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(Y or N)slot number: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Save #,$,%, -. -, ?`17&, ? -, ?YNL-  -" ?LL-&, ? -', ?L- -- ?L- ?<7p8:>;;F< *""(" !-  #,$,%,LGoofy knave... There is no game in that slot !!Restore   *"L )L% !"/L.  ŀ- 3H6 J=g=,/-/0 -/ -(/h `t IРWLBLLZ.&? % 31/ ?.%``@LAL,3 G00sleight of hand.\ caring for and feeding pet unicorns. translating Pig Latin.& Penguins and the Graphics Magician. using herbs in cooking and medicine.  )"CLDL(" ! q#" q#-  !.L/ )" "0 1  !2 " q#3  !` )ǰELFL)L 4g4L1]1j4RL]180\15]180 3m\1\1]180RLd 3m\1\1\1RL\1L8\1LL L\1   \13  `,0,0 )GLHLǥM I L1J MM:L1F<>;` )KLLL5=95M  ?Qʅ G!' " ` !L ! 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Well, we're out of water. You are getting very thirsty! You just died of thirst! Well, we're out of fuel andthe lantern is empty now! Hey, I think I smell kerosene.Ǜ Gorn grabs the lantern and immediatelyfills it up with all of the kerosene. The cub dragon sniffs you, wards youoff with a few puffs of smoke and thenreturns to sleep. It's not here to look at. It's a book. I think your supposed toread it. She's pretty. So what? Looks like an ordinary 20' snake tome. Inscribed on the skin is 'From theearth receiveth I fulfillment' It's 14K gold filled with a .75C ruby. There's a passage behind thefalls.'Dragonbane' is inscribed on the sword. The kid dragon looks okay. The dragon cub is dead! Looks perfectly ordinary to me. Unlike a certain advisor, theRoyal Champion is not famous for anelevated level of verbal proficiency. I'd be glad to if she were here. Lisa looks at you without answering. I love a scrap as much as thenext guy, but this isn't the time! We don't have one with us, mostwise advisor sir. Get rid of what?? I'm not going to throw our goldaway like that! Okay. He's in. The cub is already in the pouch. We have wealth enough. It wouldonly slow us down. Pour what?? OK, but I think our flask isempty now. OK, but I don't like it. There's nothing here to open. Unnh! Eyunnh! I think it'slocked, Sir! Methinks the chest is already open.Ǜ OK, it's open. That's not something to ignite. We don't have a lantern. Okay. It's lit. It's already lit! Can't. We're out of fuel. Let's see now--we're carrying: We don't have it to wear! That direction might lead us tothe end of our Quest. It's not here to read. Try looking at it. It is a price list: ITEM SOVEREIGNS You now know all there is to know about Sorry, It's in Latin. It's a DragoneseG-Pig Latin dictionary. I'm not sure we can travel inthat direction. Why do a fool thing like that? I assure you, the owner of thehouse is not in. We don't have it to give. Best not. We may need it later. Sorry, I never learned to tiethose. Would love to if we had a rope. Okay, it's tied. Okay. That should hold. I can't ride that! We haven't got a rug. When all are on, the carpet flies tothe pit, rolls up, gets in the chest,and the lid closes on it. We don't have a lantern. It's not lit! Okay, it's out. That' not something that's lit. We don't have enough gold! Slow it down. I can't keep the ticketstraight. Please be specific. It doesn't look moveable. We already have it. Okay. He's out.G It's not here to get! Oh Yeah! I forgot about those books.We Have:K OBOOKW SOVEREIGNSBeginning Prestidigitation 25Care of Pet Unicorns 520Lingua Draco Flameus= U35Pig Latin Made Simple\ o36Penguins as Pets{ 20Us eful Herbs 34 I don't see any water here. Our flask is already full! We have nothing to carry waterin. Best not. The water looks salty. Swimming is for fish. That won't hold water very well.Flask: Filled Huh? That's not something to wear. We have no armor. Not now, it would only slow usdown. I'm already wearing it. Are you kidding?? We have no food. Chomp,chomp,chomp... That's not something to unlock. What door? First methinks we need a key. Before you have` a chance to open thedoor, someone from inside locks itagain. I can't drink that!Afahhh... What did thou sayest? Gorn looks at you and obviouslyconfused, says nothing. We don't have a lantern. The cub dragon tears away from youin an attempt to avoid the spillingwater. However, it's tail gets wet andyou are blinded by the smoke as ittries to puff it's tail dry. When thesmoke clears, the cub is nowhere to beseen.} Upon reaching the castle, the dragongentlGy lowers everyone to the groundthen returns to the west with her babyclose behind. The awestruck castleguards raise the gate to allow youentrance. You have done well, my friend, youhave done well. Perhaps our paths willcross again upon another QueC st. .*Fare thee well[more].my friend, youhave done well. Perhaps our paths willcross again upon another QueP O^I!Q,,7;2tGK^QQqIQ&I9h+cjY zA`  ^I!Q+-7;LtEKt^QQqIQ&I9h+c4X z9k ^I!Q+/7;LtEKt^QQqIQ&I9h+cjX z9kt s^I!Q,/7;KtGK^QQqIQ&I9h+c@ zA`% ^I!Q,/7;KtGK^QQqIQ&I9h+cX zjC[ !\^IMQ+/8;tEKt^QQqIQ&I9h+cX zhDp_ו6!DFxG[DW-VVUSN QP%P/PNHQ[TmY]``L3;-,+..+0O3V2a1l-x-00+`8*-PEOEOt?/U`O9:PPMXMX`Glinp2u;~.y %5Zkegqi|uvll}zxeexmxnmfffFYThXrZYSUa_cby]R]\Y]Z=[8]0g!dc[Z][UXb ` `afg&]0S-U+Z*[.c.c9i8i6i9?*J H EE EE%E6E.EEEEEEEQDYEZE^ElHuGHGH`P .-,.. y;z0z*x:y*|8|:y-~+~'|+z/t)x*t:x9r;w:z6z;{7~;x.y+t+t(x+~'~*|*|-{.z54'3$!2ǖ42-35302(&&+-3,33`Esxzz!pvyC   ` AG BD$p`GztzF rrrpqvxxxyC   ` AXh0XhX_`aaaSbbbccc(dedd eeeee8fef2h} The stage is setNow let the Quest be told! Our story is of a time long ago, anda place far away. A tale of kings andknights and sorcerors and dragons. Atale that is never repeated no matterhow often it is told. A tale that you,my friend, shall determine how is tounfold. Your story begins in the kingdom ofBalema. King Galt has granted anaudience to a young noblewoman from asouthwestern province. The King isseated upon the throne, his favoritemistress by his side. Gorn, the King'schampion, lounges arrogantly by theKing's other side. Being a mere advisor(and a new one at that) you take yourplace among the other court nobles andlisten with interest to the discussionin progress.Ǜ Rise Lady Diana, you can talkmuch better without the palace floormarring your knees. You were saying? Please forgive my people M'Lordfor 'tis not their fault they cannotpay their taxes this season! Our landslay in ruin, our harvests burned, ourvillages ravaged! And just what is the cause ofall this calamity? A dragon M'Lord! A demon-spawned nightmare from the depths ofhell! Please M'Lord, my people canhardly feed themselves! I offer myselfin exchange for mercy upon them. Begone with you Lady Diana,back to your people. I need you not.And tell your people that Gorn, theKing's champion, will soon be on hisway to rid my kingdom of this hell-bredthorn!(After saying this, King Galt turnsand hands Gorn a bag of gold.) Take this gold and outfityourself for the Quest. And take yonnew advisor. Heed his word closely, hecomes with the highest recommendations.Now be off!Gorn, glaring in your direction, says,"And your first suggestion, MostRevered Advisor? Gorn turns quickly and leaves throughthe heavy oak door in the north wall.Hurrying behind him, you get your firstclose-up view of the King's champion:He's huge! (Best stay on his goodside). After a quick circuit throughthe maze-like castGle halls, you finallyreach the Provisioner's. There is alist fastened to the counter top. Hail, Gorn. What can I dofor ye today? A large time-worn castle, surroundedby a stagnant, stench-ridden moat,stands just to the S. The roadcontinues N to the horizon. The road continues endlessly (or so itseems) to the N. Far to the S the lazyoutline of castle spires rises abovethe landscape. Gorn halts before an intersection withroads leading N,S,E and W. The deeply rutted road curves from theN to the W. A ridge of icy bluemountains rises skyward far to the NE. Pausing briefly, Gorn eyes the longexpanse of the road to the E and W. Gorn stops at a 3-way intersection. The road stretches to the N and S. Afew sparse trees are visible to the W. The E-W road doesn't look welltraveled. Something to the W isreflecting sunlight (a body of waterperhaps). You find yourselves before a 3-wayintersection with N, E and W branches.There are some small hills to the E. The road winds through gently rollinghills. Gorn turns and says, "What's thematter, art thou blind?" Gorn points to the Edeep impressionsleft in the ground by his boots. Wateris slowly seeping up into them. The road narrows to a path until itends abrubtly at the mouth of a cave. A small, old man stops you at the caveentrance. "That's far enough. Whatbusiness have ye 'ere?" Advice is worth what you pay for it. Beware neighboring kingdoms. Stick to the roads. Dragons can be caught if oneapproaches close enough to put salt ontheir tails. Treasures abound on the southernislands. A gleam appears in the old hermit'seye as he shakily places the gold on atable. Facing you again he says, "Inreturn I shall give you the speechǛof dragons." The next few days are spent in intenseeffort as the old hermit pounds thedifficult language into you. In themeantime, Gorn spends his waking timeimpatiently pacing the cave interior.Finally, the hermit is content that hehas repaid your generosity andpronounces you fluent in dragonese. A very faint, but continuous, rumblecan be heard to the NE. To the E arecold rugged mountains."fluent in dragonese. A very faint, but continuous, rumblecan be heard to the NE. To the E if oneapproaches close enough to put salt ontheir tails. Treasures abound on the southernislands. A gleam appears in the old hermit'seye as he shakily places the gold on atable. Facing you again he says, "Inreturn I shall give you the speechof dragons." The next few days are spent in intenseeffort as the old hermit pounds thedifficult language into you. In themeantime, Gorn spends his waking timeimpatiently pacing the cave interior.Finally, the hermit is content that hehas repaid your generosity andpronounces you fluent in dragonese. A very faint, but continuous, rumblecan be heard to the NE. To the E arecold rugged mountains.k fluent in dragonese. A very faint, but continuous, rumblecan be heard to the NE. To the E a0X9krX=YfYYZ^ZZ[[i\\3]]](^^s_I`^aaabbc*ddffh/hheii You are at the edge of a swamp. Thewalking has become extremely difficultas your feet sink in the mire withevery step. There appears to be a humanskeleton hanging on a large treGe trunkto the S. Gorn scowls at the grinning skeleton. Then points warily at a large jeweledring on it's bony finger. Foul smelling gases swirl upwards fromthe swamp. A large snake lies leisurelycoiled around a tree overhead. First we kill the dragon thenI'll take you snake hunting. Due W are some crumpled ruinssurrounded by dense vegetation. Theremnants suggest a once greatcivilization. Piles of crumpled stone lay heapedabout the floor. Sunlight trickles infrom numerous holes in the roof. Gornnervously eyes the impenetrable shadowsaround the ruin walls. A slow wind moans softly through thetree tops. The forest doesn't seemquite so dense to the N. This room seems to have been recentlyoccupied. A flight of worn stairs thatlook centuries old lead down into utterdarkness. The road curves from the N to the W.The forest grows right up to the edgeof the road. Very little sunlight manages to filterdown. The dense forest seems to stretchendlessly in all directions. You are now deep within the forest.before you is a pit, definitelyman-made, and obviously very old. A large vine grows downward into thepit. The pit is deep and dark. Something atthe bottom is glinting from theoccasional sunlight. Suddenly, lizard men leap from theshadows and come charging towards you.In a blur of speed, Gorn unsheathes hissword and prepares to meet thechallenge. What's it to be Chief, run orfight? The bottom of the pit is filled withtreasure. Gold in heaps, jeweledswords, flasks of exotic musk and brassclad chests. Gorn suddenly snaps erect. From theholes alomg the base of the wallsslither forth hordes of great hoodedcobras, bearing down fast upon you. You better make up your mindfast, we don't have much time! Gorn slashes madly at the cobras,killing them by the dozens, but thereare just too many. Within seconds theyare coiled about your legs and waist,striking repeatedly. Your last conscioussight is the writhing-slithering heapthat used to be Gorn, the King'schampion... I have wealth enough. It wouldonly slow us down. There is an old rug in the chest. The label on the rug reads "Abdul'snew and used rugs (another fly-by-nightcompany)." The door swings Ginward silently. Abeautiful red headed woman appears atthe threshold wrapped in a long heavycloak. Strange and enticing odors waftfrom the open doorway. After staring briefly at both your hands and Gorn's, she whirls abrubtlyaround, her long hair swirling abouther shoulders, retreats through thedoorway and slams the door shut. After staring at Gorn's hands shewelcomes him into her home. She frownsas you follow him through the doorway(almost as if she only wants to seeGorn, not you).Ǜ Silent as a cat, the woman moves tothe other side of the room. Slowly sheturns to face you and Gorn. Who are you woman? Some call me Lisa. That is whatyou may call me. I could be very useful to you attimes and would be willing toaccompany you, but,...it will cost you. Without even a warning, Gorn turns toyou, grasps you by the shoulderslifting yoWu clean off the floor, setsyou firmly down outside and closes thedoor in your face.[ And so you wait. What seems like ages later (althoughit couldn't have been more than half anhour) Gorn swings open the door. Jerking his thumb towards the insideGorn says, "She's coming with us. I hadto give her the ring we found though."Looking a little guilty, Gorncontinues, "What could I do? Shewouldn't accompany us without it!" In less time than it takes to spellplatitudinarianism, you, Gorn, and yournew companion, the beautiful Lisa, areoutside of Lisa's house and ready togo. Before you is a well kept frame house. Muffled sounds are barely discerniblefrom within, yet the dark windowsreveal nothing. The lizard men halt their forward rushas Lisa's ornate staff begins to glowbrightly. The light thickens until itbecomes a horrendous fireball thatlaunches itself at the lizard men,obliterating them completely. Gorn brandishes his sword in a mightyswoop that renders a lizard mancompletely harmless. Before Gorn has a chance to right hissword, the remaining lizardmen rush himand bear him to the ground! It seems itis now Gorn's turn to be renderedhelpless! After finishing Gorn off, thelizardmen, saliva drooling from theirteeth filled jaws, begin moving towardsyou. Their hissing breath is loud inyour ears! Raising their swords highover their Cheads they... begin moving towardsyou. Their hissing breath is loud inyour ears! Raising their swords highover their rX`XY~YYZ}ZZ[R[[)\u\\\]:]^ The forest to the east is too densefor passage. There must be some sortof clearing to the S for the trees areless dense. The road through the forest branchesto the S, E and W. The forest ends justa short distance to the W. The thick treetops form a canopy thatkeeps most of the sunlight fromreaching the road. The road is swallowed by a denseforest to the W. The long dusty road runs E and W. Thevague outline of trees to the Windicates the beginning of a forest. The rutted dirt road stretches onthrough wide grass plains. The dirt road continues E/W throughsome remarkably green meadows. The road splits to the N,S, and W. Afew sparse trees can be seen to the W. Your progress halts at the shore of asparkling blue lake. An old, weather-beaten sign is lying by the water'sedge. Some of the letters are worn off, butyou can still barely make out "CA T ONA LI TO S!" The road winds its way N and S.There's a small patch of woods to theS. The road passes through a small groveof trees. A few scattered trees are visible tothe N. The road runs N and S through thetrees. The trees don't seem quite as dense tothe N and W. A few hundred feet from the shore thewater is still only up to Gorn's waistand your chest. Gorn cocks his head toone side as telltale splashes from upand down the shoreline can be vaguelyheard. Moving ahead more cautiously,Gorn suddenly stiffens and then isjerked quickly underwater.Half-heartewdly expecting Gorn toresurface, you see the water part as analligator, many times your length,comes up instead...|...It's a sad dayfor sports lovers in Balema today. Theremains found in the alligator riddenBalema Bayou have been identified asthe great Gorn, and a companion. Gornwas the undefeated jousting champion ofthe kingdom, and holder of a worldrecord in swashbuckling. Little isknown of the companion, who seems tohave been a new royal advisor on hisfirst (and lasC<‘=͔ΔiÑڑ­i ՑL̑LۑhhLґ)>JJJ Lљ%꙾$ ԗl4hh`)@?<5;`@WUǒ . . 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