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E-Mail Listi J/S to read Scr Y} # Who's Who!( 8 Lots more on< [ Meeting Dates side 2!d Pres. Message Z}C Editor's Msg. Check Directory Minutes, Mar. of side 2 for "Minutes," Apr. m/l an [}[d BASIC Changes + programs!2 B Referendum!F IZ [} \}} &2|Vol: 8 <--|| a}g  ||  || Atari User Group Inc.(c)1985 |***m Alan Sharkis, Edb}itor ****** %43 Rose Drive3 :******@ WEast Meadow, N.Y. 11554[ `***}c}3|Charter Member NEAR*US ATARI USER Gp.||> LX [|}d}} %*] OL' HACKERS WHO iS WHO? ? ? ? ? ? ? PRESIDENTj.Jack Gedalius f}VICE-PRESIDENT.2Josef Leber SECRETARYB.[Ron Fetzer TREASURERk.Ron Fetzer MEg}MBERSHIP.9Jack Gedalius MAGAZINE LIBRARIAN=.aJack Gedalius NEWSLETTER EDITORg.Alan Sharkis BLANh} K DISK SALES.7Ron Fetzer P/D DISK LIBRARIAN;.[Harold Pegler Coffee & Caked.Harold Pegler Legal i}Counsel.[Jerry Ginsberg NEWSLETTER LIBRARIAN...Alan Sharkis Rep. to NEAR*USd.John Hardie LIB. COPj}Y MASTER.(open) 2 EQUIPMENT-MANAGER:.URon Fetzer DOOR PRIZES`.Harry Tuthill NOTE-[*] dk}enotes change in position., ,1* (O.H.A.U.G.) is in no way associated with the ATARI Corp.,or any of l}Gtheir afffiliates, other than using a great product. Atari and Atari related products are the Trademarks of their rm}mespective companies and used Only as informational help to our members and Atari user in general. Opinions herein an}ire not necessarily those of O.H.A.U.G. but those of the various individual authors. O.H.A.U.G. ism nar NOT-FOR-PROo}FIT Organization in the State of N.Y. O.H.A.U.G. will NOT tolerate ANY referances-directly or by implication to p}1piracy or the use of any computer equipment for5 illegal activities. DEADLINES FOR NEWSLETTER JAN/FEB DEC 31 JUq}VL/AUG JUN 30 MAR/APR FEB 28 SEPT/OCT AUG 31 MAY/JUN APR 30 NOV/DEC OCT 31} r}ǛSubmitted articles are preferred asdisk text files, preferably made on the1ST XLENT Word Processor, in 38 columnsbut s}Pit will be gratefully accepted ashard copy. Send your articles, commentsto:U lOL' HACKERS Newsletterq c/o Alan Shat} rkis, Editor 43 Rose Drive% East Meadow, NY 11554-1135Please refer to the above schedule forOL' HACKERS NEWSLETTEu}R deadlines. *!end&*st Meadow, NY 11554-1135Please refer to the above schedule forOL' HACKERS NEWSLETTE' *+*+*+*+* `NEW SCHEDULE OF MEETING DATES Dates have been set until June 20,f 1998. All meetings staw} rt at 11:30 8A.M. and end at 5:00 P.M. * September> @7,F \1997 1st Sat. Octobere h18,n 1997 3rd Sat. x}November 15, 01997 3rd Sat. December8 ;20,A W1997 3rd Sat. January` c17,i 1998 3rd Sat. Februy}ary 21, (1998 3rd Sat. March3 621,< R1998 3rd Sat. * April\ ^4,d v1998 1st Sat. May} z} 16, %1998 3rd Sat. ** June. 120,7 E1997 3rd Sat.l NEW DATES, CHA{}NGES AND SPECIAL EVENTS WILL BE PRINTED AS SOON AS RECEIVED. * Joint meeting with LIAUG at thier meeting place. ** Jo|}int meeting with LIAUG at our meeting place. Note: Meeting dates from July 1998 on have not been arranged, but a}u!!ZERWOTWTRFOUPRMEKAFILEHELPMENUTITLECOL1COL2COL3LINELOSPACFNNCOLNSPSOOPPZPAGFPLP~}COEPOEPGCOLIN&'./67>?FGNOVW]_ eg mo uw }}  !")*129:ABIJQRYZabijqry}  $%!,-"45#<=$DE%LM&TU']t99ԠŠ} } SAVE "D:NEWSLTR.BASacc󠰳ѠbK}K䠱cAA󠱱䬠}7dmm堲à< Ӡįί̠ŠǭԠ̮ }6- 6-@'6-@"*36-@.6?6-@:ӠϠŠӭҠԬŠ̮Ϡ̮}[RGARGΠŠ̮ҠŠқWB7t@d_e'@im@dqw3@{}?AQA @-W-@e1X5K:6-6-)6-A2\d56-@h33;,;,;,}H;,;,;,;,;A2,L!! D:WELCOME.SCR* ALe6.6. * Aix666.,THE OL' HA}9CKERS' ATARI U.G., INC. 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EC $F |짠JO| |Xfpu| }$}" :pson Fx86e and EpsonB YCompatibles. Panasonica Star. Star Nx1000 Gemini $} Sakata Sp100 .tari 1025 Printer3 Oon Epson Compatibles andX nDaisy Wheel Printerss rint Ro$}om Help File /ۿ Return To The Main Menu3 Oon Epson Compatibles andX nDaisy Wheel Printerss rint Ro$/ "The Composing Room Help File' 'CBefore you can Print a file you haveto configure your (}own Printer.To Do sothere are 2 selections that will helpto make it easy as possibile for you.If you have one of the pri(}Enters listedin selection then your printerwill be set up for NLQ and DOUBLEstrike. If you don't have one of(} theprinters that's in Selection youhave to use selection . This is toensure that all printers will workwit(}hout any problems with The WQNRDisk Based News Letter. Now onceyour printer has been configured youwill NOT (}have to reconfigure yourprinter as long as you are have yourNews letter running. Not only that theprinter will stay (}configured to whatever configuration you selected aslong as you have your printers powerturned on or until you (}reconfigureit. Once you have configured yourprinter all you have to do is hit theۿ to Return to the Main menu. (|1 The OL HACKERS Disk News Letter Help File T The OL'HACKER Disk Based News Lette,}ris very simple for you to use. Allyou have to do is make the selectionsyou'd like and read them. To readthe whole newsl,}etter, use SelectionA. To read only part of thenewsletter, select each file in anyorder by using the letter in front ofit,} on the main menu screen. If youwant to change one of yourselections, use the BACKSPACE key toremove selections until you,} reach theone to be changed, and start fromthere with your new selections. Theother screen editing function keyswill not,} work from the main menu. When you are finished selecting, pressRETURN then [R] and start reading. Asyou can see there ar,}e pauses in thetext so it's much easier to read. Making a selection from 1 thru 4 youcan Exit to Basic or Exit to Dos, or,}even go to The News Letter PressRoom. Selections B thru Z are newsArticles. When a selection is madethe article is sent ,}to the screenwith page breaks. At the end of thelast article selected, you are sentback to the Newsletter Main Menu. ,} About The Printer( (9;? When you make your selection ofthe file you would like to rea,}Gd youwill be presented with the following: enu rint ead:M If you choose then and youdon't have a pri,}Gnter on line you willcome back to these options. Then youshould use the option to read thefile online. If however you ,}eithermade a mistake or don't care to reador print the file you selected youcan go right back to the main menujust by hit,}mting . If you choose and you have not yet configuredyour printer, you will do that beforeprinting.s When the n,}ewsletter program isformatting files for the printer, orwhile it is printing, press CONTROLand P to pause printing. To re,}Asume,press any key. To cancel printing,press CONTROL and C. E eAbout Configuring Your Printeri ino z ,}  The printer configuration sectioncan be reached by using selection 3from the main menu. You also will be,}send there the first time you try toprint a file, if you haven't beenthere already. Explainations of theconfiguration sec,}.tion can be accessedfrom the print room menu.: en't beenthere already. Explainations of theconfiguration sec,= ;=-=-= USING THE JOYSTICK TO READ TEXT!K MOD by JOHN McGOWAN How to use use the JOYSTICK0} to read the text on the screen. After reading all the text on the screen, you go to the next page by hitting the R0}ED BUTTON. To read the NEXT article just pull the JOYSTICK toward you while text is scrolling down the screen, or a0} fter you have read the article.1 =-=-=YSTICK toward you while text is scrolling down the screen, or a08 Joint meeting with LIAUG will take place at thier meeting place on Saturday, August 1, 1998 in lieu of the regula}r OHAUG meeting. When the October 1998 meeting date is set, it will be a joint meeting with LIAUG at our meeting place.} ->->END<-<-} o=o=o=o=o= MINUTES OF OHAUG MEETING 3/21/98 TREASURY REPORT: We are in the black. PRESIDENT JACK GE4}DALIUS called for any reports. ALAN SHARKIS reported he spoke with TOM ANDREWS about the Newsletter and will show 4} the members some disks as examples of what he's done. ALAN also has correspondence from THOMAS RAY who now is the 4}Gproud owner of WEB TV and was not going to rejoin the OHAUG because he had problems with Newsletter disks but RON n4}ow has his check for membership dues and we are happy not to lose his membership. Also ALAN called SAM CORY a4}nd informed him about the upcoming schedule of joint meeings. SAM asked if anyone has any info about what happ4}ened to the guy who designed VIRTUOSO. Please let SAM know if you do. Sam would also like to obtain a copy of VIRT4}UOSO. He is sending ALAN a video tape of a demo done with VIRTUOSO many years ago at LIAUG. ALAN also corresp4}onded with JON MORDOSKY of LVAUG and BOB WOOLLEY of SLCC. JACK asked ALAN what service did they give him on Inter4}net with Delphi? ALAN says it's all in TOM ANDREWS' article in the latest Newsletter. Read the Newsletter!! JOHN4} HARDIE read the details about the meeting in Las Vegas at the Sahara Hotel this August for Atari users. The4}n JACK offered a free Bell-Atlantic floppy disk. JACK informed the group there would be a joint meeting April 4 a4}t 12:30 and we should arrange a car pool for members who need a ride to the Suffolk meeting. Directions to the m4}eeting are: LIE to Exit 58 (Old Nichols Rd) make a left north to Smithtown Blvd. (2-3 mi.) make another left and go a4}bout another mile to shopping center (on the right) and the library is in this shopping center along with two nice re4}staurants. An alternate route is: Northern State Pkwy. to end when it becomes 347/454 - go straight ahead to fork 4}where 347 is left and 454 is right.Take left fork (347) about 6 miles past Comp USA and look for the Watermill Restaur4}ant on right then turn right onto Terry Rd. until you can turn left onto Smithtown Blvd. Stay on Smithtown Blvd. 4}about a half mile and then you will see the shopping center on the left hand side and the library is toward the 4}left end of the shopping center. Ask for the Community Room in the Library. We will take a lunch break during the 5}meeting. There are joint meetings on April 4 in Suffolk (LIAUG), June 20 in Nassau, August 1 in Suffolk, Octobe5}Gr (to be announced) in Nassau. We'll forego the regular OHAUG meeting during the months that we have a joint5} meeting at LIAUG (April and August.) ALAN informed members that ATARI was sold to HASBRO Interactive for five mi5}llion dollars. HASBRO will also pick up a fifty million dollar debt. Discussion then centered around making a n5}ice flyer for the Atarifest meeting this summer in Las Vegas. 600 copies will be made. The flyer will mention our5} newsletter, our library, and our large membership and its international character. ALAN SHARKIS brought up a discuss5}ion about the Newsletter program update. Asked members what about going to 1050 density. We send out 60 New5}sletters. We'd probably have to have a referendum to see how many of our members could not support that change. AL5}AN then demoed the changes that TOM ANDREWS suggested and the members agreed on it. DEMONSTRATIONS: ALAN SHARKIS dem5 }oed a disk called CSYA which is Cross Stitch Your Atari which comes from ANDY FLOYD. It takes a micro illustr5 }ator/painter file and prints out a cross-stitch picture. ALAN passed around a printout. Then he demoed a stor5 }ybook disk based on the Sailor Moon legend, also by Andy Floyd. (library #717). Next he demoed another Andy Floyd5 } disk called "Push It". Push It is a clone of Socoban. It's a two-player game. Side 1 is just a .GIF file of an Alt5 }ernate Reality map (library #718). Next ALAN demoed the latest disk from TWAUG labeled with a couple of acorns on one5} side and old man winter on the other side. On side 1 are a number of programs we've probably already seen including5} Monopoly, Pool League, etc. Issue #30. The second side is also interesting program which is another magazine data5} base. It may be useful (library #719). RON has ABBUC magazine #52 1/1/98 which he demoed and it included Fl5}intstone Adventures. He then demoed Dinakiller, then Protractor, etc. There were no door prizes given tod5}nay. The next meeting will be on April 4th and will be a joint meeting held in Suffolk County at LIAUG.} 5}C o=o=o=o=o=}4  Do=o=o=o=o= "Minutes" of OHAUG-LIAUG Joint MeetingU \4/3/98e by Alan Sharkis, Editor9}Ǜ April Fool! Well, 4/3/98's joint meeting had so much to offer that we decided not to set up the OHAUG tape record9}er and write formal minutes. I can tell you what did transpire, however. The joint meeting was well-attended by memb9}ers of both user groups. LIAUG President and OHAUG member PATRICK MULVEY opened the meeting and welcomed the OHA9}UG contingent. OHAUG President JACK GEDALIUS waived the formal OHAUG business portion of the meeting, but Editor 9}ALAN SHARKIS conveyed a list (still growing!) of OHAUG members' e-mail addresses to secretary RON FETZER. LIAUG d9}.id discuss some business. Vice-President,3 includingE the "comp.sys.atari" series, but NOT the "alt.binarie9*}s" series. Nassau County library patrons need only present themselves, their library card and another form of i9+}dentification and fill out a form. Login names and passwords are generated by the system and are supplied to you 9,}within a month. The service is free. Members of LIAUG who already belong to the Suffolk Library System's Interne9-}t facility were able to tell a little about that system, too. I stated that my tests revealed that the Nassa9.}u system would go as low as 1200 baud, but one Suffolk resident claimed that their system would actually work9/} at 75 baud! LIAUG Newsletter Editor and ST Librarian HARVEY SCHOEN asked why ICE-T and FlickerTerm have t90}o be individually configured for each user. I explained that in the 8-bit world, some users have direct-connect m91}odems and some have conventional, "external" modems that work through interface units. Some, but not all, of the 92}interfaces have an RS-232 handler in firmware, which has to be "called" by DOS before the terminal program starts u93}p. A short machine- language program does this. Other interfaces and the direct-connect modems have no such hand94}Gler, and one has to be loaded from DOS before the program can run.K To complicate matters even more, each 8-bit DOS95} has its own handler-loading programs. I also spent some time talking about the potential of the Nassau system to set u96}p both "personal" and "global" mailing lists, and that the "global" list might be a vehicle for mass mailings to m97}Gembers of either or both user groups. PAT MULVEY spent some time reviewing his attempts to install and learn RED HAT LI98}8NUX, a freeware UNIX clone for PCs. Pat also spent his lunch hour and beyond, with the able assistance of TERRY 99}MADDEN, diagnosing problems in a series of 1050 drives brought in by a visitor who wished to revive his son's old 8-b9:}it BBS. While Pat demonstrated to us that he could determine that the drives had functioning mechanisms9;}, there were multiple $problems( ,with0 their controller boards that Pat coudn't fix on the spot. He sugge9<}sted a likely component for replacement, and the visitor agreed to try that and to contact Pat if it doesn't work. After9=} a lunch break at the local pizzeria, we watched portions of a videotape made in 1983 at a LIAUG meeting of a9>} demonstration of the 8- bit VIRTUOSO program. This program allows interactive creation and control of music,9?} graphics, and animation. Indeed, the action of any one element can control the actions of all the others. Of pa9@}rticular interest was !the& program's modification to allow it to simulate LORAN, the navigational system used9A}Ǜ by vessels. The tape was supplied by SAM COREY, who'd like to find out what happened to the designer of Virtuo9B}so and would also like to obtain a copy of the program. We thank Sam for the tape. It was most interesting.9C}& The joint meeting concluded at 4PM.5 Bo=o=o=o=o=}8B o=o=o=o=o=) !!! CHANGES !!! Nothing is permanent except change. We're happy to report a =E}Fseries of changes for the better in this issue of the newsletter:L j1. Check out the meeting dates list! =F}$ 2. If you have a printer that's- Kcapable of NLQ mode, checkT rout the print facility in{ th=G}is issue of the newsletter!% >Thank you, TOM ANDREWS!D `3. Check out the Referendumi article for contempl=H}ated %future changes to this. [newsletter. More about these changes in thed wEditor's message.} =I}C o=o=o=o=o=}<J o=o=o=o=o=! !!! REFERENDUM -- OF SORTS !!! We would like to expand the newsletter! Such AK}expansion would mean more articles (if you cooperate) and more programs per issue (and more work for the editor) ... AL} BUT ...it would also mean changing the format of the disks from single to 1050 (also known as AM}"enhanced," or "dual" density. (Note: we're not going to DOUBLE density -- there are just too many arrangements AN}possible for that and we don't think that many members can handle it.) Before we go to 1050 density, we need to finAO}d out if any of you would have problems with that. The format would not change until the September 1998 issue in any evAP} ent, so ... YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! Please, PLEASE let us know if your equipment cannot handle such a AQ}change. If there are a significant number of members in that category, our plans will have to be modified. If you dAR}don't tell us, we won't know that you can't use the new format! Thanks. Alan Sharkis, Editors o=o=o=o=o=AS}}@ o=o=o=o=o=# MEMBER E-MAIL ADDRESSES We have asked for email addresses. These are what we have toEU} date: Alan Sharkis /asharkis@erols.com5 ^em421840@nassaulibrary.org Bob Woolleyd rwoolley@pacbell.net ChEV}arles A. Cole %cacole2@juno.com+ U110046.3006@compuserve.com Dane Stegman[ cf943@freenet.buffalo.edu David EW} Oldfield 7d_oldfield_sr@juno.com Frank Kuzloski= hfkuzlosk@suffolk.lib.ny.us Harry Tuthilln hgtut@aol.com (EX}until 5/8/98) Bhgtut@juno.com (after 5/8/98) Jack GedaliusH Zjgedalius@aol.com` yoel197@yahoo.com John HardEY}ie ;jhardie@pipeline.com Larry Tischbein (%Dr. Bob)A jwhiteoak@mail.enter.net Patrick Mulveyp pulvey@erols.EZ}com Robert DeLetter Drobert.de.letter@skynet.be Ron FetzerJ vel032627@nassaulibrary.org Thomas S. Wray| sE[}C"althoh@webtv.net Thomas Andrews( Rtandrews16@delphi.com Wilbur J. ZemlicaX zemliw@msn.fullfeed.com Please seEx}\ o=o=o=o=o=& :PRESIDENT'S MESSAGEE Wby Jack Gedaliusb May--June, 1998 At our MaI]}rch meeting we discussed the Atari Fest to be held at the Sahara Hotel in Las Vegas from August 22 to August 23. JohI^}n Hardie from our group will be attending this great event. He will hand out flyers and membership applications I_} for the Ol' Hackers' Atari User Group. Al Sharkis demoed a program called "Cross-Stitch Your Atari." A picture or gI`}Vraphics is introduced into the computer and it prints out as a needle-pointZ bpattern.h Another program he Ia} presented is "KATAKANA" which teaches the reading and pronunciation of its character set. Al also demoed "TWAIb}UG", disk no. 30 which is a game disk on side one. It consists of Monopoly, Pools League, Black Jack, Creepy Caverns, Ic}and Dos Wizzard. Side two has a magazine catalogue file. Ron Fetzer demoed an ABBUC, disk no. 52 which had MahjId}onng, a Flintstone game, )Dynakillers/ (excellent graphics), a picture converter which converts Print Shop , News Ie}m Room and Micropainter to each other. Our April meeting was held jointly with LIAUG at Nesconset.q We all disIf}cussed the history of Atari and its failures and the newtake over of the company. Al Sharkis discussed the disk "IIg}ce T" which is a terminal emulator which allows the Atari to go onto Internet. Patrick Mulvey played a VCR tape showiIq}cdB%DOS SYSB*)DUP YSYSBSAUTORUN SYSBUMAINMENUHLPB]WELCOME SCRBeCWHO] TXTB vDMEETDATTXTBC}NEWSLTR BAS9BWELCOME BASBPRESSPRTMNUBPRESSPRTHLPBHELP= DOCBBJOYSTCKTXTB'GMARMIN TXTB/HAPRMIN TXTBDICHANGESTXTGB JJRFRNDUMTXTB TKEMAIL TXTB\EPRESMESTXTBVySUPERVERBASBTPKEYPADARCBSOUNARC COMB*FEDMES TXTETHUNDER BASqng a demo of the VIRTUOSO program which produces music and graphics with the music. On April 18th John Hardie, HarIr}9ry Tuthill, myself and my son, Joel, attended the= DTrentonH Computer Festival at Mercer County Community CollIs}ege in Tenton, New Jersey. We always enjoy the extremely large flea market and the commercial indoor exhibitions.It} I personally purchased FROGGER, the cartridge game, some old Antic magazines, the book "Your Atari Computer", and the fIu}ollowing booklets by Michael Boom: "Understanding Atari Graphics" and "How to Use Atari Computers." We saw many AIv}ptari 1050 disk drives, computers -- 800XL and 1200XL -- for sale at the show. We all had a great time.} Iw} BYE FOR NOW, +JACK GEDALIUS: Go=o=o=o=o=}HG,nd any additions and/or corrections to0 4Alan8 LSharkis. Thanks.[ o=o=o=o=o=feed.com Please seDg$d*z*KKKKKKKKK1KPASXYMOVPMCURSOPMATEMPTEMPGRIDVDDTEMDESTDESTROVSCABDPLCMz}CPMBASSPIBRIT&'./67>?FGNOVW^_ fg no vw }M{} !")*129:ABIJPR@YZabijpr@yM|}  $%!,-"45#<=$DE%KM@&TU'\](de)lm*tu+{,M}}-./ 0'(1/02783> Π٠Рӛ,"M~}=,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10(1+AR%A @A1A2( -((INITIALIZING SUPEREVERSION<0 -M}CE0("RELAX, THIS TAKES ABOUT 40 SECONDSFI-AP ,-@IP6?%T8A < I(>:A%,P%AYM}0AR% A`ZA6-@)4TdΠЛn+ -@wXw+A%$+",x.-@{M}@!  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