O7(*** THE PYRAMID ***p(ADJUST TV CONT-8}8GRAST ANDq!(BRIGHTNESS TO MINIMUM.!(r (ADJUST TV COLOR AND TINTs$!(TO SUIT INDIVIDUAL TASTE.$(x( YOUR CHO-9}9CXICE:( (0) RANDOM PARAMETERS((( (1) USER CONTROLLED PARAMETERS'"^d+@$hn' Ar@-:}:CAP-(-("DRAW BACKGROUND OF VERTICAL LINES?( (0) EVEN LINES( (1) ODD LINES( (2) NO BACK-;};CGROUND"@*A0!!06*@:A((DRAW PYRAMID IN MODE%%( (0) FROM THE CENTE-<}<C=R OUTWARD$$( (1) FROM THE LEFT TO RIGHT!!CI*@MA`"("(FOR APEX OF PYRAMID USE"(-=}=C9 (0) ONE POINT,( (1) TWO POINTS6@!!?E*@IAJ%(%(SPACING OF RAYS FROM APEX?T$$(->}>C,(USUALLY AN INTEGER: 2 TO 6)^ @0APh%(%(DRAW BLACK VERTICAL LINES?r( (0) EVEN LINES|(-?}?C4 (1) ODD LINES( (2) NO LINES"@8IA !!OU*@Y]Aa(( WHEN FINISHED$-@}@CN$( (0) GOTO RANDOM PARAMETERS( (1) HOLD THE PATTERN!!TZ*@^qAP#"@u+@$-A}AC# A 6-P:H:%*,$@.<,6-P:H:BG,$@KY,6-P:H:_d,$@ht,%%6-@x%P:H:-B}BC ,$@7,"*"*"A6-P:H:=B,$@FP,&@wTV\eX70@ikqsy70-C}CC@@!l!@%6A@v @:F6- AJS"Y_ A cn"@rx A0|-D}DC-A@(6= @,T,AY%/A1,AY=/Zc] iu,AY{3-E}EC/A&@E,AY$(Y/.4&@8G] !@KZA  `l6- Ap"@-F}FCA "H:, ? "("+@$,J 6-6-6- ANc-A@gp,v/A-G}GC $-1AXY @5A,AYGg3/AY%AE,AYmY/AY&A-H}HC M d,AY-/A`%A9,AYM/AX&A   $ -jA % @-I}IC#,AY%/A : )5,AY;C3/%@GmA7 :$D2:PYRAMID.BAS},mJG enough to know what I was signing when I signed it. He wanted to be sure that I understood that I was giving up ALL the rig)K}KGhts to the program, and that Antic could subsequently do anything they wanted with it. Other than that, he didn't have any p)L}LCroblems with it. Now I'll add a few tips of my own, gathered from my own experience. Please remember that I have been )M}MGsuccessful in getting accepted only once, and my opinions and conclusions might be all wet. All I can say is that they make )N}NC sense to me. First of all, be prepared for rejection and don't take it personally. I submitted two other programs with )O}OGCustomer List Manager and two more since then. None were accepted. Two were probably too limited in their appeal, one of th)P}PGem used a programming technique that could easily crash the system if not used properly, and the other was probably judged no)Q}QGt useful enough to type in for its length. A rejection does not necessarily mean that your submission had no merit-it just m)R}RGeans that they can't use it right now. Don't expect any comments from the editor on the reasons for your rejection, much as )S}SGyou might like to have them. Maybe they already have a backlog of accepted programs a mile high. Maybe it closely resembles)T}TG another submission or a public domain program you are unaware of. Maybe it just doesn't fit their desired editorial directi)U}UGon. Maybe it needs a little more work-some error trapping or other refinements. Remember, there are only six Antics a year,)V}VG each one using from 5 to 7 or so programs. Also, much of the magazine market has disappeared, so most of the authors who we)W}WGre submitting to the other magazines are now submitting to Antic, meaning that the competition is tougher. Of course, this s)X}XC$ituation only sweetens the success.) All right, how about some positive advice! Error trapping is VERY important! A pro)Y}YGgram that crashes because someone inputs a letter instead of a number will not be accepted, no matter how useful it might be.)Z}ZG Try to anticipate any error that some idiot might make and compensate for it in your program. When you have that done, ant)[}[Gicipate all the errors that the same idiot couldn't possibly make but will anyway, and compensate for them, too. Never forge)\}\Gt Murphy's Law! Customer List Manager went through at least six major revisions and countless minor ones before the publishe)]}]Cd version was produced. Programs should be efficient and easy to run. Modular programming methods are best and spaghett)^}^Gi code is to be avoided at all costs. One of the purposes of these publications is to illustrate and promote good programmin)_}_Gg technique, so they aren't going to appreciate programs that don't use it. This is the easiest (and usually best) way to pr)`}`Cogram, anyway. Try to write your programs so that they will work with as wide a range of equipment as possible in your c)a}aGlass, be it 8-bit or ST. The more people that can use your program, no matter what system used, the better. It is indeed fo)b}bGrtunate that the Atari 8-bit Operating System has remained as compatable as it has over all models. The ST is probably the s)c}cCMame, although I can't say from personal experience. Use this compatability!R When writing the article, be as concise as )d}dGyou can while still getting in all the pertinent information. Articles that are overlong or obviously padded to increase the)e}eG length reduce the chances of being accepted. Spelling and grammar are also important. Watch those typos! The main strengt)f}fGh of a word processor is in its editing capabilities, so use them! If you don't have a word processor, there are two good on)g}gGes available for the 8-bit from the public domain-Speedscript and TextPro. There are no doubt some for the ST as well. Chec)q}hCSTddiCB%DOS SYSB*)DUP 9SYSBSAUTORUN SYSBTHELP= DOCBgAUTORUN COMBhMAINMENUHLPBoWELCOME SCRBvPRESSPRTMNUjGB zPRESSPRTHLPB8NEWSLTR BASBmBGETPUB TXTB6PYRAMID BASB |CEDIT TXTB EEDITL TXTB DFORBEG TXTBFBLACK TXTkCBNEWLIB1 ASCqGk with the club librarians for sources. You don't HAVE to have a printer to use a word processor, although it's a little lik)r}rC1e having a car that won't shift out of low gear!6 So-if you feel you have written a top notch, user friendly, practical p)s}sGrogram, don't keep it to yourself! Send it in! What DO you have to lose? You know, I could use a new printer, and that pro)t}tGgram I've been working on is pretty good. Hmmm...The address for Antic and START is:Antic (or START) MagazineAntic Publ)u}uGishing, Inc.544 Second StreetSan Francisco, CA 94107I am:Thomas Andrews7805 US Route 20Manlius NY 13104[For those )v}vGinterested in this sort of thing, the first draft of this article was written using a medium point Bic pen with black ink on )w}wGthe backs of some scrap copy paper. Editing and final preparation were done with Speedscript 3.0 on a 48K Atari 800 connecte)x}xGd to an XF551 drive and using DOS 2.5 in enhanced density on a Computer Direct 19 cent generic disk. The article was never p)y}yGrinted before submission. (See? You CAN use a word processor without a printer!!!) Then sent by U.S. Mail to Ken Wickert (A.)z}zGC.E. of Syr. 8-Bit VP) to upload Via Modem to our Newsletter Editor Fred Dunaway and ended up in his 1040ST for inclusion in ){}{Gour Newsletter.]A.C.E. OF SYRACUSE NY. 1990density of thedrive you are about toformat, unless the drive is notcapab(.|C(-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=2 BEDITORS MESSAGER UBY_ CARLOS HURTADO-=-=-=-=-=-=-=1}}}G-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Welcome to another issue of The Ol'Hackers Newsletter. Well another monthof fun and games j1~}~Gust flew on by.Another Newsletter packed with newideas and improvements. I hope thateach and every reader out th1}Gere justtakes some time to write a letter toour programmers, Kris Holtegaard, TomAndrews, and Ron Fetzer for there1}Goutstanding support and effort tobring you this fine newsletter for thepast few months. My hat goes off toall of 1}C4them.Please take time out to check out bothsides.? We now have two sidesfilled with lots of good things. Don'tf1}Gorget to check out the BASIC programjust by hitting the space bar from theMain Menu.We also want your input on the n1}Gewimprovements made to this Newsletter.Forward your comments, be theycriticisms, suggestions. Not only arethey 1}CA welcome, but we are lookingforward to hearing from you.g l thepMYDOS User Ma0hC' (/ /F*Gm nw AN EDI5}CTORIAL *by A. Pignato/ A war is in progress in theMIDDLE EAST, with people dying on bothsides5}G. When will man learn thatviolence begets violence and rarelysolves anything for any length oftime. I did5}Gn't want us to go to war,specially not for OIL, but I thinkthere is a deeper and more validreason as well. Shoul5}Gd we have allowedthe 4th largest army in the world, runby a man who has grandiose ideas ofbeing the saint of the ARABS,5}G and, whoin the past 8 year war with IRANshowed an utter disdain for HUMANLIVES and values, get control of th5}Geworld by controlling the MIDDLE EAST(and the oil reserves too)? I thinksooner or later we would have had amuch 5}Gmore horrendous war with manymore lives lost. I don't know if I'mright, but I cling to the hope thatafter this i5}Gs over, the PALESTINEquestion is somehow resolved, andpeace can reign again!Anyhow, thats this mans opinion...LETS5}CALL PRAY FOR PEACE! 2* memory area specified,as well as adding an initializationand a run ve43C*2For The BeginnerN*dBOOT WITHOUT BASICs-On the 9}GXL & XE Computers: (1) Turn onyour disk drive and TV. (2) Insert thedisk into the disk drive. (3) Holddown the OPTION9}G key on your computer.(4) Turn ON your computer while stillholding down the OPTION key. (5) Aftera couple of seconds 9}Glet go of theOption key.On the OLD 800 Computer: (1) Removeyour Basic cartridge from yourcomputer. (2) Turn9}G on your disk driveand TV. (3) Insert the disk into thedisk drive. (4) Turn on yourcomputer.BOOT WITH BASIC9}C-On the XL & XE Computers: (1) Turn onyour disk drive and TV. (2) Insert thedisk into the disk drive. (39}G) Turn onyour computer.On the OLD 800 Computer: (1) Insertyour BASIC cartridge into yourcomputer. (2) Turn o9}Ckn your disk driveand TV. (3) Insert the disk into thedisk drive. (4) Turn on yourcomputer.} 9}C s) willbeexecuted and the programstarted at its run address unless the"/N"parameter is added t8Cfile name. If the file is not abinaryfile, you will be returned withan "Error -- 180". A binary file thatis corruG-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-8 Bit News FlashBy Carlos Hurtado-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=Once again=}G Black Moon Systems in WindGap, Pa. has done it again! Coming outreal soon Small Business Systems 1.4!I know that you =}Gremember them. Theyhave productivity programs to run onyour 8 Bit systems for a smallbusiness.LABELMASTER---=}C-Allows you to create and edit data onscreen. You design your label,compatible with any DOS, written i=}C*nmachine language.MULTI-COLUMN LISTER<-Another machine language program whichinterfaces with LABE=}GLMASTER. Thisprogram lets you print one to sixacross labels. Using the PrinterDriver Editor, makes this p=}Grogramcompatible with any printer. A mustprogram for the mailing list users.Black Moon systems is looking foru=}Gsers who have written their ownPrinter Driver for this program.Please write to them along with aprintout =}CZ of the Printer Driver, forthem to place in the next upgrade.SMALL BUSINESS SYSTEMSp-A group o=}Gf programs that allow smallbusiness owners to run their businesson the Atari Computer.Included in thispackage is are f=}Gollowing programs:INVOICE, PURCHASE ORDER, EXPENSEREPORTS, PROFIT & LOSS, SALES & TAXREPORTS, INCOME ENTRY AN=}GD INVENTORYPROGRAMS.Black Moon Systems are in the processof Upgrading to 1.4. If you need moreinformation on any =}C9 of the aboveprograms or want to send them a copyof= AyourE LPrinterP VDriverZ forMulti-Column Lister, here is=}Ca theiraddress, tell them Carlos sent ya!Black Moon SystemsP.O. Box 152Wind Gap, Pa. 18091} =}C }< C H-OL' HACKER'S Disk Library- 6/18/88-9-10-88---R Ry- A}C 8DISK 1A IS A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF DISK CONTENTS!B Bi-jt Disk # 1 A}C )Descriptions:6 q(Please note, all W. GERMANY BIT BYTER Disks are different{ anA}C6d interesting, as are all PAGE 6 DISKS from ENGLAND!)@ @g-is #1: ANTIC A}CBusiness disk RThis has files and other programs which make certain\ business tasks easier than withouA}Ct this disk. Full of very$ \usefull FINANCIAL type programs. Helps to project moneyf earnings, savings etc.A}C F#2: GAMES and UTILITIES Files that have to do with COMPUTEP disks. All files are like that of a COMPUTE dA}C isk. SOUND Nfiles, and INSIGHT column information, by Bill WilkinsonX etc.. When COMPUTE was real good! 198A}C6 JULY, AUG, SEPT, OCT," >NOV, DEC. all on one disk!H _#3: COMPUTE's Disk '86n This disk has aA}C' variety of files to run and use. Most1 fneed to be LOADed as indicated in the proper month'sp magazine. FilA}C+es include games and word procesors. Worth5 >having!H #4: This disk includes many games that have "Built inA}C Docs." Pand will tell you how to run the program. Doorprize and a LasZ Vegas game is included. Another gooA}Cd VALUE ANTIC - 1987 DISK!& d#5: Some games and other files for fun. They are mainly gamesn in Basic. Can bA}C.e used to learn to modify programs! O.K. Disk8 KANTIC - FEB. 1987U #6: Each file tells you how to run it anA}Cd there are puzzles Vto play as well. A winner for sure. ANTIC - MARCH 1987` #7: Games that you need to plA}C ay to understand. It takes time* eto figure them out but they are interesting. Helps you useo your noggin! AA}CNTIC - APRIL 1987 W#8: FAMILY TREE program and 2 pics and some odd programs.a DOCS are on side 2. Prints tA}C!o SCREEN or PRINTER. FAMILY TREE+ g- Save the family PEDIGREE for future family members. ANTICq RESOURCS A}C D#9: Bi-Monthly Bit Byter Disk in foreign language (GERMAN).N You can learn a lot of different programming idA}C eas! March !1987 Disk.+ i#10: Great for all you STAR TREK fans! Self loading demo disks with many,A}C2 many pics to view. Just turn on the computer and< xwatch it go! GET THIS ONE! These are NOT 62 Sector pictures!}A}C  Q#11: This is a disk with TURBO BASIC. It is from GERMANY, and[ will speed up your BASIC programs A}C5 to 10 times. Loads from$ ]DOS 'L'. All 8 Bit owners should have this MUST PROGRAM!g Basic was never this gA}Cood! K#12: This disk has many different kinds of Printer utilityU files and many disk lablers. Not all of A}Cthem work with TSparta-Dos, so use 2.5, or 2.0S A REAL BONANZA for PRINTER^ lafficiandos.v 13: GamA}C4e, called Wheel of Fortune. For the 800XL and 65XE.> ZGood fun for whole family!d #14: Also has Wheel of FoA}C!rtune for the 130XE and upgrades+ ecompatible to the 130XE. Also good fun for whole family!o #15: Fast paceA}C-d and decent graphics games. Though they are7 rhard but much fun. Tryit youll like it! Try 'CRASH DIVE' -| YA}C(ou'll like this real ARCADE type GAME!2 o#16: Tons of FONTS and FONTMAKERS for your computer. Printery freaA}Cks, grab this one! \#17: TOUCH-EDIT conversions and graphic demos. Pick and load.f Comes with its own DOCSA}C'! VEEERY INTERRESSTING and its a great1 NENHANCED 1050 UTILITY DISK!X #18: Disklabler which will allow you A}Cto label ANY Dos disk.! [Any version. For the labeling of Sub-Dirs leave E-MAIL one WQNR BBS 516-698-7456 foA}C$r "THE CLERK". A WOW OF A DISK. Now. Pyou can see whats on your DISKS!Z #19: Disk utilities DOS 2.0, & inclA}Cudes on side 2, a DOS 4.0$ autility package same format as DOS 2.5 and compatibles, withk the LOADIT programA}C! K#20: This GERMAN DISK is called 'HI RES DUMP' from BIT BYTER.U There are pics on the disk. InstructionsA}C on sides 1 & 2. Will ]Dump Pics to EPSON and other printers. A knockout of a DISK!g Get it, you have a winA}C ner here! S#21: Graphic printer with built in docs and Pics. Easy to use] Side 2 is another KNOCKOUT DISK,A}C with EXCEPTIONAL GRAPHICS.& RHit 'START' after title page is on SCREEN!\ #22: Two sides of Pics for use wiA}Cth disk #21. Get both. Be$ `sure to check out this new DOS from GERMANY- uses DOS II+/Dj sby OSS!} A}C<#23: PRINT SHOP utilities with docs. Nothing more has to beF dsaid! ANOTHER 3 STAR WINNER!n #24: GERMAN DemA}EC-o with pics. It allows you to play with other::D pics on the disk. ALSO has GAMES on side 2- REAL GOOD STUA}CFF, Try it!! ]#25: This DISK is jam packed, it has a few games and a alsog teaching type programsA}C%, as well as more UTILITIES, another/ Hreal GOLD MINE BONANZA!R #26: All pics. Plenty of Graphics! Side 1 lA}Coads 5 or 6 PICS Ufor display- DOCS are on screen. Side 2 has a good SCREEN_ DUMP, and more pics. They knowA}C their GRAPHICS in Germany% =where this comes from!G #27: A great Playboy pic loadable from DOS and a GreatA}C demo Jby the OL' HACKERS Group. Also a program for viewing mostT Pics. Better get this one, its a doozy (aA}C MUST HAVE), a 10 in 2scale of 1 tp 10!< x#28: Foriegn (GERMAN) Sounder Magazine (SpecialEdition) and} A}C many Pics for KoalaPad.( f#29: A FOREIGN (GERMAN) language DOS 2.5 (Extremely fast DOS)p and some PicsA}C, as well. Add this DOS and pictures to your6 Ccollection!M #30: Bit Byter disk #6, in GERMAN. With pic's anA}Cd other Kthings-great to experiment with, and pick up new ideas!U #31: Another Bi-monthly GERMAN Bit ByterA}C Disk #7. ALso great 5to experiment with.? #32: Games with an auto-loader on side 1. Hit 'R' to RUN, andA}C Fthen the letter near the inversed program you picked. GreatP pmenu called 'CATALOG'. TRY IT!z #33A}C8: Binary loading games. Most are fun but some have poorB Mgraphics.W #34: This disk has another labler and A}Ca sound creating file.! ^And a drawing file. Among other things. A real GREAT VALUE!h #35: All Epson disk. A}C%Has many keyboard Demos and lablers./ hO.K. Epson (and compatibles) Side 2 has ANTIC DATABASE &r other UTILIA}CTIES! This ones for you!$ `#36: Color Graphics demos, a font maker, jokes, mailinglistj processor and SuperA}C# Directory which gives you a short- ddescription of each file, which you can make up. Worthn having, just foA}C/r the SUPER DIRECTORY. WHAT A BARGAIN THIS IS!9 tAlso has 'BREAKDANCE' program. Watch them dance up a storm} A}C3 with music too. Has a 'README' for instructions!= u#37: PRINTSHOP GRAPHIC EDITOR, with DOCS for PRINTER or} A}C@ SCREEN. An Icon Drawing file which has settings for Joystick,J mouse, and Koalapad. side 2 Also has teaching gamesA}C as well ]as a very unusual and EXCELLENT MENU! Also for use with PRINTg SHOP. For you GRAPHICSA}C bugs! H#38: Bi-monthly Bit Byter, #9,-GERMAN DISK. Great forR experimentation and learning new programingA}C ideas! O#39: Bi-monthly Bit Byter, #10,-GERMAN DISK. ALSO great forY experimentation, and learning new prA}Cograming ideas! R#40: Bi-monthly Bit Byter Club. GERMAN DISK. great for\ experimentation and new programmiA}C ng ideas. R#41: TURBO BASIC GEMSCRIPt comes from Dr. CARLSON, CLEVELAND\ OHIO, for use with Gemini and EPSA}CON compatable printers. A$ `must have if you ghave a GEMINI 10X Printer! Be sure to getj this one. Complete A}C,and VERY DETAILED printout DOCS on side 2.6 t#42: There is a FANTASTIC WELCOME screen and then a few other} A}C= UTILITIES. Run 'CATALOG.BAS' for MENU, hit 'R' to run, thenG fthe Letter near your program.p #43: PRINT SHA}C-OP Icon editor. Same as disk #37. Side 2 has7 rloads of new PRINT SHOP ICONS from CLEVELAND, worth having| jA}C$ust for the many many ICONS alone!. i#44: Demos galour and loads of utilities for Dos's such ass 2.0, 3.0, A}C42.5, 2.6r Atari Dos and others such as those. Don't> ylet this one get away! I know you will love this one. From} A}C A.C.E. of EUGENE, OR.' c#45 This disk autolaods into the RAMDISK (if you have one),m then automaticalA}C,ly runs 'SCRENPRT', also contains UTILITIES6 twith an Auto Dialer and the other side even if you don't have} A}C$ TOUCH-TONE, this will act as one.. H#46: Daisy Dot/Dot Magic.W Labels, & works as a typewriter too, aA}Cnd prints text Ofiles and Pics. One great P.D. disk! A MUST FOR EVERYY cLIBRARY!m #47: Best of ANTA}C*IC, ANOLOG & COMPUTE- 2 sides. Has a real4 ovariety of programs. Saves lots of typing. EXCELLENT valuey for A}Cany LIBRARY! S#48: Side 1- BILLBOARD - for GEMINI 10X. Side 2- BILLBOARD] for EPSON and compatables, with A}Cgreat FONTS for both sides. A( Jmust for graphic printer lovers!T #49: BIT BYTER # 12 (GERMAN) Bi-monthly DA}Cisk magazine. Always Ugreat graphics, etc. Lots to learn from this disk! An_ xadventure in discovery!} A}C @#50: BIT BYTER # 13 (GERMAN) Bi-monthly Disk Magazine fromJ West Germany. As in all othe BIT BYTER, a value DISA}CK for ;experimentation and learning!E #51: ANALOG #60- May 1988. The revived new ANALOG- HelpsA}C to Fhave the May magazine. Includes "SUPER BONUS" program!P #52: ANALOG #61- June 1988. Getting better, lA}Cots of UTILITIES Tincluding "GEM SETUP", games etc. Includes "SUPER BONUS"^ hprogram.r #53: Side #A}C11, PRINTSHOP UTILITIES- including "PSLABELS" and; uother fantastic P/S Utilites. Side #2, DOT MAGIC Expanded} A}C< Docs- 252 Sectors chock full of info on use of DOT MAGIC,F About 15 single spaced pages. Really learn to use DOT MA}CAGIC, Nfor great letters, reports, etc. Many NLQ FONTS also on disk.X Mix FONTS etc. AN ABSOLUTE MUST HAVE A}CDISK- This is one of the# =best buys in the LIBRARYN Nu-v} A}C 8These comments are just opinions you may may thinkB something different of the file(s). This is for informationB}C >and guidelines regarding OL' HACKERS Library only.H Ho=pz ***B}C:* The LIBRARY also has DISKS named [A], [B], & [C], whichD are NEW DISKS FROM A.C.E. ST. LOUIS, which contain SPARTAB}C DOS KUTILITIES on a DISK formatted with '2.5' (you don't have toU load SPARTA DOS). Each of the three DISKB}CS are 2 SIDES, CHOCK WFULL of MANY NEW SPARTA DOS COMMANDS and DOCUMENTATION! [*]g g}=B}C= Z#54 THE 10 BEST UTILITIES with full docs from "ATARI USERS"d mag. Excellent Basic UTILB}C%ITIES such as 'DATAEDIT', DISKEDIT',/ iDISKERROR', 'DSKRENUMBER', DUMP15', 'FULLPRNT','ARTSHOW',s 'DISCVIEW'B}C. FSIDE -2- HAS FULL DOCUMENTATION OF ALL OF THE ABOVE, withP 'HELPFILE' (197 sect), 'HELPFILEONE' (148 secB}Ct), G'HELPFILESEC' (50 sect). A MUST FOR EVERY P.D. LIBRARY!Q #55 SOUND EFFECTS and TUTORIAL - Excellent tB}Cool for use in Qyour own programs-use exact lines as shown. Learn SOUND[ uEFFECTS at your own pace.} B } C9 SIDE -2- MORE USEFUL UTILITIES - DOSWIZ, FASFORMt.EXE,C LACEMNU2.EXE, REPAIR, SECTCOPY, SHADOW, WARPMENU, --many aB } Cre ?brand new- Bet you never used some of the above!I # 56 BASIC LESSONS 1 TO 8--As they say in the adds, B } C LEARN at KYOUR OWN PACE, at HOME. NO SALSEMAN will call! From ourU friends at J.A.C.G., a full two sided diB } Csk chock full of Xbasic lessons. So full that there is NO ROOM for DOS & DUP!b FANTASTIC does not begin toB } C" describe this disk. All you want, Kto know about BASIC and more!U U|*B}C % 7SPACE Club DISK.A xThe following is from the SPACE group. More disks will} B}C Bfollow, out of order, so use the below type code to identifyL ^when you order. h # 63-S PRINT SHOP UTIB}C#LITIES with DOCS. ICONSHOP, PSPIC,- LSHOPTOOL, DOCREADER, PACKTOOL.V SIDE -2- ARTSHOP, PSFCONV, PSFLOAD, PSPB}CRINT, SHOPRINT, UPSUTIL, FLIPPER2, with even more documentation! TRULY WORT_ $29.50 or more, so don't miss B}C this one! <*=G These are continuation of regular numbered disks. B}C @# 57 POKEY PLAYER. This disk is loaded with both pop andJ classical music. It will automatically play one sonB}Cg after >the other, or you can skip any one of them.H SIDE -2- AMP music - This is the newest music maker- B}Calso Kloaded with popular CHRISTMAS music, and others such as THEU NUTCRACKER, THE MUNSTERS, SILVERBELLS etB}Cc. As a BONUS, you Yhave the AMS program that converts AMS music to AMP music.c #58 DOS XE system for the B}C$new XF551 DISK DRIVE.(THIS IS BRAND. :NEW- 1989)D #58A DOCUMENTATION for the DOS XE system disk. Consists oB}Cf F133 pages of information regarding the use of the system.P TO ROUND OUT YOUR LIBRARY, YOU SHOULD HAVE boB}Cth DOS XE DISK 1AND the DOCUMENTATION!; p#59 COMBO DISK. This one has some of the most usefulz utiB}C4lties, and a good game too. JACKET PRINT, LAZYLOAD,> tDIRECTORY PRINT (by Our own JIM HAMMERGREN), GUP, new} B}C8 programing tricks (with demo), KLEIDSCOPE (a wow of aB graphic display which YOU control with your joystick- I B}C @guarantee that it will overwhelm you with its colors andJ versatility), MENUOHAC,(OL' HACKER titled menu), anB}Cd CAR MFINANCE, a program to figure your costs when buying a car orW anything. The game is FAIRWAY (a 218 sB}Cector basic GOLF game)," ]very much fun to play. You pick your own club, strength ofg shot and direction. B}C FSIDE -2- UTILITIES. Remember the demo of BOOTDIR (for DOS 2.0P &/or 2.5)? It puts your directory on screen wB } C/in 2 seconds, Twhile rest of disk loads! LOADRAM (also was demo'ed), will^ load programs into your RAMDISKB!}!C, if you use [.RAM] as the% cextender. NUDISKLABLE, is in my opinion, the best labeler form your disk jacketB"}"C-. The main title is 38 large characters, and7 qthe program names are in 4 columns and small font. If you{ haB#}#C;ve won a DOOR PRIZE, you have probably seen the results.--E TEXTMAN.DOCS, EXP 850 CONVERTER, EXP 850 DOCS, FIXXL, B$}$C CDISKFIX, (no explaination necessary for these), and one ofM the best MENU PROGRAMS I have seen (77 sectors),B%}%C with all Jkinds of options, including customizing. T WITHOUT ANY EXAGGERATION- These are some B&}&Cof the best values Ain the library. GRAB THIS ONE TOO!K 60 SPARTA DOS TOOLBOX- PUBLIC DOMAIN- Sides 1 and B'}'C2.  KYou could buy ICD's TOOLBOX for SPARTA DOS, or you could buyU this one, which has almost all of the coB(}(C mmercial ICD Uutilities, including the latest version, JAN 1989 "UNARC.COM"_ by BOB PUFF. Also you will finB)})Cd that because most of the% `programs are "ARC'd" the disk is really loaded, almost allj are with DOCS! InclB*}*C uded are: JSCANNER.ARC, SUPERKEY.ARC, MENU_X2.ARC, RAMDSCAN.ARC,T COMMBUFF.ARC, WHATIS15.ARC, XF32d.ARC, XMB+}+C OVE21.ALF, SFASTLOAD.BAS, FORMAT.COM, NCHSET.ARC, and as a special BONUS:] AWPLUS.TXT, AWPMOD.TXT (AWP=ATARB,},CIWRITER), and finally but not( fleast PLFIX.BAS (PLANETARIUM Fix). Can you see the tremendousp value here? B-}-C * Y# 61 This disk is called "OL' HACKER'S FINANCE" Its menuc consists of twelve of the B.}.C$most wanted catagories to take care. hof all your financial needs. The disk has titles such as:r "BUSINESS CB/}/C.ALCULATIONS", with it's own directory of (14)8 pcatagories (as do most of these prgrams), "HOME FINANCEz EXPB0}0C7ENSE RECORDS", "MORTGAGE LOAN CALCULATIONS", "MORTGAGEA COMPARISIONS", "INSTALLMENT PAYMENTS", and more. If all thatB1}1C Gwasn't enough, there is a real winner included named "MONEYQ MATTERS". A must for your financial needs anB2}2Cd record keeping Rand to boot, and all in living color. This is the P.D.\ version of "FINANCIAL COOKBOOK" wB3}3Cithout the price tag of" D$30.00. ANOTHER SURE FIRE VALUE!N #62: A FANTSTIC GAMES DISK. Side 1 has a good fB4}4C ast action Sgame called "BOULDERDASH", but, watch out for those boulders!] Takes about 1-1/2 minutes to iniB5}5Ctialize, so be patient. Side' d2 has a great downhill skiing game with nice graphics calledn "SKI KING II". B6}6C(This "must have" game has the option of2 mcreating your own obstacles. I spent several hours playingw this oB7}7Cne. L#63 PINBALLS ANYONE? Here's another great games disk for allV you pinball freaks! Side 1 has two M/L B8}8C games called P"SOFTBALL" and "CREEPSHOW". "SOFTBALL" has great pinballZ action on a softball diamond. The OB9}9CPTION key lets you select$ _up to four players. "CREEPSHOW" has lots of fast action. Ii was able to keep oneB:}:C* ball going for a full five minutes after4 nonly a few trys. Both games require joystick and you mustx hold B;};C3OPTION down while booting. Side 2 has a BASIC game= tcalled "HIDDEN FORTRESS". this "maze" type of game has} B<}<C7 built-in instructions at the menu after autoloading.A #64 BINARY GAMES DISK. Side 1 of this menu driven disk has B=}=C Emany classic games - Some by the great TOM HUDSON of ANALOGO COMPUTING fame. Side 2 has more menu driven clB>}>C assic games. NTry "FIGHTERPLANE" or try "BOMBERS" which gives you two[[e player action or you canB?}?C play against the computer. My) Tfavorite is "ROCKS" - TRY IT! It's great!^ #65 Here's ANOTHER GREAT GAMES B@}@CDISK for all you gamers out& bthere. For you "Trekies", side 1 has "STAR TREK III". Horsel racing fans will BA}AC'like DERBY DOWNS" which has the horses1 operformances determined by the computer generated statistics.y FromBB}BC9 AUSTRALIA comes an unusual game called "XAGON". I had aC lot of fun with this one. Try "ROTO" and @ave the planet BC}CC ?"Arcadia" in this arcade type binary game. Side 2 hasI "XEVIOUS" - an 'Atari 5200' game converted for the 8BD}DC-BIT Lcomputer with vertical scrolling arcade action. Don't forgetV to disable 'BASIC' when loading. Try "GBE}ECAUNTLET" (shareware) 7for fast arcade actionP Pe*gq #66 to #72 -BF}FC2 ICONS, 7 DISKS DOUBLE SIDED of ICONS-ICONS-ICONS< and more ICONS! Here's more good stuff from 'BIT BYTER' in W. BG}GC /GERMANY. For all GRAPHICS afficiandos!9 u73 and 74 BORDERS and ICONS on both disks- Each worth twice} BH}HC< the price. These are both single sided disk, but each isF loaded with all kinds of BORDERS and FONTS-It will dresBI}ICs up ;all of your DESKTOP GRAPHICS MASTERPIECES!E NOTE: I have tried to accurately advise what is on each BJ}JCdisk, Mand have even photocopied some of the ICONS disks, and givenW them out. Hope you got one. If not, asBK}KCk around and get copies" 1for your self. PP}@PE