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PRESIDENTj.Jack Gedalius g}VICE-PRESIDENT.2Josef Leber SECRETARYB.[Ron Fetzer TREASURERk.Ron Fetzer MEh}MBERSHIP.9Jack Gedalius MAGAZINE LIBRARIAN=.aJack Gedalius NEWSLETTER EDITORg.Alan Sharkis BLANi} K DISK SALES.7Ron Fetzer P/D DISK LIBRARIAN;.[Harold Pegler Coffee & Caked.Harold Pegler Legal j}Counsel.[Jerry Ginsberg NEWSLETTER LIBRARIAN...Alan Sharkis Rep. to NEAR*USd.John Hardie LIB. COPk}Y MASTER.(open) 3 *EQUIPMENT-MANAGER:.URon Fetzer DOOR PRIZES`.Harry Tuthill NOTE-[*] dl}Cenotes change in position., ,1* (O.H.A.U.G.) is in no way associated with the ATARI Corp.,or any of m}mtheir afffiliates, other than using a great product. Atari and Atari related products are the Trademarks of their rn}espective companies and used Only as informational help to our members and Atari user in general. Opinions herein ao}ire not necessarily those of O.H.A.U.G. but those of the various individual authors. O.H.A.U.G. ism nar NOT-FOR-PROp}FIT Organization in the State of N.Y. O.H.A.U.G. will NOT tolerate ANY referances-directly or by implication to q}1piracy or the use of any computer equipment for5 illegal activities. DEADLINES FOR NEWSLETTER JAN/FEB DEC 31 JUr}VL/AUG JUN 30 MAR/APR FEB 28 SEPT/OCT AUG 31 MAY/JUN APR 30 NOV/DEC OCT 31} s}ǛSubmitted articles are preferred asdisk text files, preferably made on the1ST XLENT Word Processor, in 38 columnsbut t}Pit will be gratefully accepted ashard copy. Send your articles, commentsto:U lOL' HACKERS Newsletterq c/o Alan Shau} rkis, Editor 43 Rose Drive% East Meadow, NY 11554-1135Please refer to the above schedule forOL' HACKERS NEWSLETTEv}R deadlines. *!end&*st Meadow, NY 11554-1135Please refer to the above schedule forOL' HACKERS NEWSLETTE' *+*+*+*+* `NEW SCHEDULE OF MEETING DATES Dates have been set until June 21,f 1997. All meetings stax} rt at 11:30 6A.M. and end at 5:00 P.M. September= @21,F \1996 3rd Sat. Octobere h19,n 1996 3nd Sat. y}November 9, 01996 2nd Sat. December8 ;21,A W1996 3rd Sat. January` c18,i 1997 3rd Sat. Februz}ary 15, (1997 3rd Sat. March4 61,< P1997 1st Sat. April[ ^19,d v1997 3rd Sat. May} {} 10, "1997 2nd Sat. June. 121,7 E1997 3rd Sat.l NEW DATES, CHA|}@NGES AND SPECIAL EVENTS WILL BE PRINTED AS SOON AS RECEIVED.N Z->->END<-<-l NEW DATES, CHAZaO) !"`3!3$EF%MN&UV']^(f99ԠŠ$} SAVE "D:NEWSLTR.BASbKK䠱cAA󠱱$}Z䬠dmm堲à_ Ӡįί$}'̠ŠǭԠ̮ 6--56-@9A'6-@EM36-@QY?6-@]ӠϠŠӭ$}7ҠԬŠ̮Ϡ̮R`@;E:(AR`ΠŠ̮Ҡ$}ŠқQB7t@d$'@(,@d063@:o?AKA Q-'A@es'@ $})5K:6-6-)6-A2-556-@933;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;A2,L(6.D1:WELC$}4OME.SCR(~EA !A@h8F3B7t@dJPE@TX@d\. AP6.6. $} $(. A 8-@!P8($Programmed For The Ol' Hackers Atari9-@"T9(% User Group Inc. By:Kris Holtegaar$} dF00(' Modified By:Thomas J. Andrewsx666.,THE OL' HACKERS' ATARI U.G., INC. NEWSLETTER67B:,%,.7<@$}8(,&-B:,6&7<,0 A,F @L 6. 67@J_,.#67,.C6-+@cj&,'@nr%@vL67,$}.r'A @I#-A"P' H6.D1:MAINMENU.HLP$@MT5@XdA@hH(}!A $}!A@h3" AP(" A7H:]B7t@dLR'@VZ@d^l9A @pxE-@"|$}CBV( Selection: ]6.l/ )/+"AU)"A&,*4AFY"AUA(]."A&*B:,"6.$*$} . 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You broke the code, the code is .AD}4*) A @AdAU) A4"@8MA>6-%@QH ( Play game #? R4F:AdAE},"@C <*AdAU4 A\VF:Ad,"@5@d" A 4AVA$H-@hlApL V A AF}f APpY-!@%++0@/5@9A?-@EI@0MC G YAAz7 A AVAG}A$3-@AZ7 %%( ŠҮ Play again? 7F:Ad,"@C^*AdAU4 A 7%AH}eF:Ad,"@5"+"(4@,0@4FAdAUP A Z A 1e%D:LAZY A #AI}C6-@" &+$@5,#6-%= !6-!67@9,.=:,3AdAU= A ,,(   AJ}J' $ AE@+28@6:@>@F\ D:DECODE.DATE(@`l@pv Bz$AK} 0!@;-( Incredibly LUCKY score!!0$8!@p?s5(! FANTASTIC skill or moocho LUCK!!8$.!@`w+( AL}$You must be a GENIUS!!.$+!@P(O(( OUTSTANDING score!!+$$-!@@S*( EXCELLENT deduction!!-$.,!@0AM}+)( VERY GOOD reasoning!,$8*!@ /U'( Pretty FAIR score.*$B;!@Y8($ SO-SO, you can do better next AN}time!;$L.!@+( What a PUMPKINBRAIN!!!.$V0-(% ZILCH!! Better try the Dating Game!!0$`""( You have a AO}= score!jL( Enter your Initials:"=67B:=:,,%@AP,. L67@T,.t (} $D:DECODEave a @u fff`<|fl0fF68of;A^p88pf< 80 0 ~~`0 0`x``nf>ff~fff~TW~[gf<flxxlfl`~cwkccvv~nnES}<+|ff|``fc<cckwcf<$T8pp8?XX\dhhllpptv}EU} ww6<~~~<;;??GLRW_x`x`~<~~f>``|ff|<```<>ff>>ff>|``|fff8<it<``lxlf8x<fEW}kc| f?ff>|f```>`<|~Cfu>fff<ck>6f< x~ 0~<~~<}EX}?~x|nf8x8ff|``>ff>|f```>`<|~Cfu>fff<ck>6f< x~ 0~<~~<}D?~x|nf8x8ff|``>ff>|f```>`<|~Cfu>fff<ck>6f< x~ 0~<~~<}H o=o=o=o=o=) 9DECODE (v. 2.4)F Wby Frank Waltersb Public Domain Software DEM[}GCODE24.BAS should be run from drive #1 with DECODE.FNT file on the same disk. It will also write a high score filM\}\e (DECODE.DAT) after the first time it is played. If the special character set (DECODE.FNT) is not available, thM]}&e program will work normally with the, Sregular Atari character set. DECODEW is a version of the codebreakM^}er game. The code is set by the computer and consists of four CAPITAL letters from among the following six letM_}ters: A,B,C,X,Y,Z. It is a random code for each game and any of the legal letters may be repeated. (i.e. ABAZ, M`}CCCX, CYZA, etc.) You must select one of two options: <1>Computer Code: play using the computer random code, Ma}or <2>Player Code: one player sets the code using the 6 available letters, then another player plays the game to finMb}d the code. You have 10 guesses to find the 4 letter code. Each guess consists of typing your 4 letter guess and Mc} the response from the computer with clues about your guess: * You will receive one black peg for each letter guessed tMd}hat is the exact letter and in the exact right position in the code. * You will receive one white peg for each Me}- correct letter but in the wrong location.3 MExample: code is A B B Y\ guess is B X Z Y You would get Mf}1 black peg for the 'Y' in the correct position and 1 white peg for the 'B' in the wrong position. After youMg} guess the right code you will receive a score for that game. Maximum points are 20 for each game, 2 points are deducMq}cdB%DOS SYSB*)DUP YSYSBSRAMDISK COMBVMAINMENUHLPB^WELCOME SCRBfCWHO] TXTBwDMEETDATTXTB}AUTORUN COMIB~AUTORUN SYSBDNEWSLTR BASBPRESSPRTMNUBPRESSPRTHLPBHELPM DOCBBJOYSTCKTXTBEPRESMESTXTB$GJANMIN TXTB5DECODE BASB PDECODE FNTBYDECODE DATBZIDECODE TXTBtJOHAUG TXTBOHAUG MAXB)HFEBMIN TXTBEMPIRE COMC0B4KSTARFNTTXTBA<CLIMBER BASBFEDMESS TXTqted for each miss. There are 5 games to a set with maximum score of 100, which would obviously be pure luck. YMr}ou can stop after any game if# you wish, but total score is cumulative for 5 games. Hi Score is shown and saMs}@ved to disk file: DECODE.DAT along with player's initials.O \o=o=o=o=o=}L\ OHAUG MACRO FOR TEXTPRO The Ol' Hackers Newsletter on disk has files formatted in 38 columns for convenience ofQu} reading on screen. It also has an excellent utility to print articles in two columns. I wrote a TextPro macro toQv} reformat OHAUG articles for printing with any format you like, using TextPro. This is what it does: 1. It removesQw} one-space left margin; 2. It removes carriage returns from each line, but retains double c/r at the end of each paraQx}graph; 3. It removes excess spaces between words that were used for right margin justification. Reformatted files Qy} will be about 10% smaller than originals due to removal of unwanted spaces. HOW TO USE OHAUG.MAX Load TextPro Qz}(preferably v.5.20) and load the desired text file from OHAUG disk into the editor. Load OHAUG.MAX using START and typinQ{}g OHAUG [Return]. Or use CTRL_V and type OHAUG.MAX [Return]. Execute macro with START key. When macro is finished itQ|} leaves a message on the status line: "Reformat complete. START to repeat." You may save the reformatted file to anQ}}other disk, load a different file and press START again to reformat the new text file. Or press HELP (or OPTION_Q~}/ with Atari 800) to reload TEXTPRO.MAX into your macro buffer. CAUTION: This macro may not be desirable foQ}Gr certain text files that use formats such as the meeting dates, which are structured for 40-column format only. PRQ}INTING RE-FORMATTED FILES: To print the reformatted files, you insert your own format commands on top line for marQ}gins, page numbering, printer fonts, and whatever else you like. You may print re-formatted files with ANY word proQ}cessor, not just TextPro. REVERSING THE PROCEDURE: To convert any unformatted (or re-formmated) text fiQ}le into OHAUG newsletter format, simply insert the following TextPro format line at the top of the editor: 1390255140 NOTE: indicate INVERSE. Use CTRL_P to print the file to disk using Dn:filename.exQ}t in the status line in place of the default P:. If the article is longer than 255 lines, load the disk file into thQ}e editor and remove blank lines (c/r) between 255-line pages, if necessary. You might want to use this to printQ} a text file in two-column format using the OHAUG disk printer utility. That's all there is to it. Frank WaltersQ} T.A.C.O. Bell BBS 02/10/97 1 * * *isk printer utility. That's all there is to it. Frank WaltersP8齙 Active macro> OHAUG.MAX@Press to reformat OHAUG text#     U}Y   Reformat complete. to repeat./??TEXTPRO.MAXNo Add-in] /end/ Tw o=o=o=o=o= MINUTES OF THE FEBRUARY 1997 MEETING GENERAL MEETING President JACK GEDALIUS discussed our aY}nnual Christmas in February party, which will take place this year on Valentine's Day at Lambrau's in Island PY}Hark. (A new member, JOHN CESIRO joined the club at the party, andL CURT VENDEL rejoined the following day at Y}Vthe meeting.) Jack also mentioned a letter from JOHN POWELL who wants toZ continue receiving the newsletterY}, so he sent us still another new address. John tells that he's very happily married and also asked about the CSS BY}lack Box. Since none of our members owns a Black Box, we could offer no advice. ALAN Sharkis then brought up thY}Gat the next meeting, March 1 will be a joint meeting with LIAUG and we should take a lunch break during the meeting. Y}It was decided to order 5 or 6 pizzas from across the street and eat in. The April 19th meeting will have to be hY}Feld somewhere else since the library will not be available.J This issue will be discussed further at thY}e March 1 meeting. TREASURER'S REPORT: In the black. CORRESPONDENCE: RON FETZER received a letter from JIM CUTLER fY}rom England writes that he is dropping out because his machine is kaput. We will miss him. ALAN SHARKIS has a Y}ENewsletter returned to us from S.P.A.C.E. and returned it to them at their new address. Next he received the baY}ck cover of The PACEsetter from Florida and sent it back requesting the rest. He also heard from DANE STEGMAN who has Y} a list of stuff from GORDON HOOPER of Garden City ACE; a list of old Antic magazines. Dane wants to know if we'rY}e interested in them. David Oldfield, expressing some interest, took the list. JACK says we're interested in Y}the first year of that issue. ALAN says it starts in May of '93. ALAN called SAM CORY. Sam hasn't been sendingY} us the J.A.C.G. Newsletter and he said he would send one. ALAN will call again if we don't get one in the next weeY}k or so. LIBRARIAN REPORT: HAROLD PEGLER reported that he has completed Disk #4 and it will go out to the out-of-tY}own membership in the newsletter mailing next month. It has been distributed to all local members today. POTPOURY}RI: ALAN passed around a list of "How You Know If You're Addicted to AOL" and read a little from it for the memY}bers. He also discussed AT&T monthly charges and how you can use AT&T or another provider to get to AOL. TherY}e were visiting members from as far away as 3 hours (Connecticut) at our meeting this month. DEMONSTRATIONS: ALAN demY}onstrated a Font Maker and downloader program for the members called STARFONT. The program was modified by our Y}own TOM ANDREWS to include the STAR NX1000 series of printers. Fonts included were all draft quality, and TOMY} will produce NLQ fonts if anyone is interested. On the other side is a game called "Decode" written by FRANK WAY}LTERS back in 1983 (Library #673 two sides) which we tried. ALAN says he only beat it once and it took 6 guesses. ALY}AN then demoed a DOM by the SAN LEANDRO computer club #1502 Feb 97; a two sided disk with a text adventure game (LibrY}ary #674). ALAN mentioned a newsletter from the TYNE AND WEAR Atari User Group ( Issue #25 Jan/Feb '97); he referred tY}Go a number of interesting articles in this magazine and then demoed a disk on both sides DOS with scrolls whY}ich had nice demo programs and a game. It is John Boskett's demo. JOHN HARDIE brought a prototype portable 65XY}E system with him. It had previously belonged to BOB PUFF of CSS. The machine consisted of a detachable keyboard Y}y and a console that had an ST-type floppy disk drive and a small monochrome monitor. The power supply was an} Y}external switching type, and the entire machine could be locked together as one unit with a carrying handle, notY}Ǜ unlike the early Compaq portables but a good deal smaller and lighter. CURT VENDEL brought down a collection of spare Y} parts, mostly for the 800 series of computers, which he was giving to anyone who would take them. DOORPRIZESY}: The door prizes were awarded as follows: David Oldfield - picture program winner John Cesiro - Crosswords Y}winner Al Sharkis - Musical Atari book Ron Fetzer - Master Type program (At this point, our audio tape became too noisy Y}&and we couldn't properly associate* /names3 with prizes. Actually, everyone who was at the meeting received aY} door prize and all the prizes were so special it was hard for everyone to decide what to choose -- ed.) FUTURE DAY}TES: Final reminder that the next meeting is on March 1 (the first Saturday in March at our site) and is a joint mY}eeting with LIAUG and anyone else who would like to attend. We will all enjoy a lunch treat of pizza at this meetY}ing. 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It runs from the space bar. You can also copy the files DECODE.BASj}, DECODE.FNT, DECODE.DAT% and IDECODE.TXT to another disk that has DOS files on it and run it separj}ately. Read the docs with the "I" selection on this menu. Frank has also created a special TextPro macro, OHAUG.Mj}AX exclusively for us. Using TextPro and this macro, you may take any text file on this or any other OHAUG Newj}Gsletter disk and automatically print it in 80-column format. Read the docs with the "J" selection on this menu. Thej} macro file, OHAUG.MAX and the documentation file, JOHAUG.TXT can be copied from this disk to a disk of your chj}@oice using DOS. TOM ANDREWS is not idle this month, either.D lHe patched an existing program top vcreatez andj} send downloadable Nfonts to a STAR MICRONICS NX1001 PRINTER.S The program should also work with Epsonj}; and Epson-compatible priners and Gemini printers,? AasE GitK did originally. It's ARC'd on side 2 of the j}disk. To use it, copy STARFNT.ARC and UNARC.COM to a disk that has DOS files on it. Go to the DOS menu on j} that disk and run UNARC.COM. Follow the menu prompts in UNARC.COM to unarc STARFNT.ARC to still another disk wij}th DOS files on it. Read about this program from the side 1 menu by choosing "K." The final installment of my series onj} emulators appears on side 2. It raises some important issues, and I'd appreciate some feedback on it. I guarantj}ee that I will not hate you, no matter what side of the issues you happen to support. That seems like a kind of extrej}me statement, doesn't it? Well, read the installment and see why I say it. I've included two more programs on thij}s disk which come from our copy of the PoolDisk. On side one, you'll find EMPIRE.COM, which is a machine language gj}ame that you copy to another disk and run. You'll also find the game CLIMBER.BAS on side 1. On side 2, you'lj}l find KOOKY.BAS, which is a BASIC game that runs from the space bar. As we are getting this disk ready to mail, we aj}re joined in the room by the members of LIAUG, an "all Atari products" user group right here on Long Island for j} o=o=o=o=o=% ?Printer Draft Font MakerS Wbyd wThomas J. Andrews} b} Copyright 1997 Developed from "The Printer Font Maker" for Gemini 10X and Epson FX80 printers by James Duffb}in (Copyright 1984) This program can create and edit downloadable draft characters for the Star Micronics NX-10b}C"01 9-pin dot matrix printer.& yWhile designed specifically for the NX-1001, it should work with any} b}printer compatible with the Epson LX850, which the NX-1001 emulates when in "standard" mode. The program canb} download directly to the printer or create a disk file that can be copied to the printer at a later time or from ab}vnother program. It can also use Epson FX80 and Star Gemini 10X font data files created with James Duffin's{ "Fb} ontmaker." ](Antic Magazine, March 1985) Hardware requirements are: a 48K or bettera fAtarij o8-bits computer,b} joystick, disk drive, and, of course, a compatible printer. This program will work with Atari DOS 2.0s, 2.5, and MYb}DOS 4.5. It should work with almost any DOS but the horrendous DOS 3.0 (is ANYBODY still using that thing?), but b}it hasn't been tested with any others. It's written in Atari BASIC and works with Turbo BASIC XL, with a bit ofb} special setup procedure. I highly recommend using Turbo BASIC. The operating speed difference is worth the effort.b} This ARC file should include STARFNT.BAS, STARFNT.DOC, and several font data files with NX extensions. Gettingb} Started Getting the NX fontmaker up and running couldn't be simpler. Just RUN STARFNT.BAS from either Atarb}i BASIC or Turbo BASIC XL, or use your favorite autorun or menu program. Sometimes, the display is unstable durinb}g disk access when using Turbo BASIC. It doesn't affect anything but the display, but it can be annoying. Ifb} this happens, make sure you save any font data you want to keep, then try pressing RESET and RUNning the progrb}am again. The instability should disappear. Using STARFNT The first screen you see contains a short description b}of the program. Pressing any key will take you to the main operating screen. On the Main Screen you'll see an empb}ty dot matrix grid, a list of commands, and a group of characters. These characters are the ones you can use for b} downloading. Use the joystick to move the cursor over the character you want to use, then press the trigger button b}Gto select it. Once a character has been selected, any font data already in memory for it is copied to the dot matrix b}grid. A plus sign in the grid indicates a blank spot and a filled circle indicates a printed dot. Edit the b}character by moving the cursor over the grid space you wish to change, then pressing the button. Dots may be adjacb}ent to each other vertically, but not horizontally. When finished, copy the edited character to memory by using one ob}f the commands listed on the screen (except "D"). A small representation of the character will be drawn on the bottom ob}f the screen and the character in the list will be shown in inverse to indicate it has been edited. Since all CHR$(15b}(5)'s will be changed by the printer, 5interface9 to Chr$(13)'s before they get to the printer, a 155 is not allb}owed in the font data. If a 155 is detected when copying the edited font data the program will automatically changeb} it to a 153, which is similar in appearance in the grid, and ask you to re-edit the character. Key Commandsb}Ǜ E Edit Character. This is the command to use when you want to copy one character to memory and then do anotheb}r. D Descender On/Off. This toggles the descender of the character being edited. Descender off means the chab}racter will use the top 8 pins when printed. Descender on means it will use the bottom eight. S Save Font. Thisb} saves the font data into a disk file that STARFNT can load and use in another session. The files with the NX extensb}ion are this type of file. It can NOT be used to download a font to the printer. L Load Font. This loads b}: font data files created with the SAVE command above.> All font data in memory before the command is initiated wb}ill be cleared. Any characters showing font data will be indicated in the character list. F Load FX80 Font. Tb}his loads and converts FX80 font data files created with James Duffin's original program, similar to the LOAD command abovb}e. G Load Gemini Font. This loads and converts Star Gemini 10X font data files created with James Duffin's orib}Gginal program, similar to the LOAD command above. START Load Printer. This downloads the characters in memory directlyb} to the printer. If the printer has a DIP switch controling print buffer functions, it must be set to the dob}wnload position for this command to work. Once a font is downloaded to the printer, it will remain there until theb} switch is turned off or it is replaced with another font. For test purposes, you will be asked if you want the charab}9cters printed for you. OPTION Create Font File.= This creates a font file that can be dumped directly tb}o the printer from another program or from DOS. The file will contain all the commands to download the characters andb} set the printer to use them. All commands using disk files will ask for a filename. Any legal Device:Subdib}rectory:Filename combination of 40 characters or less will be accepted. A name without a device code will use "D:"b} as a default. To get a directory of any drive, press RETURN at the Filename? prompt, then answer with a driveb}Ǜ number. I've had a lot of fun converting Mr. Duffin's program for my printer. I have plans to develop a similb}ar program to edit and download NLQ characters for my NX-1001, so look for it if you have any interest. I alsob} intend to write a version of my Print Star that will download font files created by these two programs. Programming b}Mthe Atari 8-bit is still as enjoyable as ever - why should I stop now?W kThomas J. Andrews p e-mail: tandrb}ews16@delphi.com" /o=o=o=o=o=}`/. what will be the first of four joint2 meetings scheduled this year. We may also be joined by some representaj}tives from other NER*US clubs, weather and work schedules permitting. Although OHAUG will remain an exclusively 8-bit uj}ser group, we are going to open our collective eyes a bit and see what other platforms, particularly Atari plaj}etforms are all about. We know we have the best , and we welcome seeing more of the rest.t o=o=o=o=oj}C=}hEE