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And}rewsBAY@4F% D:NEWSLTR.BAS D:WELCOME.BASCB0(' By Kris Holtegaard & Thomas J. AndBAAF`!`H$-%.HH \hhh(`.HM)   !h(L`N) }ǩ!"`3!3File c The OL'HACKERS Disk-ba}sed Newsletter is very simple for you to use. All you have to do is make the selections you'd like and read them. Ma}king a selection from 1 thru 4, you can Exit to Basic or Exit to Dos, or even RUN the other side of the disk. Selections}& B thru Z are news articles.* 9To read the= whole newsletter, use Selection A. To read only part of the }newsletter, select each file in any order by using the letter in front of it on the main menu screen. If you wan}t to change one of your selections, use the BACKSPACE key to remove selections until you reach the one to } be changed, and start from there with your new selections. The other screen editing function keys will not wor}k from the main menu. When you are finished selecting, press RETURN and start reading. As you can see, there are p}auses in the text so it's much easier to read. When a selection is made, the article is sent to the screen with page}Ǜ breaks. To stop reading an article before the end, press [CONTROL]-[C] or the trigger of Joystick #1. To contin}ue to the next page, press any other key, or move the stick down. At the end of the last article selected, you}C0 are sent back to the Newsletter Main Menu.< NAbout The PrinterZ Z_d  k When you make y}our selection of the file you would like to read you will be presented with the following: enu rint ead:}Ǜ If you choose then, and you don't have a printer on line you will come back to these options. Then you should} use the option to read the file online. If however you either made a mistake or don't care to read or print the} file you selected you can go right back to the main menu just by hitting . If you choose and you have not }yet configured your printer, you will do that before printing. When the newsletter program is formatting files f}or the printer, or while it is printing, press CONTROL and P to pause printing. To resume, press any key. To cance}#l printing, press CONTROL and C.' FAbout Configuring Your PrinterJ JOP [\ `a h The printer config}uration section is reached the first time you print any file in a session. Explanations of the configuration sectio}n can be accessed from the print menu.you print any file in a session. Explanations of the configuration sectio- $F |짠JO| |Xfpu| } }" :pson Fx86e and EpsonB YCompatibles. Panasonica zStar. Star Nx1000 Gemini~ } Sakata Sp100 .tari 1025 Printer3 Oon Epson Compatibles andX nDaisy Wheel Printerss rint Ro }om Help File /ۿ Return To The Main Menu3 Oon Epson Compatibles andX nDaisy Wheel Printerss rint Ro / o=o=o=o=o=( fHumor Corner Every once in a while, there's a new glossaryk mofr computer $} terms circulated, primarily in e-mail. If any or all of the items on the following list were printed here $}obefore, please accept my apologies. As far as I know, these are fresh. STATE-OF-THE-ART: Any computer you} $} ]can't afford. OBSOLETE: Any computer you own. MICROSECOND: The time it takes fork your state-of-the-$}Cart %computer to become3 eobsolete. SYNTAX ERROR: Walking into a computert store and$} saying, "Hi, -I want to buy a< Rcomputer and money isa no object. HARD DRIVE: The$} sales technique 5employed by a computerB Wsalesman, especiallyd after a Syntax Error. G$}%UI: What your computer becomes after+ Gspilling your coffee on it.M (pronounced 'gooey') KEYBOARD: The standard wa$}y to Ogenerate computer errors. MOUSE: An advanced input device toW vmake computer errors easier to} $}. generate. FLOPPY: The state of your wallet7 after purchasing a computer. PORTABLE COMPUTER: A device invented $}EB to force: Ibusinessmen to] nwork at home, on} $} vacation, and on* [business trips. DISK CRASH: A typical computerh response to any criti$}cal Adeadline. POWER USER: Anyone who can format aN disk from DOS. SYSTEM UPDATE: A quick method $}of (trashing ALL of your8 bsoftware. 386: The average IQ needed toh understand a PC. - $} - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Here's another one that circulated recently: IF OPERATING SYSTEMS RAN THE AIRLINE$}S UNIX Airways Everyone brings one piece of the plane along when they come to the airport. They all go out$} on the runway and put the plane together piece by piece, arguing non-stop about what kind of plane they ar$}e supposed to be building. Air DOS Everybody pushes the airplane until it glides, then they jump on and let the pl$}ane coast until it hits the ground again. Then they push again, jump on again, and so on. Mac Airlines All the s$}tewards, captians, baggage handlers, and ticket agents look and act exactly the same. Every time you ask questions about$} details, you are gently but firmly told that you don't need to know, don't want to know, and everything will be done $} for you without your ever having to know, so just shut up. Windows Air The terminal is pretty and colorful, with $}friendly stewards, easy baggage check and boarding and a smooth take- off. After about 10 minutes in the air, the pl$}ane explodes with no warning whatsoever. Windows NT Air Just like Windows Air, but costs more, uses much bigge$}r planes, and takes out all the other aircraft within a 40-mile radius when it explodes. Linux Air Disgru$}ntled employees of all the other OS airlines decide to start their own airline. They build the planes, ticke$}t counters and pave the runways themselves. They charge a small fee to cover the cost of printing the ticket, b$}Cut you can also downoad and print the ticket yourself. When you board the plane, you are given a seat, four b$}olts, a wrench and a copy of the seat- HOWTO.html. Once settled, the fully adjustable seat is very comfortable,$} the plain leaves and arrives on time without a single problem, the in- flight meal is wonderful. You try to tell c$}ustomers of the other airlines about the great trip, but all they can say is, "You had to do WHAT with the seat?" $} o=o=o=o=o=}$( *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*2 ENEWSLETTER REVIEWSQ aby Alan Sharkisg OHAUG Newsletter Libra(}rian According to the calendar, the position of the sun in the sky, and a whole lot of other indicators, summer i(}s over at the Autumnal Equinox; somewhere around September 21st. According to the rhythm of life dictated (} by the school calendar, summer is just about over as I write this, just a week or so before Labor Day. I've been (} retired for three years; my wife for one, and yet that second indicator of the end of summer seems to be pervasive in (}Omy life. So, what kind of summer has it been? Shall I tell you whatS I've traditionally asked my students t(}o tell me? It's been, in one word, eventful. I've helped my brother look for a new place to live (he's still(} looking) and my wife and I have begun to plan some renovations on our house. At the same time, I've begun to help my (} wife with a sad task -- the breakup of my father-in-law's apartment. It's now clear that he won't be returning to(} it, and will spend the rest of his time in a nursing facility. It's sad to watch him struggle with a deter(}iorating physical condition even as his mind remains as sharp as ever. But it was a joy to see him able to attend his(}Ǜ grandson's (my son's) wedding! Life is, indeed, a mixed bag. We're saddened by the passing of familiar, even belove(}d people, things, events. The# *sadness/ 1is6 diminished considerably if we can incorporate pleasant memories o(}Gf what has passed into what's referred to more and more as "progress." On the Atari 8-bit scene, we find our memor(}ies preserved even as progress seems to demand that increasing numbers of us turn to other platforms and we give (}up our aging hardware. But even as that happens, a curious blend of continuing our tradition through emulation a(}nd preservation of our past through websites is evolving. In a few months, I, too, will be forced to give up(} my Atari hardware, but my PC, ever more essential to my new career, will still allow me to continue to be in touch(} with the 8- bit I used and loved for so long. I will run 8-bit programs on my PC. I will connect to many websites to(}7 get my fill of nostalgia. Soon, if "progress"; DcontinuesH JasN many indicators now show, I will watch as my(} colleagues in OHAUG use their 8- bits to access the Internet using all of the protocols and techniques now available (}to the PC and Mac crowds (see Breaking News! elswhere in this issue.) Hey, you can't stop progress! I'm still pu(}tting THIS issue of the OHAUG Newsletter together, and I have one more to go, and RON FETZER just told me that he's(} made significant progress on his FIRST issue, which will come out after my LAST! Ah, yes, enough philosophy. I h(}ave a stack of newsletters I can tell you about: (FR)ANTIC for May/June 1999 -- AAAUA Editor MANUEL GARCIA has rep(}rinted the statement from Hasbro in which they have dropped the licensing requirement for Jaguar developers. (}Manuel seems to be a bit upset that Hasbro has not directly said that they will or won't revive the 8-bit properti(}es that they bought from JTS. He has also given us a list of Office Lingo that should be familiar to some of us but shou(}ld make all of us laugh. There's also a list of softare that will only work directly on the Atari 400/800.(} Many will probably work on later 8-bits if a translator is used. There's also a list of games that make use of)}o the light gun. (FR)ANTIC for July 1999 -- There are descriptions of the DGS Website, Video 61'ss Website, )}G and RICK DETLEFSEN's Website (see URL list elsewhere in this article.) There's also a review, by STEVE COLEMAN, )} of The Pharaoh's Curse, complete with screenshots and directions for play, and an announcement of Classic Gaming Exp)}No '99 including a picture of NOLAN BUSHNELL and JOHN HARDIE taken from theZ ]CGEi Website (http://www)}.cgexpo.com). IMAGE for July 1999 -- ED BAIZ describes a demo of a program by PETR STEHLIK which emulated an 8-)}bit on his Hades (a TT/Falcon clone.) Ed was able to get many .ATRs to work in this program. JACG Newsletter for J)}uly, 1999 -- Editor THOMAS% .LASKOWSKI2 has graciously printed a correction to a misstatement involving my reaso)}ns for giving up my Atari hardware and the editorship of the OHAUG newsletter. Thanks, Tom, for setting the record )}straight. He also reports that SAM CORY was rather disappointed by a company called QBOLT which was said to offer) } a free computer in exchange for Internet access for $30 per month for a three year period. The company couldn't delive) }r. (By now, of course, there are many more companies offering such promotions, and at lower per-month pric) }`es. As Tom wisely advises, check them out carefully before signing up! -- Ed.) JOEd jHICSWAn writes about ) } the advantages of learning to program. The most important one, according to Joe, is that it helps to keep your m) }ind active. Joe also continues his series on DOS operations, and reviews newsletters (including our own.) The PACESett)},er for July 1999 -- Following in the0 vtradition set several years ago, PACE has produced a beautiful,z han)} d-colored and glittery front cover in honor of Independence Day. As I follow this newsletter, I see more a)}nd more evidence of club members using PCs along side their Ataris, and PACE has really started to support the PC)}Ǜ users among its members with very informative articles. One by DENNIS SHULMAN of the Tampa Bay Computer Societ)}y tells how text material on the WWW can be cut and pasted into WordPad for future editing. This is a keystroke-by)}G-keystroke tutorial and worth reading by the PC-using members of OHAUG. Continuing in this pattern are "F" key templates )}for many of the functions in both Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer. There's a list of links to sites deali)}ng with senior affairs and some entertaining novelty sites. On the 8-bit side, there's a description of the APE)} Warp+ OS, by STEPHEN TUCKER. This upgrade replaces the operating system in your XL or XE computer and provide)}s all of the features present in the CSS OS+ and then some! Take a look. A much longer article deals with the A. )}P. E. program which, together with an SIO2PC cable and a PC, adds fantastic capability to your Atari 8-bit. XIO3 f)}or July/August 1999 -- I spotted something in ROWLAND GRANT's Atari News and Rumours column that really made m)}e sit up and take notice. It seems that after Hasbro dropped the licensing requirement for Jaguar games, JAMES GA)}RVIN of OMC Games announced two RPG's that his company will produce on CD-ROMs for the Jaguar. According to Ro)}wland Grant, one of them, The Assassin, will also be released ON 5-1/4" FLOPPY DISKS FOR THE ATARI 8-BIT, and o)}=ther platforms are being considered. (We have not beenA completely forgotten -- Ed.) I must tell you that this)} column also makes it clear that the Atari 16/32 bit computers and their clones are far from dead, and that Hasbro)} is releasing PC versions of collections of many of the classic games we played on our 8- bits, on the Atari game ) }consoles and in the arcades. Since the there is still considerable brand recognition for the name Atari, these collect)!}ions will come out under that trademark and logo. In his 8-bit Affairs column, Rowland reports on the ad)"}diton of A.P.E. '98 to the A. P. E. line of products, and a host of other developments that we who follow csa8 will reco)#}Wgnize. Rowland has also graciously printed a clarification of the reasons for[ ]mya upcoming retirement as ed)$}itor of the OHAUG newsletter, with an amusing twist. Rowland has also written yet another column (whew!) on GCACE Me)%}Getings. In it is a description of a demo that GCACE did in honor of the twenty years that Atari computers h)&}&ave existed. The equipment was an Atari 800 with 48K or RAM and the original 10K ROM card installed, a Commordore 170)'}2 monitor, a BASIC cartridge, Atari joysticks and a Centipede cartridge, an 810 disk drive and Atari DOS 2)(}r.0S, and a 410 tape drive together with the Talk and Teach cartridge and the Effective Writng tutorialw tape ))} from Dorsett Educational& .Systems.5 FMore cartridges,J OthirdS Xparty\ game cartridges, included Sham)*}us, Miner 2049er and Gateway to Apshai. (Talk about nostalgia! -- Ed.) There are also some amusing, computer-realat)+}ed comic strips in the issue. JACG Newsletter for August 1999 -- President JOE HICSWA has had mixed success in h),}is efforts to not only give surplus 8-bit equipment away, but to provide it to those who might need it most. Joe s)-}tarted out by providing a computer, joysticks and several game cartridges to a senior center. The seniors found th).}e games too fast-paced, but the maintenance crew loved them and spent more time in the game room than they did on the)/} job. Joe was asked, sadly to remove the computer. He brought it to a YMCA, where pre-teen youngsters loved the gam)0}ees. The staff at the Y saw to it that game-playing was organized and turn-taking was fairi and efficient. Th)1}e only problem there was that the youngsters had to leave when their parents came and didn't want to. But the succe)2}ss of that day prompted the Y's officials to request more computers and Joe feels that there are other needy organiz)3}ations for kids who will jump on the bandwagon. Elsewhere in this issue is a review of ORC ATTACK, a Thorn- )4}Emi game, written by Editor TOM LASKOWSKI. Tom promises to do a game review every month. The PACESetter for AUG)5}UST 1999 -- This issue begins the editorship of GLORIA JOHNSON, who will receive new articles via email (eagle37@ij.)6}net) and who has instituted a new look for the newsletter. The text is now printed more clearly and in a larger, ea)7}Gsier-to-read typeface. The font looks suspiciously like TrueType Times New Roman -- certainly not possible f)8}8rom an 8-bit, but who cares if it can be read more easily? We wish Gloria an overflow of articles, all the help she n)9}eeds in producing the newsletter, and lots of loyal readers! By the way, there are some game hints hidden in the f):}irst set of meeting minutes. Take a look. One very interesting article (Magical Music) describes the construction);} of a "Theremin" which can be used with an Atari computer. The software to run it is a simple, two-line BASIC pro)<}gram. The author speaks about having demonstrated it at Hofstra University (about five minutes from where I liv)=}be) and I really would like to know who wrote it and when! *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*gg}(gYZ*aaKENUZAMSGMSG1MSG2MSG3MSG4MSG5MSG6OUTSTANYOURBABANKBAPERAMOUNOUTSTANDINDIYOUBAPC-?}OUNPROUNDAREYARDROUNPACTBAPMAPDUMNIIQQAMRATPPYEARAETEMFFFADAMTJWJYPPDDDDJMOHAM-@}mJTAMKKKKKJVOJAFEMAMAJUJUAUSEOCNODEPAHOURTIMTOTARTTTTTTSSSAARYYIMINwx}-A} "#*+23:; BC JK RS Y[ acg(F#i-B}&#####-.56=>EFMNUV]^efmnuv }-C}! @"#$ !%()&01'89(@A)HI*PQ+XY,`a-hi.pq/xy0}-D}1 234#$5+,6347;<8CD9KL:ST;[\st?{@-E}'AAB ACg AD E./F67G>?HFGINOJVWK^_LfgMnoNvwO}-F}P QRS!"T)*U12V9:WABXIJYQRZYZ[ab\ij]qr^y_-G}` abc$%d,-e45f<=gDEhLMiTUj\]kdellmmtun|o-H}pqr s'(t/0u78v?@wGHxNPyV`;@0dk,;@@ov,;@5z,-I}C;@5,;@5,;@5%,;@5)0,;@54;,;@?F,9@JQ,9@U\,9@`j, Anw27-@{-J}J@##7(PUSH Ԡ TO CONTINUE( << F:B2y,"@@D@`HUd- (}+[a-0@egmoun -K}  ՠx( ( 1AMORITIZATION TABLE%%( 2MONTHLY MORTGAGE PAYMENT""( 3DEPRECIATION SCHEDULE-L}( 4SAVINGS AND LOANS( 5FIND THE AVERAGE##( 6SQUARE FEET & SQ. YDS.!!( 7PAYCHECK CALCULATION-M}&&( 8INTEREST ON AN INVESTMENT))( 9WHAT IF MORTGAGE COMPARISONS(10PROPERTY EXPENSES(11MON-N}THLY BAR GRAPH""(12DECIMAL / HAXADECIMAL(13 U.S. / METRIC(14CHECKBOOK BALANCE(15HELP -O}u (16RETURN TO DISK MENU*(*(CHOOSE ANY NUMBER THRU "$((YOUR CHOICE = $(}^!! @y)!-P}@ AhA!A %)A0-1A@59AP=AA`EIApMQAUYA]aBeBB B0-Q}B@BPB`$$(ΠŠҮ̮Ӡ+('(START MONTH OF LOAN (1-12)=+-R} -&@  ((LOAN AMOUNT ()= )(%(ANNUAL INTEREST RATE ()=))(%(MONTHLY LOAN PAYMENT ()=)-S} $!6-@!AR@#Z)( (}((ȠǠΠ.6-$'A^8 6-&B 6-&L$$6-P-T}:$A %?P,'A5V 6-%`$$6-P:$A9=%?PAF,'AJdj 6-%t$$6-P:$Ahl%?Ppu,'Ay~-U}#A0 (6-%@'46-%@8C"@GA`A0 Ap -+'@-V} ,&P:'@,6-$@!%&@)6**(P:'@:,Ӡ Ӡ"( ("(INT. FOR YEAR END= ( -W}&(PRINCIPAL YEAR END=-( (-(- YPUSH Ԡ TO CONTINUE  F:B2y,"@]nA06-t6--X} '6-%*(-(0(A)E( Ae2ARK(}<B5(-٠ԠϠ̠̠Ԡ-Y}Š.8(B A(AMOUNT OF LOAN ($)AAHERBERT D. PECKHAM "PROGRAMMING BASIC" T.I. SOFTWARE SERIES)(-Z}U%(WHAT IS INTEREST RATE (%))$( (TERM OF LOAN ()$6-$'AYe''6-+@io%'Asy,#+@}-[}C$,6-'+@&@/', $$6-P:$A37%?P;@,'ADt!(!(MONTHLY PAYMENT OF $ ( ( @Px -\}\B(ASSET VALUE () (ASSET LIFE (YEARS) (6-HS -@W 6-% AAHERBERT D. PECKHAM -]}<"PROGRAMMING BASIC" T.I. SOFTWARE SERIES 6- -@@P 6-+%@T&,' 6-$ 6-&& $$6-P:$A-^} %?P ,'A%0 $$6-P:$A)-%?P16,'A:X ((Ҡ b ( îӠl ( ŠӠv -_}  @P) (})(% ӠĠӠ..COMPUTE MAGAZINE--BASICALLY USEFUL BASIC1(1(&1 BALANCE -`}OF A LOAN AFTER N PAYMENTS/,($2 MONTHLY PAYMENT TO AMORTIZE LOAN/(/,($3 # OF PAYMENTS TO AMORTIZE A LOAN/(.+-a}(#4 ANNUAL % RATE USING AN INTERVAL.(-*("5 MONTHLY PAYMENT & INT. ON LOAN-('$(6 ANNUAL INVESTMENT GROWTH'(-b}$!(7 PERIODIC SAVINGS PLAN$((%(8 FUTURE PRICE VS INFLATION((##(9 RETURN TO THE MAIN MENU"(( YOU-c}R CHOICE="(}OOAA#'AB+/AC37AD;?AECGAFKOAGSWAH[_Ac($(ENTER YOUR CURRENT-d} BALANCE.(-()(ENTER THE NUMBER OF PAYMENTS.-+('(ENTER YOUR MONTHLY PAYMENT.+"7(3('ENTER YOUR A-e}-NNUAL INTEREST RATE IN (%).7,6-'A1E6 6-@-@IYJ6-$+@]%,&T Y6-$&+&,Z-f} $$6-P:$A%?P,'A!0[$$6-P:$A48%?P<A,'AE^.(.(BALANCE AFTER  PAYMENTS IS $c'('(-g} YOU PAID $ IN INTEREST.g AIh%!(ENTER THE # OF PAYMENTS.%r.(*(ENTER THE BALANCE OF THE LOAN..-q}B%DOS SYSB*)DUP ySYSB>SNEWSLTR BASBMAINMENUHLPBWELCOME SCRBWELCOME BASBAUTORUN SYSBHELP} DOCCYBPRESSPRTMNUBCHUMOR TXTBZBNLRV TXTB>BUSNES BAS AURABL COMBOX2] hCOMADAm pBASqD|7(3('ENTER YOUR ANNUAL INTEREST RATE IN (%).76-'AHX006-$$+@\a'+@ej&+@n%,#+6,,,$$-r} 6-P:$A%?P,'A[ ( (YOUR PAYMENTS ARE $ 6-$&$$6-P:$A_c%?Pgl,'Ap&(&( YO-s}U PAY $ IN INTEREST. AI'#(ENTER THE CURRENT BALANCE.'+('(ENTER YOUR MONTHLY PAYMENT.+7-t}?(3('ENTER YOUR ANNUAL INTEREST RATE IN (%).76-'ACR((6-6+K:@Vf&'$,,'K:%@j,$$6-P:$A-u}%?P ,'AV+(+( YOU HAVE  PAYMENTS TO MAKE.. 6-$&.6-P:$AZ^%?Pbg,'Ak+(+(YOU WIL-v}L PAY $ IN INTEREST.& AI0,((WHAT IS THE BALANCE OF THE LOAN,:+('(ENTER YOUR MONTHLY PAYMENT.+-w}3D(($(ENTER THE # OF PAYMENTS.(N6-@P7;'A?HX6-NY]-@]a@ evb6-+%,'@zg-x} 6-$l$$6-$+@&+@#i%,#+6,,q 6-v  6-{  6-$&6-Am$$$6-P:$A-y} %?P ,'A*(*(YOUR ANNUAL (%) RATE IS %.((YOUR INTEREST IS $ AI#(HOW MUCH -z}?WAS YOUR LOAN#:(6(*HOW MANY MONTHLY PAYMENTS MUST YOUC MAKE:0(,( WHAT IS YOU INTEREST RATE IN (%)0-{} 6-'A6-'@!L 6-$$6-+%,'$$6-P:$APT%?PX],'Aap$$6-P:$Atx%?P|,-|}'A$($(YOUR PAYMENTS WILL BE $4(4('YOUR INTEREST ON THE ENTIRE LOAN IS $L(L(AIF YOU WANT TO KNO-}}cW THE ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE, EXECUTE PROGRAM 4 AI:6(-HOW MUCH MONEY DO YOU INTEND TOj DEPOSIT:9(-~}?5()WHAT IS THE ANNUAL INTEREST RATE IN (%)9 6-'AC6(2(&HOW MANY COMPOUNDING PERIODS EACH YEAR6 A-}CK(=(1HOW MANY YEARS DO YOU INTEND TO INVEST THIS MONEYA*6-$+@Oi%',#+$,4$$6-P:$Amq%?Pu,'A-}>I(I(AT THE END OF  YEARS YOU WILL HAVE  DOLLARS SAVED.H AI\JF(=HOW MUCH MONEY DO YOU INTEND T-}O DEPOSIT EACH PAY PERIODJf5(1(%HOW MUCH IS THE INTEREST RATE IN (%) 5p>(:(.HOW MANY PAYMENT PERIODS -}'DO YOU INTEND TO SAVE>z6-'A+:116-$++@>H%,#+%@LR,&+@Vk%,,'$$6-P:$Aos%?Pw,'A-}O(O(AT THE END OF  PAY PERIODS YOU WILL HAVE  IN YOUR ANNUITY. AI.*(!WHAT IS THE CURRENT PR-}ICE OF ITEM.#((WHAT YEAR IS IT NOW#C(?(3FOR WHAT YEAR DO YOU WISH TO KNOW THE PRICE OF ITEMC 6-}M-&<(8(,WHAT IS THE PROJECTED INFLATION RATE IN (%)<6-'AQ_6-$+@c%,#Q(Q(THE PRICE -}'OF THE ITEM! IN  WILL BE $P:$A+/%?P38,'A< AI~1(1(&PRESS Ԡ TO GOTO ӠӠ-} F:B2y,"@&AI A@*(HOW MANY NUMBERSAAHERBERT D. PECKHAM "PROGRAMMING BASIC" T.I. SOFT-}>WARE SERIES*(*(ENTER THE NUMBERS ONE AT A TIME6-DO-@S 6-%  6-'-}"(( THE AVERAGE IS  @P&pSQ YARDS & SQ. FEETuAAHERBERT D. PECKHAM "PROGRAMMING BASIC" T.I. SOFTWARE SER-}LIESz(נ٠ӠS(S(HFOR EACH ROOM, TYPE IN LENGTH ANDQ WIDTH IN FEET SEPERATED BY A COMMA#( (-}%#(͠ Ӡ(-+6-@:n   -%$ 6-'@ r$$6-P:-}$A %?P,'AU(( ѠԠҠ( ѠӠ( ( @PYX""PAY CALCULATION BY R.L.LEWISb-}? + '0@%+36-17?6-=El$$(M PAYCHECK CALCULATIONvH( (D(5DO YOU WISH TO-} ADD UP THE HOURS PER YOUR PAY PERIODH4NAq%("(ENTER WHEN FINISHED%(( HOURS WORKED=-} -%"Aq  Ap`+('(HOW MANY HOURS DID YOU WORK+, (}((WHAT IS YOUR PAY PER-}! HOUR,, -$,6-P:$A%)%?P-2,'A6_ ( (YOUR GROSS PAY IS $ @Pc@PPBASIC COMPUTER PROGR-}CAAMS FOR THE HOME...CHARLES D. STERNBERG...HAYDEN BOOKSJ\6-@ EI+OU30@Y[aciX(ENTER THE AMOUN-}T TO BE INVESTED\T'(#(ENTER THE INTEREST RATE'Y<(8(,ENTER THE NUMBER OF YEARS TO PROJECT GROWTH<^O-}S(K(?ENTER THE NUMBER OF TIMES PER YEAR THEAMOUNT WILL BE COMPOUNDEDOhYA`r@(6(+COMPOUNDING MUST -}=BE AT LEAST ONCE EACH YEAR@ A0|(6.Y"@AAD@(7SHALL I PRINT AFTER EACH COMPOUNDING PERIOD-} (٠ҠΠ)DP +#'0@')/17<P($`h""(l INITIAL INVESTMEN-} T $''( 4ANNUAL INTEREST RATE %''(8 [COMPOUNDED  X PER YEAR,,($}-} #(#( BEGIN 9INTEREST))(!YR. AMOUNT= CAMOUNTI ZTOTAL++(#--- c-e n-p y--}EC 6-$? '6-B-@$,-@0C"((6-46-IQB-@UoH 6-$&6-P:+%>Psx,$A|,-} 46-'A^<6-%B6-H6-4YA   A0  6-6- 5-@bn(-@r#(/-@-}(5(%! )6-%@&"@#*2)6-@ 6X& 6-%0   ( # @P\(#FFBASIC COMPUTER PROGRAMS FOR-}, THE HOME. BY STERNBERG..HAYDEN BOOKS<#K +28'0@<>DFLT36-@X`?6-@dlK6-@pF#( -}ԽP#(ԠŽɠZ#( ӽ٠d#2(.("ENTER THE ITEM TO VARY ɠҠ٠2n#٠ƠŠ-}FӠx#0AA #J(D(8ENTER THE BEGINNING AMOUNT, ENDINGJ AMOUNT TO CONSIDERJ#:(6(*ENTER THE INTER-}mVAL BETWEEN PRINTS I.E.1000:# A#0IA`#H(B(6ENTER THE LOWEST, HIGHEST INTERESTq RATE TO CONS-}WIDERH#C(?(3ENTER THE INTERVAL BETWEEN PRINTS I.E., .25 FOR 1/4C# A[#0YA#I(C(7ENTE-}R THE LOWEST, HIGHEST NUMBER OF YEARS TO CONSIDERI#9(5()ENTER THE INTERVAL BETWEEN PRINTS I.E., 59# -}٠ƠԠӛ#?(%(ENTER THE MORTGAGE AMOUNT)/6-?4IAP#;(#(ENTER THE INTEREST RATE'-};@ A0$6-$A$$ 6-$4YA`"$5(+(ENTER THE YEARS OF THE MORTGAGE/56-,$ (-}}ǠР6$ -@$(%(FOR A MORTGAGE OF  YEARS((J$ -T$-*(USING THE INTEREST RATE OF -} %-(^$((( MORTGAGE %MONTHLY PI* >TOTALh$**(" AMOUNTD KPAYMENTQ aINTERESTr$..(&i-im mw-w{ ---} -B|$ -$ΠĠԠ$_6-+'AFK,'@O[E6-'++@_i%,#+$@mr,&@v,%M6-}-$_6-$$@%&$E$6-P:$A)-%?P16,'A:FE6-P:$AJN%?PRW,'A[m$? 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MONTHLY GRAPH9 Bp*+a,@EI@ M[+/AX@ _m=/AX@uqwO/@{-}@u a/@@ V4+ B>+K%6-F:A`,%F:Aa,$AVK6-F:%@Zc,%F:%@g,$AVH+b-B:-},86-BsD%++@:7<,,&@2!&,$@*7,N6-%$@ ;G%%&b-MQ@UbR+#%$@ fF:%,  #$\+#-}-@ 28,!#6-8,f+ p+6-'@e6Cz+6-@GO&6-@uSw&+8,',268,-P:,6 +*B{ -}C 6-P:'A$,* B+*A(4 6-P:'A8N,* B+*AR^ 6-P:'@b,* B+ 6-P:,+1-} 6-'@ '6-P:&,16-P:&+$@+?,,+-6-P:&+$@CT,,-6-P:&+$@Xn,,+3 6.=:,6-@r&B:,)6--}@3 Bp+!! @%)!@)EB`+3 6.=:,6-@IV&B:,)6-@$Zx3 Bp+3 6.=:,6-@|&-} B:,)6-@8.3 Bp+3 6.=:,6-@2?&B:,)6-@RCa3 Bp+3 6.=:,6-@er&B:,)6-@fv3 B-} p+3@'@"&@@*3AR,2(2('ˠ J F M A M J J A S O N D,//('Š A E A -}V P A U U U E C O E,//('٠ N B R R Y N L G P T V C$,-@Zk6-&.,,@ov%+$@z,-} 8,8,/@%%+$@*,8,B,!!/@%.5%+$@9>,@uBKL,!!/@OV%+$@Z_,@uclV,-@pw%+$@{,-}8,`,=Ae@=@#(@,.46<LS:j,A -@PRX]6@ae92kt8,@x= -}A t,'@@ '@$(@9,3~,))(= iϠՠӠԠ, F:B2y,"@mB, A-} ,m +'0@$&,2A0@68>B@FL[0@PRXZ`nmAR@r,((-} MONTHLY GRAPH ,.(+( ETYPE AMOUNTS FOR EACH MONTH: .(,+((I DO NOT USE NEGATIVE AMOUNTS +(,5 BP(J-}AN=+68@,-5 B!E,5 B`(FEB=+68@IR,-5 BV,5 Bp(MAR=+68@-} ,-5 B2,5 B(APR=+68@6?,-5 BCg,5 B(MAY=+68@kt,-5 Bx,5 -} B(JUN=+68@#,,-5 B0T,5 B(JUL=+68@Xa,-5 Be-5 B (AUG=-} +68@,-5 BA -5 B0(SEP=+68@ EN,-5 BRv-5 B@(OCT=+68@z,--}5 B .-5 BP(NOV=+68@2;,-5 B?c(-5 B`(DEC=+68@gp,-5 Bt2-$.-}--(%̠Ϡ̠ĠŠ.HHATARI BASIC REF. MAN. PG H-18 AS MODIFIED BY E. JACKSON & R. LEWIS.$($(-}d1DEC to HEX conversion.!!(2HEX to DEC conversion.((CHOOSE 1 OR 2 /!! @hn)!@rB 0 /-}C"@ B%/c +!/AR@3>"(%(I(E f̠Ϡ̠M(c(j < 0 / 65535 >/'--}@ @*# à = '&/)-@#.2@6F) ؠ = J0+/1( (1(#GOTO MENU: ENTER ANY NEGATIVE VALUE0-}/!!  )!BU5A*:/*6-@.^*START THE SHELL SORT RTND/ 6-6-P:'@br,N/6-&$@vX/'-} @467<,.=:,' B!@b/ 67<,.>:&@8I%@:A,,l/'OY6-&@]p' B!v/&-@0t%@-} & 7<@,/%-@#A'< % B P0b +BPAR@T_"(%(I(f ̠Ϡ-} M(b( < 0 / F# >0'-@'+@/J# ؠ = '0"-@#NR@V" à = 01( (1(#GOTO MENU: E-}&NTER ANY NEGATIVE VALUE04-A*306-9D1-@HgB:,16.7<,20Ak1-7<,/9#-}6-$@ N%A:,- B&$12AB%.13FB%81%%6-$@Rb%@:,&@:A,%@fvB1 L1-@(z%-}@ V1%-@A" % B%2DD***SELECTED MEASUREMENT CONVERSIONS FROM ATARI BASIC REF. MAN.2## D-}O YOU WANT CONVERSIONS FOR2+(+( () à TO ծӮ STANDARD 2*(*(() ծӮĠ TO à2(( TYP-}E 1 OR 22B0pB23 B0388***USER SELECTS DESIRED METRIC TO U.S. CONVERSIONS3.*(!WANT LIST OF-} CONVERSIONS (Y OR N)."34NB1,3-(-("SELECT CONVERSIONS FROM THIS LIST:63!!((1) CENTIMETERS TO INCHES@-}3((2) METERS TO FEETJ3((3) KILOMETERS TO MILEST3((4) KILOGRAMS TO POUNDS^3((5) GRAMS TO OUNCESh3((6) -}LITERS TO QUARTSr3))(!(7) DEGREES CELSIUS TO FAHRENHEITw3((8) RETURN TO MENU|32(.("ENTER NUMBER OF CONVERSION DESI-}RED23"@A3??B3PB3B40B4pB5B5PB53$388*** USER SELECTS DE-}SIRED U.S. TO METRI CONVERSIONS3.*(!WANT LIST OF CONVERSIONS (Y OR N).34NB3 3-(-("SELECT CONVERSIONS-} FROM THIS LIST:3!!((1) INCHES TO CENTIMETERS3((2) FEET TO METERS3((3) MILES TO KILOMETERS3((4) POUNDS -}TO KILOGRAMS3((5) OUNCES TO GRAMS3((6) QUARTS TO LITERS3))(!(7) DEGREES FAHRENHEIT TO CELSIUS4((8) RETUR-}CFN TO MENU42(.("ENTER NUMBER OF CONVERSION DESIRED2 4"@JNAR4??B60B6pB7B7PB-}n7B80B8p4$&4***CM TO INCHES04!(HOW MANY CENTIMETERS!:4,,( CENTIMETERS =$?9r INCHES-}D4 ( $N4***METERS TO FEETX4(HOW MANY METERSb4%%( METERS =$@( FEETl4 ( $v4***KM TO MILES-}=4 (HOW MANY KILOMETERS 4**( KILOMETERS =$?bA MILES4 ( $4***KG TO POUNDS4(HOW MANY KILO-}GRAMS4**( KILOGRAMS =$@  POUNDS4 ( $4***GRAMS TO OUNCES4(HOW MANY GRAMS4&&( GR-}AMS =$?P OUNCES4 ( $4***LITERS TO QUARTS4(HOW MANY LITERS5''( LITERS =$@g QUART-}nS 5 ( $5***DEGREES C TO DEGREES F 5%!(HOW MANY DEGREES CELSIUS%*5LL( DEGREES CELSIUS =@ rx$'@|%-}@2 DEGREES FAHRENHEIT45 ( $>5***INCHES TO CMH5(HOW MANY INCHESR5,,( INCHES =$@T CENTI-}METERS\5 ( $f5***FEET TO METERSp5( HOW MANY FEETz5%%( FEET =$?0H METERS5 ( $5***MILES -}TO KM5(HOW MANY MILES5**( MILES =$@` KILOMETERS5 ( $5***POUNDS TO KG5(HOW MANY POUN-} DS5**( POUNDS =$?E$ KILOGRAMS5 ( $5***OUNCES TO GRAMS5(HOW MANY OUNCES5&&( OUNC-}ES =$@(5 GRAMS5 ( $6***QUARTS TO LITERS6(HOW MANY QUARTS6''( QUARTS =$?` LITERS-}r$6 ( $.6***DEGREES F TO DEGREES C86($(HOW MANY DEGREES FAHRENHEIT(B6NN( DEGREES FAHRENHEIT =@v'@ -}$+&@2 U, DEGREES CELSIUSL6 ( $6##ATARI BASIC REF. MAN. PG. H-166-[b65 +hp(2(w -}xˠҠ5(6RR(JYou may make corrections at any time by entering a negative dollar value.6**6. OLD CHECK} -} 'OUTSTANDING6**6. OLD DEPOSIT0 ONOT CREDITED6**6. OLD CHECKZ JUST CLEARED6**6. OLD DEPOSIT -} &JUST CREDITED7**6. NEW CHECK* R(OR SERVICE CHARGE) 7**6. 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