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Internet info Check 堲 for Picprint DOC more ATARI news Newsletter Rev. articles!!<-]} ,] for Picprint DOC more ATARI news m articles!!<--!!ZERWOTWTRFOUPRMEKAFILEHELPMENUTITLECOL1COL2COL3LINELOSPACFNNCOLNSPSOOPPZPAGFPL_}POEPOEPGCOLIN '(/078?@GHOPWX^` fh np vx }`} "#*+23:;BCJKRSZ[bcjkrsza}  %&!-."56#=>$EF%MN&UV']^(f99ԠŠb} SAVE "D:NEWSLTR.BASbKK䠱cAA󠱱c}Z䬠dmm堲à_ Ӡįίd}'̠ŠǭԠ̮ 6--56-@9A'6-@EM36-@QY?6-@]ӠϠŠӭe}7ҠԬŠ̮Ϡ̮R`@;E:(AR`ΠŠ̮Ҡf}ŠқQB7t@d$'@(,@d063@:o?AKA Q-'A@es'@ g})5K:6-6-)6-A2-556-@933;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;A2,L(6.D1:WELCh}4OME.SCR(~EA !A@h8F3B7t@dJPE@TX@d\. AP6.6. i} $(. A 8-@!P8($Programmed For The Ol' Hackers Atari9-@"T9(% User Group Inc. By:Kris Holtegaarj} dF00(' Modified By:Thomas J. Andrewsx666.,THE OL' HACKERS' ATARI U.G., INC. NEWSLETTER67B:,%,.7<@k}8(,&-B:,6&7<,0 A,F @L 6. 67@J_,.#67,.C6-+@cj&,'@nr%@vL67,l}C.r'A @I#-A"P' H6.D1:MAINMENU.HLP$@MT5@XdA@hH(}!A m}m!A@h3" AP(" A7H:]B7t@dLR'@VZ@d^l9A @pxE-@"|n}BV( Selection: ]6.l/ )/+"AU)"A&,*4AFY"AUA(]."A&*B:,"6.$*o} . 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AfP6}7<,.! 6-%6-%@9 F ! ,"F:Ad,"A8" AJr^,F:Ad,"AF", Av} Ay ..'@!"P:'@%,,*"@y04Ay8C..'@GOP:'@SZ,*"@i^bAyfo&9 As&}@VP:,"9(@=X "(G6  '6-+",$%+",$+@Z&,6(=:,N ((}(":6-+",$@ %%+",$@)2G*@'6NN*: 6-6-@@Rn-$6.*":6. w  "}F:Ad,"A8" ADR,F:Ad,"AF", AH<67B:,%,.7<,)67B:,%,.7<,<67B:,%,}M.7<,"6-?: <--|| }g  ||  || Atari User Group Inc.(c)1985 |***l Alex Pignato, Pre}sident ****** .3376 Ocean Harbor Drive3 :******? VOceanside, N.Y. 11572[ `***}}3|Charter Member NEAR*US ATARI USER Gp.||> K報X [|}}3|Charter Member NEAR*US ATARI USER Gp.||= L㮠X [|} $F |짠JO| |Xfpu| }}" :pson Fx86e and EpsonB YCompatibles. Panasonica Star. Star Nx1000 Gemini } Sakata Sp100 .tari 1025 Printer3 Oon Epson Compatibles andX nDaisy Wheel Printerss rint Ro}om Help File /ۿ Return To The Main Menu3 Oon Epson Compatibles andX nDaisy Wheel Printerss rint Ro/ *+*+*+*+* NEW SCHEDULE OF MEETING DATES Meetings To June 8, 1996, they start at 11:30 A.M. and go to 5:00@} P.M.Šנź May 11, 1996 meetinghas been changed by the Library to May18, 1996! Please make note of change! D@}UECEMBER 25, 1995 - Hope you enjoyed JANUARY 1, 1995 - the HOLIDAY SEASON! January_ a6,g 1996 1st Sat. Februar@}y 10, &1996 2nd Sat. March2 49,: v1996 2nd Sat. March 14 (XMAS?) DINNER at LAMBRAUS! April} @}VPP PTU PSetting Up ATARI 130XE RAMDisk U PRAMDisk Not Formatted! [ U P   $} P@BDPEJK V@C08? PiLPhPhPPP PLPPHPH`HI BLV P}`@$}G BLVDPQ8:DUP.SYSPK V@C08? PiLPhPhPPP PLPPHPH`HI BLV P}`@$ MINUTES: APRIL 20, 1996, MEETING CORRESPONDENCE: JOHN also wrote to ALEX PIGNATO giving him a another newer, new addrD}ess in Morgantown, NC. John came up with another list of quest for ALEX. As was apparent by ALEX's responseD}, JOHN's continuing "interest& and enthusiasm is appreciated while his little mishaps have brought a touch of enD}Cdearing humor to the group. ALEX, again, patiently answeredG these several time-consuming questions and asked fD}or a little sympathy. Hobbies are not supposed to demand so much! JOHN's third letter explained his three crasheD}s, shared his esteem and appreciation for the time taken to answer his questions and promised to keep things morD}\e reasonable (JOHN, reasonable is like 1 or 2 questions, maximum, every 2 or months).` ALEX read the letter he wroD}ete to MAX and JOHN, editors of TWAUG, England, commiserating on the loss of DAVID EWEN. j JOE HICSWA who D}is wonderfully engaged being an 'internet' himself as he keeps in contact with several different clubs. ALEX belD}ieves his postcard budget is about $100 a month! His creativity is a joy to read and his appreciation of the AtarD}i is easily seen. This time he sent 2 files on disk for OHNL: ALEX response acknowledged the receipt. A seconD}d letter handles some further business and waxes poetic about his wonderful travels in Amerca's outback on his trD}usty steed or bike. ALEX shared that they're expecting their 10 million dollar check from some publishing house.D} (grin) ALAN received the same, too. And, MR. & MRS. PIGNATO, your daughter received the same only promising 1D}&1 million dollars check, (IF only...* PACESETTER JOAN BROKAW of Largo, FL, sent us the DOM Disk asking for a game tD}hat states the high scorer for a club contest. Not to worry, Madam, the Dynamic Duo are on the job. ALEX responded sD}<**>& 9PRESIDENTS MESSAGEH Yby ALEX PIGNATO_ A long overdue CHRISTMAS din5} 2MEETING OF MARCH 9, 1996 OPENING NOTES:6 President and Editor In Chief ALEX PIGNATO thanked all devotees 8} for showing up in the 6 inch heavy snowfall that still had not let up. (However, as this writer sits looking:S}#*SOL' HACKERS WHO iS WHO? ? ? ? ? ? ?PRESIDENTa.Alex PignatoVICE-PRESIDENT<}. Jack GedaliusSECRETARY0.ERon FetzerTREASURERU.qRon FetzerBLANK DISK SALESz.Ron<}C FetzerLIBRARIAN.`Harold PeglerDISK NEWSLETTER EDITOR.Alex PignatoLEGAL-COUNSELh.Jerry GinsbergEQUIP<} MENT-MANAGER. (open) *MEMBERSHIP5.X Jack GedaliusINT'L CORRESPONDANT\.Horst DewitzNEWSLETTER LIBRARIA<}"N...Alan SharkisLIB. COPY MASTER)./(open)5 IMAGAZINE LIBRARIANM.Jack GedaliusNOTE-[*] denotes change in positi<}on. *(O.H.A.U.G.) is in no way associatedwith the ATARI Corp.,or any of theirafffiliates, other tha<}&n using a greatproduct. Atari and* Atari relatedproducts are the Trademarks of theirrespective companies and ar<}e used onlyas informational help to our membersand the Atari user in general. Opinionsherein are not necessarily th<}Nose ofO.H.A.U.G. but those of the variousindividual authors.O.H.A.U.G.R TisX Ya] NOT-FOR-PROFITOrganization in <}the State of New York.O.H.A.U.G. will NOT tolerate ANYreferances, directly or by implicationto piracy or the use <}! of any computerequipment for% illegal activities.DEADLINES FOR NEWSLETTERJAN/FEB DEC 31 JUL/AUG JUN 30MAR/AP<}>R FEB 28 SEPT/OCT AUG 31MAY/JUN APR 30 NOV/DEC OCT 31e Submitted articles ar<}e preferred asdisk text files, preferably made on the1ST XLENT Word Processor, in 38 columnsbut it will be gratefully a<}ccepted ashard copy. Send your articles, commentsto:OL' HACKERS Newsletterc/o A. Pignato,3376 Ocean Harbor DriveOce<}`anside, N. Y. 11572.Please refer to the above schedule forOL' HACKERS NEWSLETTER deadlines.l lp*sendx*Oce<y 20, /1996 3rd Sat. May CHANGED TO 18,5 H1996 3rd Sat. JuneU W8,] p1996 2nd Sat. July} @}6, *1996 1st Sat. July (RUBINO'S) 21,0 ESummer Dinner AugustO R10,X 1996 2nd Sat. NEW DATES PRINTED AS @}SOON AS RECEIVED ,->->END<-<-0 ESummer Dinner AugustO R10,X 1996 2nd Sat. NEW DATES PRINTED AS @,#nOHAUG'S N/L MENU!no description. 6.K6.7$&,<66-?:C:,Q*A 2 @%B67,.!-6.7<,4 2 L6.7<,7&I}\,0 *67%,..:67%,.7&,I7%,4SYSL." A&+%'V A`$)+)I}d7"&*"<GV6-?:AUv,(VF:A,"%(NEW?(POKE842,12:E.>:@4h,MAB%S-I}"V&, 6-6-!A@6&43A@68d?ARP6. Can't run Y67,.c @@hrq-Avu  I}A0@cA6-F:%,,%%A`26-c(,} Enter description (max 25 characters)J2 ( I}2( -T7AR( (AR74A0^' %B:, '67B:,%,.7%,I}kh B:,!6.7<,r 06-|67$&<$,.5 6-%Aa+A%5 @Po9(%6.I }Descriptions unchanged/ @E!49 A Y A8R6-0!%--@Vl7(7%,T%@)p&B:,'%?PI }`Y( AŠӛ_ (} &( (Current Disk Title)*(06-_(*d Enter new title (max 18I }, characters)1 6.&(1(>-r>AR()AR84Av>6.I }>0 %0( Үҧ&Y 6- ABf6.$6.+6.16-; AjIA%S AI }BY6.0P 6.6.>:,6-B:,%)67,.>:,;6-$%%@FF6-P:',P6-&$:M67,.>:,67,.>:,$67,I}4./67%,.86-B:,C6-P:',M6-&$D! 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TOM and I swapped E- mail on GEnie recenM*}tly, and the subject came up. We had to agree --- more and more, people are now using their classic Ataris for InM+}ternet access. There have been many fine articles written about using our 8-bits to "cruise the Web and surf tM,}he Net", and although the graphics of the WWW are not available to us with our machines, the text most certainly isM-}1 -- as long as you use an 80-column terminal5 }PUBLIC DOMAINe$$(1Zfc#(ĠɠԠC(tc(Q?}Š g##(,.:Ci##(KUĠ]fj##(}Q@}ǠkW( WHICH PRINTER*( PSON9( EMINIE( ECW( ROWRITERm!(ENTER YOUR CHOICE!nQA} @4E)4G)4N)4P6(**4G@ A p @Ksx!!PUT DISK I/O SUBROUTINES IN PAGE QB}FOUR CASSETTE BUFFER.ee162,16,169,0,157,72,3,169,0,157,73,3,32,86,228,192,0,48,9,238,31,4,208,3,238,32,4,96,104,104QC},96%-A$AT"!% !!DUMP$ IS A MACHINE LANGUAGEROUTINE THAT DOES THESCREEN DUMPQD}IT ALSO USES THE FIRST 20!!BYTES OF PAGE 1 (0100,0110)DUMP1$ IS FOR EPSON TYPES""DUMP2$ IS FOR NEC, PROWRITQE}CERcc67@v,.PhhhhhhhϩР˅ѥϭiͭi88שϭcc67@z,.QF}F6PiͭiΥ) JJ) : q͑JJѥ8%%67Aa,.(̅ХД`cc6QG}7@g,.PhhhhhhhϩР˅ѥϭiͭi88שϭcc67@k,.PiͭiQH}Υ)  JJ) q͑JJѥ8%%67Aa,.(̅ХД`!!MODE$ IS AQI} MACHINE LANGUAGE""ROUTINE TO CHANGE GRAPHICS 8TO GRAPHICS MODE E",GG6.=h01eeAQJ}O ݩ֩N`6@!!MAIN$ IS A MACHINE LANGUAGEJ ROUTINE TO DECOMPRESS .PICTFILES AND DISPLAY THEQK}Mr|ww67@,.dhBDE   D     QL}ww67A,.d!  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(1-5)Z33(PRESENT SHADE FOR COLOR #&@H]p IS _@etdV"Qg}@I( )@!.6-&@H%>LA@p$+&@IBX,V AnV"@P\g( )@kw.6-&@H{LQq}cdCB%DOS SYSB*)DUP SYSBSAUTORUN SYSBUAUTORUN COMBVMAINMENUHLPBD^NEWSLTR BASBWELCOME SCRBPRESSPRTMNUj)BDESCR DIRBRAMDISK COMHELP- yDOCBPRESSPRTHLPBBJOYSTCKTXTBEPRESMESTXTB\FMARMIN TXTBCWHO} TXTBDMEETDATTXTBFGAPRMIN TXTB5SUPERDIRBASB&HINTERNTTXTB<5PICPRINTBASBzIPICPRNTTXTBBSPDSCRPTOBJPRTSHEETBASCBOJNLREV TXTqA@p$+&@I1,V AxV"@Q5@( )@DP.6-&@HTmLA @p$+&@Iq,V AQr} V"@R( )@).6-&@H-FLA@p$+&@IJ^,V Ai%2@bfAjn@rv@z9Qs}-@ @ = _2@!')/17Ji A1#AN%#-A`Ac'"-1 1#AQt}/%#-AdAg'"-1 1#A3`%#-AhAq'"-1 1#Ad%#-ArAu'"Qu}Ǟ-1 $DATA FOR GRAY SCALES15,15,15,1510,5,10,510,0,5,0 2,0,8,0 0,0,0,0Qv}RPRINTER ERROR ROUTINE",,($SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH THE PRINTER!,%%2@VZA^b@fj@ny6-@}Qw}@  @%%2@!#)+1<J-@@DAHn T APrw)+@rv%@z%@Qx}2-)6-?:C:,,{!A@p$+&@1K,?A@p$+&@Oi,]A @p$+&@m,{A@pQy} $+&@,-@"A&K $D:PICPRINT.BAS$+&@Oi,]A @p$+&@m,{A@pPD *= KOALA PAD/ATARI ARTIST PICTURE PRINTERV fby TED BURGER.k Program will be U{}G found in this May/June 1996 OL' HACKERS Newsletter. (Ed. It is a program worthy of a second printing! A.P.) WHU|}|AT FRUSTRATION CAN DO TO YOU! This program is a result of becoming frustrated while printing pictures from the KoalaU}} Pad system. The program is written in Atari basic with many machine language subroutines. Some of the ML routines areU~} my own and some of them came from other authors. At the moment I can't remember the sources. If you see some of your U}code in here, Thanks. The program supports several printers, at least Epson, Gemini, NEC, and Prowriter. To modify U} it for a different printer is very simple. You can add the printer name to the list around line 100, add the first leU}tter to the check in the same area. The lines between 800 and 900 are where the printer is set up. Add anotherU} 'IF' statement with the proper graphics control characters to set up your printer. OPERATION OF THE PROGRAM U} The program will ask you for the 'picture disk', picture files must end with the '.PIC' extender. The screen will dU}isplay a list of the files on the disk, up to 38 files. You make your selection from the list. The program willU} load the selected picture from the disk. The picture will appear in color at first then switch to black and white. TheU} bottom of the screen will switch to text to prompt you. Below the text block is another line of graphics, this showU}s the shade of gray assigned to each of the four color registers. To change the gray shade of one of the colorU}r registers, select which one 1-4. The prompt will change and ask which shade you want. WHAT THE NUMBERS MEANx BlackU} = 1 and white = 5. The numbers 2,3,4 will give you different shades of gray in order between black and white. ThiU}]s will allow you to set up the picture in shades of gray on the display screen. NOTE:c If you set color 3 and 4 U}to the same shade, the text will not be visible but things will still work. When you get the picture set up tU}he way you want it, a tap of the 'P' key will send it to the printer. The other choices you have here are: 'U}GM'enu will take you back to the list of the picture files, 'V'eiw will temporarily show you the entire graphiU}[cs screen just in case something important is hidden by the text block. WYSIWYGa This is a case of 'WHAT YOU}vU SEE IS WHAT YOU GET', the gray scales from the screen will be duplicated on the printer. HAVE FUN, TED BURGER} U}  v( E-N-D )scales from the screen will be duplicated on the printer. HAVE FUN, TED BURGER} T"ner was held on March 14th, with 20 people in attendance, including PAT MULVEY, President of LIAUG. JOE HICSWA, 5}President of JACG in New Jersey, and an OHAUG member, had agreed to come, but nature in the form of heavy rain, force5}d him to cancel his planned motorcycle jaunt to join us. We missed him. We were honored that 2 of the only ATARI5}E? clubs in the area wanted to join in the OHAUG festivities. E A funny (?) thing happened at the dinner. I asked PAT t5}o draw the first raffle ticket, and while everyone kidded him about NOT drawing his own number, he stuck his big f5}ist in the basket. Yes, your right! He did draw his own number. He told me it was all on the up and up, so I guess I5}l should believe him, after all I was running the raffle, and he hadn't offered me any bribe. (grin)r In this new5}sletter will be found a new program from BELGIUM. ROBERT DeLETTER, an OHAUG member, wrote the program using Turbo5} Basic, and it is an extremely well done program called "MEMORAND.TUR". You must run Turbo Basic (also on this disk)5} first. Once again OHAUG comes through with a scoop and a winner. ROBERT also wrote two very long game programs with fa5}ntastic graphics. Because they are so long, I felt it would take up a whole disk side, making non-game players fe5}el left out, so I did not use them. I did however, demo the programs, and they are now in our library. The name of t5}he main one is "CTULHI". My hats off to you ROBERT, keep on programming, you do have a talent. JOE HICSWA-Pres. of JAC5}G and OHAUG is well represented in this newsletter. See his PRTSHEET. BAS, that he made long ago and which was modifi5}(HLPBJOYSTCKTXTEPRESMESTXTFMARMIN TXTCWHO, TXTDMEETDATTXTGAPRMIN TXTSUPERDIRBASHINTERNTTXTPICPRINTBASIPICPRNTTXTSPDSCRPTOBJP"}Ǜ us the info!! Your input's wanted and really needed to help bring us closer together! A.P.) # # # # # # # # # # # # # #M} # # # # #o!! Your input's wanted and really needed to help bring us closer together! A.P.) # # # # # # # # # # # # # #L .ed by our KRIS HOLTEGAARD before he died.4 Speaking of programs, I received a couple of requests recently for good5}Ǜ programs to show and print pictures, so I dug up an oldie, from a prior newsletter, "PICPRNT.BAS" and put it in 5} this newsletter. I think it will satisfy you graphics lovers, who may have missed it. Note also that you will fin5}Gd SPDSCRPT.OBJ and SPDCALC on this disk-both with documentation that I did not have when I may have used it in a prior ne5} wsletter. In the same vein, I think you all know that I look for usefull, interesting programs, so if5} you already have a program that is in one of our newsletters, remember that not everyone has that program, so please5}w be understanding of the purpose of the newsletter. It is to bring new and old info, and programs to ALL members. } 5}In this issue, I tried something new. I used the same program "SUPERDIR.BAS" for front and back. When you 5} run it, you will understand why. It has many great features, such as printing out the menu, with the program descrip5}tions, just by hitting the TAB when in the correct menu. A wonderful way to know exactly what each program does,5} by reading the description that you yourself wrote about it. As a starter, I wrote most of the descriptions of6}D9 %ͳBB! % P* v% w%u % D %LH& MMRXfff]ffff>`<|0`̌8l8pvY}0&0```00 0f<' 2x8K|Ps||||||~yY}| .l8l8lfff< 0`3>@`0 C0P6c!"WX`|™|™|Y},~x|™|as22sa>02````~~8<=H8LY<]ƀ||~~Y}~|00003~l8|ll8l7F~ 8`8Ppp##8$ %0$1$Y}3$4$ s?s?1$4$ॄ``ex$w$e{$z$褄 x${$`(mlDeXYiY}Go?p?r?{?)^kD)kDȄ{?Čein?kD@L$i( %&LY}$y?z?`f?o?u?g?p?v?8i?g?Ƌ拑` /` /` n%jD %LH&} /Y}Ǎr?f?h?j?l??@ClD(kDDig?18m?8k?8i??Km?i?k?m?` -f?g? $ &= Y%q?L&'Y}' &= Y%q?`'XRUT`H)h)` i@LE&8 `jDCIjDIjD $ /(ЭjD +LHY}&)کLQ&ЭCq?H &hɛL&,C0ɜf) `{\\X^T_PHC^r? |,h ,&) CY}dž'' $8u?v?iu?iv? 'LH&S'S'LH&ʊ &HGHx'Hw'H`#\^~ }|_   ((Y}("))))*1+{,[+,-0-Q-2.85\41|67f)7L+ 7O*;m=S,K,/fhdgsaLJ:K\^OPUI_|VCBXZ$#Y}U&%"![ ]NM?REYTWQ()'@}FHDGSA {   ` Y}11 1pzD>EHY}ǩIJB V0\gDgDdCeCgDgD 10?+K / 103iD 10) /iDiD. /LV1  1ƌL-1p B VpY}C`H /h / 10 /L1pHIBLV 5 Y/ 5R} / 1 3CCCgDgD 3 o%2a12)_2LY}2ʊ *2H)2H`RLUF1234 F2S2p222322T3n3n3n3n33v3 3CLa2 3CgD CCCL1 3C8La2 3Y}CigDުLa2z>C) 87 C 콺C.ʎCC`pBCHIDCELV 2! 2L3 3L123 2#L2Y} 2$L2 3O? 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'Y}` &> Y%q?`Э# &> Y% .@?@x?L &8??e??ee8u?傅v?僅 $8uY}??u?v?v?@)?? ,@ ,&@m@iL<='s?0 87 b7?  b7_ b7L<`?)? 87c8?Y}s?J8? b7?LSpeedSY}cript 3.0 by Charles BrannonBuffer ClearedBuffer FullDelete (S,W,P): Are you sure? (Y/N):ERASE ALL TEXTErase (S,W,P): Y} to exitSave (Device:Filename)>Error #BREAK Key AbortNo ErrorsLoad (Device:Filename)> Press D1:*.*Memo>e?Y}Gry FullNo text in bufferPrint (Device:Filename)>Printing...Insert next sheet, press Find:Not foundChange to:Y} -elete ock nlock ename ormat -oad Drive [ ]: Rename to:Format diskfoundChange to:XkGE - might satisfy the request made by AL MOLINELLA for inventory programs, this is a recipe inventory - the dE}ynamic duo (ALEX and RON) have been hard at upgrading work and after 4 upgrades it was ready for OHAUG. After all theiE}r hard work, it was quite evident that they deeply enjoyed demoing it and showing their creativity. Not to be seE}xist, we'll note all those gourmet (and not-so-gourmet) cooks will love this helpful item! (Except MARIE PIGNATOE} who makes every dish, every time, by heart and it always tastes delicious, even without measuring!) Each disk E} will accept recipes, totaling 64 on DOS; and, as ALEX shared, using MYDOS will allow the use of a subdirectoryE} allowing a total of 120 recipes. The men were truly interested in bringing this home to share with their wivesE} (it's also nice that the ol' 8-bit is useful to other members of the household). -- s/2: SUBATTACK (Again, modifieE}d by the Dynamic Duo a couple of times) - RON demoed this game. ALEX is the Champ (hey, too much practicing, AL!E}) RON steps up to be the Commander at the Helm. In fact, the top is 3,925 kills for ALEX. RON was doin' great aE}pt 1,000 kills until ALEX sabotaged his game (could this be counterinsurgency to protect his title?).t Other prE}ograms are a catalog/directory program, SOLITAIRE.BAS, RAMDISK.BAS, HORSERACE, OTB.BAS, DARKSTAR, POLKA SQUARE,E} RAMDISK.COM, STOCK MARKET, MASTERMIND, etc. ALEX chose to next demo the STOCK MARKET game. ALAN SHARKIS waE}s pulled over while he screamed out that money seems not to like him because it leaves him so quickly! ('sfunnE}y) ALEX threw ALAN out of the 'chair' really fast to show the others how a really smooth investor (no inside E}investing here) functions. At least on paper in the 8-bit world, ALEX is a mogul, a tycoon. In a matter of minE}Gutes, ALEX made close to seven hundred funny monies. Another good game for all you real tycoons (at heart) to keep F}(RTSHEETBASKTXTEPRESMESTXTFMARMIN TXTCWHO, TXTDMEETDATTXTGAPRMIN TXTSUPERDIRBASHINTERNTTXTPICPRINTBASIPICPRNTTXTSPDSCRPTOBJP - newsletter programs, articles, for you.3 I hope you enjoy receiving your newsletter without fail, every other6}f month. I'm proud of the fact that we meet our commitment to you, our member. Bye for now!u * E^N^D 6}f* nth. I'm proud of the fact that we meet our commitment to you, our member. Bye for now!u * E^N^D 4%*&1 DNEWSLETTER REVIEWSR bBy ALAN SHARKISj OHAUG Newsletter Lib}brarian The PACESetter from January 1996 --Be sure to check out the Modem BootCamp article by ALAN FRAZER and b}thefollowing article on modem history(adapted from MERLE BARNES' articlein the July/August Nybbles & Bytes). Both sb}hould offer ample inspirationto get out your modems and go online. PACE also ran a column (noauthor mentioned) b}entitled, "We AreNot Alone." In it, they wrote asuperb history and description of theAAAUA, another stalwart 8-b }bit usergroup. When reading this article,please don't forget to look at thegames, puzzles, riddles, etc. HowPAb }CE can come up with more originalones each month is a mystery to me,but they do have them, and they arealways enjoyab }ble. SLCC Journal for January 1996 -- It'sgood to know that the SLCC stillpublishes a newsletter. The lastfewb }, including this one, have beenrather skimpy, but still manage topresent some interesting information. Read JIM MORAb }HN's minutes on the frontcover.Update Atari (HACE) for January 1996--L yThis continues to be anexceptionally} b} well-writtennewsletter. Not only does GEORE IKENwrite the XS RAM column, which isreplete with, "XL/XE and Sb}T RumorsAnd Murmers," but in this issue healso adds an interesting tip thatwould certainly apply to those of uswb}ho wish to fire up an 800 that'sbeen in the closet for a while. George follows this one up with areminder tob}G those who may be sendinga disk to another user. It's apractice that our user group followswhen it sends out newb}sletters. Canyou tell what the hint is? Checkyourself by requesting this issuefrom me.(FR)ANTIC (AAAUA) for Jab}nuary 1996 -- There is a review of ANSITERM 1.0,an 80-column terminal program thatcan be used for connecting an 8-bb}itto the Internet. The author of theprogram, ROBERT SINCLAIR, has done alot of 8-bit work and has alsoproducedb} a terminal program for theIBM platform that emulates a 40-column ATASCII screen, complete withATASCII charactersb}. GREG COBY, (whomakes is presence known on FidoNet)has written a BBS program that I'mdying to try out. The only wab}y thatI can do that, however, is to callhis BBS in California. I've promisedmyself to do that, but just haven'thadb} a chance. However, Greg outlinesthe commands for his BBS editor inthis issue of (FR)ANTIC. it lookslike a vey b}sensible and intuitiveeditor, and I like the way that thetabs and cursor movements are done.Finally, there's an ob}bituary forJannet Blocker. I enjoyed readingwhat Jannet wrote in (FR)ANTIC fromtime to time, and I, too, will misb}sher.Nybbles and Bytes (NWPAC) forJanuary/February 1885 -- PresidentDALE WOOSTER's column is alwaysintb} eresting. In this one, hedescribes the move from the PAUGS BBSthat had been run by the NWPAC formany years to b}The Iron Horse BBS, runby MARIO ROBBINS. Dale mentions thatMario has declined compensation buthas volunteered to do thib}s. Changingfrom a user-group run BBS to aprivate one has always been adifficult move for user groups. Thb}eprivate BBS sometimes has carriedmaterial which is not important tothe user group's members, or containsmaterial b }with which the club may notwant to associate. I don't know ifsuch was the case in this particularmove, but I do kb!}now that it hascreated additional work for sysops inthe past. (We in OHAUG experiencedan actual dual BBS in the pastb"} whenwe called the WQNR BBS. If thecaller was an OHAUG member, he or sheautomatically was switched to theOHAUb#}GG side. If not, the caller wouldget switched to the WQNR side. Atany time, the caller could switchfrom the OHAUG b$}$side to the WQNR side,if the caller wished to enter theworld of rock'n'roll. The late KrisHoltegaard worked long anb%}d hard onthat modificaton. On the other hand,our present association with LIAUGand with The New Nest has createdb&}Ǜlittle additional work for sysop JimHarris, since LIAUG is our sistergroup. Jim's only request is that weUSE the b'}system!) In the process offollowing Mario's posts on theIAN/USF, I have seen a trulydedicated sysop doingb(} his best forthe entire 8-bit community as well asNWPAC. May the association have along and happy life! In additib)}on toDale's column, check out the reprintsof ROWLAND GRANT's (XIO3, Nov./Dec.1995) Atari 8-Bit Affairs column, atype-b*}din program for the "Science-Fiction Pocket Computer," by THOMASDAUGHTON (May 1989 Mileh HighMagazine) "Do-Ib+}Dt-Yourself KeyboardRepair," by JOHN NAGY (April 1988MichiganH MAtariQ ZMagazine)^ and"Nintendo Controllers for b,}the Atari8-Bits," DALE WOOSTER and JOHN POWELL(Jul./Aug. Nybbles & Bytes.)XIO# (GCACE) for January/February1996 -b-}- This issue is PACKED! ROWLAND GRANT's Atari News andRumours column has to be read even ifit doesn't mentiob.}n 8-bit materialonce. It foreshadows what we allknow happened to Atari just a monthlater. For those of you b/}who areaddicted to games, DOUGLAS SKRECKYhas contributed a Game Machine Reviewcolumn, also very predictive ofAtab0}ri's moves early this month, andROWLAND GRANT writes about somecartridges, apparently abandoned byAtari, that wob1}und up at retailers. Rowland also includes news about FTe,some SpartaDOS utilities from NelsonNeives, and more on b2}A.P.E., PCXFormer, the Pool Disk, BEN POEHLAND,DALE WOOSTER and CLAY HALLIWELL. There is also a long and informativb3}econtinuation of JOHN PICKEN's articleon RAM/ROM Control on XL/XE.(FR)ANTIC (AAAUA) for February 1996 -- Editor MANUELb4} GARCIA states thatthe source of several articles inthis issue are messages that appearedon the FidoNet National Atarb5}Gi Echo. They were sent to Manuel by MIKEMAZZOLA, sysop of the Quantum LeapBBS. One such article is a type-inpb6}6rogram by WINSTON SMITH. this veryshort proram checks to see whichversion of BASIC is running in yourcomputer. b7} "PC to 8-BIT," byALEJANDRO GALLEGUILLOS, is a verycomplete (though not really up-to-date on version numberb8}s -- A. S.)description of the many ways totransfer data between Atari 8-bitsand PCs.(Many of the software-bab9}sedsolutions that Alejandro mentions canbe found on the pool disk and will betransferred to our library if theyrun on b:}the Atari side. If you needsomething that runs on the PC side,just ask me for a copy -- A.S.) Courtesy of DAVIDb;} GOSTL, we have thetext of the press release of Atari'smerger with JTS. President TODDSUNRUNNER contributes a veb<}[ry funnyarticle about his first experienceswith computers. There's also asource_ bforg lexactq mechanismreb=}placements for the XF551 diskdrive.The PACESetter for February, 1996 -- This issue features articles onusingb>} AtariWriter +. I LusedAtariWriter + after a few years ofusingS Vthe] cartridge-basedAtariWriter. I b?}found it to be a veryflexible program. In fact, many ofthe study guides I produced for mystudents in chemistry, b@}b computerapplications, physics, etc., wereoriginally done on AtariWriter andAtariWriterg i+.o t(Theyx havebA}(subsequently been transferred to myPC, 2clone,6 ;where? after somereformatting, they have survived PFSProfessionabB}l Write, WordPerfect 5.1for DOS, and, finally, WordPerfect6.1 for Windows -- A.S.) AtariWriter+ made it easy to bC}create printerdrivers for the two printers I usedwith my Atari. I was even able tocreate downloadable character bD}setsfor both printers to accommodate thespecial characters I had to use. Butnow, reading this issue of ThePACESebE}'tter, I've even picked up moretricks.+ =CAROLYN HOGLIN'sA finearticles from the Mid-Florida AtariComputer Club bF}e Bulletin (variousdates)are reprinted. These includearticles on addressing envelopes withAW+,i skipping half-linebG}Gs whileprinting, alphabetizing lists, andmaking labels. PACE's own JEAN BROKAWcontributes an article about the AW+PbH}Hroofreader and about the problem sheencountered when she accidentally setthe global menu to double columns. There is abI} reprint of a PAUL A.ALHART article (June 1991 A.I.M.) ona modification for AW+ that changesthe key repeat rate. TbJ}here are alsotips by THELMA SUNVISON (February1993, March 1993 (FR)ANTIC.) Andwhat would an issue of The PACESetbK}terbe like without the usual games,puzzles, etc.? This issue has them,too.SLCC Journal for March 1996 -- Again,rbL}ead JIM MORAN's minutes.The PACESetter for March 1996 -- Thisissue reprints the press releasedealing with the salebM}; of GEnie. (Ican state first hand that the newowner,A IYouvelleO RenaissanceCorporation, has every intentionbN} ofretaining the old GEnie through avariety of payment plans and options,but is also selling an InternetprovidebO}r service. Whether GEnie cansurvive under these circumstancesonly time will tell. -- A.S.) TheGetting to Know YobP}u column this monthfeatures Editor JEAN BROKAW. Thereis a review (no author mentioned) ofTOM HUNT's Snapshot prograbQ}m. WALTLEWIS has contributed an article thattells how to print labels withTextPro 5.2. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*bR}ER+*+*+*+*+*+*+*}` at a blanket of white on an early April day with forecasts of 1 or 2 more, one cannot help but think ... ENOU:T} GH ALREADY!). CORRESPONDENCE:% JOE HICSWA, Pres., NJ JACG, requests tickets to the upcoming OHAUG gala dinner;:U} but, one possible glitch, he needs a place to hang his OHAUG head because the trip on his otorcycle, is r:V}ather long ... Any takers?# CARY DANFORTH, from Maine, a new inquiry. She was referred to us by ZTM Software:W}# who is JOHN HARDIE's contact.' After experiencing word processing for 3 years, she wishes to broaden her Atari :X}Yuse. JACK GEDALIUS, Membership Chair, will send the usual prospective member packet.] DALE HUNTER, Dayton, OH, wants:Y} to sell his 800XL. ALEX sent an intro packet to show what an Atari can do and, boy, did this change DALE's mind. :Z} He took the Atari out of "mothballs" and sent his $20 membership dues. We now can add a second member from Dayt:[}on to our rolls. Club Librarian, HAROLD PEGLER, has the hardware DALE needs. If not, ALEX "advertised" for DALE on N:\}EWNEST which is part of IAN, the International Atari Network. ALEX immediately turns these new members over t:]}Jo Membership Chair, JACK GEDALIUS, and/or Secy/Treas, RON FETZER.N JOHN POWELL, currently of Orem, Utah, see:^})ms to be doing much better, healthwise.- :ALEX shared> JOHN's progress which can be seen from the the early 3-pag:_}e letters of unending questions on the most fundamental level to his present level. What growth! We're pr:`}(oud of another OHAUGer's triumphs., STU MURRAY, President of Scotlands, NOSAUG, sent the newest FUTURA, Issue 18, :a}b while acknowledging his hardy enjoyment of OHNL. ALEX tossed many an accolade acrossf ithem waves complimen:b}ting OHAUG/NOSAUG cross member, ROBERT De LETTER, Belgium, programming contributions. In fact, ALAN SHARKIS i:c}C:s currently converting a CD ROM from Holland forth club.> ROBERT DeLETTER, Zelzate, Belgium, writes, himself, to :d}dstart khis subscription with OHAUG. Secy/Treas RON FETZER offered ROBERT the ease of communicatingo qinu German :e} (It's wonderful that our Club can offer German, Italian, Hebrew??? Any more? Who knows.) ALEX received ROBERT:f}'s second letter which included a MEMORANDUM program and 2 DATABASES (all written in TURBO BASIC). R:g}OBERT's third letter included the 2 DATABASES for the 3.5 Drive for HAROLD PEGLER. Of all his various hardware, he sha:h}res that his choice is "his ol' buddy at home," his Atari. Seems RON FETZER, our US Ambassador has quite an active corr:i}%espondence with his Belgium buddy. * QALEX congratulated OHNL's staff forW ^meetingc fthek deadlines consist:j}ently. TThe delinquency of ATARI CLASSICS, in contrast, causing subscribersX Zto^ dbecomei rather frustrated. :k}  DANE STEGMAN, member from Akron, NY, shares that his frustration that life pulls him away from his Atari en:l}joyment. His 8-bit love stems from the fact that it's very easy to work with. After giving the BBS #, ALEX suggest:m}ed that he correspond with ALAN SHARKIS to get JIM CUTLER's MODEM address in England. We'd like to see more member:n}s correspond directly. Well, A second letter shared that DANE loved the politically correct santa humor in th:o}9e last OHNL and that he had met our ALAN on the BBS. = CAUGHT!!! AL MOLINELLA was the only club member (poor :p}soul) who inadvertently showed up for the cancelled February meeting. (A good lesson: read your OHNL faithful:q}ly and thoroughly!) DLARRY TISCHBEIN, OHAUG member, and EditorI KofO ULVIUG,Y Quakertown, Pennsylvania, reaffirms:r} his loyalty to his Atari 8-bit and 1st XLENT word processing software and joy in using it! Snow? Snow? At lea:s}st LARRY shared a very humorous (only after the fact, though) about his family's experience with "Wicked Whit:t}oe." (Yes, ALAN snickered.) LARRY had to unhinge 2 of his 3 entrance doors to his home and, get thisu. shovel:u}G the STUFF O-U-T from WITHIN the house ... it was SO bad that they couldn't get outside through the drift-blocked doo:v}vrs!!! He reminds us of Mark Twain's witty rhetorical complaint: "Everybody talks about the weather, but nobo:w}dy ever does anything about it!" (How true) 'Confushus' (that's Artie Confushus) say, (No, seriously, folks, listen:x} to this bit of wisdom:) "To be upset over what you don't have is to waste what you do have." And, always the sage, :y}Khe leaves us with "The worst prison is a closed heart, and mind!" P A. B. TURNBULL member from Northumbe:z}rland, England, reminds JOHN HARDIE about his KOALA PAD request and adds POWER PAD and DIAMOND GOS SYSTEM to his shoppin:{} g list. ALEX had to return$ 'the, 3foreign8 pcurrency accompanying his request because the bank'su conversi:|}on rates are prohibitive so that the Club could only accept either US $24 or an international money orde:}}r in Treasurer RON FETZER's name. OHAUG dues are the same for all members, even though shipping costs are much highe:~}r for our members overseas.! TOM ANDREWS member from Manlius, NY, sent us a letter on TEXTPRO and speaks of i:}sts pros & cons. He included a disk of new additions to grace the pages of future editions of the N/L.w Quite :}P prolific! Quite appreciated by OHNL staff and all members (we hope)!!T ` MOTIONSL:d JOE LIEBER motioned for :} OHAUG to send $20 DONATION to NEWNEST BBS to help OHAUG broaden its horizons and glean more info ... don't forge:}t the INTERNATIONAL ATARI NETWORK which is part of this BBS!!! With AL ATKINS seconding, a unanimous vote said:} YES!!! DEMOS: OH#631 - s/1: OHSCREEN.MKR: a slow load, great for making menus; CRAZY SCOOTER, (this disk was to:} be used as one of today's Door Prizes) and PRINT PARTNER, a fantastic graphics program which can make almost anyth:}ing you wish and while members had a chance to scan the instructions, ALEX demoed its cropping ability (offering differe:}nt sizes) and the ease to individualize every choice (RON and ALEX enjoyed this 'User Friendly' program) (ALEX u:}Gsed SUPERDUMP which allows only 62 sector pictures - S/2: SCRATCH2 wordprocessing program, all members had a:} helpful point of view; FRENCH PICTURE SHOW, the Club members sure weren't blue when they enjoyed this rather risq:}Oue romp. No, its not what you are thinking, it was just regular graphics.T OH#632 - S.A.M. MENU (Need HAPPY to c:}opy) - S/1: S.A.M. popped in (Speaker Automated Menu) to speak for one of our members who we cannot give credit to :}because the name and address have been lost; we all enjoyed this creative communique (great program, great gift!!!):} so very much and the OHNL staff want to give this sender their 15 minutes (or bytes) in the spotlight of OHAUG :}whistory; so take our thanks and, please, but don't leave all our readers in the dark, SEND US YOUR NAME!| O:}H#634 - s/1: MEMORANDUM - s/2: this disk also offered both DeLETTER games previously previewed in OH#633 and offer:}3s a cross-reference to facilitate its use.7 fRave review, Sir; Encore, Encore, Encore ...k OH#635 - NOSAUG F:}UTURA 17/4th Qtr '95 - s/1 LINE UP - s/2: MEGADEMO, a bitter reality program edited by the late DAVID EWEN: a) CLIMBER:}; b) SOUND EFFECTOR, ALAN SHARKIS demo'ed this program and handled all questions; c) UNICOM; d) WHIPPING TOP; e) JO:}YTYPER (another DeLETTER program) While RON FETZER began the demo, JOHN HARDIE triumphantly performed for the Club:}@; f) EXPEDITION; g) SOUND DEMO; h) LT CYCLE; i) DLI MAKER.E OH#633 - NOSAUG FUTURA 18/1st Qtr '96 -(NOTE the OHAU:}G#.h should have been demoed after OH#635) Beautiful graphics introduce this disk; ALEX readl ooffs the prog:}rams/articles offered: (s/1: INTRO;, CONTENTS; EDITORIAL; ATARI 8 BIT NEWS; HARDWARE WAREHOUSE; ATARI 8 BIT BO:}OKSHELF; NETWORK TO THE WORLD; DTB; ATARI 8; TURBOBASIC FLYER (a creation of our RON FETZER); FRIENDLY VIEWS ON THE :}bST. A SHORT HISTORY OF COMPUTERS; CALLING ALL NOSTALGIA ENTHUSIASTS; FUTURA SUBSCRIPTIONg lINFO;q tSEEx YOU;:}1 LISTER.BAS; QUICKDOS.BAS; DRAW800.BAS; PREVIOUS5 :MENU.@ DALEXI demoed DRAW800.BAS that he thought the grap:}Ghic quality was magnificent and compared favorably to IBM. RON shared that this creation was "born" (before OHAUG). :}s/2: offered programs written by our new member from Belgium, ROBERT De LETTER; his games CAVES OF KATUR and KATUR's :}REVENGE are a tour de force and were greatly enjoyed by all (Ron called it fiendishly creative - Bravo Meistro De L:}etter!) OH#636 - TWAUG DOM 19, JAN/FEB '96 - s/1: Catchy tune opened on offerings such as NADRIL, CUDDLEM:}AN and SPEED2.COM. rOH#637 - SLCC 1401, JAN '96 - s/1 AVALANCHE.BAS, a game like Qbert; DIRHEAD2.BAS,w writes:} directory headers; DOCPRINT.BAS, text file printout; FLOWER.BAS, makes flower- shaped graphics; MANEUVER:}.BAS, 2 player strategy game using keypad (no turbo); MASTER.BAS, disk directory and cataloging; 2COLUMN.BAS, enhance:}ment of DOC print; TYM.BAS, test your memory; UNIVERT, universal converting utility - DOCPRINT.BAS, program writ:}ten by the famous RON FETZER and, of course, modified by ALEX (long before they met in person) which had been print:}ed up in ANTIC magazine (4/85). It was soon realized that this side was very much like one of our past OHNLs. - s/2::}' TEXT ADVENTURE TRILOGY from BELLCOM;, OH#638 - SLCC 1402, FEB '96 - s/1: BLAST.BAS, a short and simple shoot'em up; :}active in the big "Game" of the Market. Next to be demoed is HORSERACE sounded like a train at first, but this was a gamF}ie all related to. The next demoed was DARKSTAR (I think). This game had a sinister sound to it.m OH#640 - SLCC #1F}403, 3/96 -- s/1: DISKDROP.BAS, an action adventure game, DATA.TXT, explains how to use and transfer this databaF}se program on another disk,-- s/2 MOVIE DEMO (no Basic) was chosen to be demoed. All members (even ALEX) checkedF} this out for the first time. The tune was upbeat. ALEX explained that the graphics shown was a spacecraft taF} king off  OH#641 - SLCC #1404, 4/96 - s/1: BANNER.BAS, prints out a banner, DOMINOS, games, KOOKY, NAME & AF}GE, a riddle, RELAX, a program that is self- descriptive -- s/2: Has a lot of science programs: MERCURY, MOONQUIZ,F}C SATURN, SPACELAB, MARS, etc. $ BOH#642 Library Disk from SLCCF eOH#643 Library Disk from TWAUGi OH#644 T.W.A.U.G. D.F}o.m. for 4/96 OH#645 - XL2 by JOHN PICKENS of Canada which makes one computer act as two computers. (Recent UpgradeF} 3OH#646 - CRZYSCOT, car racing game, ROULETTE,7 @CALENDAR,E OHSCRNMAKER (BASIC). The Club members seemed to enjF}oy this for quite some time (ALEX had to be reminded of his sacred duty, doling out the DOOR PRIZES; and he didn't F}6even react when ALAN reminded him of the late hour.= ALEX tried to help JACK? with his difficulty with a programF}:. So he booted the program and read (with all members'> Fsupport)J LtoQ further understand and help JACK. When AF}LEX gave up, JACK said he thought he had brought it to an expert (?)... it is generally agreed y all that there are F}no 'experts' here. OTHER BUSINESS: The LIAUG Meeting Minutes (by ALAN SHARKIS, Secy) from Saturday, March 1st, wF}ere read. An overflow crowd with all LIAUG members, LIACE, MACE, BASIC and OHAUG bussed in. In fact, it was a AtaF}ri 8-bit rally of sorts with almost every Northeast member present. Several local SYSOPS who are not affiliated wiF}th Atari Users Groups came; among them were JOHN QUINN known to all as 'ZEUS' of THE GODS' PLAYLAND BBS, LOU TRAPANI, 'F}THE MACHINE' and JIM EVANS from the 'STARLING' BBS. Not only where they all delightedly caught off guard, the librF}arian (who fervently worked to catch this large group on film in order that they might justify additional monies come bF}udget- time) and the local pizzeria who valiantly struggled to keep that speecy-spicy stuff coming to satisfF}y these 8-bitters. LIAUG President, PAT MULVEY, bit back his tears realizing what grand support there is for ATARI anF}d his Club. The demonstrations covered the entire 8-bit, ST and game system gamet and had to be attached as a separF}ate pamphlet accompanying the minutes. Guest speakers included BILL GATES of MICROSOFT who publicly stated that his wF}ar of words was over and that a new line for all Atari users would soon be available and jokingly held up a FALCON F}GO30 and asked when we'd be getting a 'real computer', NOLAN BUSHNELL admitted that his blunder of suggestF}ing that the concentration be on game machines will be regretted for a long time. THE SMITHTOWN HIGH SCHOOL KICKLF}INE, whose leader responded to all questions, etc., with "Cool!" As ALAN SHARKIS' notes brought us to the meeting'F}s end, he jokingly disclosed his 'April Fool's' prank. There wasn't even a meeting in a blizzard-soaked FebruarF}y (but this rally of support would be so nice). I'm sure we'd all agree to give ALAN an 'A' for creativity; but crF}ledibility would have to accord with one's gullibility (is this even a word?) factor. DOOR PRIZES:p vFIRST:z HARF} OLD PEGLER &SECOND: AL MOLINELLA* 0THIRD:4 @RON FETZER P>SENDe