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NY This programme will create a list of icons on Print Shop "other" disks. (Program will be found on this side 9&} of disk.) To use, run it from BASIC. You will have to have a disk for the output file in some drive OTHER 9'} than the drive for the PS disks! (YOU WILL NEED TWO DRIVES) One of the disks (NOT the one from which you read the9(}Ǜ PSdisks, which must be a floppy) can be a ramdisk. You can use a title for each disk (up to thirty characters) whi9)}ch will be included in the listing. When asked for the file name for the output file, make sure the disk for it is in 9*}the drive and just give the name (with extension) do NOT give the drive number... that is prompted for in a prior input:}A&,, 226-@Es%M:A b&+A&,$+A&,, Q ,/,A`&+/A`&/ C-@wA1,} G Q A% 6-?:C:,,(#"")*GATARI SCREEN SCROLLER***2#""K*(c) 1984 Jeff Brenner***3#""MODIFIED BY GRANT RI1-}CHARDSON4#""*#OCTOBER, 1989**5#VV**MIDWEST ATARI GROUP, IOWA CHAPTER CHAPTER** ADAPTED BY OL'HACKERS A.U.G., I1.}NC.7#=A!=(#}& PLEASE WAIT- INITIALIZING!<#!!104,169,000,141,014,212,169F#!!022,141,036,002,169,001/}6,141P#!!037,002,169,064,141,014,212Z#!!096,008,216,165,206,230,206d#!!197,207,208,051,169,000,133n#!!206,024,165,20310},105,001,133x#!!203,201,016,176,005,141,005#!!212,208,031,169,000,141,005#!!212,133,203,024,165,088,105#!!020,133,11}204,165,089,105,000#!!133,205,160,000,177,204,145#!!088,200,192,220,208,247,040#104,168,104,170,104,064#!6-F:12}!AH,!6-F:AI,#"@%: AP#6-@>I#O;@ MV,(67@Za,.>:@2en,@67@ ry,.>:@2}13} ,O67@ ,.#;;A&,;@ *1,'6-7?;-@CG@K[#56-C:,%@"_%6-P:'AV,56-&$AV14}#767@<@(,.>:,767@,0<@4,.>:,$"67<,.>:,$ 6-%% $5BP2 THERE IS 15}C#AN ERROR IN THE DATA.5&"$6-@'/6-@3<,$;"BJ6-@NV;67@AZ^<@Abi,.>:@m,6$EA16}6&@)A&;A,2E#A6?@$/ +@Cl/6-F:A`,%AV$F:Aa,J$k0rv@z@17} 70@@@%Q0@)-@ 15@9?k0@CG@KO@S\T$>0@`bhjpx>%@|18}F:%@ ,%@2!^$0-%@%+%@/<,F:,%@2@y0 h$!6-?:C:,,!AdAUr$"F:Ad,"@3}19}" A0|$"F:A,!"3" A0$#-9=@AH# @Li$("4REPEAT#Am( A`$ 1:}4END A0$9" $!-*.@29/ @=V9 A$T6-+@ Zd&B:,,'@hp* @tx<-}1;}@ J @(T A$/-.2@6=/ @AG7@Kb<,$"F:A,"h" A$ A@1<}$?BB=!AH-AI?BB@dA$''Display data begins at line 9500.%EEHI 8 BIT'er,NO2} 01MpFppPA!,2Vprint@shop@printer2)#+(!22/5.Zh&P;=7PEGpJ&&K&=>},L&ʩ * d5I&&&© 1 -L*0I&˜ ' 4&0& 1&& *L*& & 1 -& &=?}Ǻ 1 - - *`RUNTIME ERROR AT LINE &&Lr*+ +L&` '& &L&PROGRAM STOPPED&&=@}ǠŃł ȱ`iL'HH 1*L/ r* . 1 + '. . . 1 . 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Mirror right/leftP - UpsidedownFo}Z - Negative Image_g` - Logical OR 1 with 2x - Text overlayd - Disk Directory - Load a custom Font from diFp}sk - Copy 1  2 and 2  1 h`` - Erase #1nixel scrollCMD-UuMmDdLlSsNnTtEeCcFfOoPFq}ǛpInvalid Command. Retry please!`JaFlipping it over!Mirror image comming up!?Output filespecSAVING!DONE!ErFr}ror saving fileKaaNegative image appearingYou have a maximum of 11 characters#per lineEnter graphic line on whiFs}ch textis to begin.(0-43),aHbEnter your textCenter it (y/n) YyStarting y coordinate for text MAX VALUE=efault orFt} ser FontEnter D or U please!`IbbDrive # pleaseDn:*.* push to continueERROR LOADING FONT:GOTO 300Push Fu} to continueVbcEnter filespec of font loadedERROR READING FONT Please read these instructions first.Fv}%cc,-This program is a little utility for$use with PRINTSHOP icons converted"cFw}cto Atari DOS format with SHOPTOOL orwhatever conversion program you mayhave.Two windows, #1 and #2 are used to cXdmaFx}Gnipulate the graphic image.The Options are as follows:- loads a PSF format graphic into Yddwindow #1. You must use tFy}yhe D: and extender!- saves window #2 to disk. You mustuse the D: and extender here also!dFe- takes the graphic in wiFz}ndow #1 andmakes a right-to-left mirror image inwindow #2.- makes an upside down copy of Geewindow #1 in window #2-F{} makes a negative image of window#1 in window #2PUSH ԛ- lets you put text on the graphic eCfin window #1- disF|}plays a disk directory- loads a user-supplied font for use with the text option.- swaps windows 1 and 2Dff- erase wF}}indow #1- Logical 'or' between windows. !Select either straight or- if eitherwindow has the bit on, the result f8gwiF~}ll be on, or 'exclusive or- if bothbits are on, the result bit willbe OFF. - Pixel scroll, allows you to move a9gggraF}phic in single pixel increments inthe 4 directions using the arrow keys.&combining 1 with 2. Result will be #2ghstraiF}ght OR or Exclusive OR (S/E)S- Black where either window is blackE- black where either window is blackhhbut white wherF}e both are blackScroll mode! Use arrow keys to moveGraphic. to exit.scroll window 1 or 2hhgoing to menuF}$ blackScroll mode! Use arrow keys to moveGraphic. to exit.scroll window 1 or 2hhgoing to menuD  +=**=+$ /CALCULATOR? jBY Robert E. Preston EVERYONE NEEDS ONE!p This Program J}is a simple pocket calculator on screen. It is written using OSS MAC/65. I wish to thank Karl E. Wiegers for his BJ}oot Camp #43 in Analog Computing for its assistance with Atari floating point routines. There now that that is over J}Ohere comes the description of the program. THE MOTHER OF INVENTION IS NEED!U This program is simply an on screeJ}n calculator. There have been many times that I needed to do some simple math when down by my system. It seems thJ}at a simple calculator function is not built into the Atari's so I wrote one. It started out to just be an exercise J}[in the use of MAC/65 that got out of hand. So I offer the program to you. HOW TO:a The use of the program is J}Gquite simple just load the program from DOS. It functions like a pocket calculator just enter the numbers and an operatorJ}3 to get the results. The math functions supported7 :are? GadditionL (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), divJ}ision (/), powers of a number (^), and roots of a number (|). CAVEAT: BE CAREFUL WITH THE LAST TWO OPERATIONS. It seemJ}rs that when using logarithms, it causes rounding errors that I have yet to correct properly. TRICKS ANYONE?x A coJ}uple of neat tricks to the program is that the result from the previous calculation is available to the next as eitJ}her the first or second entry. To use the old result just enter a "M" for the number and the old result will be usJ}ed. To exit the program enter "E" when it asks you to hit return to continue the screen will be blanked and operatiJ}1on will be returned to DOS. PASS IT ALONG!7 If you like this program feel free to pass it on (as long as J}you include this document). If you would like a copy of the source listing send me a donation (shows how to use J}Ofloating point and screen positioning routines). ABOUT ME: My address isU gRobert E. Prestonm 3681 Kipling J} Berkely, Mich. 48072 If you have any suggestions for improvement or other comments I can be contacted on CIS, DEJ}LPHI, or GEnie. %CIS 72637,1134+ 9DELPHI MENTAT? RGEnie R.E.PRESTONX I hope you enjoy this routine and fiJ} *>*<* CURSRPLS.DOCS Additional SCREEN EDITOR commands: BY USING BELOW COMMANDS, CURSOR WILL DO AS N}SHOWN!CTRL-ESC=To end of line.CTRL-SHIFT-RETURN = To start of line.CTRL-SHIFT-(Minus Sign)=To prior word.CTRL-SHIFT-(EqN}uals Sign)=To next word.CTRL-SHIFT-SPACE=Delete to end of lineCTRL-SHIFT-CAPS=Change case of line.CTRL-SHIFT-INVERSE=RegN}.text to inverseSHIFT-INVERSE=Change case of 1 letter.CTRL-INVERSE=Reg. 1 char. to inverse.CTRL-CLEAR=Cursor to HOME.CTRN}SL-SHIFT-CLEAR=Cursor Mid Screen.ź PROGRAM SURVIVES SYSTEM RESET IFIN MEMORY!b *=*=*AR=Cursor to HOME.CTRLgReg. 1 char. to inverser(CTRL-CLEAR=Cursor to HOME.6T*("CTRL-SHIFT-CLEAR=Cursor Mid ScreenT(%ź PROGRAM SURVIVES SR}GYSTEM RESET!8))(! 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Preston6 KPresware Enterprises[ -=-=- enjoy this routine and fiHbW THAT YOU,,,ŠΠ,̧ A.U.G.,%CC,ӠŬWHY NOT,join us? We are,, 8 BIT,atari%ddcomp2}uter users, since 1985!,,WE HAVE MEMBERS ,̠ҠŠ , dues are ,$24.00 ,,,%77,2}V,, %FFWE ARE ABOUT ,,ΠĠZ,!%??NEW PROG'S FROM ALL, over the2}A ġ,,!,"%WWFOR MORE INFORMATION,WRITE TO: G,,̧ӠծǮ,ΠҠҮ#%,,2} ήٮ,516-$%,,MAKE CHECK ,,%% ,&% RON FETZER,,END'%CHAIN PROGRAM2} statement of the programme+ +3- Now you librarians can print your PrintShop directories on your di:}sks!  !*!*!*!+ +3- Now you librarians can print your PrintShop directories on your di8 <=><=> (Editor-This little parody from the March/April 1994, issue # 8 TWAUG newsletter appeals to my seV}CZnse of humor, so I have, BY THE POWERS VESTED in me as EDITOR, reprinted it! A.P.)d OUR DAILY PRAYER by MAV}X GERUM, member of TWAUG,& _ENGLAND and reprinted by OL' HACKERS AUG N.Y., U.S.A.h with permission. V} Our Program who art in Memory( ="HELLO" by Thy Name,C ^Thy Operating system come,f Thy Commands be done, V} at the Printer," _as it is on the Screen. Give us this day our daily DATA,c and forgive us our I/O ErrV}ors, )as we forgive those whose Logic1 GCircuits are faulty.K Lead us not into Frustration and deliver us froV}m Power Surges. For thine is the Algorithm, the Application and the Solution, FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER AND EVER,V} RETURN!' <=><=>hm, the Application and the Solution, FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER AND EVER,T-G(%% D:NEWSLTR.BASD:OHSCROL4.BASKE CHECK ,,%% ,&% RON FETZER,,END'%CHAIN PROGRAM0,EE