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Andrewsx666.,THE OL' HACKERS' ATARI U.G., INC. NEWSLETTER67B:,%,.7<@ z}8(,&-B:,6&7<,0 A,F @L 6. 67@J_,.#67,.C6-+@cj&,'@nr%@vL67, {}.r'A @I#-A"P' H6.D1:MAINMENU.HLP$@MT5@XdA@hH(}!A |}!A@h3" AP(" A7H:]B7t@dLR'@VZ@d^l9A @pxE-@"| }}BV( Selection: ]6.l/ )/+"AU)"A&,*4AFY"AUA(]."A&*B:,"6.$* ~}C . A:0"A&6.7I4,"@2Mu A%P,%D:SPYPLANE.BASf55 @Iy)! }@R * @e)!@-APT"@I1?(}!-@Ca9(Exiting To Basic...E@eQART; }"@P(}!-@-8(Exiting To Dos1.?;.#"@QCI A9MS# AWb. 1"@Rf6. D1:HELP.*'- }1 A1 ` 9"@e@/6.BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ9 A(Dj 267B:,%,.>:,*2B:,"@nrA(v  }A / +@ -/(@$@TURN DISK OVER( /-@DK/(@OTHEN PRESS ANY KEYZ 5AdAU) } & A' =5% D:PROG.BAS o+A%A @AG7-@KO@SsQ(NO PROGRAM THIS MONTHc-@w@ };oAR B'(FLIP DISK AGAIN AND PRESS A KEY1 A'?L8)B AP_ 6 (}-@ cg@ k6( What's Your }Pleasure?" _B7t@d$'@(,@d069-@:>@BsX(enu rint ead: _)T 8"@ww(( }.( Main Menu.8 A#. "@26AT:E 8"@IU((.([ dRead Fileh.8 AGP .-B },:,6. 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A| }U (}-9(LOADING BUFFER with Page %...U(Use -P to Pause+(Use -C to Cancel+-@ }48^*("Every Page must be Loaded, even if6-@8\R(it isn't to be Printed.^-@`j= 6. 67,.67,. }C#6.)6.16-%=@w1/ - A5C6-'6-@@Gm/-"F:Ad,"A8" Aq,F:Ad },"AF", A 22& &Ae6BAePAfFd67<,. AfP67<,. AfP6 }7<,.! 6-%6-%@9 F ! ,"F:Ad,"A8" AJr^,F:Ad,"AF", Av } Ay ..'@!"P:'@%,,*"@y04Ay8C..'@GOP:'@SZ,*"@i^bAyfo&9 As& }@VP:,"9(@=X "(G6  '6-+",$%+",$+@Z&,6(=:,N (( }(":6-+",$@ %%+",$@)2G*@'6NN*: 6-6-@@Rn-$6.*":6. w  " }F:Ad,"A8" ADR,F:Ad,"AF", AH<67B:,%,.7<,)67B:,%,.7<,<67B:,%, }M.7<,"6-?:of Microsoft's rights).B They may, however, smell and look at your dinner.,} You must tell them how good it is. If you have a PC microwave oven, insert the dinner into the oven. Set the ov,}en using these keystrokes:" Pmstv.dinn/08.5min@50% heat You then enter:V wms//start.cook_dindin/yummy/yum-} ,}yum/goto#cookme If you have an Atari oven, insert the dinner and press start. The oven will set itself and cook the ,}dinner. Be forewarned that Microsoft dinners are subject to frequent crashes, in which case your oven must be,} restarted. eThis is a simple procedure. Remove the dinner from the oven and enter:k ms.nodamn.good/try,}again/again/a- gain/.crap This process may have to be repeated, and might solve your problem. Many users have r,}eported that the dinner try is far too big, larger than the dinner itself, having many useless compartments, most ,}of which are empty. Microsoft says these are for future menu items. However, the tray is so large that it will only ,}G fit in the largest industrial ovens, forcing many users to upgrade. Dinners are only available from regis,})tered outlets, and only the chicken- 4variety8 :is> Rcurrently produced.V If you want another variety, call,} Microsoft Help and they will explain that you really do not want another variety. Microsoft Chicken is all you ,}wreally want or need. Microsoft has disclosed plans to discontinue all smaller versions of their chicken{ di,}nner. Future releases will only be in the larger family size. Excess chicken may be stored for future use, but,} must be saved only in Microsoft approved packaging. Users get excited about having veggies with their Microsoft,}Ǜ dinners, often telling thier friends about it, as though this were something new. Microsoft promises a desser,}t with every dinner after 1998. However, that version has yet to be released. Users have permission to get thrilled i,}n advance. The box for the TV dinners is so large that it will not fit in many smaller freezers, and the sh,}ape prevents the storage of any other brand of dinners. Microsoft dinners are often not compatible with other din,}>ners in the freezer, causing your freezer to self-defrost.B Calling Microsoft Help will elicit the explanation,} that Lyour freezer probably should have been defrosted anyway.[ ho=o=o=o=o=},h( *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*3 FNEWSLETTER REVIEWSS cby Alan Sharkisj OHAUG Newsletter Li0}brarian Autumn is my wife's favorite time of the year, and I'm rapidly coming around to the same point of view.0}Ǜ There's much to appreciate about the scenery, about the relief from summer's blast furnace (although it does g0}et chilly at night around here) and about the sense of anticipation that the season brings. I guess that sense of ant0}icipation is a leftover for me; I retired from teaching over a year ago, but I still feel it in fall, perhaps more0} acutely than before! The sense of anticipation carries over into the Atari 8-bit world, too. The CSA8 newsgroup0}G has been full of interesting items. Some people are interested in producing some sort of Web browser (graphical???) 0} for our machines. Others are interested in developing a fax program for them. Whether or not these and othe0}r projects come to fruition is yet to be determined, but your show of enthusiasm for them will help to spur the 0}developers on. Old names, too, are appearing after absences of many years. How many of you remember memory and 0}80-column display cards for the old 800 manufactured by AUSTIN FRANKLIN? Guess who appeared in the newsgroup r0}ecently and has become an active participant? And then, there's WILLIAM KENDRICK, who has just produced a new 8-bit0} game! (More about this in the Editor's Notes.) Now, let's see what the user group newsletters have in store f0}or us ... SLCC Newsletter for August 1997 -- The San Leandro group continues to support the Classic Atari, even whi0}Jle going heavily into other platforms. Their DOM depends heavilyN on contributions from other user group news0}letters, but the best of the programs is still being spread -- thanks to SLCC. (FR)ANTIC for August 1997 --The A0}AAUA has received a lot of donated material -- both for their 8-bit members and for their PC members. I su0}spect that not a few of their members have feet in both worlds. There is a reprint of an article on Newsroom 0}Converter by JOHN FRENCH (ANTIC, 12/88). The article is very detailed and complete and describes the entire operat0}ion of the graphics conversion program. There's also a sidebar article describing how you can get text produced wi0}(th a word processor into Newsroom., MANUEL GARCIA has provided us with a handy diagram for setting the drive num0}ber switches on the 1050 disk drive. He advises copying the diagram and pasting the copy to the top of your dri0}ve. That will make setting the switches very easy. On the back of the newsletter is an article (found on the Web 0}at: http://student.uci.agh.edu.pl/%7Etata /Atari/) that describes the various DOSs produced for the Atari 8-bit.0}G The PACESetter for September 1997 -- First off, and very helpful for those whose children are returning to school1}, is an article on report- writing. It was first published in COMPUTE! back in 1986, and came to PACE via an ar1}oticle in the May/June 1997 LVAUG Newsletter. There's also a reprint of a JAMES LAVINER article (Octobers 1992 (FR1})ANTIC) about installing hard drives into 8-bit systems.JEAN BROKAW reminds us that if all we want from the Inte1}rnet is E-mail, there is a company called JUNO that will do that for us at no cost. The service is paid for by1} advertisers. Of course, this is strictly for PC users. There's also a reprint of an article from K-BYTE, the ne1}Kwsletter of the Front Range PCUG in Ft. Collins, CO. This deals withO TthoseX _little,d somewhat mysterious fil1}es called "cookies" that are associated with Web browsers and demystifies them. There's even a set of Windows 95 tips 1}and the e-mail addresses of several PACE members. Getting back to Atari, there's a reprint of two type-in gr1}aphics programs that originally appeared in the May 1997 issue of (FR)ANTIC. Then there are the usual games, 1 }puzzles, cartoons, etc. SLCC Newsletter for September, 1997 -- This issue details the club's DOM, which includes pro1 }grams from our own recent OHAUG newsletters and one written by TOM ANDREWS (originally in ANTIC, 8/89.) (FR)ANTIC 1 }(for September 1997 -- This article is, 2short,6 9but= VERY informative. There is a type-in program caled ALT1 }MERDOS, by GORDON BANKS, that allows you to rename an AUTORUN.SYS fileQ StoW Xa\ more descriptive name. The fil1 }ename must still begin with the letter "A," and DOS is actually changed by the program, but you can easily see t1}he utility of such a program. Then, there's a set of routines for performing XIO commands in BASIC, and a se1}t of POKES that can be executed from BASIC that will produce altered DOS files that can be quite useful. This list 1}was reprinted from the Midlands Atari Computer Club and was originally written by AL LYERLY. XIO3 for September/Octo1}Gber 1997 -- The GCACE has consistently brought us much of the news we anticipate. For example, did you know 1}1 that "Atari," as a brand name, still lives on?5 I know, some of you might recognize a band that uses the name. B1}ut closer to where our origins are in entertainment electronics, there is still an Atari tradename. According1} to ROWLAND GRANT, in his Atari News and Rumours column, Warner held on to the arcade game division after selling th1}%e other divisions to the Tramiels.) Of course, the Tramiels sunk all of the assets of their share into JTS (1}which isn't doing all that well, by the way -- ed.) But the arcade division was alter sold to Williams, and Will1}iams continues the coin-op tradition, complete with the Atari brand name and the Fuji symbol. Rowland reports th1}at there was an Atari Alumni Reunion in August, at which 25 years of Atari was celebrated. The people who worked1} only for the Tramiels were not invited. Read the PEEKing Around column by GORDON E. HOOPER when you get a chance. 1}There's a clever article $that( .Gordon2 inserted entitled, "If Microsoft Made TV Dinners." Back to Rowland1}; this time in his 8 Bit Affairs column. Here, Rowland concentrates on software for the XEP-80, which is an 80-col1}umn add-on that Atari produced. (It took several more years for Atari to release AtariWriter 80, thus causing the1} XEP-80 NOT to sell like hotcakes -- ed.) Of course, another word processor, Turboword, also used the device, bu1}t it was too little, too late. Now we learn that STAN LACKEY wrote a text editor, patterned after UNIX's EMACS. Stan1} calls his product EMAX, and it comes in two flavors that vary principally in where the editor loads in memor1 }y. Text editors, of course, are not intended to be word-processors, although they share some characteristics. A te1!}xt editor is really a programmer's tool, and the 80 columns provided by EMAX and the XEP-80 make writing code much more1"} convenient. The editor built into JOHN HARRIS' MAE assembler- editor will also work with the XEP- 80, as will 1#}GS.A.M. This is not the voice program, but a German screen management package! It comes with an 80-column desktop 1$}$environment which can be operated with a joystick or an ST mouse, a word-processor, color and monochrome character set ed1%}itors, a data base, an ML monitor, a 128-color paint program. A spreadsheet and a program for converting from th1&}e S.A.M. word processor to ASCII text are also available. DEAN GARRAGHTY in England sells the package for about1'} 15 pounds. Rowland also reports on Tom Hunt's efforts to get a discussion list to produce a UNIX- style OS fo1(}r the Atari, under which it might be able to develop TCP/IP stacks and SLIP or PPP protocols. Read the column. It'1)}s fascinating. Now, back to Gordon! Take a look at his Computers Taking Over? column on the last page. See if you ag1*}ree with his opinions. (I do -- ed.) The PACESetter for October 1997 -- There are two important bits of inform1+}ation in the front of the magazine. The first concerns the new BEST ELECTRONICS catalog, which has more than ju1,}Est a description of merchandise. It contains service tips,K TtechnicalY information, photographs and de1-}%scriptions of prototypes/vaporware) -that1 Atari produced, and is available for $10.50 ($7.50 plus Priority Mail) at:1.} Best Electronics ;2021 The Alameda, Suite 290A San Jose, CA 95126 The second is an address change for 1/}dB&C ComputerVisisons, another major Atari vendor. As of October 1, their new address will be:j B&C Computervisions10} 5917 Stope Way 5El Dorado, CA 95623-9270; (916) 295-9270 Please note that the Area Code for B&C Comput11}erVisions will change to (530) on November 1, 1997. JEAN BROKAW has discovered another free Internet service. 12}F With this service, you can send someone a "digital postcard."K Jean describes the process in detail. the UR13}L for the service is: http://www.all-yours.net/postcard/ The user group continues to comment on and pass on tips 14}for the PC world. DAVE PIERSON has reviewed THE ULTIMATE HAUNTED HOUSE, which is part of the Microsoft Home CD-ROM15}G series. There are also some valuable Windows 95 tips/ On the Atari Classic side, there is a series of hints for th16}6e game, "Ghost Busters," written by "THE WIZ," and posted on the Happy Hidaway BBS. The games, puzzles, etc.,17} this month are exceptional. Check them out! The PACESetter for November 1997 -- This issue contains a rather l18}ong and rather technical article on Disk Protection Techniques which was credited as, "transfered by MIKE BLE19}NKITRON and edited by DEAN GARRAGHTY." Interestingly engough, the article was originally compiled by GARY M1:}ORTON and PACE found it on an OL' HACKERS Newsletter Disk dated Nov./Dec. 1991! There are some Windows 95 tips (1;}jthis seems to be a permanent column) taken this time from the PC Monitor of the Hernando Computern sClub.x JEAN 1<} BROKAW contributes an 8-bit type-in program that recreates a quilt being made. And then there are the puzzle1=}s, cartoons, games, etc., all very well done. There is one sad note. We get an excellent, disk-based newslette1>}r, FUTURA, from a group in Scotland called NOSAUG. Their most capable editor, STUART MURRAY, has announced in t1?}he most recent issue that he will no longer edit that fine newsletter, and he's putting all past issues into the public 1@}domain. We can only hope that somebody else in the group will take over for Mr. Murray. Should that not happen, the1A}n 8-bit community will have lost one of its best newsletters. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*rr}0rAANPOPMSCFFLAPMMOVPMMDDSNPSWPERPPPPPMLGOLG2STARPERRXYPMMOVP0P1P2ABU5C}GZD1D2PMBAS"#*+23:;BCJKRSZ[ bc jk rs z 5D} %&-.46@=>EFLN@UV]^efmnuv}5E}  !!')"/1#89$@A%HI&OQ@'WY@(_a)gi*oq+wy,}5F}- @./0"$1+,22SHH٠Š] ή̮ϮǮ堷$5G}Cp$Typed & mods by Perry Pederson""ӪЪêŠà<NAdAX2AF:A,&@t<+@5H}HNA@bF|- $@(/0(@36 : JSPY PLANEP(@NQU iby mark comeaub-@mq@u|(@5I} P[-@#@'.-(@2E Ġ?-@IM@QX[(@\xperry pedersonZ6-@|5J} A1d A0!n-6-@%-6-@1?!6--6-@CLxI +@Pi*AVF:A,%@m<AY@F5K} I6-6? 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[action! run time package]_b 1L_push any key to continue_ ?)IL`L_action!_Ȣ 1>e}L__䢕 1L_ :`twL`L"`* Options Menu *`U 1LS` rinter Setup`6>f}s 1 [( `) `L`!Use up/down arrows for brightness` ?)L`left/right arrows for color` ?)L`<>g}> to exit` ?)IL7aLa use arrows` 1L#a a 1L`. /.ILRa `.I>h}fLea8 ` `.ILxa8 ` `.ILa ` `) ` `) ` ` ` ~, ` ` ~,.I L`.La r a>i}ǖ 1} )`Laa/ma4ŮLa`aIL b/Lb8///i//i/aHaLbaILfb/i/i>j}ǮiȱiLb/i/i8ȱ/i//i/aL+b`Lb :Lb* *bU 1L>k}vbet Vertical text spacingbТ_ 1Lcargin in text windowbi 1LMc$olour tweak rinter Setupz nf>l}woc(s 1Lc!efault Drive when doneca} 1ILcLcHIT KEYc 1Lc} >m}G c¢ 1Lc. /.I>LdL d* Options Menu *cU 1L8dd_>n}n 1LgdVertical text size is now dL R)}/ )Ld pixelsdw ?)LdNew value <8-12>d R) *}/}/Ld }/LdVSIZE=>o}d R)}/ ).I%L4eRLeRLdRIGHT MARGIN SET TO 2d ?)L4eRIL4eRL-eRIGHT MARGIN SET TO 0e ?).ILAe >p}`.ILPe a.IL_e a.I Lle <.I:LIfLe* Options Menu *eyU 1Le! when d>q}onee} 1LeDefalt drive is now e R)8/ )Lfenter new default drive number>e R) *8/Lr}e f+ R)8/ ).I LVf ].I Lb} )`()5,; Fli@ tfLfLf Flip Graphic!f ?)LfLeft or Right?f ?)Lf >s}eft/ight f= Q7kfkfIlLfifLfLEFTf ?)LgkfIrLg(ifL gRIGHTg ?)Lg} )`L8gHorizontal or Verti>t}cal?g ?)LOg oriz/ert gB= Q7kfkfIhL_iofnf9/gf3gfL\iff ffLbhhfnfmifofimff>u}Dži4gf &(epfeqflflfLDh/mpf/mqf|fmlf}fi1ŪL>h8lf|fe>v}ǭ}fihfqhflfLg/mpf/mqfhfffLgffffLVinfmifofimffi4gf &(ep>w}feqfnfmifofi8 ffei4gf &(erfesf/mpf/mqfjf/mpf/mqf>x}/mrf/msf/mrf/msfjfffLghgfL}gLjkfIvLj9/ofnfgfgfLjff ffLyjnfmifofi>y}ǥmffi4gf &(epfeqfnfmifofimffi83gf4 &(erfesf>z}/mpf/mqfjf/mpf/mqf/mrf/msf/mrf/msfjfffLigfL{iLjLjHuh?j ?)} )`Lj`Lj>{}uILkLjhit key for functionj 1Ljj٢ 1Lj. /L(k} >|} k 1~/Lk M~/Lok Cutelabels - Genesee Atari GroupkNL 1.I/Lk v1Ll.I:L>}}k C ;Ll.I Lk J ;Ll.I8Lk LLl.ILk MLl.I=Lk.ILk SLl.I=L l.L l PLl.I*Ll >~}U ;Ll.IL3l|/{/ ?)Ll.I%LCl ~fLl.ILVl b ;Ll.ILhl aLl.ILzl aLl.I>Ll ?Ll.Ll >}Gj ;Ll.I Ll ] ;LlLlBad Command,eh?l ?)Lj`WHILE KLl///p/i/ip/i/ip>}lllLl/i//i/ȌlHlLm//_/i/ilȑllillil/i//i/>}li4llillL6m8ll/e/ei/ml/mlOll/ml/mlll/m>}l/mlllȌlXlLUn/ml/mllllL&n/ml/mlBll/ml/ml>}Ǒll/ml/mllili/e/elili/e/elili/e/>}elili/e/eAlili/e/elili/e/e101>}1llllLo/ml/mlllLolll lLo/ml/mlllLo#>}/ /ԭ//RW/Y/X} )`L4p ,WR /'/'//'/' / l  ~, ~,  >}~, s,? c,LpCute Labels - by Jim SteelepL 1Lp$This program will print labels usingpǢU>}ǩ 1L%q$Printshop graphics and user suppliedq] 1L@qFonts.q9e 1L{q&Printshop graphics should be con>}vertedqTm 1Lqto DOS format with the SHOPTOOLqu 1Lq"utility for use with this program.qâ}>}ǩ 1Lr Copyright (c) 1986 by Jim Steeleq 1IL`rLVrAH! A venerable beige Atari!r9 ?)LrLvrHmm, an XL/>}XE, eh?rc ?)z.y.ILrLrpush any key to continuer? 1Lr r? 1L>}rL s r? 1 / / m@/*(mA/. m@/*(mA/.ȑ m@/>}Dž*(mA/.ȑLj m@/*(mA/.ȑ㈑ m@/*(mA/.ȑ m@/*(mA//ȑ < ; j``1p<}?aG&f (c)1983 Action Computer Services C B JKIHiDiELV`LGB}dž G BLV`,LGGl LG &` Fj`8冨凪` ,HEӅӥB} ,H`ʆǪƩ Ɛee` =HƦʆǢ &Ɛeǐ aH aHL(H =H'&&&8儨児B}G祂*L(H&&*ń8&&L(H H`hihiHHȱȱLHc !#3`B}LGJ`H Hh`Hȩh GLNI GLNI GLNI GLNI GH8B})`HhHh ILNI- BHI V䅠LNI LI GLNIԆ ؠPIPP`B} (JP GLNI JJLJ (JLOJ cJLJH- J8塪墨hLcJ |JLJ JLJ (JȹP`B}텠8堨塪 (J芨Oȩ-`PP IP棩 Ѥģ0-ģ6000:,80H B}& &ehe&eģ0ʥ 8堅塅`$ J&*i0:0i JƦ`¢ 护B}\°ڱ%ȱ%E JLK担CS ILKI |JLKH wKLK JJLK` &B V NINLMȑB}` MLN%B VLNIS:_LE:dLH I gLhL rI Ih)0IbLcLLrI[\ZUVT` LbLcLB}-` LL"J LLI LLJ)1 j` LL"J H` 0d Gҥn `2)2B};ҩ`p`0)9^M`@0)ӈ?J)`Ѕ`ȱ`` Mȥ`HhB}ǤƣĢ`ƥĤ`Ѣ N`ȱѢĦ`膡`B}DZ`ťƤe8夰L3N Ƥ8`ŦeѠe桊L7N'(B} 'u'fLNNILO  MNNNNLONNLN M`LONi iL B}LNILAO(NNNILUOPN0N8NNNN H8N8NNNNNNLIPB}ǭNLONmNNmNNmNNmNNL PNmNNmNNmNNmNNIL>PNmNNmNB}DžNmNNmNNNLO N`LPPNͮNLPЩ MNNILzPNNLUP`LPNNNiNNNiB}ǥ iL LNNNNLTQNLPNmNNmNLPNN LNIL"QNmNNmNL"QNNB} LNNNNMNLQQNNNiNNiNLP NM M`')LhQ8NaQbQNicQdQNLR8NaQNbQB}GNeNeN8NNNNeNeNqN8NcQNdQNeNeNqN8NNNeB}DžNeNqNNiNiNeNeNqNNmaQNmbQNeNeNqNNmNNiNeNB}eNqNNmcQNmdQNeNeNqN`LT8NaQNbQNeNeN8NNNNeNeB}ǯNqN8NcQNdQNeNeNqN8NNNeNeNqNNiNiNeNeB}NqNNmaQNmbQNeNeNqNNmNNiNeNeNqNNmcQNmdQNeNeNqB}ǍN`LTNNNiNNNNNNL{UNLT eQN ͮNLnTNmNNmNNILTNmNNmNB}ǭNmNNmNNILTNmNNmNNILIU eQN ͮNLTNmNNmNNIL(UNmNB}DžNmNNmNNmNNILIUNmNNmNNNNNMNLxUNNNiNNiNL*T`LU {MB}ǥNNLUNmNNmNNmNNmN {MNNLUNmNNmNNmNNmN`LUB}njN8NVVͨNLVN8N5V5VͧNLV&NN HmNNiNd LiNNͮNLVNN B}LNmNNmNNmNNmNNL*VNLV N`LVNNVNN HmNNiNVB}ViVdͼVLWNN LVdL5WNN L |UЩ MNNI NILVW`NILgW N MP` bMVVIB}L~WLW bMVVILWLWVLVNN LVLWVVLWNNNNLW |UNNLWVILXB}njNNNNLX |UNNLWNLeXNN HmNiNeNeNN LNILXB}DžNN HmNiNeNeNN LVILX8NNVILXN8NNVILXNVIB}LXNNVI LYNVI LY8NNNVI L0Y8NNVI LLY8NN8NNNL[YN8NͧNLvB}Y8NNNLYN8NͨNLY8NNNN HmNNiNLVLYM MN HB}Dž8YNILPZY LLZRESOLUTION IS Z INL7ZL0ZLOW Z+ INILPZLIZHIGHZD INILZY LL~B}GZREGENERATION LIMIT IS Zg INLZLZINFINITEZ INILZLZBY COUNTZ INIL+[Y LNLZLZERASE B}BEFORE POPULATING Z INIL+[L$[USE LAST POPULATION AGAIN[ INIL[Y LNL`[LY[DON'T POPULATE[J IB}ǭNIL[L|[POPULATE FIRST[m INIL[Y LNL[L[POPULATE VIA JOYSTICK[ INIL[L[POPULATE USING RB}ANDOM[ INILA\Y LNL\L\BEEPER IS OFF \ INILA\L:\BEEP WHEN DONE\+ INIL\Y LNB}L}\Lv\SEE LINE 2 ABOVE! R\` INIL\L\ LIMIT IS NOW \ INN JJL\W \ INIL:]Y LNL\L\B}SEE LINE 5 ABOVE! W\ INIL:]L] RANDOM FILL ] IN JJL3] PERCENT\ ]% IY LN HJLO]]M B}ǯI`LZ] iL L L L L LL]$ USE KEY TO TOGGLE THIS LINE] IL]$ USE KEY TB}O SELECT NEXT LINE] IL^ USE Ԡ KEY TO BEGIN] IL^^ ILA^$ ^ INB}ͭNL`^ YNLM^N YNIL`Щ MNNIL^NͭNL^N Y MPNIL`NIL^NL^NL^NB}NIL^NL^NL^NN YN YNIL_NL_NL_NNIL6_NL1_NL6_NNILe_NLP_B}ǠNLU_NN YN YNIL_NL_NL_NNIL_NIL_ LL_CHANGE LIMIT TO WHAT?_ I JB}NN LL_2 _ INIL`NIL` LL<`CHANGE RANDOM FILL % TO WHAT?` B}%I JNdͱNLZ`dN LL`$I `f I Y MPLh^`L`NL`NL`NЩ MB}N`L`NNNȌNNNNNȌNNNNIL a MP M W] MP MNL,aNL1aN ONILB}Aa PNILVaNLVa VNILmaNILma UNN `NI NILa  MLbNILaNNNILaNB}La  MLbNLa T P `NILbNMN NMNLb T P `NNLbЩ MNLxaL`L$b iL LB}c L LR M M LLcbbb I LNNNNLbNNL{bLbm n}B}b ILb"  |* +|/ ;b ILc#A X | |] ob IL?c# s v| z B}C | c ILgc$ '| + B |cI ILc!L O| S n | cq ILc#r sx | B}% | c ILc" ) *|; <|@ Lc ILdV Whc IL!dd IL,B}Edd+ ILYd" This version by Dave Oblad,1984d6 ILdddc ILdO mDownloaded from thedn ILdy B}ŠҢd ILd BBS. (714) 772-9671d ILdd ILe&This Program Was Written Using ACTION!d IL@e B} &ACTION! is Trademark ofe ILke/ RAction Computer ServiceseJ ILe"X Portions of this Program areeu ILB}e" :Copyrighted (C) 1984, A.C.S.e ILee ILe"@ Push key to continue!e IЩ MNNILfL fLB}C:f `L f`!bhted (C) 1984, A.C.S.e ILee ILe"@ Push key to continue!e IЩ MNNILfL fL@EE