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Andrewsx666.,THE OL' HACKERS' ATARI U.G., INC. NEWSLETTER67B:,%,.7<@ z}8(,&-B:,6&7<,0 A,F @L 6. 67@J_,.#67,.C6-+@cj&,'@nr%@vL67, {}.r'A @I#-A"P' H6.D1:MAINMENU.HLP$@MT5@XdA@hH(}!A |}!A@h3" AP(" A7H:]B7t@dLR'@VZ@d^l9A @pxE-@"| }}BV( Selection: ]6.l/ )/+"AU)"A&,*4AFY"AUA(]."A&*B:,"6.$* ~}C . A:0"A&6.7I4'"@2Mp A%P'% D:IRA.BASf55 @It)!@R }* @e )!@(APT"@I,:(}!-@>\9(Exiting To Basic...E@`QART;"@P }(}!-@(8(Exiting To Dos,.:;.#"@Q>D A9HN# AR]. 1"@Ra6. D1:HELP.*'-1  }A1` 9"@e;/6.BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ9 A(?e 267B:,%,.>:,*2B:,"@imA(q A }  / +@-/(@;TURN DISK OVER( /-@?F/(@JTHEN PRESS ANY KEYZ 5AdAU)& } A'85% D:PROG.BAS o+A%A @<B7-@FJ@NnQ(NO PROGRAM THIS MONTHc-@rv@zo }6AR B'(FLIP DISK AGAIN AND PRESS A KEY1 A':G8)B AKZ 6 (}-@ ^b@ f6( What's Your Pleas }ure?" _B7t@d'@#'@d+19-@59@=nX(enu rint ead: _)T 8"@wr((.( } Main Menu.8 A) "@-1AT5@ 8"@DP((.(V _Read Filec.8 AGP .-B:, }'6. 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AfP67<, }.! 6-%6-%@9A ! ,"F:Ad,"A8" AEm^,F:Ad,"AF", Aq A }y..'@"P:'@ ',*"@y+/Ay3>..'@BJP:'@NU,*"@iY]Ayaj&9 An&@ }QP:,"9(@=X "(G6  '6-+",$%+",$+@U&,6(=:,N ((( }":6-+",$@  %+",$@$-G*@'1IN*: 6-6-@@Mi-$6.*":6. r  "F:A }d,"A8" A?R,F:Ad,"AF", AC<67B:,%,.7<,)67B:,%,.7<,<67B:,%,.7< }H,"6-?:loyal,B is considerably smaller than it once was. Genie Onl(}ine currently offers all the standard online services. The Atari8 "Roundtable" shows little activity these days, but(} has the largest software library of the three services. Genie was the last to begin adding Internet se)}Grvices, and some are not yet fully implemented. Others are subject to periodic breakdowns as the bugs are worked)} out of the system programming. Like Genie, Delphi Internet changed owners a few years ago, but in this case it see)}ms to have resulted in an improvement. Early in 1996 Delphi was described to me as "not expected to last the year." )}Contrary to that prediction," *Delphi's. successful integration of Internet services has resulted in a growth of )}its user base. As one former Genie staff member (now with Delphi) put it, "Delphi has become what Genie wante)}d to be." Delphi consists of two major sections, "Textside," and "Webside." Textside contains all the standard onlin)}e services and a full featured Internet service, with UNIX shell web browsing, FTP, and Usenet. The Atari Advantage for)}um, devoted to both 8- bit and ST, is active, mostly with 16-bit users. The 8-bit software library has been ina)}ctive of late, with the last uploads dated 1995. DOING IT Using Delphi's newsreader as an example, accessing U) }senet newsgroups couldn't be much easier. After logging on you make your way through three or four tiers of men) }us along any of several routes until you get to the Usenet part of the Internet Navigator. There you can find a list) }l of all the newsgroups available from Delphi, where you can search for those of your interestp using keywor) }ds. You can access one of these groups directly from the listings, and move its name to a "Personal Favo) }xrites" list if you want to return another time. Once a group is chosen, the newsreader will tell you| t)}he approximate number of messages that have been posted in the last 14 days or so, and how many of those you've read)}. You then select whether you want a list of all the unread message topics, just the unread ones for the last few day)}s, or all messages posted during a certain period. Then, you will be presented with a list of all the subject lines)}, or "threads," pertaining to your choice and the number of messages in each thread. Select one or more thre)}Gads that interest you and start reading. To limit my online time, I frequently use the NONSTOP command to displa)}y the posts without pauses, capture them to my RAMdisk, and read them offline. It's usually best to read posts f)}or a couple of weeks or so in a particular newsgroup before attempting to post a message or reply of your own. This is)} to get a feel for what is accepted by the group and what is not. Many groups will tolerate a breach of "Netiquett)}e" by a "newbie" for a while, but become less tolerant if it continues. For example, one of the worst things newbi)}es commonly do is use all capital letters. People say you're "shouting." Posting a new message is almost as easy )} as reading. With Delphi's newsreader, you use the ADD command from the thread list. You will have to supply t)}he subject line for the new thread, then just type in the message. You'll need to put a RETURN where you want one a)}t the end of each 80 column line because, unlike most Atari 8-bit word processors, Delphi's newsreader doesn't have a )}word wrap feature. When finished, hit CONTROL-Z and follow the prompts to post, list, or cancel. To reply to a)} message you read offline, make your way through Delphi's menus to begin reading the message again, then us)}e the REPLY command. Delphi gives you the opportunity to quote lines from a message you're replying to, but )}don't overuse this feature. It's usually considered bad form to quote an entire lengthy message only to say "I a)}gree!" at the end. Email, Usenet messages, and replies can be easily prepared while offline. I have an older ver) }%sion of Textpro right on my working) cBobterm disk that is configured to print textg for Delphi.(Top marg)!}in 0, page length 255, bottom margin 255, left margin 0, right margin 75-80.) I also wrote macros to print to the RA)"}Mdisk and to run Bobterm without going through DOS. If I know I'm going to write a message of more than a few line)#}s, I load Textpro, write and edit the message (Textpro's editor is MUCH easier than Delphi's), print it to my RA)$}GMdisk, go to Bobterm, call Delphi, and use Bobterm's ASCII upload feature to send the RAMdisk file online as )%}% text. Trust me - it's easier than it sounds. That's all you need to know to get you started, so why not get you)&}rself a modem, sign up an ISP, and go to it? To sign up with Delphi, use your modem at full duplex to d)'}ial 1-800- 695-4002. When connected, press RETURN, use the password NEWPLANS when asked for one, then follow)(} the prompts. Be sure to have a valid credit card number handy, and decide on your user name before you call, ))}as it can't be changed later, unless you cancel your account and sign up again as a new user. See you on Usenet!)*} o=o=o=o=o=}(+6@6DAMNNN1N1N1NNN1NN1NN1NN1NVCCLNSIIINVGXN2YIYINMCINVNNNNNVB-,}*JSN1NCUN1OSFBCBCSWN1Z35;=DELMTU\]delmtu | --}    '(/078?@GHOPWX_`ghopwx}-.} @"#*3Bh 9;!AC@"IK@#RS$Z[%bc&jk'rs(z)-/}* +,-$&.,./560=>1EF2LN3UV4\^5ef6mn7uv8}-0}9 :;< !=()>01?89@@AAHIBPQCXYD`aEhiFpqGxyH}-1}I JFUSEBOX BY RAY IRISH%%(C) 1989, ANTIC PUBLISHING INC. A!P 6-?:C:,:,H V-@5ZG"67,.>:, %-@5-8}v)"567,.>:,9 A-G"I6-&B:,#67$&%<$&,.,68,-0 8-A68,-E I  @@z-9}I-@0 ( (-@0#-4"@1?( None?I A ( N"( S,( E6(-:} W@J-6@%-F('|7 8|J X|J J76-^6--)O:8,,- -;}7 APTJ6-%@7$6.7$&%<$,( <-@;?@Cv%@(F6-J ^(-(Nothingh56-|-<}6--'8,6+ 5 Ar8 6-%6.7$&%<$," *-%.(46-8 |(-(Nothing= --=}dž 2-# -21 =ARB - AR$4HELP:6.Ifmq!zpvstfmg=> B ->} B:,"6. 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Ejtl!fssps= # R8 -5('|y |8$-}\. -+(+ 5.$f +;A @0ES)A@DWe;A@DiwMA @{_-} A@8q@@"0AR@4a6-F:A`,%AV$F:Aa,p%@ ei@mu+%@y@-} ?%@!@ S%@"$(@,2e-@6:@>Pq(FUSEBOX-@ TX@\zw(A text adventure game/--}C@ @%@( By Ray IrishR-@)-@ 1w( Late one night you find yourselfp+(#using all of your modern electr-}-icalN(conviences at the same time...`-@15@9Rp( PRESS STARTR-@VZ@^,(Special thanks to:R(! A-}2ntic magazine & Jeremy Wheeler F:B2y,@6MA"AS_'Aes9A @wKA-}E@ ]AR@&z-@*,276?P;?2EI@EMQ@Uj m (}-@ nr@v6(Da-}rn! a fuse blew out!H-@ "@&Tc(Better get that fixed!m A h@XZ`d+jv1A|-} CAR@J(}h(+ , 5>O#(J _ ؈O(' jmvy}-}[/('|( .6 =|[('GIVXbl[/('|v -}  |[('|@ J|>/(' o >( -}o/('   -e[('| | |o-@im@qb/('| -} |" -|3 _(' ?@R b$ hh1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,8,9,10,-}11,12,104,104,133,204,104,133,203,104,133,206,104,133,205,104,104 jj133,207,162,0,142,255,6,134,213,232,160,0,177,203,209,-}205,208,8,200,192,3,208,245,134,212,96,173,255 kk6,24,105,3,197,207,240,16,141,255,6,165,205,24,105,3,133,205,144,217,230,-}206,176,213,169,0,133,212,96$ jj216,104,104,133,204,104,133,203,104,104,133,205,160,0,177,203,201,61,240,11,56,233,1,145,20-}3,200,196. ll205,208,240,96,169,33,208,244,104,104,104,141,255,6,104,133,204,104,133,203,160,0,177,203,201,32,240,88 ll20-}0,204,255,6,208,244,160,0,132,212,169,0,133,213,96,GVTF,0,EFBE GVTF,0,CBUUFSZ,11,GMBTIMJHIU,0,QJMM,0B hhSBU USBQ,0,DPNJD CP-}PL,0,CSBODIFT,-14,LFZ,0,TPGB,-12,MJHIUFE GMBTIMJHIU,0,GVUPO,-7,DMPTFU,-9,CFE,-5L jjUPJMFU,-6,IPU UVC,-13,TUBJST,-15,TUBJST,-}-16,KVOL,-16,SBCJE DBU,-14,IFEHF,-10,QPXFSCPY,-17,DBCJOFU,-6V @@PQFO QPXFSCPY,0,XJOEPX,-7,XJOEPX,-14,XJOEPX,-12,DVQDBLF,11-} D:FUSEBOX.BASGQPXFSCPY,0,XJOEPX,-7,XJOEPX,-14,XJOEPX,-12,DVQDBLF,11,G HELP for FUSEBOX by RAY IRISH FUSEBOX is a text adventure, one of the winners from our April, 1989 "Adventure1} Works" Adventure Contest. Since Fusebox is a BASIC program, you can RUN it from BASIC. The game's title screen appea1}Grs -- and then the lights go out. You're alone at night in an unfamiliar house -- and now you have to find a fuse, and t1}he fusebox.XXX This isn't as easy as it sounds. There aren't that many rooms to explore, but it's a good ide1}a to make a map. You can see well enough where there are windows, but that won't be enough. As with most games of thi1}s type, you use two-word VERB/NOUN commands. (For example, LOOK BED or FLUSH TOILET.) In this adventure, you 1}Acan use single letters (N, S, E, W) for direction commands.E Some useful verbs: GET, OPEN, GO, READ, MOVE, UNL1}OCK, INSERT. If necessary, you can LOAD GAME and SAVE GAME to disk, if you've copied the game to another disk.XXX1}Ǜ If you can't figure something out, try varying your commands. Instead of USE ROCK try KILL SNAKE, or someth1}ing like that. Map the rooms, and make sure you've gone everywhere you can, and you'll get that fuse fixed -- event1}ually! that. Map the rooms, and make sure you've gone everywhere you can, and you'll get that fuse fixed -- event0 pp0hd0ju1lm1rm38) o=o=o=o=o=Editor's Messageby Alan SharkisEditor, OHAUG NewsletterIt's gratifiy5}ing indeed to put out a call for articles on using the 8-bit on the Internet through a newsgroup and getting responses. I've5} included the gist of a message I got in response to that call. I was also referred to an article at UMICH and I synopsized 5}that one for you, too. Find both in an article I included on Side 1 called, "Internet News."I also jumped the gun on the p5}romised article from TOM ANDREWS about using the 8-bit with Usenet Newsgroups. There was no indication that the expected iss5}ue of Atari Classics, which was to carry that article, was going to be released soon, so I figured we weren't doing any good 5}by withholding it from our membership and it appears on Side 2 of this issue.The program that runs from spacebar on side 1 5}is FORTUNE.BAS, which comes from our copy of the Pool Disk. It was originally from the December 1986 disk from A.N.A.L.O.G. 5}$magazine. Also on side 1, look for /_4 and ?_.The program that runs from the spacebar on side 2 is IRA.BA5}GS, which also comes from our copy of Pool Disk. It was originally on the March 1986 A.N.A.L.O.G. Magazine disk. You will al5}so find FUSEBOX.BAS, a text adventure on side 2. It came from our copy of the Pool Disk, and was originally from the October5} 1989 issue of ANTIC Magazine. You can read the documentation for this game with the "E" option from the Side 2 menu. [and _5} _ on side 2.]I hope you enjoy this issue. Please send me your comments, questions, e-mail addresses, etc., and I5}, will try to include them in the next issue.}4,,ABKCTRATT1AATT2L1IGSINPUAAAPINTOOBABPOATYGSFVFVAPPPFVGSFVPPPRTPCLERBLNYN9}OINIPMTPMYTINFLINFFVPPBCCBCIENGSDECGSARRBTPAUPCERRAYZabijqrx9}  $% ,- 45 <= DELMTU\]delmtu|9} '(/078?@GHNPWX _`!gh"op#vx$}9}% &'("#))+*23+9;,AC-JK.QS/Y[0ac1jk2rs3z49}5 678$&9-.:56;<>UV?]^@efAlnBuvC| 9}*j* TO IRA OR NOT TO IRA ** A TAX-EXEMPT SAVINGS *(* EVALUATIONu *2*9} BY DAVID L. CLARK *<5*>F A BdINPUT INITIAL VAUESn)+  -(!-9}%()(x'-%$   ! 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OF YEARS TO RETIREMENTF6.COMPOUNDED ANNUAL INT. RATEb6.ANNUAL DEPOSIT AMOUNT[6.TAX RATE'6.(AS A DEC9}kIMAL)86. ENTER THE [6. TO I.R.A. OR NOT TO I.R.A. f+6.! A TAX-EXEMPT SAVINGS EVALUATION ;6. t f6.$**9}"*qB6.ANNUAL INFLATION RATE66.PURCHASING POWERB6. FV- *-@u#67,.9}q>:AV,' *$ D:IRA.BASB6.ANNUAL INFLATION RATE66.PURCHASING POWERB6. FV- *-@u#67,.8#( *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*3 FNEWSLETTER REVIEWSS cby Alan Sharkisj OHAUG Newsletter Li=}brarian (FR)ANTIC for December 1987 -- How many of you remember a user group called NAPCO? They were at the=}Ǜ University of Pennsylvania and almost fell apart in 1987, only to be resurrected by the application of a flyer =} campaign and a strong association with Software Infinity. They enjoyed seven more years of life as a result of=} those efforts. Editor GREG BROWN the same Greg Brown who engineered NAPCO's publicity campaign in 1987, in an edit=}orial, compares the condition of the AAAUA with that of NAPCO in 1987. He feels that the AAAUA would benefit greatly =}9from a similar handbill campaign. Reprinted in this= Cissue,G KfromO AELien Transmissions, was that little list=} of what would happen if Microsoft's Headquarters were in Tennessee. It's funny. HARRY C. WOHLFERTH gives an account=} of what an entry level computer system should be and why he chose his to be an Atari 8-bit system. JACG =}&Newsletter for January 1998 -- Read* 0Editor4 7TOM< LASKOWSKI's editorial. It speaks volumes. He describes JAC=}G as a user group that can survive and accomplish without the individual contributions of its members. He wonder=}s how good it would be if the members actually did contribute something to the club. Actually, some did, and he th=}inks SAM CORY AND JOE HICSWA for their contributions. Part 7 of DON THOMAS' article, "Did You Hear Anyone Say=}G Goodbye?" is reprinted here. JOE HICSWA writes the first part of an article on learing to fly -- via his Atari =} flight Simulator. Joe also quotes a review by HAL GROENDYK of Blue Team Bridge from ANTIC Software, about freen In=}ternet phone calls via Jeff Pulver of Great Neck, NY, and of a man named PERCY ROSS who will give $1500 for a computer i=}f he likes your completion of the statement, "If Percy gave me a computer, my life would change for the beter =} because ..." #Instructions and' mailing address for this contest, over in December, are included in the=} article. There are also some interesting articles (some are off- topic) by SAM CORY and DAVE GOODWIN. The PA=}CESetter for January 1998 -- This issue is dedicated to JEAN BROKAW, who "retired" as editor after five years. =}WALT LEWIS, the new editor has promised a lot of material on TextPRO, and hasn't disappointed. His first TextPRO colum=}gn deals with using TextPRO to make adress labels. We see a reprint of the column on Microsoftk and TV dinners=}. A retrospective on disk drives from the early 1980s features a comparison chart of the Amdek, Astra, Atari =}.(1050 with DOS 3.0!!!) Indus GT, Percom,2 Rana and Trak drives available for our 8-bits, complete with pr=}ices and and illustrations. The prices are not to be believed. The first part of a set of simplified instructions for=} Flight Simulator II by ROBERT C. FASOLDT is also to be found in this issue, as are the customary puzzles, riddl=}es, etc. We congratulate #Walt' ,Lewis1 for continuing a fine tradition! TWAUG Newsletter for January/February 1=}998 -- DAVE RUSSELL concludes a very well-done series on accessing all of the Atari's graphics modes from BASIC. C=}hris Davies has written a program called Magfile 2, which is included on the disk for this month. The article in =}the print newsletter is the documentation for this program, which allows topic-by-topic search of a data bas=}e of Atari magazine articles. MALCOLM DOMONE has written a program, also on the disk, that keeps tables of league=}C s in soccer. Andre Willey writes a tutorial on RS-232. MICK RANDLE has a fine article on XIO, including il=}lustrative BASIC programs for you to type in. XIO3 for January/February 1998 -- GCACE continues to produce a fi>}ne newsletter. ROWLAND GRANT fills us in on the troubled existence of JTS. There are rumors, probably unfounded, that>} JTS will sell off the remaining assets of Atari. JOHN PICKEN has printed, complete with diagrams, the description >}/of the Rick Cortese (one- chip) version of3 6the: SIO2PC interface. In his 8-bit Affairs column, Rowland ta>}lks about the delays in bringing out both New Atari User and Atari Classics magazines. He tells us that ICD's we>}7b page is advertsing 8-bit products again. There< ?areD furtherdevelopments reported about an upcoming Web pag>}e devoted to De Re Atari, the Pool Disk II, and the THOMAS GRASEL Two Computer Interface. GCACE owns a compl>}ete set of the Bellcom P/D disks and is mailing them to BO and ERNEST SCHREURS to fill our their collection for the Pool >}Disk II. JACG Newsletter for February 1998 -- JOE HICSWA continues his series on Flight Simulator and adds a smal>}l article on Shanghai. SAM COREY writes about the latest demos done at the club and offers to write an artic> }le for any JACG member who has expertise on a subject but difficulty writing about it. The PACESetter for February 199> }8 -- There is a command list for SpeedCalc, complete with a list of functions and operators. It was c> }ontributed by TOM HARVEY.# A complete guide to the repair of the head park switches in the 1050 disk drive by > }D. R. HAULSEE is included in this issue. The continuation of the Flight Simulator II instructions by ROBERT FASOLDT is> } also here, as are the usual games, puzzles, etc. I don't often include the short newsletters we receive from S>}LCC in this column, because most of the 8- bit material coming out of that user group comes to us on their disks. >}However, I think it will cheer any of you up to read the well-written and humorous minutes and other material from th>}Ge pen of JIM MORAN. The single-page March 1998 issue is certainly a case in point. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+>} *+*+*+*+*+*}<?$x (c)1983 Action Computer Services C B JKIHiDiELV`L=$B}dž =$ BLV`L$$l L$ &` Fj`8冨凪` $EӅӥB} $`ʆǪƩ Ɛee` $ƦʆǢ &Ɛeǐ % %L$ $'&&&8儨児B}祂*L$&&*ń8&&L$ [%`hihiHHȱȱL$c !#3`B}L$J`H $h`Hȩh r$L% {$L% %$L% -$L% 3$H8B})`HhHh _&L%- BHI V䅠L% L& =$L%Ԇ ؠPIPP`B} &P -$L% &L& &L& 'L&H- &8塪墨hL' 'L& &'L& &ȹP`B}텠8堨塪 &芨Oȩ-`PP &P棩 Ѥģ0-ģ6000:,80H B}& &ehe&eģ0ʥ 8堅塅`$ &&*i0:0i &Ʀ`¢ 护B}\°ڱ%ȱ%E &L`(担CS R&L`(I 'L`(H (L`( &L`(` &B V %NLMȑB}` MLN%B VL%S:)E:)H L& ) ) & L&h)0I))L&[\ZUVT` @)))B}-` G)L& :)L& @)L&)1 j` G)L& &%` 0d $ҥn `2)2B};ҩ`p`0)9*`@0)ӈ?J)`Ѕ`ȱ`` 5*ȥ`HhB}ǤƣĢ`ƥĤ`Ѣ *`ȱѢĦ`膡`B }DZ`ťƤe8夰L* Ƥ8`ŦeѠe桊L*PZ@B!}O+@ W+ ~IF Lo+k+`EN mLz+ %s+`;Gm,L+ %+`gr()m, ELSEIF L+ %+M+L+K+J+ w++MJ+ +MK+LB"}G++ML+ +MM+L+`J+͏+K++0L,8+J+++K+++Ȍ+L1,8J+++K+++++L+͑+M++0La,8+L+B#}#++M+++Ȍ+L~,8L+++M+++++K++J++M++L+++͓+++0L-+m+++m++8++++B$}ǔ++8+++++++Ȍ++-+--͡+-+L-$+m+++m++++0L@-+m+++m++Lf-+mB%}ǝ+++m+++m+++m++++++ w+++L,L`.+m+++m++8++++++8++++++B&}+Ȍ++-+--͡+-+L`. +m+++m++++0L.+m+++m++LD.+m+++m+++m+++mB'}ǘ++++++ w+++L-+K++J++M++L+`-L. )e+f+YX1{.0z.Ȍy.y.L.y. me+B(}Dž*(mf+8y. me+*(mf+i(ȱiy.L.8z.z.{.{.z.{.pz.i{.iPz.iB)}ǭ{.iy.y.L/z.my.{.iy.iz.e{.iy.LI/z.iDž{.iz.iȅ{.iBz.iɍiB*}+{.ij+z.i̅{.i8{.1z.0` L///)//N+//L108/a+eb+i////L/`B+}Ǎ/?80LA0 %202030020300Lc0`4050040500L0`3020 $6020)7040 me+50*(mf+B,}Ǯd+c+c+m60d+i<0m70=0i1a+m70b+i`0[0L1 %0000000L"1`000B-}000L>1`00 $00)00 me+0*(mf+d+c+c+m0d+ia+m0b+iQ`.L11B.}Ǡ1T+b+S+a+/n+/m+@0y+?0x+0+0+1i1iN1ic1iN1b͢1L/21m11iB/}Ǒ1L 2f1͢1LZ21m11i1L42`0L`2[2[2)N+[2Lz2[2\2\2L28\2a+eb+i[2B0}[2\2L2`mo22L2 %2220?ͱ220L2`220ͳ220L3`22 $22)22 B1}me+2*(mf+d+c+c+m2d+i2m22i1a+m2b+i`[3L3 %z3z3{30?z3{B2}30L3`|3}30|3}30L3`{3z3 $~3z3)3|3 me+}3*(mf+d+c+c+m~3d+ia+m3b+iB3}ǭQ`*L)4$4#4`+b+_+a+_2n+^2m+2y+2x+3+3+#4i$4iO#4ic$4iO%4b%4L4B4}CX#4m%4$4i%4L4f%4%4L4#4m%4$4i%4L4`_4B5}55" #5\L=5959595L595 m4*(m58ȱ95 m!5*(m"58B6}Ǭȱ95LE5`yL55758558575 R&`L5 %55555555555L 6 55855B7}5555L5`e+[z5x5z5y5{50LE6{5y5z5x5dx5y50L6dy5x5 ez5e{5y5L6 %|6|B8}6Z|6LA7|6|6 &%- [%}6~6|6~6}6 &% [%}6~6|6d &%8B9}ǥ}6}6~6~6-~6}6 [%}6~6}6|6!6|6L6`x5LI7 %B7hC7B7 %B7C7B7[C70L7E7B7!6D7LB:} 8B7ɵC70L78B7C7E7!6D7L 8B7C70L78B7鴅C78!6D7E7L 88hB7C78!6D7B;}ǩE7E7D7`L8 %8h88 %888[80Li88Z888!68L88ɵ80L888ZB<}ǭ88!688L8880L88888!688L88888!6888`iL8B=}88880L!98888888`L39-9,9,9 -9LM9`-9,9 8-9,9/9.9.9/9/9.9B>}ǭ/9.9 &%m.9m/9,9Ŭ-90L9/9.9`Lh9eL9L9 %99999ȱ &%99 B?}m9*(m9 m9*(m9ȱ &%9e99e9 m9*(m9 m9*(m9B@}Džȱ &%9e99e999`L: %::: m:*(m: m:*(m:ȱBA}Ǭ &%:: m:*(m: m:*(m:ȱȱ &%8媅ȱ嫑 m:*(mBB}Ǧ: m:*(m:::ȱȱ &% m:*(m::: m:*(m:ȱȱBC}Ǭ &%8媅ȱ嫑 m:*(m::: m:*(m:ȱȱ &% m:BD}*(m: m:*(m:::ȱȱ &%8媅ȱ嫑`,<*(mL<<<<<BE}Ǡ 8<< m<*(m< 8<<<<<<0L?=<<<< m<*(m< BF}G8<<<<<<0L=<<<d<< [%e<e<<<;<<L>< mBG}G<<*(m<<< [%<ж<<<< 9<<<< 09< m<<*(m<< m<<*(m< &%<< [%<ЌBI}<`e+4>4>4‚P?L ?N+?N+ :)?IL1??N+N+ l+U+m?V+i?N+ &BJ}  :)?Jg & & :)?) & &`=L?N+L??L?8N+?U+m?V+ikJ??͌?L?BK}(? :)? & &U+m?V+i?, U+m?V+i)e>m?>iU+m?V+i`LJ@N+LBL}Z@E@Lc@8N+E@U+mE@V+i)F@F@iF@F@L@F@ :)F@ & &U+mE@V+iU+mE@V+i)BM}ǪmF@>mE@>iU+mE@V+i`L@@@LRA>m@>i@>U+m@V+i>m@>iBN}Ǒ@LA`LWASASALA>mSA>iSA>SAL\A`LAA͇ALAU+mAV+i>mA>iALA`BO}LAAALBU+mAV+i?mA?iALA`L B ?ILBL BIL/B ?LoBI9LDB ?LoBBP}:LWB G@LoBI:LlB @LoBLrBL B`*(mPZAxȱ ma;*(,yR yyx d}BQ}2 2"#(-( 2E 22JMRe2(2(j 2 2BR}22((B(m^;LxCpCoCRBB H*oCpC &%isCiBS}tCrCqCsCCtCCCqCCrCL$DqC mBrC*(mBqC moCrC*(mpCqCгrCLCBiBBiBBT}Bi BBiB`D me;LVDHDGD mGD*(mHDLDKD mGD*(mHDHHBB 8hhLDKD &BU}% [% mGD*(mHDHHBB F7hhLDKD &% [%BV}ǭGDHDȱJDID mGD*(mHDȱNDMDBB F7PDODBB 8RDQDGDHDRDQDJDID &%BW}ǭPDODNDMD &%8媅嫅 [% mGD*(mHDPDODJDID &%RDQDNDBX}EXǭMD &%ee [%GDHDȱJDID mGD*(mHDȱLDKDBB F7PDODBY}DŽBB 8RDQDGDHDRDQDJDID &%PDODLDKD &%8媅嫠 mGD*(mHDPDODBZ}DžJDID &%RDQDLDKD &%eeGDHDȱ [% mGD*(mHDB[}ǩȱ [%HDGD <`xxxLGGG mG*(mGȑ mG*(mGȑB\}ǩGG SDGG mG*(mGȑ mG*(mGȑGG SDGGGGGB]}G :GG W9W8B{}GW :):W:WLW:W m8W*(m9W ' &:WLRW`OLWWW :)WW ' &WdW0LWB|}| & :) 5`-LWWW :) mW*(mW) & mW*(mWȱ0LBXL8X LineTo X. 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