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PRESIDENTj.Jack Gedalius g}VICE-PRESIDENT.2Josef Leber SECRETARYB.[Ron Fetzer TREASURERk.Ron Fetzer MEh}MBERSHIP.9Jack Gedalius MAGAZINE LIBRARIAN=.aJack Gedalius NEWSLETTER EDITORg.Alan Sharkis BLANi} K DISK SALES.7Ron Fetzer P/D DISK LIBRARIAN;.[Harold Pegler Coffee & Caked.Harold Pegler Legal j}Counsel.[Jerry Ginsberg NEWSLETTER LIBRARIAN...Alan Sharkis Rep. to NEAR*USd.John Hardie LIB. COPk}Y MASTER.(open) 3 *EQUIPMENT-MANAGER:.URon Fetzer DOOR PRIZES`.Harry Tuthill NOTE-[*] dl}Cenotes change in position., ,1* (O.H.A.U.G.) is in no way associated with the ATARI Corp.,or any of m}mtheir afffiliates, other than using a great product. Atari and Atari related products are the Trademarks of their rn}espective companies and used Only as informational help to our members and Atari user in general. Opinions herein ao}ire not necessarily those of O.H.A.U.G. but those of the various individual authors. O.H.A.U.G. ism nar NOT-FOR-PROp}FIT Organization in the State of N.Y. O.H.A.U.G. will NOT tolerate ANY referances-directly or by implication to q}1piracy or the use of any computer equipment for5 illegal activities. DEADLINES FOR NEWSLETTER JAN/FEB DEC 31 JUr}VL/AUG JUN 30 MAR/APR FEB 28 SEPT/OCT AUG 31 MAY/JUN APR 30 NOV/DEC OCT 31} s}ǛSubmitted articles are preferred asdisk text files, preferably made on the1ST XLENT Word Processor, in 38 columnsbut t}Pit will be gratefully accepted ashard copy. Send your articles, commentsto:U lOL' HACKERS Newsletterq c/o Alan Shau} rkis, Editor 43 Rose Drive% East Meadow, NY 11554-1135Please refer to the above schedule forOL' HACKERS NEWSLETTEv}R deadlines. *!end&*st Meadow, NY 11554-1135Please refer to the above schedule forOL' HACKERS NEWSLETTE' *+*+*+*+* `NEW SCHEDULE OF MEETING DATES Dates have been set until June 21,f 1997. All meetings stax} rt at 11:30 6A.M. and end at 5:00 P.M. September= @21,F \1996 3rd Sat. Octobere h19,n 1996 3nd Sat. y}November 9, 01996 2nd Sat. December8 ;21,A W1996 3rd Sat. January` c18,i 1997 3rd Sat. Februz}ary 15, (1997 3rd Sat. March4 61,< P1997 1st Sat. April[ ^19,d v1997 3rd Sat. May} {} 10, "1997 2nd Sat. June. 121,7 E1997 3rd Sat.l NEW DATES, CHA|}@NGES AND SPECIAL EVENTS WILL BE PRINTED AS SOON AS RECEIVED.N Z->->END<-<-l NEW DATES, CHAZaO) !"`3!3$EF%MN&UV']^(f99ԠŠ$} SAVE "D:NEWSLTR.BASbKK䠱cAA󠱱$}Z䬠dmm堲à_ Ӡįί$}'̠ŠǭԠ̮ 6--56-@9A'6-@EM36-@QY?6-@]ӠϠŠӭ$}7ҠԬŠ̮Ϡ̮R`@;E:(AR`ΠŠ̮Ҡ$}ŠқQB7t@d$'@(,@d063@:o?AKA Q-'A@es'@ $})5K:6-6-)6-A2-556-@933;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;A2,L(6.D1:WELC$}4OME.SCR(~EA !A@h8F3B7t@dJPE@TX@d\. AP6.6. $} $(. A 8-@!P8($Programmed For The Ol' Hackers Atari9-@"T9(% User Group Inc. By:Kris Holtegaar$} dF00(' Modified By:Thomas J. Andrewsx666.,THE OL' HACKERS' ATARI U.G., INC. NEWSLETTER67B:,%,.7<@$}8(,&-B:,6&7<,0 A,F @L 6. 67@J_,.#67,.C6-+@cj&,'@nr%@vL67,$}.r'A @I#-A"P' H6.D1:MAINMENU.HLP$@MT5@XdA@hH(}!A $}!A@h3" AP(" A7H:]B7t@dLR'@VZ@d^l9A @pxE-@"|$}CBV( Selection: ]6.l/ )/+"AU)"A&,*4AFY"AUA(]."A&*B:,"6.$*$} . 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A@ L2## "( ( AREA CODE: #(<-@Pg"( F @ k++ǡϠA%}GԠŭҠ1,nothingGG6,NEW JERSEY, Hackensack, Jersey City, Morristown, Newark, Newton((2,DISTRIA&}&CT OF COLUMBIA, Washington2,CONNECTICUT, Bridgeport&&2,MANITOBA CANADA, all locations''3,ALABAMA, Birmingham, HA'}untsville..4,WASHINGTON, Seattle, Tacoma, Vancouver2,MAINE, all locations2,IDAHO, all locations##3,CALIFOA(}RNIA, Fresno, Modesto''3,TEXAS, Brownsville, San Antonio1,nothing2,NEW YORK, Manhattan**3,CALIFORNIA, HolA)}lywood, Los Angeles2,TEXAS, Dallas""2,PENNSYLVANIA, Philadelphia::6,OHIO, Akron, Canton, Cleveland, Warren, YouA*}ngstown//3,ILLINOIS, Champaign-Urbana, Springfield2,MINNESOTA, Duluth!!3,INDIANA, Gary, South Bend1,nothiA+}ng>>5,MARYLAND, Cumberland, Frederick, Hagerstown, Rockville1,nothing552,BRITISH COLUMBIA CANADA, all except VaA,}ncouver,1,nothing->>5,MARYLAND, Cumberland, Frederick, Hagerstown, Rockville.2,DELAWARE, all locations/!!3,COA-}LORADO, Boulder, Denver0$$2,WEST VIRGINIA, all locations1??6,FLORIDA, Dade Co, Homestead, Key West, Miami, Monroe Co2A.}**2,SASKATCHEWAN CANADA, all locations32,WYOMING, all locations4++3,NEBRASKA, North Platte, Scottsbluff52,ILLINA/}OIS, Peoria6GG5,CALIFORNIA, Long Beach, Los Angeles (West), San Pedro, Whittier71,nothing82,ILLINOIS, Chicago9A0}$$3,MICHIGAN, Ann Arbor, Detroit:%%3,MISSOURI, Columbia, St. Louis;!!3,NEW YORK, Syracuse, Utica<##3,KANSAS, Dodge A1}City, Wichita=%%3,INDIANA, Indianapolis, Kokomo>++3,LOUISIANA, Lake Charles, Shreveport? 3,IOWA, Davenport, DubuqueA2}Ǜ@2,MINNESOTA, MontevideoM1,nothingN##3,ALABAMA, Mobile, Montgomery_1,nothing`//4,FLORIDA, Brooksville, GA3}ainsville, Ocalag1,nothingh2,WASHINGTON, Olympia1,nothing##2,RHODE ISLAND, all locations 3,NEBRASKA,A4} Lincoln, Omaha%%2,ALBERTA CANADA, all locationsTT7,GEORGIA, Acworth, Atlanta, Douglasville, Fayetteville, LoganvilleA5}, Woodstock%%3,OKLAHOMA, Enid, Oklahoma City2,MONTANA, all locationsgg9,FLORIDA, Brevard, Ft. Pierce, Indian RiA6}ver, Orange Co, Orlando, Osceola, Seminole Co, St. Lucie&&3,CALIFORNIA, Monterey, San Jose2,TEXAS, Galveston::5A7}G,MARYLAND, Annapolis, Baltimore, Ocean City, Towson1,nothing 2,PENNSYLVANIA, Pittsburgh..3,MASSACHUSETTS, PittA8}8sfield, Springfield''3,WISCONSIN, Green Bay, Milwaukee!!2,CALIFORNIA, San Francisco 2,ONTARIO CANADA, HamiltonA9}%%3,MISSOURI, Joplin, Springfield2,QUEBEC CANADA, Quebec2,OHIO, Toledo1,nothing554,TENNESSEE, ChattanA:}ooga, Gatlinburg, Knoxville1,nothing::6,OHIO, Akron, Canton, Cleveland, Warren, Youngstown1,nothing2,ARA;}KANSAS, all locations004,KENTUCKY, Frankfort, Louisville, Paducah2,OREGON, all locations++3,LOUISIANA, Baton RoA<}uge, New Orleans!!2,NEW MEXICO, all locations++2,NEW BRUNSWICK CANADA, all locations((3,MINNESOTA, Albert Lee, RoA=}chester<<5,MASSACHUSETTS, Brockton, Lawrence, Lowell, Worcester004,WASHINGTON, Spokane, Walla Walla, Yakima775,CAA>}LIFORNIA, Berkeley, Concord, Hayward, Oakland1,nothing%%3,TEXAS, Austin, Corpus Christi2,OHIO, CincinnatiA?}2,QUEBEC CANADA, Montreal2,IOWA, Des Moines>>3,NEW YORK, Hempstead, Long Island: Nassau & Suffolk Co.,,4,MICHA@}IGAN, Bay City, Lansing, Saginaw++4,NEW YORK, Albany, Schenectady, Troy2,ONTARIO CANADA, London332,ARIZONA, allAA} locations except Phoenix (602)01,nothing1))3,FLORIDA, Jupiter, West Palm Beach22,CALIFORNIA, Long Beach<1,AB}nothing= 2,MISSOURI, Jefferson CityX1,nothingY""2,MISSISSIPPI, all locationsZ2,ARIZONA, Phoenix[$$2,NEW HAC}AMPSHIRE, all locations\**2,BRITISH COLUMBIA CANADA, Vancouver]##2,SOUTH DAKOTA, all locations^004,KENTUCKY, AshlandAD}, Lexington, Winchester_$$3,NEW YORK, Binghamton, Elmira`""3,WISCONSIN, Beloit, Madisona224,NEW JERSEY, Atlantic CitAE}y, Camden, Trentonb((3,PENNSYLVANIA, Allentown, Readingc1,nothingd((3,MINNESOTA, Minneapolis, St. Paule2,ONTAAF}RIO CANADA, Ottawaf""3,OHIO, Columbus, Zanesvilleg%%3,TENNESSEE, Jackson, Nashvilleh774,MICHIGAN, Battle Creek, GranAG}d Rapids, Kalamazooi995,MASSACHUSETTS, Boston, Cambridge, Quincy, Walthamj**4,ILLINOIS, Alton, Cairo, Mt. Vernonk2AH},CALIFORNIA, San Diegoq1,nothingrKK6,CALIFORNIA, Burbank, N. Hollywood, Pasadena, San Fernando, Van Nuysu1,nothiAI}Gngv2,ILLINOIS, Chicago1,nothing##2,NORTH DAKOTA, all locations2,NEVADA, all locations<<5,VIRGINIA, AAJ}Jlexandria, Arlington, Roanoke, WinchesterAA5,NORTH CAROLINA, Asheville, Charlotte, Gastonia, Salisbury333,ONTARIO CANAK}ADA, North Bay, Sault Ste. Marie!!3,GEORGIA, Athens, Columbus2,CALIFORNIA, Eureka==6,ILLINOIS, Aurora, Chicago,AL} Elgin, Oak Brook, Waukegan**2,NEWFOUNDLAND CANADA, all locations1,nothing((3,IOWA, Council Bluffs, Sioux CityAM}2,TEXAS, Houston2,CALIFORNIA, Anaheim%%3,WISCONSIN, Eau Claire, Wausau334,NEW YORK, Buffalo, Niagara FallsAN}, RochesterAA5,PENNSYLVANIA, Harrisburg, Hershey, Scranton, Wilkes-Barre885,NEW YORK, Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, StatenAO} Island>>5,COLORADO, Alamosa, Colorado Springs, Leadville, Pueblo1,nothing2,VIRGINIA, Suffolk1,nothingAP}444,CALIFORNIA, Blythe, El Centro, Palm Springs,1,nothingtt10,GEORGIA, Acworth, Bremen, Carrollton, CartersvilleAQ}, Covington, Cumming, Douglasville, Fayetteville, Griffin1,nothing2,ILLINOIS, Chicago1,nothing ''2,WATS AR}(toll free), all locations!2,UTAH, all locations"2,VERMONT, all locations#PP6,SOUTH CAROLINA, Charleston, ColumbAS}ia, Florence, Myrtle Beach, Orangeburg$444,VIRGINIA, Charlottesville, Norfolk, Richmond%..3,CALIFORNIA, Bakersfield, SaAT}nta Barbara& 3,TEXAS, Amarillo, Lubbock'##2,ONTARIO CANADA, Thunder Bay(2,HAWAII, all locations)BB5,PUERTO RICAU}O, all locations, ,VIRGIN ISLANDS, all locations* 3,MICHIGAN, Flint, Pontiac+1,nothing,2,INDIANA, Evansville-AV}II6,FLORIDA, Ft. Myers, St. Petersburg, Sarasota, Tampa, Winter Haven.##3,PENNSYLVANIA, Altoona, Erie/$$3,ILLINOIS, LaAW} Salle, Rockford02,MISSOURI, Kansas City1&&4,TEXAS, Ft. Worth, Temple, Waco2JJ6,CALIFORNIA, Encino, N. Hollywood, AX}Pasadena, San Fernando, Van Nuys3!!2,QUEBEC CANADA, SherbrookeN1,nothingO2,ILLINOIS, Chicago[1,nothing\AY}2,CONNECTICUT, Hartford_1,nothing`::4,SOUTH CAROLINA, Greenwood, Greenville, Spartanburgw1,nothingx''2,WATS AZ}(toll free), all locations1,nothing1,Commercial toll line2,TENNESSEE, MemphisVV5,NOVA SCOTIA CANADA, alA[}Gl locations, ,PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND CANADA, all locations$$4,TEXAS, Denison, Paris, Tyler``7,FLORIDA, Daytona Beach, JA\}\acksonville, Panama City, Pensacola, St. Augustine, Tallahassee2,ONTARIO CANADA, Toronto,,3,MICHIGAN, Escanaba, SauA]}lt Ste. Marie2,ALASKA, all locationsYY7,NEW JERSEY, Belvidere, Elizabeth, Flemington, Freehold, New Brunswick, SomeA^}rville2,CALIFORNIA, RiversideKK5,NORTH CAROLINA, Fayetteville, Greensboro, Wilmington, Winston-Salem::2, Not anA_} AREA code, Reserved for emergency services((4,GEORGIA, Albany, Macon, Savannah--4,KANSAS, Kansas City, Lawrence, TopA`}eka==5,NEW YORK, Monroe, Poughkeepsie, White Plains, Yonkers3,TEXAS, Abilene, El Paso2,CALIFORNIA, SacramentoAa}ǛCC6,NEW YORK, Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island!!3,OKLAHOMA, Muskogee, TulsaEE5,NORTH CAROLINA, CAb}hapel Hill, Greenville, Raleigh, Williamston1,nothing2,OHIO, Dayton1,nothing//4,FLORIDA, Everglades, FtAc}. Meyers, Naples1,nothingee7,FLORIDA, Broward Co, Coral Springs, Deerfield Beach, Pompano Beach, Ft. Lauderdale, HOAd}rllywood1,nothing664,COLORADO, Durango, Ft. Collins, Grand Junction1,nothingD:AREACD97.BAS}@r}  (_)2 GTEXTPRO PRINTING TIPSM P#5[ mBy Frank Walters }_Eg}_ NOTE: In order to permit this text file to be formatted and printed with TextPRO, inverse charaEq}bd?B%DOS SYSB*)DUP YSYSBSRAMDISK COMBVMAINMENUHLPB]WELCOME SCRBfCWHO] TXTBwDMEETDATTXTB}AUTORUN COMIB~AUTORUN SYSBDNEWSLTR BASBPRESSPRTMNUBPRESSPRTHLPBHELPM DOCBBJOYSTCKTXTB eGMARMIN TXTBIARCOD97TXTBC!AREACD97BASBxfJTPRINT5TXTBEPRESMESTXTB HAPRMIN TXTB CALENDARTURB%CALENDARARBB&KALENDARTXTB*LNEWMEMBTXTC BaGDOUBLE6 BASBFEDMES TXTqcters will be indicated by brackets: <=> is inverse = which is entered from the keyboard by holding SELECT when typing Er}cthe = key. CONTROL characters must be entered into the editor by pressing [Esc] first. }_Es} _ I never considered using TextPRO as my word processor until it finally had a version that saved the prEt}inter equates in the configuration file. Then I could assign inverse upper case letters to send printer codes aEu}nd not have to go back to my printer manual every time I wanted to print using TextPRO. In this article I will explainEv} how to set up a print driver for your printer. I also have some ideas about additional help files and theirEw} associated macros so you can review which letters you have defined for each printer function. I have a simple Ex} idea to print an entire address list on labels. Finally I discuss printing in two columns with TextPRO and a sEy}hortcut you can use to make the last page come out in equal length columns. PRINT DRIVER First you have to get Ez} out your printer owner's manual to look up the ASCII codes for various functions. Then decide which letter to assiE{}]gn for each function you wish to use and finally install these codes in your TEXTPRO.CNFa file so they are avaiE|}lable whenever you load TextPRO. The easiest way to create a print driver is by typing all 26 inverse upper case E}}letters in the editor like this: =0 =0 =0 Pick which letter to use for each printer code. Try to use lE~}etters that are similar to the function selected. I use E for Elite; P for Pica; C for Condensed; D for double strike; I E}C]for italics; Q for NLQ font; R for reverse linefeeds; S for Super and Subscript;b cUg jforn continuous undE}erline; and W for double width. I assign the remaining codes to the letters left over. If you go overboard E}and use up all 26 upper case letters, there are two lower case letters which have no current function and can E}be defined exactly like inverse upper case: and . Now look up the ASCII codes that require escape E}(27) followed by another number. Replace the 0 with the ASCII number (following 27) in your printer manual. On E} the same line, type a description of the code so you can make up a help file using that information: =77 E=77 EE}lite draft (12 cpi) =111 F=111 Elite NLQ (12 cpi) For any function requiring three characters. Just use thE}Ye value immediately after the 27. Some printer codes require three characters:] e27,45,49i ktoo turn underlinE}e on and 27,45,48 to turn it off. Since I use 48 and 49 for several other 3rd characters, I redefined inverE}se <0>=48<1>=49<2>=50 in my print driver. By using inverse numbers (which do not cause ESCape to be sent), TextPRO will E}not count the inverse numbers for computing where to break the line when it prints. i.e. If 1 is used to E} turn underline on, TextPRO would count the "1" as one of the 80 characters even though it is part of the printer eE}scape sequence and would not actually print on the paper. Using instead, TextPRO ignores the inverse E}wcharacters in the count, as it should. The sends 27,45, while the <1> sends 49, to complete the 3-character{ prE}inter code for continuous underline on. When you finish, you may still have some unassigned letters that arE}e equal to zero. You can always redefine them later. Now you are ready to force TextPRO to read the equatE}es into the configuration section of memory. There are two ways to do this. You can move the cursor to the bottE}om of the text and use [CTRL_W] (in Text Mode) to find the page and line at the cursor position. This forces the eqE}Guates into the configuration section of memory as long as the cursor is below all the equates. Or you can actualE}ly print the file to get a hard copy of your equates list. This will install the equates in memory at the same time. E}EǛ Before saving the configuration, make sure TextPRO is configured to send the ESCape (27) character whenever it sends E} the value of an inverse upper case letter. Type [CTRL_;] and reply [N] to both the "ASCII CR" and "Linefeed" prE}ompts. Reply [Y] to the "Add" )ESCape". 5prompt.: OType [SELECT_CTRL_S]T VtoZ ^saveb the configuration to TEXTPE}RO.ENV (v.5.20) or TEXTPRO.CNF (v.5.0 and earlier) on your default drive so it will load automatically whenever youE} load TextPRO. NOTE: &Version* .5.202 requires ADDOPTS.ADN loaded into the macro buffer [CTRL_V] before tE}he [CTRL_;] command will call up the "Add ESCape" prompt. HELP FILES Now you are ready to make a print driver hE}telp file. I use the same format as other help files and here is what mine looks like. Printer letters,x numbeE}irs and some other characters are inverse, along with heading and bottom line: |TextPRO 5.20Xr |Print DrivE}er| Key__Panasonic 1092i%_iset p/x A__6 lines per inch__[default]___p66 B__8 lines per inchw_p88 E}C__Compressed draft_4_OFF _:x137 D__Double strike_ON>_TX_OFF E__Elite draftg_yx96 F__Elite NLQ}_E}_$x96 I__Italics_ON._AJ_OFF N__Pica NLQW_x80 O__Proportional_O1_ON__O0_OFF___E}_x85 P__Pica draft_$[default](_x80 Q__NLQ_Q1_Courier__Q2_BoldPS__Q0_OFF R__Reverse Linefeed__Rn/216" n=36/ln SE}F__S0_Superscript__S1_Subscript T__Sub/Superscript OFF U__UnderlineJ_vU1_ON__U0_OFF W__Double Width_W1_ON_W0_OFF{_x4E}0 Y__Paper-out_DISABLE_'Z_ENABLE C_D K_ #13 HELP> Menu START> Load Macro NoticeE} the right side includes lower case letters (p,x) which should be inverse. They indicate the values you also need ifE} you use the printer commands on that line. This is a reminder that page width is changed and you may also needE} to change your margin numbers for different sized fonts. When you finish your help file, save it to disk with E}Gyour other TPHELP files. Notice the bottom line of mine is #13, so I use the name: TPHELP.13 Now you have to load TEXTPE}RO.MAX and add the macro to display the new help file. I decided to use [OPTION_P] for my macro key for the print drivE}er help file: P<=>pp<=>TPHELP.13,E: RETURN] Notice the "Goto" macro key, linking the upper case "E}P" to lower case "p" since you want it to work with either case. Save TEXTPRO.MAX to your default drive and then lE}oad it into the macro buffer with [CTRL_V]. Test it out by pressing [OPTION_P] to see the help file displayed on the scE}reen. If you redefined some inverse numbers in your print driver, edit TPHELP.06 to reflect the new values for theE} inverse numbers. DISK MACRO HELP FILE While on the subject of help files, I made another help file listing all my inE}Fteractive disk macros with short descriptions: |TextPRO 5.20XN h|Macro Library| _Macrom_uFunction}_E} _[ CARDCR_CL_PS Card_Cond.(17)__Rgt/Left CARDER_EL_PS Card_Elite(12)__Rgt/Left CRc_Remove Carriage Returns DE}UAT _IDTC DUAT flight plan ENV__ENV2_Envelope__PS size envelope LINKO_hLink-load to bank 2 & M }_E}_ #14 HELP> Menu START> Load Macro I only included an abbreviated listing to show you how to E}do it. The text in the top and bottom lines are inverse. Do not put a [RETURN] at the end of the bottom line of any TPHEE}LP file. This will retain the cursor on that line when it is displayed on screen, giving you one extra line befoE}re it scrolls the title. Save this as TPHELP.14. Add another macro key to your TEXTPRO.MAX file to display thiE}s help file. Since macros use [CTRL_V] to load, I used [OPTION_V] to read it, but [OPTION_M] (for Macros) woulE}d work just as easily. Use the example above and substitute the new letter and change the file extension to .14 iE}nstead of .13. PRINTING ADDRESS LABELS Here is a tip I worked out for my sister who had to mail about 250 nE}ewsletters. She needed to print labels from her address list. This is an easy way to do it. The address list musE}Gt be a simple text file which you can create with any word processor. Each address must have enough carriage returns toE} total six lines. A 3-line address should be followed by three blank lines with [RETURN] characters only. A 4-line E}address would be followed by two extra [RETURN] characters. Save your address list to disk. If your list is overE} 200 addresses, you might consider splitting the list alphabetically. i.e. ADDRESS.AM and ADDRESS.NZ. This will keep yE}ou from filling the buffer. You can print the two files separately, using wild cards in the DOS commmand. A standaE}rd 3 1/2" x 15/16" label will permit about 30 characters per line at 10 cpi pitch, or 36 letters at 12 cpi. Set the lE}abels in your printer with the print head on the second line of the first label. A label will hold 5 lines at thE}e default 6 lines/inch spacing. Use DOS to copy the address list from disk to printer, typing the sourceE} and destination like this: D:ADDRESS.??,P:[RETURN] That's all there is to it. Pretty simple, huh? You can send E}any font to the printer before copying the address file but do not turn off the printer between installing the fE}ont and copying the file. PRINTING TWO COLUMNS I made a hard copy of my sister's address list for her and printE}ed it in two-columns per page to save paper. I'll explain how to format TextPRO for two-column printing. For E} an address list like above, you have to make a separate file with only five lines per address. Load the 6-line listE}. Use [CTRL_G] and type [ESC][CTRL_+] three times. This enters three [RETURN] characters at the "Find:" promptE}. Press [RETURN] and enter$ 'two+ [ESC][CTRL_+] characters at the "Change:" prompt. After the global replaE}ce, your address list will have one [RETURN] character removed from each address, leaving 5-lines each. This will alloE}w 11 addresses per page in each column. Save it under a diferent filename than your 6-line list. At the top of tE}he list, insert the following two printer format lines: 11138459 214178459 TheE}G top line is for printing the first pass. The bottom line follows an info character and is not used until the E} second pass. With the top and bottom margins set at 4 and 59, it will allow exactly 55 printed lines, or 11 5-lE}ine addresses. No addresses will be split between columns or pages. 1 tells TextPRO to start printing at paE}ge 1. The second line starts at page 2. 1 tells TextPRO to skip 1 page when printing. Thus it will print all theE} odd numbered pages when the first format line is active (1, 3, 5, etc.). If there is more than one file in yE}our list, add the "goto" command for printing linked files at the end of each file except the last. (Due to a bug in E}$4.56 and 5.0, the maximum length( of the dev:filename.ext recognized by the "goto" command is 14 instead of 1E}5.) My example only uses 12: D:ADDRESS.NZ[RETURN] Insert the paper with the top line under the print head aE}nd print the address list with [CTRL_P]. When finished, roll the paper back to the original position. Insert an invE}erse in front of the top format line. [CTRL_DELETE] the from the second format line. Print the second pass wiE}th [CTRL_P]. It will start printing the right column with page 2 and all the even-numbered pages. I wanted to print a E}footer with page numbers and a title, so I counted the total printed pages and made a new file to print just the footE}er line. Let us assume it is six pages. Set the paper back to the first page, clear the editor and enter a footerE}J line like this: TITLE OF ADDRESS LISTpage <#>[RETURN] The left margin of our document was seE}t at 1 and footers ignore the left margin so I left a space after the so the title would line up with the left E} column. Since I want to print footers on six pages, I needed to add five inverse characters, to force next-pagE}e five times, for a total of six pages. Print the "footer" file and it will add the footer text and page numbers on E} your two-column document. That wasn't too difficult, was it? You can use the same principle and similar margins E}G to print two-column text files. If you want 38 columns instead of 37, change the left margin in the top line to 0 aE}nd the right margin in the second line to 79. You might want to include 1 in your format lines to justify E} the right margins like in magazines although it is not necessary. When printing text files this way, the laE}st printed page will not come out even. There is an easy way to correct this. Print the two-column text file as eE}xplained above. Tear off the last printed page with uneven columns. Delete the two printer format lines from thE}e top of your file with [CTRL_D] and [P] twice. Use [SELECT_CTRL_F] to find the first few words at the top of E}the last page. Put cursor on first word and enter [SELECT_CTRL_U] to "Delete to TOP" of text. Reply [Y]es and youE}Ǜ will be left with only the text on the last page. Type [CTRL_R] to replace the format lines from the paste buffeE}r. Be sure the is in front of the second line, not the first. Count the total lines on your printed last page aE}nd divide by two to find how many lines you want on each side of the page. Assume you have 84 lines and want 42 in E}each column. Add the top margin (4) to find line number 46. Change bottom margin to 46. Print the left columnE} and reset the paper to the top. Move the from the second format line to the top and print the right hand column.E} Load your footer file and replace the <#> with the actual page number and remove the inverse s at the end. E}Reset the last page and print the footer. Voila! You now have an evenly spaced last page to add to the otheE}'r two-column pages of your document. L_Mb oFrank Walterss t} E} T.A.C.O. Bell BBS3 ;08/31/94D G }DG o=o=o=o=o=& :PRESIDENT'S MESSAGEE Wby Jack Gedaliusb May--June, 1997 The clI}ub had a very successful Valentine's Day dinner at Lambrou's in Island Park, New York. We were happy to see MrsI}G. Alex Pignato with her daughters and sons-in-law. At the February meeting Al Sharkis demonstrated a program thatI}p dumps font to a printer buffer. He also showed us the Frank Walters Decode program and a spacet story-anI} adventure game. He demonstrated a disk from TWAUG which had a ping pong game with obstructions. This was an excelleI}nt game. The disk had other games on it. At the March meeting we welcomed the members from LIAUG. At the luncheon I}they brought equipment" for demonstration and sale. Ron Fetzer showed a program called ANALYZER which chI}ecks electrical voltage and wave form. He also demonstrated a program called STAR STUFFER. It designs fonts toI} a printer. We all had a good time. We regret to inform you of the loss of the mother-in-law of Al Sharkis. TheI}\ April meeting was conducted at my home. Stan Schenfeld donated all his Atari equipment` jconsistingn of computers, I}t disk drives, a printer, and many programs. The members of the club went WILD over the equipment.{ EvI}eryone bought something. Al Sharkis demoed a disk from TYNE & WEAR consisting of a lottery program, Pixel ArtistI} Deluxe, and other programs. He also showed an SLCC disk which on one side had a karate master and on the I} other a text adventure game. Al previewed for us another disk from the LEANDRO COMPUTER CLUB which consisted I}of many games and utilities. He also showed us an excellent disk from Club Cenacle of France that included aI} "machine-code tutor". Ron Fetzer demoed a disk from ABBUC. The meeting ended with everyone happy with his purchases.I} Bye for now,, ;JACK GEDALIUSJ To=o=o=o=o=XX}HX o=o=o=o=o= MINUTES OF THE 4/19/97 OHAUG MEETING GENERAL MEETING: Meeting was held at the home of ourM}Ǜ president, Jack Gedalius because the library was closed. The meeting began with AL SHARKIS testing a BOB TERM diskM} for a mistake that was on it. TREASURER'S REPORT: We are in the black and doing okay. POTPOURRI: Newsletter should M}Gbe out May 10th. AL SHARKIS passed around a printout of a WEB page which provides listings of user groups and BBSs. We'M}re on it! AL SHARKIS has a second letter from THOMAS WRAY; he also has a letter from BEN POEHLAND, the letter says N}Xhe gave up ATARI for IBM and isn't happy with it; he also has mail from a number\ pof other people.t The discN}ussion went on to a new member, SYSOP TXG, whose rather extensive equipment list will appear in the next newslN}etter. We are still exchanging mail with a number of clubs and AL has a disk containing columns and news arN}ticles written by SAM COREY of JACG over the last several years. Sam had a stroke in January 1997 and sent N}all his articles to us to use as much as we want. If JACG is still putting out a newsletter, we're not receiving it.N}Ǜ DEMONSTRATIONS: AL SHARKIS showed the latest Tyne & Wear disk around because of the nice label; it was thier disk #2N}6 and went into our library as #678. The disk was accompanied by a newsletter in booklet form and the programs on tN}2he disk included some of everything -- machine8 @languageE programming examples included. The San Leandro ComputN}er club sent us two disks (March and April) and a very short print newsletter without much info. SLCC disk #1503, MaN }rch '97 (Library #679) had a Karate program on side one, and text adventure games on side 2. Next we saw their AprilN }T '97 effort, (their number 1504, our library number #680) which includes gamesX such as "Fresh Start", "JeoparN }dy", "A Maze Chase", "Launch", "Meet the Alien Invaders" and others. It includes a program with which you can set up aN } HELP key for your own programs. Side two includes sound programs, and we demonstrated, "Woof Woof." Then AL demod N } two disks from CLUB CENACLE in France. Club Cenacle's print newsletters are all in French (translated by MARY N}g GEDALIUS with apologies). Their December 1996 newsletter was short, but the Februaryl p1997u issue, N} which accompanied the disks, was an extensive booklet. Side One of the first disk contains the UNARC programN}G and a large number of files in ARC'd form. They are very useful utility programs. The archves are password protectN}ed (if you order these disks, you will have to remember to set the program for "encripted" and use the password "HS220N}21997" when asked. On side two of disk one we demoed "Space Ball" game and a few others. The second disk has the BN}itter Reality Demo on side one and a very fine assembly language tutorial on side 2 (Library #681, #682.) RON FN}(ETZER demonstrated the ABBUC Magazin, 2Number6 @48 disk.D He translated some of the German in the text portions N}of the disk, which will go into our library as #683. Then Ron showed a program that he had taken from their disN}k. It was a calendar program that does NOT have the infamous "Year 2000" problem! That led to a discussion N}of the probem and its implications for all of us. What Ron did with the program was to package it with an EnglishNC}@@#A'3BcAU7:@0?B@GJ@0N bbUSE ARROW KEY <-(LEFT) TO GO TO PREVIOUS MR}ONTH. USE ARROW KEY ->(RIGHT) TO GO TO NEXT MONTH.MMUSE DOWN ARROW TO GO TO NEXT YEAR. USE UP ARROW TO GO TO PREVIOUS YEAR}R.hhWRITTEN BY STEFFEN HOFFMAN, 9 BEETHOVEN ST., BERLIN 13158, GERMANY. 3/97. PUBLISHED IN ABBUC # 48.(99TRANSLATED INR}TO ENGLISH BY RON FETZER OF OHAUG 4/972REQUIRES TURBO BASIC< 6-i6-AF6-g%+&A,$AeP- #AR}5!g-f&h!")6-%- Z-"- i*aA9A"f*aAE^fAd/ i*a@b"f6-&g#"h/6-@)R}nuN6-%P:+&A,'@ *,&P:+'A.3,&@7A,%P:+'AEJ,&@N],i6-&P:'@af,$@jru6-@vx4 +R}@6-g4(@= calendar / -gi(@AM*(@Q^ ;(@bo L(@s ](R}@ n(@% (@)I 1-&B:=:,,%i#(@M=:,1"Ap- 6-%g6-%g"@R }(%6-f-6-%i A@@-g@,3.(@7-Ӡ٭+@AdAU&6-F:Ad,&"AUR!}A("@(9!AdAU%+f(32gA=A@EI@MS)M@Wl32gfff1"@p6-%g#"R"}C@ )6-g16-%g"@$(@p,71"@;Q6-&g"f)6-@Uh16-&g"@lp@pt!"R#}#@6-%g! @p#!"@'56-&g! @p9 Ap))31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31D:CALER$}NDAR.TUR-%g! @p#!"@'56-&g! @p9 Ap))31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31D:CALEP  AW @`-@"@&@(# PLEASE TYPE RUN "D:CALENDAR.TUR"D:CALENDAR.ARB0,31,30,31D:CALETe CALENDAR PROGRAM This program reequires TURBO BASIC. It was written by STEFFEN HOFFMAN of Berlin Germany. TZ'}he program is easy to use. Use only the ARROW KEYS. To go a month forward use the righ arrow key. To go backwarZ(}d use the left arrow key. To increase the year use the down arrow key. To decrease the year use the up arrow key.Z)}J This program was translated into English by RON FETZER of OHAUG. Z>]ENDo}As/sectors on a hard disk/CD? 2. How can he read bigger sectorsE dthan the 512 byte limit of theh Black Box ROM? Most ^?}CD's use 2048 Dbytes/sector. 3. If the first two questions areH kanswered, he would like to improveo the process mo^@}re by incorporating A?Ad@A $AA&()B01C8;D@@AEHIFPQGX[H@`aIhkJ@pqKxL@bN}M@ N@O@dP@d#&Q@+.R@H36S@!;*$$*Z b*$$*h vCOPYRIGHT 1989} bQ} *$$* BY ANALOG COMPUTING% ,*$$J*Y ( A]l)(@ypAd bR}!** LOAD GAME ** > 6-6-@%B 6.* AR>@FvAd ** MAIN LOOP **c 6-$6-@2z%bS}'6-@ %56-@#&C6-@u'1&Q6-@(5%c%%%$+", A** CHOOSE POINT **(6.bT}&( A&&@w*p&F:Ad,A(r6-F:A2%,6- 6-J6-%+"@t,$+ ,&+bU}"@ ,$+!,r6-%$++"@$,$+",&+",$+",, )%%$+",26-%$+",%%2F:AD%bV},@ 3 26-%6-!6-)6-$32""** CHECK FOR ILLEGAL MOVE **44+F:%AS%$,*,bW})+"*"&$,@ ** FIND TOP MAN ON PILE ** 86-$++",&+",,%6-%%%$.6-F:,86-+","G6-+P:',bX}EX4"',56-O:+",$+",%$+",&+!,,G*@8Z$& 6-&6-F:,&"&$@6^&P 6-%6-F:,-*bY}-@ 04 B-@ #HL P ' ** ERASE MAN FROM POINT **(I 6-6-I+F:&+&+P:+&,',,$&bZ}P,&,$+,%$+",,$+",%$)** DRAW MAN ON POINTER ***2 %%(6.T`d2 A&+** CHOOSEb[}3 A DIE **,O6-F:A2%,6-O6-%$++"@7,$+",&+",$+",,$+P:',"',. %%%0:%b\}@f,#%%%$+",:F:AD%,@D02/ 2#6-$+",%$+",%/6-+",&3##** MOVE MAN IN INNER TABb]}dLE **4' 2%!*"&$' A5** MOVE MAN ON BAR **6! 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I wish to thank not only those who contributed f}x directly, but those who are mentioned in the various articles and in my newsletter reviews for what they've done.} f}Pay particular attention to the minutes of the March meeting, since it's the first in the series of joint meetings witf}h LIAUG. Although the second such joint meeting will take place before this issue is mailed, it will be too latf}e to include anything about it here. A full write-up will come in the July/August 1997 issue. FRANK WALTERS haf}s contributed two items to this issue. His Area Code program, newly revised for 1997 and easily revised by YOU, iff} necessary, is included on this side as AREACD97.BAS. You can read about it with the "I" selection from the mf}ain menu. Frank has also written a splendid article about printing with TextPro and you can read that one witf}Gh the "J" selection. RON FETZER has taken a calendar program from the latest ABBUC disk and translated its dirf}!ections into English for you.% This calendar program does not fall victim to the infamous "Year 2000" bug you've f}heard about! You must have Turbo Basic to run the program. To do so, you must format a disk with DOS 2.5. Write tf}he DOS files to it. Copy your Turbo Basic program to it. Rename the Turbo Basic proram on the disk you made to Af}UTORUN.SYS. Then copy the files CALENDAR.TUR and CALENDAR.ARB from side 1 of this newsletter disk to that new df}isk. Read Ron's instructions from the newsletter main menu using the "K" selection (you may (optionally) also copy f} the file KALENDAR.TXT from this newsletter disk to your new disk). If Turbo Basic is not in your library, it'f}_s in ours! Ask Harold Pegler about it. We have several new members, but one stands out.c He's RENE DE BIE, othef}hrwise known as SYSOP*TXG. Read about Rene and his extensive Atari equipment list using thel "L" selection ff}rom the main menu of side 1. The BASIC program that runs from the space bar on Side 1 is DOUBLE6.BAS, a Backgammon-stylf}e game from the October 1989 issue of A.N.A.L.O.G. magazine that we had on our copy of the Pooldisk. On sif}@de 2, the BASIC program that runs from the space barD is HANGMAN.BAS, from the GAMES03_A ramdisk image f}in the MISC. section of our copy of the Pooldisk. This is one of the best HANGMAN games I've ever encountered. Adf}ditionally, look for MULTI.BAS and run it from BASIC. This is a multiplication drill program with an interestinf}g user interface. If you wish to copy MULTI.BAS to another disk, be sure that you also copy MULTI.PIC to thatf}3 disk. Both are needed to run the program.7 The program comes from ANTIC Magazine of June 1990 and again, it wf}C$as on our copy of the Pooldisk.3 =o=o=o=o=o=AA}dAEE