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B|}y:Kris Holtegaarde00(' (Modified, By:Thomas J. Andrewsj666.,THE OL' HACKERS' ATARI U.G., INC. NEWSLETTERt6}}7B:,%,.7<@8V,y&-B:,6&7<,0 AU~ L 6. 67@Zo,.#67,.C6-+@s&,'@~}C%@ #L67,.'A @'Y#-A2P' H6.D1:MAINMENU.HLP$@]d5@htA@xH(}!}!A !A@h%C" A (" AGX(]B7t@d\b'@fj@dn9A @} E-@"V( Selection: ]6.2/ )/+"AU)"A&,*4A07"AUA`9."A&*}YB:,"6.$*. A0:0"A&6.7:,*2B:,"@dA` A0/} +@ -/(@6TURN DISK OVER/-@:A/(@ETHEN PRESS ANY KEY5AdAU)& A0}35% D:PROG.BASo+A%A @7=7-@AE@IiQ(NO PROGRAM THIS MONTHc-@mq@uoAR}UB'(FLIP DISK AGAIN AND PRESS A KEY1 A08)B A6 (}-@ Y]@ a6( What's Your Pleasure?}_B7t@d'@"@d&,9-@04@8iX(enu rint ead: _)8"@wmy((.(} } Main Menu.$8 A"@(,AP0;8"@?K((.(Q ZRead File^.d8 AFh.-B:,6. }HD1:**.TXT.67<,.7<,F A"@A )5@L[<(}F A5_p  A4F:A},"A6*@@@4 A5PMMIF K=65 AND PEEK(195)=170 THEN Z=LEN(MENU$):GOTO 2160 ĠӠśpA} @ 4@e7*F:A,"Ap:(}L-@;?@Cpp(Not In This Months News Letter! AFt AF}! 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IT IS PRESUMED 055(,THAT THE$} USER IS ALREADY FAMILIAR WITH THESE81( PROCEDURES.1>(>(3THE FUNCTIONS ARE INVOKED WITH THE FOLLOWING KEYS:2)($})( 0 INSTRUCTIONS 25 GREYSCALEd2##( 1 DOTS> \6 PURITY2))(! 2 HORIZ. BARSa 7 TEST PATTERN,3''( 3 VER$}T. BARS N8 COLOR BARS3( 4 CROSSHATCH3(( SELECT...?X4'@RTZ`'@dh@9l4$ NN$}- A@!N,'I/ALO O$R:T dVBARSlR-@htA@xR$}, K/A4S S$y ?TVD:TVTEST""}$KOL'HACKERS DISK LIBRARY +(NEWLIB1A.ASC)B=# 1[Side 1]: "ANTIC BUSINESS AND FINANCEDISK" with 14 v(}aluable business aidscovering IRAs, bankbook balancing,bargraphs, sinking funds, businessaccounting, etc. FINANCE.BAS,BAR(}GRAPH.BAS, BANKBAL.BAS, BALANCE,CHECKPRT.BAS, IRA.BAS, PVPERIOD.BAS,SINKFUND.BAS, LOADPAY.BAS,BIGNUM.BAS, FVINV.BAS, NPV,B(}AS,PRATIO.BAS, BUSINESS.BAS. [SIDE 2]:"UTILITIES" autorun TEXTVIEW.BAS,ATARIARC.ADE, TINYLABL.PRT,AUTOMATE.UTL, DISKRX.U(}TL,INSPECT.UTL. MENUBINY.UTL,POLYCOPY.UTL, UNDELETE.UTL,XEMULTR.UTL.# 2 *** NOT AVAILABLE ***# 3 *** NOT AVAILABLE *** (}# 4 *** NOT AVAILABLE ***# 5 *** NOT AVAILABLE ***# 6 *** NOT AVAILABLE ***# 7 *** NOT AVAILABLE ***# 8 *** NOT AVAILABLE(}G ***# 9 Bi-Monthly "Bit Byter Magazin #8March 1987 in German. You can learn alot of different programming ideas.[Side 1](}: BALLSONG.COM, INFO.BAS,WORLD2.PIC, LAUFDEMO.BAS,WERBUNG.BAS. [Side 2]: LEIDENSC.COM,HIFI.PIC, BIBOTEST.BAS, SOUND1.BAS,(}ENTSPGRA.COM, STREICHE.COM,DRUKTEST.BAS, EINZEIL,BAS. # 10 Great for all you STAR TREKfans! Self loading demo disk withm(}any,many pics to view. Just turn onthe computer and watch it go! GETTHIS ONE! These are NOT 62 sectorpictures! [Side 1]: E(}NTRPRC1, MCCOY,SPOCK1, ENTPSINC, MIRRMIR, TPRING,KLINGON, WRATH, ELEVATOR, SALTVMPR,ENTPRS2, SPACE, INSIG1, SCOTT, UHURA,(}KAHNSINGP, REMEMBER, TRIBBLES,ROMULAN, CHEKOV, SAAVIKOM, SULU,ENTPRS3.[Side 2]: CRUISER1,2,3,4,DESTROY1,2,3,4, SCOUT1,2,3,(}4,TUG1,2,3,4, SHUTTLE1,2,3, MNPROP1,2,INSIG2,3,4.# 11 This is a disk with TURBO BASICXL 1.5. It is from Germany, and wil(}lspeed up your BASIC programs 5 to 10times. Loads from DOS 'L'. All 8 Bitowners should have this MUST PROGRAM!Basic was n(}ever this good! [Side 1]:COMPILER.COM, RUNTIME.COM, etc.[Side 2]: Has a DOCUMENT FILE READERand text files in "English" on(} theTurbo Compiler and Tidier plus TurboBasic Commands. # 12 PRINTER UTILITIES: This disk hasmany different kinds of Pr(}interutility files and many disk labelers.Not all of them work with Sparta-Dos,so use 2.5, or 2.0S A REAL BONANZAfor PRIN(}TER afficiandos. [Side 1]:EPSET.BAS, TXTMAN20.EXE,SOLPRINT.BAS, GEM10DMO.BAS, PRINTDOS,GCALENDR.BAS, POSTRMKR.BAS,AWDISK.(}DOC, FNT4PC.OBJ, SPOOLER,TEXTMAN.DOC, BANNER.NEW,ADRLABEL.PRT, GEM10LAB, FPRINT.OBJ,AWDISK.CRE, CNFDUMP.OBJ, EASYLAB.DOC.(}[Side 2]: Contains EASY LABELER bySteven Anderson complete withdocumentation. # 13 Game, called "Wheel of Fortune".For t(}he 800XL and 65XE. Good fun forthe whole family. [Side 2]: Contains PUZLEMKR.BAS and completedocumentation for the game.(}# 14 Also has "Wheel of Fortune" forthe 130XE and upgrades compatible tothe 130XE. Also good for the wholefamily! [Side 2](}: ContainsWOFPUZLE.BAS and completedocumentation for the game.# 15 Fast paced and decent games.Though they are hard but (}much fun.Tryit youll like it! Try "CRASH DIVE"- You'll like this real ARCADE typegame. [Side 1]: LIVEWIRE, LUNDEFEN,ANDRO(}GTONO, HARVY, AVALANCH, ROUNDUP,PLANETDF, DEMNBIRD, TRICTRAC, BACTER.[SIDE 2]: BATBRING, DEFEND, FROGGIE,RETRO, MONEYHUG, L(}IFE, CANYON,CRSHDIVE, FILLERUP, MYRAPEDE, SHOOT,MONEYHUG, POPCORN, CHARLIE.# 16 Tons of FONTS and FONTMAKERS foryour com(}puter. Printer freaks, grabthis one! [Side 1]: SUPERFONT programplus the following 18 fonts COMPUTER,MIRROR, ENGLISH, HOME(}PAK, SQR, FONT,OUTLINE, BT2FONT, TPSQR, STYLISH,SQUARE, FAT, NEW, STOP, ANOTHER,BTFONT1, TPRMN, TPSTND. [Side 2]:FONTMAKR(}.BAS, MATTEDIT.BAS,FONTEPS.BAS, PRNTTOOL.BAS,POSTRMKR.BAS, FFLIP.OBJ, GEMSET.OBJ,PRNTTOOL.DOC, FFLIP.DOC.# 17 TOUCH-EDIT(} by Boyd Gafford (aprogram to design your own fonts).[Side 1]: conversions and graphicdemos. Pick and load. Comes withcom(}plete documentation. [Side 2]:TOUCH-EDIT program. VEEERYINTERRESSTING and its a greatENHANCED 1050 UTILITY DISK!# 18 Dis(}klabler which will allow youto label ANY Dos disk.Any version.For the labeling of Sub-Dirs. A WOWOF A DISK. Now you can se(}e whats onyour DISKS! [Side 1]: TINYLIST.BAS,DISKLABL.BAS, ADLBLBIG.BAS,SOFTWARE.BAS, FONTMAKR.BAS,KDUMP17.BAS, ADRLBLR.B(}AS,TINYLABL.PRT, CUSTPRNT.BAS,FONTEPS.BAS. [Side 2]: SYNLABEL.OBJ,DISKLABE.LER, HCLABEL.OBJ,DEREZIL.OBJ, GDEVICE.OBJ, GLA(}BEL.BAS,GDEVICE.DOC, GLABEL.DOC.# 19 DISK UTILITIES DOS 2.0 on [Side1]. [Side 2]: DOS 4.0 by MichaelBarall (from ANTIC) (}Here it is - TheDOS that Atari, Inc. spent over$100,000 and never released. Codenamed QDOS, it supports single, 1050(enha(}nced), and double-densitydrives. Single drive systems requireminimal disk swapping. Docs includedin Atari's 100 screen on-(}line [Help]system. DOS 4.0 is fast-two timesfaster than DOS 2.0, three timesfaster than DOS 2.5.# 20 This GERMAN DISK is)} called "HIRES DUMP" from BIT BYTER. There arepics on the disk. Instuctions onSides 1 and 2. Will dump Pics toEPSON and o)}ther printers. A knockoutof a DISK! Get, you have a winnerhere.# 21 [Side 1]: THE GRAPHIC LABELDUMPER (ver. 2.0) from Ge)}rmany byMatthias Lohse. A graphic printerwith built-in Pics and documentationin *English*. Easy to use. [Side 2]:Another)} KNOCKOUT DISK, withEXCEPTIONAL GRAPHICS and MUSIC fromBit Byter "Hubby-Tronic Demo". Hit[START] after title page is onSC)}GREEN!# 22 Two sides of Pics for use withdisk #21.Get both. Be sure to check out thisnew DOS from GERMANY- used DOS II+/D)}Ǜby OSS! [Side 1]: MAGICLANTRN, plusthe following .PIC files- GARF1,GARFI3,4,5,6,7,8,9.11,A1,A2,A3,A4,MEER, FIGHTER, CAR1,)} ATARI, AMIGA1,NUCLEAR, HAEGARON, ZUKUNFT, REAGEN,KATE, STADT, AMIGA,WAPPEN, OLIFANT,URWALD. [Side 2]: .PIC files-KARTE,K)}ARAT1B, ATARI, TUER, KATZE, AKT1,BLACKWEL,SPION,CB200, DIEFURT,BEUTELS, AUGE, KARATE1, USER6, TEST,PSYCHO, FIGHTER, SEE, G)}EMOFANT,SPACE, NACHTWAL, OLIDISK, MORIA.# 23 [Side 1]: From J.A.C.G.- PRINTSHOP Utilities also PRINT SHOP toVISUALIZER c) }omplete withdocumentation. [Side 2]: PRINT SHOPutility programs KOALA2PS.BAS,PSPICS.BAS, PSDU.BAS, SHOPTOOL.EXE,PSDU.BXL,) } PSPICS.EXE, PSDIR,PICTURED.UMP, FILEUTIL.ITY,PSICON.EXE, PSPIC.DOC. Nothing morehas to be said! ANOTHER 3 STARWINNER!#) } 24 [Side 1]: DISPLAY MASTER by DaveOblad from ANTIC, eight Picsincluded. [Side 2]: More pictureprograms and Pics. PICLOAD) }.BAS,PICSEE.BAS, KWIKDUMP.BAS,PICPRT62.BAS, ARTSHOW.BAS, PAINT.NOC,BALLET.PIC, PEPSI.PIC, LUVBIRD.PIC,CAR.PIC, CAR2, DEER) }.PIC, BALLET2.PIC,STARWAR.PIC, TIGER.PIC, TIGER2.PIC,PAC.PIC.# 25 This disk is jam packed, it hasa few games and also te)}aching typeprograms, as well as more UTILITIES,another real GOLD MINE BONANZA! [Side1]: THECHIP.TXT, CATALOG.BAS,SLIDETIT)}.TXT, LEBREAK.NOC,VCRLADOC.TXT, MATHMUDI.BAS,SCRNGUID.BAS, THUNLITE.BAS,VSCROLL.BAS, VCRTITLE.TXT,SLIDE1.BAS, VCRLABEL.BA)}S,BINARYQU.IZ, MATHADSUB.BAS,TELEGRAM.BAS, TITLER.BAS. [Side 2]:POEMPRNT.BAS, BASICDOS.BAS,CONSKEYS.BAS, DBLCASH.BAS,TIT)}LER.TXT, ADRESPRT.BAS, CALPI.BAS,SPECDOS.BAS, KALEIDOS.OBJ, FILEM.BAS,OHACLOGO.BAS, TINYLABL.BAS,GEMCODE.BAS, HEARTITL.BAS)},CHECKBAL.PRT, LITEXPLO.BAS,DBLCASH.PRT, ALPHABTZ.BAS,LABELS.BAS, PREPGEMI.BAS,AUTOMATE.BAS, TEXTSAMP, FINGERS.BAS,TEXTV)}IEW.BAS.# 26 All Pics. Plenty of Graphics![Side 1]: HI RES DUMP German programsimilar to Disk # 20 but differentpictures)}. [Side 2]: SCREEN DUMP IIfrom Germany for Koala andMicropainter pics, contains thefollowing pics- SPORTS.PIC,SNOOPY.PIC,)} OBLIX.PIX, GARFIELD.PIC,BELMONDO.PIC, DONALD.PIC, BILL.PIC,AT800XL.PIC, TUMBLE.MIC, NOPIRAT.MIC,COMPY.MIC. They know thei)}Gr GRAPHICSin Germany where this comes from!# 27 [Side 1]: A great Playboy picloadable from DOS. "OMNIVIEW-LOADER"program)} and ANTIC Amazing CardShuffler. [Side 2]: Card Shufflermodified by Ol' Hackers. Better get this one, its a doozy (a MU)}STHAVE). NUMBER 10 in a scale of 1 to10!# 28 [Side 1]: ABBUC EXTRA SounderMagazine (Apr 1987) Text files all inGerman. )}[Side 2]: Many Pics for Koalaand Micropainter (same as Disk26-side2).# 29 [Side 1]: A FOREIGN (GERMAN)language DOS 2.5 ()}Extremely fastDOS). This is an all German disk withgames, utilities and demos. [Side 2]:BRUNI'S DEMO DISK all German disk)}with Pic files. Add this DOS andpictures to your collection.# 30 Bit Byter German Disk Magazine #6 (1986). With pics and )}otherthings-great to experiment with, andpick up new ideas. (Double sided diskfully loaded).# 31 Another Bi-monthly GERM)}AN BitByter Disk # 7 (1986) loaded withgames, demos and utilities in Germanlanguage. Also great to experimentwith. (Doubl)}e sided disk fullyloaded)#32 [Side 1]: GAMES- HATS.BAS,ANTIPONG.BAS, BAYPILOT.BAS,TYPOTIME.BAS, SPACLMO.BAS,SPOOKBST.BA)}S, TAXMAN.BAS. With anauto-loader, hit [R] to RUN, then theletter near the inversed program youpicked. Great menu called ') }CATALOG'.Try it! [Side 2]: More GAMES with'Load-it' menu. CLEWSO.B01, QUIX,OBJ,PANTHER.BAS, TAG.BAS, BIRTHDAY,NEWDOORS, O)!}ILWELL, STRATEGY, DIMEN23.# 33 [Side 1]: Binary loading GAMES.Most are fun but some have poorgraphics. SUBHUNT.OBJ, WARRI)"}OR.OBJ,PONG.OBJ, BLAST.OBJ, ELECTRO.OBJ,DZONE.OBJ, KRAZYKAT.OBJ, MIDAS.OBJ,AINCOMING.OBJ, SPEEDSKI.OBJ,TROLLWAR.OBJ, COSM)#}IC.OBJ, ROAD.OBJ,GLOB.OBJ, SLITHER.OBJ. [Side 2]:OL'HACKERS GAME DISK with menuloader. LUNARRPTL.BAS, SPYPLANE.BAS,DINO.B)$}AS, SIEGE.BAS, CRICKET.BAS,MAZRIDER.BAS, LEPRECHN.BAS.# 34 [Side 1]: Programers DesignTools-Utilities with menu loader.C)%}ontains another labler, a soundcreating file and a drawing program.DATABASE, PMDESGNR, PROGSORT,RPMTEST.BAS, SOUNDLAB, FON)&}TEDIT,LABLGEMI.BAS, MLMENUMK, PROGLIB,RENUM.BAS, SKETCH, SUPERDUP.SYS.[Side 2]: 'Computer Tutor For TheYoung'. FRENGAME.B)'}AS, MATHWARS.BAS,FUNCTION.BAS, BARNYARD.BAS, QUIZ,BAS,CONCEN.BAS, ADDING.BAS.# 35 [Side 1]: ESSENTIAL UTILITIESall Epson)(}G disk. Has many keyboardDemos and lablers. O.K. Epson (andcompatibles). SYSTAT.SYS, FORMAT.BAS,SEPARATE, PROTECT.BAS, RUNT))})IME.BAS,EPSONTYP.IST, EPSONLBL.SML, AUTOTYPE,XREF.BAS, RPMCHECK.BAS, SYSTAT.BAS,EPSONLBL.BIG, SETUPPTR.BAS,KEYBOARD.BAS, )*}DISASM.BAS,DISKTAPE.BAS, LOADPLUS, AUTODATA,EPSONLIS.TER. [Side 2]: 'ANTIC'Database Managers and Disk Utilities.QUIKSORT,)+} SCROLL.BAS, PROGINDX.ABA,INDXPRNT, ABACUS40.DOC, CALENDAR,SECTCHEK, DISKDIR,BAS, SUPRIND,ABACUS.DAT, SUPERDUP.SYS.# 36 ),}Color Graphics demos, a fontmaker, jokes, mailinglist processorand Super Directory which gives you ashort description of e)-}ach file, whichyou can make up. Worth having, justfor the SUPER DIRECTORY. WHAT ABARGAIN THIS IS! Also has'BREAKDANCE' pr).}ogram. Watch themdance up a storm with music too. Hasa 'README' for instructions. [Side1]: BREAKDA.NOC, DALEX2, SUNSET.BAS)/},FULALPHA.FNT, DESCR.DIR,MAILLIST.BAS, MEMOPAD.BAS,MODULES6.BAS, DALEX1, HACKER.BAS,FONTMAKR.BAS, SHADING.BAS, HUMOR.BAS,)0}ǛFIXER2.,OBJ, SUPRDIR.BAS. [Side 2]:'Utilities' SMALLWP.BAS, CATALOG.BAS,SETAUTO.BAS, RUNTIME.BAS,KEYBOARD.BAS, CALENDAR.B)1}AS,TEXTVIEW.BAS, MEMOS.BAS,TINYLABL.BAS, BASICOFF.COM,GRAPHICT.ITL, CONSUBR.BAS,GDEVICE.OBJ, SETUPPTR.BAS, CALENDAR,OHAC)2}LOGO.BAS, FILEMAKR.NOC,DISKLABL.BAS, ALSDATES.DAT,BASICON.COM.# 37 [Side 1]: ICON SHOP by GregTavares and THE PRINT SHOP)3} GRAPHICEDITOR with documentation for printeror screen. The Icon Drawing file hassettings for Joystick, mouse, andKoalapa)4}d. [Side 2]: Has teachinggames as well as a very unusual andexcellent MENU! MCDONALD.BAS,SLEUTH.BAS, DOMINOS.BAS, CHANGE.B)5}AS,CSMCOUNT.BAS, NORACE.BAS,COUNTING.BAS, MULTIPLY.BAS, HELP.# 38 Bi-monthly Bit Byter Magazin #9, an all German Disk, l)6}oaded withgames, graphics and demos. Great forexperimentation and learning newprograming ideas! (Double sideddisk). # 3)7}9 Bi-monthly Bit Byter Magazin #10 (9/87), another all German Diskwith more games, great graphics anddemos. (Double Sided )8}Disk).# 40 Bi-monthly Bit Byter Magazin #11, all German Disk with games, news,graphics and demos. (Double SidedDisk).#)9} 41 TURBO BASIC GEMSCRIPT comes fromDr. Carlson, Cleveland, Ohio, for usewith Gemini and EPSON compatableprinters. A must ):}Ghave if you have aGEMINI 10X Printer! Be sure to getthis one. Complete and VERY DETAILEDprintout DOCS on side 2.# 42 The);};re is a FANTASTIC WELCOMEscreen and then a few otherUtilities. Run 'CATALOG.BAS' forMENU, hit [R]to run, then the lettern)<}ear the the program you want to run.[Side 1]: OHTV.PIC, OHADV.PIC,GRAPHICT.ITL, DOS2256K.BAS,BASICON.COM, TITLEPG.BAS,OHD)=}SKLOG.PIC, OLHWELC, FINGERS.BAS,BASICOFF.COM. [Side 2]: A blank diskformatted with DOS, DUP andAUTORUN.SYS along with CATA)>}LOG.BAS sothat you can add your own files.# 43 [Side 1]: PRINT SHOP ICON editor(same as on Disk #37). [Side 2]: Hasloads)?} of new PRINT SHOP ICONS fromCLEVELAND, worth having just for themany many ICONS alone!# 44 [Side 1]: Demos galour and l)@}oadsof utilities for DOS's such as 2.0,3.0, 2.5, 2.6r Atari Dos and otherssuch as those.Don't let this one getaway! You w)A}ill love this one, fromA.C.E. of EUGENE, OR. - APPLEATR,BOTCH, STARWARS.MUS, BOOKLIST, HORSE,HORSEV, HDEM.CHR, STAR, NITEM)B}ARE,SCROLL, XMASTREE, HORSES,BOOKLIST.DAT, HORSE.DAT. [Side 2]:'UTILITIES' with Super Directory Menu- TEXTVIEW.BAS, TINYL)C}ABL.PRT,AUTOMATE.UTL, INSPECT.UTL,POLYCOPY.UTL, XLEMULTR.UTL,ATARIARC.ADE, DESCR.DIR, DISKRX.UTL,MENUBINY.UTL, UNDELETE.U)D}TL. # 45[Side 1]: This disk autoloads intothe RAMDISK (if you have one), thenautomatically runs 'SCRENPRT.BAS'.Contains )E}MAILLIST.BAS, TELDIREC.BAS,OHTITLE.BAS, TITLEOH, CONSKEYS.BAS,ADBASE.OBJ, FIRSTNAM.DAT, CLUBS.ADB,DISKLABL.BAS, FINGERS.BA)F}S,CLUBLABL.DAT. [Side 2]: UTILITIESwith an Auto Dialer. If you don'thave TOUCH-TONE, this will act asone. AUTODUTI.LTY, F)G}ONT, MENU,PHONE.1, AUTODIAL.ER, AUTODIAL.DOC,PHONE.0, SCRENPRT.BAS. # 46 Prints labels and works as atypewriter too, als)H}o prints textfiles and Pics. Contains many NLQfonts. One Great P.D. disk! A MUSTFOR EVERY LIBRARY! [Side 1]:DAISY-DOT by )I}Roy Goldman. [Side 2]:DOT MAGIC. # 47 Best of ANTIC, ANALOG andCOMPUTE! for 1984. Has a real varietyof programs. Saves l)J}ots of typing.EXCELLENT value for any LIBRARY![Side 1]: CIRCUS, GOTCHA, COMPMENU,ODDMON, TYPO.LST, ANTMENU,FINGERS.BAS, C)K}HSET1, OLHMENUL.OAD,QUATRA, DRAWING, ODDMAN, CARD, STOCK,MONEY, DIRECT, RECORD.DAT, CIOSAMP.[Side 2]: GANTLET, ANAMENU, ST)L}GARS3D,BARSUB, FONT, STARS.BIN, SOLID,GLOOP, FSCROLL, CHECK2, PAINTER,XLDEMO, REPEAT, FOURLTR.# 48 [Side 1]: BILLBOARD - )M}Mfor GEMINI10X. [Side 2]: BILLBOARD - for EPSONand compatables. Great fonts on bothsides. A must for graphic printerlovers)N}. [From J.A.C.G. Disk lib #vol. 141D].# 49 BIT BYTER MAGAZIN # 12 (Germanlanguage Bi-monthly Disk). Alwaysgreat graphics)O}, programs and demos.Lots to learn from this disk! Anadventure in discovery! A doublesided disk, menu driven use [SELECT])P}and [START] to run a program on thedisk.# 50 BIT BYTER MAGAZIN # 13 (Germanlanguage Bi-monthly Disk). As in allother Bit)Q} Byter's, a value DISK forexperimentation and learning. Adouble sided disk, menu driven use[number] then [RETURN] to run a)R}Ǜprogram on the disk.#51 *** NOT AVAILABLE ***#52 *** NOT AVAILABLE ***#53 [Side 1]: J.A.C.G. Library Disk.Contains PRI)S}NT SHOP UTILITIES, PRINTSHOP TO GRAPHICS 7/8 and PRINT SHOPLABEL with many fonts included on thedisk. [Side 2]: DOT MAGIC)T} Expanded Docs- 252 Sectors chock full of infoon use of DOT MAGIC. About 15 singlespaced pages. Really learn to use DOTMA)U}GIC, for great letters, reports,etc. Many NLQ FONTS also on disk. MixFONTS etc. AN ABSOLUTE MUST HAVEDISK- This is one of )V}the best buys inthe LIBRARY.#54 THE 10 BEST UTILITIES with fulldocs from "ATARI USERS" mag.Excellent basic utilities. [S)W}ide 1]:DSKRENUM.BAS, DISCVIEW.BAS,DATAEDIT.BAS, 80COLUMN.BAS,80COLMAS.BAS, DSKERROR.BAS,DISCEDIT.BAS, ARTSHOW.BAS,DUMP15)X}.BAS, FULLPRIN.BAS, GIRII.BAS,STRIPPER.BAS, AUTODIR1.BAS. [Side 2]:Has full documentation of all of theabove, with 'HELPFI)Y}LE' (197 sect),'HELPFILE.ONE' (148sect),'HELPFILE.SEC' (50 sect). Amust for every P.D. LIBRARY! #55 [Side 1]: SOUND EFFE)Z}CTSandTUTORIAL-Excellent tool for use inyour own programs - use exact linesas shown. Learn SOUND EFFECTS at yourown pace.)[} [Side 2]: More usefulutilities SHADOW.EXE, MENUMAKE.EXE,DOSWIZ.EXE, REPAIR.EXE, SECTCOPY.EXE,LACEMNU2.EXE, WARPMENU.EXE,)\}FASFORMT.EXE. #56 'LEARNING TO PROGRAM IN ATARIBASIC'. BASIC Lessons 1 to 8--As theysay in the Ads, LEARN at YOUR OWNPAC)]}E, at HOME, NO SALESMAN will call!From our friends at J.A.C.G., a fulltwo sided disk chock full of basiclessons. So full t)^}Ghat there is NOROOM for DOS & DUP! FANTASTIC doesnot begin to describe this disk.Allyou want to know about BASIC andmore!)_}_Ǜ#57 [Side 1]: 'POKEY PLAYER' plus'AUTOPLAYER'. This disk is loadedwith both pop and classical music. Itwill automaticall)`}y play one songafter the other, or you can skip anyone of them. Fifty differentselections on this side of the disk.[Side )a}2]: AMP MUSIC MAKER and AMSCONVERT TO AMP. (Antic MusicProcessor Ver. 1.2). This is thenewest music maker- also loaded wit)b}hpopular CHRISTMAS music, and otherssuch as THE NUTCRACKER, THE MUNSTERS,SILVERBELLS, DECK THE HALLS etc. As aBONUS you h)c}ave the AMS programs thatconverts AMS music to AMP music.#58 [Side 1]: DOS XE system for thenew XF551 DISK DRIVE. (THIS I)d}S BRANDNEW - 1989). [Side 2]: DOCUMENTATION for the DOS XE system disk. Consistsof 133 pages of information regardingthe )e}use of the system. TO ROUND OUTYOUR LIBRARY, YOU SHOULD HAVE bothDOS XE DISK and the DOCUMENTATION]#59 (COMBO DISK] This )f}one has some ofthe most useful utilities, and a goodgame too. [Side 1]: JACKET PRINT,LAZYLOAD, DIRECTORY PRINT (by Our own)g}ǛJIM HAMMERGREN), GUP, new programingtricks (with demo), KLEIDSCOPE (a wowof a graphic display which YOUcontrol with your )q}=>CDXXddB%DOS SYSB*)DUP 9SYSBSAUTORUN SYSBTHELP= DOCBgAUTORUN COMBhWELCOME SCRBoPRESSPRTMNUB8sNEWSLTR BASC`BMAINMENUHLPB)TVTEST BASBDPDLIB TXTBdBBASPRG TXTBC-CSYSFIL TXTKMAGCATALBASqjoystick- guaranteethat it will overwhelm you with itscolors and versatility), MENUOHAC,(OL' HACKER titled menu), and CAR)r}FINANCE, a program to figure yourcosts when buying a car or anything.The game is FAIRWAY (a 218 sectorbasic GOLF game), ve)s}ry much fun toplay. You pickyour own club, strengthof shot and direction. [Side 2]:UTILITIES. Remember the demo ofBOOTDIR)t} (for DOS 2,0 &/or 2.5)? Itputs your directory on screen w/in 2seconds, while rest of disk loads!LOADRAM (also demo'ed), w)u}ill loadprograms into your RAMDISK, if youuse [.RAM] as the extender.NUDISKLABLE, is in our opinion, thebest labeler for )v}your disk jacket.The main title is 38 largecharacters, and the program names arein 4 columns and small font. If youhave w)w}on a DOOR PRIZE, you haveprobably seen theresults.--TEXTMAN.DOCS, EXP 850CONVERTER, EXP 850 DOCS, FIXXL,DISKFIX, (no expl)x}aination necessaryfor these), and one of the best MENUPROGRAMS we have seen (77 sectors),with all kinds of options, includ)y}ingcustomizing. WITHOUT ANYEXAGGERATION- These are some of thebest values in the library. GRAB THISONE TOO!]#60 SPARTA )z}DOS TOOLBOX - PUBLICDOMAIN - [Side 1] and [Side 2]. Youcould buy ICD's TOOLBOX for SPARTADOS, or you could buy this one, w){}hichhas almost all the commercial ICDutilities, including the latestversion, JAN 1989 "UNARC.COM" by BOBPUFF. Also you wi)|}ll find that becausmost of the programs are "ARC'd" thedisk is really loaded, alsmost allare with DOCS! Included are:SCAN)}}NER.ARC, SUPERKEY.ARC,MENU_X2.ARC, RAMSCAN.ARC,COMMBUF.ARC, WHATIS15.ARC,,XF32d.ARC, XMOVE21.ALF,FASTLOAD.BAS,FORMAT.COM,)~} NCHSET.ARC, and as aspecial BONUS: AWPLUS.TXT, AWPMOD.TXT(AWP=ATARIWRITER), and finally butnot least PLFIX.BAS (PLANETARI)}UMFix). Can You see the tremendousvalue here?#61 This disk is called "OL' HACKER'SFINANCE". Its menu consists of twelve)}of the most wanted catagories to takecare of all your financial needs. Thedisk has titles such as: "BUSINESSCALCULATIONS",)} with it's owndirectory of (14) catagories (as domost of these programs), "HOMEFINANCE EXPENSE RECORDS", "MORTGAGELOAN CA)}GLCULATIONS", "MORTGAGECOMPARISIONS", "INSTALLMENTPAYMENTS", and more. If all thatwasn't enough, there is a real winnerinc)}luded named "MONEY MATTERS". Amust for your financial needs andrecord keeping and to boot, and allin living color. This is)} the P.D.version of "FINANCIAL COOKBOOK"without the price tag of $30.00.ANOTHER SURE FIRE VALUE! [Side 1]: Isin enhanced )} density and contains allthe programs. [Side 2]: Is in singledensity and does not contain all theprograms.#62 A FANTASTI)}C GAMES DISK. [Side 1]:Has a good fast action game called"BOULDERDASH", but, watch out forthose boulders! Takes about 1-1/)}2minutes to initilize, so be patient.[Side 2]: Has a great downhillskiiung game with nice graphicscalled "SKI KING II". T)}his "musthave" game has the option of creatingyour own obstacles.#63 PINBALLS ANYONE? Here's anothergreat games disk for)} all you pinballfreaks! [Side 1]: Has two M/L gamescalled "SOFTBALL" and "CREEPSHOW"."SOFTBALL" has great pinball actiono)}n a softball diamond. The [OPTION]key lets you select up to fourplayers. "CREEPSHOW" has lots of fastaction. Both games re)}quire joystickand you must hold [OPTION] down whilebooting. [Side 2]: Has a BASIC gamecalled "HIDDEN FORTRESS". This 'maze)}'type of game has built-ininstructions at the menu afterautoloading.#64 BINARY GAMES DISK [Side 1]: Ofthis menu driven)} disk has manyclassic games - Some by the great TOMHUDSON of ANALOG COMPUTING fame.MANIAC.OBJ, SLAUGHT.OBJ, RETFIRE.OBJ,S)}MASHER.OBJ, BRICKLYR.OBJ,ROUNDUP.OBJ, MYRIAPED.OBJ,BATTLERM.OBJ, LIVEWIR2.OBJ, TRON.OBJ,INSECTS.OBJ, FILLERUP.OBJ. [Side 2)}]:has more menu driven classic games.Try FIGHTERPL.ANE or try BOMBERS.OBJwhich gives you two player action oryou can play)} against the computer.Our favorite is ROCKS.OBJ try it!It's great! Others on this side areSPACEGAL.ERY, ROUNDUP, RAMBUGII.)}OBJ,SCORPION, ROTO.OBJ, TWOGUN.OBJ. #65 Here's ANOTHER GREAT GAMES DISKfor all you gamers out there. [Side1]: For you "T)}rekies", there is "STARTREK III". Horse racing fans willlike DERBY DOWNS which has horsesperformances determined by theco)}mputer generated statistics. FromAUSTRALIA comes an unusual gamecalled "XAGON. Try "ROTO" and savethe planet 'Arcadia" in )}Ethis arcadetype binary game. [Side 2]: Has"XEVIOUS"- an 'Atari 5200' gameconverted for the 8-NIT computer withvertical sc)}rolling arcade action.Don't forget to disable 'BASIC' whenloading. Try "GAUNTLET" (shareware)for fast arcade action.#66 )}[Side 1]: 128 PRINT SHOP ICONSP.D. [Side 2]: 128 PRINT SHOP ICONSP.D. #67 [Side 1]: 128 PRINT SHOP ICONSP.D. [Side 2]: 1)}28 PRINT SHOP ICONSP.D. #68 [Side 1]: 124 PRINT SHOP ICONSP.D. [Side 2]: 128 PRINT SHOP ICONSP.D.#69 [Side 1]: 56 PRI)}NT SHOP ICONSP.D. [Side 2]: 114 PRINT SHOP ICONSP.D.#70 [Side 1]: 112 PRINT SHOP ICONSP.D. [Side 2]: 24 PRINT SHOP ICON)}SP.D.#71 *** NOT AVAILABLE ***#72 [Side 1]: 128 PRINT SHOP ICONSP.D. #73 [Side 1]: 70 PRINT SHOP BORDERSand FONTS P.D)}:.#74 [Side 1]: 63 PRINT SHOP BORDERSand FONTS P.D. Y*(D:NEWLIB1A edited 03/21/91 by Ol')}Hackers Disk Librarian) ;*@HCF@XKOASWAY[fB2yA(knA)rtx5}G(,0 4!6 "?~~#Ac$X%NQ&@IVW'^_(fg)no*vw+}5}, -@.8==FROM MAGIC MASTER DISK #83:? SAVE "D:MAGCATAL.BAS"d""àˠ٠͠eggM5}ODIFIED BY GRANT RICHARDSON- MODIFIED BY ALEX PIGNATO-member OL' HACKERS AUG, NY -f==11/24/89-01/13/92Ġ5}'ҠŠΠӠĠi1 +-MAA01A @QZn6-`h6-@lt'6-@x36-5}@?6-@K6-@'W6-@+3c6-@7?o6-@CK{6-@ OW6-@[c6-@go6-@s6-@5} 6-@6-@"6-@&.6-@2=xo6-@AI6-@4MU'6-@HYa36-@Xe?6-AK6-AY5}CW6-B2yc6-A( o6-A)$/]];@ 3:,;@ >E,;@IP,;@T[,;@_f,;@jq,;@ u,;A&5}U,FF6.A BFAJNARVAZ^A bfA#jnA%r A5}, Š6J (ŠŠ(4(1) ERASE DATABASEJ(2) Return to menu@$ )6-&$ )!A 5}J "6-6. T$^ϠĠh   (ϠĠŠi0"(LAST DISK CATALOGED WAS ((05}ǛjB((INSERT DISK, THEN(B(ENTER DISK # (3 Positions max)rB:,"$|B:,!Ap@ Ap6-A:5}, B E#(@(ENTER DISK SIDE (A or B)0A*0BAIoD:*.*6-%@s> A5} BF47,4 FREE SECTORS> ALL7<,4 DOSK [SYS)7<,4 DUP` SYS)7<,4 AUTORUN SYSA05}LL7<,4 MEM +SAV)7<,4 MENU2 @)7<,4 MENUD bSYSA0""7<,4 DISKf CATA0J67<,5}. !67&B:,,.*67,.:67<,.7<,J67<,.7<,67$&<$,. A : 6-&  4A:(5}Π Add disk # B@$(Ԡ Add disk # %A@(Ԡ Return to menuU$(LAST DISK CATALOGED WAS 5}*(-(M(ՠŠ ϠĠUě* 6-F:,4A*" 6.B* A, "6-%6.=:,"6.A5}, AA$X̠ĠbM  (̠ĠŠ#(M(%NOTE: Precede disk # with an 'M' 5} forl[*(" miscellaneous non-DOM disks-(M(LAST DISK CATALOGED WAS S([ěq0( (0("ENTER DISK # (3 P5}Caositions maximum)vB:,"$B:,!A077<,0M A0#6-A:,- Be7 Ap@ A05}6-A:7,,# B) 467,.0@67,.=:,#(#(ENTER DISK SIDE (A or B)0A*0BA+(+( 5}9ENTER FILENAME (8 Positions max)%%B:, )B:,!@=AAE0(0(%ENTER FILE EXTENDER (3 Positions max)5}B:,!A B:,""96. U6-%@=D*6.S ***:67&B:,<,.E67<,.U67<%B:5},,.,67<%B:,,.$67$&<$,.( , * 4A*(Π Add disk # B%7<,0M6.=:%,% A5}* , 6.M0% "67,.=:%,, A.67,.=:%, >"(Ԡ Add disk # A>(Ԡ Return to menu5}%)()(ՠŠ ̠Ġš** 6-F:,4A*" 6.B* A4) "6-%6.6.A) A5}>AH$Š " $e (ŠŠ(.( DELETE BY:>( 1) FILENAMEL( 2) DISK #5}b(3) Return to menue($ )6-&$ )!A 0"A  " $:$(ENTER FILENAME TO BE DELETED5}:((8 Positions max)B:, )B:,!A pB(,(!ENTER FILE EXTENDER TO BE DELETEDB((3 Positions max)5}2B:,!A  B:,"6. <6.: "67<%B:,,.267<%B:,,.< A&&(ENTER DISK # (3 P5}ositions max)B:, )B:,!A07<,4M*B:,"A0:7<,4M*B:," 6.M0067<,.7<,:5} Ap$ 6. 67&B:,<,..#(#(ENTER DISK SIDE (A or B)8(67<,.(0A*0BABD(*(AR5}dE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO DELETE0"D( FILENAME ?L "(DISK # ?V( )(@xhn*@rA`5}"@x  A j3 -6.7$&<$,3"*7<,0A`t"*7<,0A`~67$&<$,.DEL5}   $٠ " $(  (٠Š (2; -6.7$&<$,;(7<, 7<, 7<5},< 6-F:,"'$F2 -  (2(Ԡ Return to menuP 6-F:,A`Z$xȠ 5} " $e (ȠŠ(.( SEARCH BY:>( 1) FILENAMEL( 2) DISK #b(3) Return to menue($ )6-6p}Ce(While some of the following is oldthat to some of you, there is apossibility that youj mmayq haveforgott-}gen some basics--- PUN INTENDED---)Reprinted from M.A.G.I.C.'s EXCELLENTNewsletter, September 1990.s Ye OLDE ED-}.ITORS -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-T UY Atari BASIC Programming HelpsBy Ha-}wke, Sysop of the Nine HellsInformation Exchange of Philadelphia,(215) 785-2625As a whole, standard Atari BASIC i-}snot the best programming medium inexistence. One of the major problemsstems from the fact that it wascreate-}d too many years ago. Be thatas it may, new programmers are beingsubjected to it now, unnecessarily,and must dea-}l with a user unfriendlylanguage. Inspired by a set of PASCALnotes, I venture to write these helps,so that BASIC progr-}ammers can learnfrom my experience, as well as thePhoenix, with whom I have consultedabout this text. Any ques-}tions orcomments are welcomed. Contact myselfor Phoenix through the above BulletinBoard number.The following secti-}ons deal withPOKE's, PEEK's, small machine languageroutines, some program listings, BASICtricks, and other such nonsense-}.ROUTINE ONE: (Three Lower case H's),(INVERSE asterisk), (Capital L),(Capital V), (INVERSE Lower case D)ROUTINE-} TWO: (Lower case H), (INVERSEQuote), (Control P), (SPACE), (Uppercase V), (INVERSE lower case D),(INVERSE contr-}ol A), (INVERSE capitalT), (INVERSE close parenthesis),(Control ,), (INVERSE control E),(INVERSE capital U), (C-}_ontrol .)(Ed. note: When typing in the aboveroutines, DON'T type in the commas.)Sectionc gOne:k rMachinev Languag-}eRoutinesMany BASIC programmers are fearful ofusing machine language subroutines intheir programs. I know this to-} betrue, because I was one of them. Ihave since gotten over that fear,after collaboratively writing theP-Ne-}t 4.5 BBS system with the Phoenix,and have converted a few others.If you have ever used Character Fonts,made with any -}number of font editorprograms (Envision, SuperFont, etc.),you know that they can be used tocreate fancy text, graph-}Gics, or maps.The problem with them is that one mustenter in 1,024 bytes, poke them into apage of memory, and then chang-}e theregister holding the address of theROM set to the new set. To do allthis takes a bit of time to do. Thefo-}gllowing machine language subroutineloads in a character set and adjuststhe register in seconds.1s wPOKE} -} 881,0:OPEN#3,4,128,"D:SET.DAT": POKE 884,0:POKE885,112:POKE 888,0: POKE 889,4:POKE882,72 AA=USR(ADR("ROUTINE ON-}E"),48):CLOSE#3:POKE 54277,4:POKE 756,112* SET.DAT would be the font.* Poking 885,112 tells the machinewhich page -} of memory the redefinedcharacter set will be stored in (sincea character set MUST start at thebeginning of a page)-}.* To return to the ROM set, simplyPOKE 756,224. To go back to theredefined font, POKE 756,112.The next m-}!achine routine deals withspeedy% 0Disk I/O.4 Atari BASICprogrammers know that using the INPUTand GET commands -}Nwith disk files isSLOW, especially when using largeamounts of data.R The followingmachine language subrouti-}ne solvesthis problem by allowing you to readan entire file into a string,virtually, in seconds. This can -}lbeuseful when printing out text files oreditting machine language programs (bystring search, etc.). 900w CLOSE -} #1:OPEN#1,4,0,"D1:filename.ext"1000 CE=INT(MEM/256):POKE 857,CE:POKE856,MEM-256*CE:BUF$(MEM)=" ":BOF=C11010 -}POKE 853,INT(ADR(BUF$)/256):POKE852,ADR(BUF$)-PEEK(853)*2561020 DUM$="ROUTINE TWO":POKE 850,7:IFUSR(ADR(DUM$))=136THEN -}BOF=C01030X=PEEK(856)+256*PEEK(857):BUF$=BUF$(1,):RETURN* MEM is the amount of characters thatBUF$ is dimensioned to ho-}ld.* In line 1000, the routine divides upthat number into two numbers with aformula (16-bit conversion). Thistel-}ls the subroutine the maximumlength the string can hold. It thensets the last character in BUF$ equalto a chara-}cter, thus, it defines BUF$as being full.* Line 1010 divides the address(starting location) of BUF$ by thesam-}e 16-bit conversion, and stores itfor the subroutine, so that it knowswhere to start putting the incomingdata.* -}GLine 1020 executes the machineroutine, and reads in the data,checking for an End Of File (EOF)error; #136.-} If such an error is met,the variable BOF is set to zero.* Line 1030 retrieves the number ofbytes long the routine-} loaded, andtells BUF$ that it is X number ofcharacters long.* If BOF=0, the user may account forthe EOF and j-}ump back to the routineafter clearing BUF$.* By using this routine, one can copyfiles through BASIC. Simply, afterr-}/eading in a file, print the string todisk.10; @CLOSEL #1:OPEN#1,8,0,"D1:destinat.ion":PRINT#1;BUF$:CL-}OSE #1The last machine language routine is aclock. The Atari has a built in clockand doesn't even use it. It follows-}Ǜthe electrical current in the U.S.,which flows at 60Mhz. The followingroutine, written by the Phoenix, setsup a cl-}ock, using page 6 memory (1536)to store the data, and operates duringeach VBI (Vertical Blank Interrupt).You merely hav-}e to supply the currenthour, minutes, seconds, and 60ths of asecond. You can retrieve the currenttime by merely using-} PEEK commands.The only stricture is that if you usea graphics command (eg. GRAPHICS 0)you must re-initialize the cloc-}k.32700 FOR A=1 TO 105:READ B:POKE1535+A,B:NEXT A32705 ? "Enter Military Time asHours,Minutes,Seconds,60ths-}": 5INPUTH,M,S,SS32710 X=USR(1611,H,M,S,SS)32720R DATA238,115,6,173,115,6,201,60,240,3,76,95-}228,16932730+ wDATA0,141,115,6,238,114,6,173,114,6,201,60240,3,76,95,228,169,0,14132740} -} cDATA114,6,238,113,6,173,113,6,201,60,240,376,95,228,169,0,141,113,632750} -}O DATA238,112,6,173,112,6,201,24,240,3,76,95228,169,0,141,112,6,76,9532751l DATA228,104,104,-}D104,141,112,6,104,104,141,13,6,104,104,141,114,6,104,104,14132752a DATA115,6,169,6,170,160,0,7-}96,92,228,0* The PEEK locations for the timeare:C RHours - 1648\ kMinutes - 1649u Seconds -}- 1650 60ths - 1651* The program first pokes the machinelanguage subroutine into page 6memory, and t-}Ghen prompts you to enterthe time.* It then GOSUBS the machinesubroutine, sending with it the valuesof the cu.}rrent time, and then startsthe clock.* After a GRAPHICS command, just PEEKin the values of the correct time intoH, M, .} S, and SS, and reintialize theclock.Section Two: BASIC TricksSince Atari BASIC hasn't many specialfeatures, one .}must compensate by"tricking" the system. These "tricks"are actually ways around BASIC thatspeed up processing, fo.}rmat output,etc.The first trick deals with filling astring with one character. To fill astring with 1,000 spaces,.} one wouldusually do this:' 710 DIM L$(1000)A T20 FOR A=1 TO 1000^ m30 L$(A,A)=" "w 40 NEX.}T AThis method, though fine programming,is SLOW. The trick around it is aquirk in the BASIC; well, not actuallya .}"quirk", but a hidden back door.The line below is the aforementionedroutines equivalent.10 DIM L$(1000):L$=" ":.}L$(1000)="":L$(2)=L$Not only is this routine shorter, butit's almost instantaneous, dependingon the size of the str.}ing. I find aone second wait for strings in thexx,xxx digit range, but I think thatit's worth the wait.Side Note. }: If you DIMension a stringat 1000, and aren't filling the ENTIREstring with one character, say 500from a 1,000 chara. }cter string, and usethe #formula' ,[L$="0 ":L$(500)="":L$(2)=L$], it will fill it with 501spaces. To clear this . } up, all youneed do, is put "L$=L$(1,500))" aftersetting it. This is true, even whenfilling 998 of the 1,000 character. }s.The next "trick" deals with the INPUTstatement. Anyone who has programmedusing the INPUT statement knows thatit . }9puts a "?" on the screen to signifyan input request.= This can bebothersome to some, especially me,when they .}! want to make prompts looknice.% That "?" just looks outtaplace, and sometimes is included inthe returned variab.}le.There are two solutions. One is towrite your own "Get-Line" routine,using an open keyboard buffer, gettingkey.}presses, adjusting for backspacesand control characters, and using upmemory, OR...Use the following Input command t.}C;hatis totally the equivalent of yourregular INPUT.E hINPUT #16,variableThat's right!l An input throu.}ghstandard Atari BASIC without thedreaded "?". It works exactly likethe standard INPUT command. Sure, youcould.} open a channel to the editor(E:) yourself, but this methodrequires no additional open buffers.Ever want t.}o intialize a disk fromBASIC? No, I don't mean just formatit, I mean put DOS on it too. Well, Ihave good news and ba.}d news. The GOODnews is that you can, the bad news isthat that's ALL you can put on it;DOS, no DUP. In fact, the w.}Criting ofDOS to the disk is as fast as writingfrom DOS itself!M OPEN#1,8,0,"D1:DOS.SYS":CLOSE #1Yes, that's .} it! All DOS's exceptSpartaDOS and TOPDOS will work, eventhe OSA+ DOS's. You have just writtenDOS to your disk from.} BASIC.Did you ever want to Re-Boot (WarmBoot) the computer from BASIC withouthitting System Reset? Try this: .} X=USR(58487)This will "Warm Boot" the computer,but unlike the RESET key, it is theequivalent of turning the.} machine OFFand ON again; so you might call it anartificial COLD boot. You may holddown OPTION as this boot takes p.}laceto disengage BASIC. Its Hexadecimalnumber is E477. You can do it from aDOS as well.Section Three: PEEK's and P.}OKE'sDid the speed of Atari BASICprocessing ever bug you? Well,there's a way to increase datap.}-rocessing 33%. It will increaseproblem2 9solving> Dspeed,H pdataprocessing, and graphic plotting.z POK.}E 559,0This POKE will shut down ANTIC, thusshutting of the screen, so thatprocessing speed is increased. To.}Ǜturn it back on, use POKE 559,34.To find out what version of AtariBASIC you have in your computer, yousimply: . } PRINT PEEK(43234)A number 32 or less is revision A.The value 64 or less is revision B;built into most .!}XL's. And a numbergreater than 64 is revision C; thecurrent version built into the XEline. Though I have an old."}s 800XL, forsome reason I have revision C builtin; a blessing.Here are some keyboard POKE's to playwith:x * 75.#}CL5,004 - Turns character setUpside-Down, and disables Inversevideo.Q * 755,008 - Right-Side upcharacter .$}$set WITHOUT Inverse video.! "*' .755,0132 3-7 cUpside-Downcharacters WITH Inverse video.h * 755,010 - Rig.%}.ht-Side upcharacter set with Inverse video@ (Normal mode).Special recognition to XLent softwareand .&}David Castell for creating thefine word processor used to createthis text. BRAVO.Please send me comments conc.'}Ierningthese notes. A positive responsemight warrant a Part Two.n vHawke}-.(} -9I downloaded this article from thePandora= BBS (614) 471-9209 on10/22/89. It looks like it came fr.)}omthe Nine Hells Information Exchange ofPhiladelphia (PA) BBS, (215) 785-2625. I thought it might be good for thosestill.*} programming in Atari BASIC. Ihadn't seem most of the tips beforeexcept the one on getting rid of thequestion ma.+}rk. \I'll bet othershaven't either. I hope you find thisarticle helpful. - Grant -} .,} },Ǜ=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- (KNOWLEDGE IS NEVER OLD, ITS ALWAYSCURRENT. This old article is worthreadi2.}ng. Ye Ol Editor.)  .SYNFILE+ PAGE9 Data File SpecificationsApril 30, 1985Copyright 1985 Daniel L. Moo2/}2reREPRINTED from ACE NewsletterDecember, 19877 There are actually four differentfiles that together make up o20}neSynFile+ datafile. The files can beidentified by their extenders. Theyare .TBL, .CNF, .IDX, and .Dxx. The.TBL 21} file contains a description ofthe database form. The .CNF filecontains the number of records anddisks. The 22}h .IDX file is the currentindex data. And, the .Dxx files arethe actual data files.THE .TBL FILEm The .TBL file is23} actually made upof three tables and two numericentities. The three tables are theDefinitions table, the Name 24}table andthe Special Data table. Each table isheaded by a two byte length entry, andthen the data bytes. If the table ha25}CHsa zero length, there is only a lengthentry.THE DEFINITIONS TABLEM The first table, the Definitionstable, consi26}6sts of a sequence ofeleven bytefield definitions. Thereis one entry for each field in thedatabase. The forma27}t of each entryis:Byte # Use 0 screen column position 1 screen row position 2-3 field name offset and name28}Mlength 4 field type byte 5 field data length 6 field mask length 7Q field special offset (low 8bits) 8 f29}Zield data offset (low 8 bits) 9 field data offset (high 3 bits)field special offset_ (high 5 bits) 10 field decim2:} al position The first two bytes simply givethe row and column position of thestart of the field name. The sc2;}Ireenis 40 columns by 21 lines and 0,0 isthe upper left hand corner.N The field name is actually storedin the secon2<}d data table. The low 11bits of this 16 bit entry are theoffset to the field name in the Nametable. The high 5 b2=} its are the fieldname length.% The low four bits of the fieldtype entry, identify the field type.The high bit 2>} of the field type is aflag for the justification of thefield. If it is set, the field isright justified. The2?}re are elevenfield types in SynFile+ and each has anumber associated with it. They are: ID number Field Type 0 AS2@}CII field 1 floating point 2 cumulative computed 3 table look-up 4 dollar 5 record number 6 date 72A}: integer 8 counter 9 conditional 10 computed? The field data length is thelength of the data stored i2B}n the diskrecord. For ASCII fields, it is onegreater than the field mask length.For floating point, cumulative, doll2C}arand computed fields, it is 6 bytes.For table look-up and conditionalfields, it is one byte. All otherfield2D}"s have a data length of 2 bytes.' The field mask length is thelength of the mask(underlines) for thecharacters re2E} spectively. The special offset is 13 bitssplit between byte 7 and 9. Byte 7 hasthe low 8 bits of data, and 2F} theSpecial Data table has the high 5. Itis used by computed, cumulative,conditional and table look-up fields.The2G}G counter field also uses thisentry, but not as a pointer. Counterfields use it as the increment for thefield. 2H}H The field offset is 11 bits long. The low 8 bits are stored in byte 8,and the high 3 bits are stored in thelow 3 bit2I}rs of byte 9. This is theoffset from the start of the record tothe start of the data from thisfield.w The f2J}ield decimal position isjust that. It tells SynFile how todisplay floating point numbers. Thecurrent version o2K}2f SynFile only usesthe low 4 bits of this byte.7 The others are reserved forfuture use. If the value of this by2L}teis 15, the field will be displayed infloating point, which is - however -the Atari FP ROM formats the number.For 2M}any other value, SynFile willforce the display of a decimal pointand N digits to the right of thedecimal.THE2N} NAME TABLE The Name table contains all thefield names. Each field name isstored as a text entry, with2O} nodelimiters or separators betweenentries. The names may NOT be storedin the same order as the fieldsent2P}ries in the Definitions table(thismay occur if the form is edited in theCREATE module of SynFile).THE SPECIAL DATA TABLE2Q} bThe Special Data table containsall formulas and table look-up fielddatas.FORMULASg oFormulasv yfor} 2R} computed,cumulative, and conditional fields arestored as a sequence of commandtokens. The CREATE module parses 2S}theuser entered formula, and converts itto a tokenized RPN formula. Asretrieved, all commands use the top 1or 2T}v2 entries from the stack. If thehigh bit of a token is set, then thefield referenced is an integer(16 bitdata){ fi2U}eld, a FLOAT willautomatically be executed on the fieldwhen the data is retrieved. Thecommand tokens are:2V}Ǜ TOKEN VALUE COMMAND 0 + (add the top two values) 1 - (subtract the top value fromsecond value) 2 * 3 /2W}EWǛ 4 LOG (take the natural LOG of topnumber) 5 LOG10 (take the common log oftop number) 6 EXP 7 EXP10 82X} ABS 9 SORT 20 numeric constant 30 = (set true flag if top 2entries are equal) 31 > 32 < 33 <> 2Y}D34 >= 35 <= 126 current data 127 END (end of formula flag)I Numeric constants(20) are storedin 6 byte inter2Z}$nal floating pointrepresentations( *of. the number.Entries 30 to 35 are used to compare 2numbers on the stack 2[}&for use inconditional operations.+ To interpret a computed field,use the special data offset to set apointer 2\}to the formula. The retrievetokens one byte at a time until theEND token is found. The value on thetop of the stac2]}Ak at that time is theresult of the calculation.TABLE LOOK-UPF Table Look-up entries are storedin packed entries(t2^}he lenght of theentries is equal to the length of thelongest entry, not to the masklength). The field data fo2_}r a tablelook-up field is the table entrynumber. The first byte of a look-uptable is the number of entries in th2`}etable, and the second byte is thelength of the entries in the table.Each entry is stored as a textstring2a}(with no length byte) and isright justified in the table withunderline characters(ASCII 95) asfiller on the 2b}left.CONDITIONALS %Conditional) 0entries4 are acombination of formula entries andtable look-up entries. 2c} The specialoffset for a 2 entry look-up table.Immediately after the look-up tabledata is the formula data for 2d} theconditional field. The last thing in the .TBL fileare two numeric entries. Each entryis 16 bits long(2 b2e}ytes, stored lowbyte, high byte). The first entry isthe field count, the second entry isthe total record length in byt2f}_es. Therecord length is one greater than thesum of the field data lengths.THE .CNF FILEd The .CNF file contain2g}s eightentries. Each entry is 16 bits long(2bytes, stored low byte, high byte).The entries are: 1 The length o2h}Gf the index arrayentries 2 the total number of records inthe datafile 3 the number of data disks in thedatafil2i}ie 4 the number of active records inthe datafile 5 the current record number 6 the number of index fields 7 th2j}(e current value of the counterfield 87 :theG sortdirection(ascending/descending flag)THE .IDX FI2k}LE The length of the .IDX filevaries with the total number ofrecords in the file, and the length ofthe 2l} current index. (Both thesenumbers are in the .CNF file). Thefirst 32 bytes of the .IDX file arethe current 2m}index field. There are 16two-byte entries, the first byte ofeach entry is the field number, thesecond is the length2n}f of the index datafor that index entry. Any unusuedentries have undefined values, usually0. }*2o}*}0&$ )!A0"A " $k$(INPUT PART OR WHOLE FILENAME'(K(ENTER FILENAME & EXTENDER TO BE6q}k(SEARCHED (11 Positions max)B:, )B:,!Ap 6.  Ap.&(ENTER DISK # (3 Positions max).66r}. B:, )B:,!A#>7<,4M*B:,"AB87<,4M*B:," 6.M0.67,.7<,8 AP6s}'7<,4M*B:,"6.' AP& 6-A:,6. &67&B:,<,.#(#(ENTER DISK SIDE (A or B)(67<,6t}.(0A*0BA`"D(*(ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO SEARCH0"D( FILENAME ?, "(DISK # ?6( )6u} (@x*@-A@"@x17 A;J> (}-"6.7$&<$,>"*7<%B:,,0A@T6v}"*7<,0A@^."(7<, 7<, 7<,*-. h&  (&(Ԡ Return to menur 6-F:,6w}AP|$ Ԡ   $a (ԠŠ(*(SORT BY::( 1) FILENAMEH( 2) DISK #^(3) Return t6x}:@'F,=RӠŠҠҠӛ$$(Ҡ6{}{bԠŠ(MM/DD/YY)B:,"$B:,A @ @ A @ P:* Bf06-66-@ A 6|}RE,($/(7-; E A ` (>:@Vd,"m6-%@hpU( y 6}}- ROL' HACKER PERSONAL MEMBERS LIBRARY-m( FOR RON FETZER#>)([ SAVED PROGRAM NAME->>( 6~} PAGE *oo(c 0DISK FILENAME #SEC4 HDISK FILENAME #SECL `DISK FILENAME #SECd DISK FILENAME #S+%%(6}EC *DISK FILENAME #SEC4oo(c3 3}-6}-5+%(6-O+6->D 6-$D( X 7&<&, 7&<&, 7&<6}$,HM 6-%6-$M(( s7&<&, 7&<&, 7&<,RO 6-%%6-$O(w 7&6}G<&, 7&<&, 7&<,SQ6-%%%6-$Q(K 7&<&, 7&<&, 7&<,TS6-%6}%%%6-$S(! 7&<&, 7&<&, 7&<,\&(6-%6-%&!A!pf A!6}p0(>:@A,"6-%%%%0A z(>:@E,$ Ġ  (ĠŠ /(/6}b($ENTER FILENAME TO BE LOADED (w/o D:) B:,"$$ B:,!A#0. ] 6.D:67@f,. * A#`56} ? ByEK6-S6. ] A#p8 )((NO SUCH FILE EXISTS!) A# B = 6-% A#& B}6}367$&,.= A#pL 6-&$ Š " $  (ŠŠ .(.(#ENTER FILENAME T6}NO BE SAVED (w/o D:) B:,"$ B:,!A%@ O 6.D:67@Ru,. * A%p5? ByE6}O A% "(( BAD FILENAME!" A%0 2 -6.7$&<$,+7<,0DEL2    $ 6}]ˠ٠ 5 (ˠ٠($5D:*.* , A'0 Ba"(, A'  ' ('(6}Ԡ Return to menu  6-F:,A'@ $ N (}0("̧ҠӠˠ١3(H( FOR RON FE6}GTZERK(N$T X(ҠӠ /(Šź &O(ԠˠĠ U(X$D:MAGCATAL.BAS034 6}FREE SECTORS0BO104AEAPRMIN TXT080B|104#ź &O(ԠˠĠ U(X$D:MAGCATAL.BAS034 4,rsions and graphicdemos. Pick and load. Comeswith complete documentation.[Side 2]: TOUCH-EDIT program. VEEERYINTERRESSTIN6}G and its agreat ENHANCED 1050 UTILITY DISK!# 18Disklabler which will allow you tolabel ANY Dos disk.Anyversion. For th6}e labeling of Sub-Dirsleave E-MAIL on WQNRBBS 516-698-7456 for "THE CLERK". AWOW OF A DISK. Now youcan see whats on your 6}DISKS![Side 1]: TINYLIST.BAS, DISKLABL.BAS,ADLBLBIG.BAS,SOFTWARE.BAS, FONTMAKR.BAS,KDUMP17.BAS, ADRLBLR.BAS,TINYLABL.PRT6}, CUSTPRNT.BAS,FONTEPS.BAS.[Side 2]: SYNLABEL.OBJ, DISKLABE.LER,HCLABEL.OBJ,DEREZIL.OBJ, GDEVICE.OBJ, GLABEL.BAS,GDEVICE6}.DOC,GLABEL.DOC.# 19DISK UTILITIES DOS 2.0 on [Side 1].[Side 2]: DOS 4.0 by Michael Barall(from ANTIC) Here it is -The6} DOS that Atari, Inc. spent over$100,000 and neverreleased. Code named QDOS, itsupports single, 1050(enhanced), and doubl6}e-densitydrives. Single drive systemsrequire minimal disk swapping. Docsincluded in Atari's 100screen on-line [Help] syst6}em. DOS 4.0is fast-two timesfaster than DOS 2.0, three timesfaster than DOS 2.5.# 20This GERMAN DISK is called "HI RES6}DUMP" from BIT BYTER.There are pics on the disk.Instuctions on Sides 1 and 2.Will dump Pics to EPSON and otherprinters. A6} knockout of aDISK! Get, you have a winner here.# 21[Side 1]: THE GRAPHIC LABEL DUMPER(ver. 2.0) from Germany byMatthia6}s Lohse. A graphic printerwith built-in Pics anddocumentation in *English*. Easy touse. [Side 2]: Another KNOCKOUT DISK, 6}withEXCEPTIONAL GRAPHICSand MUSIC from Bit Byter"Hubby-Tronic Demo". Hit [START]after title page is on SCREEN!# 22Two 6}sides of Pics for use with disk#21. Get both. Be sure tocheck out this new DOS from GERMANY-used DOS II+/D by OSS![Side 16}]: MAGICLANTRN, plus thefollowing .PIC files- GARF1,GARFI3,4,5,6,7,8,9.11,A1,A2,A3,A4,MEER, FIGHTER, CAR1,ATARI, AMIGA1, 6}ONUCLEAR, HAEGARON,ZUKUNFT, REAGEN, KATE,STADT, AMIGA,WAPPEN, OLIFANT, URWALD.\[Side 2]: .PIC files-KARTE, KARAT6}G1B,ATARI, TUER, KATZE,AKT1, BLACKWEL,SPION,CB200, DIEFURT,BEUTELS, AUGE, KARATE1,USER6, TEST, PSYCHO, FIGHTER, SEE,GEMOF6}ANT, SPACE, NACHTWAL,OLIDISK, MORIA.# 23[Side 1]: From J.A.C.G.- PRINT SHOPUtilities also PRINT SHOPto VISUALIZER compl6}ete withdocumentation.[Side 2]: PRINT SHOP utility programsKOALA2PS.BAS,PSPICS.BAS, PSDU.BAS, SHOPTOOL.EXE,PSDU.BXL, PSP6}ICS.EXE,PSDIR, PICTURED.UMP, FILEUTIL.ITY,PSICON.EXE, PSPIC.DOC.Nothing more has to be said! ANOTHER3 STAR WINNER!# 246}[Side 1]: DISPLAY MASTER by DaveOblad from ANTIC, eight Picsincluded.[Side 2]: More picture programs andPics. PICLOAD.BAS6},PICSEE.BAS, KWIKDUMP.BAS,PICPRT62.BAS, ARTSHOW.BAS,PAINT.NOC, BALLET.PIC, PEPSI.PIC,LUVBIRD.PIC, CAR.PIC, CAR2,DEER.PIC6}, BALLET2.PIC, STARWAR.PIC,TIGER.PIC, TIGER2.PIC,PAC.PIC.# 25This disk is jam packed, it has a fewgames and also teachi6}ngtype programs, as well as moreUTILITIES, another real GOLDMINE BONANZA![Side 1]: THECHIP.TXT, CATALOG.BAS,SLIDETIT.TXT6},LEBREAK.NOC, VCRLADOC.TXT,MATHMUDI.BAS, SCRNGUID.BAS,THUNLITE.BAS, VSCROLL.BAS,VCRTITLE.TXT, SLIDE1.BAS,VCRLABEL.BAS, B6}INARYQU.IZ,MATHADSUB.BAS, TELEGRAM.BAS,TITLER.BAS.[Side 2]: POEMPRNT.BAS, BASICDOS.BAS,CONSKEYS.BAS,DBLCASH.BAS, TITLER.6}TXT,ADRESPRT.BAS, CALPI.BAS,SPECDOS.BAS, KALEIDOS.OBJ, FILEM.BAS,OHACLOGO.BAS,TINYLABL.BAS, GEMCODE.BAS,HEARTITL.BAS, CH6}ECKBAL.PRT,LITEXPLO.BAS, DBLCASH.PRT,ALPHABTZ.BAS, LABELS.BAS,PREPGEMI.BAS, AUTOMATE.BAS, TEXTSAMP,FINGERS.BAS,TEXTVIEW.6}BAS.# 26All Pics. Plenty of Graphics![Side 1]: HI RES DUMP German programsimilar to Disk # 20 butdifferent pictures.[S6}ide 2]: SCREEN DUMP II from Germanyfor Koala andMicropainter pics, contains thefollowing pics- SPORTS.PIC,SNOOPY.PIC, OBL6}IX.PIX, GARFIELD.PIC,BELMONDO.PIC,DONALD.PIC, BILL.PIC, AT800XL.PIC,TUMBLE.MIC, NOPIRAT.MIC,COMPY.MIC. They know their GR6}APHICSin Germany where thiscomes from!# 27[Side 1]: A great Playboy picloadable from DOS."OMNIVIEW-LOADER" program and6}Y ANTICAmazing Card Shuffler.[Side 2]: Card Shuffler modified byOl' Hackers. Better getfthis one, its a doozy (6}a MUST HAVE).a 10 in a scale of 1 to10!# 28[Side 1]: ABBUC EXTRA SounderMagazine (Apr 1987) Text filesall in German.[6}GSide 2]: Many Pics for Koala andMicropainter (same as Disk26-side2).# 29[Side 1]: A FOREIGN (GERMAN) languageDOS 2.5 (E6}xtremely fastDOS). This is an all German disk withgames, utilities anddemos.[Side 2]: BRUNI'S DEMO DISK allGerman disk w6}ith Pic files.Add this DOS and pictures to yourcollection.# 30Bit Byter German Disk Magazine # 6(1986). With pics ando6}ther things-great to experimentwith, and pick up new ideas.(Double sided disk fully loaded).# 31Another Bi-monthly GERMA6}N Bit ByterDisk # 7 (1986) loadedwith games, demos and utilities inGerman language. Alsogreat to experiment with. (Double6}Ǜsided disk fully loaded)#32[Side 1]: GAMES- HATS.BAS,ANTIPONG.BAS, BAYPILOT.BAS,TYPOTIME.BAS, SPACLMO.BAS,SPOOKBST.BAS6}, TAXMAN.BAS. With anauto-loader, hit [R] to RUN, then theletter near theinversed program you picked. Greatmenu called 'C6}ATALOG'. Tryit![Side 2]: More GAMES with 'Load-it'menu. CLEWSO.B01,QUIX,OBJ, PANTHER.BAS, TAG.BAS,BIRTHDAY, NEWDOORS, OI6}LWELL,STRATEGY, DIMEN23.# 33[Side 1]: Binary loading GAMES. Mostare fun but some havepoor graphics. SUBHUNT.OBJ,WARRIO6}R.OBJ, PONG.OBJ, BLAST.OBJ,ELECTRO.OBJ, DZONE.OBJ, KRAZYKAT.OBJ,MIDAS.OBJ,AINCOMING.OBJ, SPEEDSKI.OBJ,TROLLWAR.OBJ, COSMI6}C.OBJ,ROAD.OBJ, GLOB.OBJ, SLITHER.OBJ.[Side 2]: OL'HACKERS GAME DISK withmenu loader.LUNARRPTL.BAS, SPYPLANE.BAS,DINO.BA6}S, SIEGE.BAS,CRICKET.BAS, MAZRIDER.BAS,LEPRECHN.BAS.# 34[Side 1]: Programers DesignTools-Utilities with menu loader.Co6}ntains another labler, a soundcreating file and a drawingprogram. DATABASE, PMDESGNR,PROGSORT, RPMTEST.BAS, SOUNDLAB,FONT6}EDIT, LABLGEMI.BAS, MLMENUMK,PROGLIB, RENUM.BAS, SKETCH,SUPERDUP.SYS.[Side 2]: 'Computer Tutor For TheYoung'. FRENGAME.BA6}6S,MATHWARS.BAS, FUNCTION.BAS,BARNYARD.BAS, QUIZ,BAS,CCONCEN.BAS, ADDING.BAS.# 35[Side 1]: ESSENTIAL UTILITIE6}S allEpson disk. Has manykeyboard Demos and lablers. O.K.Epson (and compatibles).SYSTAT.SYS, FORMAT.BAS, SEPARATE,PROTEC6}T.BAS, RUNTIME.BAS,EPSONTYP.IST, EPSONLBL.SML, AUTOTYPE,XREF.BAS, RPMCHECK.BAS,SYSTAT.BAS, EPSONLBL.BIG,SETUPPTR.BAS, KEY6}BOARD.BAS,DISASM.BAS, DISKTAPE.BAS, LOADPLUS,AUTODATA, EPSONLIS.TER.[Side 2]: 'ANTIC' Database Managersand Disk Utilities6}G.QUIKSORT, SCROLL.BAS, PROGINDX.ABA,INDXPRNT, ABACUS40.DOC,CALENDAR, SECTCHEK, DISKDIR,BAS,SUPRIND, ABACUS.DAT,SUPERDUP.6}SYS.# 36Color Graphics demos, a font maker,jokes, mailinglistprocessor and Super Directory whichgives you a shortdescr6}iption of each file, which youcan make up. Worthhaving, just for the SUPER DIRECTORY.WHAT A BARGAIN THIS IS!Also has 'BRE6}AKDANCE' program. Watchthem dance up a stormwith music too. Has a 'README' forinstructions.[Side 1]: BREAKDA.NOC, DALEX2,6}ǛSUNSET.BAS, FULALPHA.FNT,DESCR.DIR, MAILLIST.BAS, MEMOPAD.BAS,MODULES6.BAS, DALEX1,HACKER.BAS, FONTMAKR.BAS,SHADING.BAS,6} HUMOR.BAS,FIXER2.,OBJ, SUPRDIR.BAS.[Side 2]: 'Utilities' SMALLWP.BAS,CATALOG.BAS, SETAUTO.BAS,RUNTIME.BAS, KEYBOARD.BAS,6}ǛCALENDAR.BAS, TEXTVIEW.BAS,MEMOS.BAS, TINYLABL.BAS,BASICOFF.COM, GRAPHICT.ITL,CONSUBR.BAS, GDEVICE.OBJ,SETUPPTR.BAS, CAL6}ENDAR,OHACLOGO.BAS, FILEMAKR.NOC,DISKLABL.BAS, ALSDATES.DAT,BASICON.COM.# 37[Side 1]: ICON SHOP by Greg Tavaresand THE6} PRINT SHOPGRAPHIC EDITOR with documentation forprinter or screen. TheIcon Drawing file has settings forJoystick, mouse, 6}andKoalapad.[Side 2]: Has teaching games as wellas a very unusual andexcellent MENU! MCDONALD.BAS,SLEUTH.BAS, DOMINOS.BA6}S,CHANGE.BAS, CSMCOUNT.BAS, NORACE.BAS,COUNTING.BAS,MULTIPLY.BAS, HELP.# 38Bi-monthly Bit Byter Magazin # 9, anall Ger6}man Disk, loadedwith games, graphics and demos. Greatfor experimentation andlearning new programing ideas!(Double sided d6}isk).# 39Bi-monthly Bit Byter Magazin # 10(9/87), another all GermanDisk with more games, great graphicsand demos. (Dou6}CNble SidedDisk).# 40Bi-monthly Bit Byter Magazin # 11,all German Disk with[games, news, graphics and demos.(4}EE