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[}[ * " : Check Directory J b for more .COM orr BASIC p \} rograms!  5 Check 報 forE ] more OHAUG news m articles!! ]} ,-} -&2|Vol: 8 <--|| b}g  ||  || Atari User Group Inc.(c)1985 |***m Alan Sharkis, Edc}itor ****** %43 Rose Drive3 :******@ WEast Meadow, N.Y. 11554[ `***}d}3|Charter Member NEAR*US ATARI USER Gp.||> L򮠱X [|}e}}aO) !"`3!3$EF%MN&UV']^(f99ԠŠo} SAVE "D:NEWSLTR.BASbKK䠱cAA󠱱p}Z䬠dmm堲à_ Ӡįίq}'̠ŠǭԠ̮ 6--56-@9A'6-@EM36-@QY?6-@]ӠϠŠӭr}7ҠԬŠ̮Ϡ̮R`@;E:(AR`ΠŠ̮Ҡs}ŠқQB7t@d$'@(,@d063@:o?AKA Q-'A@es'@ t})5K:6-6-)6-A2-556-@933;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;A2,L(6.D1:WELCu}4OME.SCR(~EA !A@h8F3B7t@dJPE@TX@d\. AP6.6. v} $(. A 8-@!P8($Programmed For The Ol' Hackers Atari9-@"T9(% User Group Inc. By:Kris Holtegaarw} dF00(' Modified By:Thomas J. Andrewsx666.,THE OL' HACKERS' ATARI U.G., INC. NEWSLETTER67B:,%,.7<@x}8(,&-B:,6&7<,0 A,F @L 6. 67@J_,.#67,.C6-+@cj&,'@nr%@vL67,y}.r'A @I#-A"P' H6.D1:MAINMENU.HLP$@MT5@XdA@hH(}!A z}!A@h3" AP(" A7H:]B7t@dLR'@VZ@d^l9A @pxE-@"|{}BV( Selection: ]6.l/ )/+"AU)"A&,*4AFY"AUA(]."A&*B:,"6.$*|} . A:0"A&6.7I4)"@2Mr A%P)% D:KOOKY.BASf55 @Iv)!@R}} * @e )!@*APT"@I.<(}!-@@^9(Exiting To Basic...E@bQART;"@~}CP(}!-@*8(Exiting To Dos..<;.#"@Q@F A9JP# AT_. 1"@Rc6. D1:HELP.*'-1} A1` 9"@e=/6.BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ9 A(Ag 267B:,%,.>:,*2B:,"@koA(s A}  / +@-/(@!=TURN DISK OVER( /-@AH/(@LTHEN PRESS ANY KEYZ 5AdAU)}& A' :5% D:PROG.BAS o+A%A @>D7-@HL@PpQ(NO PROGRAM THIS MONTHc-@tx@|}8oAR B'(FLIP DISK AGAIN AND PRESS A KEY1 A'<I8)B AM\ 6 (}-@ `d@ h6( What's Your Ple}asure?" _B7t@d!'@%)@d-39-@7;@?pX(enu rint ead: _)T 8"@wt((.(} Main Menu.8 A + "@/3AT7B 8"@FR((.(X aRead Filee.8 AGP .-B:,})6. D1:**.TXT.67<,.7<, F A2-OA )5@Sb<(}F A4fsN   Aw 4}F:A,"A6*@ @@$94 A7P **"@e=i*F:A,"ApA1P pA @mu4@ey*F:}A,"Ap:(}L-@#@'p(Not In This Months News Letter ! AGP AGP! 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AfP67<}C,.! 6-%6-%@9C ! ,"F:Ad,"A8" AGo^,F:Ad,"AF", As }Ay..'@"P:'@"),*"@y-1Ay5@..'@DLP:'@PW,*"@i[_Aycl&9 Ap&@}SP:,"9(@=X "(G6  '6-+",$%+",$+@W&,6(=:,N (((}":6-+",$@ "%+",$@&/G*@'3KN*: 6-6-@@Ok-$6.*":6. t  "F:}Ad,"A8" AAR,F:Ad,"AF", AE<67B:,%,.7<,)67B:,%,.7<,<67B:,%,.7}J<,"6-?: BthemF Mincome.R They're encouraged by the fact that the s$}ame thing is happening at sites devoted to other platforms. It has also been proposed by some that somebody could$} set up a sort of "clearing house" that would make a token amount of money available to the original programmers $} if they allow their work to be distributed through the Web and ftp sites. I feel that the token amounts propose$}d would not attract participation of the original programmers, given the greater settlements they'd be getting if th$}ey pursued legal means. Do those original programmers care about potential profit or loss of such profit any more?$} I'd guess that it would vary from one programmer to the other, and it would certainly depend on whether they sti$}ll had a hand in programming for Atari computers or making a profit from such programming. There are still a$} few in that position." Would programmers and/or software houses take legal action against owners of Intern$}*et sites that distribute such material?. ?Again, I feelC the potential for doing so will increase when (and if)$} the new legislation comes down. Even under the current status of both United States law and International copyrig$}ht agreements, the potential for both prosecution and civil action is much greater than most of us realize. So a$}re the penalties. If I were to quote some of the provisions, many of you would be amazed. I'm not a lawyer and$} don't pretend to be. But I don't have to be a lawyer to understand the severity of the consequences of legal action $} under those provisions or to understand what is and what isn't restricted. It's pretty clear, then, that i$}ndividuals run great risks if they operate outside of the law. Are the risks worth the possibility that the law will$}& be changed to exclude material* 1related5 7to< classic computers? In that sense, should individuals from$} the other classic platforms# 'band+ 3together7 with individuals in the Atari community to challenge the laws? Such%}G a challenge might be based on the idea that the software in question has no monetary worth to their original authors %}8 and publishers at this point, but has inestimable= IintellectualO and emotional value to the community and it%}s survival. Could these individuals, in the process, create a category of software that can be copied wi%}thout legal restriction? Isn't that the current, de facto, situation? Also, what about the distribution of such %}material via the Internet? This is about as sticky as it gets. I have in front of me a discussion of copyright iss%}tues as they relate to educational use. The document states that there were suits of copyright infringementx namin%}g commercial network (proprietors- /as4 the responsible party. It further states that courts ruled that the %} network could be tried for contributory infringement when they didn't remove such material. It's now up to the%}Ǜ courts to determine the amount of liability held to a provider or a service that unknowingly disseminates unauth% }orized copyrighted materials. We'll just have to wait and see what the courts decide. The issue of copyright infring% }ement seemed to be dead and gone in our community, indeed in all the other classic computer communities, until e% }Tmulation emerged. Now it's hot again. I hope it can be resolved withoutX tossing emulation out, because I% } do believe that emulators can preserve the spirit of the classic machines; especially the spirit of the cla% } ssic Atari. o=o=o=o=o=ve the spirit of the classic machines; especially the spirit of the cla$)`!`H$-%.HH \hhh(`.HM)   !h(L`N) !"`3)}!30o_Q@c@͌X@ @͌[D@Ύ@xͬI(-}G]@IX¢q0c@Ύ@fq0b@Ύ@Dq0#@̌@xfq0B@Dq0X9;DFGYqIGDEyAB4y6H:WKV00>4499IIHHKKJ)]eAHǫ;Kb`/9;82hiHHꢘ@@0I’AKJObxz{_O/@0I.?-} /;¢,< AO$@0aP}PS 0 )oԦ͢"!jHc6&uK>!0 =$m8O ""ӨVrq"MT_-Kr7D-}e7_-Kw%Ee7"STOC K. s>xBaV_ɠxxOr[.z} o!n-}F #A 1# gON U@@CUԡ#v.[ح)\KKJJM[֣)}x,:ɇ uK>۪A+G*F%K$J#vO&πc-}6a@=# aOsfתNrG˖ɇuK>۪A+GO*FN;]`K\cJ#vO! 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"@`_ P`O L. -OSNѯE{W.U@\.U2}J](, )Ș{:$,X~RINVERSE.NX!`G. 5! LCO gd‰Еpƌ>  %-z@^2}ȋ(c 葠K00J`p'm&4* *:Q i)QRM"56,zV@}[հ,-iѾr;'@8J8$ A׶m#Gpd 2}ShCcL3A'I_kO Υ1ńd|oּVⵚe!Hn؃Oz-A# d+adѳOfm"O0&/ UTE@XAU` 2}ǂ&IEH PDTFAEaHAE|QHADŊfXŋ1pbGVIDBI$ Cd>Xc$RTX&8b2}ǘHf *Xag{ &H*&J)蘂D)b/`Ja2E:Fन "IViJ*+ 2 }Ǣ:RzV𧠅jn@~KhM-;bA˩rB#$Fpm(: A|(Q$ qxpKa+ARr#iJ*+ 0lC( *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*3 FNEWSLETTER REVIEWSS cby Alan Sharkisj OHAUG Newsletter Li6"}"brarian The new year has begun, and I continue to be amazed at the continued health of our user group,6#}Ǜ that of other groups around the world, and indeed of the entire Atari 8-bit community. I'm sure we all know 6$} that we can't take the community's survival for granted, so let's take some time to look around and see thos6%}e signs of health. Remember that the community's health isn't only measured by what new products and technique6&}s come out for it, but what older, perhaps forgotten products and techniques can be recycled when needed most. T6'}he L.V.A.U.G. News! for November/December 1996 -- I haven't seen an issue of this newsletter for a while,6(} but I was most pleased to read this one. It's contains three articles for BASIC programmers that are quite useful.6)} The first, by MATT GIWER deals with quirks (and how to overcome them and use them to our advantage) in the way 6*} that Atari BASIC handles exponents. The second is a short routine by LeROY J. BAXTER that allows you to list just6+} six lines of a BASIC program at a time. It's easy to edit a program this way. But, wait! There's more. If you ty6,}pe EDIT, you are prompted for a line number. You enter the number, the line is listed, and you can edit it with th6-}e normal cursor keys. The corrected line gets put back into the program ith the touch of a key. When you type ERASE, 6.}\ the routine takes itself out of memory so that you can save your corrected program.` A listing of the routine 6/}accompanies the article. These two articles were reprinted from the January 1983 issue of COMPUTE! The third article, 60} by MIKE STEINBERG and reprinted from the December 1982 issue of COMPUTE!, allows BASIC program listing in a for61}ward or reverse direction at a pace you determine. It also had an edit mode, and the article presents a type-in lis62}Lting and full instructions for use. In addition to these three articles,P StheW \issue` contains information on a63}CBn Internet Users Group, and a large assortment of holidayH KandQ compute-related cartoons. (FR)ANTIC (AAAU64}4A) for January 1997 -- Editor MANUEL GARCIA has put together an excellent three-page spread on Atari 8-bit power sup65}plies, inspired no doubt by his recent experience with one burning up. The first page consists of a list of supplie66}s, their specfications, their Atari part numbers and the units they serve, all taken from: http://www.cis.ohio- s67}tate.edu/hypertext/faq/usenet/atari- 8-bit/faq/faq-doc-46.html. The second page has a pinout diagram for the XL/XE 7-pi68}n connector, and a photograph to help identify the four major types of XL power supplies. On the rear of the newsletter 69}schematics of the four types, reprinted from The November 1990 issue of Current Notes,are reproduced. BEN POEHLA6:}ND wrote the original article. XIO3 (GCACE) for January/February 1997 -- ROWLAND GRANT's Atari News and Rumours c6;}olumn will be undergoing some changes. Rowland has already separated ST material into its own column, and he fin6<}ds that there is little happening with regard to news about Atari and/or JTS, so he is going to try to keep this6=} column centered on JTS/Jaguar, and maintain a separate 8-bit column which will not be limited to news. Rowlands6>} predictions for JTS are$ not encouraging. He does state that the stock of Jaguars was sold to Tiger Softwa6?}fre for liquidation, and I can confirm that Tiger put such an ad in their latest catalog, whichj saw courtesy of 6@}JACK GEDALIUS. Believe it or not, two new games came out for the Jaguar in December. Speaking of that 8-bit column, Thi6A}s months 8-Bit Affaris column has a fine writeup on A.P.E., including the APE Warp+ OS chip that STEVEN TUCKER is se6B}lling. Rowland also reports that TOM HUNT has formed a network called the QWK NET. This net circulates packets of6C} messages from member BBSs and individuals via Internet e-mail. Rowland also acknowledges OHAUG member 6D} RON FETZER's rework of the GRASS Calculator, and GCACE member JOHN PICKEN's contributions to the ABBUC disks. 6E}G GORDON F. HOOPER's Peeking Around column mentions that New Atari User is still around. I have their address and 6F}F:will post it in another part of this newsletter. TYNE> ?&C GWEARK Newsletter for January/February 1997 -- I ha6G}ven't seen anything from this group for a while, and I was hoping that they hadn't given up on the idea of p6H}roducing that fabulous gdisk newsletter to which we had all been treated in the past.k I was pleasantl6I}y surprised to see that this issue came, in print, and accompanied by a disk! Although several of the articles really r6J}efer to the disks, they can be read on their own. In addition, there are articles that do not rely on the disk a6K}t all. MIKE BIBBY has contributed a number of articles on programming in both BASIC and Assembly Language. The disk 6L}will help to illustrate the points he makes in these articles, although the programs on the disk are by JOHN FO6M}SKETT. KEVIN COOKE reviews Autoduel and European Super Soccer. On the inside of the back cover there are refere6N}Hnces to two "advertising user groups", ours, and L. A. C. E. (TheM SLondonX ]Ataria Computer Enthusiasts.) Th6O}EOe PACESetter for February 1997 -- This issue was well-worth waiting for. The back cover arrived two weeks befo6P}re I wrote the review (the rest was lost in the mail) and I wrote to editor JEAN BROKAW for a replacement. The6Q}re is a reprint of RON FETZER's documentation for the GRASS Calculator. We sent that disk to PACE and they thank us6R} for it. Sadly, the club announces the passing of their active member, JOAN RAIA. I've corresponded with Joan 6S} on FidoNet in the past and always enjoyed seeing her articles. She will be missed. An amusing column, Mic6T}rosoft Baby, was reprinted from ORANGE BYTES, the newsleter of the North Orange Computer Club. It was originally 6U}written by CATHY MARGOLIN. If you appreciated the recent spate of Microsoft jokes, add this one to your list. There i6V}s a list of TV programs about compters and the Internet. It really applies only to the Largo area, but the s6W}ame shows may possibly be found on other channels and times in your area. A small type-in program, entitl6X} ed Winter Wonderland, $creates( a snowstorm on your screen. The article about stolen codes and Internet pass6Y}words which appeared in the LVAUG News is also reprinted. There are also more in the series of puzzles, quizzes, gam6Z}ees and small features for which this newsletter is famous. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*}4e88DABOHPMONCONTWEPFGHMOVECHAMOVCHPSXLRMOMOSTCDMMIAADQDMMMMOKKT:\}3HTTOWEHBCWJPPKEWERPEUDFBORE<>DFLN@TV\^dflnuv}:]}    ! 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